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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
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One Officer & 57 Special Honors In Capt. Roy P. Gee, commanding of ficer of this naval station, inspected personnel of his commnd in Han gar last Friday. Following inspec tion, the assembly saw 58 Navy men receive special honors from Capt. Gee. Melvin W. Raasio of Supply was installed as “Seaman of the Month” of the station for October. He also got at the same ceremony a cer tificate of promotion to storekeeper third class. LT(jg) Voldemars Stukuls, sta tion education and training officer, heard a special reading of a letter of commendation from the Dean of the University of Alaska for his contribution to that university’s college extension program on the station. hour divers, GMG1 Garland D. Skaggs, GMG1 0. R. Schill, DC2 Richard O. Brady, and MN3 James A. Allen, also got a special read ing of a letter of appreciation from Col. R. J. Rastetter, commanding Ordnance C at Fort Richardson, for their assistance in the recent search of two hunters that were lost on Beaver Lake. Another letter of appreciation, this one from the commanding of fleer of the USS Kodiak, was redd Crow, SFl J. E. Dean, SWE2 R. G. to SFCA R.C. Brubaker, SW1 LJ. Gagnon, SFP3 E. E. Melik, and SWFCN L. R. fttaz for t*tit at tiring efforts and devotion to duty in the restoration of Kodiak to a ready-for-sea status. Also in the honor drefddr bluejackets who each received Good Conduct Awards. Airmn apprentice Richard F. Stokes got a firstaward, AK3 Byron G. Wise, a second award, GM3 Steven P. Nelson, first award, and ETCS Gerald L. Bon neson, fifth award. He also received a promotion certificate to master chief. A letter from the commanding of Men Received Navy Ceremonies ficer of Training Squadron Twenty Nine, recipient of the CNO Avia tion Safety Award for fiscal year 1963, was read to airman appren tice Roger E. Perrine. He was a member of the winning squadron. The letter commends Perrine for materially contributing to the s-uadron’s accomplishment through steadfast safety consciousness and personal attention to detail. Like the students at commence ment exercises at college and uni versities, 41 Naval Station men took turns to receive from Capt. Gee their individual Bureau of Naval Personnel certificates for their suc cessful efforts in (the August fleet wide examinations for advancement in rating. With this group were 3 petty officers being promoted to first class, 15 to second class, 19 nonrated men to third class, and 4 chief petty officers moving up to their respective next higher pay grades. To E9 are Carson L. Engel, HMCM, and Gerald L. Bonneson, ETCM. Louis L. Drum was advanced to ADCS while Charles G. Heath made HMCA. To first class are N. O. Ramge, Ad; J£. Talent, ETN1, and R. L. Rice, OS1. To second class are S. A. Wilson, BM2; F. M. Peerenboom, EN2; A. E. Melton, EN2; P. R. LkkUder, GMT2; BXt. Kirby, EN2; W. J, Jung wirth, ETN2; C. W- Hilbert, ABH2; C. Haynes BM2; H. E. Dotson, CS2; R. W. Creasy, EN2; E. J. Cahill, ETN2; M R. Bennett, SK2; W. L. Bennett, AC2; R. G. Benson, ABH2; and D..J. HuAke, AK2. To third class are E. F. Burkeen, TM3; C. E. Riley, TM3; W. H. Axel rod, ETN3; J. T. Basa, MM3; T. G. Bradley, SK3; L. W. Clemmer, AK3; M. R. Ferguson, PH3; R. J. Graham, PC3; R. E. Hender, MU3; F. Levan dowski, SK3: J. E. Martin, YN3; R. FOR ALL YOUR /• Welding Needs or Problems Phone 486—5150 KODIAK WELDING WORKS JUST ARRIVED! In Time For Gift Selection OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Assorted Styles SET A HANDSOME HOLIDAY TABLE See Our Lovely TABLE GLASSWARE OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 8 P.M. Stfemeyex *pttnHitu%e M. O’Leary, EOH3; D. L. Prince, ADR3; M.W. Raasio, SK3; R. M. Still, YN3; R. T. Syens, AC3; E. S. Tworek, BM3; W.L. Barnwell, BM3. and R. J. Dougherty, GMT3. Afognak Builds Community Hall 4-H Club Assists All Afognak turned out the first of this month to celebrate with a dance, the opening of their newly built Community Hall. Several Afognak residents have advised the Mirror that while al most everyone at Afognak contri uted to the building of the new structure in one way or another, the man deserving the major credit for pushing the project through to com pletion is Harry Knagin. Knagin is an Afognak resident fisherman with seven children. Prior to construction of the 24 by 46 foot structure, the village, with about 130 residents, had to use the school house for any meetings or occasions such as movies, com munity suppers or celebrations. Members of the Afognak Com munity 441 Club are selling candy to raise funds to purchase a ping pong table for the newly finished Community Hall. The 4-H’ert have started their year offering projects for both boys and giris according to Arnold Nel son who said that Mrs. Shaw U of fering sewing, baking and handi craft for all members while Mr. Shfcw is offering classes In auto motive to the Older members. New club officers for this year are: Margaret “Cookie” Gardner, president; Harold Kewan, vice president; Abner Nelson, secretary; Joann Beskofsky, treasurer; Rena Shaw, songleader; Arnold Nelson, reporter. Down For Holiday The post office will be closed ali day next Thursday, Nov. 28, in ob servance of Thanksgiving, Post master William Lamme announced today. There will be no direct flight nor any afternoon plane on that day. Mail from the morning flight will be distributed to boxes. (Mirror classifieds bring results) GILLHETTERS! Order MOMOI’S Latest Design in Gillnetting .,. Stronger, Size for Size, than Previous MOMOI Netting SIZE STRANDS SIZE STRANDS No. 28.6 No. 53. 7 No. 33.7 No. 57.7 No.43.6 No.63 .6 No.63.7 Fine twines of high tensile strength made to yopr specifications. 9 colors to choose from. Call (Aera Code 206) Mutual 2-4848 or write for samples and prices. PMS Pacific Marine Snpply Co. Pier 70, Seattle 98101 CLARK’S HARARE 486-5244 SHOW TIRES Ml sixes Nylon - ^» * • p . Unwr Prices -MWYEU Tires - Batteries — Car Parts 'Cl.. _._.__ . t ■ . our TI»anK* _ hAM " T0^ «KrtW»oS OaV ontha«.Ksg lthA||Th.Tr ROASt BEE^in Re Served *F Rtt* FROM 8 P.M. TO 5 A.M. - Thanksgiving Day OPEN 9 P.M. to 5 A.M. FRIDAY NIGHTS ARE STILL SPAGHETTI NITES Served FREE From 9 p.m. ’til 12:01 a.m. BEACHCOMBERS