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PAGE TEN E.R. CARNEY TO ADDRESS TRI STATE MEET 6 DIFFERENT WAYS TO CHANGE THE VERY LOOK r*pr OF YOUR IMUL Black and Whitt Magic Mist Fact 1 Powdet actually offers you 6 diffrrtn , v ays tc change the very look of you face In tone, texture, clinginess. har mom/ing color, power to softer harsh lights and shadows A touch o Black and White Magic Mist Faci Powder renews the look of freshness ti voui skin ... it offers you flattering loveliness. You‘ll thrill to the way youi choiceot six harmonizing colors blend; with yout own complexion. Be sun to ask today sot Black and White' new Magic Mist \ Face Powder. Get the , economical large size, 1 aye, at all toiler goods f* y * / counters everywhere. / The Administration O f Hospitals DurinK War- Time To Be Theme NORFOLK Administration and financing of hospitals during war-time will br the theme ol the third annual meeting of the Tri- State Conference of Hospital Ad ministrators to he held at the Kate Kitting Reynolds .Memorial Hospital Winston-Salem. N ( on November 5-6. it was announced this week by S. Tanner Stafford, secretary of the group which in cludes »0 hospitals in Virginia and North and South Carolina. Ke.’.ircd 'poakers will be F R C.irr.s superintendent of Turk >ido H .pi’ Detroit, and Dr W Kinder .ck Brown, of . P.t:.*burgh. p, crmultan:. f old casualty sec i ,:i Ofti.c f C.v ;lian Defense. D C D. B . n vy.ii expla.n how color ed n -s may qualify for ft* i • . t| ’ ■ ' T. i-State tie •rad-blazer i , rcg..u:.r. h...-p.tal a**oC.a- j t in- be.ns ’he fist ore oigamz cd I: ahso boasts ;hc largest me n-1 bcrfhip Its purposes arc to secure j bet’.or service lor patients and: :: iihcr Standards for ho> Ro nolds Memorial hospital •a ; e the sessions vs ill oc held. .: was disclosed .s one of tnc f.n . in the South for Negro pa niiti However, with cue excep n the entire medical and ad • staffs are composed It is the hope of the association that through its meeting In this institution the ad\isability of in tegrating more Negroes in the medical and administrative stalls Mill he apparent to the trustees of Rey Holds. \V ,!... ? M R ih. super, tendent • t D C is president of the conference. \y hi.e M Staf/ord. administrator of N "rfolk Community ho.-paal is secretary Dr L C su perintendent of Burrell Memorial Ho.-p.ta!. Roanoke. Va. is vice president. and Mrs. Geneva Col 4t4ij- Hun:, wupeiintendcnt of the : R: hards* n Memorial Hospital In adait.on* to the technical dis ’ • C Hane™!nstituHonal Memorial Church. Thursday evening. at , which Mis# Edna I. Prudie, R N.. Theie will also be speeches by Dr J B Whittington, medical d.- rector, city hospital system, Win ston-Salem. N C : Dr. H D Mai-, loy. representing th Twin*City j Medical society, and Mrs. K. Staupers. R N Ne-v York G.ty. j executive secretary. National As- ' sociation of Colored Graduate i IBLACK^WHITE FACE POWDER i TAKE THE MISERY Ol TOK lot II SKIN h l«nk* »l .our f.rr ' t. HIM II Milk! 'll-r IIIKMIII tor r 111 Mil II ll* \ MIKRiiR PHI *' I 1111 Kidneys Must Work Well- r..r 'i.M, 111 fill Will Doans Pills ENJOY THAT MILLION DOLLAR LOOK .—for vour hair. Ml hair demands Inch oualit’v c:,M I’lukn Hair Droning. a fa- Ju'mjs Bl.o’k and Whitourratmn, adds r idiant <■ and beautv to hair. plus » | , \VtiitV..> k I Mu. Old I’luk'i Cfc iff ■- *■ 1 '"in'i r- Articles Os 2 Professors Published SCOTLAXDVILLE La.—Dr Da vid H Blackwell, recent addition and physics at Southern university ■ and forme-lv associated with Dr E.r.-tein in the Institute for Ad . a need Ftudy at Princeton univer sity. has last published the highly | teenn .< 1 I icmpotcr.t Mark- : off Cr.ains” in the current issue for Annals of Mathematic*’’ Dr ! R. and E cl' on of -.he department j ~(? which l)ave rnade their ap- W. .t.r.2 the subject of Se t . g Vet yd- for College Teach- | tnc ci. oi-i -ion method, rather, the lecture method, snould •di are scre.\cd down I Dl lIKfl black^whitel | rLUHU HAIR DRESSING | Gives JH BLACK COIOR TO FADED II ■ IK m .JorgrayHAlK black color J *^ GUARANTIED i ‘ ' j@Pw#LUN I OPERATION|“s'o.-'J ? - HAIR DRESSING 7* i . HANDY Mono LINE ■V PURE WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY I Can Uou These Quasfiuns f IF YOU CAN ANSWER ALL, THESE QUESTIONS RATE YOURSELF AS SUPfcIWOR. IF YOU CAN ANSWER ONLY TWO YOU ARE CONSIDERED GOOD, AND IF YOU ANSWER ONE, YOU CAN CALL YOURSELF AVERAGE. TEST YOURSELF. 1. What is Marian Anderson, alto, contralto or soprano? 2. What is the name of the aviation unit at Tuskegee? 3. What makes a Murray’s container easy to use? Murrays Pomade TflE MICHIGAN' CHRONICI.E - - A RKI.IABI.t INDEPENDENT WEEKLY LEARNING TO TAXI AN AIRPLANE One of the important functions of the Air Service Command is to train troops to operate under field conditions: to maintain and repair airplanes without the conveniences of permanently established air bases. To this end. Selfridge Field soldiers, including many colored, are undergoing instructions in anew field service training school— one of the first to operate the Air Service command. Shown above, two students are getting instructions on how to taxi an airplane. Left to right. Pvt - Rufus Smith. Montclair. N J.: Pfc. William Greene. Jr., Bayonne. N J \and Staff Sgt. George S. Parks, instructor. Crans ton. R. I.—Photo U.S. Air Corps. ! officers’ base pay is now $l5O a The WAVES, into which no Ne ;g: ,is have yet beet admitted, al ready receive pi.y equal to that of N .. \ men. A bill is now pending anyone else in cr'ier branch of the WAACs Get Pay Raise; Nurses Next WASHINGTON. D C.—Thirty i.x WAAC third officers received a pay la week, a? did the auxil.arics, when Pro.-.dent; Rooievelt signed 'he WAAC pay 1 raise bill puttinp the yvomcn of the army on a comparable pay scale yvith the men. AuxiTrart?? w:i* ttct Trrrrve- 550- a month instead of s2l. Tnc raise continues through all the ranks 3hd commission levels, and rccog- ] r.izcs the status of D.rector Oveta j Culp Hobby ~as a colonel. Third * Fell Our Advertisers You 1 Saw It In This Paper) St. Joseph AS F> I Ft I M World s Largest Seller at 10^ /A / I BEGINS WHEN WE / V * ARE VOUNG AND . . Jld/iti < lUn.cuUfU - out Qua Jlivel... fvA P£ XI jt'AtWefoWiU: I: T«£* J 1 AND CONTROL IT WITH *S»*fAPEX POMADE stfitNOTH) (FORMERLY AFEX HAIR GROWER) “j'**' SEND ,0. FO« TRIAL SIZE f H *PEX CO, ATtANRCaTY.N.L M|LUONS ySE |T 50t AT APEX SALONS AND DRUG STORES | Mable Staupers Addresses Nurses i ST LOUIS—At a recent ir.ectin:' | of the St. Louis Local G.-a.'uate I Staupers. executive secretary oi ' the National Colored I formed the jrdup s.r.ce May | tne Delaware State Nurses assor.a --i the American association ar.d r.o\i ; Negro nurses in that state may be come members. Mrs. Staupers emphas.zed the .mportance • jtl • nurses taking an active part in the war work, and the need for good leaders and aware of thc.r problems and the with nursing problems. Dr. Waltc-r A. Younge. who wtas the guest speaker at the Tubcrcu ■ losis Health institute, held at the Homer Phillip* hospital the week I of Oct. 19. discussed some of the problems confronting the ar and j such as* the failure of qualified Ne ■ uppre ( number of Negro doctors in ; throughout the city and closer . working relationship of medical i and nursing organizations. DO YOU SCRATCH PIMPLES? \nc»fjSsV o*wj} • A pimple is a pest. It ruins good looks. And when you scratch a pimple, you make matters worse. If you want to ease and comfort that annoying itch ing and burning so often present with superficial pimples and blackheads of external origin, do this now: First, cleanse the area of dirt and other surface grime by washing with mild, super-fatted Black and White Soap. Next apply Black and White Oint ment as an antiseptic-germicidal dressing. It will soothe the itching and burning, thus helping Nature in healing pimples due to external causes. Thousands of satisfied users also prefer Black and White Oint ment to soothe itching, burning soreness due to dry eczema (salt rheum, tetter) of external origin, or simple ringworm or minor parasitic irritation. The 50c size of Black and White Ointment con tains more than twice as much as the 25c size. Large bar Black and White Skin Soap, 25c; Trial sizes of both products sold for 10c at all five and ten stores. BLACieWHITE OINTMEWTind SKIH SW And here are the correct answers. Merely turn this whole page upside down. Watch for the new questions next week! S3DG3 dUVHS ON f NouavnOs unsund hj66 z onvuiNOO i Elected Class President By White Fellow-Students The('election of the youth. Jame.- HullanA. one ot six colored student* n a class of 402. to Dr Studebaker’r attention by Ear: rfar.son. superintendent ol the Rock Island public schools in a lettei stated. ’’The facu.ty. I havt oeen assured had nothing to do w.:n the -lection. It was purely a democratic act on the part of the | students." WASHINGTON’—The elec- ] lion ol a colore.l yomh as the president ot the senior class hv his white classmates of the Rock Island. 111. high school. \.,j .&uoea this week by John W Education, as a concrete acmonstra S ucebaker. U S Commissioner ji t.on ot democracy at work. NEW I-’BRARIAN HENDERSON Texas -In re sponse to widesoread demand for ; a fir M-class. full-time librarian, sponsors of the Rusk County Col ored Library succeeded in getting Wilma Louise Whittaker of Longview, appomter’ for the post Required Reading for November: RACE RELATIONS SOVIET and BRITISH By GEORGE PADMORE Don't miss this devastating comparison between Communist and Capitalist treat ment of "backward" peoples! See the pictures of happy Soviet colored children! THE CRISIS Not ember 1942 15c A COPY 69 FIFTH AVENUE $1.50 A YEAR New York, N.Y. l-'IIKI- I «»( »!*:► 1 IN HAIR CULTURE I fUMIItfll- * j . . Marcelling \ t’ingei waving / Shampoo ■< formula F t nautili DIPLOMA CUBAN COvMIIK. CO Dent 5315-Y Chicago. 11l SKIN Shaluuiel UGLY success M¥ ' u o c \v I , PIMPLE ITCH OF I you sav PIMPLES I ■ in i ni *a mmiutciit and _ i,.. Blount's Service Bureau Main Office: 320 East 58th Street. Chicago, Illinois Birth Certificate* and Duplicate Marriage License Secured from All State*. Photostatic Copies of All Legal Records, Documents and Important Papers Secured. SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN FOR ALL MAGAZINES Our Specials: TIME LIFE ESQUIRE A Complete Price Catalogue Will Be Mailed Upon Request. Send 25c for Service Charge, Also Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope. MAKE YOUR MONEY ORDERS OR CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Blount's Service Bureau 320 East 58th Street, Chicago. Illinois You Want LONGER II AID Just try this SYSTEM u „. Tuie ®I“ I■» 7 days and see if you’re really MAIL I If Id COUPOM —— '-r~J enjoying the pleasure of longer h-sm hair that can so often capture I, wtl | tfia juelene system for 5 the love and romance for you. 1 7 day*. Ifmymirrordorsnotßbowsatmfa©. Liy I tory reaalta. I will talc for my money back. L HAIR Gets LONGER \ n i enclose cAsn Bk when SCALP and HAIR conditions j Q f WILL PAY FOSTMAM PS a. • normal and the dry, brittle, and I ff breaking off hair can be retarded, it J W haa a chance to get longer and much I _ V more beantifuL test TrvtheJUELENE | iMnT b SYSTEM 7 days and let yonr mirror ■ —“”~” 9 prove result*. Send SI.OO. (If C.O.D. I W" —foatage extra). Fully guaranteed ■ I Wit 1L Money back if yoa’re not satLified. | Our Cnstorm-rv -ate in Free Gitts Young lady, does an old TABOO prevent your knowing this help? I In enlightened days, women 1 j didn’t discuss these things. Now. it’s I different. If a woman suffers trom : i periodic cramp-like pain and othei ' I purely functional distresses, she j tries to learn how to help hersclt. ; i Thoifsands of women praise the j | 2-way help of Cardui. Taken as a : . tonic, it usually peps up the appe- ' .I. •» <l, l<> liuhirn • -Z-t cut] v<l Nurfare hlemi-<he* A rough com *e -kin. Dr. KRKI) I'slmer s Sfcta Wk»teeer starla lo work ihr mmat, it'ssppli-d New 7 Days’Trial Offer. Set- „ isfarlmri nr Money lUrk. a< at all dn>|re"<ls erery where. srowcs Bo* - IN JARS IN CANS —™ J H| 2 .Murray? | I.;: SATUKUAY, NOVEMBER 7, IW2 Beware Cough: from common colds That Hang On Crcomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of tne trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender, in- Uamed bronchial mucous mem oranes. Tell your druggist to sell you \ bottle ot Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it juickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs. Chest Colds, Bronchitis tite, stimulates flie flow of gastric i juices, thus aiding digestion and I thereby helping build up energy and resistance. Started three days before the time, and taken as di [ rccted. it should help relieve much purely functional, periodic pain, j Try CARDUI. A62 year record ' says it may help! ) mtMKAV!L J? i