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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1042 C 9 BAD HOUSING DROPS MORALE AT FORT BRADY Families Os Soldiers Improperly Housed Says Churchman Workers-don’t let backache hold you down nt'ed not tie you up in a knot. A Johnson’s K.-d < rot* Plaster applied Makes you fed fit and raring uTgo. Be sure it’s Johnson's. Product of Johnson & Johnson, world’s SAULT STE MARIE. Mich.— ANPi—Dr Jami, W Erchelbcr u.:. secretary of Christian Educa non of the A M E. Zion church. in,- a°misSion for Negro troops al Furt Brady, told the management l .mmittee of the Negro USO unit of this city last week, at a meet -1 in? held at the country club, that Marie is definitely damaging to ’The faet that the fomrltee— is bad for the happineSs 1 and welfare of our soldiers." Dr. Eichelbcrger said. « ! He added that it would be a into- a place for housing the fam ilies of Negro troop* less we are able to prove to these men that we ate eager to provide for them the kind <f a world that we ask them to fight for." the Asa rule, the way in which the Satilt has worked to make the Ne gro soldiers realize they are Eicnelberger "My visit here has been revealing of the way you have opened your hearts and pock* etbooks." he declared. He said that he ha? kept telling the Negro soldier- here that in event of emergency, in which the f-il. The whole Negro race is also ' mettle every way here, he as aC-ted. adding that his., constant is that nothing more will Geraldine Bledsoe At State NAACP J Conlinuing it. efforts to sot No ' g..n Slate Conference of Branches of the N.A A.C.P. will discuss means of integrating skilled train ; meeting has been changed from scheduled, to Pontiac because of* I ai that area. Dr J Leonidas Leach. Mrs * Geraldine Bledsoe, Negro Detroit, will be the principal speak :o' Ihc conference which*will be 'held at Trinity Baptist church. Pontiac. In response to complaints of discrimination in Detroit plants, ic Fair Employment Practice Commission dispatched two repre v< agate, tins week Glostcr B ::oit Branch N.A A C.P . report -1 id The Detroit N A A.C.P..-wag* of Executive Order 8801.’, lodged 1 protests with the secretary of the Hudson Naval’ Ordnance plant last week when Mrs. Beunos Marie | us defense training was refused j employment by the Hudson Naval , Ordnance plant because of color Asa result of the protests Mrs. working on a machine in Plant 2 JOHNSON'S PLASTER THE SECRETS OF WOMANLY POWER *§r& taSr-SK, WMmiM sssj r“"•“' • " ' HOW TO COLOR HAIR TO BLACK DEAUTY Or No Cost I e'sm r 3"cak?s e >l' llJljffSljHTif SEND NO MONEY! {S To be sure its pure... RPftli A CHEAT BUY/ BEST DRESSED MEN I Dry HAIR i ■ Basal :: l r:i ilair May Get Longer ; ; l ESSftSI IF RHEUMATIC PAIN HAS YOU DOSING AND HOPING Then prove to ynurtrlf uhat r//rr* Zith ethers have enjoyed. Mali up your mind jo work «*n rheumatic pain. You want p,r,°of f" vi.h "f. s "r hur c ?? Vou^r/* itr from rh« um.itir pain or muM ular «chr«. get C-2323. koc and Cau tion I »e only a- directed. I ir-r bottle pun ha«c price refunded if not «ati*fied. Do Kidneys Make You Get Up Nights? Try Tuxedo Club Pomade and see for yourse,. why Tuxedo Club is Americas leading seller. See how Tuxedo Club gives hair that extra high glossy look r TUXEDOCLUBTh^omodeofChampion^ the Michigan chronicle - -a reliable independent weekly TO SELL BONDS TO FARMERS AND RURAL FAMILIES HBLk vHBI : JRHHBHifIHHHHEH Seated, left to right: Preston S. Bowles. Alcorn M. college.^ T. M Camp CONANT GARDENS MRS. LELA HENDRICKS "I LIVE HERE” A garden a perfect mosaic Deep green against the blackest of Spread out near a little log cabin— I paused to admire—who could help door: Where pleased with my pleasured ) years of yore. ' A beautiful garden.” I ventured ■holy! It ought to be fine—l live here" the tiniest spot of earth the work, brain or fingers give Stood perfect as e’er he could make li near t.od, whaY a different sphere! Let's borrow our motto from 'Mam 'll ought to be fine I live her*." '* * * There have been many repercus ‘ Finn.* from our criVeism of the play. "Porgy and Be>*s." pro and con, ,b ,t con. A letter from j ing the olher side of picture jyou. We are also indebted to my Thank you Mr* Wasson —I. M il. I Dear Mrs Hendrick?: | "Here is the poem of which I told vou. No matter h-.v abject h.s poverty nor how- tow his e.-’atc in l.fe the Negro ha* that certain something' which brighten* and lightens his surrounding- N . other race of neople have that quality It is peculiarly ours alone "Your conception of T ■ gv and Bt fine, vet l t profanity and immorality o br" m j and yet there were other* 1 "The devotion of ‘Clara’ and j’Jake' to each other and to tin .r child, tlic industry of, the group, the very evident disapproval of deep sympathy for and generosity jme lit These all stood out. over and above the undesirable features COLDS 666 J|;. WITHOUT looking greasy and see how much longer it keeps every hair in place. Army and Navy and other smart men everywhere de mand Tuxedo Club—Don't use anything less fine. And, save money by asking for the large 2jc package. D C R E Clay. Tennessee Department of Edu cation. Nashville. Tenn.; standing, left to right: j. W. Witten, war savings staff. Washingtnon. D. C : Frank Stanley. Georgia State college. Sa vannah. Ga.: Lonnie A. Marshall. Florida A. and I incoln Jefferson City. Mo ; J. IL White. Helena. Ark : Curt s A. Crocker. Rich mond. Va.; J. C. McLaughlin. A. and T. college. wid make her home here. Mr.*, ; Hughe- and Ms.* Whitten aie v.- t .r.g the Vasi Jonci of Stockton , RLTI RNS I ROM 111 M INT. TRIP M and Mr# Jcs.-c Parker of a:t. r -n. r.d m few day# in Wood-' land IV.-: and enjoying W. FROM Nin YORK \ea V. VC. v .that , f one can . \. n • ■ . • • she •■e rg and learning #0 many things Ml"* \ 1 1/ARK 111 GI LLEY E - Gulley of I.ik v T ill man b:.mch YW C A ua? cue-: -peaker 11 Chatham. Out. •e: v.l' n." Theic ua* a large at* Tr. ■- . • M. - Ma: v M-nor and M .- S.i.. 1 (I .dev were the hou?c guests 1 of die Lynn .sisters while there. < til i mxisrs 01 TOMORROW The IV'.-h.ns h.-.h school pub d im- a .-ch.i.-l paper e.. 11« and th- I’li.-h p 2 Cm >nicl« " It 1? pub- P. . i.e D*y now# rd.tnr: Law ren.'o Alexander. X.. u . Booth. I- •:!•; . r Wad* and: - • the :ica> >■ .ff 1.0,. Ben- W . do vo'r best "always and I M Ol Oil) ItIR I III) \Y PARTY T . and J.mir.m Bunn ?o n « ' . lame* Browns on Revere h..d l».rthd,v> m Sep«e.rbe> . and Ov . her re.-ceciivelv Terry : t.,f- age of ten vr:.t« So Mr aid M and Mr# Biown decided birthday pa ty which A,.,v iudd Halloween evening Hal-1 land we,id The v were ! mad » .- f- peetnig Negro |<'f life’ So : : i .a.- a ’..1:7.0 }' v- I port;..n of he. D.-puliit,on held t.n-v • isn't tn..t the ::.rr’> I do. Ce'- > 'll W,-.-: 421 S Sag tiw Pot' • M V rj in* Ol R lit \R I* ARE s \|> -Toe e ■ zens of Gardens are mourning the tr.ig.c death of Mis Easter Kemp in the Plymo.ih Kemp v . vhr John 1 K. mo. Sr. fie ld on .... I ■ . J ne- John 1 .. Kerr.i Jr. R v... I K« o and K*:» . - M.-m E.... ard. V. • Jl. : M: t • M - Mubin M A,. ' . ‘ ■ Willie B: neon ..-1 f-'her. Th. mas B- neon: Cl- run e K- nip t. . h. a. ar.d I) V K- n p Tim funeral :"a-: wire held f: ,m the Euenezer A M E. th'iivh Tues* day ::>■•••: at 11 an -a h the Rev. .I.ur.e-v Aiken, p.i • of Ver non C.'.apel A M F < :i;if, h. ..IT.- ■ r ■ RLTIRNS HOME Mr? il C. ■■■■,,.v 1 Yc taco. r: . B: a 1.• ■. . and Men - phis Term M ua- a.- t. Mrs. Let •Whitten, of Memplu- Ten 11. who * ' the M-ter of Mr.- Liar.. Hughes and 1 7 KEYS TO POWER FORBIDDIN MYSTERIES^ THE VOW OF SILENCE HAS BEEN BROKEN! "The 7 Keys to Power alleges to teach. The author says. "All the Mysteries of Life from the Cradle to the Grave—. nd Beyond. It tells you the particular day and hour to do any thing you desire, whether it be in the light of the moon, sun or in total darkness ’’ I 5 - ARE V ° U CROSSt ° ' N ANV WAV? Tra and e Ass’n To Hold Meet, Nov. US T Washington* Tr..dc 1 il program, Sunday. Nov 18. j ' All harness and professional men :ame.« plaveifar prize? nelse mak er* all k nda of favors . . . tiny candv ands coar.*e two levels birthdav cakes w th *ran. en al candles . . There were iuv oodles of e c e..-n •?'e the Attired in 11 • arrt having i grant • re were Bar ba: a and Yvonne C fer Char e* ano R a Tinker. Julian and Denala 8.. * Charles Fa.rfax Harvev Jackson. Jr Cos! e-n and W-mfred Jones R..gei Pott.mrd Bet tie Moore Donald Chapman. Tou.--.nnt Good* w.n Clyde Hopkir* Orlin J tie* (’•c:.<’.d Ca!riwei: Hui. v Cu and veil J Har v P its. Johnny Green. Jane R .e L. ui#e Gacreese. Peggy Hi’.l Anna and Aaron Dillard and Cly land Hardy JITTERBUG SPECIALISTS Send For Fall Catalogue • Suits Topcoats Overcoats And Drape Model Pants ' National Clothing Stores, Inc. 4606-08 S. Ashland Avc. Chicago. Illinois. Dept. 0 HOT OIL II AID IHTAIMINIS VV ffl ■ It Conditions I mi II pi f Ij "IIOW TO MAKL I.OYE” aPU\ KINKS 00 LOOKS i^jttSTRAICHTFBIONCFP Vis™ 1° » ss A.W'gf.s'ram.'Wks mm ” ••• i‘t I:?/' MON I Y "000 H FAITH IIAWNtW Ii : attend ’r. imet.iig Rev J W Gil :. . -..oje-t be: The Future Wc 764 E. Oak wood Blvd. . Telephone Drex. 5220 NO PEP? e I |1 COLOR HAIR JET BLACK! SrRANO Ji t .rxixe ~T BLACK BUCKSTRAHD^Ss ffos /okvaTajSSSSISI P2SNHN |;ssGE3SEB| “RHEUMATIC PAINS” MAKE THIS TEST FREE ' free for Asthma During Winter MAIL ORDER BARGAINS |Caii You Keep a I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU Regardless of uhat vair trouble may l,e. you can look the world in the | . r "+ -wh ri -Man of Ctr- c " t.n.-f*. Your Ti.ii '- ai.-l 'mcccv. denut* •! t’ ■ you print your nam- cleat tv aid - 1 r . REV. CHAS. P. COLBERT 545 OWEN AVENUE DETROIT, MICH. UNFORTUNATE? ■ Help - Success - Guaranteed S' ' ' 5 !I, i:i ■■■■ s, Vi ' Tv! IF YOU ARE LONESOME - , 5 ■ V;'.:. . 1 r.,;:.! fRFF LUCKY 7 HERBS n*-fer FROM 7 LANDS || Are You Happy? Why Not? ' I *'i'l v**' 1 THIN ITY NOVt'l rY r, CO.' U 3tCfc Y^URJOROSCOPE CD ATS t 'I Jackets and Chubbys ; 5145,0 v»ias , .r£vKi >.vt ;i'tiivrvr» , Tii:'”"“ r K . r »•«.*« of M. WILLIAMS, Oent C‘ JOURNAL SQUARE STAI | JERSEY CITY, N. J. If Writ Kith Slinnt Now York. N. V MONEY-LOVE POWER NUMBERS rfi" :*K'i*rr H a " " ,m FREE ‘hi. - . >\ S) t h FRFF ■mmms! CHILDLESS ■ il'/’mV*saiuirsi rns m I ™||| n ■ JOIN THE Washington Social Letter Club Make New Friends Cct Lots Os Letters Wnte at Once fox Box 6435 Washington. D. C. PAGE ELEVEN HAM' ‘‘of" FORTUNE* 0 drWM mm i.itky cm \it\i ' Wives WHO WISH BABIES! &