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PAGE TWELVE Elliottorians Plan State-Wide Business Women’s Meet TO MIBILIZE WOMEN FOR EMERGENCY Club Affiliates With Association Os >i Women's flubs The Ellioa.i.;an Bu.-:ne>>i Whir, cn's club, at its last regular meet , ing. set up machinery t > plan lor Business and Professional Women in Michigan and nearby r.:e Rea.izing that today t.v ipp-r u < i t elsewhere, the club fee’.' that ’ is before tht women ofZ the commu "The future o: democracy ,n :m I v \n ii N depends t 3 gre.v exten'. n ‘hi role shat Negro "‘women will » said Mr# Trie, a Will.a.ns the dy. nami* 1.-tle president of *he El. ■ torians Affiliates with \\ omens 1 lu tw Recognizing me need or united cooper ti'e grouo act.on by women, and the responsibilities tjjat women of Tie organization voted unani mously to become affil.ated with tne Detro. Awor. -n 0: W n en\ h and t« - t need een Recently t ElLottorian? do rated 200 sandwiches for the sol diers- who were entertained a - the YM C A Buy War Bonds member- individually __ Mrs Norvelle Beatty of USO was taken in as anew member The club will entertain at a cabaret r 'ty at one of the local clubs. Nov 27 It was felt by the members pres- ; cut. that "Negro women must be r me cognizant of, and concern tnemselve# with the old and new P-' diems that now confront them Order Probe Os Plot In Mason Case CLEVELAND - Common Pleas Judge Cnarles J McNamee'on Sal urday ordered Norman Selby serving time in the Sandusk; jail, had lied to convict Benny Mason, well known policy figure and op era tor of mg farm and night cluo Mason asserted through hi. at torney Edgar D.xon. that he was j ceiver ot stolen property "because faiicd to pay off on a winning number ,\l..- n was convicted or C-- k - testimony ratner C tnai. M..son s rr iv.ed ne sold '•'J.fXKJ worth ot jcwerly. stolen in a Snake: Heights burglary tc Ma#< n tor SI 10 M.von chased the ,->t rocks On •mo | tion tor a ne w tnai Ma.-.n » attor that Cook adm km to nad ' -on from life imprisonment. Install Officers At Valley Homes CINCINNATI. Ohio --Tenant: o! the Vailby Homes, a Federal HoUs Wednesday. Oct. 28 .n the center - A McClain oHthc sol’ic.tors ot The election was held to creati *'lt is no* lhtended to give the out ley Homes has any . 1,. .. .1 p..,0 tenants ir. those 350 nousmg units for the good of all and one in the project TELL OCR ADVERTISERS YOt SAW IT IN THIS TAPER Personnel at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., are the proud possessors of one of the finest army hospitals in the country. The public in general is unacquainted with such a hospital, which in reality is a self-contained community of onc-story buildings connected by covered corridors, in an area of about four city blocks. It contains several hundred beds and is completely staffed with NegtQ officers and enlisted personnel. Many of the officers have been outstanding surgeons and clinicians in civil life and stand high among the leaders of their profession. Complete services arc offered the patients, with separate buildings Deputies Os Treasury Department To Sell Bonds In Rural Districts : iiv;' v ; ;t< >n DCF in W.i.«i..t.g:on, D C, nine special deputies of the Treasury Depart ment were pushing the purchase 0. war oond and •'.amp# this week by Negro farmers and rurV groups ,n The deputies, recruited from the .g: .1-jltura! of Negro Land Gr •?.* c< Logo, wore employed op., : u- recommendation of Jesse O , Thomas, staff member of the Na : Organizations Section of the 1 War Bonn Division additional Negro do; uvies are expected to be placed ;n thr field soon Tnc present deputies underwent ' Lt. Harriet West Os WAAC To Open Recruiting Hangar, November 8 Tin WAAC - Recruiting Aides of the Detro;' A.- -Delation of Wom en- Clubs i- bringing to Detroit. L* H etl W f tht WAA< f» the Club' House. 5461 Brush - Lt We.-1 wuii one of the first forty Negro women trained as an ( THE MICHIGAN CHRONICLE - A RELIABLE INDEPENDENT WEEKLY COMPLETELY MODERN HOSPITAL AT FORT HUACHUCA the training course in the Sloan i building on October 22-23 The tra.ning Instircle included address es by Eugene Sloin. James L. Houghteling. Robert VV Coyne. Lloyd E Partain. T M Campbell. Dr \rthcr W Wright, Dr. William Pickens. Mrs Nell Hunter and W L Elam. Deputie.* attending the courses , mcluded John Henry White, Ar- K-insn#; Preston S. Brw’cs. Missis - ppi; Nelson Freeman. Mi - | souri; Robert Clay. Tennessee: Frank M Staley, Georgia: Lonnie A Marshall, Florida; James C I Mr'Laugh'in. North Carolina, and l Curtis A Crocker. Virginia officer at For* Dos Moines last summer Tne occasion that brings her to Detroit is the opening of a WAAC RECRUITING HANGAR at the Detroit Association of Wom ens Clubs 5461 Brush Street , Thu Recruiting Hangar is NOT segregated from th* regular office .n the Federal Building, but is », devoted to surgery, x-ray, eye. ear. nose and throat, pharmacy and laboratory, Genito Urinary clinics, dental clinics. Physio-therapy and the usual out-patient work. Recreation is found in the two-story Red Cross building, with a theatre for movies and games, a library and well-furnished lounge. In addition to a soda fountain and sales room, there is a barber shop in the Post Exchange. The area also has quarters for several hundred enlisted men, who make up the Medical Detachment, who in addition to their ordinary soldiering, are taught to be ward attendants and technical helpers in all the different %pecial- Seek Injunction On Lewis Bus . College An attempt to oust the Lewis i Business college, well known Negro school from a building at John R and Ferry streets, was ! reported to have failed this week i Efforts to have the school moved from the premises is reported to! j have been made by the owner of i a nearby hot- according to Horace | ! A. White, chairman of the board ■ j of directory of the .school, i White said the Lewis Business | college was established about four j years age at The insistence of the I Booker T. Washington Trade asso | nation The schodf Was establishes ! for the purpose of training Negro ' girls to answer the demands of lo- I cal businesses for professional workers It is a non-profit institu | The school moved to the present i location a year ago from the West j Side of Detroit The section in non-profit businesses only. It was reported that no objection was raised to the school in the com munity until the hotel management learned that it was a Negro insti tution. White said the school vio | These rew field workers of fhc Treasury Department will contact Negro farmers and rural groups to increase their participation in the i War Bone and Stamp program Es- : forts will be made to have Negro I rural workers place a larger pro- ' portion of their increased earnings from this year's crops in these in vestments, since The curtailment of j civilian production will limit their purchases of many manufactured • j materials | In addition to these new field ■ . w orkers, the War Bond staff also | j includes Mrs Hunter.- who works I J John W Whitten, labor represents- j part of it. designated to serve all women alike in the community. I and to stimulate interest in the WAAC. The A dr in charge of this Hangar will do the preliminary in- 1 torviewing- The fm*4l interview and I all examinations will be done by the downtown office SATURDAY, NOV. 8. Lt. West* will be present at the Membership luncheon at the Club House. 1:30 P M Call in and make your obs ervations. SUNDAY. NOV 9. 300 ;P M . Lt West will be guest I speaker »t the formal opening of I the Hangar with Lt John Mur ray of Detroit, and Colonel Bach- I us as guests. ties. Five large warehouses are included in the project. At top left: Capt. William E. Allen, St. Louis, Mo., fluoroscopes patient on a heavy-duty x-ray table in x-ray department of Station hospital, and at top right. Pvt. Toye G. Davis, South Carolina, making a differential blood count on a microscope in the laboratory. Davis formerly was professor of biology at West Virginia State college. In the picture at the lower left Captain Allen is shown studying x-rays on elbow in developing room of x-ray department. At lower right. Capt. C. E. Jamison, Chicago, administering nitrous Oxide anaethesia to patient in surgery. U. S. Army photos. RED CROSS GRADUATION CLEVELAND, Ohio. Twenty two women will receive ccrtifi i cates from the American Red Cross j aC East Mt. Zion Baptist church. J I’hursdav evening. ' lates no health codes or restrictive j j covenants and predicted that thr j effort to have an injunction issued | 'against the school heads would fail ! FLEMING IN’ ATLANTA I WASHINGTON—G James Flcm mg. former Philadelph.a Tribune j managing editor, now with the . President's Committee on Fair Em ! ployment Practices, returned to the j Washington oPice Thursday after a prolonged stay in New York. He left the sane day for Atlanta, where certain ’nvestigations are neces- ■ j Building Janitors X” ELLIS PRODUCTS CO. DETROIT MH'IIKi \N With Quiet Dignity ... We conduct a funeral in a manner that it worthy of the tribute you wish to pay your deceased. Regardless of the price you pay, all details will be handled in an impressive way /hat will be a comforting memory, FRED A. ANDERSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR COLUMBIA 4294 508 WILLIS AVENUI SATURDAY. NDVfmFER 7, 1942 MEN TOLD TO WORK UNTIL ARMY CALLS Classifications Completed By Alt Boards Says Cgl s Armstrong CHICAGO, 111 - (Special) Col. Paul IS Armstrong, llitiois director of Selective Service today advised se ectees who have received rheir orders to report for In duction not to quit their jobs until after they have beer to the induc tion station and have found out whether or not they are acceptable for military service. “Many a selectee on receiving his induction order" said Colonel Arm strong. “immediately resigns his position feeling thrt he will definite ly be inducted on the specific re porting date. ’ J e forgets, however, that the army is now turning down from 28 to 30 pc - cent of the men presented for induction. "In too many cases, a selectee gives up his positior only to find that he is both -ejected by the army and is out of a job because some other man or v orr.a- had been hired to take his Col. Armstrong added that vir tually all local boards in the state have classified a their registrants who are subject to military service. At the same tim- he warned those Illinois registrants of military age who have not yet received their questionnaires o communicate with their respective 1 >cal boards at once. “The complet-on of origina' class ification." the director said, "means that we are now better able to make sure, so 'ar as is humanly possible, that regist »nts • -ith col lateral dependents parents, grand parents. brothers sisters, etc- will not be called for military service before 'sUhstanTiatty alt normal 1-A men throughout the state heve been “We control this procedure at state headquarters by issuing calls upon local boards according to type of 1-A registrants still avail able." War Chest Is 49% Os S9OOO Goal ST LOUlS—Forty-nine per cent of the goal of the Negro unit of the Greater St. Louis War chest was obtained it war learned at the last report meeting at the Pine Street "Y" headquarters. Bige Wyatt, chairman of the unit, stated that workers are combing (he city in an effort to reach the goal of $9,000. The Chest, which ropres s 105 charities, including Welfare -gencies and other such organizations, has proved one of the most challenging campaigns ever held in the city. In the distr.:t reports the follow -1 ng was presented: D' -.trie* V~< 43.3, under Chairman A. N. Vaughn, $1215; No. 431, Miss Josephine ; Banks, chairman. $1138.95; No. 434, Mrs. Ruby Blanton. $671.40; No. 436, , Virgil McKnjght, $580; No. 432, Re vernia Thoi pson, $450. CUTS XMAS VACATION TALLADEGA, Ala.—ln order to co-operate with the request of railroads to refrain from travel between December 15 and January 15 when transportation facilities | will be almost exclusively in use ' by men in the service. Talladega I college has adoptee- a short *No : Travel” Christmas vacation, De- I cember 23 to 27. inclusive