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THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNIM PRICE TWO CENTS. SERIODS IN VENEZUELA Armed Force Is Guarding the Pitch Lake. NO JUSTICE IN COURTS United States Has Acted With Great Forbearance. OUTRAGES ARE VERY FREQUENT American Comnli Are Attacked and Imprisoned and There Is >o Hepnration. Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, Tues day, Feb. 5. —A correspondent of the As sociated Press has just returned from a ten-days' stay in Caracas, Venezuela, to investigate the. Venezuelan situation. The outlook at the Venezuelan capital is not good. There i 3 a feeling of apprehension in the air. The Castro government be came unpopular, and hostility to it is talked rather freely. The substantial and solvent people of the community condemn the government's attitude toward the New York and Bermudez Asphalt com pany. << The New York and Bermudez company, it is aald, is quietly gathering a strong force of well-armed and well-drilled men at the pitch lake, in command of Major Rafferty, formerly of the Sevetity-flrst New York regiment, a brave and efficient officer. They will resist all encroach ment, -whether made by government or revolutionary troops. The United States gunboat Scorpion has been ordered to the pitch lake, with or ders not to allow the company to be djs po&sessed prior to the conclusion of the | judicial investigation now being made in Washington. The Venezuelan government is trying in every possible way to persuade the New York and Bermudez rompany to re sort to the tribunals. But the company refuses, knowing that in Venezuela the president or director changes the judges in a night, and imprisons them if they do not give judgment as directed. Great Forbearance. Diplomats in Caracas say the United States government had acted with great prudence and with a degree of forberaance that almost ceased to be a virtue. They spoke highly of the skill and tact with which Minister Loomis had met a delicate and difficult situation. The United States, after receiving all of the legal records and facts in the con troversy, decided to> make a thorough in vestigation. They asked the Venezue lan government as a matter of courtesy hexween friendly aatious to suspend the decree dispossessing the New York and Bermudez company till an investigation could be made. This the Venezuelan gov ernment declined to do. The request was repeated and again refused. Then it was made as a sort of vigorous demand, but the result was the same. Other (luirnst's. The trouble over the asphalt is only one of a large number of incidents. Three months ago-the consular agent of the United States at Barcelona was impris oned wihtout cause. The United States government demanded an apology, but has not yet received it. A year earlier the same consul was arrested and threatened with torture if* he did not pay a large sum to local military officials. A few months ago a German merchant at Barcelona was tortured by officials for extorting money. The German govern ment sent a cruiser at once and got sat isfaction, and kept the vessel four months in Venezuelan waters. The Italians have had men-of-war In Venezuelan waters most of the time for a year. Last year the American consul at Lamuaira was attacked and his life was threatened. The United States govern ment has never received satisiactory run—linn- for that. CLIMBS A POLK American Geta Mixed Up Id a A'ene inelau Revolution. New York, Feb. 19.— H. C. Bullis of As bury Park, N. J., after imprisonment for more than five months in Maracaibo, Venezuela, has returned to press a claim for $50,000 damages against the South American republic. Mr. Bullis was engineer of the Mara xaibo Electric company two years ago. In a political uprising he was compelled to climb a telegraph pole and seek pro tection under an American flag, which he tied to a pole. Mr. Bullis smuggled a letter from prison to the American minister in Cara cas, and twenty-four hours afterwards the Venezuelan government complied with a peremptory demand for his release. , DE WET GOES NORTH Kitchener Expects Him to Double Back to the Southwest. BRITISH READY FOR THIS MOVE Boers Derail a Train hut They Are Driven Off Before They Get Much. London, Feb. 19.—Lord Kitchener, telegraphing from Pretoria to the war office under date of Feb. 18, says: De Wet is reported still moving north and now is west of Hopetown. He will probably double back to the southwest. The troops are prepared for this. A traifi was derailed between Vereeninging and Johannesburg this morning, but the Boers were driven off before they secured much. Working for Surrender. London, Feb. 19.—The Pretoria correspond ent of the Standard says it is reported that denial Schalkburger is doing his utmost to induce a general surrender of the Boers in the northern part of the Transvaal. De Wet Capture Report. Paris, Feb. 19.-There is a persistent rep6rt MTe that General De Wet has been captured. IBSEN HASJNFLUENZA Malady la Said to Be Rasing in Christianla. Copenhagen Feb. 19. - influenza Is raging at Christiania. Henrik Ibsen the Norwegian poet and dramatist, is ill of *Jie malady. His condition is less grave t(D-day. WOMAN SHOT BY RAIDERS Wife of a Joint Keeper Dies Instantly. RAID AT MILWOOD°&/I ; . , ■•■ , *o« Mob, Masked and Armed, Composed Mostly, of Farmers. NEARLY A HUNDRED SHOTS FIRED One of the Raiders It Wounded In a General FiEbt in Hud son's "Joint." Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 19.—Mrs. Rose Hudson, wife of John Hudson, a "joint keeper" at Milwood, fourteen miles north of this city, was shot and instantly killed last night in a raid upon her" husband's saloon. One of the raiders was slightly wounded. Hudson had been warned to close his place, but refused. About 10 o'clock ten men entered, and called for drinks. When served, they rapped on the counter, evi dently to give a signal. Hudson jumped from behind the bar and grappled with one of the men. In the scrimmage a shotgun, wiiich one of the men carried, was discharged. Mrs. Hudson, attracted by the noise, ran screaming into the room, and a mob of forty men, most of whom wore masks, entered in answer to the signal. In the melee another charge was fired from the shotgun. It struck Mrs. Hud son, tearing off the top of her head. William Webb, one of the raiders, was struck in the shoulder by a revolver bullet. Nearly a hundred shots were fired. Hudson carried his dying wife into an adjoining room and the mob retired without wrecking the "Joint.." Sheriff Everhardt, who went to Mil wood, has secured four prisoners, two of whom are John and Henry Wilson, young farmers. There were no women in the mob, which was composed of farmers. There is much excitement to-day and further trouble is feared.. The Shooting: Was Deliberate. Another account says that two men en tered the joint, which is said to be owned by Mrs. Michael Lochner. They ordered drinks, which were served by the bar ten der, Hudson. One rapped loudly on the bar, and at this signal about twenty men rushed in. All carried arms and wore masks. Half a dozen shotguns were dis charged into the ceiling. Two men rushed upon Hudson with guns leveled. He grasped* the barels and pushed them aside just as they exploded., Hudson slipped to the floor. Just then Mrs. Hudson burst open the rear door and-entered. She dashed toward her husband, whom she sunposed to have been shot. aHrdly had she crossed half the intervening space when another gun was discharged point blank at her head. Ten men are said to have been waiting under arms to hels> lefend the joint from the expected raid, but when the band be gan shooting, the defenders became panic stricken and decamped. PLANS ABOUT READY Reapportionment Subcommittee Will Report Soon. THE SLATED SCHEME IS A GO An Interesting; Contest Promised When the Report Reaches the House. The subcommittee on reappcrtionment held another secret session this afternoon. Members of the committee said before go ing into the committee room that it was quite possible that draft of a reapportion ment bill such as favored by the sub committee would be completed this after noon, and submitted to the full committee in a day or two. It is furthermore faint ed that the draft will not stay long In the hands of the joint committee, but will be favorably reported to the two houses very speedily. The plan to be reported has been prac tically agreed on for three weeks. A map showing it was printed in The Journal Feb. 2. There have been numerous attempts to break the slated plan, but as far as the committee is con cerned it is bound to pass. Some have predicted that the subcommittee would hold several sessions before reporting its draft in order to disarm criticism, but the members of the committee do not seem to care for such criticism. They say frankly that the plan seems best for the general interests of the state and the republican party and the fact that it was agreed upon so early in the session simply indicates that the plan is a good one. Jepoon Will Oppoae. Senator Jepson is the only member of the subcommittee who will oppose the plan, and he will carry out his instruc tions from the Hennepin delegation, sub mitting a plan calling for a separation of ihe East Side from the rest of the fifth district. There is no prospect of any such division of Hennepin. The county will stand intact in one district as it is now. There will be a little breeze when the plan is reported to the joint committee, but the opposition there will make more noise than it has votes. CoHtfut In the House. The contest will be on the floor of the house, where the various interests oppos- ing the committee plan have been hard at work. The Ramsey delegation, which wants no reapportionment at all; the Hen nepin members, who want the county di vided; the anti-McCleary men, who want Blue Earth county cut off from the sec ond district, and other dissatisfied ele ments are likely to Join their forces and give the committee a run for their money, when its report is made to the lower house. In the senate, the* committee can count on a majority with some degree of safety. CIT OFF THE EAST SIDE Hennepin Delegation's* Reapportion- nient Plan for This County, Hennepin's delegation in the legisla ture has instructed Senator Jepson of the subcommittee on reapportionment to in sist on cutting the East Side of Minne apolis off from the Hennepin county dis trict and on attaching it to a new dis trict to consist of Anoka, Wright and other neighboring counties. Senator Jep son Eays that all the members of the subcommittee except himself are opposed to this plan. Nevertheless the delega tion has instructed Mr. Jepson to present JU request to the committee. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 19, 1901. cSlk %&r _ p = OF COURSE GOLF WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. FOR FOREST PATROL Provision Is Left in the Indian Appropriation Bill. NO CHIPPEWA LEGISLATION Senator Kyle Hat an Amendment to the National Divorce Bill. From T7»« Journal Bureau, Boom 45, JTott . Building, Washington. , ..,.-.. .. ' ."- . Washington, Feb. 19. —The . conferees on the Indian appropriation bill to-day re ported to both houses that they had agreed, on all except four. senate amend ments to the house bill. . • * ■ . , One of the four is Pettigrew's amend-, ment to refer the Sisseton and Wahpe- j ton claims for restoration of. annuity to the court of claims. The house confrees ! insisted on its rejection, > while senate members refused to strike it out of the bill, contending that it was the only equitable Way to settle the question, which has been before congress for years past. -v-"' *./" 3 ; "*■■••- ■■■<-",.'■'. "-■-.■ i The house agreed to retain the agencies at Sisseton, S. D., and Sac and Po» lowa. " , ' '. ■ . Provisions . are also made , for . fire patrols on Minnesota reservations dur ing the summer months, and - other amendments of interest to the northwest j are retained in the bill. . / -■' ■=.--., - Representative Lacy to-day sounded the death knell of Chippewa timber | legisla tion at this session. " He was to have had a meeting of the subcommittee- in charge of the Eddy bill but he could not get the members together. • . "The»bill could not be considered at-fhia sessrien if placed^ on the- calendar," said Mr. * Lacy, "and there are bills of. more general importance to be considered in the * short time remaining to us." - Representative Eddy • admitted- that there is no hope of passage of any timber bill now. ,He had hoped to get the - bill reported so that it would be in shape for early consideration at the next session. Senator Kyle to-day submitted a pro posed amendment to the bill for national divorce, in which it is provided that di vorces shall be granted only for infidelity, lunacy, if either party is already mar ried, when marriage is procured by fraud, or coercion, or when either party is in capaciated. It provides also that judicial separations may be granted for drunken ness, cruelty or desertion. Representative Fletcher is considering the advisability of presenting a bill for consideration at this session for an amendment of the law relating to the export of flour. Under present condi tions the dock charges at London are added to the bill of lading. Washburn, Crosby Co. of Minneapolis called Mr. Fletcher's attention to the law permit ting this, which was passed in the fifty second congress. If the bill is not intro duced at this session it will go in early in the next. President McKinley to-day received a certified copy of the decision of the San Francisco court in the McKenzie con tempt court. It was taken to him by Representative Lacey of lowa. The presi dent promised to examine it, closely, but did not bind himself to any course of ac tion. The anti-Noyes and McKenzie peo ple are carefully avoiding contact with Attorney General Griggs now. They look upon him as being against them because he has refused to take any action on the verbal statements made by them, and numerous newspaper clippings filed with Mr. Griggs. "We have laid the case before the presi dent himself." said one of the anti-people to-day. "If he refuses to take any action in the face of the scathing rebuke in Judge Ross' decision it will become a na tional matter for the people to judge. All the facts will be given the widest pub lication, so that the people may determine for themselves which side is right." —W. W. Jernune. Washington Small Talk. Postmasters appointed to-day: Minnesota —Battle Lake, Otter Tail county, Henry Ol son; Gilman, Benton county, Martin Wojcle chowski. lowa —Mingo, Jasper county, R. C. Everett; Piero, Woodbury county,« Platt S. Hall; St. Lucas, Fayette county, George Grossman. Representative Fletcher's bill to pension the widow of Major Schaeffer, of Minneapolis, at $20 per month, has passed both houses and will be signed by the president. Representative Gamble to-day secured a fa vorable report on the bill to extend the time for beginning the contsruction of the bridge across the Missouri river, at Yankton, to 1902, and for its completion to 1905. The general deficiency bill, reported to the house to-day, contains an appropriation of $200,000 for beginning the construction of an army post at Dcs Moines and $1,741 to pay the salary and expenses of J. L. Stevens, Lie's Moines river land commissioner. KIDNAPPER ARRESTED Identified Positively by Cud ahy Youth. NAME IS NOT DIVULGED Man That Asked the Boy to Get Int© the Wagon. IDENTIFIED ALSO BY OTHERS He Has Been Watched for Some Time and Arreat Was Made Sat urday ,\i«lit. Omaha, Feb. 19. —One of the three men in the Cudahy kidnapping plot has been arrested. Edward Cudahy, jr., this afternoon pos itively identified the prisoner. He said: "This is the man who asked me to get into the wagon. There is no doubt about it; he is the man." Although the police refuse to divulge the prisoner's name, Edward Cudahy, the millionaire packer, who paid $25,000 in gold for the release of his son, said this afternoon that the man under arrest had been identified by his son as the man that accosted him in front of the Cudahy residence and kept him company in the house where he was a prisoner. Mr. Cudahy said the prisoner had been identified also by one of the servants, who saw the letter demanding the ransom thrown upon the Cudahy lawn, and by another person whose name he will not make public. Much mystery surrounds the arrest, which was made Saturday night by two local officers. The prisoner is said to have been under surveillance for some time, as it was believed he had been writing letters concerning the case. It Is Callataan. Late this afternoon It was learned that James Callahan, an ex-convict, is the man under arrest. He has lived several years with his sister, Mrs. Kelly, at Fifty-third street and Woolwarth ave nue, and is said to have been an intimate friend and associate of Patrick Crowe. James Schneiderwind, owner of the house where young Cudahy was confined pending negotiations for his ransom, identified the prisoner as the man that ac companied the light-complexioned man in his negotiations for the renting of the house. INVESTIGATE DOWIE . Hinois Legislature Considers the Zion City Bank. Springfield. 111., Feb. 19.—A resolution was adopted to-day by the lower house of the Illinois legislature providing for a committee to investigate the Zion City bank of Chicago, controlled by John Alex ander Dowie, the faith-healer. The resolutions recite that Dowie, "or his agents, have purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property at tremendously inflated value as a site of a proposed city, and failure to realize profits would be likely to involve the Dowie interests in financial ruin." GRAIN QUOTATIONS Milwaukee Bucket Shops Are En- Joined From Pouting:. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 19.—Judge Sea man handed down his decision in the Chicago Board of Trade injunction suit against five Milwaukee firms to restrain the posting of the grain quotations. The court grants an injunction restraining all the defendants except the C. C. Rogers company from using the quotations unless they are secured with the sanction of tfce Board of Trade. In the case of the Rogers company the plea that the quotations are legitimately secured Js sustained. Messrs. Gamble and Burke have recom mended the establishment of a poatoffice at Sylvia, Lyman county. S. D., j~*t\ Oscar Ammundson as postmaster. SUSTAINS THE GOV. Geo. Siler Says He Was Right in Stopping the Fight. SILER WAS TO HAVE REFEREED The Term "Sparring Match," He Says, Is Simply a Bit of ' Fiction. Referee George Siler, of Chicago, has given his decision in the little "go" Just indulged, in by the "governor of the state and the mayor of Minneapolis. Mr. Siler says Governor Van Sant was right in pre venting the contest at the exposition. Siler came to Minneapolis to referee the event which the governor prevented by his interference. In addition to his du ties as a referee, Siler is sporting editor for one of the Chicago dailies, and, being on the alert for news, interviewed Gover nor Yen Sant last night at the Aberdeen hotel. The governor turned interviewer before the conversation closed and asked Siler for his candid opinion of the merits of the case. Siler told the governor that he did exactly right in ordering the fights called off. He admitted that the name 'sparring match" was a pleasant bit of fiction, and that the intention had been to have knock-out "goes." He said that such an exhibition would not be permitted in Chicago, and that in view of th# public sentiment of Minnesota as expressed in the statutes the governor was quite right in ordering Mayor Ames to see that the law was enforced. The Governor Gratified. The governor was surprised and grati fied at this frank statement from a man connected with the sport. Siler, however, stated that he meant exactly what he said; that an attempt had been made to hoodwink the authorities into per mitting the bouts to be held under the guise of harmless sparring matches. He explained that a six-round contest be tween lightweights who meant business was pretty certain to result in a decisive victory if not a knockout for one or the other. He said that in his capacity as referee he would not have permitted men unequally matched to spar, but that under the rules governing such contests there was nothing to prevent severe pnishment from being administered. Mr. Slier sent an Interview with the governor to his paper, but it is not like ly that he sent the interview with him self. He said nothing about its being confidential, however, and the governor told the story to hia friends this morn ing with much pleasure. Siler has a clean reputation, and is about the only man that can be agreed on for some of the more important contests. He is gener ally considered as "being a little too good for the business, and he hinted to the governor last evening that he was intend ing to sever his connection with pugilism. Van Sant Ignores Ameg. Governor Van Sant declines to be drawn into any controversy with Mayor Ames, and refuses to discuss the inter views credited to the mayor, in which that official criticises the governor's ac tion. Mayor Ames has thrown up his hands in horror over the boxing exhibi tion at the St. Paul Elks' reception the other evening, which was witnessed by the governor. Friends of the governor point out that this was an exhibition giv en by gentlemen of the same character as exhibitions given at the Y. M. C. A. and fr«e from all the objectionable fea tures such as characterize the professional prize fight or sparring match. ATTACKED BY RATS Farmer's " Fight in a Granary—Child " ' Probably Killed. Ifetf York Sun Special Strvle? ,- Syracuse, N. V., Feb. ; 19.—Samuel .Win ters, .5 a 1 farmer near ■ Sod us, has ; gone to Rochester to have treated wounds inflicted , by rats, which beset him in his granary and larcerated'his face, hands and legs. Richmond, - Va., ; Feb. s 19.—Mary Turner, a ' colored woman, left - her home to-day, two older children remaining in charge of her 18-months'-old child. The older chil dren went : off •to play, and when ?'■ the mother : re-turned she found '■ iher ; baby shockingly : mutilated by rats. The little one - will ; die. :-' ? ; j^fe^BMJ BREAK IN DELAWARE Four Regulars Vote for Addicts fro the Short Term. Dover, Del., Feb. 19. —There wag a break to-day In the regular republicans on the ballot for United States senator. Four "regulars" wfao have opposed J. Ed ward Addicks voted for him for the short term. 12 PAGES-FIVE OCLOCK. HAMILTON JURY IS STILL OUT No Sign of Any Kind Has Come From Them—Many Curious People Waiting. Hamilton Sleeps Well and Eats a Good Breakfast—ls Confident of Acquittal. Before 8 o'clock this morning a curious crowd began to collect in the third floor corridors of the courthouse. There was a look of eager expectancy on every face. All eyes were on the jury-room, where the fate of Frank H. Hamilton was still hang ing in the balance. On either side of the entrance to the jury-room were stationed those two grim sentinels who have shadowed the twelve men daily since the case began—Deputies Budd and Bloomquist. These two men have managed to cultivate ' the same meaningless expression of countenance that has now become the distinguishing characteristic of their captives. They look wise, and say nothing—not even when particularly pestered for informa tion. No sound their lips give forth. They simply shake their heads and ab ruptly end the interview. When the crowd became too familiar on short acquaintance this morning and blocked the corridor in front of the jury room, Sheriff Megaarden decided that the public was getting into too close quarters with the secret society, and he cleared the way, thereafter making everybody stand back a safe distance at the other end of the hall, so as to cut off all posibility of any one by word or sign communicating ATTITUDES "STRUCK" BY MR. NYE IN HIS SPEECH YESTERDAY. with, tha men oa whom the eyes of Min neapolis are now centered. Every class of society was represented in the crowd which kept coming and going throughout the forenoon. Business and professional men, mechanics and laborers were there. On every lie there was but one question: "Heard anything from the jury; what'll it be, verdict or acauittal?" As the morning wore on and there came no knocking at the jury door, the crowd began to lose patience, and the convic tion became uppermost in the minds of the majority that only a disagreement was possible. Most of them had been looking for an acquittal—a speedy one. When the jury failed to report last evening, they concluded that its mem bers were tired, and had probably not been in a humor to arrive at any swift conclusion. But those who came crowd ing to the courthouse this morning were fearful that the jury would anticipate them. Wagers on the Result. The gambling passion is strong, even in a case of life and death, and small bets were freely made among the loiterers as to what the jury would do. The odds were on a disagreement. Others placed their money on an acquittal. None were to be found who cared to make any wager on a conviction. The jury created considerable excite ment just before noon by sending for the big plat of the West Hotel billiard room, which has been doing duty in tne main courtroom during the trial. The onlookers thought a report was imminent and there was a rush down the corridor for the courtroom to be "in at the death." When the plate was brought to the room the door was closed and nothing further was heard from the* mysterious sanctum until 12:30, when another knock informed the deputies that the jury, like ordinary mortals, was beginning to feel those inner pangs which betokened hun ger. * The Jury Eats Dinner. A little later they filed solemnly from their prison room with faces bearing a set, fixed look, with eyes straight ahead and a military tread, they marched to the ele vator, which made a special lightning trip to the ground floor, from whence, with the deputies fore and aft, to prevent any interference, they issued forth into the light of day. They went directly to the National hotel, where they remained until after 1 p. m., being again in deliberation at 1:30. School Girl* Come. About the first to arrive this morning were a kaot of bright-faced, school chil- dren, young girls with bright eyes -and laughing faces, who said softly to each other: "Poor Mr. Hamilton" and other wise expressed their sympathy for that unfortunate young man. The usual quota of women was there. All wore an anxious look and it is pretty safe to say that some have lost a little sleep on account of this trial. It ia wonderful what a hold it has on public interest. Richard Le Gallienne, the poet, who has followed this case with. such, closa interest, was among the early birds. Ha stayed near the jury-room all morning, speculating on the human nature which drifted before his eyes. He was on hand promptly this afternoon to get the first news -'from the front." The sheriff had a nice little plan laid this morning to fool the public and avoid a crush in court when the jury should re port. Instead of going to the main court-< room, where the trial has been held, the jury was to proceed directly to Judge Brooks' regular courtroom. No. 2, on the second floor, in the quiet of which. Hamil ton was to learn his fate, while the crowd was still waiting for the dramatic scene above. This little arrangement was to be carried out this afternoon, if the crowd continued to increase. Hamilton Takes It Coolly. Hamilton went to bed early last night and "slept the sleep of the just," or, at least, a sleep nearly akin to that sound kind of a sleep. He did not arise until 8:30 this morning, and with his wonder ful fund of philosophy still undiminished waited patiently to hear the news, which was not forthcoming. He ate a hearty breakfast, and professed to be well satisfied with the outlook. No news was good news, and he felt that the longer the jury remained out the less he had to fear. Whatever it might betoken, It seemed tM mean a disagreement, and that was next best to acquittal. General curiosity about this case is ex traordinary. Every man on the street has it in mind. Telephone calls aver aged one every thirty seconds in The} Journal office this morning. St. Paul and the country are equally interested. .The sheriff's office was in a state ofc siege. All telephones were going ting-a ling-a-ling at once, and the deputies not on duty were detailed to answer the calls. People were pouring into the office and begging eagerly for the merest scrap of information about anything in any slight way appertaining to the outcome. A ' Good Jary. Judge Brooks says the jury is one of the best he has ever seen. They are a very conscientious lot of men and it was as serted this morning by those who pro fessed to know that the jury had already agreed upon a verdict one way or the other and was simply staying out longer than expected out of a decent regard for public sentiment which might demand more than ordinary deliberation on a case of such importance and general magnitude. The story is told of the jury that be fore attending the theater— a. comic per formance—the other evening, the mem bers got together and agreed upon their general conduct, including facial expres sion during the play. They agreed that no matter how funny the play might be, each should maintain the utmost gravity of demeanor and never once begin to smile. So at the height of the performance, when the "main 1 pipe" funny man was springing bia most extravagant jokes and funnyisms, the twelve men who occupied conspicuous seats up front, looked severe ly, apparently almost disapprovingly on. It almost broke up the funny man and for the moment he was disconcerted. He thought he was losing his grip and that the jokes which had been wont to win in a walk had become weary, stale, fl,at and unprofitable. When the jury has entered its box day after day, each man has waited until all the others were ia Uulr place and thea Oh, I finer far than fame or riches are the taste and odor of a§ good cigar. Try i I Cigars M I)s* Cigars <£> k;*s . Sold Every where. : I.L&IG. tisftm, Mfrs.. Newell ■ &Co, [Mst'ib'ters'