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r*« 0 NATIONAL PARK ' Mr. Eddy Says There Is No Hope for the Minnesota Project. HE DOES NOT FAVOR THE PLAN Co«t U Too Great, He Think*—Seven teen National Park Bills Are Pending. Special to The Journal* Washington, Feb. 22.—"There are sev enteen bills now pending in congress tor the establishment of national parks," said Representative Eddy to-day. "The lands to be set aside for this purpose are located in all sections of the United States and the establishment of all the parks would cost the government many millions of dollars. The expenses of the government are now very heavy—the legitimate expenses for running the gov ernmental machinery, 1 mean —and 1 do not see how we can afford to spend the money necessary to set aside the lands for these parks. "Personally, I am in favor of creating parks where there are natural curiosities to be preserved. As examples of these I can cite the big tree country of California, the Palisades of the Hudson, and, per haps, some others. Proposals to create parks for the simple purpose of preserv ing bodies of merchantable timber I am not in favor of, particularly when it will cost as much as the proposed park in Minnesota. If it were simply a question of withdrawing public land, which we would not have to purchase, I would fa vor it and urge its withdrawal from set tlement and entry. "I do not think there is the remotest chance for the establishment of the Min nesota national park." "I shall return to South Dakota and attend to some of my business affairs," said Senator Pettigrew. "There are many things in which 1 am interested, -which have been neglected since I have been in the senate, and I will return and rehabili tate them. There is no truth whatever in the story that I am going to connect myself with the Great Northern Railroad company. I intend to devote myself en tirely to my personal affaire and to them only for a while at least" An amendment to the postal bill appro priates $20,000 for experiments in what is known as "Machen's country post office," a scheme designed to fill In the gap between the village postomce and rural delivery. The scheme is to erect in neighborhoods of a dozen or more families a structure containing twenty four boxes. Each householder would have a key to one box opening at the front, and a postal employe would have a key opening the entire back of the beehive. Nobody would need be further than a half or a quarter of a mile from a mail distrib uting point. "Rural mail-carriers will yet elect the 'president of the United States," said a New England congressman this morning. His belief is that with a great army of postal servants traveling through the • rural districts and visiting every home the party in power would have a host of •willing workers whose effect would be very large. , —W. W. Jermane. EXTRA SESSION SOT NEEDED Representative leary Would Re- Bret to See One Called. Aw York Sun Special Service ' Washington, Feb. 22.-"I have never thought an extra session of congress was necessary," said Representative McCleary ; of Minnesota, to-day. "I have seen noth ing which has caused me to change my mind. It all depends, however, upon the Cuban situation, and the president may determine that an extra session is neces sary. I should regret to see on cauft>; ■ but, of course. I am ready to come here , and do my duty if congress is assembled before the regular time. Of course, I have already made my plans for the summer -but my first duty Is to the country, and my personal plans and comfort can be made to conform to the exigencies of the public business." • : < — ■"-■■.,-.- ...-._.-■_,■■ ■ - I ELEVEN DEAD IN A WRECK FORTY - THREE ARE IXJIRED Mistake In Orders Causes a Collision on the Pennsylvania Road. Trenton, N. J., Feb. 22.-The "Nellie Bly express from New York for Atlantic City collided last night with passenger train No. 330, running from Camden to Trenton in the Amboy division of the Pennsylvania railroad at Rusling's siding near Bordentown, and about eight miles south of Trenton. Eleven were killed and forty-three in- H, seriously and eighteen slightly. The only dead yet identified are Engineer Earle of the "Xellie Bly" ex press; Baggagemaster James Birmingham or the local train and J. W. Nale of Tren ton who was a passenger on the local train. It is believed that one of the dead bodies is that of William McKinney also of Trenton. Engineer Thompson of the local train Is still In a very precarious condition and it 1b not at all certain that he will recover *rank Bolden, a passenger on the locai train, who had both legs taken off is weaker this morning and his recovery is doubtful. Two others of the injured, both Italians, are in a serious condition but all of the others are sure to recover The two trains collided at full speed and both engines were demolished The forward car of each train was demolished and the wreckage took fire. The second car of the "Nellie Bly" turned over on Us side and the passengers had to climb through the windows. The railroad authorities gaid that the crew of the local train had orders to meet the express at Bordentown. Ran Down on a Bridge. '*- * Youngstown, Ohio, Feb. 2" ~ Five men bZl^'TL 0* the Pennsylvania railway bridge at Sharon, .Pa.,, early to-day They t X 9 n on their way to work' and wire over taken on the bridge by a fast freight. MAKE THE CHANGE Before Coffee Wrecks You-. "The right man came along one day when he told me that coffee drinking was the cause of my gastritis, nervousness •torpid liver, and trembling hands that interfered with my business, that of me chanical drawing, but coffee was my only habit and I loved it so that I did not see how I could give it up. If he had not been so enthusiastic re garding the relief in his case, by leaving off coffee and taking Postum Food Coffee I could not have mustered up will power enough to abandon my favorite beverage. I left off coffee that day at lunch and had a cap of Postum. It was made goo'fl and had a rich, dark color, with a deli cious flavor that I could not tell from regular coffee. it pleased the eye smell and palate, so I had it each day at the restaurant for the noonday lunch, and discovered a decided improvement in my condition, but it was not until I left off coffee for breakfast and used Postum in its place that real relief set in. Now lam free from gastritis, headaches, and fully appreciate the value of the 'nerve ease.* No more trembling hands and no more nervous prostration. I am well, and feel that I should say to others who are being poisoned by a beverage that they do not suspect, 'coffee.' 'Make the change be fore the poison works destruction in you.' " - * This letter is from a New York me chanical draughtsman. Name can be fur nished by the Postum Cereal Co. Ltd. at Rattta Creek. Mich. AGREE NOT TO GRAB Concert of the Powers in Getting Concessions From China. ANSWERS TO THE UNITED STATES Diploma tii- Victory In Preventing Future Trouble la China. Mmw York Sim Somolml Smrvlom Washington, Feb. 22. —While the peace negotiations have been proceeding in Peking, the United States government has been conducting diplomatic exchanges with the powers affecting a side issue of the Chinese trouble. The state depart ment recently undertook to secure an agreement or at least an exchange of views in regard to the granting of conces sions b.v China to foreign governments. It was made known to the powers that the United States was opposed *to the policy oX nations acquiring individual concessions without the consent of all the other nations concerned. The ground on which this attitude was based was that as all the powers had acred concurrently in the settlement of the general Chinese question, they should apply that principle to efforts to obtain extra territorial and dther privileges. Answers have been received from near ly all the powers and they are favorable in that no power dissents from the prin ciple enunciated. Some of the govern ments show themselves to be In thorough accord with the position of the United States. Japan May Fight. Berlin, FeD. 22.—Tha Vossische Zeitung publishes a dispatch from its correspondent who has been at Niu Cliiaou: , '"Japan is very bitter over the annexation of Manchuria. She still hopes for Ger many's and England's assistance, but if she does not obtain this she intends to proceed independently in Niu Shwang and along the coast. The belief is general that in the spring there will be new uprisings and a Russo-Japanese war is considered likely." Looting' In Korea. Victoria. B. C. Feb. 22.—Advices from the orient 6ay that Russian troops are commit ting shocking depredations along the north frontier of Korea. They often cross the Lu men river and loot villages, carrying off valuables, as well as grain and cattle, giving as an excuse that they are pursuing Boxers. The Korean government, has lodged a vigor ous protest with the Russian minister. Chi nese fugitives are marauding along the Korean border. They had been driven out of Manchuria by the Russians. Transfer the Railway. Peking, Feb. 22.—The transfer of the Shan hai-Kwan railway to the British was com menced to-day and will be completed by Feb. 28. The Russians will probably hand over the Shau-hai-Kwan-Xew Chwang railway to the Chinese in August. The question is, Who shall guard the line? WHITEMAN AGAIN TAKEN CHARGE IS PASSING BAD CHECKS Former Duluth Mail Is Said to Be Wanted in Boston Thin Time. New York. Feb. 22.—Alonzo' J. White man, alias A. D. Wilson, formerly of Du luth, is under arrest here on a charge of grand larceny. He is accused of passing worthless checks in Boston. With three others he was arrested in this city in November, 1899, charged with swindling banks to the extent of $100,000. He was taken to Chicago for trial and sent to the house of correction, but he was re leased last fall. Whiteman was born in Danville, N. V., and graduated from Hamilton college and the Columbian law school. He went to Duluth and opened a bank in 1883, and he is said to have made a fortune estimated at $1,000,000. He entered politics in 1886. and was elected state senator. He ran for congress in 1890 on the republican ticket but was defeated. His fortune was wiped away by disas trous financial ventures. The police say that he has been arrested many times for forgery and was imprisoned for a year in a San Francisco jail. CUBANS MORE TRACTABLE SHOW A MORE LIBERAL SPIRIT Completed Constitution Has Been Delivered to Governor General Wood. New York, Feb. 22.—A special to the Herald from Washington says that the president has intimated his intention of calling an extra session within two weeks after the inauguration. This is taken to mean that it will be in the week ending March 26, probably March 20 or 21. Fresh. Information from Cuba is that the Cubans are manifesting a more liberal pol icy towards the United States government. A commission will come to Washington to confer with the president and his cabinet. CONSTITUTION SIGNED Report on Cuban Relation* Is yot Vet Completed. Havana, Feb. 22.—The Cuban constitu tion, first submitted by the central com mittee to the convention at the public session of Jan. 21, was signed yesterday. Senor Cisneros created a sensation by refusing to sign. He said: "Cuba is now independent, and I can see no reason for sending this constitution to the United States for acceptance." Senor Capote, president of the conven tion, will deliver the document to General Wood. A copy will be sent to Washing ton. The special committee on relations has not decided what report it will make. Governor General Wood has informed the; authorities at Washington that the Cuban constituion was officially presented to him this morning, and that he awaited instructions whether to forward the docu ment immediately or hold it until the re lations between Cuba and the United States are decided upon. AtTORS ARE ON A STRIKE AFFECTS HALF A DOZEN CITIES Vaudeville Actors Object to a De duction of Salary an a Booking; Pee. Hmw York Sun Spmclal Smi-vlca New York, Feb. 22.—The white rats of America, the protective association of vaudeville actors, has started a general strike in every theater in the east con trolled by the syndicate known as the As sociation of Vaudeville Managers Per formances in half a dozen cities, includ ing New York, were badly crippled, but enough actors and actresses out of work were found to fill in the time. The grievance is the demand of the managers' combination that the perform ers flive up 5 per cent of their salaries as a booking fee. It led to the strike Feb i, -when the White Rats' demand that the fee be discontinued was acceded to by the managers. The White Rats say the mana gers did not keep their word. HER FIRST IMPRESSION. Chicago News. Mabel's mother was showing her a brood of ohiekens hatched in an incubator "They are poor little orphans," said the mother. "An' is that the orphan asylum?" asked Mabel, pointing In wonder at the incu bator. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. BISHOP ON POLITICS Bishop Spalding of Peoria Talks to Chicago School Children. WASHINGTON AND EXPANSION He Mention* Also the Devoted Rockefeller Professor at < lil cairo I iiivemily. Chicago, Feb. 22.—Five thousand school children gathered at the Auditorium this forenoon to hear an address by Bishop Spalding of Peoria, 111., on "Patriotism and Character." He said: What more striking instance could there be of the crude kind of thinking in vogue among us. than that n university professor should deem it not to be absurd to place a great money gatherer ou tl)e same footing with a great poet. The one is a mechanical, the other a vital BUM, Riches are akin to fear, to cowardice and death, but the highest thought rifhtly expressed is the fine essence of the purest life stored up for all who are able to appreciate aud admire even to the remotest age. The hero whose memory we honor to-drty, was uot a man oi genius or of the best intel lectual culture, but he was a great char acter—hoaest, simple, true, disinterested, in corruptible. It cuuld never have occurred to him that Americans could ever seek to con quor a people struggling for independence: to him, who had inscribed on his victorious banner the deolaratio-n of independence. He could not have dreamed that the extension of trade and t:ie enriching of trusts should ever be deemed by Americans a justification of wars and conquest. Frederic Harrison, the English author and philosophical critic, spoke on "George Washington." this afternoon at the Audi torium at the Union League Club meet ing. Birthday Degree*. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 22.—The University of Pennsylvania celebrated Washington's birthday by conferring of honorary degrees, as follows: Rear Admiral Melvilje, doctor of science; Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter, doctor of laws: President Henry C. Pritehett, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, doc tor of laws; President William L. Prather, of the University of Texas, doctor of laws; Clement B. Penrose, doctor of laws; Rev. John Sparhawk Jones, pastor of Calvary church, doctor of sacred theology. President's Escort. Cleveland, Feb. 22.—Troop A, commanded by Colonel Buntz, which will act as an escort to the president on inauguration day ap peared in public for the first time to-day, mounted on jet black horses, secured es pecially for the Washington trip. NORTHROP THE MAN Representative Tawney Thinks the President Will Name Him. HEATWOLE REFUSES TO INDORSE He Say* Minnesota Can't Spare Him to Serve am a Fair Com missioner. From The Journal Bureau. Room 45. Ton Building, Washington. Washington, Feb. 22.—Representative Tawney's petition for the appointment of President Northrop of the University of Minnesota as a member of the Louisiana purchase exposition commission, was signed by all the members of the delega~ tion except Representative eHatwole. Mr. Heatwole &ays he docs not think Presi dent Northrop can be spared from th^ university to attend to the duties that will necessarily devolve upon him as a member of this commission. He says President Northrop is well fitted for the position, and he bases his opposition to the appointment entirely upon the fact that the university needs him. Mr. Tawney will present ihe petition to President McKinley to-morrow. He spoke to Mr. McKinley about President North rop a short time ago. The president was evidently pleased that suhe a high-grad* man had been suggested ofr the place. Senator Nelson was at the White House at the time, and heartily indorsed Mr Tawney's candidate. Senator Depew of New York, who was President Northrop's classmate at Yale, will be asked to indorse the Minnesota candidate. In discussing his reason for selecting President Northrop for the place Repre sentative Tawney said: "I do not know President Northrop per sonally, but I wanted to get a man who would reflect credit not only on the state of Minnesota, but on the whole north western section. President Northrop is a man of recognized executive ability and learning, such as a board of this charac ter demands. As the representative of tne American government, this board will have to meet representatives of foreign countries, and necessarily the members must be men of broad culture. President Northrop is such a man. I think the president will appoint him " The senate committee on public build ings and grounds to-day reported favor ably Senator Fairbanks' amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill providing for an increase of the cost of buildings heretofore authorized. The cost of the building at Aberdeen, S. D., Is increased from $87,500 to $100,000; Butte Mont $200,000 to $225,000; Eau Claire Wis $50,000 to $110,000; Creston, lowa $:,0 000 to $100,000; Fergus Falls, Minn. $75 000 to $100,000; Janesville, iVVs., $50,000 to $100 - 000; St. Cloud, Minn., $50,000 to $68 000- St. Paul, $1,050,000 to $1,150,000- Oska loosa, lowa, $50,000 to $66,000; Dubuque $100,00 to $110,000. q ' The amendment was referred to the committee on appropriations for Its con sideration. The senators and members in terested say that it will be put in the sun dry civil bill and retained in conference. Tbis is the omnibus bill favorably reported to the house some time ago with some ad ditional items, consideration of which is opposed by Speaker Henderson. Representative Tawney's investigation of the imports of bulbs into this country shows that they come mostly from the Netherlands. The value of such imports in 1900 was $900,000. on which a duty of 25 per cent ad valorem was collected. The value of American flour sent to the Neth erlands was approximately the same. If a duty is imposed on flour by the Dutch government it will seriously damage the flour interests of Minneapolis, while if bulbs ere admitted free, the affect on the business of American florists will not be appreciable. The members of the Minnesota delega tion have no information about the threat ened uprising of Ogalalla Sioux in South Dakota, as reported in a press dispatch from Omaha. The Indians recently re quested that a copy of the treaty of 1876 be sent to them, and it is probably in connection with this treaty that the dis satisfaction has arisen. As to cutting down supplies, it is said that the interior department officials claim that the treety provides for it and the department is only following that treaty.. The Black Hills claim is one that has been before the department for some time, but the Indians have not been afforded any relief, because there is no law for it. Secretary Hitchcock has notified Rep resentative Burke that the computation of unappropriated lands in the Great Sioux reservation on Feb. 10, 1900, has been completed and that the Indian office will shortly be able to furnish information showing the exact amount due the Indi ans under their treaty. It provides that all lands unappropriated on the date named shall be paid for at GO cents an acre, except school lands in sections 1€ and 36, for which $1.25 an acre is to be paid. The amount due the Indians is be tween $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. PEOPLE HAVE HONEY H. V.Jones Comments on the Abund ance of Ready Capital. . A GREAT CONSOLIDATION CRAZE The West should Wake Ip—Western Cities Are Not So Alert as Formerly. "The money supply of the country is at the highest point ever known and it is a good deal of a problem for bankers to dispose of the loanable surplus," said H. V. Jones to-day, just home from a trip through the east. •When you find institutions carrying $70,000,000 of deposits, with nearly one half of the supply on hand, you can begin to understand why Interest rales are low and why bank surpluses exist at this time. The people h;ive money; there is no get ting around that fact. Beginning back on the farm, the farmer has money and the country banks have money. They are seek ing ;o get a small interest rate from the city banks, w£o in turn ere declining to pay interest on such accounts because they find It difficult to secure au outlet for sur plus funds. As an instance of the great accumulation of money, one bank in Kan sas City has over $30,000,000 of deposits, which include accounts from 1,000 country banks and 8,100 women depositors. The bank is not a savings institution, either. In Chicago the banks have large surplus accounts. lowa is using comparatively lit tle outside money, because of the accumu lations at home, while in Minneapolis and St. Paul, we know what money has been loaned at lower rates than ruled in New York." A Xew Pace for Consolidation. "The completion of the great steel com bination has set a new pace for consolida tion. The great capital of above $800,000, --000 is equaled only by the value of the Standard Oil securities. There is a slight tremor running through Wall street be cause of it all, and yet no one anticipates for a moment any unfavorable financial result from the consolidation. The new company proposes to make a great saving in the cost of operation and many men will lose positions. The same will be true in the railroad consolidations. There does not appear to be any remedy for this turn in the operation of corporations; the idea of saving mon*y by combination that will cut off injurious competition is now well fixed In the public mind and it is the opin ion that it is a principle that has come to stay. Northwestern Railroad Combina tions. "What of northwest railroad combina tions or traffic arrangements? New York has no definite idea of what is going on. Not much confidence is placed in newspa per reports from day to day, because the feeling is that mere rumors are picked up and worked into stories that may or may not have foundation. President Cable, of the Rock Island, met Thomas Liowry, the president of the Soo, in the Holland House the other morning and Mr. Cable inquired: 'Anything sold over night, Tom?' 'Nothing 1 believe/ said Mr. Lowry, 'except I under stand there is a rumor that the Soo is about to buy the Rock Island. Had you heard of it?" It is in this bantering way that New York is now receiving reports of combinations. And on the other hand enough has been accomplished in that di rection to give a serious side to it all. The steel combination with its enormous capital makes it possible now to believe anything; hence New York is ready for almost any announcement. Considerable surplus money will find its way into these large combinations so that it is possible that a little better demand for money may develop later in the spring. West Should Arouse Itself. "The west needs to arouse itself all along the line. We have fallen into ways of indolence out here, and there Is less inquiry about the west in the east than was formerly the case. Just now we are in a period of combinations and when these are disposed of, the railroads will be just as anxious under the combinations to build up their respective territories as they were ten years ago. But just the same the western cities are less alert than they should be. We are losing opoprtuni ties because we are not sufficiently aggres sive. I sat in a railroad station in a lit tle New York town and two men beside me were discussing shoes. One of them said he had worn a Minneapolis shoe for sev eral years, it just suited him, but a few months ago he bought another shoe and it was suiting him pretty well. I made no inquiry as to how he came to buy a Minneapolis shoe, but it occurred to me that with railroads running in all direc tions there are neglected opportunities slipping away from western manufacturers and western jobbers because we reason that we cannot do things or that our field is in other directions. A railroad be lieves its field is in every corner of the commercial world. The west should take on a little more of the old-time enthusi asm, or business may slip by us to the coast, or it may'center short of us." BOERS IN CAPE COLONY ACTIVITY EH VARIOUS PLACES General De Wet Whs Last Heard From Close to the Or ange River. Hew York Sun Special Service Cape. Town, Feb. 22. — The government reports that the \ exact whereabouts of Commandant Scheeper's force, which is a small one, is unknown. He has certainly abandoned his original intention of cross ing the railway between Prince Albert and Beaufort "west, and is breaking back east erly, \ followed by Generals Parson and Greenfeld. During the last few days par ties of Boers have been reported in the neighborhood of Willowmere and Union dale. They probably belong to Scheeper's commando. 'Parties of invaders continue to move about in the Middleburg and Steinsburg districts, looting on a small scale. The principal body, estimated to number 300 men, appears to be located at Zuurberg, northwest of Steinburg. g Troops are as sembling at various points on the Midland line with the object of clearing out the marauders, who probably consist of. small bodies of Boers. In the Albert district the Boers, have been re-enforced by a number of young colonists, who were re cruited in the districts Invaded. : The government reports that after the recent engagement between Col. Crabbe's command and the force under,. General i De Wet the Boer force split into several divisions. General De Wet himself making for Strydenburg. He was last heard of close to the Orange river, and it is thought that he is about to enter Griqualand West. Several portions of his command fled north with the object of crossing the junction of the Vaal and Orange rivers.. Comman dants Hertzog and Kritzinyer. are making towards: the rlace where General -.- De Wet was at the beginning of the week, but they are being pursued. V Milnrr'N Salary Knitted. London, Feb. 22. —Considerable comment has followed the announcement that Sir Alfred Milner's salary has been 1 raised. to £11,000 yearly. This exceeds the salaries of j the ; governors general of Canada, and Australia. ■ • , _ THE FAULT OF THE INVITATION Philadelphia Bulletin. , ;J, Mrs. Blomarket cannot understand why Mrs. Upstreet did not accept her invita tion I for last Thursday ', evening. This is what the invitation said: . ... "My Dear Mrs. Upstreet: I:. am going to entertain a few people on Thursday evening, the 27th, and , this is - to. ask you >toi. be one of the ■ number. M > know you do not care! for society functions, but '< you ; will feel perfectly,- 1 as ease ;at this one, as nobody of any consequence is in vited.'^aßSftnri .- : / INVIGORATED HOW A WOMAN GOT HER STRENGTH BACK. She Took Our Vinol with Good Results. WE WANT EVERY ONE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. READ WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY. COME AND SEE US. We don't want any one in this city to drag themselves through life in pain i and misery for the want of enough I strength to feel well and happy. If you feel listless, without ambition and run down, it is a bad sign. You are running grave chances. You ere in a condition to be attacked by most any disease. This feeling of debility is a symptom that your sj'stem is generally demoral ized. You should take a tonic. You should take Vinol, which we know and will guarantee will restore your strength. Following is one case where it did this. Mrs. T. H. Boyle, of 56 Chestnut St., West Newton, Mass., says: "Last spring I used one bottle of j Vinol. At that time I was all run down and sick. I find that it did me lots of good, and by its use my strength came back to me. M Vinol is a delicious preparation, con- | tain ing th« active curative principles ! that are found in cod-liver oil, dis- I solved in a delicate table wine. Vinol acts directly on the stomach, aiding digestion and at the same time | creating a healthy appetite. It gives i strength and vigor to every organ of the body. We endorse Vinol, and guaran tee its action, and will gladly refund to any one who is not satisfied the money which they paid for it. THE VOEGEL! BROS. DRUG CO., Prescription Drag-gists, 2 & 4 "\Va»li. Ay. S. Cor. Hennepin. THE TIMES CHANGE Sus« of Kohack on the Old and New Standards of Wealth, Judge. "After all, how times do change!" said the sage of Kohack, deftly performing the strabismusmatical feat of casting a retro spective and regretted glance back into the past the while he fixed a severe and hypercritical glare on the foibles and fol lies of the present. "When I was young a man was rich enough to be envied when he had the leisure to shave his upper lip regtlarly. and part his hair at the back and brush it toward his ears, and found it within his means to paint his house every other year, and wear an ivory-head ed cane on Sundays, and had an authori tative voice at the sessions of the school board, and occasionally pulled the nose of an opponent at town meetin'; and there was to be found in his parlor a hair cloth sofa as cold as a tomb and as slip pery as Greenland's icy mountains, a mar ble-topped center table adorned with a batch of sad and soggy wax flowers in a glass case, and a lot of horned and freckled sea shells on the whatnot. If he possessed all these he was considered to be just as rich as a man could possibly get to be, and looked up to accordin'ly. "But, nowadays—huh—if a man can't afford to wear side whiskers and a promi nent abdomen, and buy himself a seat in the senate, and be investigated for be longin' to a trust, and be spoken of as a magnate or some kind of a baron, and have a son who ought to be on the rock pile half of the time and shot by the re form committee the rest of the time, and a daughter who is newspaperially accused of havin' designs on the peace and pov erty of a foreign nobleman, and maintain a horseless carriage, he ain't even con sidered rich enough to be hated. In this day and age a man's got to be an auto mobillionaire.or he ain't in it." THE WONDERS OF PEAT. London Leisure Hour. H?rr Zschor;ier, of Vicuna, has been ex perimenting with peat for twelve years, and has shown very conclusively that it has nuiiiy astonishing qualities. In Ireland, in particular, this intelligence should be wel comed. A building has been exhibited in which everything, from the carpets on the floor to the curtains on the windows and the paper on the walls, was made from peat. The fibers of the remains of the reeds and grasses of which peat is composed have, of course, their original physical and chemical characters changed, but the fibrous structure remains intact, and the fibers themselves aru very durable, elastic and non-conductors of heat. Fabrics woven from them are found to have the toughness of linen with the warmth of wool. There is no textile fabric that cannot be woven from these fibers. Blankets and other coverings used for horses and cattle have been found in use to excel in warmth and cleanliness. Paper of several qualities has been made, and the uses to which peat fiber has already been applied in dicates possibilities that may render the peat bogs of Ireland a valuable addition to the resources of that country. SIDE LIGHTS ON HISTORY. Chicago Tribune. About this time there came a small pox scare in the land or Uz.. and the physicians were sent around to vaccinate the people. In due course of time they came to the house of Job. Now Job was the most patient man in the whole settlement, and Instead of pleading that he had troubles of his own —as, indeed, he had at that time—he gave orders that they be admitted. •Job," they said, stepping up to hia bedside, "we have come to vaccinate you." "Go ahead, gentlemen," he groaned, 'if you can find a place." A LITTLE FABLE. Baltimore American. Once upon a time there was an Ener getic Lady who walked into a Saloon, armed with a Hatchet and some Grim De termination. As she stepped up to the Mirror she noticed that her Hat was not on Straight. When she Laid down her Hatchet to adjust her Milinery the Bar tender secured the Weapon and called the Police. ' Moral—in following a Fad it is w«ll to lose Sight of Fashion. BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Harper's Bazar. "You may recall me, sir, as the man who eloped with your daughter about a year ago." "Well, sir, what can I do for you?" "I may be a little bit tardy, but I have "ome to offer voti mv ronerptulatinns " FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22. 1901. Surprise Special Sale No. 201 uUIJJJIIbC-J|jCWdi UillC nUeZrVI For One Week Only, Ending Next Friday. *..* ' ' , * ties, various shades in yj |s X~| |B ijHI stripes and other fig- V j;v J M b fUI urings, well shaped fR|? JnH f' w wlilk am* vei*y sightly,extra &J Jbß i^r " *^^A "•'SSLS > • serviceable, in all *~Jm ps\ men's regular sizes.. •Sg>-^3 Exceptional Values in Winter Garments nen's Stylish Kersey and fl* B- Men's All-wool Cassimere fl*K Frieze Overcoats ............ *J)«9 and Cheviot Suits *p 9 Hen's Fancy Worsted and Fine AH nen . s Oxford, Frieze Eg% WooJ Cassimere $7a 5 © and Vicuna Overcoats sJ> I ■ 011 Men's Imported Melton Frieze S™' s™**}s&5 ™**}$& 'I*** Sill and Vicuna Over- fa /m Pure Worsted Suits ....... fl»lw coats 9111 Men's line Striped . Worsted and Men's All - Wool Cheviot and All-wool Cassimere tf^A fStfl Fancy Worsted fl^-fl Rift Pants -- ....*Pfc«*9** Pants I■ © v Young Men's All-wool Fancy Cas- Young Men's Heavy Winter Suits simere GkM. ISA and Over- fatm Ef| Suits •..■.vHriWV coats $&g«lv Young Men's All-woo! Blue Ker- Young Hen's Oxford Gray Vicuna sey Over- felt Rfl Over- An ni> COats • *4?HrB %M %Jf coats OwivO Boys' Serviceable Knee Pant Suits, Boys'Vestee and Double- ffctffe extra strongly 785 a* breasted Knee Pant Suits . \&£L made M %M%2 Boys' Oxford Gray Vicuna Top- Boys' fine All - wool Cassimere coats, ages ti&4& ■? g% Knee Pant mg% CA 6to 14 3>^.aOU Suits $£iOU Men's Hats, in advance Spring Blocks.. 98c $ 1.48 $ 1.98 New Spring Silk Neckwear, in all new shapes, Bat Ties, Butterfly, Four in-Hand, Derby Reversible, Tecks, Band and Shield Bows, at 25c; Men's high grade laundered Percale Shirts, at 50c; Seamless Natural Wool and Camel's Hair Half Hose, at 12c; American Web Suspenders, with patent attachments, at 15c; Dress Kid Gloves, all new shades, 75c; Fancy Nov elty Border Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at 8c; Outing Flannel Night Shirts, at 39c; Medium weight Wool and Camel's Hair Underwear, 75c. Money Back on Request. Ail Clothing Repaired for One Year Free. FLYER for One Bay Only, Saturday, T A Men's Heavy Wool Mixed HALF HOSE.. IC the §y RPJHISE SYgRS 318 AND 320 %^#BETWEEN THIRD AND NtCOLLET AYE. FOURTH STREETS. NEW JERSEY TO PORTUGAL TESLA WILL TRY TO TELEGRAPH His Agent Is About to Establish a ' Wireless Telegraph Re ceiving Station. How York Sun Sneotal S&rv'ea. London, Feb. 22. —It is stated that Mr. Galbraith, an agent of Nikola Tesla, has left London for Lisbon to establish a re ceiving station on the Portuguese coast at the fortieth parallel of latitude, which will be in communication with a Tesla transmitter on the New Jersey coast. This will be the first prictical application of Tesla's long distance wireless telegraph system. PORTO RICAN GUESTS Three Hundred Soldier* Will Attend the Inauguration. Ae«e York Sun Special Service Washington, Feb. 22.—About 300 Porto Ricans, soldiers of the United States army, are coming to the inauguration. The transport Rawlins left New York yester day for San Juan to fetch them, and car ried a full supply of flannel undergar ments, heavy woolen clothing, overcoats, socks and gloves, such as are worn by the regular army on the northern frontier. These precautions are taken lest the visit ors should suffer by coming from the warm climate into the rigors of the March winds in this latitude. They will be landed at Newport News Saturday. March 2, and be brought to Washington on a special train, so as 10 ar rive here Sunday morning. Cots will be placed for them in the corridors of the top floor of the war departiiient building, and the commissary department will furnish meals. On the day of the inauguration they will start for New York and re embark on the Rawlins t>u the Stir, for return to Porto Rico. MEASURE OF PUNISHMENT Claybots Jury May Defend ant's Guilt Confessed. Special to The Journal. West Superior, Wis., Feb. 22.—The jur ors in the Claybots murder case have been out for about sixty-seven hours without giving any sign of what they are doing. The case is causing much comment from the fact that the same jury found the defendant sane and he \ afterwards testi fied to having killed his. wife. Cambridge, Mass—The famous Harvard pump has been blown up by vandals. More Sample Shoes Another thousand pairs of Sample Shoes have been bought by us this week; they are all excellent quality, 1901 styles, at a saving of from one-quarter to onethird on every pair. , Boys" Shoes \ Girls' Shoes Eleven different styles, all new neat (! Eight styles, lace and button, heavy or' shapes, some lieht weijjht l and *onie i !■■ medium weight; some patent leathers heavy. In the lot are all sizes. They are « sizes oto 2. most of them are OQ C really regular $1.50 to $2.00 shoes, a look «, $1-60 shoes, choice ................«**f«* at them will convince you tf»tf OK \ Children's Shoes *»'« •'■** {Children's Shoes ___■_ „ -. ■ l of samples; some are red kid. some patent #_#####» m2g%nt «* ? leather, some black vlcl. Not every size Cf«t«<? «*C?r«*9 «, , n each style but all sizes in lot. ££Q m . „ .., . ' . , -'• ■•'"':„"■"_; i - mostly $1 and $1.25 shoes, choice. %99%S For little boys who likes shoes like Papa's ? - we've got a very fine selection in this sain- > ga~hS*%*** cfcnae pie lot, seven styles, some worth up to V &&B3S3S «iimßo» , $1.75, sizes in lot 9to 1354, Qf9*m <! In sizes 3to 5, sanie variety as & «*» • *or ..:...........:...&****. <\ : as above, GOc to 75c5h0e5,..,.. mSSSfG, Men's Shoes '' it^tS-^^u (Laat&s*%- Men's $3.50 and $4 Sam- ]> iH^^ '^^sm||, /•#*———. . pie Shoes,"man y; styles, ('1 Mw»'' ?->»»' a^*«f {^"PPOrS $2*59 \ BfrlOmC TraXJC ]! pairs Ladies Patent iflW/oe' Khnata i' %?Tl ri rt. NX. '-'i 1 leather and Vici Kid, tames ; dI*OOS , Vi# Shoe StOre iY?y ■ ' one and two-strap.Party' ? Ladies' $2.50 to $3.80 !'•"■ Wf.' • JlJL^' v^»-"**' %J«f V Slippers, sizes only 3', Sample Shoes, many -,' M% 219>223 NJooSe*. SflF ilto , 4>i. value to $1.75. styles, i' \al«% ■":;.■ .# Ua '' Choice, remember all $**&& *&s^sUtM^ «: ™7y*!:...48c TIC-O Allays all irritation of the Sexual Apppratus, which causes—BAD DREAMS— that results in Involuntary Emissions. It strengthens the weak and relaxed sem inal vesicles, tones tip the Intrinsic muscles; and, Stops Night Losses Carried in vest pocket and taken without observation Two months treatment for $4.00, sent by mail. This cures. Write Minneapolis Private Institute, Min neapolis, Minnesota. EVANS WILL STEP DOWN \EW COMMISSIONER OK PENSIONS James L. Davenport of New Haiup- . ■hire Will Be His Suo wiior. Xmw York Sun Speolal Smrvtcm Washington, Feb. 22 —Henry Clay Evans, commissioner of pensions, has been slat ed for retirement. His successor will be James L. Davenport, at present firat dep uty commissioner, a New Hampshire man. MiSS BILLINGS A MODEL Prize fur Best Kkmii> an the Montana Artist. V#«< York Sun Special S»vrlee Syracuse, X. V.. Feb. 22.—Alexander D. Ellis has offered a prize worth $400 to ihe pupil of the East Syracuse high school who writes the best essay on the subject of Miss Georginia Billings of Montana. He is a wealthy elderly bachelor. . He owns a great deal of land in and about the village of East Syracuse. His hobbies are pictures and school children. He says: I, do not know Miss Billings. My knowledge of the west, however, is what makes me ap probate the quality of Miss Billings" work. Now, if a slip of a girl can, without in struction other than her cwn eye, reproduce wild birds and the farm animals of her native estate so faithfully that she attracts the attention of the best artists, why cannot these girls and boys in East Syracuse get something out of her example? To Care the Grip in Two Days Laxative Bromo-Quinine removes tbe cause.