OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, March 07, 1901, Image 10

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-03-07/ed-1/seq-10/

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Munyon's Inhaler
*t \ ■-''
■ Cures La Grippe.
It Reaches the Sore Spots.
It teals: the raw places.
It goes to the seat of the disease.
It penetrates obscure places where drug!
taken Into the- stomach cannot reach.
It acts as a balm and tonic to the whole
Better than doctors.
Better than anything you have ever tried.
Special demonstration at the
Voegeli Bros. Drug Store.
A. D. Thompson Drug Co., opposite
Postoffice. .
Q. A. Rose, 303 Central Avenue.
Churchill & Scheldrup, 15 So. Wash
ington Avenue.
W. K. Hicks, 1533 Franklin Aye.
J. O. Peterson, 1501 Wash. Aye. So.
Georgr Burch, 717 3rd Aye. So.
Gamble & Ludwig, 301 Hennepin Aye.
PRICE $1.00.
With everything complete. At all drug
gists or mailed from our office.
Munyon's Remedies for sale by all drug
gists—s7 cures for 57 mostly 25c a vial.
Write Prof. Munyon, Broadway and 26th
street, New York, for free medical advice on
any disease.
Curtain Kails at Akron, Ohio, on a
Romance That Opened in
Mmw York Sun Samoiml Smrvlom.
Akron, Ohio, March 7. —Alexander Hart
man and Mary Kerst, only six months
from Hungary, were married in the police
court to-day at the instigation of Mayor
Young. They had been living together as
man and wife, although not married.
A year before their coming to this coun
try. Miss Kerst had enlisted in the army
in Hungary, dressed in men's clothing so
ehe could be near Hart man, who had been
her sweetheart for years. When their
terms of enlistment expired they came to
this country and lived as man and wife,
not recoginzing the necessity of complying
■with marriage laws. They said they would
have been married in Hungary, but for the
fact that Hartman is a Jew and Miss Kerst
a Catholic.
Denver Man. Accused of Hiring; an
Note York Sun Special Serrie*
Denver, Col., March 7.— plot to do
away with a ■well-known citizen by a
hired assassin was revealed to-day in
police headquarters. The man accused
is Jonas Wanamaker and his victim was
to be Dewitt C. Weber, his son-in-law,
and an attorney.
"Plunk" Salter, it is said, was hired
by Wanamaker, and he was to receive
$225 for killing Weber. Wanamaker ad
mits hiring Salter and buying weapons,
but he says he was acting in self defense.
The trouble grew out of Weber's divorce
from Wanamaker's daughter.
Vienna Doctor Publishes Another
Book; on Hid Theories.
2iete York Sun Special Service
Vienna, March 7. — Schenk, who,
notwithstanding the scorn of scientists,
adheres strongly to his theories regard
ing the controlling of sex, has published
another book, "A Compendium for Deter
mining the Sex of an Unborn Child."
He reaffirms that the determination of
sex rests entirely with the mother.
Legislature Has \ot Elected Two
United States Senators.
Dover, Del., March 7. —There was no ma
terial change to-day in the balloting for
United States senator. The legislature
■will adjourn to-morrow and unless there
1b an election at to-morrow's session there
■Rill be two vacancies from this state.
He Gets Nearly $10,000 for the
Manila Flgrht.
Washington, March —The treasury de
partment to-day issued a warrant in favor
of Admiral Dewey for $9,570 prize money
for the destruction of the Spanish, fleet in
Manila harbor.
• Chicaxu Great Western Ry, JVo. O,
The favorite train, will, on and after
March 3rd, arrive at Chicago at 1:40 p.
m., one hour earlier than before, in time
for matinees or the best Eastern Con
necting Trains. Inquire of City Ticket
Agent, Cor. Nicollet Aye. and sth St.,
t'lnb Room on Wheels.
That's what the Buffet Library Smoking
Car is on the famous North-Western Lim
ited, operated daily between Minneapolis,
St. Paul and Chicago via. "The North
"Western Line." Lunch, liquid refresh
ments and fine cigars served in this car
at any time desired when train is moving.
No extra fare charged for the club com
forts of this luxurious car. Ticket offices,
413 Nicollet ay, Minneapolis, 382 Robert
•treet, St. Paul.
them all. /Mm
I whiskey!
I Dealers and druggists sell it. I
A Very Small One Is Smoked Out
by Senators. /
It 1* Discussed by Physician* Who
Approve the Sanatorium <
Several senators this morning thought
they spied a woodchuck in Senator Greer's
bill to appropriate $MJU annually for the
Incidental expenses of the secretary of
state's ottu-e. Senators Koverud. Dar; and
Snyder believed there was already a stand
ing appropriation of $t>oo for this office,
and fhat the measure would simply give
Mr. Hanson #1,400 a year. Senator Oreer
explained that the bill simply increased
the customary appropriation of this office
from $t>oo to $S(k>. and with this under
standing the senate passed the bill.
Later Senator Suyder was informed by
Albert Berg that there was a standing ap
propriation for this purpose which had
been in force over twenty years. Senator
Greet- admitted that he bad been misin
formed and offered to move for a recon
sideration at the first opportunity.
Later in the day Senator Greer moved
for a reconsideration of the vote by
which the bill was passed explaining that
there seemed to be some mistake in the
bill. At his request it was referred to
the committee on finance.
Point* on Tnbercnloglii.
Some interesting talks on the prevalence
of tuberculosis and the great need of a
sanatorium for the treatment of patients
were given by Doctors H. L. Taylor, C. L.
Green and Arthur Sweeny, of St. Paul,
and Dr. J. W. Bell of Minneapolis. The
disease was shown to be the greatest foe
of the human family, and the senate was
urged to take immediate steps to restrict
its spread. A bill now before the senate
provides for the appropriation of $100,000
for a sanatorium, in the pine woods near
Cass Lake, and for $50,000 annually for
maintenance. The bill was referred to a
special committee, Senators Grindeland,
Chilton and Daugherty.
Senator McGill introduced a bill requir
ing foreign corporations of all kinds to file
their charters with the secretary of state,
fhd fixing a fine of $500 for failure to do
A bill introduced by Senator Snyder al
lows the courts to fix permanent alimony
in divorce proceedings at one-third of the
earnings or income of the defendant. As
the law stands now permanent alimony is
limited to the estate.
So That Cities May Accept.
To pave the way for the acceptance by
Manlcato and St. Cloud of gifts from Mr.
Carnegie, Senator Brower presented a bill
making the requisite legal provisions. It
was passed under suspension of the rules.
For School Clerks.
Senator McCusick, at the request of sev
eral county superintendents, has offered a
bill allowing school clerks $2 per day and
6 cents j>er mile for traveling when in
attendance on the annual school meeting.
AVantx to Be a Terminal.
"VVillmar wants to be a terminal point
for the weighing and inspection of grain.
So Senator Grue has offered the necessary
Capitol Bill Slides Through.
Senator Hiler Horton smiled broadly
when the capitol bill went through by
unanimous vote. The bill Increases the
limit of -cost for the new marble capitol
from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000.
For Dulnth's Big- Bridge.
A bridge bill for cities over 50,000 in
habitants, introduced to-day by Senator
Daugherty, applies only to Duluth and is
designed to enable the zenith city to con
struct or purchase a bridge over the
ship canal through Minnesota Point.
Senate Unable to Get at BillM Which
Are Locked lip.
Senator Thompson looked full of busi
ness when he took charge of the senate
last evening io clean up general orders on
which had accumulated thirty-three bills.
The bare quorum present also meant
business, as the senate was already sev
eral days behind hand. The senate pro
posed, but a clerk disposed, however.
After all had girded their loins for a
long night's work it was found that the
bills were in the safe, that the safe -was
locked, that the only key was in posses
sion of the second assistant secretary and
that the second assistant secretary's
whereabouts were unknown to any of
those present. As a result little was
Senator Wilson's bill requiring judges
to file decisions within a certain time
was repassed. The senate limit of four
months had been extended to five by the
house and the senate concurred in the
A bill introduced by Senator Sheehan
provides that any graduate of any college
of law duly incorporated under the laws
of this state who has taken a three years'
course in such college, upon presenting
his diploma to the supreme or district,
may be entitled to a certificate of admis
sion to the bar without examination or
the payment of a fee.
Antitrust Bills Recommended.
Two anti-trust bills were recommended
for passage by the senate judiciary com
mittee this morning. One by Senator J.
D. Jones, makes the present law operative
against pools or trusts organized previous
to the passage of the law; the other by
Senator Daly punishes pools which refuse
to buy or sell from individuals or con
cerns not in the combination. It is sup
posed to be aimed at the lumbermen's as
Senate Bills I'a.ssed.
S. F. 193, Jepson—Authorizing officers of
I Carleton college to convey real estate.
S. F. 19S, Buckman—Making it a misde
meanor for employes to obtain transportation
or other advancement.
S. F. 247, Snyder—To protect banks in re
ceiving deposits from minors.
S. F. 129, McKusick—Relating to forfeiture
of lands illegally held.
S. F. 187, McKuslek—Transferring appro
priation from internal Improvement fund to
road and bridge fund of Pine county.
H. F. 38, Haugen—Relating to cemeteries.
H. F. 109, Haugland—Relating to the re
cording of certificates of redemption.
H. F. 39, Sweet—Relating to the definition
of the word "conveyance" as contained in
section 4180, statutes of 1594.
H. F. 110, Haugland—Relating to the re
cording of certificates of redemption from
execution sales.
H. F. 136, Mark—Amending section 1 title
7, chapter 103, laws- of 1897.
Capitol Notes.
Colonel Trowbridge, custodian of the capi
tol, has decided to put the capitol messenger
and Janitors in uniform. The messenger has
already secured a neat blue suit of military
cut, with "M" buttons and a military cap,
bearing the word "Capitol" in gold letters.
The janitors, when not wielding the mop,
will wear similar uniforms and caps labeled
The old battle flags, which have so long
been kept In the glass case in the capitol
rotunda, were taken out and overhauled to
day. Mice were discovered in the case yes
terday, and had done some damage to the
A delegation of school superintendents
called yesterday on Commissioner McConnell
of the dairy and food department, and urged
him to retain J. C. Hortvet as chemist in the
Executive Agent Fullerton secured a search
warrant yesterday and sent deputies to look
for game in the St. Paul hotels and restau
rants. A dray load of ducks and other con
traband game was secured from the restau
rants, and the proprietors will have to pay
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there Is nothing so prompt
and effective as One Minute Cough. Cure.
A Warm Bout Over the Qug|fcion of
It Kuruiithvii Ground fur a Few
Heated Wurd*—'l'orion'it Hill
Reported In.
Albert Berg, champion of state drainage,
bested Wells of Wilkin, "champion of the j
drainage of private lands" (to quote Mr. j
LSerg), in an unusually warm bout in the
house this morning. It was a question of
recommitting the drainage bill, H. F. 131,
to the committee of the whole. Mr. Wells
complained that the commission provided
for in the bill was a cumbersome piece of
machinery, and, that the condemnation
proceedings authorized would prove a
source of great expense to the state. He
went over various chapters of the state's
experiments with drainage, and made the
point that in the valley country farmers
were so glad to have a system of ditches
laid out that they donated, the right of
Mr. Berg sarcastically informed the
house that the bill had been passed upon
favorably by the valley interests, includ
ing a delegation from the recent drainage
convention; but that subsequently some of
thesa would-be politicians had recon
sidered their action, and that now they
were plainly engaged in an effort to
manufacture political capital for them
Mr. Jacobson asserted the need of some
amendments in the interests of economy,
but not. even his pleading could move the
Mr. Berg indignantly said no, when
asked if amendments would be considered
upon the third reading, exhorted the house
with great vehemence to stand with that
section most vitally interested in drain
age, contended that the rights of the
settler could be assured only under the
bill as drawn, and on a vote carried the
house with him.
A Pan-American Debate.
The Pan-American exposition bill, with
its appropriation of $20,000, proved a fer
tile source of debate. Mr. Plowman ar
gued that the money could be spent to
better advantage at home. Mr. Roberts
Explained that the Minnesota exhibit
would accomplish much as an object les
son to the east, but Mr. Plowman would
not be convinced. He ejaculated: "If
you have got. money to burn, I am ready
to burn it; but the money must be sup
plied in the first place."
On the vote there were but eight in
the negative.
Torson's Bill.
The Torson board of control bill was
reported in this morning with amend
ments, and made a special order for next
Wednesday at 2 p. m.
The Younger Parole Measure.
At 2 o'clock the house took up as a spe
cial order, the Deming parole bill, which
is claimed to be offered in the interests
of the Youngers.
Substitute for Armstrong' Bill Is Re
ported to Pass.
The house committee on temperance
held its third public session on the Arm
strong anti-wineroom bill last evening,
and finally agreed on a bill, which in its
terms is practically the same as the Min
neapolis ordinance. It prohibits stalls or
partitions in saloons. The original bill
also prohibited curtains or screens at the
windows during the hours when a saloon
should be closed. The- author finally
agreed to eliminate this feature.
Another substitute was offered by Judge
Nethaway of Stillwater, and urged by
Representative Dunn of Ramsey. It pre
scribed a penalty for women entering sa
loons, and for men who escort women into
saloons. This was defeated by one vote,
and the Armstrong substitute was recom
mended to pass.
Snyder Civil Service Bill Affects St.
Paul and Duluth.
The Snyder civil service bill has been
printed, and an attempt is being made to
stir up some interest in the proposition
outside of the Hennepin delegation. It ap
plies to all cities of over 10,000. It is in
the hands of the committee on municipal
corporations, and a public hearing will
probably be given in a few days. St. Paul
and Duluth members have not investi
gated the measure, supposing it did not
apply" to them, but the author of the bill
says that it will supersede the new chart
ers now in force in the two cities, so far
as its provisions go.
Veterans Are Pleased.
The veterans at the Soldiers' Home say
they are pleased to learn of the splendid en
deavors of the Sons of Veterans, before the
Soldiers' Home committee of the house of
representatives, in favor of legislation to
prevent the pension money being taken from
the old men in the home. The veterans are
proud of the young men and are pleased to
know that Minaesotans have not degenerated,
and that the young men of Minnesota are
worthy of the republic.
Constitutional Convention Bill.
The constitutional convention idea which
was killed in the senate early in the ses
sion, has been revived in the house. The
judiciary committee acted favorably to-day
on J. A. Peterson's bill, submitting to the
people the question of calling a convention.
Fifth Hatchery Ih Fixed.
Governor Van Sant to-day signed H. F.
137, under which the state acquires seven
teen acres for the state fish hatchery which
is permanently located at St. Paul.
N«-w Hook Hills.
H. F. 432, Substitute for H. F. 236, Com
mittee on Temperance Legislation—To pro
hibit booths, stalls and other enclosures in
or connected with any place used for the sale
of intoxicating liquors. Read a second time
and advanced to general orders.
H. F. 433, Morris (by request)—To amend
chapter 242 of fne general laws of 1899, relat
ing to flsh and pm:. Game and fish laws.
H. F. 435, Stevenson (by request)—To
amend chapter 48 of the general laws for 1897
relating to corporations for operating private
cemeteries and crematories. Corporations
other thau municipal.
H. F. 436, Norman—To amend chapter 47,
general statutes of 1594, relating to highways.
H. F. 437, Burns (by request)— Relating to
the duties and compensation of county sur
veyors in all counties having a population up
to 100,000. Towns and counties.
il. F. 438, Johnson—To abolish highway
labor assesment and require all road taxes to
be paid in cash in counties containing 150,000
inhabitants or more, and to abolish road
overseers of highways in such counties and
provide for the appointment of one overseer
by the board of town supervisors and pre
scribe his duties and compensation. Ramsey
and Hennepin delegations.
H. F. 439 Hennepin Delegation—To divide
Minnesota into nine congressional districts.
Made a special order to be considered with
reapportionment committee's bill.
H. F. 440, Hurd—To empower the board of
game and fish commissioners to hire an attor
ney to defend a deputy game warden. Judi
H. F. 441, Bush—To extend and maintain
the farmers' institutes, repealing sections 3877
to 3888, Inclusive, of the statutes for 1894.
H. F. 443, Stevenson (by request)—To
license stationary firemen. General legisla
H. F. 444, Anderson—To amend section 5 of
chapter 46, of the general laws of 1889, being
section 4412 of the general statutes of 1894, as
amended by chapter 181 of the general laws
of 1599. Judiciary.
H. F. 445, Hillary (by request)— Providing
for the effect of certain records of certified
copies of the records of deeds. Judiciary.
H. F. 446, Hurd—To amend section 1 of
chapter 217, of the general laws of 1897, to
prevent the adulteration of and deception in
the sale of flaxseed or linseed oil. Public
heulth, dairy and food products.
11. F. 447, Outidrud-TAuthorizinH village
council* to prescribe penalties for the viola
tion of ordinances. Municipal legislation.
11 F. 448, Mallory—Repealing chapter 181
of the general laws ot ijjSo and regulating
fraternal beneficiary societies, orders and as
sociations. Insurance.
H. F. 449, .Johusrud—Proposing an amend
ment to article 9 of the constitution, repeal
iig section 16 thereof, establishing the state
road and bridge fund, and providing for the
appointment of a state highway commission,
and prescribing its duties. Roads, bridges
and navigable Rtreams.
H. F. 451, Jackson—To amend section 29J'
of general statues of 1894, relating to divi
dends of corporations other thau those for
pecuniary profit. Corporations other than
11. F. 452, Jackson (by request)— Relating to
the admission to the bar of attorneys and
counselors at law. Judiciary.
H. F. 453, Berg— Providing for the drainage
of lands in certain cases, prescribing the pow
ers and duties of county toniinisslonerd" aud
other officers In the premises, and appropriat
ing funds for the payment of aaessments
against state lands vacated thereby, and re
pealing certain acts therein mentioned.
)1. F. 454, Scherf—To acquire by purchase
or condemnation additional lauds for the erec
tion of additional buildings for the use of the
Minnesota state training school for boys and
girls. State training school.
H. F. 455, substitute for 11. F. 157, 404, 890,
377, Committee on Education—To amend arti
cle 111, section U, and article 4, section IJ,
article 5, sections So and :'tj, of chapter 252,
of the general laws of 1599. relating to certain
schools. Head a second time and advanced
to general orders.
\»mv Senate BIIIm.
S. F. 308, Grindeland—Providing for the
drainage of lands in certain cases. Drain
S. F. 309, Benedict (by request)— Amen
ding the General Laws of 1894, relating to
dams and mills. Judiciary.
S. F. 310, Sheehan—Relating to the admis
sion to the bar of attorneys and counselors
at law. Judiciary.
S. F. 311. Sheehan—To amend the statutes
of 1894, relating to the dividends of corpora
tions other than those for pecuniary profit.
S. F. 312, Wilson—To amend the Gen
eral Statutes of 1894, relating to corpora
S. F. 313, Hospes (by request)— Providing
for the effect jot certain records of certified
copies of records of deeds, in certain cases.
S. F. 314, Snyder—To amend section 4807,
statutes of 1594, providing for permanent ali
mony. Judiciary.
S. F. 315, McGovern—Providing for service of
summons or process upon non-resident indi
viduals, associations or co-partnerships en
gaging in business in this state. Judiciary.
S. F.» 31ti, Daugherty—Providing for the
construction or purchase of bridges by citie*
having a population over 50,000 people.
Municipal corporations.
S. F. 317. McKusick—To amend section 3743,
statutes of 1894. relating to the duties of
county superintendents. Education.
S. F. 318. Grue—To establish state weigh
ing and inspection of grain at Willniar, mak
ing tsaid city a terminal point and making all
grain weighing and inspection laws appli
cable. Grain and warehouse.
S. F. 319, Daly—To reimburse the town of
Dead Lake, Otter Tail county, in the sum
of S6OO for expenses of smallpox quarantine
in 1900. Claims.
S. F. 320, Benedict—To amend chapter 47,
statutes of 1894, being an act to amend sec
tion 80, chapter 13, statutes of 1878, relating
to highways. Roads and bridges.
S. F. 321, Lord—To amend section 5135,
statutes of 1894, as amended by chapter 123,
laws of 1899, relating to the time of the com
mencement of actions. Judiciary
S. F. 322, MeGill-Requlring joint stock
companies, partnerships and other companies
who transact business in this state to file
with the secretary of state paper copies of
their charter or articles of association and
appoint the secretary of state as attorney to
accept service of process, to pay certain fees,
etc. Judiciary.
S. F. 323, Brower—Authorizing municipali
ties to provide for public libraries. Passed
under suspension of rules.
It Will Be Championed by J. A.
Peterson in the House To
The Hennepin delegation to-day intro
duced a bill as a sub
stitute for the joint committee's bill. It
will be considered to-morrow in the house
along with the committee bill, which is a
special order for 10:30 a. m.
The plan submitted is nearly the same
as the minority report made by Senator
Jepson. It has been changed so as to put
Redwood county back in the second dis
trict, and Waseca in the first. Hennepin
county west of the river constitutes the
Fifth district, and the sixth district com
prises the east side of Hennepin, Chisago,,
Mille Lacs, Wright, Steams, Anoka, Isan
ti, Sherburn, Benton and Kanebec.
J. A. Peterson will speak *in behalf of
this bill to-morrow, and his friends pre<
diet that his address will have consider
able effect, though no one expects the de
feat of the combine.
Ohio District School Patrons Up
hold Her Exhibition of the
Strenuous Life.
New York Sun Special Service
Akron, Ohio, March 7.—Excitement pre
vails in Krumroy, a farming community
five miles from this city, over the action
of Miss Maud Swelter, the 18-year-old
teacher of the district school, in punish
ing six large boys with a stove poker.
Miss Sweiter was punishing a little boy,
when his older brother interfered. She
attacked him with the broom handle, and
he was beating a retreat when five other
big boys ran to his aid. The teacher
seized a poker and met them half way.
In five minutes she had driven them into
their seats, except two, who darted
through the door. School was then re
There is talk of causing Miss Sweiter's
arrest, but she is upheld by a majority of
the school's patrons.
There is do one article in the line of
medicine that gives so large a return for
the money as a goAl porous strengthen
ing piaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed
and Belladonna Backache Piasters.
BO '* II nl wrSr Bit limX^UK.M§ JJPun^^Hß^^^^A\WK?^'^MW IBS !' ■ Btiß Bwß *fifflw ■nwA * Bgß^B _^^SBw PWjHi _^^B^B I^l *■* PyW .JB&W 1 /mM K>
|7fPffßf^s£ CIGAR s<t
ilv 1 s^lifs^\ llXa^ GW .> ij^nci be convinced. I
'" ". -■'••---■■■- ■ r- ■ . ...... „.. ...... . - „.,_,.„ 1 ............. -^. .....
Ravennwood V. M. C. A. Team Wax
Too Mnch for It.
The University of Minnesota basket
ball team was defeated by the Ravens
wood team at Chicago last night by a
score of 23 to 10. The Brookline Swim
ming club of Brookline, Mass., defeated
the St. Louis turners at water polo at a
score of 6 to 0. Company E, Fond dv
Lac, Wis., beat the University of Ne
braska at basket ball at a score of 30 to
12. The Homestead, Pa., water polo team
won from the Milwaukee Athletic club
by 3 to 1.
Meet* With Western League Mag
nates—The Indian*' (banoe*.
President T. J. Hickey of the Western
League and several other Western League
magnates, including: Beall of Minneapolis,
met. yesterday at Kansas City. Among
those present was W. H. Watkins of In
dianapolis, who is anxious for representa
tion in the league. The meteing was pre
liminary to the meeting to be held next
week in St. Paul, when the cities of the
Western- League will be finally selected.
Indianapolis and Louisville will be mem
bers of the league. Denver and Pueblo
will probably be cut out
.... ■
The Dui.n of Football GauieM Are
The university football team's schedule
has been changed somewhat and as it
stands now is as follows:
Carleton at Minneapolis, Sept. 28; Ames
at Minneapolis, Oct. 5; Grinnell at Minne
apolis, Oct. 17; lowa at Minneapolis, Oct.
~b; Haskell Indians at Minneapolis, Nov.
2; North Dakota at Minneapolis Nov 9-
Wisconsin at Madison, Nov. 16; North
western at Evanston, Nov. 23; Illinois at
Champaign, Nov. 28.
During the first week in April an indoor
athletic meet will be held in the armory.
Athletes from the local high schools will
be Invited to contest. This meet is in
tended to bring out the best men in the
university and will probably, in a great
measure, be the test which will decide
who is to take part in the spring field
meets with other universities.
Talk of Her Shape Exaggerated—
What an Expert Saw.
#ew York Sun Special Service.
London, March 7.—A yachting expert
who accompanied Sir Thomas Lipton
when he went to inspect Shamrock 11.
at the yard of Denny Brthers, said-
In general appearance the new boat differs
little from the old Shamrock, the' most defi
nite impression being that there is a distinct
superiority of workmanship. If anything, she
looks small and apparently narrower' and
slightly shorter' than the old boat. This is,
perhaps, the sole impression conveyed to the
eye. The load water line is 80 feet 6 inehe3.
The reported unique shape is mostly an ex
aggeration. The principal difference will be
found in the under body. The materials are
practiealy the same as those used in the pre
vious two challengers. The masts are of
wood and steel, the latter being slightly
lighter than in the Shamrock. Ratsey will
make the sail. The boat will be painted a
brilliant green. The paint has been specially
ordered from France. The body and hull
are complete, but many details are unfin
It is not probable that the challenger will
be launched before the middle of May, pre
paratory to the trial races of the two Sham
rocks on the Solent, beginning May 25. This
■will be followed by the race on the Clyde
June 1 for the cup presented by the Glasgow
exhibition commissioner. The Shamrock will
be steered by Willie Jamieson.
A Flylnii Machine.
An interesting sight at Denny's yard is a
flying machine which Denny is confident will
be very successful. It looks like a huge
thing, with immense wings and muah on the
same principle as Zeppelin's airship. It was
designed by a Spanish youth and is designed
mainly as an engine of war. It is intended
to rise to a great height and drop explosives.
Ames' Schedules.
Special to The Journal.
Ames, lowa, March 7. —The general man
ager of Athletic Association of lowa State
College has the following schedule:
Baseball — 14, open date; April 21,
Alumni at Ames: April 28, lowa State Normal
at Ames; May 4, Western college at Ames;
May 11, University of lowa at lowa City;
May 18, Western college at Toledo; May 21
or 23, Cornell at Ames: June 1, Grinnell at
Grinnell; June 8, I. S. N. S. at Cedar Falls;.
Field Meet—April 21, home meet; May 3,
Simpson at Ames; May 10, Drake at Ames;
May 24, state meet.
Football— 28, University of Minnesota
at Minneapolis; Oct. 19, University of lowa at
lowa City; Nov. 2. Grinnell at Ames; Nov.
16, Drake at Dcs Mcines, with two games,
one with Nebraska and one with Simpson,
not dated.
A Half-Mile Record.
London, March 7.—ln the races on the
Cambridge university running path, yester
day, H. W. Workman, president of the Cam
bridge Athletic Club, won the half-mile run
in 1:57 3-5, which is the fastest time ever
made on a 'varsity track.
Lake of the Isles Races.
The entries for this afternoon's races at
the Lake of the Isles are:
Free-for-all Pace, Purse $100—Mollie Fos
ter (H. M. Stocking), Dick Turpin (W. G.
Carling), Olessa (William Hamm of St. Paul),
Prince Stevens (W. B. McLean), Bashaw (G.
E. Clark), and Posey Follett (I. V. Gedney
of Miuneapolis).
Sharkey vs. Maher.
New York Sun Special Service.
New York. March 7.—According to Mana
ger Barney Reich, a match between Tom
Sharkey and Peter Maher will be clinched
to-day. The bout, if arranged, will not take
place before the middle of next month, as
Maher is anxious to have sufficient time in
which to train.
McGoTern vs. Sullivan.
Chicago, March 7. —A special from Louis
ville, Ky\, saya: "Terry McGovern and
Dave Sullivan have been matched to fight
at 126 pounds before the Southern Athletic
315 to 325 Nlcollet Avenue. Seventh and Robert Streets.
-T-kllPlf fop Less Thaß the Prlcc
ill VII VVIIIS of Raw Material
220 Men's Heavy Army Duck Coats— Cut single or double
breasted style—black, brown, tan or mode colors—some
sheep lined —some heavy blanket lined—some wool lined
—some interlined with rubber —others with oil slicker—
all have high storm collars of corduroy and heavy sheep—
double stitched seams throughout—large facing and re
inforced arm holes — all sizes up to 4(5 — coats that are
worth and sold during the season at $2.50, $3.(XJ, $3.50
and $4.00. To create quick and /f% in g^
furious selling, we concentrate the Kfe ■ 1
entire assortment into one lot and %|S •\J \J
offer them Friday at choice for ... s ML _____
Club, for $5,000 a side. The date of the
fight will be announced in a day or two.
Sporting Note*.
The Pilsener Four Back Bowling Club mem
bers made the following scores at 1101 Mar
shall street NE last evening: Schafer, 61:
Stone, 59: Vostha, 56; J. Walstrom, 05; Thei
len, 55; C. Walstrom, 55.
Fred Gilbert got first place in the Madison
Square roof garden shooting match yesterday.
He knocked over ninety-three birds out of
a possible 100. Heikes and Crosby tied for
second money, each having ninety-one targets
to his credit.
A second yacht is to be built at Milwaukee
to compete for the Canadian cup this sum
mer. The boat will be built at Qshkosh,
at a cost of $2,000.
The stewards of the Western Jockey Club
yesterday satisfied the belligerent Chicago
race track promoters by announcing satis
factory dates. This will allow racing in
Chicago up to within three weeks of Christ
Irving Long, the tall-ender in the billiard
tournament at Boston, turned the tables last
night and defeated W. H. Clearwater, of
Pittsburg, 150 to 107. Cle&rwater is one of
the leaders.
G. M. and H. L. Asher, who now control
the old Kentucky association track, at Lex
ington, Ky., say they will cover the entire
course and make it the biggest training
quarters in the south.
President Zimmer, of the Baseball Play
ers' Protective Association, said yesterday
that he would stand by his agreement with
the National Association and suspend all
members of the Players* Association who
join the American League.
Chicago—The Chicago Electric Vehicle com
pany's automobiles will again run to-day.
The operators won the strike.
Chicago—John Miller, a resident of La
Crosse, Wis., was struck by an electric car
going at full speed, and, although hurled
twenty feet, received no injury except a slight
scratch on the nose.
Terre Haute, Ind. —Sheriff Fasig has re
ceived notice that the International Council
of the World has offered a reward of $5(X> for
the arrest and conviction of every person im
plicated in the lynching of the negro, Ward-
Lincoln, Neb. —The supreme court has ren
dered a decision affirming the death sentence
of the trial court against F. L. Dinsmore.
Dinsmore, who is a hypnotist, was convicted
of murdering his wife and Fred Lane in the
town of Odessa.
Grand Rapids, Mich.—The democratic state
convention nominated Judge Allen C. Adsit
of Grand Rapids for justice of the supreme
court, and Elmer G. Goldsmith of Petoskey
and Edward Shields Howell for regents of tho
state university.
New York—J. P. Morgan & Co., Drexel &
Co. of Philadelphia and Morgan, Harjes &
Co. of Paris announce that George W. Per
kins, second vice president of the New York
Life Insurance company, has been admitted
to partnership in their firms in New York,
Philadelphia and Paris. He will be directly
connected with the New York house.
Topeka. Kan. —Several months ago Mrs.
Carrie Nation, in a street speech, stated that
Samuel Griffin, county attorney of Barber
county, was granting the saloonkeepers of
Kiowa immunity from prosecution for a
money consideration. Griffin sued Mrs. Na
tiou for damages, and the jury gave him a
verdict of ?1 and costs of suit. Mrs. Nation
has taken the case to the supreme court on
writ of error.
Royal Superstition*.
It is a curious fact that in this day of
enlightenment there are at least a dozen
rulers who are afraid to take a journey or
make any decision unless the court astrol
oger first reads the stars and finds them
propitious. The Khedive of Egypt, the
Shah of Persia, the Ameer of Afghanistan,
the Sultan of Morocco and many others
are on this list. When the khedive re
cently called Kitchener a poor fighter and
was reprimanded by an English officer, he
apologized by saying the stars said so.
It is simply lack of confidence in them
selves that makes these rulers try to shift
the responsibility. Self confidence conies
with good health, and good health comes
with drinking "Golden Grain Belt" beer,
for it is brewed from the purest barley
malt and hops. It is invigorating and re
freshing and should be in every home; if
out, telephone "The Brewery," Main 486.
What comfort is until you try Dr. Reed's
Cushion Shoes. Retail Parlor, 4 North
•Hh st, Kasote Block.
The well-known strengthening proper
ties of iron, combined with other tonics
and a most perfect nervine, are found in
Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the
nerves and body, and Improve the blood
and complexion.
More A||
Another opportunity, however, Is offered
in the
which has large holdlne of land in the
Antloch Oil District, within 40 miles of San
This company Is now drilling their first
well (down over 400 feet), and offer a lim
ited amount of stock at $1.50 per share. Par
value being $10. this Is equal to 15 cents for
ing more than Gold, Copper and Silver
Gold has made many millionaires in Cal
ifornia, yet oil Is destined to make still more.
Many oil stocks that first sold at $1.00 per
share have since sold at $25. some at $93,
some at $200 and in one case at Si 500
OIL INVESTMENTS are more safe and
profitable than the usual rim of business
open to small investors.
WORTH, and you may be In the same
nappy condition within a year from now if
you invest in the Clover Leaf Oil Company.
Buy stock now at $1.50 per share;
price will be advanced to $2.00
March 21st.
Write for information or make application
for stock and remittance for same to •
R. W. CLARK, Agent, Hudson, Ms.
Reference: First National Bank. Hudson.
Stockholm—August Strindberg, the poet,
and Harriet Bosse, the actress, are engaged
to be married.
Rio Janeiro —The government will publish
a decree Saturday announcing that the plague
has disappeared in the republic.
London—The statement of the Board of
Trade for February shows an increase ot
£2.009,600 in imports and a decrease of
£1i:,152,400 in exports.
London —The official program of the Duke
cf Cornwali and York's colonial visits gives
his arrival at Halifax Sept. 15. He will leave
Halifax Sept. 17. arriving at Quebec Sept. 2<h
and leaving there Oct. 17. He will arrive at
St. Johns Oct. 22, and leave there Oct. 25,
arriving at Portsmouth Nov. 1. The present
Intention of the duke appears to be to go to
Vancouver overland, between Sept. 2t) and
Oct. 11, possibly passing through the United
States on a part of the return journey.
To Sunshine and Flowers in Thirty
two Hours.
Leave Chicago Union Station 12 noon,
Tuesday or Friday, arrive Jacksonville
and St. Augustine, Florida, next, evening.
The Chicago and Florida Special goes
through from Chicago over the Pennsyl
vania Short Lines via Cincinnati. Atlanta
and Macon. Reservations and tickets may
be arranged for through H. R. Dering.
A. G. P. Agt., 24S South Clark St., Chi
cago, 111.
Experiments show that all classes of
foods may be completely digested by a
preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
which absolutely digests w£at you eat.
Time and Rates Redneed to Cali
Time shortened fourteen hours and
only $32.90 via the "North-Western Line"
to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other
California points. Tickets on sale Feb.
12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9,
16, 23 and 30. City Ticket Offices, 413
Nicollet ay, Minneapolis; 382 Robert st,
St. Paul.
Map of California free.

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