THURSDAY EVENING. MAKCH 7. 1901. YERXA Good times here. You will feel richer when you see our goods and prices. A few dollars go a great way here. 5 cents P«r caa for 200 cases of Austin Corn. 60c doz. 6 cents Per can for Winnebago Corn. This is a 10c grade, 70c doz. 6 cents Per seek for Rutabagas or Beets. 10 cents Per peck for Parsnips. 16 cents Lb for good Dairy Butter in jars. We have dairy butter at ISc and B*s. 14 cents Dozen for strictly fresh Eggs. Every egg fresh. • 63 cents For pail K. K. K. Norway Herring. 1& cents Lb for best Rolled Oats. "IV-2 cents Lb for good Evaporated Peaches. 3& cents For good California Prunes. 5 cents Lb for new Dates. 6 cents For pound package new California Figs. Coffee. Our Coffees come from the Blue Flame Gas Roaster to our counters, every hour of the day. „>. in purchasing of us you get your coffee warm, from the best Roaster in the world. Hoffman House £!■*»**.. 30c Compare it against any body s 45c. 8.L.1 Mocha and .lava At. HODdl flavor CIQ Compare It with any 35c coffee in the city. ; Santos and Golden Rio TBL Makes an excellent cup... 196 I Teas. A.1..H, ' English Breakfast. Cey- fin. UOIOllg) lon, Japan or the MinardoOUß I Alloerine Jld. 60c Meat Market. Salmon Steak, per lb 15c Halibut steak, per lb 15c Red Snapper, per lb 15c Pike, per lb 9c Pickerel, per lb 7c Smelts, per lb lie 1 White Fish, per lb He BICYCLES m * We sell the CRAWFORD and MONARCH likes: The best that ever came clown the pikes. H. S. CLEVELAND, 505 •Washington Avenue South. THE WEATHER The Predictions. Minnesota —Unsettled with probably rain Friday and in west portion to-night: warmer in northern portion to-night; vari able winds. Wisconsin —Fair to-night with j warmer in east portion: Friday partly cloudy with probably showers northwest portion; fresh southerly winds. lowa —, Fair to-night with warmer in west por- j tion; Friday partly cloudy with possibly i showers in west portion; fresh southerly ; winds. North and South Dakota —Rain or j possibly snow flurries to-night and Fri- j day; warmer in east portion to-night; colder in west portion Friday; variable winds. Montana —Rain or snow to-night; j Friday probably fair and colder; winds shifting to westerly. For Minneapolis and vicinity: Unset tled weather to-night and Friday, with ; rain Friday. Minimum Temperatures. Minneapolis 24 La Crosse 6 ; Davenport 24 St. Louis 32 I Port Arthur —10 Buffalo 12, Detroit 16 Sault Ste. Marie..—6 I Meniuette 8 Green Bay 14 ] Chicago 24 -Milwaukee 80: Duluth 14 Houghton — 2 Calgary 20 Edmonton 24 Kamloops 30 Medicine Hat 26 Mlnnedosa 4 Qu'Appelle 22 ! Winnipeg —12 Swift Current lt> : Kansas City ::4 Omaha 2S j Hufon S Moorhead 2; Bismarck 22 Williston 22 Memphis M Knoxville 20 Pittsburg 12 Cincinnati 24 Boston 8 New York 14 Washington 14 Charleston 28 Jacksonville 30 Montgomery 24 New Orleans 36 Shreveport 26 Galveston 46 Havre 28 Helena 20 Miles City M Rapid City 2*; Lander 22 Modena 28 North Platte 20 Denver 28 Dodge City 28 Oklahoma 30 Abilene 38 El Paso 44 Spokane :',4 Portland 44 Winnemucca 48 Los Angeles 46 San Francisco GO y^ SEND NO MONEY r"" IVUPwmT apolls. Return this ad. and we will KlQlEa "' send you Che steel range you may select Mg^f^g^fA,^ by freight C.0.D., subject to examina- ■ ■■»■■■■ uii'ti. You can examine it at your BnY \IrTSHM freight depot, and if you find it per- SnMjjiiißßlf. fectly satisfactory, exactly as repre- L?, at p. m.j The burial will be at Lakewood. Fire in a shack at Ninth avenue S and Twenty-second street, yesterday afternoon, broke u>i all the comforts of a wild, cowboy home, enjoyed by young America in that vicinity. The blase caught from an over heated stove. The police of St. Paul are planning to rid the Midway district Iv the near future of all the "blind pigs" that infest that locality. This was attempted some time ago, but the r>roprieu>rs were informed of the time of the raid and all the places were closed. Anna King, colored, living at 116 Second «treet S, drank carbolic acid mixed with lau 'Uiuuiu iast night. She was taken to the city hospital, where she died a few hours later. The woman came to Minneapolis four months ago from West Superior. Uespondeucy over a love affair was the cause of the deeed. R. McMillan & Co. have a contract from the John Gund Brewing company to erect a two-story • brick building at Seventh street and Cedar avenue. The store occupied by K. \Wbsling & Co., florists. 3C Fifth street S. will be torn down soon to make way for a tnree-atory office building. Luth Jaeger, receiver for the Scandia Bank, is unable to close up the estate because the creditors will not come in and get their cash. He is under bonds and is obliged to pay the company which insures him. Thei court yesterday cot the bond down. Many of the iieditors have gone to the Klondike. Maggie Wilson, employed in a restaurant at .'in' Hennepln avenue, attempted to create a sensation yesterday by simulating a car bolic acid suicide. A doctor was hastily summoned from the city hospital, but, much to bia disgust, he found that Maggie had im bibed nothing but aqua pura and her per formajue was only a little bluff. The Hennepin County Bar Association will give its annual dinner at the West Hotel, Saturday evening. March 16. Tickets must be secured before March 14 of, the ticket com mittee, which consists of C. S. Cairns, C. S. Albert, P. V. Brown, l>ouglas A. Ftske, Hugh V. Mercer, H. P. Roberta, James D. Shearer and John S. Steele. Home G. Brown, William H. Bennett and John M. Reese have charge of the arrangements. Preliminary steps looking to the organiza tion of a retail drug clerks" association were taken a few days ago. The clerks will in sist on 9 p. m. closing instead of 11:15, Mon day and Saturday nights, and 10:15 on the other nights of the week. They want the stores closed at 6 o'clock two nights of tbe weejt. All but two stores were willing to sign the y o'clock agree ment. Another attempt will be made to get them in line before the next meeting. The story of how Lelf Ericson and his little band of thirty-five Norsemen found this country, which they called Vinland, Is told in a series of pictures painted by A. Pederson and in words and music by Mr. Askeland. The pictures will be exhibited and the music will be sung by the Grieg Singing Society at Da nia hall to-morrow evening, "l.'ng Magnus" will be given by John Madsen, an excellent barytone. "The Holy City" by Miss Elsie Heiberg. and "The Pilgrim Chorus" from • Tannhauser" by .a large male choir. Brynhild O. Grotte. wife of Thomas O. Grotte, died of Brights disease at her home, 2325 Sixth street N. at 12:15 this morning, at the age of ti.. She and her husband came from Norway in 1870, settling in Minneapolis, where they have resided ever stnee. Besides her husband, she left her four children, Mrs. P. G. Anderson, O. T., O. J. and A. T. Grotte, who reside here. The deceased left a large circle of friends, who will sincerely mourn her departure. The funeral will be held at the Norwegian Lutheran church, corner Twenty-fourth avenue N and Sixth street, Sunday at _ a. m. OFFER LARGE PRIZES Cattle Breeders' Associations Help ing- the State Fair. The American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Association has decided to offer $300, in special premiums for Aberdeen-Angus cat tle at the Minnesota state fair this year. Secretary McFarlane of this association notifies Secretary Randall of the state fair that the division of the $300. will be into six premium classes of $14, $9, $6, $4, $3 and $2 each. Entries are divided as follows: Bulls, 3-year-old, 2-year-old, 1-year-old and un der 2, under one year. Cows, 3 years and over. Htifers, 2 years and under 3; one year and under 2: under 1 year. The announcement of the $4,000 prize list to be offered at this year's state fair by both American Short-Horn Breeders as sociation and thp American Hereford Breeders association is expected to be made from the offices of these associations at Springfield, 111., and Independence, Mo., respectively, in a few days. GEN. GORDON'S LECTURE Big House To-morrow Xlj?ht Because of His Unique Position. j Nothing appeals more strongly to pa ! triotic enthusiasm than to hear a brave i soldier who has fought valiantly, against a i country protesting his allegiance to that : nation. That is one reason why the lee ; tures of General John B. Gordon on vari i ous phases of the civil war are so popular. While concealing nothing of his devotion ! to the lost cause the general evinces the i warmest attachment to the preserved union. * That is partly why a large audience will ■ greet him when he delivers his new lee : ture on "The First Days. of the Confed i eracy," in the Institute of Arts and Let | ters' course at the Lyceum theater to-mor row night. The sale of seats is in progress at the i Metropolitan music store. SMALL ERROR. MUCH TROUBLE. When the new St. Paul city charter was adopted last spring it was recorded in the office of the register of deeds wUh the name of Lwis Betz contained therein as city con troller. The recount, however, gave McCardy the office by a small margin. It is said now that the charter will have to be recorded again to make it valid. The work of copying will occupy the time of one man for five weeks. POUR MOTORS TO A CAR. The Twin City Rapid Transit company will improve its service on the Selby avenue line, St. Paul, by equipping cars with four tweaty five horse power motors instead of two fifty horse power motors, siu-h as are now in use. The change will obviate the necessity of hav ing one dead wheel on each side. The new equipment for the Grand avenue line will be put in operation by May 1 at the latest. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the kind friends who contributed flowers and for their expressions of sympathy at the death of our sister, Mrs. A. W. Ayars. —Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vaughan. Great Inducements to First Pur chasers, Building sites at Hotel St. Louis will be offered without regard to value to first comers. '.'>/■, Positively the cheapest and prettiest lots on Lake Minnetonka. Moore Bros. & Saw yer, Agents, 311 Nicollet avenue THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. LOGS MAY BE STUCK Serious Consequences of River and Harbor Bill's Defeat. ONLY TWO EFFECTIVE DAMS Work of Controlling the Flood Water* of the Upper Mlnhlh itippi la Checked. Minneapolis is peculiarly interested In the defeat of the river and harbor bill in congress. That measure carried appropri ations aggregating some $300,000 or more for work in Minnesota, but the size of the appropriations by no means indicates the importance of the work which would have been done had the money been available this season, or, on the other hand, the risks and expense involved in the now cer tain detey in the completion of improve ments. The largest and most important appro priation was that for the completion of the rebuilding of the dams in the system of storage reservoirs at the headwaters of the Mississippi river. Planned and built as an aid to steamboat navigation, these reservoirs have developed a very import ant function as a regulator of the water supply for handling saw logs and furnish ing power. In fact the value of the com merce on the upper Mississippi (above Minneapolis) which is almost entirely con fined to the floating logs, is much larger than that on the stretches of river below the city. Within the past two years the city has had bitter experience with the crippling of the logging business through too much or too little water in the river. The losses have been heavy and the whole industry in Minneapolis has t>een serious ly impeded, throwing men out of employ ment and making its effects felt in vari ous other ways. The flouring industry has suffered when the water has been low; and recently the entire stree-t car system of the city was shut down because of the acant water supply. I'unciioii of Reservoirs. It Is the duty of the reservoir system to equalize the flow of the river. In time of flood the gates are shut at the dams and a large amount of water is held back. When the dry season comes the gates are opened and the water allowed to flow out so as to maintain a fairly even stage of water in the river. A few years ago the dams, which were built in the eighties, were found to be growing unsafe and the work of rebuilding was commenced. As usual congress failed to appropriate enough for the en tire work but gave out a driblet—about enough for one dam. The work was begun on the dam at the outlet of Lake Winni bigashish. This is os far completed that the new concrete dam will be in service this spring. But meanwhile the dam at Leech Lake gave out and those at. Pine River and Pokegama reservoirs were found to be in such condition as to make the im pounding of much water injudicious. Last season a cofferdam was built at Leech Lake and Major Lorkwood, the govern ment engineer in charge of this district, says he hopes, with the small balance re maining on hand, to so far commence the new dam as to preserve the work from de struction. But to attempt any control of the water will be impossible. A flood might do great damage to the work al ready done there. With Leech Lake reservoir out of the running, and Pine River and Pokegarna unable to carry their quota, the control of the flood waters this season will be left to Winnibigashish and Sandy Lake reservoirs—which means, of course, that but a fraction of the service will be avail able; or exactly the same conditions as prevailed last year. Under the circum stances the outlook for the lumbermen and millers, to say nothing of the steam boatmen, is not very bright. The house appropriation for the work on the dams was $300,000 which was cut down by the senate to $222,500. Surveys Will He Stopped. Another part of the work which will be stopped and which will cause loss to the government is the survey of the over flowed lands about the reservoirs. This work has been going on for several years past, the purpose being to determine dam ages and settle with the owners. But as the land is each year growing more valua ble and each year more settlers are taking up land —transferring claims from the state to the individual —the delay is likely to be very expensive to the government. Only about six months surveying remained to be done and all would have been com pleted easily this season had the bUI passed. Of the other work in this district, that on the Red river and Red Lake river will be also suspended. Its appropriation was $1,000. For St. Croix river there was an appropriation of $2,000 which will be cut off, of course. Perhaps the most disappointed people will be those at War Road on Lake of the Woods. They had succeeded In getting the senate to put in an item of $45,000 for the needed improvement of their harbor and of course the outcome leaves them high and dry—literally. Work on the lock and dam at Meeker Island is being done on the continuous appropriation plan and will, as stated yesterday, not be affected by the defeat of the bill. Sure Signs of Spring Several bunches of California asparagus, tender in fiber and true in flavor, were | placed on the Minneapolis market this morning. Although these bits of table deli- | cacy retail for $2.50 per dozen bunches, spring can now be counted present. During the winter months the commission men must for the greater part be content with the sale of oranges and lemons, for with that the taste and pocket book of the consumer are satisfied. But when the March zephyrs come it is differ ent. The "green stuff" must be had. Minneapolis hot houses contribute more or less of the small vegetables through the winter months. The Minneapolitan who nibbles at radishes, parsley and let tuce in the winter time may imagine that he is consuming the product of the gar dens of Louisiana. It is a nice thought, but the chances are that some Minneapolis hot house is responsible Pieplant, and a good article, too, is grown the year round in the big root eel- j lars of the local winter truck farmer. It is on the market now. Just now the tur- i nips we buy are coming from Louisiana, and the beets from Texas. Southern Illinois is contributing a cucumber without a cramp in a dozen. Some of the toma toes which are being sold at a luxurious price per pound come from Florida, but a great many of them are raised in Mexico. The March tomato has the distinction of being the only member of the 'green stuff" family that comes from a foreign clime. The home-grown celery is no longer on the market, and the Kalamazoo article will not be with us till later in the spring. In the meantime southern California is supplying us. The California product is a fine looker, and as the boy of the pave ment would say, sells "on Its shape." The fiber is more elastic than the eastern grown article, and now and then a stalk is found that reminds the consumer of | Peck's Bad Boy's father trying to eat macaroni. Most of the green onions come from California. This is high tide for California oranges, and the fruit is selling well. Straw berries show no disposition to associate with gallery prices. Onions in Great Demand The onion market is showing remarkable strength of late, and the statement, that onions are strong is applicable to the present situation in more ways than one. In the local market the early fall months saw good lots on sale in the com mission district at 45c to 50c a bushel, and as the winter came on prices hardened, running up over 50 per cent by gradual gains over a period of several months. After the first of the year these same grades passed the dollar mark. Some weeks later saw them quoted on a range of $1.15 to $1.25, and to-day there is further advance. Meanwhile the price differences as between Weathersfields. yellow, white of red Globes has been lost and all grades are now quoted at a uniform priie of $1.50. Ap parently there is no corner or any attempt at a corner, although without doubt a good many lots are held in firm hands by large dealers, who are believers in still higher prices. The situation appears to be entirely legitimate. The crop has been only fair, detaand is active and eastern markets are fully as strong relatively as the local market. Many jobbers and not a few retail buyers who were wise enough to take in good stocks in anticipation of higher prices are now shaking hands with themselves over their foresight. MR. BUSHNELL INSTALLED WESTMINSTER CHURCH'S PASTOR Dr. Henry A. HuMhnell Preuchei* the Sermon—4'harK'eti to Church him! People. The installation exercises of Rev. John E. Bushnell as pastor of 'Westminster church were held last evening in the pres ence of a large audience, composed of members of the congregation and people from other churches and denominations in the city. The music- was in charge of the organist, H. S. Woodruff, and consisted of anthems by the choir and the solo, 'Ashamed of Jesue," by Mrs. Porteous, which was sung with unusual effect. The sermon of the evening was preached by Dr. Henry A. Bushnell of the Congre gational church of La. Grange, 111., a brother of the new pastor. The ceremony proper was simple, consisting of a few questions to the pastor and to the people relative to the mutual acceptance of the obligations of pastor and congregation. Mr. Pressley then declared the pastoral relations established. The charge to the people was made by Dr. J.< B. Helwig and the charge to the people by Rev. John Far ies. Mr. Paries was a member of West minster for years, and took occasion to say many things to the people in regard to their duties to the new pastor as suggested by his experience with this church. The installation prayer was made by Rev. Charles Thayer, the pioneer Presbyterian church organizer of Minnesota. The new pastor delivered the benedic tion, and according to the custom of the church, the congregation went forward to give him a handshake of welcome. Some RemlulMßenseN. Apropos of the installation exercises of Dr. Bushnell a personal mention in the flies of the St. Anthony Express in the year 1859 Is interesting. It reads: "'Rev. Dr. Horace Bushnell, the distinguished New England divine, who arrived in St. Anthony in August, has remained in this vicinity for many months." Horace Bush nell was a cousin of the father of Dr. John E. Bushnell. In the same paper early in 1860 Is the account of a meeting called to decide upon a name for the two towns on the east and west sides of the river. The account reads in part: Key. Dr. Horace Bushnel! has been invited to be present at the meeting, and he said he never declined an invitation to a wee ding. The first thing that struck him with surprise on coming here was the rivalry and jealousy by which these two cities were nul lifying their influence. Just as a family, if James and John are always quarreling, the family influence is gone. With two towns made into one, there would be twenty times more influence. The present policy is a kill ing one. Make a park of Nicollet island after the union. If a new name is to be se lected, he would suggest Minneaout, or Min neanton. If neither of these suited, try Minneainhony. HAD A GOOD TIME Suns ninl Daughters of Ohio Meet at Board. The fourth annual banquet of the Sons and Daughters of Ohio at the Xicollet la-st evening was attended by 175 guests. The officers in charge of the affair were S. H. Towler. president: J. M. Bearnes, vice president; T. W. Forbes, secretary; O. B. Clark, treasurer. President Towler was assisted in receiving the guests by Mmes. T. J. Janney, J. S. Wilcox, D. G. Hertz, H. W. Benton, R. H. Patterson, W. B. Mc- Intyre, H. P Roberts, S H Towler, S. V. Morris. F. M. Joyce, P. V. Collins and J. H. Chesnut. The banquet followed the reception. Governor Van Sant spoke a "Welcome by a Sucker to tlfe Buckeye in the Land of the Gopher." He eulogized Ohio. Three toasts were drunk to the state of Ohio, Minne sota and Illinois, and one by the men to "the Women of Ohio." Charles Cairns spoke eloquently on "Ohio's Influence on the Nation"; John Day Smith on "The Sons-in-Law," and Professor A. N. Ozias on "Ohio Schools and Their Product." James Singer, ac companied by Mr. Xormingion. sang "The Old Brigade" and "They All Love Jack." and for an encore sang an Irish folk song. IMPORTANT PATENT DECISION The Minneapolis ThreNhing .Machine Company Wins Its Case. Judge Lochren has filed a decision in the United States circuit court in the case of Parsons and Rinlker vs. The Minneap olis Threshing Machine company, involv ing the automatic band cutter and feeder manufactured by the Minneapolis com pany, and which has been sold largely dur ing the past few years in connection with its threshing machines. The complainants are the owners of a patent issued to Otto Albert us and Martin Johnson In 1896, and it was claimed that the automatic band cutter and feeder manufactured by the Minneapolis company was a direct in fringement of the Albertus & Johnson pat ent. The decision of the court is in favor of the defendant. The court holds that the Albertus & Johnson patent is void for lack of patentability and that even if it were valid the Minneapolis machine is not an infringement. The case has been pending in court for a year and a half, and a large amount of testimony has been taken on both sides, the printed report occupying several volumes. The argument of the case lasted four days. John E. Stryker of St. Paul appeared as attorney for the plaintiff, and A. C. Paul for the defendant. NICOLLET AYE AGAIN Another Big Sale—This Time the Segelbaum Corner. BY LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Realty Care ami Improvement Com pany Buy* Off the Sesel banill Heir*. Thersonal services in holding in quests, serving subpoenas, viewing bodies and mileage It amounts to $174.23. The other bill for ?21 was turned in by the I deputy coroner for services while his su j perior was tending to other oases. It is ! to the small bill that the taxpayers par ticularly object. Coroner Williams is angry and says he »ill contest the case himself. TERRITORIAL PIONEERS. A meeting is being held this afternoon in ?t. Paul by the executive committee of the Territorial Pioneers' organization to deter mine the place of the next aauual meeting A committee on program will be appointed to-day. Governor Van Sant and other state officials will be a'feked to attend the annual meeting. The last oue was held on the state fair grounds in the log cabin. The annual meeting of the Old Settlers who date back of the Pioneers by several years, wllL be held in June ta the statehouse. Ther» are a very few poeple of the latter association left in the state. SAD NEWS CONFIRMED. A cablegram has been received by Professor H. Q. Stub of Luther seminary at Hamltne, wnich confirms the news of the death of his wife at Christiana, as intimated by a fare well cablegram received from her two weeks ago. The last cablegram which was received Monday stated that Mrs. Stub had died after an operation. She went to Norway two years ago for the betterment of her health and Professor Stub was about to give up his seminary work to take up his residence in Norway so as to be with her. FAST COLORED CARPETS -jcj i! B: ti" 9t If you are tired of buying Carpets that either ■ ''fifilsilSiw 'fflf "i i§S*>tef jfsb kl 'a°'o about * soon as laid, or soon set that >/..'|nE ffi*i He r Sfw^wß* 11 ! swept-la, dingy appearance which is so dismp- ' **^KSiiir&»*B i#^ss£r 1 • P°la"aX' let us recommend to you our PAST- ' ♦ip^ilKW' 1' I COLORED ACID- TESTED BRUSSELS and , T\ I^P^^^^^*i^ £wi ''LAKESIDE" Fast Colored **■"_■' ftll BaBI H'C; OJp ■f»)fi^^s^ Brussels Carptts, a border for every tinQ V»\iliilljii£^ IIISP^I^T^ "CORDOVA" Past Colored Brus- -m ■-^ -' rfti^^^^^^^ A .^^^ty^il- *'/S Carpet *' a border lor every £dC ■ JBBKjKBk?. > &s'£«&& " WINDSOR" Fast Colored Brus- ftl-^ M BH^~aeißißi^«H <><^iJi^ pau Carpets, a border . for every SPOO E^^^ ' "ROYAL WILTON VEL- gfk M am VET" Fast Colored Carpets, S%Bmm%mSi- 8^ erSJStyg^P* a border for every patteru... ■■«*^**' ( a// c2IZ!f h?,," a?J hat there has **M M o/ from 5 cwite to /0 cents per yard on ' wecln Pcnlf l nri^ t th HPaStS' x months < ™ a"> stlii selling our, at the old prices Whether another advance. *° "* <*fl/"" "*' bowever- We <*rtlaly cannot, should there be New England furniture & carpel Co. The One-Price complete Houseturnishers, FIFTH ST., SIXTH ST. ANO FIRST AY. S. AMUSEMENTS BIJIOW Bartley Campbeli's %2B%£%J%jf Masterpiece. A Play Siberia. Full of •JlUWllttt Exciting Matinee Saturday. Incident*; Next Week..... iiiwiucuiy, KlDg of the Oplum King LYCEUM FRIDAY EVENING, •UX.Vr.BsU I*l. MARCH 8. The Institute of Arts and Letters presents GEN. JOHN B. GORDON In his new lecture never before given la Minneapolis. THE FIRST DAYS OF THE CONFEDERACY. Seats now selling at Metropolitan Music Store. Prices 25c and 50c- LYCEUM L -K cott * Mar/nee and Evening, MARCH-9 Saturday ?.... MAHUH 9 *** DIRECT FROM EUROPEAN j£ \ .TRIUMPHS M sous a AND HIS BAND. Seats Selling at Lyceum Theatre. Good Weather to Buy Meats. Popular Prices Prevail at THE PROVISION CO. s9^, RAILROAD RUMBLES. BATES AIUS >IAINTAI\KD The Traffic World In Astonished at Its Own Uoodnessi. The strict maintenance of freight rates in northwestern territory, particularly in Minneapolis and St. Paul, continues to at tract the attention of the whole traffic world for the reason that the twin cities were for years the hotbed of rate cutting of every description. The big shippers who formerly got the best of the small fellows no matter how strict the observance of tariff might be, are dismayed, at the outlook. They are at last convinced that the "bankers' agreement," that is, the one drawn up by the financial interests of the various rail road properties, is a pretty stiff instru ment, and one that cannot be beat through sharp practices leveled against freight so licitors. The information come* from New York that there are no longer any long con ferences between traffic managers in the hope of discovering some means that will enable them to trust each other. No more sickening array of figures for commissions —figures that used to run into the millions of dollars—now confront the traffic man agers of the big roads. All is serene, and because of the small advances here and there in rates, and their strict mainte nance all along the line, it is estimated that earnings will increase in excess of $50,000,000 this year. MILWAUKEE GETS OUT Can't Stand Hate Cutting' in Kiiumii City Territory. The Milwaukee has withdrawn from the Western trunk line bureau owing to the alleged cutting of rates in the Kansas City territory. About a year ago the rail roads attempted to work a blind pool sys tem to regulate rates. Various commit tees were appointed, and things appeared to run smoothly for a while except at St. Paul. The Milwaukee is now con vinced, however, that something more ef fective than committees will have to be tried to prevent secret rate manipulation. Hill and the Burlington. New York, March 7. —There are occasional rumors wafted .about the street connecting James J. Hill with the Burlington. But i little credence is placed in these stories, as the Burlington is regarded as too big and too rich a corporation for Mr. Hill, or any other man, to easily take over. All sorts of rumors of combinations and consolida tions are heard, and just now it is the Bur lington's turn to be absorbed. Would Affect the Great Northern. Special to The Journal. Big Timber, Mont., Maich 7.—Well defined rumors are in circulation that in the spring the Montana Railroad company will extend its line from Harlowton to Billings, following a survey made, east of the Sweet Grass di vide, some years ago. The extension would pass through a magnificent stock country and would take from the Great Northern heavy shipments of cattle and sheep. Homeseekera Are Many. The Great Northern and Northern Pacific estimate that about l,tioo home seekers availed themselves of the low rates applying Tues day and Wednesday to make a trip to the west. The home seekers were mostly from trffe eastern, southeastern and middle states. Aew Depot at Spukane. Timothy Reardon of St. Paul will erect the three-story brick and Iron passenger depot at. Spokana. The building will cost $100,(hji>, and the contractor will commence work next Monday. The building will be completed by Oct. 1. Railroad Notes. The first boat for Cape Nome will sail April 2tj. The coast lines anticipate a good business, although nothing like that en joyed last season. The Milwaukee & St. Paul has withdrawn from the Kansas City committee of the western trunk line bureau as a result of the secret cutting of rates at Kansas City. The Chicago. Burlington & Quiney has let a contract amounting to $090,000 for build ing a cut-off on the main line between Red Oak and Villisca. lowa, which will reduce the distance between Omaha and Chicago by several miles. It is announced that forged passes to the value of thousands of dollars' have been floated on the Illinois Central railroad dur ing the last three months, and last night detectives descended upon a Clark street scalper? offlVe and arrested W. A. Stiueborn, the proprietor, and his clerk, Joseph Adler. The railway employes of nearly every east ern road have made application for an in crease in wages and the matter is being con sidered by the general managers. In 1892 nearly all roads made a 10 per cent out hi employes' wages with the understanding that the wages would be restored with the return of normal earnings. FOR GOVERNOR AND LEGISLATURE. Osman Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., St. Paul, will hold a ceremonial seseion Wednesday, March 13, in honor of Noble Samuel R. Vaa Sant and the legislature now in session. AMUSEMENTS Metropolitan IjSSSSSSi TO-NIGHT Matinee Saturday THOS. 0. SEABROOKE in the ROUNDERS. NEXT SUNDAY .- "ARIZONA?' DEWEY i Matinee Daily. theatre 'Evenings at 8:15. Tho Novlty Show, PRICES FREMOH "BEAUTIES" We BURLESQUE CO. 200 Fine Vaudeville Bill ! 3Oc guts' EBT THE REAL BIG show BnßlmLj&L i W ■ jolly BAjriF'B^gjrM GRASS widows wWit-IxLB&LS Secure Seats Now for T . this Attraction. North Star Dye Works K. F. WEITZ3SL, Proptletor. 7983 Ueanepln A.v«., Minneapolis. I . Telephone ©0»-». * Eyes Eraied \e Glasses fitted by an Expert Optician. Prices the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed. ABELES 243 Nicollet Avenue. Everything neat and clean. Food well cooked and served right. as GRILL DINING AND LUNCH ROOM. 308-310 First Aye So.. COMING TO THE DEWEY "The Jolly Gnum Wlilowo" Give M. High Class Show. Coming direct from New York, in their own chartered train, and bringing ' "with, them every appurtenance for one of the biggest and most enjoyable shows of the season, "The Jolly Grass Widows" will be at the Dewey theater next week. Manager Wittig has arranged the date at no small' inconvenience. "The Jolly Grass Widows" are a young show, But a great one. The company was organized two years ago, and' stepped at once to the top rank among burlesque organizations. It is brimful of all the fine points which go to make up a successful show. Its women are young, good looking and clad in dazzling cos tumes. Its comedians are bright and clever, with .no fossilized jokes or anti quated horseplay; its burlesques are well written and enjoyable, and its specialty performers among the best in the vaude ville field. ] Music, scenery and costumes are alike superb in newness and complete : ness, . and the show, in short, is all pro vided with every essential. . eTETTi* >k« Foor a PPetlte &§ OS S £ S I FDfk isthe resultof Myrjl ■■ ■ I Lff Van unhealthy | * CELEBRATED * V stomach. 1 us*. crnuAru' —. Flatulency W|^ and prevents ; ■ I 1 t"^ and Ague. jVEG-E-TON ! /^S^llssiPiff'n? Our Now Anae*" (! 1 trwm hW venting Pain. > JTew Methods for Treating Sensitive 7 i ■ -;.■ Teeth. "\, \ ' I ! While we make a specialty of Crown and V , Bridge Work .weulso giveparticular attention & i to the restoration of flabby and sunken \ i features by our artistic construction and \ i arrangement of artificial teeth. ;"- ' i i Modern methods in Crown and Bridge Work. ( i I * REASONABLE CHARGES. <\ i Examination and Consultation Free. [> i Dr. C,L O Sargeet] I: LADY ATTENDANT. 5 \ Syndicate Block. Nicollet Ay. J^,,. Examined BEST Artificial Sy»s. OPTIIUN, 409 «l»»!l«i ■•■ ■.•■>.,:i; '-■■■■:-. ■■,■.■■-' 7