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THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAfcf PKICE TWO CENTS. DIAZ SAID TO BE INSANE Rumors Regarding Mexican President. IS KEPT IN SECLUSION Report That He Is Dying From Poison Is Repeated. £$ HIS END SAID TO BE APPROACHING But Another Report Say* That He 1* Completely Restored to Health. I Maw York Sun Soaolml Servfcm. Mexico CHy, Mexico, March 13.—Rumors that President Diaz is insane have been rife In the city ever since the president hurriedly left the capital two months ago without giving any official notice of his departure. It is now pretty generally believed he was hurried out of the city by those close to him to keep from the public the fact that his mind was badly affected. To lull suspicion it was given out that he had gone to the wilds of the state Guerrero on a hunting trip. There were those who re marked that it was strange that the presi dent should go on a second hunting trip when he had but recently returned from one. * Shortly after the departure of the presi dential party for Guerrero it was whis pered that the president was not well. Then came the report that he was dan gerously ill, and a few days later it began to be whispered around the city that he w.ii insane. The president's malady takes the form of a great dread that some one is going to kill him, and he believes that assassins are hidden in his winter residence here, the castle of Chapultepec. f REPORT IS DIVIDED It In Said He Feels .Not the Slightest 1 Imposition. A* v York Sun Special Service Austin, Texas, March 13.—A dispatch from Cuernavaca, Mexico, says: President Diaz is much annoyed by the persistent reports in circulation in this country and the United States that he is ill. He has authorized the announce ment that he is simply taking an outing for the purpose of recuperating, and that he has been so greatly benefited since leaving the high altitude of the City of Mexico, a few weeks ago, that he does not feel the slightest indisposition. It is also authoritatively stated that the public business of the chief execu tive's department is conducted by Minister of Finance Jose Ives Limantour and that the report that there are several thousand official documents wailing the president's signature is erroneous. Mr. Limantour has full authority under the constitution to sign all such documents in the absence of the president, and he is doing so. DYING FROM POISON Mexican President Is Said to Be Near Death. •>>«•' York Sun StKicia? Service. El Paso. Texas, March 13. —According to reports received here and published in El Paso papers, both Spanish and Ameri- : can, the end of President Diaz of Mexic» Is approaching. a pro-Spanish paper says: The story of the slow poisoning of President Diaz is not only possible, but extremely probable, and that to the action of the poison are due the frequent attacks of delirium, with which the president has been affected for some time. These are also the identical symptoms which pre ceded the death by slow poisoning of General Luis Meyer y Teran. SEE THE NEGRO BURN Fully 5,000 People Watch a Lynch- ing at Corsicana, Tex. MURDERER OF MRS. YOUNGER HtiNiuexH Suspended in the Town While the Negro I* Burned at the Stake. Corsicana, Texas, March 13.—John Hen derson, colored, who brutally assaulted and murdered Mrs. Younger, a farmer's wife, living just outside this city, several days ago, was burned to death in the courthouse square here at noon. A writ ten confession, attested by Justice Rob erts, was secured from the prisoner. Five thousand people witnessed the burning. Henderson was captured yesterday near Hillsboro, after a long chase. He was trailed by bloodhounds from the Younger homestead. The officers started with him for Fort Worth. When the train reached Itaska, a party of Younger's friends overpowered the guards and hustled Henderson from the train. He was taken across the prairie forty-five miles, to Corsicana, where he was placed in jail, to prevent the infuriated citizens from tearing him to pieces. A committee was appointed to see him and to pass upon his guilt. He made a written confession that he had murdered an "unknown white lady three miles north of Corsicana, March 6." It was decided to burn the prisoner at the stake at 2 p. m.. but news was re ceived that troops had been started from Dallas, and the execution was hurried. A railroad rail was driven into the ground in the corner of the courthouse square. Boxes and dry timber were piled around it and saturated with oil. "Just before noon about forty men rushed from the Jail across the square. In their midst was Henderson, handcuffed. The men formed a circle to prevent the crowd from tearing him away. The negro was fastened to the rail with wire and chains. Cans of oil were emptied over his clothing, and dozens of lighted matches touched the inflammable material. The fire alarm was rung and the stores of the city were deserted as their occupants rushed to the square. Just as the pile was fired, Conway Younger, husband of the murdered woman, jumped at Henderson and. slashed him across the face with a knife. At no time did Henderson make any outcry other than an occasional groan. Spellman, Ga., March 13—The body of Sherman Harris, colored, was found to day swinging from a tree six miles from here. He was accused of killing Sidney King, a mercahnt, yesterday Senator Gamble has recommended the e« WON'T HURT THE LOGGERS Failure of the River and Har bor Bill. DAMAGE NOT SERIOUS Reservoirs Will Be as Effective as ,j Last Season. Rlo^ 'vS/^SE IN WASHINGTON Applications for i.. ./ Place* Will Mot Have Much of a Show. . From TTik Journal Bureau, Itootn 45, Tost Building, Washington. Washington, March 13. —The opinion of the engineers of the war department is not entirely in accord with the gloomy views taken in the northwest over the defeat of the river and harbor bill. In The Jour nal recently a local article was published pointing out the bad results which would ensue in the northwest by reason of the failure of the bill. The item of $300,000 for reservoir and other work near the headwaters of the Mississippi was espe cially in the mind of the writer of the ar ticle and it was pointed out that untold in jury was likely to be done the logging and milling interests of Minnesota. I laid the article before the army engineering de partment, and here is the substance of what I was told: Of course, it would have been much better, In our judgment, had the river and harbor bill passed, but its failure will probably not seriously embarrass any section of the coun try. In the northwest, for example, while there will be some delay in certain reservoir improvements, we think that published re ports greatly exaggerate the difficulty. Congress never has gone so long •without a river and harbor bill. The last one was passed two years ago. Another year will elapse, making a total of three, before an other one can be passed. But at the same time, the river improvements in the north west have not been stopped. There has been enough monay on hand to care for all of the really important work, the most of which has been under continuing contracts. So far as the survey of flooded lands is concerned, it would, of course, be a business proposition to complete it as soon as possible, but the delay for another twelve-month will not interfere with any legitimate develop ment of the territory affected. As for the old reservoirs, it would be well to have them replaced by new and permanent ones at an early date, but a delay of a year is not going to break anybody up in business or cause any serious annoyance. The logging next summer can be carried on just as well as last summer. The dams and reservoirs are In just as good condition now as they were then. So far as Leech lake is concerned, plans have been submitted to the department for a short coffer dam, which will make available new sluice ways. The logging at Leech lake will not be inter fered with in any serious way. Of course, this department has always advocated finishing the reservoir work promptly. It is cheaper than the old dilatory plan so frequently followed by congress, and is more business-like. But if congress pre fers to stick to its old plan, nobody can prevent it. The work will cost more and will be a longer time in being completed, but in the meantime there will be no whole sale destruction of property interests, or heavy financial loss to northwestern business men. Congress, without any question, will pass a river and harbor bill at the session be ginning next December. This will be the first, or long, session of the fifty-seventh congress. When it will adjourn nobody can tell, but it will probably not be un til June or July of 1902. Whether the river and harbor bill will be passed early or late in the session is also at present unknown. There is a good deal of talk now about passing the bill early, but probably this will amount to nothing, and the bill will be put through not before May or June of next year, and maybe it will be later than that. It is expected that the president, the secretary of war and the lieutenant gen eral commanding the army will get to gether this week and begin the work of se lecting the new officers provided for by the army re-organization law. There are about 600 places to be filled, and there are 7.000 applications on file. Two thousand of these applications are from officers now serving in the Philippines, and will be given first chance. The "home guard," therefore, does not seme to stand much of a show. Provided only one in ten of the volunteer officers passes the examination — which is an unusually low average—there will be enough of them to fill all of the 600 places. Adjutant General Corbin is a strong sup porter of the plan to give all of these new appointments to the men now in the Phil ippines, and the plan is said to be well thought of by both the president and the secretary of war. If the places are dis posed of in this way two good ends will have been achieved—the new appointees will serve to keep up the general tone of the army; and what is of equal importance the element of practical politics will have been eliminated. Of the 7,000 applicants now on file the great majority are strongly backed by senators and members of congress. The entire "home guard," which constitutes a vast majority of the number, is so backed. The war department has recived no word indicating that it is the intention of George T. Rice of Red Wing to come to Washing ton and lay before the department his grievance against General Mac Arthur. Word that Rice was enrote to Washing ton was first conveyed to General Corbin adjutant general by a Journal repre sentative to-day. "Should Mr.Rice come here asking an in vestigation," said General Corbin, "it will probably be granted him without delay. This will be only fair to both sides. The secretary of war will perhaps personally take hold of the case." It is not the understanding of the de partment, however, that Rice's case has any merit. Several confidential cable grams have passed between the department and General Mac Arthur regarding the matter, and the latter has distinctly said that there was no merit in Rice's claim. While the department is not prejudiced and is in position to do Rice full justice! it is easy to see that Rice will not be able to secure a revokal of the order ban ishing him from Manila unless the facts are in his favor. But at the same time he will be given every opportunity to be heard, and if the evidence warrants It, will be permitted to return to Manila! The entire case will rest with the secretary of war as full judge, subject to the ap proval of the president, who, not being able personally to give the matter atten- WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1901. Uncle Sam—Come, my dear, if he insists on violating bis marriage contract and brings that crea ture back, you can come right home to your Uncle. tion, will naturally accept the recom mendation of the secretary. There may be some friction between North and South Dakota senators over the location of the revenue collector's office in the new district. The North Dakota senators concede that South Dakota should, perhaps, have the office, but they want it at Aberdeen, where it would be convenient for North Dakota patrons. The South Dakota senators, on the other hand, are supposed to favor Sioux Falls, which has the only public building in the two states, and is well located so far as the South Dakota collections are con cerned. In addition, it is said, the treas ury department has indorsed Sioux Falls, but nothing will be done until all the interested senators have been brought to gether. The chances are said to favor Aberdeen. It is said that Herman Ellermann of Yankton, editor of a German newspaper, is Senator Gamble's candidate for col lector, and that D. B. Collins of Groton is Senator Kyle's. It is understood semiofficially that President Northrop will be appointed a member of the Louisiana purchase cen tennial commission. Representative Taw ney had word from the White House to day that Dr. Northrops name was on the list. It will not be announced, however, until President McKinley has 'selected the other eight members of the commis sion, which will be in a day or two. Under the law the commission must be appointed within thirty days after the ap proval of the act and must meet in St. Louis within thirty days after its ap pointment for the organization and to se lect the exposition site. Should the exposition be postponed un til 1904 or 1905, as now seems likely, President Northrop will be ahead of the game to the tune of about $2. r>,ooo. The government pays all the expenses of the commissioners, including railroad fares and hotel bills. Congressman Tawney called to-day on the secretary of the interior to ask that Professor Pinchot, chief of the division of forestry in the department of agriculture, be appointed to inspect the Indian reser vations in accordance with a law passed by the lasf congress. The secretary, how ever, said he already had selected a man for the place, and would announce his name in a short time. Mr. Tawney's call was in the interest of those who favor a national park in north ern Minnesota. The law appropriates $5,000, and provides that somebody shall be selected by the secretary of the in terior to inspect all the Indian reserva tions in the country, some sixty in num ber, and report to congress their exact conditions with reference to woodland and prairie, and whether they are better fitted for agricultural purposes or for forestry. This report ought to throw much light on the Minnesota park ques tion. The secretary of the interior tells Mr. Tawney that $5,000 is only enough to start the investigation. The work will extend over several years and congress will be asked to appropriate at least $15,000 more next winter. Commissioner Jones of the Indian office has been asked by Secretary Hitchcock to submit a list of the reser vations in the order in which he thinks they should be inspected, and it is under stood that the Minnesota reservations will come well up.toward the top, and if this is so, they may be visited this year. —W. W. Jermane. Waahington Small Talk. Director of Census Merriam returned from fhomasville, Ga., to-day. General Bragg of Wisconsin is visiting Ma jor G. P. Scriven, 1300 New Hampshire ave nue, this city. The speaker and Mrs. D. B. Henderson are now at nome iv lowa. Early in the sum mer they are to go to Europe for a trip oi three months. The controller of the currency has author ized the First National bank of Essex, lowa, to begin business with a capital of $25,000. A. Broodeen is president and N. C. Kelson cashier. Lieutenant O. H. Rask, of the marine rorps, has been ordered to duty at the barracks at ■the New York navy-yard. This is presum ably a preliminary step to his being sent to the Philippines late in the spring. The Washington Post says good-bye to Con gressman Heatwole and his family in these words: "Representative Heatwole and fam ily, of Minnesota, who have been at the Gordon for the winter, left for home yester day. Mrs. Heatwole and her attractive young daughter. Miss Archibald, have been prom inent and much-admired members of society, and made many warm friends in Washing ton." Orders have bene issued at the navy depart ment detaching Rear Admiral W. S. Schley from command of the South Atlantic station and ordering him home for further orders, and detaching Rear Admiral B. F. Cromwell from the command of the Portsmouth navy yard, April 1, and ordering him to command of the South Atlantic station. Rear Admiral J. J. Read will relieve Admiral Cromwell as commandant of the Portsmouth yard, April 15. Senator Platt, of Connecticut, acting chair man of the senate committee on Indian af fairs, has appointed the : subcommittee to make a tour of the Indian reservations. Sen ator Quarles, of Wisconsin, is chairman of the subcommittee, and he will be accompa nied by Senators Kyle and McCumber of the Dakotas, Jones of Arkansas and Rawllns of Utah. In June they will enter upon the tour of the reservations of the northwest, especially with a view to examining into the timber Question and matter* r-'^ias to In dian Education. NOT ROOM FOR BOTH. GEN. HAHN GETS IT He Is Named for a Place on the Tax Commission. HE SAYS HE WILL ACCEPT IT The Other Members, as Already An nounced, Are M«-*sr». < UiliU and Ives. Henry W. Childs of St. Paul, former attorney general. Gideon S. Ives of St. Peter, former lieu tenant governor. W. J. Hahn of Minneapolis former at torney general. The tax commislson has been named. The three gentlemen named above will constitute the commission to revise and codify the tax laws of Minnesota and report to the governor on or before Feb. 1, 1901. The selection was made at 1 o'clock to day by the three state officials authorized under the terms of the act to appoint the board. Owing to the absence of Attorney General Douglas last week, and Governor Van Sant's pressure of business, the three officials were unable to hold a meeting un til to-day. Under the act they were compelled to make the appointment within fifteen days, and to-day was the fifteenth day. The conference lasted about an hour. When it adjourned at 1 o'clock no announcement was made, as General Hahn had never signified his wililngness to serve. Shortly after 2 Attorney-General Douglas got him by telephone and he answered that he would accept. The three names were then formally an nounced. The selection of General Hahn was the only surprise of the three. The original slate announced by The Journal in cluded C. S. Jelley as the Minneapolis member of the commission. A strong fight was made by the friends of Judge G. D. Emery and E. M. Johnson, and the attorney general this morning presented the name of General Hahn as a com promise. Although the three members of the commission are all acceptable to the three appointive powers, it is understood that Ives was the personal choice of Governor Van Sant, and Childs was the first choice of Auditor Dunn. Childs was satisfactory to all three from the start, but in the large field of candidates it was difficult to select the other two. The members of the commission will appear at the capitol in a day or two to receive their appointments and prepare for work. Their salaries will be $3,000 each. General Hahn said this afternoon that he certainly would accept. "I do not wel come the extra labor that this apopint ment will impose upon me," said he, "nor am I influenced at all by the money con sideration. I shall simply follow out the established rule of my life, always to ac cept what of public duty is imposed upon me, on the ground that I owe it to my state. I should do the same in this case were there no emoluments connected with the position." General Hahn is universally regarded as being peculiarly well fitted for this work. He was county attorney of Wabasha coun ty for six years, was attorney general of the state for six years more, and has been one of the leading lawyers of Minneapolis, for all the years since. General Hahn, J. W. Arctander of Minneapolis and Judge Egan of St. Paul comprised the commis sion which in 1885 revised the penal code of the state. WILL BE CONTINUED Preliminary Examination in the Lei and Prison Case. Special to The Journal. Stlllwater, Minn., March 13.—Prelimi nary examination of the defendants in the conspiracy to release Convict Leland from prison has been set for 10 a. m. to-mor row. Both sides expect a continuance for a week, as the attorneys are not ready. Miss Ada Hubbell, the St. Paul woman, is expected to make a complete confession and throw herself on the mercy of the court. Buys a Hundred Cradles *-*u> York Sun Special Service. Rome, March 13.—The newspapers state that Queen Helena has ordered a hun dred cradles and a hundred sets :of baby clothes, one of ■ each to ■be given to every baby born the same day as hers. OLD SOLDIERS MEET National Commander Rassieur Ad dresses State Encampment. WANT SOLDIERS' HOME FINISHED The Committee on Legislation Mttkes Many Recommendations*—Tor rance for Commander. The members of the Grand Army en campment formed in front of the Metro politan hotel, St. Paul, about 9 o'clock this morning and marched to the audi torium, where the encampment was called to order at 10:45. Mayor Smith being sick, Past Department Commander Mc- Cardy made the address of welcome and Department Commander Ives responded. As quartermaster William Jones, es corted by Officer of the Day Beebee and Officer of the Guard Lyon, proceeded to the altar bearing the stars and stripes, the flag was saluted and one verse of "America" sung, after which Department Chaplain Stockdill invoked the divine blessing and the encampment was de clared open for business. Comrade Espy, chairman ef the commit tee on legislation, reported resolutions recommending an appropriation of $3,1>00 --to defray the expenses of the transfer of the battleflags of the state from the old to the new capitol; favoring the rehabili tation of the muster rolls of the Minne sota regiments serving in the civil war; favoring senate bill Xo. 655, known as "the soldiers' preferment employment bill"; favoring the bill making an appro priation for the burial of old soldiers who die at the home; favoring an appropria tion of $12,500 for finishing top floors and general repairing to the cottages and hos pital, end $15,000 for a new kitchen and dining-room. Commander ItaHsienr Arrives. Commander-in-Chief Leo Rassieur was escorted to the stage at 11:42 and was welcomed by Department Commander Ives. Thee cheers were heartily given. •lutlK't* Ives' Address. The address of the department com mander, after protesting against the an nually recurring mention of the declin ing years of the comrades, declares that the days of the order were not drawing to a close, but that it would continue to be a power in the land for many years to come. The loss during the year had been less than for any of the four preceding years. The receipts during the year have exceeded the expenditures by $90. This is the first time such a thing has happened in many years. The paragraph on Memorial day and Memorial Sunday was of unusual interest in that the comander warned the speakers at the schools on the Friday before Me morial day that it was not an occasion for telling funny stories or relating stories of personal prowess or bravery. In the chapter on the soldiers' home, the retiring comamndant. Captain McMillan, was high ly complimented. Attention was called to the change of pylace for the national encampment from Denver, Col., to Cleve land, recommending that this department take no action in relation to the protest of Colorado. The death of 193 during the year was mentioned and a tribute, to Com mander-in-chief, John P. Rea, one of the number, was :>aid. Ilnssiciir's Address. Commander-in-Chief Rassieur made a ringing speech congratulating the com rades on the creditable report made by the comander. He spoke of the removal of the national encampment and made the reason for it clear and satisfactory. He also made clear the "preference bill" be fore congress, the present law being in fa vor only of those soldiers "who were dis charged on acocunt of wounds or sick ness before their term of service expired." The new law proposed to extend preference to all honorably discharged soldiers who have passed the regular civil service ex aminations. Torrance for Commander-in-Chief. One of the subjects that came up this afternoon was an indorsement of Past De partment Commander Ell Torrance forcom mander-in-chief at the Cleveland encamp ment. THE W. R-. C. CONVENTION President 'Wilson Says Past Tear Hum Been "Most Prosperous. The Woman's Relief Corps held its an- -12 PAGES-FIVE OCLOCK. HARRISON IS ON THE VERY POINT OF DEATH The Ex-President Making a Desperate and Determined Struggle for Life. Doctors Say He Is Not Suffering-His Son and His Daughter Not Yet at His Bedside. Indianapolis, March 13.—A few minutes before 1 o'clock this afternoon the report came unofficially from the Harrison home that the general had sunk into a semi comatose condition, from which it was im possible to arouse him and that the only means by -which it could be determined if he were alive was by holding a mirror over the mouth and nostrils. Even by this means it was apparent only by the closest examination that respiration continued. All hope has-been abandoned for the re covery of General Benjamin Harrison, former president of the United States who .was prostrated last Thursday by pneu monia and intercostal neuralgia. Relatives and friends are now simply waiting for the end. At no time within the past forty eight hours have the physicians given hope. The most comfort that comes to the Harrison household is the assurances of the physicians that the general is not suffering. Bulletins, issued hourly, show that death cannot be far removed. The Bulletins. 3 a. m.—General Harrison is apparently resting without pain but remains uncon scious. 4 a. m.—The following bulletin was is sued: Since 1 a. m. the patient has weakened per ceptibly. He is manifesting great vitality but the heart is gradually showing the strain upon it. 6 a. m.—No material change in General Harrison's condition since 4 a. m. 8 a. m.—Since last report the patient has grown some weaker -with distinct evidences of failure of circulation. ■ —Dr. Henry Jameson. 10 a. m.—There has been no material change in General Harrison's condition since 8 o'clock. 11:30 a. m.—The patient is gradually sinking from exhaustion. Respiration somewhat easier, bur oiore rapid and shal low. Pulse feeble and rapid. —Henry Jameson, M. D. —F. O. Dorsey, M. D. 12:20 p. m.—There has been no material change in the condition of General Harri son within the last hour. 1 p. m.—No material change has been noted in the'condition of the general with ing the past hour. 2:30 p. m.—General Harrison is grad ually growing weaker. —Henry Jameson, M. D. Secretary Tibbott said the physicians were still able to count the respirations. I.uiik Anxious Vigil. At the home, in North Delaware street, of former President Benjamin Harrison last night was a long, anxious vigil at the bedside of the dying statesman. The gloom emanating from the sick room spread over the city, the state and the nation. * Thousands of telegrams, telephone calls and personal inquiries and expressions of grief and sympathy poured in, while in the streets before the newspaper and tele graph offices crowds watched anxiously for the hourly bulletins. In these bulletins there was no hope extended of recovery, and it was apparent after 8 a. m. that General Harrison was not expected by the physicians to live more than a few hours. Dre. Jameson and Doraey, the nurses, Mr. Tibbetts, the general"s secretary, his life-long friend and former law partner, W. H. Miller, and Mrs. Harrison were in the room throughout the night. Gradually Growing; Weaker. Bulletins issued by Dr. Jameson during nual state convention to-day at the Cen tral Park Methodist church, St. Paul, the president, Mrs. Flora H. Wilson of Red Wing, presiding. In her annual address she said the year had been the most pros perous in the corps' history. New corp3 were installed at Benson, Meade, Olivia and St. Paul; $1,648 were spent in cash re lief work, aiding 231 soldiers and 870 fam ilies of old soldiers. The total expended for supplies was over $4,200. The report urged the redistricting of the order, and also closer organization of the districts. The election will be held to-morrow morning. The leading candidate for presi dent is Mrs. Ade E. May of Stillvvater, who has Mrs. Keiter of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Mary E. Olymat of Mankato, for oppo nents. For senior vice president, Mrs. Agnes W. Savage of Osseo, and Mrs. Dine hat of Marshall, are mentioned, with the latter leading, it being in line of her pro motion from the office of junior vice pres ident. For junior vice president, Mrs. Starkweather of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Richardson of St. Paul, are the leading candidates. Reports favor the latter. For treasurer there is no opposition to Mrs. Soule of St. Paul, who has for three years favorably served the association. For delegate-at-large, Mrs. Herring of Lake Crystal, is in the lead. An informal reception was given at the Metropolitan hotel last evening by the W. R. C. BUTTER FOR PORTO RICO Government It* Extending Market for Dairy Products. Washington, March 13.— R. H. Pearson, as sistant chief of the dairy division of the bu reau of animal industry, department of agri culture, will leave In a few days for Porto Rico, to introduce American dairy products for extending our markets in the island. DUELL WILL RESIGN Commissioner of Patents Will Retire Very Soon. Washington, March 13.—Commissioner of Patents Charles H. Duell will resign soon. The commissioner will resume the practice of patent law. NO LICENSE AND NO LIBRARY. Special to The Journal. Winnebago City, .Minn., March 13.—N0 li cense carried yesterday by 11 majority and the same : village '.■ board - was " elected. The proposition to levy a tax for a public library and reading room was defeated. the night told but little of the hard, anx ious fight against d,eath. Each carried practically the same information as its predecessor, that the general was grad ually growing weaker. The most heroic treament was administered and that the sufferer was clinging to life with remark able tenacity. The oxygen treatment was administered regularly in the hope that breathing might be eased, relieving the affected portion of his lungs of the strain that deepened the inflammation, so that he might recuperate a little strength. While the oxygen did not bring results that were at any time encouraging, it enabled the general to prolong the fight. General Harrison gave no signs during the night that he recognized those about him or that he was suffering greatly. Children Not There. A deep gloom lay over tlie household because of the probability that neither Russeil B. Harrison nor Mrs. Mary Har rison McKee, the general's son and hia daughter, would be able to reach, his bed side before the end came. A telegram received, last night from the former stated that he would leave Washington at 1 o'clock this morning. This should bring him into this city about midnight to night. A message from Mrs. McKee at Sara toga, X. V., said that, she could not leave the bedside of her two children, who are seriously ill from the measles. Another* dispatch said that Mr. and Mrs. McKee would leave this afternoon, arriving to morrow noon. Mrs. >lorris on the Way. Mrs. Eaton, the sister of General Har rison, who lives in Cincinnati, arrived at noon to-day. Mrs. Morris, the sister who resides in Minneapolis, is expected to ar rive this evening. Mrs. Bevin of Ottum wa, lowa, the third sister, is supposed to be on her way here, although no word from her to that effect has been received. John Scott Harrison of Kansas City and Carter H. Harrison of Murfreesboro, Term., the general's brothers, are also on the way. Quacks on Hand. A large number of offers come from all sorts of quacks and cranks of remedies or systems of treatment. One wired that he was en route to Indianapolis at his own expense to administer hia treatment. Oxyjsen Treatment. The physicians resorted to the "oxy gen" treatment in an endeavor to furnish relief to the general of the constant pain and labor qf breathing with, which he contended. It consisted in supplying the lungs with pure oxygen. It was this treat ment which saved the life of Rudyard Kipling, when he suffered from pneu monia. Short Illness. I General Harrison was in perfect health last Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. He went down to the law office of Miller & Elani, where he remained for about an hour and a half, talking with several friends. He walked all the distance to get the benefit of the exercise. He returned from his afternoon walk without even feeling fatigue, and irf the evening went to one of the neighbors to make a short call. He then came back home, and after talking with his wife and playing with baby Elizabeth for an hour, retired early. Thursday morning he awakened with a pain in his chest, which at first was hardly noticeable, but later gradually grew worse until Mrs. Harrison became alarmed and the family physician, Dr. Henry Jameson, was summoned. He pronounced it simply a cold. Then the lungs became rapidly affected and the illness was complicated with in tercostal neuralgia. Saturday his condi tion was serious. Sunday the physicians began to have fears for the recovery of the patient. Since Monday morning his condition has gradually grown worse. TROUBLE FOR UTAH Federal Government Is Likely to Look Into Evans Bill. VIRTUALLY PERMITS POLYGAMY Even Some Mormons Are Urging the Governor to Veto the Measure. New York Sun Spoolal Service . Washington, March 13.—The action of the Utah legislature in passing the Evans bill, which virtually licenses the practice of polygamy and which ties the hands of the federal authorities. is exciting much comment in both . official and unofficial circles in Washington. The passage of the Evans bill has astonished everybody, and there is much speculation, as to what will be the action of the national gov ernment. Attorney General Griggs says that he has not looked into the subject, and con sequently is unable to give an opinion. Officials of the department of justice decline to talk about the action of the Utah legislature other than to say that it is too soon to know anything definite as to what course the federal government will pursue; that the matter will be in vestigated in due time and a fair decision arrived at. GOVERNOR MAY VETO Even Some .Mormons Think the Evans Bill Is Unwise. .Veto Tork Sun Spotfial Set-trie* Salt Lake, Utah, March 13. —Governor Wells is expected to veto the Evans polygamy bill. He has not committed himself publicly, but he is known to be lieve the measure unwise, and large num bers of business men, Mormons and non- Mormons, are urging him to exercise his veto power. Senator Kyle left for South Dakota to-day. W. S. Bowen of Yankton, Pettigrew's secre tary, and C. W. ' Stafford of Aberdeen, mes senger to Gamble's ■> house committee, have also started west. R. A. McDowell, Gambia's secretary, and Tomllnsou of Sioux Falls, -will jgo to-morrow.'