OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, August 03, 1901, Image 7

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

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Looking Into Garbage Plans —
Health Commissioner Hall left last night on
a ten days' trip in the ease. He will visit
Buffalo, Toronto and Montreal and make a
study of the health department methods in
each city, with particular reference to the
collection and distribution of garbage.
A Wlnonan'N Mishap—Fred Foskins,
whose home is in Winona, slipped and fell
on the stone steps in front of the Western
Union Telegraph office, at Hennepln avenue
and Third street yesterday, and cut a
great gash in the back of his head. He was
taken to the city hospital. His condition is
tot serious.
Charged With Shoplifting—Dora
Baum, a young woman of 20, who, it is
alleged, picked up a skirt in S. E. Olson's
store Thursday and quietly walked out with
it. only to be arrested upon reaching the
street, appeared in court this morning to
knswer the charge of shoplifting. Che pleaded
fiot guilty and will be tried to-morrow.
After the Optician*— Minneapolis will
probably make a bid for the next meeting of
the American Association of Opticians, which
holds its convention this year in Chicago.
C. A. Hoffman, who will be in attendance
from • this city, will probably carry the in
vitation of Minneapolis to the convention.
The opticians usually have an attendance of
600. Detroit had them last year.
Asphalt Patchers Here—The Barber
Mphalt Paving company's repair crew
Reached Minneapolis yesterday and will be
tngaged for the next week in improving
loiiditions on the streets un^er the control j
it that company. It is proposed to replace all
Jhe "corduroy" spots and repair all holes and
>ut the pavement generally in shipshape con
dition. Special efforts will be made to put in
X material that will not "buckle."
A New Secretary Chosen—The board j
Bf courthouse commissioners Thursday elect- !
ed Charles M. Hanson, an expert accountant,
to succeed the late C. P. Preston as secretary.
The salary of the position was reduced from
$75 to $50 per month. There were several
candidates ror the place, including Mrs. C. P.
Preston, C. J. Minor, Frank Forbes, Walter
L. Sawyer, Fred Barney and Fred S. Lyons.
The Howers Funeral— The funeral of
toe late C. A. Kogers. city ticket agent of the
Milwaukee road, was held to-day. The casket !
vas taken from the residence, 917 Chicago I
avenue, at S:3o a. in., and services were held :
at St. Charles' church. Third street and Thir- i
teenth avenue S, at 9 o'clock. Pall bearers |
■were local representatives of the Chicago- i
Minneapolis lines. The interment will be at !
Prairie dv Chien.
WorkiiiK for Minneapolis— Bishop I.
W. Joyce, who jias just returned from the
fifth annual convention of the Epworth
League at San Francisco, believes that if Uic
choice of meeting place had been' submitted
to vote of the convention Minneapolis would
have received the award. A committee of five
will decide upon the convention city. Bishop
Joyce will attend the meeting in Chicago and
urge the claims of Minneapolis.
Biir Lumber Shipmeiitit—The July
record fcr lumber shipments by Minneapolis
manufacturers ha» been unsurpassed this
year. Had it not been for the torrid
weather, the hopes of the shippers for a
record breaker would have been realized
Since July 24, 744 cars of pine have been
shipped from Minneapolis, making the total
shipments for the month 43,i>35,000 feet, In
the July records, last montn rank's second
being surpassed in 1899, waen the shipments
lor July were 53,070,000, when there was a
Dig building boom in the northwest
80, Fatally Maneied-ciaud Sargent
who lives with his parents at 2116 Cedar
avenue, met death beneath the wheels of a
Milwaukee freight train, near the Monarch
elevator, at Twenty-sixth street S, Thurs
day afternoon. The boy, who is 17 veara
old and is employed by the Twin City Iron
\\orks. attempted to board the train at the
crossing and slipping, fell onto the tracks
Both iegs were horribly mangled and were
amputated a few hours later at St Barna
bas hospital. He died about 9 o'clock last
Chance for a Draught aman- The
civil service commission will hold examina
tions Aug. 20-21 for topographic and me
chanical draughtsmeu seeking a place in the
office of the chief of engineers. The age
limit is 20 years and the salary is SI 000.
Letter writing, first grade, counts ten points
arithmetic, second grade, twenty; topograph
ical drawing and lettering, thirty-five- me
chanical drawing, right line work, thirty
five. Blanks may be had by addressing the
commission's office at Washington
Stands for the Kniht»- B ishop John
Jansen of Belleville, 111., does not want the
Knights of Columbus established in his dio
cese. An . order has been issued prohibiting
the organizations of any councils under the
auspices or his priests. In Minneapolis and
Vn!^hf i? eass, forty of tne clerSy are
knights. Father Cleary, who was one of the
organizers of the Minneapolis council, with
200 members, its spiritual adviser for a year,
fh d 11^ adver of the state council, believes
that it is a dignified body
Sporty Policemen — The g t ' Paul
police want to meet the Minneapolis biuecoats
at baseball and will have their desire satisfied
w Pi P« r arrai)Sements c»n be made The
local officers yesterday received a letter from
Lieutenant William Hanft, of the St PaS
force asking that a ecn.m Wee be named by
the flour city coppers to confer with a com
mittee from St. Paul regarding a game and
an v answer was sent to-day that a!i It
Paul had to do was to name the date and
|> lac and Minneapolis would be on hand
to fix the program. The game will probabMr
be played during the coming week 7
Insurance Men Bound Over- Frank
H. Page, F. M. Guiwitz and F. N Robinson
appeared before Judge Holt in mun cilal
court this morning and pl«raded not^uUty to
aws \vft c h 0 tfh ViOlating the *ate lgsirancS
Jaws. \\nh the consent of the couiUv at
torney the men were releaso^upon their own
recognizance after being hHcT to t he °nd
Jury, which meets Aug. 12. The trio are w?ll
known local Insurance men and he off'nsi
with which they ..re charged U sorting tor
the United Endowment Society of America
a corporation which has been debarred? ££*n
doing business in this state. Insurant Co?<f
Bissicner Dearth was present at the hearing
died at the residence of Frank CaniDborr
CottagewoodLake Minnetonka, Thursday at
the age of SS years. Mrs. Tarbox was born
In Stockbridge. Ct., in 1812. Twem yea™
ago she moved from Toledo, Ohio to St
Paul, where she lived with a son, Jasper B
Tarbox who survives her. For several years
before her death Mrs. Tarbox lived with her
daughter Mrs. Merrill. 3WS East Twenty-sixth
street Minneapolis. Funeral services were
Xmetery mOrmng at the eha Pel at Oakland
Mns.- MARY G. NEEDHAM died
Thursday at the Northwestern hospital a: tb«
age of 62. The funeral took place from
day at "°n & m Landr und,f r'aki°S rooms t£
?.?£„ v"v p * Copenhagen and Water
town, N. V., papers please copy.
46 years, d6d Thursday at the home of he
daughter, ,Mrs- R. Ramsden, 219 Oak street
a%-l heth" ner?! *" heW f™m tha? address
Hillsidl afternoon. Interment was It
Detroit Free Press
A pathetic incident of ian ungraded
crossing accident out in the northeastern
end of the city was the tragic death of a
dog, which, before it could utter the
faintest wail of protest, was caught under
the grinding wheels of the locomotive an 3
crushed to a shapeless mass. There were
many expressions of pity for the fate of
the poor dumb brute, and one sympa
thetlc_woman had been almost moved to
call the coroner, when a heavily built
man advanced to the body of the animal
and proceeded to make a critical exam
ination. • • .
"Good, kind man," said one of the
women bystanders, "perhaps he's going to
give the poor thing a respectable burial "
Suddenly the man shocked the sensi
bilities of the spectators by whipping out
his knife and cutting the collar from the
dogs neck. The ftrst presumption was
that he was the owner of the deceased
dog, and that he wanted to save the tag
for another dog, but he disabused this
speculation by remarking as b.e walked
"Well, I'm certainly a lucky cuss
Things comes to me just like finding 'em
I wa« goin' down to the license collector
to-morrer to buy a tag'fer me dawg an'
now I've got one fer nuttin'."
Sentiment had no part in that man's
"I suppose if you had your way," said
the temperance man, "you'd abolish
water altogether."
"Not at all," replied* the candid saloon
keeper; "there wouldn't be much profit
in whisky if we couldn't get any water
to put in if
Local Railroad Officials Will Not
Credit Chicago Reports.
However, Long Line* Still Have the
Rate Club and Redaction gl
There wll be no modification of the
speed agreement between the Minne
apolis-Chicago roads. The present time
of fourteen hours, which Has been the
time of the Chicago short lines for fif
teen years, will remain the same.
A story wafted from Chicago this
morning is to the effect that the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul considered the
speed agreement which has existed for
some time as practically abrogated, and
that upon the completion of improvements
on its river division,' costing about
$6,000,000 the Milwaukee would make the
run between the twin cities and Chicago
in ten hours.
The Report Not Accepted.
f there is anything in the rumor the
officials of ten other Chicago lines have
not heard of it, neither do they belieVe
President A. B. Stockney of the Chi
cago Great Western declined to be in
teiviewed "on a supposition." He would
not say what the Great Western would do
if the Milwaukee announced a ten-hour
schedule. He did say, however, that he
did not regard the Great Western as "a
long line." When asked if tnere was any
truth in the story, he replied, "evidently
W. A. Scott, general manager of the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha,
said he had heard nothing of a disposi
tion on the part of the Milwaukee to ab
rogate the speed agreement. "I can't
; furnish any information on the subejet,"
> said he. "because I know nothing about
; it. I am inclined to discredit the story.
; There is really no necessity for reducing
i the time. People can leave here in the
! evening, get a good night's rest, have
; breakfast in the dining car 1 and arrive
iin Chicago before business hours. What
more can they expect? I think a vote
, of the traveling public would be against
i reducing the speed limit. A fourteen
j hour run is fast enough, not only for
I safety, but comfort in riding. I cannot
; see that anything would be gained by
i shortening the time."
Judge J. A. Chandler of the Milwaukee
was not Inclined to discuss the matter*.
He said there was no doubt but that his
road could make the run in ten hours,
but he know nothing of the intentions of
the management. "If the speed limit
were to be reduced by the short lines,"
said he, "the long lines would cut the
rate, and there would be all kinds of
A. B. Cutts, general passenger agent
of the Minneapolis & St. Louis said he
did not believe the Milwaukee contem
plated any such move, as there was no
necessity for it. The present time ap
peared to be satisfactory to the traveling
public. People bound for Chicago reach
that city at 9:30 in the morning, a most
favorable hour for seeing business men.
Held From St. Cliurlew* Catholic
Church—Beautiful Floral Tributes
The funeral services for the late C. A.
Rogers, city ticket agent of the Milwaukee
road, were held this morning at 9 o'clock
at St. Charles church. Mass was cele
brated by Rev. Father Arctander. The
sermon was preached by Rev. Father
Don.ehey, pastor of St. Stephen's church,
at the request of Rev. Father Cleary.
The pall beafers were V. C. Russell, J.
F. McElroy, V. D. Lewis and J. A. O'Brien.
The floral tributes were beautiful and
elaborate. Among the many beautiful de
signs the following were conspicuous: A
seal and stamp of asters, roses, carnations
and lilies from the Northwestern Travel
ing Passenger "Agents' Association; a
large wreath of liHes on an easel pre
"sente by the traffic department association
of Minneapolis; a pillof of lilies and
roses from William Donaldson & Com
pany and A. W. Hofpock; a wreath from
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Conley; a pillow and
wreath of roses and lilies-of-the-~calley
from Lake City friends; a spray fr,om
J. M. Batcholder,- superintendent of the
Chicago division of the Baltimore &
Ohio railroad; a spray of red and white
roses and ferns over seven feet long from
the passenger department of the Mil
waukee road at Chicago, 111.; a spray
from Olaf Ofl Searle; a wreath of lilies
and roses from the ticket agents of St.
Paul; spray and pillow from the Min
neapolis terminal freight committee; pil
low of white lilies and roses from the
Minneapolis ticket agents; and a wreath
of pink and white roses from the*Moderin
Woodmen of America lodge No. 445 of
The remains will be taken to Prairie
dv Chic%, Wis., for interment. The fun
eral train will leave hte Milwaukee de
pot at 7:30 to-morrow morning.
A Saloon Theater Owner Nominally
Obeys the Ordinance.
First street S is to have its theater,
despite the early objection of Building
Inspector 1 Houghton. Yseterday Peter
Blair was granted a permit to erect a
theater building at 16 First street S, and
It is understood that building operations
| will begin immediately. Blair was turned
j down no less than ten times by the build
ing inspector, but he persisted and finally
made has plans to comply with the or
dinances, and then there no longer" re
mained any ground for objections.
The new theater will be located in the
rear of the present building on that lot,
and it is said the intention is to run it
In connection with a saloorf. To head
i off any possible objections to the, grant
ing of a license to a saloon anex, the
building will be so arranged that there
will be no direct communication with the
theater in the rear. The front of the
theater and the rear of the saloon will
open on an open court. In this way all
conflict with the ordinarces is obviated
and at the same time the saloon will
catch the crowd coming and going and
get the full benefit of the stimulant to
trade afforded by the proximity of the
theater. The new building will be but
: one story in height, without the usual
t gallery tnd boxes, and will cost $2,000.
! Colored Churches of the Cities Hold
Union Meeting;* at Midway.
The third annual campmeetlng of the
colored churches of the twin cities will
begin to-morrow at Raymond and Uni
versity avenges. The services will close
Aug. 19 with a "feast in the wilderness."
The chief attraction of the meetings
will be the Metropolitan Jjibilee Singers
of Chicago, who have jusf closed an en
gagement at the Devils Lake, N. D.,
Chatauqua assembly. They will sing at
every evening service and several times
on Sunday. No admission fee will be
charged at the gate on week days.
Several good speakers will be present
during the season, one of whom is the
evangelist of the lowa conference.
Detroit Journal.
"A young Pittsburg millionaire has just
married a ballet girl after only two days'
"That's one beauty about courting bal
let girls. You see so much of them in
such a brief time."
Detroit Journal.
Once upon a time the fates endowed
a certain people with a sense of humor.
Eventually the people became aware
of this, and their mortification therefore
was very great.
"For how," exclaimed they, "are we
ever to become a world power now?"
Of course, patriotism might still be I
taught in the schools.
As a Result, Henry Bragdon Be-
comes Violently Insane.
His Malady Returned After a
Woman Had Given His Head a
Playful Blow.
A slight blow on the head, playfully
given by a woman friend caused the re
turn of insanity to Willard Henry Brag
don, of Minneapolis. Bragdon is now in
the county jail at St. Paul. He com
plains of a great pain in the head.
Bragdon was taken form the saloon of
L. S. Hutchings, 123 Eighth street E, St.
Paul, this morning. While in the saloon
he threw chairs and tables around and
partly tore down a partition. His "an
tics," as he termed them, were committed
in a spirit of fun.
"When I was a boy there wasn't a husk
ing bee to which I was not invited to
come and act the clown," he explained.
Last evening, in Hutchings' saloon, a
woman, who passed Bhagdon tapped him
lightly on the head, in a playful man
Bragdon did not notice the blow, and
felt nothing until this morning, when he
complained of a pain. He began to talk
irrationally and finally went to the sa
loon, where he was arrested.
Bragdon, until recently, has been liv
ing with his mother in Minneapolis..
His mather left for a visit and Bragdon
came to St. Paul and lived with friends
at 145 Eighth street E.
Six months ago the man was released
from the St. Peter asylum, where he has
been treated for fiften months. He was
reported entirely cured.
Police Surgeon Richeson ordered him
removed to the county ja^l, pending the
filing of information.
A Letter in the Commercial West on
the Effect* of Defor
estation, i
This week's Commercial West publishes
a letter from J. Sterling Morton upholding
his theory that deforestation causes
drought. Mr. Morton has done more than
anyone else in this country to stimulate
a sentiment against forest destruction,
and in favor of tree planting. He was the
founder of "Arbor Day," and at his own
home at "Arbor Lodge," he set a prac
tical example to his countrymen of the
benefits of tree planting. Largely through
his teaching and influence, Nebraska is far
ahead of every other state in the union
in arboriculture. While secretary of ag
riculture, during President Cleveland's
second administration, he accomplished a
vast deal in the interests of national for
estry. Lately in his paper, "The Con
servative," he ha*, been advocating that
thirty-three feet off every sixty-six feet
in-width country road in Nebraska be
either sold to increase the road fund or
be planted in maple, elm and ash trees,
to be an endowment to the state, by which
other endowments would sink into insig
nificance. Mr. Morton's letter follows:
"The deforestation of the eastern and
middle western states is undoubtedly one
of the primary causes of long and intense
doughts, and, likewise, of the torrential
rain storms, which follow them and do so
much damage to the agriculture, commerce
and manufacture of the country.
The denudation of the hillsides and the
mountains of Pennsylvania and West Vir
ginia has had very much to do with the
destruction of lands lying at the base of
mountain ranges. In fact, some entire
valleys have been made infertile by the
erosion of unimpeded waters rushing down
the treeless mountain sides.
In a state of nature, the mountain sides
and in fact all heavily wooded lands, have
a covering of leaf mold, running from six
to twenty-four inches in depth. This
leaf mold catches and holJs down-pouring
rains. It operates as a great sponge for
the absorbing and holding of precipitation.
It permits the stored waters to ooze out
slowly and thus forms little springs and
But the same areas, denuded of trees,
permit the water to escape in torrents
as it descends, and thus we have the con
stantly increasing disasters from high
water along the Ohio and other western
Only by Mere Chance Was a Whole-
Hale Delivery Prevented La«t
Thre prisoners broke the guardhouse at
Fort Snelling last night and are now at
large. The delivery took place at 8 o'clock
as the garrison was lined up for parade,
prior to the departure of Co. C for Fort
The escaped men are Privates Ottlie,
Ashton and Rooks. Only by merest
chance were all the other prisoners in the
guardhouse stopped.
Sergeant Manly and oCrporal Rath were
in charge of the prisoners. Rath was sup
posed to be stationed at the cell door to
attend to any wants of the prisoners.
Manly was to be within call. Rath was
not at his post, neither was Manly. The
latter is said to have neglected to close
the cell door. No one saw the direction
the fugitives took, and no clue has been
The panel of a door was found to be
gone when the troops returned from
parade after the departure of the com
pany arriving just in time to head off the
remainder of the prisoners from excaping.
Ottlie and Ashton are known as desperate
characters. Last spring they made an at
tempt to escape, and were tracked to the
bottoms near the boom of the St. Paul
Log & Boom Co.
Rooks is also a man with a bad record.
All three men were serving four year sen
Manly and Rath have been placed under
Humane Society Office™ Will Wntoh
Game Warden Fullerton.
The threat of Game Warden Fullerton
to kill dogs found with hunting parties
out of season has aroused the hunters and
has likewise attracted the attention of
the humane society officials. John Day
Smith, who is the legal adviser of the
local society, considers such reprisal as
unnecessarily harsh and doubts Mr. Ful
lerton's right to kill the dogs, but will
not question his authority until he has
examined the latest amendments to the
game law. He says that if there is no
specific authority given to the game war
den to kill huting dogs he will earnestly
urge the humane societies, state and local,
to interfere. That fine hunting dogs should
be made to suffer for sins committed by
their owners seems to be be wholly un
To-day it is reported that Mr. Fullerton
qualifies his announcement by restricting
the death penalty to hounds used for run
ning deer.
Tenaeiiee- Man Taken From Court
• and Lynched.
Smithville, Term., Aug. 3.—Charles
Davis, on trial for criminal assault, was
taken from the court to-day and lynched
by a mob composed of friends and rela
tives of the girl in the case. Davis tried
to lump from the second story window,
but was captured. The sheriff, a deputy'
ja constable and the defendant's father
wounded in a clash with the mob.
Governor of Tennessee Asks That
Willis Be Held.
WIIHh' Attorney Will Now Woliably
1 like Up the Cn»e With Gov
ernor Van Sant.
John Willis, alias "Hal" Dillon, who is
being held here upon a request of the au
thorities of Tennessee, was produced in
court yesterday in response to the
habeas corpus proceedings instituted by
his attorney, T. J. Hutchinson, and after
Assistant County Attorney Al J. Smith
had admitted that there was no evidence
upon which he could be held, Judge
Brooks directed his release.
But local police officers were present,
and one of them lost no time in stepping
to the front with a warrant issued by the
municipal court, charging Willis with be
ing a fugitive from justice. Willis was
taken back to the central station and his
attorney sought out Judge Holt and ar
ranged for an arraignment in the after
noon, the arrangements being agreed to
by the county attorney's office.
In this manner the local authorities ex
pect to hold the man long enough to give
the Tennessee sheriff time to get here.
Gov. McMillan Heard From.
County Attorney Boardman, early in
the day, received a letter from Governor 1
| Van Sant, announcing the receipt by the
governor of a , telegram from Governor
j McMillan of Tennessee stating that a
j requisition had been issued for the deten
tion of Willis, or Dillon, and giving the
i latter a deputation as a "thorough crim
j inal." Governor Van Sant expressed the
I hope that the county attorney would take
• special precaution to charge Dillon with
\ being a fugitive from justice and thus
prevent his escape until the southern
officers could arrive with the requisition.
HutQhinson now declares that he will
cease trying to fight the case in the courts,
and will take it up with the governor
when the latter is asked to grant the
requisition. However, there is very lit
tle encouragement for Willis to be ex
pected from the governor, inasmuch as it
is practically conceded that he is the
man desired and that he is under a fif
teen-year sentence in Tennessee.
It is said that the girl in the case is
still loyal to the prisoner, and that she
has sent him money since his arrival in
j this state. Since Willis* sentence by the
! Tennessee courts the girl has quit her
! home and declares that she will marry
him just as soon as she can.
He Says Many Wonderful Cures
Have Been Wronght-Trip of
Minneapolis Pilgrims.
Rev. Father August Vanden Heuvel of
St. Anne's parish is the only one of the
big party which left the twin cities July
21 to make a pilgrimage to tb^e shrine
of St. Anne de Beaupre, who has returned
thus far. The other pilgrims are dis
persed all over eastern Canada, where
they will visit with former friends for
the remainder of the month.
Father Vanden Heuvel says that the
number of visitor's to the shrine is very
great. He saw no cures effected, but he
made a stop of only about a day and a
half. None occurred in that time, how
ever. He believes in the pilgrimage, for
the accounts of marvelous cures wrought
at the shrine are so numerous and so
well attested that no one can doubt them.
The week before his arrival, he says, a
little child, helpless from paralysis, was
entirely cured.
The immense piles of ciaitches, canes,
etc., stacked on both sides of the door
of the church testify more eloquently than
words to the healing power at the shrine.
The party from the twin cities had a
very pleasant trip. The weather was in
sufferably hot when the party left here,
but after the train got up in the upper
peninsula of Michigan the temperature
moderated and from then on the ride
was delightful. At the Soo other pilgrims
joined the party and a special train was
provided, and carried all through to St.
Anne de Beaupre, stopping neither at
Montreal nor Quebec, except as the train
schedule required, and arriving on Tues
day evening. Father Vanden Heuvel con
ducted mass in the church Wednesday
and Thursday mornings, leaving the lat
ter day for a short visit to Quebec and
$62,000 FOR HIS SEAT
Local Grain Man Elected Member of
New York Stock Exchange.
George C. Bagley, the well known grain
man and bank director, was yesterday
elected a member of the New York stock
exchange. There are not more than half
a dozen members of the stock exchange in
the twin cities at this time. The reasons
for this are that the requirements as to
financial standing are very strict, and that
memberships are held at a high price.
Mr. Bagley is said to have paid $62,000
for his seat. During the late activity in
stocks, memberships sold at over $65,000.
Mr. Bagley is one of the members of the
new grain and stock commission house of
Whallon, Case & Co., that opened its of
fices for business to-day at No. 18, Cham
ber of Commerce building. J. F. Whal
lon, who has been in the Minneapolis grain
trade for twenty years will be manager.
The other members are George P. and
Charles M. Case, also known for years in
local grain circles. The new firm has
memberships in the Minneapolis Chamber
of Commerce, Chicago Board of Trade,
Chicago stock exchange and New York
stock exchange, and will operate direct
private wires to all markets.
Starting wtth strong financial backing,
and covering a wide field, the new firm will
undoubtedly take a place of prominence
among the brokerage houses of the north
Local Business Men Want It for a
• Fair Week Attraction.
There is a movement on foot among
local business men to secure Banda Rossa
for fair week. The plan is to use thia
famous band as one of the Minneapolis
attractions. In case the plan is successful
the concerts may be given in the exposi
tion buildl ng. Business men think the
band would be greatly appreciated by
country visitors.
Indianapolis News.
"They tell me that Boston has the most
polite man in the country," said a mer
chant yesterday. "He was rtin into by
another man on the street, and, tipping
his hat, said: If I ran into you, I beg your
pardon. If you ran into me, don't mention
it. But I have a man that is a daisy. He
is our agent in a northern town, and for
some reason or other we railed to remit
to him last month. Yesterday he wrote:
'Pardon me for the intrusion, but for fear
you may think you have forwarded my
usual remittance and are wondering why
I do not acknowledge receipt, I humbly
beg to apprise you that I have not re
ceeived it.' Now that man got his money
by return mail."
Baltimore American.
Rigg—Poor old Mudge. He doesn't look
like the same man.
Trigg—No. And Just listen to that
eulogy. It doesn't sound as if it were for
the same man, either.
Minister—Bridget, these potatoes taste
Bridget—Yea, sorr; Oi dare say, sorr—
they set nixt your barrel o' sermons in the
i suller.
Surgeon General Ames' Rank Dis
puted by Q. M, Gen. Smith.
When Amen Wanted to Ride at the
Head of the Returning?
One of the moat urgent official matters
which Governor Van Sant has to decide
is the question of rank among the mem
bers of his staff. Nothing less than an
official decision by an acknowledged mili
tary authority and an absolute observ-
I ance of the regulations he lays down for
I the future guidance of the staff in this
; regard will restore peace to a hitherto
happy official family.
Mayor and Surgeon General Ames is at
'the bottom of the trouble. He insists
I that, as surgeon general, he is next to
| the governor, and in the governor's ab
sence is the whole thing, while four"
■ other brigadiers on the staff take issue
j with him on this point. The best he can
: claim under the laws of military etiquette,
they declare, is fifth place in the list,
! and the fact that he is mayor of the
I biggest city in the state cuts no figure at
Began at Buffalo.
The history of the differences over
the weighty question of rank among the
members of the staff begins with the
junket of the Minneapolis battalion of
the state guard to Buffalo. Mayor Ames
accompanied the boys, and as it happened,
was the only brigadier on the ground.
He contributed his $50 for a place with
the staff going and coming, but never
received any official notification of when
and bow the staff was to go and so ac
companied the militia boys. "But that
is another story."
At Buffalo, in the absence of Adjutant
General Libbey and the other brigadiers,
Governor Van Sant named Mayor Ames
as his chief of staff and the doctor
swelled around among the Pan-Americans
looking the part to perfection.
He Wouldn't Abdicate.
Two weeks later the national guard
camp season at Lake City opened up, and
in his capacity of surgeon general, the
doctor journeyed down there and put in
much of his time directing the affairs
j of his department during the time both
i regiments wer in camp. Now, Adjutant
| General Libbey was on hand this time,
i also on two occasions Quartermaster Gen-
I eral Sherman Smnth, inspector General
Gjertsen, Commissioner General Montfort
and that Judge advocate. The adjutant
general is the governor's chief of staff,
and the other brigadiers claim to come
after him in the order named above, with
surgeon general trailing them all. Ig
noring the presence of the others, how
ever, Mayor Ames while at camp still
claimed the rank of chief of staff and In
sisted upon all the privileges and defer
ence accompanying such an exalted sta
tion. To avoid a vow the others humored
him in his delusions, and all went well in
the governor's family.
Only once was the doctor crossed during
his stay at camp. It was the morning
after the Second regiment had left the
scene. The First regiment was due in a
few hours. In the meantime there was no
military organization on the grounds. Ac
cording to military usage, Quartermaster
Hart on the night before, at flag lowering,
; put the flag away for use when the First
I regiment should arrive in camp. The
i doctor noticed in the morning that the
1 flag was not in its usual place and that
: the morning gun had been omitted. He
; immediately demanded that the flag be
. run up and the gun fired as usual, re-
I daring that so long as the surgeon gen-
I eral was in camp all the usual military
usages must be observed. Quartermaster
Hart stood to his guns, however, and the
I flag went up only at the proper time.
The Q. M. Gen.'s Temerity.
Coming home with the regiment the doc
tor got still another hard jolt. The
; mounted police force was all out to re
| ceive the boys and the doctor had or
, dered a horse for himself, with the inten
tion of. leading the procession to the
It was his place to do this, he explained,
not as mayor but as the next man to the
' governor. Here is where Quartermaster
! General Sherman Smith cut in. He
; promptly took issue with the doctor as to
his claims of military preference, ridi
culed his pretensions to being chief of
staff and insisted that he had no right to
go cavorting around on a horse on such
an occasion. His place was in a carriage
at the tail of a procession with the other
j members of the staff. Thus the two gen
erals had it back and forth. Finally the
doctor carried his troubles to Major Cor
riston, who was in command, and was
told that his proper place was at the rear
of the procession. The doctor meekly
accepted the military man's dictum, and
that is how it was that he and his charger
brought up the rear in the parade of last
Saturday afternoon. Even at that he
made a gallant appearance in his staff
regimentals, a jingling sword at his side
and his horse equipped a la mode.
Quartermaster General Smith is con
siderably put out over the doctor's pre
tensions and it is said he intends to bring
the matter to the official attention of the
governor with a request for an early set
tlement of the question.
City of Stiles a Total Loss at Green
Bay, Win.
Green Bay, Wls., Aug. 3.—The City of
Stiles, a river steamer, burned to the
water's edge to-day. The cause of the fire
is not known. The cook, Miss Archey,
narrowly escaped drowning.
The City of Stiles was a steamer of 212
--tons, was 114 feet long, 20 foot beam and
7 foot depth. She came out in 1881. She
was owned by the Malloney & Roulette
company and plied between Green Bay
and Gladstone last year. The pecuniary
loss Is not stated.
Construction Crew Between La
Croise and Dakota Strike.
Special to The Journal.
La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 3.—The construc
tion crew at work on the river division
of the Milwaukee road between here and
Dakota strtick yesterday for a raise in
: wages of 25 cents a day. The demand was
: refused and to-day the entire crew was
; discharged and work is at a standstill.
, The men were receiving $1.60 a day and
i demanded $1.75. The crew went to the
', foreman in a body and made the demand,
and waited until to-day for an answer.
This is on the big Job between La Crosse
and St. Paul which, when completed, will
cost a million dollars.
Washington Star.
"It's the only toime on earth," said Mr.
Dolan, who was struggling with a balky
horse, "that I wisht for an ottymobile."
"Would yez sell the horse?"
"No, sir. I'd never give in like that.
I'd hitch the animal up in front to the
machine, an' then I'd see whether he'd
go or not."
Atlanta Constitution.
, "Yes," said the old inhabitant, "old
man Jinks climbed a pine tree to get rid
o' the life insurance agent, an' a harrl
cane come 'long an' blowed the tree down,
an' the agent wuz the^fust to pull Jinks
from under it; an' he wuz head pallbearer
at Jinks' funeral, an' preached a sarmont
on the uncertainties of life, an' insured
the whole town, an' went his way re-
Joicin'! "
Strange Lady—What's the price of the
iron bedstead ?
Dealer—Twelve dollars, madam.
Strange Lady—How much off if I pay
cash? X J
♦*.Deu l€, r—Madami lf you doa>t Pay cash
the bed is not for sale.
Minn. G. A. R. Urges Judge Tor
rance for Commander-in-Chief.
They Are Set Forth in Condensed
but Cogent Form by Depart
ment Commander Harriet.
The Minnesota members of the Grand
Army of the Republic have begun an ac
tive campaign for the election of Judge
Ell Torrance as commander-in-chief at
the national encampment in Cleveland in |
September. The first of the department's i
"campaign literature" is a handsome ;
folder containing on the front page o
fine half-tone picture of the judge, on |
the second a brief but comprehensive bio- j
graphical sketch showing the judge's dis- j
tinguished services ac soldier, citizen and 1
member of the Grand Army, and on the
third the official indorsements of the
John A. Rawlins post and of the thirty
fifth annual encampment of the depart
ment of Minnesota and the official an
nouncement of William H. Harries, com
mander of the department of Minnesota,
calling the attention of comrades all over
the country to Judge Torrance's claims
tft the high honor of commander-in-chief.
Commander Harries' announcement
The commander of the department of Min
nesota takes great pleasure in submitting
to the considerate judgment of the repre
sentatives to the thirty-fifth national en
campment of the G. A. R., which convenes
at Cleveland, Ohio, in September next, Min
nesota's candidate for commander-in-chief,
Ell Torrance of Minneapolis; and while fully
appreciating the ability, fitness and devotion
of other distinguished and worthy comrades
who are candidates for commander-in-chief,
unhesitatingly commends Comrade Torrance,
with the assurance that, if elected to that
great office, he will more than meet the high
expectations of those who know him best.
—Wm. H. Harries,
Department Commander.
Rawlina Post Indorsed.
The indorsement of the John A. Rawlins
Post in part says:
We recognize in our comrade, Past Judge
Advocate General Ell Torrance, those special
qualifications which pre-eminently fit him
for the office of commander-in-chicf —namely,
sterling integrity, sound judgment, intimate
acquaintance with the needs and require
ments of the order as a whole, and a loyalty
and devotion so entire as to embrace the
interests of each post and individual mem
ber of the Grand Army of the Republic; and
Rearing in mind the faithful service he has
rendered as a soldier, citizen and comrade,
doing his whole duty as conscientiously and
faithfully in the post room as in conducting
the affairs of the department, or in aiding
by his wise counsel the administration of
the national organization.
The Minnesota encampment says that
"inasmuch as it desires above all things
to advance the interests and promote the
welfare of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic," it unanimously declares Judge Tor
rance to be its choice for commander-in
Judge TorraueeN Career.
The biographical sketch is one of bril
liant and faithful service. It is as foL;
Ell Torrance was born in Westmoreland
county, Pennsylvania, May 16, 1544, the eld
est of three brothers, all of whom served In
the union army. His father, Rev. Adam
Torrance, at the age of 62, entered the serv
ice as chaplain of the Eleventh Pennsylvania
reserves. Comrade Torrance came of patri
otic stock, his ancestors having served in
the colonial and Revolutionary wars, and in
every subsequent war, including that for the
preservation of the union.
Although under military age, he was, June
26, 1861, enrolled as a private in Company A,
Ninth Pennsylvania reserves, and for almost
three years carried a musket, participating
in all the battles ia which his regiment was
engaged except when disabled by wounds.
His regiment was among those that suffered
severe losses in battle.
On May 11, 1864, he was discharged'with his
regiment at Pittsburg, Pa., by reason, of ex
piration of term of service, and on July 9
following re-entered the service as second
lieutenant of Company X, One Hundred aad
Ninety-third regiment Pennsylvania volun
teer infantry, and on Oct. 15, 1864, was trans
ferred to the Ninety-seventh regiment Penn
sylvania volunteer infantry and assigned to
duty at Baltimore, Md., where he had the
honor of guarding the body of the martyred
president when it lay in state at Baltimore.
June 17, 1865, having barely reached his ma
jority, he was finally discharged from the
service by reason of the close of the war.
By profession Judge Torrance is a lawyer,
and for more than thirty years has enjoyed
an extensive practice and the unbroken con
fidence of the people.
While he is in hearty sympathy with all
patriotic organizations, being a member of
the Society of the Colonial Wars, of the
Loyal Legion and of the Sons of the Ameri
can Revolution, nevertheless, his first love
and duty has always been to the Grand
Army of the Republic, of which organization
he has long been an earnest, faithful, effi
cient and valuable member. The following
is a brief outline of his G. A. R. record:
Charter member of John A. Rawlins Po3t,
No. 126, department of Minnesota.
Judge Advocate department of Minnesota,
Commander of John A. Rawlins Post, 1890.
Judge advocate department of Minnesota,
Commander department of Minnesota, 1595.
Judge advocate general to Commander-in-
Chief Gobin, 1897-8.
Judge advocate general to James A. Sex
ton and W. C. Johnson, 1898-9.
Judge advocate general to Commander-in-
Chief Albert D. Shaw, 1899-1900.
He has also served as a member of the
national council of administration and on im
portant committees of the national encamp
His selection for the office of judge advo
cate general by so many able commanders
in-chlef was an unusual but deserved trib
ute to his ability and fitness for that respon
sible position.
Doubtless no one, not even the national
organization itself, has manifested a deeper
interest in preserving the history of the G.
A. R, than Comrade Torrance.
For years past, and with great patience
and industry, he has been collecting the
journals or publishsed proceedings of the
various department and national encamp
ments, and now has one of the most complete
and valuable records of the Grand Army of
the Republic in existence.
Farmer*' Elevator Company at
Gardner, N. D.. a Sncceaa.
Special to The Journal.
Fargo,, N. D., Aug. 2. —!§je annual meet
ing of the Gardner Farmer Elevator com
pany was held and a dividend of 20 per
cent declared. In addition 5 per cent
was left to form a sinking fund, $100 was
left in the repair fund and $150 in the
treasury. . The stockholders are delighted
with the showing and it has been so good
that other localities, are encouraged and
will build. Plans have been completed
for the one at Harwood and the work will
be started at once.
Rev. George A. Henry, pastor of the
Roberts Street M. E. church of this city,
has preached his farewell eermon and
leaves to-morrow for a visit with rela
tives in the northern part of the state,
after which he goes east to take up a
three-year course in the Boston univers
ity, studying'for a Ph. D. degree. Mrs.
Henry will also enter the university.
South Dakota Children* Home.
Sioux FalU, S. D., Aug. 3.—At
the annual meeting of the South Dakota
Children's Home society, held In this city,
the following directors were elected for terms
oi three yeais each: Rt. Rev. W. H. Hare,
Episcopal bishop of South Dakota; Coe I
Crawford, Huron- A. S. Diabrow. Aleaster;
Mrs. J. M. Woods, Rapid City: Mrs. H. C.
Phillips, George Schlosaer, J. J. Allen and
W. B. Sherrard of Sioux Falls.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"Have you had this dog as long as the
other dog?"
"Yes. longer. This Is a dachshund."
The Summer Session at the Uni
versity Ended.
While ■ . Attendance Wan _ Smaller
Than Laiit Year* the Sesaton
Wai a Signal Snccena. ':■"-■.
The ninth annual summer school closed
yesterday morning at the state
university. It i has been the most
successful in point of Interest
and actual acocmplishment. The
slight falling off in registration was dv«
in part to the inability of many to at
tend six weeks. This is the first school
to have a longer term than four weeks,
and the first to be held In July in advance
of the state examinations. The new plan
lis entirely successful.
Said' Dr. Kiehle, the conductor, thU
The session has been a marked success In
constant attendance, in view of the unusually
hot weather, and marked satisfaction of the
students with the amount of solid work which
they have been able to do. This arrangemei'.
for an early session was instituted and th»
time fixed by State Superintendent Olsen. W<
have been trying to get early and long ses
sions before, and this is the first time »'8
have been able to get them.
\\i have had a variety and extent in tin
curriculum which we have not had hitherto.
During the first week we had congresses
which fixed the standard for us all. I feel
that the instructors of the school deserve* to
know that in no echool have such numbers ;!
students come to me and expressed satisfac
tion at the work in classes. I think that tha
students of the school deserve to have fl
known that the instructors appreciate th€
educational ability, which far exceeds that
we have had in any summer school. The en
rollment is entirely eatisfactory, considering
that the term has been increased in length.
We consider that the school has been suc
The Final Sennlon.
The closing chapel exercises were con
ducted by Dr. Kiehle. Byron Morgan, ac
companied by Russel Patterson, gave two
cornet selections, and after a hymn and
the Lord's prayer Dr. Kiehle gave his an
nual report, which is printed below. He
was followed by President Northrop and
Mr. Plllsbury.
Dr. Kiehle's report showed the following
Total registration, 931; university section,
202;- elementary, 629; average of those in at
tendance, 26; average- age began teaching,
19; average number months taught, 46; col
lege graduates, 108; high sehoil, 356; normal,
166; teachers of graded schools, 441; ungraded,
225; grade of certificates last held, first'2oo,
second 312, third 45, city 10, state 55, normal
21, special 4; attended summer school before,
once 146, twice 83, three times 57, four 43, five
16, six 13, seven 12, eight times 8. Certificates
which are equivalent to certificates of the
high school board for entrance to the uni
versity have been issued to 248, several will
be reported later which will bring the total
to about 300. The professional certificates
number 27, to be increased to 50. Certificates
have been granted only to those who have
continued through the six weeks of. the term.
Receiptß From July Stamp Sales
Were $60,!238.31— 8i« Gain
Over July, 1900.
The stamp sales of the Minneapolis of
fice are steadily growing. At the present
rate the local office will soon be in the
i million dollar class. The July sale of
| stamps this year exceeds that of July.
j 1900, by 13Vz per cent. Postmaster Love
' joy attributes this to a steady improve
ment in business, as neither the past
month nor the July, 1900, showed any un
usual conditions which advanced or less
ened the demand fcir stamps. The July
report shows a alPrnp business of $60,
--238.21, as against $53,059.2y for July, 1900,
!an increase of $7,902. The business of the
Minneapolis office last year made about
$458,000 net for the government. The
rapid strides of the Minneapolis office
has aroused the envy of neighboring cities,
whose officials are making inquiries as
to how the Minneapolis office sells so
j many postage stamps. The office is in
the same class as that of Chicago and
other large cities. New York is in a class
by itself.
An Eastern Factory May Be Moved
to Minneapolis.
Representatives of an eastern stove
factory have been in the city for the past
few days looking over the city with a
view to locating their works here. The
owners contemplate moving west to get a
better chance at the western trade.
The representatives of the Scotten to
bacco interests are still here. They are
said to be favorably inclined toward Min
neapolis as a location for their, western
And the Police Court Penalties One
of Them $5.
Edith Whitmore and Jennie Davis, stej
sisters, got into a dispute at the latter'r
home, 2201 Hennepin avenue, yesterday,
and finally came to blows. In the melee
Miss Davis grabbed at a watch from her
j antagonist's dress and when the fight
ended refused to give it back. Miss Whit
more thought the law ought to help her
and appealed to the police, who suggested
that she file a charge of grand larceny in
the first degree, but she decided that a
charge of assault and battery could b«
more easily substantiated and so preferred
that. In the police court this morning
Miss Davis was convicted and fined $5.
\Suii Proof/
\ «4lKlts /
\ \ \nre' / r
<OO\$" jr «o pore, the mlzingso v^^S"
O>vsC_/^ exact, tn** no other paint X 'Z/C'
■^^S" /Is quite so durable. 48 colon, V>^»
•v^> /and white. Book of paint knowl»\ t^-»
-^"yetige/rtr. Inducement to dealert.\^«««»
'"^ IP on Paint Co./ Milwaukee, "W"li.Vs-»*
•-=~ I - PKubnrth ri«t* Clm C*., DMrtboim, * V "£- '■
■2Z I tOO <« 510 8. B<l SI., gl»»*»p»lli, JH. I ■•*.
•\ A full stock of Patton'3 Sun Proof Painti
can be had at the following placet: ''n^v
t Andrews Sullivaa. 610 :Ist tT-Sjtf.l C.
Smith, 1401 Western *»; Peter Falwr.V^ll
Plymouth ay; F. C. Rlcharda, 505 E 24th st;
M. Chllstmni, 2 W Lake «t; Waldron A' Co
2600 Lyndale ay S; F. Htrscbfleld, 243 20th
ay N; M. Ro«e, 113 Washington vr N; J.
Trump, Robbinsdale; O. E. Woehler * Co
MSI Crystal Lake ay; Q. B. Wo6hl«r. ' 41K
W»«h<jißton ay rjv^.u'-.
4 Lady's Story
'•The Grill Is certainly an appetiiiujr
place to eat. Everything Is neat and
the food Is well served.
308-310 First Aye. So.

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