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24 SATURDAY EVENING, FURNISHING A HOME A COLONIAL DININOROO3I WITH BREAKFAST ALCOVE). Copyright, 190-1, by Kate Oreeuleaf Locke. IHB dining-room, more than any other room in the house, should express the intention of the house. The day for building nondescript houses in this country has passed. The artistic feeling for unity, symmetry, harmony in the building and furnishing of a home has i hold of the people. If a house with irs fittings does not always go the length of being thoroughly Colonial, Dutch, French or Old English in design, it must express from its construction, to its final details, some idea. Every part of it must be molded to this one thought and assist in its expression. The furnishing of the dining-room should indicate whether this idea be sim ple or stately, whether the house is a mansion or a cottage, and whether the massive tapestried effects of a certain old English style or the clean, straight lined simplicity of the Colonial is the scheme attempted. There is a point here ■which I wish to make very clear. It is that when a richly furnished room is heavy, when its strong and massive effects become oppressive to the beholder, it is spoiled; the large sums that have been expended to make it attractive are wasted, and its original intention is utterly lost. On the same principle, if a dining-room ■which is designed to present the clear, cool backgrounds and graceful furnishings of the Colonial period is bare and scanty In result It also is ruined. A thorough IN WILLIAM DB LA BARRE S PARK AVENUE HOME. » EDMUND G. WALTON'S MT. CURVE AVENUE HOCSB. THREE EXAMPLES OF BEAUTIFUL DINING-ROOMS IN MINNEAPOLIS HOMES. SCOTLAND AND MINNESOTA MEAN LONG LIFE A Hale and Hearty Octet of Scotch Minnesotans Who Have Lived Long and Prospered. Farm Age. Children. Acres. A. R. Moore •««»..•««. 88 Mrs. A. R. Moore 85 5 400 David Ogilvie 79 Mrs. David Ogilvie 70 11 G25 James Ogilvie ,». 74 Mrß. James Ogilvie 73 *10 IGO Archibald Cardie 66 Mrs. Archibald Cardie 73 6 720 Average age, 76. Total children, 32. Total farm acreage owned. 1,805. Total years spent in Minnesota, 374. Special to The Journal. Blue Earth, Minn., Dec. 7. —Scotch an cestry, a few years of the breezes blow- Ing down from th© Scotch highlands, fol lowed by Wisconsin and Minnesota ozone and blixzards, seem to be certain pro ducers of longevity, if the eight persons whose picture aocompanies this sketch may be taken, as a type of the effect of* these elements. These eight parsons, A. R. Moore and wife, David Ogilvia and wife, James Ogil vla and wife, and Archibald Cardie and wife, live near Blue Earth, Minn., are all Scotoh Presbyterians, were born in Scot land, and lived there the first twenty or twenty-five years of their live*. They did not all come from Scotland at the same time, but the year 1858 found them together in Jefferson county, Wisconsin. In tnat year they came together to Minne sota, and settled in Faribault county, Pilot grove township. The land upon which they settled was not yet In the market, but choosing a location on the shore of a ibeautiful lake about one mile long, they built tlheir homes. Within a year or two the land was opened to settlers. They By KATE GREEN LEAF LOCKE study of the sirbjoot of house furnishing end a thoughtful attention to details Is the only way to avoid these disastrous mis-takes. A Modett Dinins-room. I will suppose a tastefully arranged home of modest pretensions. The idea embodied is comfort —harmonious and at tractive coloring with simple furnishings. The hall, which is narrow, is rendered spacious in effect by two wide openings into parlor and dining room, one on either side. If the hall coloring is the service able and always, acceptable golden tan, which combines so delightfully with Flem ish oak furniture, a green dining room will open into it with good effect. The dining room furniture is probably oak, as that can be bought more cheaply iv good Bhapea than any other wood. The wood work of the room is oak. A rather cool shade of moss green combines well with the yellow warmth of the woodwork; and an ingrain paper or a calcomine wash in this color is the thing to use on the walls. I have a letter In hand from a corres pondent, In which she bewails the fact that her dining room is colorless and ugly. When I read that she has wall paper of mixed pattern in red, brown and tan tones; that her carpet is a brown and tan ingrain; that her furniture is oak; I am not surprised that she finds the room un endurable. If she will in imagination replace this .unpleasant background with the cool and restful green I have suggest ed for. the wall^; and removing the ingrain carpet, lay a matting and place a Targe took the laud already chosen by them as homesteads, and there they have lived since, with in a mile of each other, reared their families, and provided well for old age. The oldest of the group, Mr. Moore, was in his young manhood, a merohant in Hamilton, Scotland, ten miles south of Glasgow, when his health. became poor. The physicians said that one lung was gone, and that a trip across the water to America might help him. He came an invalid in 1850, and In 1901 is a hale and hearty old man who will be 88 years old the longest day of next summer, June 21. His wife Is still a handsome old lady whose eighty-fifth birthday was celebrated by young people everywhere, on last Hal loween. The others In the picture are Just as young in spirit as they and almost &s old in years. David Ogilvie is 79 and his wife 70. James Ogilvie is 74 and his wife 73: Archibald Cardie, 66, and his wife, 73 years old. Each couple ha* raised a family of gen erous numbers, the Moores 5 children, David Ogilvie 11, James Ogilvie 10, and i the Cardies 6. Most of these children are THE MINNEAPOLIS w/^ 111 |H l«»r i? green rug under the table, she will realize for the first time the possibilities of this "ugly room." The room is never in fault. Anything with wall 3 and a <.-eilinig, if it has win dows cut to let in the sunshine and the views out of doors, 'can be made actually charming if properly treated in the fur nishing. A delightful contrast to the green of'the walls is the sheer, white muslin—either dotted or plain—of the window curtains, falling straight and un ruffled to the sill. These curtains should have a loose casing at the top, in which the small brass rod which holds them is run. A two-inch hem should finish the bottom. Outside curtains, that is, straight scarf curtains of plain green linen, taffeta, denim or raw silk, hung over the outer edge of the muslin, and also out to the •sill, will add much to the coziness and completeness of the room. When a beau tiful fern on a slender bamboo stand is set between the draperies of one of these windows there could be no further use for calling the room "hot, dry and ugly look ing." It is restful, sweet and attractive. But the furnisher must not stop here. The wall spaces between the windows miust not be left bare, nor must she spoil the simple harmony of the room by hang ing an odd lot of pictures in metal frames, or those of white and gilt molding. She should select from her stock the black and white prints, or photographs or etch ings, that will be appropriate to hang here, and frame them with some degree of uniformity. Fl«.£ frames of dark wood or simple frame* ot ipina painted black alive end living near Blue Earth in pros perous surroundings. They have all been successful in their undertakings. Mr. Moore has acquired 400 acres of land, Mr. Cardie 720, David Ogilvie 525, and James Ogilvie 160. They live now in more than ordinarily com fortable farmhouses, sevral of them lack ing only electric lighting to make them the equal in convenience and comfort of most modern city residences. Kse men have done their share in the relations of life, having filled many c most important .town and county . ■> I j ' < .'. ■ ■■ '■ ■ v~* ■■»'■•- -'\' ■ "?■** -^ ■ ■■ ■- J MM. AND MRS. A. K. MOORE. MR. AND MRS. ARCHIBALD CAUDLE: DINING-ROOM FURNISHED IN MULBERRY RED, WITH PLASTER FRIEZE. look well against the plain walls. An oil painting, if it has intrinsic value, and a rich gold frame, should have the first choice of space, and the smaller black and whites should not be scattered vague ly about, but will show to the best effect if grouped with discretion. I do not mean by this that the walls should be covered with pictures; but to give a sense of com pleteness there must be no great staring B'pace left uncovered in any part of the room. There are other objfets which decorate a dining-room wall us effectively as pic tures. Many of the Indian baskets, plaques and bowls which can readily be found in the western part of the United States are flat in form and can be hung against the wall. These plaques and shallow bowls are so rich in softly blended colors as to be highly decorative. If so hung that (he proper lights touch them one can extract much enjoyment from them merely as bits of rich coloring on the wall. Some of the relief pieces in plaster thac are now sold so cheaply are really artistic and fine, and when they are treated with wax and a soft yellow tint will often fill out a wall space mosc charmingly. There is one thing that I would urge strongly on the womsn who would rne'ta morphose a commonplace and unattractive room, and that is to resolutely discard all objects, however prized for associations, which fall below the artistic standard she has set. A few compromises may de stroy the charm of thid room. She must feel the color scheme bo strongly that it will be difficult for ncr to put an article offices. Mr. Moore was a member of the Minnesota legislature in 1876. Mr. Moore was also the first elder in the Blue Earth Presbyterian church. A few years ago the Scotch community in which these people live, built a pleasant Presbyterian church in its midst, where they now worship. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have been married 63 years and celebrated their golden wed ding in 1888. Mr. and Mrs. David Ogilvie celebrated theirs this year, on which oc casion this picture was taken. Mr. and Mrs. James Ogilvie celebrated theirs last year, and Mr. and Mrs. Cardie will celebrate theirs in five years. Eight more happy, contented and highly respected people thau those who came from Scotland a half century ago, and have since stood the rigors and hardships of a new and growing country in a God fearing, conscientious manner, cannot be found. They have exemplified that thought from Wendell Phillips that "life is neither a pain nor a pleasure, but a duty, to be entered upon with earnestness and the spirit of self-sacrifice." —A. C. Tibbetts. Locd Low Holiday Rates via the Xorth-Westcrn Line. Fare and one-third for the round trip to any point within 200 miles of Minne apolis and St. Paul. Tickets on sale, Dec. 24, 25, 31, Jan. 1, good to return Jan, 2, 1902. City ticket offices 413 Nlcollet ave nue, Minneapolis, 352 Robert street, St. Paul, JOURNAL. No. 2—The Dining-room—General Outlines That In sure a Graceful, Cheerful, Artistic Apartment, Expres sive of the Intention of the House. -copyright 1901 in the room which threatens to destroy this. With her green walls she can use a ceiling of soft yollow cream or old Ivory. The picture molding of oak, matching the other -woodwork, shouii be set from a foot to two feet below tbp ceiling line (de pendent upon the Le.'frht of side wall) and the yellow wasn should extend over the ceiling and down to the picture mol:l. If, when she has made these changes, she yet feels there la something to be done, she can make flac. rather hard cush ions of green velourg ->r corduroy and fit them to the seats of aer chairs. She can tie these firmly in with green cord or braid, and they will transform an ordinary oal chair into something much more desirable from a decorative point of vi«»w. Yellow candle shades should break the green of this rccm, and yell aw flowers should leco rate t>e table. Description of IlluNtrntioiis. Illustration No. 1 shows a colonial din ing-room which is almost faultless in its furnishings. The color scheme is ivory white and a strong rich green. The green figure of the paper stands out clearly against the white ground. The ceiling is tinted a lighter green than the figure in the paper, and the white enameled finish of the woodwork is ivory in tone. The chairs, which are particularly graceful and correct in shape as expositions of the period, are of mahogany and are seated with dark green hair cloth. A fascinating feature of this room is the breakfast al cove in the sunny end of the room. This alcove is an immense bay fifteen feet wide "Candling" Eggs as a Fine Art New York Mail. The fact that a body of men who make a business of "candling" eggs have found It necessary to organize a labor union to enforce a demand for shorter working hours, has called attention to the fact that about 500 men in this city support themselves and their families by sorting good eggs form bad. They are the guar dians of -the local egg industry, and to their sharp and practiced eyes New York ers leave the question as to whether they shall eat eggs that are good, bad or in different. To the suburbanite -who keeps a few hens, or has neighbors who keep hens, and upon whom he can draw for a sup ply of fresh eggs, the statement that New Yorkers get real fresh eggs through the regular sources cf supply is provocative of derisive mirth. The suburbanite very properly points out that the fact of its being necessary to candle the egg is prooif sufficient that the eggs are not fresh, and that the term fresh is used in the comparative cense, as showing that the eggs are not too sitale for ordinary table use. Here, then, th« start, is made -with the proposition that the fresh eggs received and sold in this city in large quantities must all toe candled and sorted out, ac cording to the condition in which the candler finds them, and the way in which .1!; AND MKS. DAVID OGILVIE. MR. AND MRS. JAMES OGILVIE. sl~^ ifev ■ . .ill: J 5V GOBELIN BLUB DECORATION S IN A MODEL DINING-ROOM. 1 having five windows towards the east. The windows are draped uniformly with sheer white organdie muslin, tied back midway with white cotton cords and tas sels. All coldness of effect is prevented by the use of a valance and side curtains in the alcove of green silk velours. This curtain emphasizes and masses the strongest shade of green in the paper. The large Wilton rug with a flower bor der is the only regretable feature of the room. If upon the polished floor an or iental rug had been used it would not have broken the sugestion of the colonial period, and would by its soft blending of rich, indescribable tones, have given a depth and glow to the room which it now lacks. jVo. 2—A Mulberry Red Room. The dark, yet vivid crimson of the Turk ish rug iv the center of the dining-room strikes the keynote of the scheme of deco ration, and the wainscoting of ma hogany beams of the ceiling is also a oring. The plaster frieze of the walls and the space between the heavy ma hogany beams of the selling is also a dark crimson, or, rather, a mulberry red. Against this background the pewter steiiis arranged above the mantel shelf show out delightfully. The old English plate and cut glass on the buffet also show up with peculiar distinction in these surroundings. The screen which hides the door to the butler's pantry is also of bright green leather ornamented with silver lines and pewter nails. The mahogany chairs are upholstered in crimson stamped leather. lTl^mm^^m^mmmtmMitmUAM^mm^mmamAmmmmatMtmtAt^t^^tASi^mAmmmmmmim^^mammm^iiLiS^ i ti'Hu'wifiii n n n IX FRANK H. PEAVEY'S PARK AVENUE MANSION. —Photos by Edmund A. Brush, g and n South Fifth Street he goes about his work and the results achieved are decidedly interesting. None but comparatively young men are employed for thi3 purpose, and they must have sharp eyes that are afbout perfect. Complaints have been made that the calling soon ruins the eyesight, and it is probably true that, where primitive meth ods are followed, the strain does affect the eyes to a greater or less extent, but where modern methods are pursued there is heard no corn-plaint of this character. In fact, several expert candlers told the writer that they had been following the business ifor from ten to twenty years, and had yet. to learn that their sight' had been affected in any way. It must not be supposed, however, that young men are preferred for the work, be cause of their superior eyesight. They must be deft and certain in their motions and be able to stand the strain of handling many thousand eggs a day. It seems a simple and easy task to pick up an egg and twirl it around before a light, and so It is, for the first few hundred, but when the same motion is continued hour after hour an egg takes on weight with mar velous rapidity, until at the end of the day it seems a3 heavy as a ton of coal. Candlers employed by the best houses work ten hours a day on the average, ami are fairly'well paid. Just now they work longer than that, because this is the time of year when they are rushed, but they are paid extra for working overtime. The wise employers do not permit their men to work too long, even if they wish to, as the employers believe there is a limit to the amount of really good work a candler can do in a day. When the candler is tired or a bit inciliierer.t be is liable to mix some second-claes eggs with the first quality and soon there is trouble, and serious trouble, with the customers of that particular firm. The t.auuler begins his day'a labor by donning a long apfoo and placing a num ber of pan* and baskets within ■ of his left hand. Oa the right he has sev eral coses of eggs to be sorted. Then he turns on an electric light concealed in a tin box placed on a level with his hands he is sitting in a low chair, stooi or lipturned egg crate, just as it happens. all look'ns; glass is placed behind the incandescent lamp to throw the light for ward, and it cornea out white end strong, through a hole in the front ana center of the tin box. This hole is a little less than two .nciies in diameter. Here is seen a great improvement over the old method, for it used to be that ihe only light employed was furnished by a candle, from which fact the egg tester got his title of candler. The candles were burned in a small compartment not much larger than a telephone booth, which was close and tight so that no light could enter. No light could peuetrate this small space and no more could the air enter, so that on a warm day the candler endured much suffering. The candle flame flickered and wavered with every motion of his hands, and it was then complaints were heard that the eyes of candlers were affected by DECEMBER 14, 1901. All monotony Is done away with through the medium of a table cover of Indian em broidery end an ivory Aground, th. licious old ivory tones that appear In the antique Persian rug that lies along cue side of the room, and the cream of the Arabian curtains that hang at the win dows. Some rare pieces of cloisonne in blue and gr*-en on the mantel reproduce the blues and greens in the rugs and ren der the scheme one of absolute perfec tion when great richness of effect is de sired. No. .{—Gobelin Blue. I have used this photograph chiefly bp cause I wish to point out the possib: of the use of tapestry on the walls of a dining-room. The deep frieze of panel work with tapestry inset would be much, more effective if the side walls wt > plain color. To use this scheme of beams <md paneling most effectively the space between the ceiling beams should also be washed in a strong plain color. To select for side walls and ceiling a soft, dull gobelin blue, and for the frieze a tapestry which has mud of this color in its com position, and to use this with beams and woodwork of English oak, would secure a beautiful room. The table should be of polished oak and the chairs upholstered with a tapestry which is of the same genaral design and coloring as that use I on the wall. The pattern of the figure, however, should be ni<ueh smaller. With heavy blue draperies over white lace cur tains at the windows and a. rug with blue tones on the hardwood floor, this would, be an effective dining-room. the strain put upon them in testing eggs. The candle was followed by the oil lamp, with a reflector behind it, which in turn gave way to the electric light. To-day tha candler does his work in a small space par titioned oft by a couple of swinging cur tains from a big room in which eggs are packed. Everything ready, the candler picks up several eggs from one of the cases on his right and pokes one end in the holo through which the light shines. Qv.ick as> a wink he turns it about, so the ligh: shines through the other end, then turns it from side to side. The four motions are made in much less time tban it takc3 to tell it, and the egg is tossed to his left hand and then deposited where it belongs. If it is perfectly clear and the air space in the end is small, it goes into the basket as a Xo. 1. If the air space is large it is of second quality and goes into a different j basket. If there are red streaks in it, in dicating tiat incubation has begun, it is I placed in a third basket, and dark spots, j varying in size, consign the egg to still j other receptables. When an egg is slightly j cracked it is placed apart, and should it i be badly cracked there is a separate place for it. All eggs of which the yolks are not In proper position or show dark are kept apart, and only those that are black all through are discarded as useless. Some eggs, the dealers say, s-how dark spots because they have been kept too long in tin pens, and they do admit that all such are not strictly fresh eggs. A candler must-see all thosre defects in his rapid handling of the eggs and that id j the reason he places it before the light In j four different positions. There might be a ■ slight crack or a dark spot on one aide i that he would fail to detect did he not turn ' b.»th sides to the light. In his examination of the egg the t candler makes seven motions by the ttme \ he has placed it where it bslongs. A candler cf ordinary skill will test thirty [ five cases of eggs a day, and If ho hurries a bit, will average four cases an, hour, J making forty cases a day. jj Each ease I contains thirty dozen eggs, so that In on« I of hl3 busy days the candled bandies 1,200 ! dozen or 14,400 eggs. To dispose of this I number he must make 100,S00 motions, | which he considers a fair number, when it is remembered that they are always th* same. Out of this total umber "of eggs handled in a dry a good Her breaks not more than a dozen and a half, and for this he cannot be blamed, as some oJ the eggs are bat'ly cracked and others ar« S3 thin-ebelled that they crush under ordinary pressure. Some, days candlers will drop ■ dozen in an hour and ihen again will run along for several hours ! without breaking one. Ilomeieckem' Excnniovi. On Dec. IT the Northern Pacific rail way will again sell the round trip home seekers' excuraion tickets to all points west on their line in Minnesota, Dakota, Montana and Washington at one first ektu fare, plus $2.00 for the round trip. The tickets are good for three weeks and are good for stop-overs. Call at city ticket office, corner Washington "■". and. Nicollet ay, for full, particulars.