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The JourrveJ Junior Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, December 14, 1901. MAN'S BEST FRIEND Minneapolis Juniors Give Interesting and Exciting Episodes in the Lives of Pet Canines. *• v» TOPIC -THE STORY OF FIDO «■■■■»« 1D0" was a dog of all possible breeds, names, and ItftfV"* qualities. St. Bernards and Newfoundlands were \ K^ by far the favorites, with terriers of all degrees I *^ a close third. Then there were bull dogs, poodles, LonnmK water spaniels, pointers, grey and blood hounds, < A/\ Spitz, and Esquimo dogs. The girls generally | chose fluffy, little lap-dogs or pretty spaniels, and £i4*w|^ told charming tales about them in which pink and isT!=ll ml blUe ribbons figured prominently. The boys chose |jj|U||[J?j pets of ugly visage but of noble qualities, and had I^™^^ \ them perform wonderful feats of life-saving, from isST I wild animals, drowning, fire, and burglars; or E-^.. till tne dogs chcsen were of fiery temper, they were '■■"■ mixed up in a rough-and-tumble fight; they tor tured them by tying tin-cans to their tails, and made the lives of cats a burden to them. Fido, Bruno, and Rex, were common names, but some of the dogs .rejoiced in the names of Sparkler Texas, Hercules, Troy, Faithful, Hero, Brave. Ring, 'jumbo, Lion' Mullie, Clipper, Guess and just plain Joe. The majority were faithful, honest dogs, bringing home cows and sheep, going to market, and " protecting baby il a most admirable manner. According to one dog, "a bul let struck him in the temper"; another packed his grip and ran away; and a third announced '1 am a curly, white terror." The work from the A Eighth Grade, Emerson School, was exception ally gcod both in plot and general ■tjie. LUCKY UGLINESS Queer Beast That Threatened to Explode. (Prize.* ""THE first thing I remember was *■ being picked up very rudely and hearing my owner say, "This pup is the homeliest dog I ever saw." Then he began counting tbe wrinkles, for I am a bull-dog and I guess I was not very handsome about my mouth. Then he exclaimed, "I will keep her, and call her Patsy." My owner, who was a man of about Eixty-five, lived in a one-story house with a cellar under the back norch, as all houses are built in California. He had a fair-sieed yard in which were cherry, palm, and peach trees. In the winter and along towards spring a great many birds would come and eat the fruit. I would sit for hours and try to get a chance to kill some. One day I caught one flying in the air. I was very good at jumping and often killed chickens trying to get out of our yard after they had stolen some fruit. My owner would shoot birds from the top of a tree and if I did not catch them as they fell I was very much ashamed of myself. One day I saw an animal about the size of myself going off with a piece of my meat. I never had seen any thing like it before. It wasn't afraid of me and I was sort of afraid of it. I 6aw it had long claws and when I Jumped at it, it used its paws and scratched me awfully. Then its back began to rise and its hair stand up. I thought it was going to explode. I jumped at it and it spit at me. This made me mad and I got hold of its neck and finally after two hours of hard fighting I killed it I found out later it was an Angora cat worth $20 and had the record until It met me of whipping any two dogs in town. I never fought one again. —Harry G. Legg, A Eighth Grade, 1773 Hennepin Avenue. Emerson School. JtN ODD VARIETY OF TURKEY When a Passenger Stepped on the Sack, It Emit' ted a Very Dog.Like HowL (Fifth and Sixth Grade Prize.) JUI V NAME is Rex and I am a large, yellow St. Bernard dog *"* with white spots. My present master bought me when I was very young, put me in a sack, and brought me home on a street car. As dogs are not allowed on the street cars, I was very much afraid of being thrown off; but when the conductor asked my master what he had in that sack he replied, "Oh, It's only a turkey," and I felt relieved. When a passenger stepped on my tail and caused me to howl, the conductor must have thought I was a queer turkey. My master is very kind to me and my chief work is to play with, and protect, his twin girls who are five years old. On their account I have been drawn Into many fights with other dogs. I often accompany them to the park which is just across the street, and make trouble for the park policeman who does not allow dogs in the park. He has often chased me, and thrown large stones at me which I gen erally manage to dodge. I followed my master on a fishing trip to Medicine Lake. He shut me in a barn, I jumped out the back window and ran down to the shore, only to see the party on the opposite side and the White-caps rolling high. Not knowing the danger, I plunged in, SUPPLEMENT TO THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL determined to reach them. As I had never been in water before and have a very heavy coat of fur, I soon became exhausted and thought I should drown unless I received assistance. Then I thought I saw my master coming towards we; that is the last I knew until I found myself safe on shore lying in the sun and my master rubbing me with a cloth. B Sixth Grade, —Jerome Rice, Hawthorne School. 2603 Lyndale Avenue N. In Wrath and Might Clothes. (Honorable Mention.) | HAVE a dog named Fido. He is a flea-bitten, cut-cared, bob * tailed specimen of a western dog. His vocal organs are well developed for the simple reason that he keeps them in practice. He was born one howling, blowing night and was given music lessons immediately by his mother. He was never fat like his brothers. I gave them away but no one wanted him, I don't know why. He was as good as the others pxcept that sometimes he quarreled with the moon. But it distressed me to have him come up to me and lay his head on my knee and sing. I would almost rather go to the opera and hear a high soprano. Fidos life was uneventful. He lived in the barn and he had few pleasures or interests. His chief interest seemed to be in what he got for dinner. I tried to teach him better but he always wanted to know whether we were going to have mutton or pork for dinner. One night I was preparing to dream pleasant dreams when oat of the stilly dark ness arose a sound —Boo—who-o-o—Ow Then I in my wrath, and night clothes with a candle and determination set out to £ *- .' "•■■■•.•.- . .; '■■■.-. . .-_• .:- ■■:■';■:■..•••:■. ■;.- I:v' v : ■: . „■ ■ :'- .::.-■-■-:'■ ■'■>■'■:■■{: ■.'.•■;...■• ..:'-. -•■•■. ■■'■■>.■■■':■'■■ .''. :■:.'■- -:■■'■■■•: ~r'\, •* J The Week's Kpll of Honor. Minneapolis Prize Winners. Harry G. Legg, A Eighth Grade, Emerson School, 1773 Hennepin At. Jerome Rice, B 6th Grade, Hawthorne School, 2603 Lyn dale At. N. . HONORABLE MENTION. Kathleen Dougan, B Bth Grade, Horace Mann School, 3637 Portland At. Joseph Hall, B 7th Grade, Bremer School, 2647 Fremont At. N. Nellie Newgren, A 7th Grade, Hamilton School, 4014 Colfax At. N. Edith Molloy, A 6th Grade, Lyndale School, 3316 Pleas ant At. Harold Hansen, B 6th Grade, Greeley School, 1321 E 26th St. Northwestern Prise Winners. Mary Nolan, Bth Grade, WaTcrly, Minn. Eda Anderson, 6th Grade, Warren, Minn. HONORABLE MENTION. Ruth Lowe, Bth Grade, Two Harbors, Minn. J. MarTin Nickerson, 7th Grade, Cyrus, Minn. Helen Tuttle, sth Grade, Auburndale, Minn. (Continued on Page Six.) TO THE HOME OF THE FREE. Mr. Sky Lark—Hit's 'igh time we were h'emigrating. FAR AND WIDE Periods and Places of Historical Inter est in Which North-western Juniors Prefer to Live, yf # V * " if i? TOPIC—WHAT, AGE OF THE WORLD? WHERE? WHY? in ii uHTTfinJa ONTENT is a thing which Juniors seem to possess Cln large quantities. The majority were satisfied to live in the present age and in the United States, although they were allowed unlimited time and .•minim the whole world from which to choose. Several X»iA/SJ\ Juniors preferred to live witn Adam and Eve in fvSSj!^^ the Garden of Eden, for then Ihere was no school yg£* e?k and no work. Others wished to live #in the age /^ of Pericles, Caesar, Confucius, Alfred the Great, Q=k (^ Charles IV. of Denmark, Raphael, Robinhood, j& fes. Elisabeth of England, Columbus, Washington, and *f%ja Lincoln. The present age was selected because it _~*^.li is the age of invention, liberal government, free "' ■"•Ja'u" education, and comfort. Colonial times were popu lar because there were all sorts of thrilling adventures to be met with. Iceland, Switzerland, Canada, Athens, California, on the banks of the Amazon, and Africa, were some of the places selected. * A boy would like to have been a Roman, for Romans "were a plucky set of people"; another de sired nothing but to meet Caesar in battle; and a third made the startling statement that "tho Romans were the first to become civilized." "If I had lived before, I should have been dead by this time," several Juniors decided; and if one had lived in ancient times he might have been a Homer or a Hercules. A girl wants to be an Arab, because she /would not have to "pull chairs up and sit at the table." Owing to a typographical error, the paper in last Saturday's issue headed "LostA Golden Reward," was cred ited to Lloyd W. Hoskins, Grafton, N. D., instead of to Raymond R. Goulet, Grafton, N. D. .•. •5 » I IN OLD GERMANY Bookworm Longs to Visit City , of Books. (Prize.) THERE is no hesitation on my part ' in answering this question. Ger many is a country I have always longed to visit. 1 should not want to live there during a war. Many Juniors have read "Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates." After reading this book, much as I longed to visit Germany before, my longing was increased tenfold. How delightful it would be to glide along on the smooth, glassy ice of the canal described in the story I have just men tioned, to visit that beautiful street In Berlin, Unter den Linden, and when Christmas came to celebrate it in true German style. - What other joys are there not to be found in that old-fashioned coun try? As I am what my brother calls a "bookworm," I should visit Leipsic, and purchase enough books to last me a year; and when I had those read I should buy another roomful. This kind of life would be delightful beyond de scription. Though I may not live there, I do the next best thing which i 3 to read about it. —Mary Nolan, Eighth Grade. Waverly, Minn. Jt WILD, STRJtNGE COUNTRY Colonial Maids Jtmid Dangers Grew to Be Braa; Courageous Women. (Fifth and Sixth Grade Prize.) | SHOULD like to have lived during the time when the May * flower made her first trips across the ocoan; partly to show the English ruler, who would not allow me to keep and practice my own religion, that I would be independent and risk life and everything for religion's sake, and partly because it would be so interesting to come to a wild, strange country where few, if any, white people had ever been before. I would have spent most of my time roaming in the woods of the wilderness. Naturally I should have been afraid of Indians, but then I need not hare gone far away from home and shelter. I am sure the girls who lived during that time grew up to be very brave and courageous •women; so that is one of the reasons why I should like to have lived during that time. —Eda Anderson, Sixth Grade. Warren, Minn. Panoramic Wall Paper. (Honorable Mention.) 1 SHOULD like to take a big ji nip some day and land right 1b 1 the middle of the twenty-fli«?t century. How odd it would seem to come running home from school at night and ask mama if there were enough compressed air In the airship because I wanted to go to Mars and see "Upsula Highman!" Think of ships running by compressed air or electricity, or of folks burning acetylene lamps altogether, or maybe having wall-paper in which the pictures moved! How queer it would be to step up toi»the telephone, and while I talked to my friend, look