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THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. PRICE TWO CENTS. T V PERHAPS THAT WIRELESS MESSAGE SKATED ACROSS. f PERHAPS THAT WIRELESS MESSAGE SKATED ACROSS. CAPITALIST AND EMPLOYE A New Effort to Make Their Relations Harmonize. MGR. IRELAND AIDING President Schwab and Senator Han Also Assist. STRIKING COMMENTS ARE MADE Tribunal of Peace Projected in the Form of a General Execu tive Committee. New York, Dec. Brought together through the good offices of the National Civic Service federation, leading repre sentatives of labor and capital met here today to discuss plans to minimize wage and industrial disputes. Aiding them with counsel were several prominent ! students of economics and leading factors in the religious world, and the first ses sion was notable for a number of striking expressions and comments upon the prob lem faced by the conferees. Samuel Gompera, Theodore Shaffer and other leading members of the American Federa tion of Labor will participate in the ses sion tomorrow. Oscar Strauss, former minister to Turkey, who acted as chair man, announced that it was planned to form a general executive committee with representation divided among labor, cap ital and the great public, and that it was hoped that it would become a tribunal of peace where the conflicting interests might meet on an even footing and set tle their differences in a spirit of con ciliation and mutual toleration. Among those attending the opening meeting were: Senator M. A. Hanna, Charles M. Schwab, president of the United States Steel corpora tion. Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Potter. S. R. I'allaway, president of the American Locomo tive Works, E. n. Durand. secretary of the industrial commission; Theodore Marburg of Baltimore; W. P. Pfahler of R. C. Kerens of St. Louis: R. M. Easley of the National Civic Federation; John Philips of fuc National Hatters' Union; James Ryan of the International Typographical Union, -md Manus Marks, president of the National Clothing Makers' Association. Schwab Kiprt-ssex HiniKvlf. Mr. Schwab declared he was opposed to labor unions, as they were now consti tuted. He said: I am here with a mind open to conviction, anxious to see the other side of the shield! and ready to <3o that which is fair. It may le this is a selfish motive, but I realize that upon the peaceful adjustment of the difficul ties that exist between capital und labor de pends the future prosperity of the United States. The decadence of trade in other countries is due to the hostility of labor unions. I do not deny that capital has been r.rbitrary and unfair. I am not opposed to labor unions per se: but I am against them as they are now constituted. Labor unions will not succeed as the trusts have not succeeded, on the principle of limiting production. Con solidation for economy's sake, fair wages, j.ur-hasing in the cheapest market and sell ing in the best, are the trade principles that Beau Had Two Strings to His Bow Special to The Journal. • Calloway, Neb., Dec. 16.—Other towns have had their elopments, but it has re mained for Galloway to furnish an instance in which two girls elope with a young man. Hulda Ahrendt, 14, and Ada Farrell, attending the Calloway high school, dis appeared a few days ago, and later it was found they had run away with Clark Toll, a young man who recently came here from Kansas. A deputy sheriff was soon hot on their trail. Throwing off Miss Ahrendt at Cambridge, as ballast, the other two hurried on. They crossed the state line into Kansas ahead of the deputy, were married at Norton, and made a complete get-away before the officer arrived. Both girls are of good families. will stand. The labor unions have become trusts. After all, the fortunes and the pros perity of the ■employer and employed are linked together; they are the same, and the two interests should stand together. I am willing to come here aud give you any prac tical ideas that I can, and I bope that this conference will come to some good. Senator Hanna expressed strong ap proval of the principle of organized labor, and his speech drew apologies from John Phillips and John J. Donnelly, two of the labor delegates present, who confessed that they had held erroneous and unjust views as to the attitude of the senator toward organized labor. Senator Hanna related an experience he had with coal miners In Ohio many years ago,.and said that the experience had made him an ad vocate of unionism. He said: I saw then and I believe now that labor and capital could be brought together. I believe that the day is at hand for their peace, and I am willing to give the best that is in me while life lasts to bringing labor and capital together. A settlement of the question will do more for good government, good morals and good social relations than anything else we could accomplish To the end of all this I freely give whatever service I can render to this association. Archbishop Ireland Speaks. Archbishop Ireland said all Europe looked to the United States to heal the breach between the two great Interests. As minister of religion, as a member of a church whose pontiff had declared that the most important duty of the church was to maintain peace between labor and capital, he was present to do his duty in a movement that made for peace and har mony and brotherhood among men. He believed that he realization of what Americans owed to one another as men and children of God was needed to bring those opposed together. He approved the idea of creating some channel for an ex change of ideas and the mutual flow of the feeling of brotherhood. John Phillips and John J. Donnelly, the latter of the New York bricklayers' union, recorded their approval of the principle of arbitration and conciliation and asserted that for years the hatters and bricklay ers in New York had maintained satis factory relations with the men who em ployed them. FEDERATION MEETING Filial Disposition of the Uiirstion Of Trade Autonomy. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 16. —In the Amer ican Federation of Labor convention the special committee on autonomy recommended that where there are only a few craftsmen in a large industrial con cern, the best interests of all would be conserved by the few joining the para mount organization in such establish ment and the promulgation of subdivided crafts into district and national trade councils where all dispufes should be settled. The recommendations of the committee were unanimously adopted without a single remark being made by any one. The committee report on so cialism, heretofore published, was adopted. The next convention will be held at New Orleans. Hanna Zealous. Washington, Dec. 16.—Senator Hanna has gone to New York to attend a conference called by the industrial bureau of the Amer ican civic federation, where it is hoped some thing may be done to bring about closer re lations between capital and labor to prevent strikes and attendant evils. In an inter view he made the following statement: "I would rather have the credit of mak ing a successful movement to bring labor and capital into closer relations of confidence and reliance than be president of the United States."' FOUNDJHIM DEAD A Hlllttboro Business Man Expired Alone and Unattended. Special to The Journal. Hillsboro, N. D., Dec. 16.—John Vik, a prominent business man of this city, was found dead in his room just before 12 o'clock to-day. He was a member of the Elk fraternity, about 30 years old, and un married. Death is supposed to have been caused by apoplexy. His parents reside in Finland. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 190 L CRIMES ACT Portions of Ireland Are to Be Proclaimed There under. Dublin, Dec. 16.—Large numbers of constabulary have been drafted to import ant points in Mayo and Roscommon and a proclamation placing both countries under the crimes act is expected to be issued immediately. This influx of extra police is unprecedented since the days of Cap tain Boycott. Nationalist members of parliament and United Irish League speakers have been most active in Mayo and Rosecommon recently preaching forcible resistance to the authorities cohbtTwilTFight Mandamus Issued to Com pel Operation of Wash burn & Bayfield Ry. Special to The Journal. Washburn, Wis., Dec. 16.—A peremptory writ of mandamus has been issued out of the circuit court to compel the continuous operation of the Washburn, Bayfleld & Iron River railroad which has been or dered to be torn up and sold by the Unit ed States court. The road announced that it would cease doing business on Saturday, The pro- ( ceeding is an extraordinary one. Public j feeling runs high, as the county gave ! $185,000 in bonds to the road. The writ goes into great detail, and re cites the facts in connection with the building and operation of the road. It is returnable before Judge Parish at Med ford on Dec. 23. District Attorney A. W. McLeod and H. H. Hayden, of Kau Claire, are handling the litigation for the county and are con fident that they can prevent the tear ing up of the main line. ALL FLOCKS LOST Sections of Wyoming Cleared of Stock—Herders, Too, Perished. Green River, Wyo., Dec. 16. — Andrew Christensen, who runs 3,500 sheep north of Green river, has reached here and reports that all flocks in that section are lost together with several herders. The storm, he sayß, was the worst he ever saw in this state. He believes the loss among sheep will be heavy. More ReasMuriiiK-. Rawlins, Wyo., Dec. 16.—The weather cleared up in this part of the state last night and it is claimed the loss has been only normal. Some bands of sheep were badly scattered and herders are busy trying to get them back. Sheepmen who have just come in from the Red desert say there has been no loss of life among herders and ex cept for the sheep killed on the railroad live stock loss has been slight ChecliH \Viiiiii|M'K Building. Special to The Journal. Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 16.—Winnipeg is ex periencing its first oold snap. During the past few days the thermometers have regis tered always below zero, and on two or three nights have gone as low as 30 below. Out- Bide building operations, with the exception of sewer work, have ceased for the season. More eewer construction is being done this winter than ever before in the city's history GOVERNING CRETE Prince George of Greece High Com miHHioner Three Years Longer. Rome, Dec. 16.—The Italian minister of foreign affairs and the ambassadors at Rome of Germany, France and Great Britain have decided to appoint Prince George of Greece high commisisoner in Crete for a further term of three years. FRICTION IN HIGH PLACES President and Senators Don't "Hit It Off" Well PATRONAGE THE BONE Appointment Methods of McKinley and Roosevelt Compared. OPEN RUPTURE NOT PROBABLE Republican Senators Will I'nibalily Learn Thut Roosevelt's Po sition la-Correct. Front Th» Journal JJurtau, Boom. 4JS,jPotrt Building, Washington. Washington, Dec. 16.—There is friction between the president and certain mem bers of the senate, growing out o j t jj e }n _ dependence of the former regarding patronage. The friction is not acute, although it presents several features which at first blush appear to make It so, but it shows such marked contrast to the condition of perfect accord which pre vailed between the executive and the confirming power under McKinley as to be a matter of general comment. McKinley leaned on his personal and political friends and few appointments, even of a minor character, were made without consulting them. Roosevelt leans on do one. He acts independently, al though first hearing all that those who have a right to speak care to say. The difference between them Is tempera mental. Roosevelt could not be Roose velt and follow the McKinley appoint ment policy. In McKinley tact reached the high perfection of an art. In Roose velt it is strained through a vigorous and impetuous personality, and while not lost sight of, wants much of the polish and perfection that was given it by Mc- Kinley. On the surface it looks as if the country is about to witness a repetition of the conditions which prevailed during the days of the latter Cleveland administra tion; but investigation does not bear out this surface indication. Won't Rally Around a Sore Spot. It is true that Senators Foster of Wash ington, Scott of West Virginia, Fairbanks of Indiana, the Addlcks republicans of Delaware, the "regular" • republicans of Virginia, the Kerens men in Missouri, and one of the republican factions in Ken tucky are angry. It is also true that they have been breathing out threaten ings and slaughter; but their wrath will be appeased. They will not unite in a fight against the president. The public never rallies around a sore spot. Nothing in the situation bears out the charge which has been made in many of the newspapers, tha" the president is bent j on overturning the supremacy of Senator Hanna. On the highest authority it may be said that the relations between the president and the republican national committee are very cordial, and that there is nothing to indicate that they are not to remain so. In appointment mat ters the president is acting in a straight forward manner, taking up each case by itself and deciding it as he thinks the situation demands. The charge that in the states where friction has developed the president's policy has shown that he wants to break away from Hanna and the national committee is without foundation. The national organization has not been thought of; as I have said, each appoint ment has been made independently of! every other one, and without reference to anything save the immediate circum stances surrounding it. There is a wide gulf between the ap pointment policy of McKinley and that of Roosevelt. The senate is rather slow in bridging it, and that explains the pres ent friction. Nobody has been able to call into question the character of the Roosevelt appointments. They have been uniformly and admittedly of a high grade. CriticiMin's Ertjte Blunted. Nobody has been able to establish that the president, in ignoring senators and other prominent republicans, has been following out p. prearranged program, having the overturning of the present re publican organization as a necessary re sult. This blunts the edge of much of the criticism and leaves each disappointed Benator and office seeker to stand on his own bottom as an individual; it removes all thought of a Roosevelt "conspiracy," and places the president on a high plane in the thought of the country, which wants the best men for public positions, and only the best men. If President McKinley's administration had a weak place it was in its free-and easy attitude towards federal patronage. Probably some of the office brokers thought that this policy would be con tinued through all succeeding administra tions. Their disappointment is keen, but it is not an indication of anything seri ous. The foregoing statement has been writ ten after a careful investigation of the situation. It does justice to the presi dent and to certain gentlemen of the senate who are smarting under disap pointment. Should there be a struggle between the executive and the confirming powor, resulting from existing grievances and others which may come, the presi dent will win. It will not be a drawn bat tle, as when Cleveland was in the White House. Cleveland's contested appoint ments were of a strictly personal char acter. He wanted his particular friends for certain positions and in several in stances they were not as fit for those posi tions as the men favored by the sen ators. Roosevelt is acting in an imper sonal and wholly disinterested way. Should the issue be raised he will say that he made certain appointments for the good of the service and the country will believe him. But the senate is too wise to raise the as long as the presi dent maintains his present strong posi tion. —W. W. Jermane. Washington Small Talk. Congressman Heatwole will start for Minne sota Tuesday or Wednesday, to remain until aCter the bolidava. Postmasters appointed to-day: Minnesota — Latta, Wadena county, Carl C. Jensen. South Dakota —Cheyenne Agency, Dewey county, Samuel O. Overly; Hermosa, Custer county, John McCarthy. As the result of the efforts of Congressman McCleary and others, it now seems likely that the salaries of rural free delivery carriers will be increased to $600 for the first year of service, $720 for the second year and |84U for the third and subsequent years. Congressman McCleary has another invi tation to make an address at Peoria, 111., Feb. 12, Lincoln's birthday anniversary, but will probably be compelled to decline owing to the press of congressional business. Representative Eddy will go home via St. Louis for the holidays, and while in that city he will hear Representative Tawney's address on breaking ground for the big exposition. Representative Fletcher will start for Min neapolis Thursday morning for the holiday vacation. A French syndicate. It is reported, has acquired extensive mining rights in the vicinity of Dover, England. ASK LONG TO WAIT A BIT Admiral Schley Will File an Objection. FINDINGS OF COURT Secretary Long Grants the Request of Schley's Counsel. VOTE OF THANKS FROM CONGRESS Senator Jones ,of Arkansas Intro duces a. Joint Resolution Praia ing; Schley and His Men. Washington, Dec. 16. —Admiral Schley was in consultation all this forenoon with his counsel, Isador Rayner and M. A. Teague; also General Felix Agnus of Bal timore and Congressman Schirm of Mary land. After the conference Admiral Schley authorized Mr. Teague to make the following statement: We have been in consultation as to what further proceedings shall be taken. Nothing definite has been determined upon, so far as civil or criminal action of any kind against Maclay and his sponsors is concerned. Mac lay's claim that the findings of the court are a vindication for himself and his book is absolutely spurious. There are no less than half a dozen instances in the book in which, even if he were to accept the findings of the court and incorporate them in the volume and change it to suit the findings, the book would still be criminal libel. Mr. Teague during the forenoon pre sented the following letter to Secretary Long: Washington, Deo. 16, 1901.—Sir: I have the honor to most respectfully request that you withhold your approval from the find ings of the court of inquiry recently held at the navy yard in the city of Washington, of which Admiral George Dewey was president, until such time as I may have opportunity to file a statement of objections thereto, and I therefore request that you do not dissolve the court until action shall have been taken on such objections. Very respectfully, —W. S. Schley, Rear Admiral, U. S. N. —Isador Rayner, Counsel for Applicant Before Said Court of Inquiry. To the Honorable Secretary of the Navy. Request Granted. He asked the secretary to indicate his probable action in the premises. The sec retary replied that the request would be granted and his action on the findings and the dissolution of the court withheld un til the objections were received and he had an opportunity to consider them. He said he would communicate with Admiral Schley in writing and asked how long a time counsel desired to present their ob jections. Mr. Teague replied that they would be ready for presentation by Thursday or Friday of this week. "We will except to the findings of the court," said Mr. Teague, "and make a demand that the majority opinion be dis approved by the secretary as contrary to the evidence and the pertinent facts in the case which the court has not con sidered nor acted upon." While Mr. Teague would not say that such action would be taken, he pointed out the fact that they could appeal from the secretary's action to the president of the United States. of Congress. In the senate to-dey Mr. Jones (Ark.) introduced a joint resolution, as follows: That the thanks of congress and the Ameri can people are hereby tendered to Rear Admi ral Winfield S. Schley and the officers and men under his command for highly distin guished conduct In conflict with the enemy, as displayed by them In the destruction of the Spanish fleet off the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, July 3. 1893. That the President of the United States be requested to cause the reso lution to be communited to Rear Admiral Schley and through him to the officers and men under his command. Without comment, the resolution was referred to the committee on naval affairs. Since the court of inquiry rendered its decision Admiral Schley has received a large number of letters and telegrams, < all containing expressions of confidence ! and esteem and offers of assistance. To i answer these personally would be a work j of such magnitude that the admiral has addressed the following letter to the public: I beg to express my gratitude and heartfelt j thanks for the kind words and evidences of i interest in my welfare which I have received ! from all uarts of the United States. The ' magnitude of the correspondence renders It ! impossible for me to personally acknowledge | the same, and I therefore take this means of expressing my appreciation to one and all. LONG TO ACT He Will Slitn the Seliley Court Rec ord and Ignore Dewey'a Report. A>to York Sun Special S»rvio» Washington, Dec. 16.—Secretary Long will probably to-day perform the final act in the matter of the Schley controversy. He will then affix his signature to hte find ings of the Dewey court of inquiry, indi cating his approval bf the record. He will ignore the personal statement of Admiral Dewey appended to the findings as not a part of the record. In this he will follow the naval regulations. Admiral Dewey signed the .findings of the court as its president. He also agreed in those find ings to give them the unanimous approval of the court, with the exception of the four points to which he took exception. It is now known that on the seven most damaging findings against Schley the court was unanimous, but Admiral Dewey wanted to stop with three and go no fur ther. His associates, Admirals Benham and Ramsay, wanted to go further and pass upon all the points raised against Schley. They insisted that the evidence of the court Justified the other findings. Admiral Dewey dissented. Dewey waß outvoted on these four points and took exceptions to them. He then appended his unprecedented paragraph, declaring that Schley was in command at Santiago. Had Admirals Benham and Ramsay been willing to stop where they agreed with Dewey, there would have been but one report. • SENATOR SEWELL WEAKER. Camden, N. J., Dec. 16.—United States Sen ator William J. Sewell is reported to-day to be in a very weak condition and in danger of a second relapse. The physicians say that while he may live for some days, another sinking spell might cause his death at any time. The senator Is suffering from dia betes, complicated with other diseases. MOVING UPON ANARCHISTS. Washington, Dec. 18. —The senate to-day adopted the resolution of Senator Vest direct ing the committee on the judiciary to in vestigate and report upon a method for re stricting anarchy and restraining those who attempt to assassinate presidents. POSTMASTERS OF LARGE TOWNS. Washington, Dec. 18.—The president to-day sent to the following nominations to the sen ate: To be postmasters—George H. Roberts, Jr.. at Brooklyn, N. V.; Clayton MoMichael, at Philadelphia, Pa. To be secretary of Ari zona—lsaac T. Stoddard. 16 PAGES-FIVE O'CLOCK. MEGAARDEN MUST YIELD HIS OFFICE Supreme Court Says Oov. Van Sant Had Ample Authority to Sus pend Hennepin's Sheriff. A Writ of Ouster Will Be Issued at Onee —Then Megaarden Must Quit. The supreme court upholds Governor Van Sant in his suspension of Sheriff Me gaarden of Hennepin county. In a decision filed this afternoon and written by- Judge Lovely the court holds that the power to remove an official after investiga tion implies authority to suspend pending the proceedings. The writ of ouster prayed for by the attorney general will be issued at once. When it Is served Megaarden must cease to exercise his functions as sheriff or bo In contempt of court. Syllabus of the Decision. In the syllabus, Judge Lovely summar izes the rulings of the court as follows: State of Minnesota ex rel. W. B. Douglas, at torney general, relator, vs. Philip T. Me gaarden, respondent. First—The governor has authority to remove a sheriff from office, "whenever it appears by competent evidence that such officer has been guilty of malfeasance or nonfeasance in the performance of his official dutties," upon pro ceedings provided for in chapters 893 to 903 inclusive, G. S. 1894. Second—ln the enactments referred to no provision is to toe found authorizing the sus pension of a sheriff pending proceedings for I his removal, but that power impliedly exists j a.s incidental to the executive authority to re move, and may be exercised by the governor in a proper case. Third—The power to suspend an officer dur ing investigation under the statutory provi sions referred to is not arbitrary, but involves the exercise of discretion and good judgment ! by the governor, and may or may not be ex j ercised, as a wise exercise >of such judgment i and discretion; and shal indicate a public ne cessity for the order of suspension. Some Specific Points. After summarizing the history of the case, the opinion says: It is claimed that by the statement in the report of the putilic examiner it does not ap pear that the alleged acts of malfeasance oc j turred during respondent's ipresent term of office. It is only necessary to say with reference to this claim that the. office of sheriff has i long been deemed in this county as so itnglrr i tant that such official will be -recognized in all the courts of his state, and his appoint ment or retirement from office need not be proved. Hence this court will take judicial ! notice that respondent was in fact holding j such office for the term previous to 1901. With regard to the claim that an in vestigation in removal proceedings can not take knowledge of misconduct previ ous to the present term, the court says: We cannot hold this contention well taken in this' case. Many charges by the public examiner relating to the ter mprevious to ! the sheriff's incumbency are of the same j nature as one specific act occurring during i his present term and it is further stated in I the information that large sums of money j illegally collected during the previous years are still retained. Without entering into details we are sutis ! fled from the facts set forth that tested by ' this requirement the complaint of the public examiner, including the facts ,in his report, was sufficient to authorize an investigation. The Governor's Authority. The court then comes down to the real point at issue, the governor's power to suspend pending an investigation. The court finds that that power is not confer red by the laws, explicitly. It should be clearly expressed, and the revision com mission is recommended to include such a provision in the statutes. In the absence of direct law on the sub ! ject, the court relies on a Missouri de ' cesion, 16 Mo., app. 48-50, State vs. Police i Commissioners, in which the court said: I The suspension of an officer, pending his j trial, for misconduct, so as' to tie his hands for the time being, seems to be universally accepted as a fair, salutary and often neces sary incident of the situation. His retention, at such time, of all the advantages and op portunities afforded by official position may enable and encourage him, not only to per sist in the rebellious practice complained of. BUBGLARS ESCAPED Attacking Parties of Citizens Fired Into and Wounded Each Other. Perry, lowa, Dec. J6.—The general store of Ernest Towne, at Jamaica, near here, was entered by burglars Saturday night. Four citizens gave chase, two going in one direction and two in another. They met on the cross-roads and each party mistook the other for the burgers and opened fire. Before explanations could be made, Towne, James King and Blame Parmenter were well filled with shot. It is not thought the wounds of any of them will prove fatal, but at this time fifty-seven shot have been removed from the body of Parmenter. The burglars escaped. PLANTS AND FLOWERS BURNED. Special to The Journal. Red Wing, Minn., Dec. 16.—Oliver Com stock's greenhouses, south of the city, were destroyed by fire. Says He's Married to Miss Gould Special to The Journal. Bioux City, lowa, Dec. 16. —"J. H. Anderson of Kansas," reluctantly admitted at the Hotel Leader here yesterday that he was the husband of Helen Gould, and that they have four children, Eddie, Grace, Anna and Helen. "Miss Helen Gould is my wife," he say«, "made so Friday, Sept. 26, 1890, at Benton Harbor, Mich." Anderson says he is the man arrested several months ago in New York for calling on Miss Gould. He says he thought she was Helen White when he married her but she wrote him a letter In 1899, telling him she was Helen Gould. He ex hibits a letter from 2553 Fifth avenue. New York, which he says was written by hut. He is believed to be a harmless lunatic but also to seriously embarrass his triers ia their approaches to the end of justice. Says Judge Lovely: The reasons stated seem so essential to a complete and thorough investigation of an official charged with misconduct as to fur nish an unanswerable argument to the claim of the respondent that the minor right to suspend is not included in the major au thority to remove. A better illustration of the necessity of holding that such incidental right exist, can not be made than in the case^pf a sheriff, first executive officer of the county. It may be said that it is a great hardship upon an accused official to be deprived of his fees and emoluments, but the answer to thiß suggestion is, that he takes office and re tains it cum onoe and must accept its bur dents with its benpfits. The order to suspend should not prejudi^* the respondent in any reaped. He is en titled to a fair hearing with all the presump tions of innocence and good intentions in his favor. These ought* to continue until the termination of the investigation and the action of the governor but we are compelled to adopt the view that to give the power of removal practical effect it must be held in a proper case to be left to executive discre- tion and judgment to include the authority to direct the temporary suspension of the official, which was ordered In this case. Let the writ of ouster issue as prayed for. ■ The writ of ouster will be drawn by the attorney genral and issued by Dar F. Reese, clerk of the supreme court. It will be served by Coroner 'Williams, who will then be in undisputed charge of the sheriff's office. .. . j CORONER. TO STEP IX Megaarden Will Quit Pending Re milts of Investigation. "Mr. Megaarden is still sheriff," said Judge Steele this afternoon when apprised that the supreme court had sustained the governor's action in suspending Sheriff Megaarden pending the result of the ex-, amination as to malfeasance in office. "The supreme court decision simply tiea his hands." "You mean that the coroner will take hcarge of the sheriff's office?" was asked. "Yes, the coroner will be in charga provided the supreme court has decided a3 you say it has. I don't see how it could arrive at such a decision." The decision of the supreme court will, of course, have no effect on the examina tion now being conducted by Commis sioners Stratton and Salmon. Several witnesses were examined to-day, includ ing Clerk Spencer of the United States court. He testified to having paid for the board of two .United States prisoners in the interegnum before William Grim s,haw became United States marshal. tOher witnesses testified as to the man ner of conveying Nina Elliott, Marie King, Benjamin Harper and Alvena Peter son, to the state institutions at.Faribault. In no case was a hack taken in Minne apolis, and in Faribault the hack fare was but 25 cents, or 50 cents for the round trip, instead of $1. hTe fare was usually paid, by the attendants, who were not reimbursed by Mr. Megaarden. Alvena Peterson was but 2 years old, and was taken in her mother's arms, no railway fare being exacted. The county paid full fare for Alvena, however. The decision of the supreme court will, of course, have no effect on the examina tion now being conducted by Commis sioners Stratton and Salmon. Several witnesses were examined to-day, includ ing Clerk Spencer of the United States court. He testified to having paid for the board of two .United States prisoners in the interegnum before William Grim sjhaw became United States marshal. tOher witnesses testified as to the man ner of conveying Nina Elliott, Marie King, Benjamin Harper and Alvena Peter son* to the state institutions at Paribault. In no case was a hack taken in Minne apolis, and in Faribault the hack fare was but 25 cents, or 50 cw.ts for the round trip, instead of $1. hTe fare was usually paid, by the attendants, who were not reimbursed by Mr. Megaarden. Alvena Peterson was but 2 years old, and was taken in her mother's arms, no railway fare being exacted. The county paid full fare for Alvena, however. DECIDE MONDAY Noyes Case to Be Special Or der in Court at San Francisco. Special to The Journal. San Francisco, Dec. 16.—The circuit court of appeals met and adjourned to day without rendering a decision in the Noyes contempt case. The court ad journed to next Monday, when it is ex pected the contempt cases will be the special order. Action is expected to-day in the attempt of Dudley Duboz to be liberated from prison, where he was sent for contempt of court. Attorney General Knox sent word that if the local district attorney took no action on Duboz's petition he would act. STORE AND POSTOFFICE BUKNED. Special to The Journal. Plainview, Minn., Dec. 16.—A. A. Miller's general store at Beavor, in which was lo cated the postofflce, burned yesterday. Noth ing was saved. It was inarured for $1,000.