OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, December 21, 1901, Image 23

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-12-21/ed-1/seq-23/

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Annual Inventories Next on the Pro
Markets on Moat Liuea Will Be
Stronger After the Turn
of the Year.
Jobbing trade for the week has been rather
quiet, with most retailers so busily engaged
with the holiday rush they had neither time
nor opportunity to make purchases from
wholesalers. The annual Inventory period
will commence after Christmas, an, in fact,
in some instances wholesale dealers are now
engaged in stock taking. Most travelers will
come In off the road to-night and will remain
till after New Year's.
Notwithstanding the quiet buying demand
the price situation in nearly all lines of
merchandise is showing advancing tendencies.
Advances for the week in this market were of
!;ir more importance than declines, showing
the expectation of a large volume of business
for spring, and taking It for granted that
there will be shortages' in the supply of many
lines of goods.
In the wholesale grocery trade there is .a
quiet tone to the sugar market, owing to the
Irregular condition of the New York market.
Open kettle and centrifugal grades of New
Orleans molasses are stronger. Breakfast
foods have advanced 25@50 cents per barrel
for rolled oatsr and oat products and are
cents higher for case lots. Rice is
stronger for Honduras and Japan domestics.
Salt fish is on a steady basis and generally
unchanged. In dried fruits, loose muscatel
raisics have advanced 1 cent a pound in
this market, and are strong. Currants are
up "4 cent for cleaned In bulk. Provisions
are showing a firm tone with lard
cent higher locally. While canned tomatoes
have not advanced here, market at packing
points is represented by values s®lo cents a
dozen higher on 2s and Ss standards. Gal
lon canned apples ar« stronger. Other canned
goods are steady.
Hardware Prices Higher.
Hardware prices are showing a better tone
also, and some advances have occurred while
others are in prospect. Nails and wire, while
on the former basis yet, have reached the low
point and any reaction will be to a higher
basis. Orders booked for spring delivery in
both commodities are on a larger scale than
ever before in the history of the local trade.
January will bring in a heavy run of future
orders,! and prospects of a shortage in pro
duction are stronger to-day than ever before.
Building paper of all descriptions is ad
vancing and supply is short of the require
ments of the trade. Cordage is steady. Steel
goods are in good request, with spring orders
of large proportions, and an advance of s@lo
per cent well sustained. Poultry netting
and similar commodities are in active de
mand for spring deliveries. Shot has shown
a decline of: 10 cents, owing to the easier
position of lead. Bolts, lag screws and nuts
are on a strong basis and deliveries are from
20 to 60 days behind orders. An advance is
predicted in builders' hardware with the
turn of the year. ■ ■■ ..
Wholesale Drugs Steady.
Holiday rush is over, but there is a fair
buying inquiry for staple lines. General
tendency of , the market is higher. Alcohol is
on a stronger basis and is quotably 4@lo
cents higher. German Chamomiles is show
ing an easier tone, a reduction of 5 cents
having occurred. Oil of sassafras is also on
BO easier basis, having declined 5 cents a
pound. Turkish opium has been in active re- |
iiu«-t. both here and in prominent eastern
markets. Local market has advanced 10
cents: "P. & W. powdered remains steady.
Heavy drugs and chemicals are on a steady
baßls. Heavy oils are unchanged. Linseed
oil is showing stronger tone, and is quotably
2 cents higher In this market. Turpentine is
Higher Prices In Dry Goods.
Local market in bleached cottons In well
known makes Is advancing, having gained
cent here during the week. Cambric
ir.uslin and unbleached cheese cloth •is also
on a higher basis. Knitting yarn of all de
scriptions is showing stronger tone. Well
known wool grades for domestic consumption
are 3 cents higher per bundle. In prints
there is a steady forward demand for spring
delivery, with values hardening. Ginghams
are on a strong basis and will advance short
ly Linen goods are in n^re active request
for January sales. Decline in foreign flax
ha« not yet affected the domestic market and
will not do so. In knit goods and fleece
lined underwear, movement is heavier on re
orders, owing to cold weather. Wash goods
are moving freely for spring. Spring sampled
in manufactured goods, umbrellas, parasols,
fans and all other lines for warm weather
iave been sent to travelers, and orders
of good proportions are coming freely.
. Week** Bank Clearing*.
New York, Deo. 21.—The following table,
compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clear-
Ings at principal, cities for the week ended i
Dec. 20, with the percentage of increase and >
decrease as compared with the corresponding
week last year. i.f -A
—Per Cent-
Cities— Amount Inc. Dec.
New York 51,584,608,529 7.0 ....
Chicago 156,383,863 8.9 ....
Boston 135,126,873 .... 4.7
Philadelphia 109,252,425 .... 2.8
St. Louis 49,234,488 18.4 ....
Pittsburg 37,499,827 4.3 ....
Baltimore 24,244,318 .... ....
San Francisco 25,674,639 13.5 ....
Cincinnati 19,660,850 15.1
Kansas City 19,125,700 .... 4.9
Minneapolis 15.776,988 31.3 ....
Cleveland 14,571,459 19.4 ....
New Orleans 17,563,548
Detroit 14,740,030 62.1
Louisville 10,052,871 2.5 ....
Indianapolis 9,364.122 31.1 ....
Providence 7,331,600 2.1
Omaha 6,847,227 8.3
Milwaukee :... 7,109,882 19.0
Buffalo 6,672,171
St. Paul 5,531,146 6.6 ....
Seattle .' '. 2,906,441 43.1
Washington 8,061,217 .... 2.9
Portland, Oregon ...... 2,929,232 17.9 ....
Dcs Moinea 1,830,271 19.5 ....
Sioux City- 1,598.076 12.2 ....
Spokane. 1,602,823 34.8 ....
Taeoma 1,142,745 1.4 ....
Helena 1,007,721 S.I ....
Fargo 508,236 .... 2.3
Eioux Falls 259,402 42.3 ....
Totals, U. S $2,374,918,952 6.6 ....
Outside New York 790,310,428 5.8 ....
Totals, Canada ,^ 42,800,765 22.9 ....
All Lines , Active—Weather Bothers
the Railway*.
New York, Dec. 21— R. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade says: •
Holiday trade reached its maximum this
week, nearly all sections of the country re
porting exceptional distribution. While the
class of goods, especially stimulated by
Christmas demand - occupied the position of.
greatest prominence, general merchandise was.
'not far'behind In activity.' Transportation
interests were just beginning to overcome
congested conditions when severe storms
made ; the situation more complicated than
before.-- Retarded shipments, caused higher
prices for prompt delivery of pig iron and
steel products at western cities, but leonserva
tism still marks the course of producers re
garding contracts for the futureJJPBBBBfIB
Pig iron has risen slightly on account of
the short fuel supply and injury to furnaces
by the storm. Despite the present unpar
alleled demand, prices are 33 per cent lower
than during the inflation of 1900.
Footwear shops continue busy, leading pro
ducers, as a rule, having good orders for
spring lines, although smaller concerns are
not all as fortunately situated: Firm prices
prevail and specialties command premiums.
There is no accumulation of leather and
prices are decidedly firm. In the textile in
dustries, new lines of woolen goods opened
'successfully, some being almost immediately
withdrawn, owing to the volume of business
secured.' Advances are paid for certain - lines
of worsted. In cotton. goods there is much
business" offered, but sellers are : unwilling
to accept large contracts for future delivery.
in the grain'market, wheat has held steady,
at some.-. reaction from last week's excep
tionally*' high point, and'there is still much
evidence-Of a firm undertone. Severe weath
er stimulated the marketing of live, stock and
feeding, and also interrupted receipts, which
were only 4,684,659 bu, .: against 6,742,949 ,bu
Id the preceding week and 4,802,779 bu a year
i \\.: tVc-v; *TV-= -it!-:-:-::':*.-I 1-.? erport.wnve
ment and there was an outgo of only 3,646,813
bu from the United States, flour included,
against 4,380,300. bu. Corn is also well sus
tained, western receipts for the week reaching
only 2,519, bu, against 6,871,805 bu a year
ago. Atlantic exports were 2,221,114 bu,
against 4,274,169 bu a year ago, and were In
dicative of the foreign attitude toward current
Cotton is little changed, at about 2c below
the price of a year ago.
Failures for the week numbered 2«r> In the
United States, against 293 last year, and 27
in Canada, against IS last year.
The Mlnneaiiolii Market.
Saturday. Dec. 21.
: Extra creamery butter, firm; :
c Mlnneauolii Market.
Saturday. Dec. 21.
a creamery butter, firm; :
: extra dairy, steady. . Strictly - fresh :
: eggs, steady. Dressed hens, steady; :
: spring chickens, steady; fancy tur- :
: keys,. firm. Potatoes, firm. Ap- :
: pies, steady. Fancy country dressed :
: veal, easy. New oranges, easy. :
BUTTER—Extra' creameries'.' per' lb, *23% c;
firsts, lb, 20@21c; seconds, per lb, 15%@16c*
Imitations, firsts, per lb, 17©18 c; imitations
seconds, per lb, 14@15c; dairies, extras, per
lb, 19&20 c; dairies, firsts, lb, 17@18c; sec
onds, lb, 15c; roll and print, fancy, 16@17c;
roll and print, choice, 14%@15c; ladles, firsts,
ID, l,@18c; seconds, lS%©Uc; packing stock,
per lb, 14c; grease, lb, 3@sc.
EGGS—Strictly fresh, cases included, loss
off, per doz, 24c; fresh held, per doz, 18c;
checks, seconds, pickled and limed, per
case, [email protected].
CHEESE—Twins or flats, fancy, lb, 12c;
twins or flats, choice, 9@loe; fair to good,
if oi,/,?", 1)8 Americas, fancy. 12^c; choice,
v' 91$£c: brlck» No 1, 12^@13c; brick
No. 2, 10@llc; brick, No. 3, per lb 7@Bc:
limburger, No. 1, per lb, 12% c; limburger,
No. 2, B&@9%c; prlmost, No. 1, 7c; No. 2,
3c; block Swiss, No. 1, 14^@15c; No. 2, $Vs&
»c; round Swiss, No. 1, l's@lsftc; round
Swiss, No. 2, S^@9c y.- ■"■- ■'■"
LIVE POULTRY-Turkeys, young toms and
hens, per lb, ti^c; sjnali and thin, per lb,
4@oc; chickens, hens, lb, 4&@sc; old roos
ters, per lb, sc; springs, lb, 6c; ducks, spring,
eftc; springs, white, 6V2@7c; geese 6@7c.
DRESSED POULTRY—Turkeys, fancy nens,
lb, 10c; young toms, lb, 9@9&c; old toms and
hens, per lb, 8c; thin young toms, lb, 7^@
8c; culls, lb, 4@se; chickens, springs, fancy
I?' Sc; fair to good, lb, 6@7c; hens, fancy,
lb, 6Vs@7c; old roosters, lb, 3ii@4c; ducks
fancy, !b, 8c; culls, lb, E@6c; geese, 7@Bc.
DRESSED MEATS—VeaI, fancy, lb, 6@6%c:
veal, fair to good, s^c; thin, small or over
weight, per lb, 4i&se; mutton, fancy country
dressed, lb, Be; lambs, fancy, pelts off 7®Ba
nogs, light, 7cr; hogs, medium, 7c; heavy,
6 /4C.
FlSH—Pike, lb, 7c; crapples, lb, 3@6c; pick
erel, drawn, lb, 4&c; pickerel, round 4c
sunflsh. perch, etc., 2@3c; bullheads, skinned
lb, 3@oc; Lake Superior. herring, 3@3^c
POTATOES—White stock, per bu, in car
lots, 80c; white stock, less man car lots 85c;
mixed red, In car lots, 65(&70c; small lota
asked, 75@80c. • '
ONIONS—Red Globe, bu, |1.25; Red Weth
ersffeld, bu, $1.25; Silver Skins, per bu $150,
Spanish, per crate, $2. * ' !
SWEET POTATOES—Illinois, brl, $4.25
BEANS—Fancy navy, per bu, $2.25; choice
$2; medium, hand-picked, per bu, $2; brown,
fancy, bu, $2.25; brown, fair to good, per bu,
$1.50® 1.76.
DRIED PEAS—Fancy yellow, per bu, $1.46;
medium, per bu, $1.25; green, fancy, per
bu, $1.50; green, medium, $1.35; marrowfat, !
bu, $2.25; Lima, California, per lb, 6@7c
APPLES— Twigs, per brl, [email protected]
Jonathans, per brl, $5.50@6; Missouri Pip- !
pins, per brl, $4©4.50; Wlnesaps, $4.50@5-
Baldwins, per brl, $5.50; Ben Davis, $4 50@5-
Northern Spy, per brl, $5.50@6; box stock'
[email protected]. „...■.
ORANGES—New Mexican, per box $•> 75-
California navels, fancy, $3.50; choice', $3*23:
California seedlings, $2.75; Florldas. as to
size, $3.50; tangerines, California, J,4-bu box
$2.50(32.75; Florida, box, $3.50; grape
fruit, California, per box. $6; Florida $7@
7.50. ■ * w
LEMONS—Messinas, fancy $3.75; choice
J3.50; California, fancy, as to size, $8.76'
choice, $3.60. ' '
CRANBERRIES — Wisconsin Bell and
Cherry, brl, $7.75; Wisconsin Bell and Bu
gle, brl, $8.5009; Jerseys, per brl, $7.50; Late
Howes, per brl, $8.5U; per bu boxes, $2 75
GRAPES—Malagas, extra fancy, per keav.
$7; fancy, per keg, $6.
PEARS—Eastern stock, per brl, $5@6.
BANANAS—Fancy large bunches, ' $2 50
--medium bunches, $2.25; small buncnes $° '
HONEY—New fancy white, one-lb sections
15@16c; choice white, $12@lSc; amber, ll@l2c'
golden rod, 11@12'_ ; extracted white, B@9c!
buckwheat, 9<Sl»~"c: extracted amber 7<2Be
VEGETABLES—Beets, per bu, 40c; cab
bage, per large crate. $3; per ton. $3u'; rad
ishes, per doz, 3OQSSc; lettuce, per doz 50®
85c; carrots, per bu, 35® 40c; cauliflower per
doz, $1.75(g2; cauliflower, crates, $3 23
©3.50; cucumbers, hothouse, per ' dozen
[email protected]; celery, per doz, 2;>@3sc; parsnips'
bu, 50c; rutabagas, bu, 40c; spinach bu'
$1.25; turnips, per bu, 40c; tomatoes Califor
nia, per 5-lb basket, $1; parsley, doz 30c
salsify (oyster plant), doz, 4oc; watercress'
doz, 30c. *
Hides, Pelt*, Tallow and Wool.
The Northwestern Hide and Pur company !
review the market as follows: To the sur
prise of all in the trade, the hide market,
Instead of going lower, has reacted. Ad
vances are made on light hides, sixty pounds
and under, %c per pound; steer hides, %c.
Cold weather seems to have stimulated
larger sales of leather, and, in fact, most all
commodities, and tanners are free buyers and
{ take all receipts freely notwithstanding the
, supply is unusually large. Some think there
lis a corner on hides, but we doubt it We
I think it is caused by the big demand for
I leather. Notwithstanding, hides are not as
j good now as in summer and fall, we think
I prices will hold up about where t'Bey are
at least until after Jan. 1.
Furs are coming in freely and are of good
quality. Following are prices for the leading
furs—No. 1 large only— being graded
in proportion:
Bear, $2S; badger, $1.25; dark fisher, as to
color, $6(&9; black fox, 300; silver, $160; cross
as to color, $6@10; red, $3.25; lynx, $4 75:
j marten, as to color, $5@15; mink, as to color!
I [email protected]; otter, [email protected]; raccoon $1.40;
j black, $3; skunk, as to stripe, 55c%1.25; black
$1.60; wolverine, as to color, [email protected]; wolf'
(1.266*3; winter muskrats, 10@13e; fall B©loc'
beaver, $3.50@8. Other furs and different
grades at proportionate prices. Demand is
„,*.,,. No.l. No. 2.
Green salted heavy steer hides ... low 9W,
Green Baited heavy cow hides 9 8
Green salted light, hides gy^ 7%
Green salted bull and 0xen.......... 8 7*4
Green salted veal calf, 8 to 15 lbs. .10% 9
Green salted veal kip, 15 to 25 lbs... '8% IV.
Green salted long-haired or runner '
kip 9 714
Green salted deacons, each 50 40 •
Green or frozen hides and skins lc per lb
less than above Quotations.
Green salted horse or mule hides,
large •••■ ■ $3.00 2.00
Green salted or green frozen horse or
1 mule hides, medium 2.50 1.75
Green salted horse or mule hides
small •••• — '1.75 1.25
: Dry flint Minnesota butcher hides. .13%@15
Dry flint Minnesota, Dakota and
Wisconsin hides 1114 mv,
Dry flint calf skins .....15 12
Dry flint kip skins 13 1014
Green salted pelts, small to large, "
each '20 ©75
Dry flint territorial pelts, per lb % @10
Tallow, in cakes 5% 4%
j Tallow, in barrels 514 414
Grease, white 5 : 4 .
Grease, dark tttt.. ......:. '.'.'.'.'. 1 3%'
Wool, medium, unwashed ....... ....13 @14%
Wool, fine medium, unwashed ...... 12%@13
Wool, coarse, unwashed 12 @12^4
Wool, fine, unwashed 10 ©10%
Wool, broken fleeces,- unwashed .....10 @10%
Bright Wisconsin and similar grades. l@2c
higher than above quotations. Seedy or
burry wool, l@2c less.
New York Metals.
tthan above quotations. Seedy or
wool, l@2c less.
New York Metala.
New York, Dec. 21.—The local metal market
is depressed. Tin declined 10 points yester
day and -closed weak. Local prices for copper
1 are nominally unchanged, but the market was
firm. These declines and the resultant demor
alization came about through the failure of
William Sargent & Co., the firm being long
I 2,000 tons of copper and also long of tin.
The closing prices of tin in London were
£5 5s lower. Thus spot closed at £101 5s and
[futures at £100 10s. The New York market
[ could not stand up under the depression and
1 demoralization abroad, and prices broke ,1c
to l^rc" a lb, closing at $22.50 bid and $23
■l^c a lb, closing at #22.50 bid and $23
[ Copper- was nominally unchanged here at
13c for lake, 12%<> for electrolytic and 12%' for
casting. At London there was a. nervous
market, although towards the close prices ral
lied a little, but the net loss was 17s 6d for
spot and 10s for futures, closing respectively
at £48 12s 6d and £49. ■ ..■■■■■... ,„ ■. „
Lead was quiet but unchanged here, at 4c.
London lead closed at £10 3s yd, a decline of
Is 3d. Spelter closed weak here, but -un
changed, at $4.45, and (London closed, un
changed, at £17. , ; .■•.-,-■
Pig iron warrants were 7s, 3d lower at Glas
gow, closing at 48s 9d, but Middlesiboro was
unchanged at at ISs 9<d, but th© • market: was
langed at 43s 3d. Here the market was
quiet, with price* showing no change; pig
iron ■ warrants, 5 $10. 11.50; No. 1 ; northern
foundry, $l».5O@16; No. 2 southern foundry,
$14.50<g15.50; ; No. 1 southern I:foundry, $15@16,
and No. 1- southern foundry, soft, $15<g'17.
.. Midway Horse Market.
Minnesota Transfer, St.'. Paul, Minn., Dec.
21.—Barrett ,&r Zimmerman ■"report ■ a ■.. steady
A*'x a nd. \ all of it . centered on the heavy ■ kind.
The ovemupplies on the market In -conneettott
with the slight drop in the country price of
horses brought the general run in values
down to the lowest base of the season. Driv
ers and general delivery horses moved very
slow and sold cheap, in sympathy with the
present low quotations on all grades. Values:
Drafters, extra $140@170
Drafters, choice 12<)@140
Drafters, common to good 100@120
Farm mares, choice 85@115
Farm mares, common to good t>s@ 85
New York Mining Stocks. ,
New York, Dec. Adams Consolidated,
80; Alice, 40; Breece, 75; Brunswick Con
solidated, 16; Comstock Tunnel, 5&; Consoli
dated California and Virginia, 150; Deadwood
Terra, 50; Horn 1 Silver, 200; /ron Silver, CO;
Leadville Consolidated, 5; Little Chief, 12;
Ontario, 800; Opblr, 50; Phoenix, 6; Potosi,
3; Savage, 1; Sierra Nevada, 15; Small Hopes,
40; Standard, 325. .
No. 2 Oat* .Now Deliverable on Con
tracts In Milwaukee.
Special to The Journal.
Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 21.—The board of di
rectors of the Chamber of Commerce have de
cided to recommend an amendment to the
rule 3 which -will permit the making of the
grade of oats known as No. 2, deliverable on
j contracts in the Milwaukee market, the same
as in Chicago. , No. 2 is really an obsolete
grade of oats, but the Chicago traders use it
j as their trading grade, and to protect the
! traders in this market the directors here have
j decided to make that grade good for' delivery
on contracts here, as is now done in Chicago.
Grain In Regular Local Elevators.
Week Ending Week Ending
Wheat— *;;- '':■.}•■-_ Dec. 14. Dec. 21.
No. 1 hard 22,061 22,976
No. 1 northern 5,326,367 5,652,467
i No. 2 northern 1,916,112 1,892,376
I No. 3 969,657 538,121
(Rejected 8 114,374 59,605
Special bin ............. 6,088,738 5,629,564
No grade .. 774,145 622,104
Totals - 14,211,444 14,217,213
Increase ••••• 5,769
Corn 271,617 347,354
Oats 420,150 422.570
'Barley 119,271 98,940
I Rye .....; 93.034 69,541
Flax 594,549 665.878
Dally Closing; Price*. ....
- Dee. May. . July.
Saturday, Doc. 14....74i4 76% 77%
Monday 73 75% 76^®%
Tuesday 741, i 76V 8 77%
Wednesday 74 75% *6%
i Thursday 74 75%@% 76&
Friday .74% 75V 2 @% 76Va
To-day .....75i4 77y*@% 78%,
Dec. May. July.
Saturday, Dec. 14....75% 79%@% 79%
Monday 75%@y* 79y a @Vi J.9V4. .
Tuesday 75%@76 79%@80 79%@80
Wednesday 75% 79%@^ J,9%@^
Thursday. 75% 79% 79%@%
Friday 76% 80%, f®*®*
To-day 77% ;. 81 80%
Family Trees in Which Some Rich
• Americans Exult.
Clever Scoundrel* in Great Britain
Who DM Parchment and
London Tidbits.
Few but those actually in the know can
guess the extent of -the, business done
with American visitors to England every
season in bogus heraldry.
Year by year does Cousin Jonathan's de
mand for a coat-of-arms and family tree
become greater, and that there are many
"enterprising" firms on this side always
ready to meet it may be gathered from
the advertisements appearing in the col-
unms of the American newspapers.
"It may be accepted as a fundamental
fact,", said an expert in heraldry to the
writer, "that few of those who originally
emigrated to America were of good fam
ily, and that the descendants of the few
who were have never been lost sight of.
Our pedigree-hunter almost invariably
descends from forbears of the most hum
ble origin and bears the most common
place of names.
"For the establishment of a pedigree,"
he continued, "proof both of paternity
and identity is absolutely essential and
it is the latter that in most caßes con
stitutes the American's difficulty. He can,
however, count upon five distinct chance*
of proving identity.
"What are they? Well, to begin with,
a great many Quakers emigrated to
America, and a Quaker always took with
him a 'certificate of membership,' to act
as a sort of introduction to any meeting
he might Join in the new country. The
certificate set forth who the bearer was,
and gave the name of the monthly meet
ing to which he had belonged in England.
"A second chance is for him to trace
back a male descent to one of the pilgrims
of the Mayflower. As, however, the boat
only took over about 100 emigrants (more
than half of whom died without issue),
you will readily grasp that very few
Americans are able to show a mala de
"The American's third chance of prov
ing identity is by means of one of the
many 'licenses to pass beyond the seas'
issued in former times to Englishmen.
"His fourth chance is by the aid of a
standard work of reference—the original
lists of persons of quality, emigrants, and
others who went from Great Britain to
the American plantations between 1600
and 1700; and his fifth and last remaining
chance," concluded my Informant, "is to
ascertain the exact district in England
from whence his emigrant ancestor came
and then to visit the probate court In
which the district is situated and search
the wills kept there for a possible refer
ence to some legatee resident in America.
The chance of success, however, in any
one of the above methods is remote in the
The present writer knowß of at least
three clever scamps who make a handsome
income out of credulous pedigree-grab
bers. Anything from ten to 1,000 guineas
may be charged for faking up a pedigree,
the amount depending not so much upon
the work done as upon the length of the
pedigree-aspirant's purse.
Perhaps the biggest "fee" ever charged
for (fake) pedigree work was 1,200 guin
eas, paidi by a wealthy Californian to a
clever London swindler versed in heraldry.
The work in question took nearly a year
to complete, was beautifully set forth on
rolls of parchment, and was liberally em
bellished with coata-of-arms.
Working throught the nineteenth, eigh
teenth and seventeenth centuries, some
similarity was maintained to a genuine
family tree; but from that period back
wards roll after roll of parchment waa
covered with a list of purely imaginary
names of hypothetical "ancestors." In
credible as it may appear, these "ances
tors" of the Californian plutocrat were
actually traced back for him "by means of
the bards" (and through many Welsh
princes) to a period of about 400 B C
When complete this record "fake" was
inclosed in three elaborately-laquered
metal cases, each bearing a spurious coat
of-arms and an apropriate motto in old
vV elsh.
One Woodsmen Killed and Another
Special to The Journal.
Stillwater, Minn., Dec. 21.—James Welch
is here from Mackey camp on Spruce river
and reports that Jacob Schwaibald, a
young unmarried) man of Black River
Fall 3, Wis., was killed at the Holmes
camp by a falling tree. The remains were
taken to Black River Falls for burial.
John Arsenault, employed in a camp
near Bruno, Wis., was injured by a falling
tree and brought here for treatment. No
bones wer broken, but his hip was severe
ly bruised and* he suffers much pain.
The residence of Mrs. John Curry was
slightly damaged by flre this morning.
The funeral of A. L.. Gillespie, who died
suddenly last night, will be held at 2:30
o'clock to-morrow afternoon from the
Professor Darius Steward, superintend
ent of the Stillwater public schools, has
received an invitation to deliver a course
of twenty lectures on grades at the East
ern Illinois normal school at some ap
pointed time during the winter. He has
not yet decided whether or not to accept
thp invitation.
Stoiy of an Untaught Helen Keller
'I in Texas.
Hub} Ilioe Who Ii Now Being- lOtl
ucated by (lie State of
Lone Star Weekly.
Ruby Rice, a deaf, dumb and blind girl,
is now being educated under the super
vision of Superintendent McNulty r who
secured an appropriation of $3,000 at the
last session of the ligislature for the edu
cation of the deaf-blind of the state. Mr.
McNulty brought Ruby from her home
two weeks ago. He secured the services
of Mrs. E. Moore Barrett, for many years
a teacher in the state school for the
blind. Mrs. Barrett has had some experi
ence with the deaf-blind, and the secur
ing of her services by Superintendent Mc-
Nulty was fortunate. The following is
an article written by Professor Williams,
after a visit to Ruby's home, two years
"Ruby Rice' was born in Ellis county
in October, 1887. When she was near 2
years old; spotted fever was prevalent in
the community. Six members of the Rice
family had the fearful disease. The fa
ther and a son died. Ruby's life was al
most despaired of for, five long weeks.
Her mother, thought that if she ever re
covered that her mind would be gone,
so severe and agonizing was the pain. For
a time it was difficult for her mother
to determine just what her condition was.
It developed that she was totally deaf
and blind. She had just begun to under
stand and use words, but she does not
seem to have retained any knowledge of
these words.
"Notwithstanding the dark, all but
sealed up life she has lived, she is a
bright, cheerful girl. She Is very fair,
with blue eyes, brown hair, and la quite
slender and active. Some two years ago
a sketch of this little girl's life appeared
In the Galveston News, and being inter
ested in her I determined at the first op
portunity to know more of her. So last
June, on my return from Dallas, where I
had gone with pupils at the close of
school, I went to her home.
"I em fully aware of the Incredulous
reception frequently accorded stories
told of this class of children, and
will therefore, be careful not to overdraw
nor in the least color real conditions. All
of my information is from personal obser
vation and from her mother's lips. I had
written her mother that I was coming. A
few friends were at home. Ruby shook
hands with me, passed her hands partially
over me, then went to her mother,
grasped her hand and twirled it round and
round, much as we did in making a sign
for a wheel, then pointed across the coun
try with her mother's hand). Her mother
said she meant to say I had com» on the
train many miles. She indicated many by
running the fingers of one hand with the
forefinger of the other many times. I
was told that her sister had told her of
my coming, and that I would take her
away. She was quite shy of me and would
only let me play with her a short while
at a time. I took all the different hais
1 could find and spelled the word in her
band, each time I wouldi spell to her, she
would when free, catch and push me to
some playmate, indicating that I should
spell to them. I did so. While I was
doing so Ruby held her hand over their
mouths and at the least wrinkle of tha
face in a smile, she would burst out in
laughter as if she were a great joke. This
was repeated many times.
I stayed all night at the home. In the
morning I found here in the dining-room
thrashing around with a towel at flies,
trying to drive them out. I took her hand
in mine and ran it ovsr'Hiy hands and face
indicating as best I could my desire to
wash. She immediately pointed across tho
room toward the bowl and water. I took
her hand again and pointed it in the di
rection of the water, indicating that she
could get the water. She walked to the
water and touched the bowl, pointing me
to it. Before breakfast was on the table
she was at her place. She has her place
and plate and will have no other. She
'painted and led me to the end of the table
to a chair. Her brother usually ate be
side her. He was late to breakfast. Ruby
felt over to his place and called her moth
er's attention to his absence, pointing up
stairs to where he slept.
"Just before I left she gave me some
work of hers, a doll bonnet. It is quite
rudely made, but is all her own. She in
dicated her individual property by touch
ing the article and striking her breast
with the open hand, and what was other
people's by pressing her own hand against
them. This is almost Identically the
method used by the deaf in general. She
understood when I was to go and kissed
me good-bye, and indicated by pulling and
pointing that her mother should do like
"I visited the home for* an hour again
la3t October. After running her hands
over me she indicated that she knew mo
by calling attention to a little remem
brance I had left her on my former visit.
She was more friendly this time. She
brought me her cat, and spelled in my
hand 'cat.' Her sister had taught her
that word. I then spelled ear, eye and
nose to her, showing her the parts. She
sat as if in thought a moment. Then in
turn she handed me the tail, tongue and
paw for me to spell the names. She seemed
to be much pleased at it all. She showed
me a collection of cabinet photos.
"All were cabinet size, and to me ap
parently the same. She ran over them
and showed me her pictures first. When
she came to her sister's family ahe indi
cated how many there were. She showed
me than one had a beard. She showed
me a baby dress "which her mother told
me ehe had cut and made alone, from her
old dress, for her sister's baby. The work
was well and neatly done. Few children
with sight could equal it at her age. She
ran short of cloth, and made one sleeve
of different cloth. This worried her no
"She keeps her own trunk and woe be
unto the household article which falls in
with her property, I also saw her
sitting with a small piece of white cloth
endeavoring to pull out the threads for
drawn work. She had one side out and
was doing fairly well with the cross sec
tion. I saw her thread a needle, which
she did by placing the eye of the needle
as well as the thread to the end of her
tongue. She sews on the machine and by
hand. The neighbors* children often play
with her. When they do anything she dis
likes she motions for them to go home.
"She knows how many there ere in each
family In the neighborhood, and knows
them all when they come. She can always
Indicate the right direction of the home
of each family. Once when she visited
her sister Bhe became homesick. She made
signs that were clearly understood to
mean her mother was lying on the bed
sick. She wanted to go to her. When
quite small she would scream and cry in
a great fright every time It rained. She
feels her way about the house partially
with her feet, and for that reason likes to
go barefooted. She dearly loveß her cat,
and will allow no one but herself and
brother to claim it. She Is a happy,
bright and cheerful child and enjoys the
companionship of friends. She shares
with all of them her candies and fruits.
Had her young life had the benefits of an
instructor, it is beyond the ability of
any one to say what she might not have
accomplished. Sure it is that she posses
ses a remarkably bright mind."
Attorney H. R. Homer of Pierre ud
)ln. Gertie Zoek Reed.
Special to The Journal.
Pierre, S. D., Dec. 21. —Cards were re
ceived in this city to-day announcing the
marriage at Plttsburg, Pa., on Wednes
day, the 18th, of H. R. Homer, and Bertie
Zock Reed, Mr. Homer is the senior
member of the law firm of Homer &
Stewart, and is one of the most promin
ent atorneys of the state. Mrs. Reed
was owner and for several years manager
of the Grand Pacific hotel of this city.
Both have a wide circle of acquaintances
Beaumont New
Oil News.
What the General Manager of the Hoag-Swain
Syndicate says about the United States Fuel Oil
K. Oliver, President. E. J. Marshall, Vice Prest. W. L. Murphy, Cashier.
\V. T. Campbell, 2nd Vice Prest.
CAPITAL - $100,000.00
Beaumont, Tex., Deo. 16th, 1901.
144-146 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul, Minn.
Dear Sir: Your wells are going down very well, bo the driller informs me.
Mr. Stum is a very good driller and should bring you in first-class wells. I
understand he has contracted for three for you. Your property is the best
producing territory in the field, and I congratulate you on securing same.
Yours truly,
(Signed.) -w. T. CAMPBELL.
Established 1884.
Operating Capital, $260,000.
1010 Congress Aye., Near Mala st.
Houston, Texas, Deo. 14th, 1901.
United Stateß Fuel OH Co.,
St. Paul, Minn,
I have looked Into your proposition thoroughly, and have decided to pur
chase five thousand (5,000) shareß at 10c per share, being non-assessable, fully
paid. I see no reason, with the continuation of your able management, and
with your holdings and contraots and shipping facilities, why you cannot make
money for your shareholders as well as for yourselves.
Your company appeals to me as the best thing in the field, on account of
its small capitalization and valuable holdings in the actual, proven oil field. I
also like the manner in which you are going ahead and getting your company
to the front. I have spoken to several friends, whom you will hear from short
ly. They may not take a great deal of stock, but will buy some; you know
everybody here is loaded up on oil atook.
Yours truly,
What Hon. John T. Dickinson, ex-Secretary of the World's Fair and
former president of the Chicago Coliseum, says about the United States Fuel
Oil Company:
Chicago, vDeo. 12, 1901.
. United States Fuel Oil Co., St. Paul, Minn.:
Gentlemen—l have carefully investigated your company through my Toxas friends,
and believe it to be on© of the very best oil investments In the market. Should be
pleased to meet your representative here in Chicago with a view of taking a larger
interest and associating myself -with your board, aa w« Xonnely talked of. Youra
very truly,
R. C. GRAY & CO., Real Estate and Loan,
Houston, - Texas.
Houston, Texas, Deo. 16, 1801.
United States Fuel Oil Co.,
St. Paul, Minn.:
Dear Sir—We know of no company in the fieW which offers such, toon* fide induce
ments to shareholders as your new company. With its sure wella and small capita.l
-iEation, It is a certainty that its stockholders' money is being expended lv actual de
velopments, and la not going into the pookets of promoters. We cheerfully recom
mend It to our friends. Yours truly, R. O. GRAY & CO.
- Beaumont, Texas, Deo. 10, ItKML
United States Fuel Oil Company,
St. Paul, Minn.:
Gentlemen—You will be pleased to know that I am informed from reliable sources
that the well at High Island came in with a. "big to-do": oil spouted and gas came
in quantities, as well as oil-bearing sand. The same informants say that it was shut
off as soon as possible by the owners, and that they are making a pretense at baling
it. The news came by the manager of the railroad running down there, and tiy an
employe of L. M. Emery at that place. I am highly elated over the High Island
proposition, but It Is not public enough to speak of to advantage yet.
I received the deed to have put in the Stewart abstract, and will look after the
same. Court is on me, with a great deal of work just now; however, I aim dropping
other things for this and your other matters.
With best wishes, yours very truly,
(Signed,) W. M. CROOK.
BUSINESS EXCHANGE. H. BROWN & Co., "The Chicago of the South."
Oil, Rice, Sugar and Timber Land "Headquarters of the World's
Bought, Sold and Exchanged Greatest Oil Field."
on Commission. 215 Sinz Building,
Houston, Texas, Dec 14, 1901.
United States Fuel Oil Co.,
St. Paul, Minn.
Gentlemen: Your company is now in a position to do (business and will receive
the indorsements of our people, whether investors or not. It le a proposition that
appeals to any one wanting to invest in thia great field. Your large holdings, oover-
Ing every prominent oil-bearing section here, .together with your ooveted Spindle Top
properties find your contract with Mr. Sti'rm for the bringing in of three guaranteed
wells, makes your proposed proposition, based on its small capitalization, a mo«t prom
ising Investment, and should bring handsome returns in the future. You are doing
what we would like to see all companies do, work hard for those who h*.va invested
with you and give them as much as you can tor their money.
Youra truly,
What National Oil Reporter Says About Tho Unltod
States Fuel Oil Company.
Before July Ist, 1902, the United States Fuel Oil Company of St. Paul. Minn., will
have a dally capacity in the Beaumont oil field of 225,000 "barrels. W. I. Sturm, one
of the most reliable drillers in the Beuumont field, has secured the contract for bring
ing In three guaranteed six-inch gushers for this new company on their Spindle
Top property, in block, 32, on Spindle Top avenue. This property is surrounded by the
largest producing wells in the Beaumont field, including the Heywood wells, Higgins,
Guffy & Galey, Lucas, Beatty, Star and Crescent, National Oil and Pipe Line, Gladys
City, Yellow Pine and Hoag-Swain. There is no doubt but the United State*. Fuel
Oil Company of St. Paul will 'have three of the beet producing •wells in the entire
field. This company has done more than many other companies, as it has completed
arrangements with the Higgins Oil Company for rights over all it* pipe lines and
arrangements for transportation for all its output. The company's holdings are all
held in fee simple, being two lots in Block 32, Spindle Top; 12^6 acres in the Bullock
& Brown survey, adjoining the city limits of Beaumont; 20 acres at Alyin, near the
Thomas well; B0 acres at High Island, iad joining the depot and rear the Big (Four well;
10 acres at Sour Lake, near Guffy property; 100 acres in Liberty county; also, Lot
1 in Block 3, crown of High Island.
Considering its three guaranteed wells, its valuable Spindle Top property, and
its diversified holdings in outside territory, together with its small capitalization, its
perfect facilities for handling its oil (made with one of the largest companies in ths
South) makes this company a much-talked-about business proposition.
The officers and directors are among the best-known business men in the North
west and of Beaumont. The capital stock Is ?300,000; main office, 144-146 Endicott
buildings, St Paul, Minn.—National Oil Reporter.
Copies of the above letters are on file in this office, and doubters are at liberty to
call for certified copies or call in person and inspect any of them. This company
is organized for the purpose of acquiring oil properties and to sell oil.
Capitalized at $300,000 —one hundred thousand shares in the treasury for develop
ment work. Company now at work in Beaumont oil field.
Every treasury certificate fully paid and non-assessable. Shares now selling at
10 cents each. No less than 100 shares issued. Amount and time on this extraordi
nary offer limited. i
This offer should not be compared with any business offering ever presented In
the Northwest—time will demonstrate tacts, as past progress has already told our
readers. '
Early Subscribers Have Advantages.
We advise you to forward your subscription as early as possible. You may
be just a day or so late if you put it oft. All remittances and communications should
be sent to
The United States
Fuel Oil Co.
144-146 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
Twin City
Telephone Co.
SUITE 3. 4 and S.
230 Hennepin Avenue,
The Oldest and Moat Relia
able Specialist in the North
■we.it tor the cure of
I M EN suffering from evil effects of youthful
111 ' indiscretion, later excesses, recent ex
posure, nervous debility, varicocele, unnat
ural discharges, lost vitality, failing memory,
unfltness to marry, blood, skin, kidney or pri
vate diseases are speedily cured. Dr. Wyatt
employs the most approved methods and will
attend you personally, and complete a perfeot
cure. In strict confidence, at moderate ex
I ADIES suffering from any form of Fe
™" male Weakness, Painful or irregular
; Sickness are quickly restored to health.
Dr. Wyatt has had 30 years' experience and
i been located in present offices 16 years, prov
ing himself an honorable, reliable and skilful
physician. . \ry,
p REE Consultation. Call or write for list
of Questions. Home treatment safe and
OFFICE! HOURS—9 a. m. to 8 p. m
Sunday 10 a. m. to 12. ,
We are the largest manufacturers of m
coin operating machinery In the world. I
Write for oar catalogue. 0
11 to 23 South Jefferson Street * |
North Star Dye Works
E F. WEITZEL, Proprietor.
7SB Henjaepln ▲▼•., llinaeapelie.
Telephone eotun.
Mf^l?7 RBn& aB south
m^IMT omu&, 7ttl street
General Dry Gleaners and Dyers.
OF .
For the purpose of. organising a corpora-:
tion under the provisions of title two (2),
\ chapter thirty-four (84), Statutes of Minne-
I sota, 1878, and of the acts amendatory there
' of, we, the undersigned, do hereby adopt and
sign the following articles of incorporation. . ■
The name of the corporation shall be "The
Phoenix Security Company." The general
i nature of the business shall be to buy. sell,
lease, Improve and deal in real estate, and
i also to buy and sell and deal In real estate
j and other securities and investments, and
to do and perform any and all acts essential
or incidental to -an Investment business. -.
The principal place of transacting the busi
ness of this corporation shall be the City at
Minneapolis, county of Henn*pin, and state
of Minnesota. ; .' .. •.t ;^ v - -> s;-
The time of the oommenoemant of the
corporation shall be the 28th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1901. and the period of continuance .
thereof shall be thirty years. <-.;: - .
ARTICLE 111. .":
The amount of the capital stock of said
corporation ■ shall be fifty . thousand dollars -
($50,000), to toe paid in from time to time la
such manner as the board of directors shall
determine. • *„ ..• >
Whenever the company has funds on hand
it may, in the discretion of the board of direc
tors, purchase its outstanding stook at not
exceeding Its actual cash value, . .-...:«
The highest amount of indebtedness or.
liability to which this corporation shall at
any time be subject, shall be twenty-five
thousand dollars (126,000).
ARTICLE V. t.'.'.'";;.
The names of the persons forming this •
association for incorporation are F. M. Prince,
C. T. Jaffray and Win, A. Lancaster, and Mf
place of residence of each of saia lneor» i
porators is Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The names of the first board of directors are
F. M. Prince, C. T. Jaffray and Win. A.
Lancaster. The government of this corpora
tion, and the management of its affairs shall
be vested in a board of directors consisting of
three stockholders, and the said board of'
directors, after the one herein named, shall
be elected at the annual meeting of the stock
holders to be held at the offices of the cor- ;
oration in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the ■
first Tuesday of January in eaoh year, com
mencing with the first Tuesday of January, '
1903. The board of directors shall have power *
to establish by-laws for the management
and conduct of the corporate business, and to
elect and appoint such executive offloers end
agents as it may deem necessary. ".:~V*
The number of shares of the capital steak
shall be five hundred (500), and the amount
of each share shall be one . hundred (100)
In witness whereof we have hereunto set
our hands this 19th day of December, A. D.
In presence of:
B.C. Brown,
Grace W. Mabey.
County of Hennepln, ss.
On this ldth day of December, A, D. 1901,
before me personally appeared F. M. Prince,
O. T. Jaffray and Wm. A. Lancaster, to me
known to be the persons described in and who
executed the foregoing Instrument, and sev
erally i acknowledged that they executed the,
same as their free act and deed.
Notary Public, Hennepla County, Minnesota.
] Notarial Beal.[
336699. Offloe of Register of Deeds, State of
Minnesota, County of Hennepin. -
I hereby certify that the within Instrument •
was -filed for record in this office on the 19 th
day of December, A. D. 1901, at 3 o'clock p.
m., and was duly recorded In book — of -—?
pass ——» . • . *
080. C. MERRILL.
• Register of Deeds.
State of Minnesota. Department of State.
I hereby certify that the within Instrument
was filed for. record in this offloe on the 19th
day of December. A. D. 1901, at 3:20 o'clock
p. - m.: and was; duly ■ recorded \ln Book Bl of ■
incorporations on page -— :•'' ■,*■■'•- ■
.rj,ii,>; <: ■•■'■ •• ■■:.■'■■ - ">: P. E. HANSON'
! :• \ ■ ■■.- Seereury .of 4 stat*. '- - %

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