OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, December 05, 1902, Image 15

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1902-12-05/ed-1/seq-15/

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1 looked like rain
Quibcron Touch
For the Empire of the West.
' The Beginning of the Hazard
Six bells weio stnki ig on the Suthei
Mnd as Wolfe and Grafton came out of the
cabin As the sound of tl e mournful
couplets rang out thiough the night the
bells of the othet -ve^sUs cat ght up the
Blow refrain and the sound wa repeated
fro^ ship to ship over the dark nvei
The character of the night had changed
. sllghtlv Faint clouds were drifting
athwart the star-lit heavens and theie
i were heavy banks to the southward 'which
Will jou shem the signals Admiral
, *
asked "Wolfe as he stepped on
deck "We are all iead\ I believe t
"Very well geneial'' lesponded the ad
miral, tttrninsr to Captain Rous and p h ing
him an oider A moitient later two lan
terns weie hoisted one abovo the other
at the spankei-gaff, end The signal wa
j immediatelv repeated throughout the
squadron Shi ill whistles rang out as the
I boatswain's mates of the different ships
' bawled out hoarse commands
Instantly the soldiei^ and sailors came
m arming to their stations
Colonel Howe. ' said General Wolfe
. addressing an officei of the light infants
I v ho appealed at the head of his men
"aftei you have mustered \oiu battalion
v.ill oil explain to them that I ha\e
designated them to lead the v,av m the
attack to-night? Choose a foilorn hope
of twentj-four m en to scale the heights
Bir '
" Tis an honoi indeed sir and I thank
you " answered the young officei smiling
with pleasure ' I mjself will lead them '
I expected as much of o Captain
Grafton he said turning to the sailor
and resuming the formal method of public
address "will -sou see that \our flotilla
of boats is ready to iecei \e mv men''
' I know It is, sir, b ut I will look again "
answered Giaflipn 'Captain Rous ma I
take Lieutenant Hatfield in my boat to
assist me' '
"Certainly," answered Rous, a \eteran
Followed b the delighted oficer Graf
ton sprang to the gangway and cal'ed for
his gig Meanwhile Ho we was additss?
ing the light infantiy When he called
for volunteers e\er\ man lesponded and
It was difficult to make selection of the
lequired number Presently upon Graf
ton's assurance that all was reach, the
m en slowly filed down cner the Ride and
took their places in the boats Taking hi
own boat the captain lowed fiom ship to
ship, finding that all prepai ations had
been made eveivwhere and that boats
filled with men and manned by stout sea
men were already clustei ed undt i the
lee of the ships where they could be
coreened from the observation of the
Fren ch at Cap-Rouge
By 12 o Uocls. midnight, the embarka
tion had been completed, and as it v.as
Hearing the end of the flood the boats
Blowlv put off from the ships and headed
from Cap-Rouge, General Monckton being
in charge and Wolfe remaining on the
Sutherland foi the present
The flotilla approached close enough to '
Cap-Rouge thoroughly to awaken the at
tentlon of the troops of Bougainville, who
sprang to their arms In expectation of
the threatening attack But the advance
had stopped before they were near enough
to engage After some little maneuver
A Romance of the Days When "The Great
Lord Hawke " was Kmg of the Sea,
on the shore, the boats, as if de
terred by the promptness of the French
soldiery, rowing back to the ships and
sheltered themselves under the lee of
their broadsides again, where they could
not be seen Once there the men with
out going aboard the ships, waited
patiently for the turning of the tide
A t four bells in the mid-watch or 2
o clock on the morning of the 13th Wolfe
entered the heavy cuttei which Grafton
had exchanged for his gig and gave the
signal to shove off Following the gen
eial s boat came the boats of the light
Infantry, and after them the rest of the
It was darker th an ever The sky was
filled with light fleecy clouds drifting rap
Idly across the stars, their wild motion,
driven as they were by some upper cur
rent of air, only accentuating the stillness
on the water Hugging the qpposite shoi e
for a time the boats floated silently down
the river with the young ebb As they
appeared to be unnoticed from the camp
at Cap-Rouge and as their maneuv ers ex
cited no attention, oars were broken out
and the boats crossed to the Quebec side
the seamen rowing gently as they passed
rapidly down the riv er.
The men had received stilct orders and
thev pat in the cutters and bateaux which
had been provided to supplement the
ships boats, in silence broken onlv heie
and there bv a whupeied word or two
among the officers aft or bv the muffled
rattle of the oars in the row locks The
bb was running stionger now and with
the curient b ut Uttlp work was necessary
to enable them to reach the desiied point
In good time
"Wolfe, wrapped in a boat-cloak for the
ii had grown chill sat In the btern
aheeti of Grafton s boat, half-reclining,
his long legs stietthed out before him
Grafton himself held the tillei Midsl ip
, man Robinson. Lieutenant Hatfield of the
Sutherland, General Monckton, and one
or two staff offtcets made up the party
Forward in the boat sat Captain Stobo
who had discoveied the vheieabouts ot
the landing-place while a piosonei at
Quebec, who had undertaken to pilot them
in By his side was a Scotsman an offi
cer of Frazers Highlanders who in the
Jacobite court of the Stuaits In Fiance,
had learned to speak French fluently He
had recently given his allegiance to King
S3eOrg and was to seive him well
that night Wolfe respected his
own orders and said but little as they
floated down the stream past the black
frowning cliffs and the tree-clad hills
There was a young m an llvng m England
then, nam ed Thomas Gray who was a
gre at friend of Wolfe s and a certain piece
of poetry which he had written and which
was beginning to be much thought of there
and much more thought of sincecame
Into the mind of the so'diei as they drifted
down the river Perhaps he mused on the
Inevitable conclusion personally before
him perhaps, by one of those stiange
premonitions which seem sometimes to
visit those doomed to die, there may have
flashed before his mind In that still hour a
viBion of his triumph and of his end, the
dawn already beginning with pale giay
ness "to lace, the east' may have brought
to his mind the ' breezy call of incense
breathing morn," and have suggested the
poem At any rate he broke the silence
by repeating some of the mystic mournful
lines H e spoke in a low whisper, half
soliloquizing, yet all m the boat could
near him
The night the silence the broad bosom
10of the noble river, the towering cliffs close
at hand all impressed the intent listeners
Most of them were blunt soldiers or sailors
- men bred to the profession of arms who
lived the haid life of the armv or navy in
i that rude day who cared but little tor the
finer arts and graces of life vet the im
piessiveneas of thevnoment, the fancy of
i It the pregnant future the mv stery of to-
^ morrow, their desperate hazard caught
f* hold of thm in some stiange wav With
bate breath they listened to the voice of
Copyright, 1901, by D Appleton & to.
the young genral, which sounded pi'ophetic
even to them, as he quoted
the bonst of hcrnldir, the pomp of power,
And nil that beuutr all that wealth e'er gave,
\uait alike the inevitable) houi
lhe pnthH of gloij leid but to the grave
As the words fell fiom his lips he
stopped as if startled by their significance
Gentlemen ' he said at last, "I wou'd
rathei have written that poem than take
He was silent again foi a little space
aftei this sui prising deciaration ^ o one
broke the reverie In which the geneial
seemed plunged after that and before he
spoke again a voice called out from the
black mass of the shoie
Qui vive
It was the old cry of the soldiers of
France the bold demand with which, as of
yoie they met their ancient foes, rang
sharply over the waters through the night
Fiance" ' piomptly replied the Jacobite
in the bow with leady piesence of mind
' A quel regiment'" called the hidden
' De la Reine
lent Fien ch
It was the name of one of the regiments
known to be with Bougainville So far
the conversation had been ea*v, b ut if
the Frenchman asked more if he de
manded the passwordwhat then'
lhe men in the boat held then
bitath as they drifted on, but
the uiseen watcher was satisfied, appar
entlv for he said nothing more
I his auguis well for our success'
whimpered Wolfe to Grafton after the last
boat h id passed the danger point ' He
evidently thinks we aie "
Hfr was inteiTupted again They weie
neaiei the shoie now There were fewer
tiees too A challenge rang out over
the watei once more Thev could see
this sontrv nmning toward the bank of
the rivei This one was wiser th an the
othei he demanded to know what boats
those weie
Provision boats for Quebeo," answeied
the Scotsman readily ' Be quiet' Don t
make a noise or the English will heai us' '
As it happened there was an English
sloop out in the rivei and the man wav
ing his hard said no more They were
=afe asrain But the suspense was ter
nble Fortunately it was soon relieved
Presently the boats swept around a hu-,
headland jutting out into the stieam Be
low the headland lay a little cove lhe
current shot swiftly about the promontory
and swept around the little bav The
boats were cairied below the landing
place and it took some hard pulling beiore
their stems touched the shore
Wolfe had gone forwaid in the cutter
and the otheis diawing back to give him
passage he was the first man to set foot
upon the muddy shore It was 4 o clock
now Ihev could hear eight bells chim
ing faintly from a ship in the river Daw n
was beginning across the hills Around
them m the shadow it was as still as
deaththat most silent hour before the
day breaks 4. gentle breeze had sprung
up and was sighing softly through the
trees at the top of the cliff, the sky was
overcast, they would have rain presently
_About two hundred feet away, since it
was low tide, the bluffs rose precipitously
from the level of the beach There
was room at the base to d'sembark a
whole army After Wolfe and the officers,
including Grafton, had landed, the light
infantry noiselessly clambered out of the
boats and advanced tow aid the foot of the
It was as dark as midnight under their
shadow but at the top the first grayness
of the coming morning was dimly percept
ible Trees were silhouetted against the
s^j and the tents white blurs, could be
seen from the river The enemy was
theie then Was he ready? They would
soon know
A zigzag path, up which a single file of
men might with difficulty make its wav,
broke the sheei face of the cliff It had
been barricaded with heavy timbers and
was, at present unscalable
There was a momentaiy pause
It seemed as if the whole enterprise, so
brilliantly conceived and so successfully
carried out hitherto, would be blocked by
this unfortunate obstacle They had
succeeded In landing unobserved, but if
they attempted to tear down the
bamcade they would inevitably attract
the attention of the negligent defenders
at the top of the path Under such cir
cumstances the attempt would have to
be given over As Wolfe had said,
one hundred men might hold that
towering cliff against an army
The Most Serious and Fatal Diseases
Arise from Indigestion,
Chionic indigestion, or Dyspepsia while
a v erv common trouble has for some time
been lodked upon by able physicians as a
serious thing and that r o time should be
lost in treating it properly at the start,
because lecent researches have shown that
the mo'bt serious fatal and incurable dis
eases have their origin in simple dyspep
sia or indigestion
Diabetes is simplv one form of indiges
tion the sugar and starchy food not be
ing assimilated by the digestive organs
In Blights disease the albumen is not
propei ly assimilated
While consumption and dvspepsia aie
twin diseases and it is beyond question
that dy spepsia makes a fertile soil foi the
seeds of consumption But the tiouble
has been to And a remedy that could be
depended upon to cuie dyspepsia, as it is
notoriously obstinate and difficult to cuie
This has been the question which has
puzzled physicians and dyspeptics alike,
until the question was solved three years
ago by the appearance of a new discovery
in the medical world known as Stuarts
Dyspepsia Tablets which it was claimed
was a certain reliable cure for every form
of stomach trouble
Physicians, however, would not accept
such statements without first giving the
new remedy many tests and carefully ob
serving results
For th*ee years the remedy has been
thoroughly tested in every section of the
countiy and with surprising and satisfac
tory results
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be hon
estly claimed to be a specific, a radical,
lasting cure for indigestion in ths various
forms of acid dyspepsia or sour stomach,
gas or wind on stomach, too much bile,
undue fullness or pressure after eating,
and similar symptoms, resulting from dis
ordered digestion
Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets were not
placed before the public until this three
years trial left no doubt as to their value,
and they have recently been placed Jn the
trade and can be found on sale at alf drug
gists at the nominal price of 50 cents per
No extravagant claims are made for the
remedy, it will not cure rheumatism,
pneumonia typhoid fevei nor anything
but just what it is claimed to cure, and
that is every foim of stomach trouble No
dieting is necessary good wholesome food
and plenty of it and vou mav lest assuied
that Stuart s Dvspepsia Tablets will digest
it Diuggists claim for it that it fs a
pleasuie to lecommend it to dvspeptics,
because It gives such universal satisfac
was the reply In excel-
"I think we can scramble up the cliff
by the aid of these trees," said Howe at
It was a bold proposition Wolfe looked
at him gratefully and approvingly I t
was their only chance, and the young gen
eral gavg the signal for the attempt in
these not veiv encouraging words
"You may try it, Colonel Howe, b ut I
do not think you will succeed Captain,"
he added turning to one of his staff, "tell
General Monckton to keep the lest of the
men quiet in the boats for a few moments
We may have no need for them "
As he spoke Howe and his gallant twen
ty-foui spvng at the cliff Thev were
soon lost in the shadow covering th" face
of it and the watchers below could trace
the course of their slow and painful as
cent by the Clashing sounds they made,
as by the aid of stunted trees growing in
clumps he^re and there they made their
toilsome wav upward Why the French
did not discover them has never been ex
The whole future histoiy of the woikl
depended upon the success of the endeav
oi of that gallant little handful ot men,
and though they m ay not have realized
it as wa do now, something of the im
portance of the attem pt made itself felt
even to them Wolfe, leaning his en
feebled form against a tree stood with
The sale here will Include a num
ber of extra good thing for infants,
children and women.
Infants' Wool Ribbed Vests, fin
ished with a crocheted edge down
the front and around the neck, also
with pearl buttons and silk tape,
sizes 1 to 6. _&K*%
Saturday fivu
Children's Gowns, made of fine
heavy tease) cloth, m plain pink,
blue and cream 2 to 8 K_l_r_
years each OIFC
Cotton Ribbed Corset Covers,
with high neck and long sleeves,
cut to waist line in white ni|
only each V SFO
Knit Cotton Corset Covers, in
cream and black, with high neck
and long sleeves, crochet stitch
down the front, and
pearl buttons
Taffeta Silk Skirts, with deep
flounce of three narrow ruffles,
dust ruffle and underpiece of near
silk come in black and all the
changeable colors a JO tfftO
bargain at tovCjl
Bradford, in England, sends us a
black Mohair and wool Pierola that
shines like silk and wears like iron.
We've sold piece after piece at $1.50
a yard, but you may K_**
have it Saturday at %B mJf C
Lustrous Zibehnes, made from
beat camel's hair wool, have been
our best selling fabrics at
a dollar. Saturday.
Eoliennes and Silk-and-Wool
Crepe de Chine, 46 in. wide. See if
you can get for $1.75 as 4 g% g*
good a cloth as we sell for 0 _ &
Pillow Tops will be the specialty for Saturday. Notice two
things: First, the low prices secondly, the designs on sale can
be obtained only at this store.
Hand Tinted and Stamped Pillow
Tops, with backs, 39c and 50c
kinds. Designs: Poppies, Wild
Roses, Daisies, Smoker, Conven
tional, baturday
Hand Tinted and Stamped Pillow
Tops, 69c and 79c ones, made of art
linens, denims, tickings, etc. De
signs: Forget-me-nots, American
Beauty, Poppies, Chrysanthemums,
Daisies, Dragon, Golf Girl, Jap
Girl, Minnesota Foot Ball, bmoker,
and Conventional. Sat* JB _&*
urday *rfC
For men 60c, 90c, $1.10, $1.45, $2.50
For women 90c, $1,20, $1.75, $2.15, $3.20
Children's Adjustable
Sled hkates.
Girls' 25c bleds 18c
Fancy Goods
What a host of useful little pres
ents can be found at this long
counterl We'll mention just two:
Fancy Needle Books at 15c. 25c,
35c and so on up to a dollar.
Ladies' Fancy Garters and Hose
Supporters, put up in fancy glass
boxes, 25c to $1.50*
Optical Dept.
Years of experience are back of
the man who has charge of this
department. He will tell you ex
actly what the trouble is with your
eyes. The lenses are ground right
here, so there is no mistaking of
prescriptions. That is why our
glasses always fit.
Aluminum Rimless Glasses, $1,
10K Gold Frames, $1.50.
Solid Gold Frames, $3,
Winter Fun
his face turned upward a tarMfest tfasse
Grafton, -who stood nearest him, heard
him whisper .
"Pray God, they may make It' Pray
Presently the sounds died aw ay alto
gether The silence was broken by the
sound of a mugket shot, followed by an
6ther and another A quick fusillade^rang
out from tho sky above them They were
theie, then' They" were engaged! What
had been tho issue^
Concealment was n * longer possible or
desirable At a Word -from their com
mander the men on shore sprang at the
bairicades The scene changed from, one
of absolute quiet fo Intense activity.
'Have they won) Xbrok ~you?" asked
" Wo shall know irt^ai moment" an
swered Wolfe "It tftey have lost, some
body will come tumbling down the cliff
to tell the tale. Me&ijwhlle, I am staking
ail on the chance Of their success "
The little cave was now filled with
noise. Catching tlje contagion, the m en
began to spring' from the boats and fell
In on the shore -The feeings of the sol
dieis, repressed so long through the night,
found vent In cheers and cries Presently
a hall came down from the cliff It was
Howe's voice
"We have the post'" lie shouted. "The
: - f'l , -,..
Infants' Long Coats, for tots of 2 to 6 years,
made with loose back, at prices running from $ 2
up to $8.50.
Ladies' 42-inch Coats with Nutria collars and
revers, lined with salin, $19.75 and $25.
30-in Plush Capes, your choice of two styles,
plain or trimmed, lined with mercerized fl|?
sateen regular $7 50 capes at 9 w
Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, beautiful dainty
garments, at 98c $1.48 $ 2 and $3.50.
The Jamestown make of Melrose,
all wool, very heavy, the best seller
we have had this season, but hard to
get. One case eomes m today all
colors and black ' - 4 A A
$1.25 kind, at . . ^1 .1 _lf if
All wool Henrietta, silkfinish,fine
twill, all colors, including CA4*
evening shades. ,Al|t wyli
Waistings, all wiow and silk and
wool. We have so. many designs
and colors and f&ncy weaves Jhat
you run small ns%^ duplication.
It's a beautifM shying, 25c, 39c,
50c, 75c."*^^
Tapestry Silk Pillow Tops in two
many patterns to mention, all 39c
and 45c value, Satmday O _ **
Velour, Persian Silk and French
Tapestry Pillow Tops in original
designs and colorings,, IS Aft
Pillow Tops in French Velour,
Satin Tapestry, Antique Tapestry
and Printed Silk thirty designs and
colorings, at 75c to $1,39.
All Linen Battenberg Braids,
Nos. 5, 6, 8 and 10, m white, cream
and Arabian the bolt of O _
36yards -SIC
Skate Sharpeners,
Girls' 35c and 39c Sleds 21 o
Boys' Coasting bleds 10c
Boys' 25c Coasting Sleds ....19c
Boys' Coasting Sleds
with spring runners...,
79c ones, extra long 65o
$1.25 Baby Cutters 89c
Baby Carriage Runners,
spring steel, pair ,
Christmas Gloves
No need of telling you what nice
presents good gloves are* The
best way is to buy a Glove Certifi
cate. These are good until re
deemed and save guessing at the
size. I
Ladies' Kid Glove sNavarre
Pique Kid 2-clasp, with latest em
broidered backs, in good colors
fitted and guaranteed 4 A P
pair ^ llfcV
Fine French Kid or Suede Pique,
perfect fitting gloves, ih all evening
shades as well as dark 4 - - A
colors pair......, llOU
Fine Mocha or French Kid-silk
lined, stylish and dur- 4 m* A
able lilIU
Men's Kid or Mocha m JT_J_
Gloves, fleece lined I aUlr
Cotton Robe Blankets are now
making a special display in the
basement. Half a dozen kinds at as
many different prices, from 65c up
to $2*75* ij
Children's Coats, Etc
We wonder how many children could wait until Christmas if they knew that
one of these coats was in the house? The parents will certainly not wait se long
before buying.
Children's Long Coats, an elegant assortment in red, blue and castor kersey,
6 to 14-year sizes, with back made in loose, ripple, and half-fitted g% ISA
style the regular price is $12.50, the sale price is 0i9U
Children's Long Coats, the $8.50 kind, made of heavy wool pebble Cheviot in
red, castor and navy, with yoke, collar and cuffs neatly trimmed with J " Bf#fc
folds of black satin sizes 6 to 14 years: on sale.
Children's Long Coats, the $6.50 kind, in three colors of heavy Mel
ton or Beaver, red, blue, and castor izes 6 to 14 years now at
8 5c
ft $ *
dnemy has fled' TheMray is open
"Hold It at all hazards'
mander. .
The cheering m en fairly Fore1
ricades to pieces and scrambled up the
path, Wolfe himself in the lead Captain
de Vergor, who commanded the French
guard, was Incapable and a coward. H e
had kept negligent watch. Howe and his
handful of men had surprised them The
fall of New Fran ce must be laid at the
feet of one person, and, singularly
enough, the beginning of American in
dependence may be traced to the splen
did exploit of the young soldier, who, as
a general long after, at Long Island,
White Plains, Brandywlne, and German
town, did his best to stop its comse
The par ty who gained the top found
themselves upon a grassy plateau whose
level surface was broKen by slight un
dulations. From this vantage-ground
they could see far down the river. They
seemed to bo lifted in air on the roof of
the world Quebec lay before them, b ut
hidden by the undulations of the plateau
Clumps of trees rose here and there, but
the ground was mainly clear It was
plainly morning now Wolfe's first words
were those of hearty thanks and congra
tulation to the young colonel of the light
infantry Th en he turned to his friend,
who had followed him up the hill
Bargain Tables
Many sorts and sizes of Tow
els, none worth less than 30c,
and some worth 50c, all AC**.
to close out at -SOC
Doilies that are usually 39c
and 50c, some in Mexican work
others in plain linen, hand em
broidered all now A J"
'Kerchief Linens
The name is too long for a single
litte and our stock is too long for a
single advertisement, but we will
give you a better grade of goods for
a given price than you can find
elsewehre, and that is all you need
to know.
3& inches wide, for ladies' hand
kerchiefs 50c to $2 a yard.
45 inches wide, for men's hand
kerchiefs, 5Qc to $1.25 a yard.
The half price sale of fine India
Linen continues. While it lasts
you get a 35c cloth at i ? 1 -.
per yard 1 #2u
(White Goods Counter.)
Ladie3' Black Wool Hosewith
merino heels and toes, a good 35c
Ladies' Black Cotton HoseSilk
fleeced, with spliced heels and toes
and double soles.
12%c a pair.
Children's Wool HoseHeavy 2-1
ribbed, with double knees, merino
heels and toes.
25c a pair.
Children's Heavy Cotton Hose
fleece lined 2-1 ribbed, with double
heels and toesa good 18c stocking.
12^c a pair.
Men's Black Cashmere Hose
with double soles and spliced heels
and toes.
The Sweet Tooth
25c a pair.
25c a pair.
Our list of 12Jc Candies will
on Saturday include some vari
eties that are generally sold at
higher prices, such as
Chocolate Crenms, Cream Al
monds, Bluebell Bonbons, Salt
ed Peanuts.
Royal Chocolate 4 A ^
Creams, lb llfC
Bittersweets, only, AA^
per pound f I f G
Winter Mixed, per A-*
pound O G
You must surely try our Pea
nut Balls, a most toothsome con
fection olpeanuts, choc- 4 - - _
olateand maple, pound IOC
Here are four very special values
that will tempt Saturday shoppers:
35c lines at 25c:
Ladies' Hemstitched Handker
chiefs, sheer lineni" hand embroid
20c ones at 15c:
Ladies' Hemstitched Linen Hand
kerchiefs, with band-embroidered
12j4c ones at 8c:
Hemstitched Linen Handkerchief
each 20c and *_SOC
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, 98$ 7|S
sets,, three in a set f if U
wwii i Mir we
cried the com-|rteh," he cried, "and use all speed to
bring the men under Burton over from
the other side' Ah," he exclaimed, sweep
ing the river with his glance, "yonder
oome the ships drifting down with the
tide' Dispatch Lieutenant Hatfield to Ad
miral Holmes with my compliments and
ask him to have the rest of the men
landed from the ships at once. I think
It would be possible to get a few six
pounders up the path Perhaps the ad
miral will send seamen to attend to it
W e shall need them sadly, if I mistake
"Think you we shall have a fight this
30-inch Astrakhan Oapes, made of beautiful
glossy skins, lined with satin only a few of
those $32.50 capes now left for, AE| A A
' Waists$9 Silk Waists, in black and colored
Peau de Soie, the new styles offered
Saturday at
98c Flannel Waists in red, blue and black, with
tucked front, sizes 32 to 42, on sale 4&Q
Saturday at O v u
Japanned Chamber
.Pails, 14 quart2So size,
Wood-jacketed O i I
Cans, 5-gallon size,
S\!?! . 29c
Coal Hods, AB
DECEMBI& 5, ^1902.fp^W^WA^^^t^m%^^r"^
* "Go back to the boats, Captain Graf-
the bar-
9 " asked Grafton.
"I am sure of it'"
"I shall endeavor to be back in season
to join in then," answered the sailor,
turni ng away
" I think you will have ample time,"
said Wolfe, smiling at the sentiments of
his fiiend.
As Grafton descended the pa th Wolfe
dispatched Howe, with his light infantiy,
to attend to the important duty of
silencing the adjacent Fren ch posts.
(To be continued to-morrow )
Make Moneyl Save Money!
Use TThe Journal Want Ads. You
get a large quantity at a small price.
able to give. The sale includes all the popular fursMarten,
Krimmer, Sable Fox, Isabella Fox, Astrakhan, Stone Marten,
Electric Seal, Isabella and Sable Opossum.
Elegant Sable Fox Scarfs at
$7.50, $8, $9, $12, $15, $18 and $20.
Muffs to match, from $10 to $18.
Isabella and Sable Opossum
Scarfs, with six fox tails and chain
this is perhaps our Jfi | " ffe
best offering each
Muffs to match at the same price.
Fur sets for the little ones. It
will cost parents very little to make
their children happy. All kinds of
white, gray and brown furs, includ
ing muffs, scarfs and collarettea
Christmas Millinery.
The powers that be in the millinery world decreed that
black should be the prevailing color this season. In obedience to
this decree we have designed and made a lot of Black Velvet and
Chiffon Hats for our Christmas trade. They will be on sale Sat-
Twenty dozen Black Ostrich plumes at Half-Price.
Ready-to-wear Street Hats that were 75c, $1 and $1.25
not many of them, 4t\ dozen, to be exacton sale QA^
Saturday, at
Drapery Department.
Some notable items, for Christmas buyers and some for those
who have other things to think of. .
24-inch Tapestry Pillow Tops,
copies of famous paintings O O A
very exact each f mfU
Silk Velour Pillow TopsOrien
tal and floral designs, A A
Down CushionsThe best kinds
at special prices.
16-in. 18 In. 2t 22 la. 24-ln. 26-ln.
Leader 13c IVc 29c 39c 49c 59c
Ideal 27c 37c 49c 65c 85c 1.05
Popular 45c 65c 85c 1.10 1 45 1 75
6-4 Table Covers, made
of reversible Chenille..
Table Covers, two yards square
and finished on both A gb A
sides 46B_ O I f
The Clearance ef Rugs
This week there are special prices on all kinds of Rugs,
especially the carpet sizes.
Royal Wiltons.
9.0x12.0 $35.00 .... $28.00
8.3x10.6 $30.00 .... $26.00
6.0x 9.0 $20.00 .... $ 17.00
Body Brussels.
9.0x12.0 $25.00 .... $20.00
8.3x10.6 $22.60 .... $ 18.00
6.0x 9.0 $16.50 ... $14.50
Empire Brussels*
9.0x12.0 $15.00 ... .$12.00
More Space for Linens
Linens now occupy more space on the main floor than they
did. Increase of business required it, and this increase was due
to the offering of large values very similar to these.
Huck Towels at 5c.
Full bleached, 18x36, usually 10c.
Sale limit of one dozen. - , *
21c Turkish Towels at 12Jc.^
~*r Heavy double thread, 22x48.|g "
75c Damasks at 574c a yard. *
._*- Heavy 72-in, godds, full bleached.
It Causes a $10,000 Fire in a Chi
cago Mansion. ' -
Chicago, Dec 6Franklin MacVeagh'9
palatial residence at 103 Lake Shore Drive
was damaged $10,000 by Are early to-day.
Two male servants jumped from a second
story window, sustaining serious injuries,
and several others nearly suffocated were
rescued by firemen
Only a small portion of the residence""
burned, the chief danger to the occupants
being from suffocation from the denso
smoke that filled every portion of tho^
structure Mr. MacVeagh and family*
were uninjured An overheated furnace
waff the cause of the fire.
Fur Scarfs
, ^ ,
"Help Your Help."
Large establishments and wise house
keepers keep Orangeine Powders for sud
den Ills. Saves time fiom waste.
Through Pullman Tourist sleepers to"
California via the Sunshine Routes (Chi
cago. Milwaukee & St Paul and Santa F a
lines), every Tuesday. Berth rate, $6.
Ticket office, 828 Nicollet avenue, or ad
dress W . B Dixon. N. W . P . A , S t Paul.
We have a very pretty set at 98c,
or you can pay as high as $12.
Our first special for Saturday is
a IVhite Lamb Set, round muff
with collar to match, AA_,
at only Omf C
The second is shown in the cut
an extra large White Lamb Set
with Angora fringe fancy flat
muff, trimmed with purse head and
ribbon bow collar to A A A
match this is only S alf if
Table Coversof
ble tapestry.lKyds
Lace CurtainsThree good lots
for this week:
1. Saxony Net, Scotch Net and
Nottingham Curtains, all M 4 A
bunched together at, pair I - - f
2. The best American made Lace
Curtains, made after the finest for
eign patterns worth up A A A
to $5 a pair, now "JVaOSf
3. Imported Brussels Curtains,
our own designs that cannot be du
plicated or equaled hereabouts
values as high as $9 a A A A
pair, now, the pair OaOf
9.0x12.0 $12.00 $9.00
7.6x10.6* $10.50 $8.50
Oriental Rugs are here in too
large quantity and we have de
cided to reduce them by a sure
and rapid methodradical re.
ductions of price. Come and
see how cheap they are.
$1.69 Napkins, $1.39 a dozen. " '
fine satin damask, full bleached,
$1.50 Fancy Pieces at 98c.
To California. *
The coming of real winter finds
us ready with everything that is
warm. Ask to be shown some of
the following:
Men's extra heavy Wool Fleece
Lined Shirts and Drawers, silk
bound, silk stitched, with 15 A A
double cuffs and ankles.. O I f C
Australian Lamb's Wool, natural
color, steam shrunk, 4 A A
very soft and warm.... - alf if
Women's Camel's Hair Vests and
Pants, winter weight, silk bound,
silk stitched, with pearl AA^
buttons. Saturday at.... OvC
Women's Black Wool Tights, ex
tra heavy, Jersey ribbed, 4 A A
open or closed I alf if
Women's Oneita Combination
Suits, natural color, worsted-plated
will not M A A
shrink 1-tflf
Figured Cambric Comfortables,
with plain lining, 72x78-in., filled
with fane white batting A E"
each SO
We have never been able to give
so good returns for money spent at
this counter as we can just now.
Good fortune came our way when
we didn't expect it ourselves. So
some of these prices will yield bigger
values than we counted on being
Fiber Rugs. *
16x16 Mexican Center Pieces.
36x36 Tea Cloths of double satin
18x54 Scarfs of plain linen with
two rows of drawn work. ^
11 1

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