ft was of the sixteen bridges across, the Kansas river The pack-ing-house plants did not suffer severely. The buildings are ail uninjured. . + At Armour's the fires were lighted late * * .yesterday afternoon Wheat and flour in v the mills and elevators were not injured, but seventy-five carloads of grain sub merged on the tracks were ruined. Small storekeepers in the flooded dis trict are ruined, and the loss on buildings JB distributed among thousands of owners. VNo flrst-class modern building has been i ruined. t V las Armourdale Flood association has ^j Issued the following appeal for aid. " * Appeal for Aid. v "Armourdale. the south side of Kansas ,Clty, Kan,, has met with an appalling ' disaster The Kaw river has overflowed Its banks and swept thru the town Fif teen thousand persons are homeless. * they have lost their furniture, clothing f and everything Their houtes have been carried off or totally wrecked. The good citizens of the town have been able to ^care for the refugees temporarily, but 'the effort to keep them here and provide homes for them is a perplexing problem. ^ To do thi3 will overtax us and we appeal ., o you p-3 1 ttexpendeforfohelp. "Money raised from this source will be d i heir "ellef bv givir? them material to build their own houses $g* "Three thousand families must be ^helped to homes in this wav, so that they Ip'will be better able to help themselves ji|whe the great rush of rebuilding the % city is going on. i 5 "Contributions should be sent at once v to the Armourdale State Bank of Com ^merce, the Kansas State bank or the "Home State bank, Kansas City, Kan., for ^the association." *t The Committee's Statement .- The citizens' general relief committee ' of Kansas City, Mo, has issued a state ment to the public, giving thanks for sympathy and offers of aid, and asking **that assistance be sent to Kansas City, Kan. The statement follows. "As we decline, at this time, to accept } assistance from without, it is because we $ believe it our duty to meet the situation S^whlch Confronts us to the fullest extent of tour ability. The calamity which has come "to us Is no doubt great, but it Is not dls caster. ' "To the general public of the country ,not familiar with our city It may be prop ter to state that the two Kansas Citys that of Missouri and that of Kansasare ito the. main situated on high bluffs. Be tween the two cities lies a low bottom "{country, which owing to Its accessibility f-by railroads has grown up a great dis tributing eentei. where are located, many II vof our wholesale houses and manufac turing establishments. Thru this section tflows the Kansas river The same bottom i Country has many residences of the work- , lng population clustered about the manu facturing and wholesale houses, and to the south, up the Kansas river, includes I the hamlets of Aimourdale, Riverside and {Argentine, all in our neighboring state Kansas. Large District Devastated. "This bottom land, known among us as V/est Kansas, is the greatest sufferer The water has reached here a level of ten i feet and. there is every reason to /ear there has been great injury to the prop- . erty of the poor and to the goods and possibly the buildings of wholesale mer chants and manufacturers. But until these districts are accessible, and they will not be until possibly next Monday, it is futile t estimate the damage and to make any intelligent statement of the relief neces sary. A "The immediate task of caring for the homeless and housing, clothing and pro Vidlng for them is well in hand There is no suffeiinsj unrelieved The spirit of the people is splendid. The conduct of the flcod victims is admirable The govern- " ments of i,he twet cities have sanitation and policing weU, in hand:. There are no | disturbances, there Is not even disorder- { l'ness. * "With the subsidence of the flood work will be abundant, and business and in dustry will assume their accustomed sway. , Whatever niav bo the loss of our mei chants th^y will bear their loss, we may find a greater destruction of the property of the working population than is now an ticipated and if so, we may have to call for assistance firm without, but until such a situation develop* we see no cause for 1 asking assistance. Ask Aid for Neighbors. "It is pioper, however, to state that Kansas City, Kan , and other neighboring towns in Kansas have suffered severely, and while Kansas City, Mo, generously canio to their aw-istance, we must not ' ctand in the way of assistance to our neighbors from olhei sections of the coun try. To all those willing to assist these i stricken towns, we recommend that they eddress their offers to W. H . Craddock, mayor of Kansas City, Kan." High Water at Chester. Chester, El., June 5 The Mississippi yiver at this point is rapidly rising Th e tise has been so great within forty-eight THINGS TO KNOW About Coffee and What It Does. "Being a very hard worker and of an , extremely nervous temperament, I fell Into f the habit of making coffee do for both food and drink when my work was push- , ing in and my appetite poor," says a \ trained nurse. J' "This I would do for a day or two and then be prostrated with heart trouble, flut itesring, faint spells and other disagree able feelings. One day I was persuaded 1 to try Postum Food Coffee in place of cof Lflfee. I liked the Postum as well as the Fteoffee and I found I could drink as much [ of it and as often as I wished, and instead [ of knocking me out, as coffee used to, I 'A | steadily gained strength. I had no more *&* [.trouble with my heart, no more bloating, --, 'kftnd no more stomach sickness I have \" ..now been using Postum 18 months in f I place of coffee, which means that I have L [sfiven up coffee and sickness for all time h \ l will stiok to Postum and be well in the f T* t future. !f*y 4 "My mother had been a great coffee W ^drinker from her youth and had suffered f ^ oil of the minor coffee ills, suoh as stom- 4f, "5 trouble, heartburn, severe headaches. *' to. She tried Postum, but did not make m n f 4t right. Then I made some for her, boil Pf v ing it 15 minutes, and did not tell her what JUS i (.It was she wanted to know what brand K^&.t.ti'Of ooffee it was that was so delicious I had taken it out of her own box of Pos- ? v turnh and when I told he so, she was ^r ^muc surprised and pleasedr, and has been f drinking it ever since, with the result that ^her coffee ills have disappeared and she sr, is now healthy and contented j, Hi "One of my patients (I am a trained % * nurse) is a great sufferer from ulcerated % ^stomach, and sometimes she doea not eat uti& mouthful of food for several days A t kjp such times she relies on Postum for nour- | p lshment. Since using Postum she gets #P j over her attacks much Quicker, is stronger ^*and the attacks are less frequent than formerly. Her stomach seems to be get- ' " * ting better and we are quite certain that postum will soon cure her completely r "Another patient is a splenr'ifl pampl " of what Postum will do Her health had been very bad for three years, anl a year ** ago she was a wreck from nervous pros tration and the worst form of dyspepsia, j bloating, heart trouble, etc T made her / ' leave off coffee and all other drinks and gave her Postum, and she improved im mediately. She is now able to attend to her home and says that Postum has given * her a new lease of life She feels like a % new woman and is getting fat. "I must tell you of one mTe case, a ner mon I nursed through what the physi F clans termed morphine break-down Thia woman's stomach revolted'at sight or men tion of fodd and she took absolutely noth y W ing but strong coffee. I knew her heart &* j would not much longer stand up under eoffee, and I told her husband to get a box of Postum. I made it strong for her ' and in' less than a week she could take all necessary food and not once was the Postum refused, and now, after three months, she is well and strong and is kept * mo by her steady use of Postum In place of \ 6offe#." Name given by Postum Co., I Battle Creek, Mich,, FRIDAY EVENING, hours that it threatens to, dUMO^at. age to property on Kaskaskia ' where the home of Stanley Jonea^ls-en tirely surrounded by water. Friends -of the family in Chester have sent a boat to their resoue. Great damage is being done to crops in the lower section of the country here. - ,--. " ' ' ^-i ' i' & + $520,000, to say nothing of the damage to homes and the loss of stock. It is safe to say that it would take $5d0,- 000 and another year of time to place the suffering district in the promising and prosperous condition it was a week ago. Hongkong, June 5The estimate of Governor Wong of Kwang-si province that over 1,000,000 natives are starving in the province is pronounced here to be approxi mately correct The distress in certain districts is most acute Children and women are freely offered for sale. The rice harvest promises well, but It will not be available for from four to six weeks Extensive relief operations will be difficult without foreign supervision which will be hard to obtain in Kwang-si. Assistance has been sent to that prov ince from Hongkong and Canton, but the funds available are becoming exhausted. The Hongkong committee will welcome subscriptions. The newly appointed -viceroy of Canton Tsui-Chaus-Suen is hastening his your ney to his post because of the serious con ditions in Kwang-si province. The popu lation of Kwang-si is largelyl agricultural. fT HE MASSACRE AT SMERDASH - I.EVEES BREAK - - \ Loss Will Reach Fully Half Dollars. , Qulncy, 111. June 5 The Mississippi is rising from eKokuk to St . Louis, and three levees north of here have broken. The break occurred at a point 2% miles noith of Meyer, and opposite Tulley island, where a few tree tops could still be seep above the surface. Those pa trolling the levee had to flee. Nearly 200 families moved in skiffs. Included in the three levee districts that are now at the mercy of the flood are 58,000 acres or land Nearly all of the vast area was under cultivation There were thousands of acres of wheat and corn. At least 40,000 acres will be flooded. The loss to crops alone on this basis might easily reach Million The Postofflce Report. Washington, June 5.The official re port on postal conditions in the flood re - gion, telegraphed from Kansas City to the department says the situation is some what improved, but still uncertain. Th e report says: "Water is falling gradually and there is hope that the platform at Union station will be In sight to-morrow. Santa F e trains, west arriving and departing, are using the Missouri Pacific tracks to Ot tawa. N o Burlington trains and pros pect not good The Wabash is occasion ally operating trains, using the Missouri Pacific tracks to Sedalia and the "Katy" to Moberly The Rock Island line is all right west and south of Herington. To - morrow they expect the line will be open from Topeka south Chicago and Alton has sent out a train using the Missouri Pacific and Katy tracks. Kansas City and Colorado Springs open from Manhattan to Colorado Springs. Union Paciflc ex pects to get as far east as Sallna, Kan , to-day Kansas City and Joplin, only one train daily. Frisco is running to Rosedale and Memphis Katy is doing fairly well. Minor lines In Kansas un heard from, but presumption is that while all of them have been interrupted, serv ice will gradually improve from now on." The Government Bulletin. Washington, June 5 The Missouri river at Kansas City continues to fall steadily, the gage reading this morning being 310 feet, a fall of 1 9 feet since Thursday morning. The river will come to a stand at Booneville, Mo., to-day with a stage to the neighborhood of thirty feet, but will continue to rise to the east ward The Mississippi continues to rise stead ily from Dubuque southward. At Keokuk the stage was 19 4, 4 4 above danger line. The flood waters from the Iowa, Cedar and Skunk rivers aie now entering the Mississippi above Keokuk and there will be a further slow rise in that vicinity which will continue several days. At St. Louis the stage this morning was 33 5 feet a rise of 1 4 feet since Thursday morning As stated before the water will continue to rise steadily and a stage in the neighborhood of thirty-six feet is expected during Sunday. Sny Levee Goes Out. Louisiana, Mo , June 5 The Sny levee broke opposite here at 10 o'clock this morning A hundred thousand acres of farm land protected by the levee will prob ably be flooded, and it is estimated that the losses resulting will aggregate millions of dollars. Governor Asks Aid. Denver, Col, June 5Governor Pea body has issued a proclamation calling upon the people of Colorado to contribute to the assistance of the Kansas flood suf ferers. He asks that contributions be in cash. A MILLION STARYING Distress in Knank-si Province, China Reported to Be Most ' Acute. DETTTSCHLAND AGROUND Big Ocean Liner Is Tast in New York Harbor. New York, June 5 The steamer Deutschland, which grounded yesterday in Gedney's channel, is still fast. Si x tugs worked on the liner at high tide about half-past 3 o'clock this morning, but failed to move her. Another attempt will be made at high tide this afternoon The steamer has suffered no damage, and as soon as she Is floated will proceed on her voyage across the Atlantic. In the meantime she is in no danger, altho sur rounded by a heavy mantle of smoke and fog. Blame is placed on the first cabin pas sengers and their friends for the accident. Captain Barends, in command of the ship, figured on crossing the bar at 3*15 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but so many friends of the passengers crowded the vessel that she was late in getting away. In the interval the smoke had settled over the harbor and bay and the big steamer had to crawl slowly on her way out to the open sea. She was under a slow bell when she struck and the en gines were reversed, but dspite this she buried nearly half her length in the muck. Communication was established with the Marconio station at Fire Island and from there the news has been sent to the N ew York agent. NEW FINANCIAI STAR Shortage of W. J. Idelman Is Said .to Be $40,000. . ** % ^ Seattle, Wash, June 6.A special from Dawson says that W. J. Idelman, deputy collector of United States "customs at the boundary of the Forty-mile river, is in jail at Eagle City, charged with embee zlement. His reported shortage is $40.- 000. *, , w^J, * \ . - ' *"^i ? i NEGRO. CAUSES Hamilton, Out., June 5.Because proprietor Grey, of the Osborne Hotel, refused to entertain a colored delegate to the grand lodge of the Orange Young Britons, forty delegate* picked up their belongings and registered at other hotels. By way of showing his devotion to ate colored brother, Chaplain- walth shared Ma Bed THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUKNAL. *^*U J able Atrocities. Horrible Details of the Slaughter Are Just Coming to Light 1,500 Homeless. Monastir, European Turkey, June 5. Hoirible details are arriving of the slaugh- &V of the inhabitants of the village of -flmerdash, south of Lake Preeba, on May 21, b v Bashl-Bazouks. I t appears that on the arrival of the Bashl-Bazouks Cha- 1 kalaroff s band of insurgents withdrew to the mountains A s no rebels were left in the village the inhabitants experienced no anxiety until suddenly, at sunset, the Turks commenced a regular bombardment, whereupon all the villagers assembled in thrt streets. Tho the artillery ceased fir ing during part of the night, the Turkish infantry fired all night long. The artillery bombardment was recom menced at daybreak, and the Turks then1 set Are to the village on all sides and commenced a general massacre, slaugh tering women, children and the aged. About 300 houses were burned and upward, of 200 persons, mostly women and chil dren, were killed. The women and girls weie murdered while resisting outrage. Not a living soul was left in the vil lage The survivors, many half burned or otherwise injured, fled. Some of the fleeing villagers were captured and their ears and noses cut off before being butohered. The report adds that 1,500 villagers are in the mountains, without clothing or food. Forty women and children were caught bv soldiers in a ravine and were killed after horrible treatment. STRIKES ARE FEWER Harked Change for the Better in Labor Conditions During the Strikers Are Returning to Work in the Textile Hills of Penn sylvania. New York, June 5.The National Civic Federation Review in its June number as serts that there has been an improve ment of 76 per cent in the labor situa tion in the last month. It says that while a few weeks ago there was great danger in what might be called national indus tries, and while local strikes were in numerable, there is not now any national strike on nor is there one in view and within the last week all the important lo cal troubles have either been settled o t prospered so far toward a settlement that"' they are no longer important factors in the industrial situation. As proof of the clearing of the indus trial skies the paper cites these settle ments: "Between the United States Steel cor poration and,the Amalgamated Iron & Tin Workefatw'o\fer the tin plate wage scale the American Bridge1 strike the Union Pacific strike and the threats Of trouble on the Southern Pacific, Northern Paciflc and Mobile & Ohio rail roads, the New York Metal Trades dis pute with the boilermakers, the threat ened elevated railroad strike, the Chi cago labor troubles, the St. Louis dis putes with the machinists, blacksmiths, teamsters and freight-handlers, the San Francisco railroad fight, the Gloversville glove industry lockout, the Lowell textile strike and troubles in Omaha and Denver. Men Break Agreement. Chicago, June 5Dissatisfied with the wage scale -300 men belonging to a loading gang of Armour & Co.'s plant in the stock yards have gone on strike. A wage scale was agreed on last week and the men worked until last night, when they ex pressed dissatisfaction at the agreement. It is said that efforts will be made by the officers of the packing trades coun cil to persuade the men to return to work and fulfill their part of the agreement. Illinois Mining Troubles. Indianapolis, June 5.John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, started for Chicago this morning to con fer with Herman Justi, who represents mine operators of Illinois, and T. J. Rey nolds, who represents the miners of the Illinois district The conference will be In regard to local wage scales in the Illinois district. In regard to the state ment of the Pennsylvania coal operators that the district presidents would be rec ognized on the board of conciliation if they were re-elected at the convention of miners to be held at Pottsville, Secre tary M. B. Wilson said to-day that such an arrangement would not be satisfac tory to the miners if it would establish a precedent as the convention would cost the miners $15,000. The Textile Situation. Philadelphia, June 5.Three textile mills I n the Manayuk district resumed operations to-day. The strikers in that section are for the most part unorganized and the threat of the manufacturers to keep their mills closed indefinitely Is said to have caused the striking operatives to lose heart Two hundred employes of the Phoenix knitting mill, principally women and girls, returned to their looms to-day. Nine dye house have granted the de mands of the operatives, making seventy eight firms which have made conces sions. Tho ranks of the strikers in the Ken sington district where the majority of textile mills are located are said by the leaders to be intact. Two mass meetings attended by about 0,000 strikers were held to-day. i^wY NINE ARE DEAD Collision of Santa Fe Trains Results Fatally. Topeka, Kan., June 6.Nine persons were killed and six, severely Injured- yes- terday at Stilwell in a head-end collision between Santa Fe passenger trains -which were running at high speed on Missouri Pacific tracks, used because of the floods. The dead: Link Day, Los Angeles, CaL. ' , \ William Newmiller, PiatafleM, N. f. Dan Monahan, Prescott, Ariz. E. H. Ward, Newcastle, Pa, % C. A, Knishern, Monett, Mo. ' ~ Carlos M. Larpado, Porto Ricos student at Kansas City university, Lawrence. Frank Johnsdn, conductor Pullman car. Unknown man, about 25 years old Unknown man, about 23 years old, roughly dressed, apparently a laborer. 'Batgagemah Owen patchm, Ottawa, Kan., wiU probably die. .gS.r,4MW / rati, DfTO SHAFT. PlacetrUle, ,5*L June 5.William Kenn* and John Tnrager fell into an abandoned'mine shaft on the night ot May 28 and were not found until yesterday. Kenna -nas alive -with a broken ankle Trauger was dead Kenna ear* that in their long imprisonment Tranger went mad and tried to bite him. Trauger died on Sunday laiafc after the man bad been more than a weak in H t ** -W**\* Turkish Attack Upon the Village Was Accompanied by TTnspeak- Adoption of Chamberlain's Tariff I Plan Would Seriously Cripple \ t j | Sweden and Jlorway, " h* i % V ' n - - i , It Is Said That the Two Countries Might Have to Join British Empire. " I , - V ^ as %* Copenhagen, June 5 Thruout the Scan dinavian kingdoms the greatest anxiety is felt on account of Joseph Chamberlain's tariff project... Should the ^British colonial secretary's scheme be carried out/ the Scandinavian export food trade would suf fer a severe blow Moreover, the duties on non-colonial timber, which almost killed the Baltic timber trade about the end of the eighteenth century, and the abolition of which in the middle of the last century created an economic revival in Sweden and Norway, would cause in finite harm to Scandinavian interests in timber, which constitutes half the total exports of Sweden and Norway and goes mostly to England. In some quarters the opinion is held that Scandinavia, in the event of the adoption of universal British reciprocity, may be compeileft'rb consider entering the British empire to avoid economic ruin. 81R CHARLES SPEAK8 Says "Don't New York Sun Special Service. London, June 5,In a speech at Glou cester, Sir Charle3 Dilke, M P. , has pointed out that Mr. Chamberlain's tariff proposals have been defended by purely protectionist arguments. He said that the secretary of the board of trade at tributed the prosperity of the United States to the adoption of protection and declared that the United States was leav ing Great Britato entirely behind in the race for foreign trade. These statements, Sir - Charles said, would not bear investigation The ex ports from the United States in 1902 were not greatly in, ejl&gss of those of 1898, and were less than, those af 1900 and 1901. Such were the natural advantages of the United States that nothing # , Last Month. Parliament* | TO FIQHf ?HAMBERt\l company's , London, #uC* *Them ,se of pommons wilUijaiee^ on #MrSiiyj ^heff "the debate opens on--tW9^e-dsnd Policy Is Not Popular. London, June 5.Letters are published from Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Lord Spencer, Lcrd Jtipon, Lord Tweedmouth and other liberal leaders, all vigorously denouncing Chamberlain's Imperial zoll vereln proposals as merely veiled protec tion. Sir William Vernon Harcourt and Lord Ripon contend that they would be a fruitful cause of disputes between the mother country and the colonies and of conflict with foreign countries. ON HIS WAY HOME Residents of Pittsburg, Pa., Cheer the President. Pittsburg, Pa, June 5.The train bear ing President Roosevelt and party arrived here over the Pennsylvania railroad this morning, and departed for Washington sixteen minutes later. Tho tram is to take a slow schedule over the Allegheny mountains During the stop here the president got off the train, walked the platform and took a stroll Some distance up the track, stopping here and there to shake hands with the railroad employes. On account of the hour of the president's arrival there was quite a large crowd of people at the station, many coming on trains from tue suburbs to their daily employment. Th e crowd started to cheer after the president had returned to his car, and this brought him to the rear platform, where he bowed and said: "I am happy to be with you. Happy to get back from my trip. Good luck to you all." A s the train pulled out he waved goodby. Washington WUI Greet Him. President Koosevelt wJU be given a cor dial reception by the citizens of Washing ton upon his arrival at 1 o'clock this eve ning from his long western trip. No for mal program will be carried out, but the district commissioners will greet the pres ident at the Pennsylvania station, the reg iment of high school cadets w^l esoort him from the station to th White House, and a concert will be given on the White House grounds by the Marine band. Th e citizens of Washington have been request ed to turn out on Pennsylvania avenue and" participate in the welcome to the president. . ya s TORNADO VICTIMS^ \ Dead at Gainesville Will Reach 125 1,500 Homeless. ' Gainesville, Ga, June 5.Mayor Parker has made this summary of conditions in the storm-swept cll&i "The dead will -tfSmber }25. Thre hun dred is a conservative estimate of the wounded, some of whom will die. Four hundred houses have been destroyed. I estimate the number of homeless at 1,500. The financial loss will reach $600,000. There is still need of money and rhysi ^^^^^^^^fe- "f " ^ i'^t'J^^ t'LU ^^g^j^^^^^M^yi^^^M^L j ^, M^li^^^. m^j j^ , W^^WM4 Wfa 5 , 1903. dp MILLERS FifOr ^RECIPROCITY IS WORRIED *# National Federation, in Session at Detroit, Adopts Resolutions --to That End, I {t%f ( right of all men to organize, but denying the right of any labor organization to demand that Individuals be compelled to unite with it or to demand that only union men shall receive employment. The Resolutions. The resolutions on reciprocity say: Whereat, Extension of foreign irarkets affords the most feasible if not the orly practical olu tlon of the grare difficulties which now confront the American flour manufacturing industry. Resolved, That necessity now compels the flour milling industry as a whole to demand the speedy adaption by the national gorernment of a broad, liberal and comprebensiye policy of genuine reci procity, one of the results of which will be the equalisation of the import duties upon American wheat and flwir by all importing countries and thereby securing to tbe American miller en trance to a large number of important foreign markets from which he Is now effectually ex cluded and be It further Resolved, That we strongly recommend that each individual member, Irrespective of party af filiations, shall bring such constant pressure to bear upon his local congresisonal representative and the United States senators from his state and all future candidates fo national office, as wHl commit them unequivocally to the further ance of these measures both by voice and vote Resolved, That we especialy and most strongly favor the fullest possible measure of reciprocity between the United States and the Dominion of Canada, the nearest and next to the largest for eign market for American products and manufac ti'res, and That in view of the early reassembling of the Joint high commission the following me morial be forwarded to the president of the United States Memorial to President. "The Millers' National Federation, assembled in mass convention at Detroit, Mich , represents a manufacturing industiy embracing upward of tfi.OOO separate establishments, having a com bined annual production of over $500,000,000 and involving a labor expenditure of over $20,000,000. "This industry is the one conspicuous exception to the otherwise universal manufacturing pros perity. "Existing conditions are largely due to the ex elusion of American flour from many important foreign countries This exclusion results from discriminating duties imposed by them in favor of wheat and against flour The government of the United States can, by a liberal and compre hensive policy of reciprocity with these countries, ecure the removal of this discrimination. The enormous and steadily increasing surplus of Ca nadian giown wheat thrown upon the markets of the United Kingdom depreciates prices abroad enables the foreign miller to undersell his Ameri can competitor and lowers the selling price of the entire wheat crop of the United States. "The grinding of this wheat in American mills would place the regulation of prices In this country, thereby increasing the farm value of wheat, securing the larger and more steady em ployment of mill labor and reasonably profitable return to American flour manufacturers "Present conditions are favorable to and make highly desirable the fullest measure of reciprocal trade arrangements with the Dominion of Can ada, the nearest and next to the largest market for American products, both ,of farm and factory,' and in rlew ot the early assembling of the United States and Canada Joint high commission, we moat earnestly urge tho exercise of your strong est Influence toward the uccessful accomplish ment of tWs object," American Interfere with Trade.", * tbut protection could have kept her back. An overwhelming majority of Her exports ^id not consist of manufactures* dedpite the abundance of her coal and Iron, but of actual crops from the surface of the soil The one item in which she was beating Great Britain was iron and steel, and the only wonder was that she had not beaten Great Britain there a great many years ago The^ government had shrunk from advocating a -duty on cotton, the largest item of exports' from the United States, but was going to propose a duty on grain and meat By interfering with the trade of the United States (foeat Britain was weaken ing one of her greatest imperial securities in a general war Trie people of Great* Britain had welcomed the increase in the fleet of the United^ States because in a general war shejwo'ula' be a promoter of the rights of neutrals, who in the last re sort would *eed- the British while they were fighting, and would at least con tribute to the permanence of the British empire. rekdmgtOf "th bud get blH. Meantime the %pj&$en% of Mr. Chamberlain, who included the whole lib eral opposition and several nominal sup porters of the government, are prepar ing weapons to attack the colonial sec retary's preferential tariff scheme It is generally believed that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, ex-chancellor of the ex - chequer, will be ready with an important declaration absolutely disavowing Mr. Chamberlain's policy and it is stated that he will be influentlally backed by free trade conservatives. Mr Ritchie Is re garded as a convinced opponent of Mr. Chamberlain, and it is reported that he is only willing to remain chancellor of the exchequer so long as his budget with its free trade feature, namely, the repeal of the corn duty, is not assailed. The liberal attitude is clear and definite. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman and his colleagues will demand from Prime Minis ter Balfour a plain and unequivocal dec laration of policy, either for or against free trade, and, declaring themselves un compromisingly opposed to any depar ture from free trade, will welcome the assistance of any part of the house in maintaining this position. MILLERS COMPLETE WORK Committee Report on Rate Discrimina tion Cheered. Detroit, June 5 At the final sess'on of the convention of the Millers' National Federation to-day, the committee on reso lutions reported, thru Chairman Charlei C. Bovey of Minneapolis, on the ques tion of rate discrimination against flour, in favor of wheat, which they declared was the paramount issue before the millers of the country to-da\. ThB e memorial, oUf the country -oa K B 8 K , _ , Memorial Sent to President Urges the Need of Reciprocity With Canada. Detroit, June 5 The Millers' National federation have passed resolutions de - manding the speedy adoption by the na tional government of a broad, liberal and comprehensive policy of genuine reci procity. *ThTeT ^"f8* Possible reciprocity between the United States and Canada was espe-. cially favored, and a memorial which will be forwarded to President Roosevelt was adopted. Resolutiontsionwerrecognizing e also adoptedth ?i. labo r Q ues U British Flour and Corn on this subject which was Presented to ge^r^y than for the fruits first the convention Wednesday, to the resolutions committee at ^ time. I To-day the committee reported that tnej* ** " _^ memorial truthfully set forth present con ditions in the export flour trade, and said* "We believe that the export flour trade will continue to decline until flour and wheat are put on a parity as regards rates of transportation." The report was adopted by the conven tion and copies of it together with the memorial from the British flour and corn trade association were ordered sent to the traffic manager of every railroad in the country. Tho committee also presented a resolu tion declaring that wheat should not be classed as coarse grain in making freight rates but with its products should con stitute a separate class. This was greet ed with applause and immediately adopt ed A resolution was adopted also urging the steamship companies to incorporate in the freight charge on flour the present London docking charge for the purpose of aboMshlng the sperate charge for landing ihe flour. The delegates recommended that the next convention be held at St. Louis dur ing the exposition. '^ * Special to The Journal. Stillwater, Minn., June 8.The resi dence of Joseph King on South Sixth street was damaged by flre this morning to the extent of $200. A slaughter-house near the city limits, owned by Albert Kroeger, and used by several butchers, burned last night. The latter flre was probably started by children who had been playing in the building The St. Cloud baseball team will prob ably meet the Joseph Wilf ehib here on the Fourth, as negotiations are under way. Mrs. R. H. Bronson has bean taken to the sanatorium at Hudson to receive treatment. Fred Koedel, aged 84 years, was brought to the city hospital to-day from, the south ern part o fthe county. H e is suffering from ailments peculiar to old age. William Gallagher, a guard at the pris on, has just had an operation performed for the removal of a cancer. The Glenmont cleared last night with logs for B. P. Taber & Co. of Keokuk. In the last games of the bowling sea son the Kegel spielers defeated the Ken yons by 60 points. PREHISTORIC CEMETERY Skeletons and Beads and Trinkets Found at (Red Wing. Special to The Journal. Red Wing, April 5.-While excavating for a new building for the Red Wing seminary on College bluff, overlooking the Mississippi valley, what was no doubt a prehistoric cemetery was found. Many skeletons were unearthed, also a quantity of beads and trinkets. * v * ^ Defective Paae F0RC0MF0RT in Warm WeatherOur Outing and Nor- folk Suits in Cool Homespuas, Serges and Flannels, , - $10.00 to $20.00 Waistcoats in linen, duck, pique and flan- nels, $1.50 to $5 the very best in style, fit, and perfect tailoring. Straw fiatsevery braid, every shape, 50c to $9.00. CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS... .$1 fo $3.50 CHILDREN'S WASHABLE SUITS $1 to $3.50 SATURDAY SPECIAL CWIdren'g all wool^two-plece suitsCheviots, Cassimeres and Tweeds. Regular $5.00 values, for $3.50. . e 415 to 419 Nicollet Ave. WIRE WORM EATS GRAIN Some Damage in Town of Brands- voidSpecimens Sent to State Entomologist. Special to The Journal. Fosston, Minn , June 5.The average condition of the crops is very good. There has been an average amount of flax sown and as it was put in early the crop is looking extremely well. Wheat is in a thuving condition, except on some low places, where the farmers seeded before the ground was thoroly dried. The grain has stooled well, and the weather has been all that could be desired. In the town of Brandsvold some anx iety has been caused by the finding of a worm that has been eating the grain be low the surface. In order to set at rest speculation as to whether the worms were of a destructive specie, two healthy speci mens were forwarded to the state ento mologist at St. Anthony Park, who replied as follows. "B. S. Bennett, Fosston, Mmn.Dear Sir: Your favor of the 28th and insects duly received. The insects are young^ wire worms, which will later turn into the so called click beetles, belonging to the fam ily elaterldae I t is unpracticabe to at tack them when once thoroly established in a field of wheat, and we roust resort to a general farm practice to control their depredations These beetles and the lar vae are found abundant in sod, and where sod land is used shortly after being turned over the crop put therein is quite likely to be infested with wire worms This is particularly so if the crop is a wheat crop. "Proper farm practice then is the best means at our disposal in this case. Fall plowing continued for a number of years will soon eradicate them and is the best rcn.edy I know of. From what I have seen, it is evident that planting a crop in soil which has just been turned over from the sod is to be avoided. An arti- ffcMl 'fertilizer known as kimte of potash, if stietMi over the ground at the rate of l,oct bushels to the acre, is another ex cellent preventive, but it must be used in the proportion indicated to do any good and must be applied when the ground is bare I trust that this Information will be of some service to you " Iowa Fruit Damaged. Special to The Journal. Des Mcines, Iowa, June 4.The effects of ihe cold weather and the rains in May are now apparent in the reduced prospects for a fruit crop in Iowa. Apples promise 73 per cent of a crop, pears 23, plums 29, cherries 28. peaches 30 and grapes 69. Tnese are much below the prospects May 1. Much of the fruit has fallen from the trees because the coldeand wet weather. 1U J""" the Z \ So fa i as smalolf fruits ar concerned, such T *e ^f*" 0 " I as currants and berries, the outlook is w f.. r f fe " e a TWO SMALL FIRES Loss on [Residence and a Slaughter House at Stillwater. d nAroe TWO KOBE GROUND OUT. 4*^*3 Special to The Journal. Washington, June .1Postmasters were ap pointed -to-day as follows: MontanaBald Butte. Lewis And Clark county, 'Ernest P. Moore. Wlk conftlnPralrl* Farm, Batten cooatr, Fremont S. j .^eeAajdw^ d . Strawberries are being ruined b ^ 8oft ened by the rains. Wheat Growth Phenomenal. Special to The Journal. Salem, S. D., June 5.Tbe small grain crop Could not be in better condition. Wheat has made a phenomenal growth aad oats and barley are pushing hard after it. Rye is heading out. Grass is in prime condition. Corn Is ^oing weU, tho a little backward because of the early cold weather and rains which delayed planting Some farmers are still running the corn planter. Illinois Central Report. Special to The Journal. Sioux City, Iowa, June 5 The report of the Illinois1 Central railroad for the terri tory between Cherokee and Sioux City and Sioux Falls Is rather optimistic. The report says* "Small grain is growing nice- Bargain Tables Twenty one Bargain Tables are distributed throughout our big store. On them and In our windows are displayed the following greater Shoe Bargains. If you have any shoe needs It will pay you well to supply them here tomorrow Ladles' Shoes and Oxfords Small sizes of Ladies' Button AQs* Shoes, valuS8.00 ^ Broken lots of Ladies* Lace -QRn Shoes, value to $2.50. ^^ Ladies' nice up-to-date vie! C f Aft Wd, lace 4M.*0 Ladies' $3.00 real Goodyear welt sole, bee. patent tips, new styles, all Slm9S Several sample lines of Ladies' Oxfords, worth $1.75. in lot, all sixes. Oftc Choice ^ Men's Shoes & Oxfords j Men's $8.00 and $8.60 Tan Shoes and Ox fords, many styles, all sizes. C f QQ Choice eBJaJPO Broken lines of Men's $2.60 C / fjl ^ shoes, good sizes VM.UO Several styles of"Men's $2.00 / AQ Shoes and Oxfords, at *f0 A large lot of Men's $8.00aad $8.60 vid kid, patent leather and box calf shoes and Oxfords, taken from our recent HarShman purchase, at Tennis Shoes Canvas tops, rubber soles for children, misses and boys, AJ%r Oxford styles ..**'' Isce C. J. GUTGESELL, Manager. ly. except on low lands. About 80 per cent of the corn is planted and some of the fields on the high ground are being cultivated. Low ground cannot be planted th's year unless it stops raining soon. If necessary, the low ground can be sown with millet, buckwheat, etc. Ilay and pastures are in fine condition. The aver age rainfall was about two Inches." Corn Weather Needed. t Special to The Journal. Moiris, Minn., June 5.Crop conditions in Sttjvens county are all, that could be desired with the possible exception of warm weather for corn. AH the small grains ars* growing finely and the mea dows are coming on rapidly. There is evtt jr indication of a larger crop than last year Getting Dry Again. Special to The Journal. Grand Forks, N D., June 5The ex tremely warm weather of the past week days lias increased the need of rain in th's section. The crops are not yet suf fering for moisture, however. A NIGHT RAID ON "PIGS" Four Arrests Hade and a Largo Quantity of Liquor Seized at Willmar. / Special to The Journal. Willmar, Minn , June 6.Three blind pigs were raided here at 9 o'clock last evening a large stocks of liquors were found in each place. Tho liquors were taken to the courthouse by the sheriff and the piggers are having their preliminary hearing this afternoon. The men arrested were Ben 'Waterman, Bud Miller, Isaac Emerson and Peter Lar son. Larson acted in the capacity of bar tender at one of the places In Water man's place the raiders found 132 pint bottles and 92 quarts of beer, 33 quarts of malt arid 11 quarts of whisky, and at Emerson's place a, cask and a barrel of bottled beer and one bottle of whiskyi Bud Miller's place, contained 16 cases of beer, 6 quart and 5 dozen pint bottle* of beer, 3% barrels and a 10-gallon keg of rye whisky. Other liquors in small quan tities were also found. Miller's place was run on the lock and key plan and Water man's on the wide-open policy The raids were made by Chief of Po lice Bonde, Night Patrolman Stephens, Sheriff Lundquist and William Johnson and assistants Miller and Waterman are under indict ment to appear before the district court on other charges of illegal liquor sales. The town has been dry for two years and the raids on these pigs has caused much excitement. FATALLY BURNED Mrs. Ben Olson of Marshalltown Put a Can of Kerosene on a Hot Stove. Special to The Journal. Marshalltown, Iowa, June 5Mrs Ben 01son set a kerosene can on a hot stove and returned to the room just as an explo sion occurred. She was probably fatauy injured. Her husband and child were also badly hurt. NATIONAL HOLINESS ASSOCIATION. Dea MOUIM, Iowa, Jnne 5 The annual meet ing of tho National Holiness Association opened in this city to-day. Erangellata Harris of Loa Angeles, A. Jacobs and wife to Chicago and J. W Elder of Emporia. Kan , are among those on the ground. Richmond. VaUnited States Senator Daniel was to-day declared the nominee of tbe demo cratic party as his own successor for the United States senate. Senator Daniel is now serring 'his third term in the senate. Girls' Shoes, Slippers * 79c 49c Child's $L26 nice vid Idd. laeau, sizes 8VatoU, pair Misses* and child's tan strap Slip pers and Oxford Ties, value $1.... Misses* and child's patent leather aad res! and black kid Slippers, with one strap Or the new style 8-bar straps at about one third below regular prices, as follows: Sizes2tp5.49 sisea6to'8, 69c sizes8 toll.Tftv sizes 11to2. 9cand Q&^ ladies* sizes 2V4 to 6 -* t ' oc VSJttfStSAWhL^SO Ladies* pearl gray Canvas 7J%r Oxfords '^ ' 1 * a Child's and misses' Oxford Ties, in QSg vici kid with patent tips, all sizes- Little Gents' Shoes and Oxfords ' C? Many styles of utile men's Shoes and Ox fords, sizes 9 to 18*4. value to QAr $1.69, at * Boys Shoes and Oxfords Many styles of boys* shoes and Oxfords, m vici Hd, patent leather and box 01 gS --,, calf, values reallyto$2, at pair Cool Canvas Shoes For youths 69c, for boys 79c, for 91 AH men, 98c $L12. $1.25 and. JM.'SO * ' 77 * o c BxtraSpecials , tfbrds. all sizes, 2Sf ^^Saturdsy ^ ^Youths' $L85 Bike -SShoes. sizes 11 fiQruyKf toTSaturday -Child's white kid Strap .-Slippers, sizes 2Qc