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ROOSEYELT ?,. TAKES HOLD The President Is Determined That All Guilty Postoffice Officials Shall Be Punished. Case Against George W. Beavers J Probably Will Be Presented to the Grand Jury. Kew York Sun Special Service. Washington, June 16.President Roose velt had a long conference with Postmas ter General Payne yesterday regarding the postal scandals. Mr. Roosevelt is now practically directing the course of the in vestigation and will continue to do so until it is completed. H e has confidence In Postmaster General Payne but desires to be acquainted with every move and to be advised of all developments. During the three hours' conference the ntire situation was discussed and Presi dent Roosevelt is advised fully now on very branch, of the subject. The presi dent asserted again that he proposes to leave no stone unturned until all who are guilty of bringing the postal system into disrepute have been dismissed from the service and punished, \ Considerable time was devoted to sev eral important cases which will be pre sented to the grand jury in Ne w York this week. Out of these presentments will come several important arrests. While department officials are reticent it is quite certain that the case of George W. Beavers, former superintendent of the salaries and allowance division will be presented to the grand jury. Orders to investigate the Brooklyn post office with the same thoroness that char acterized the inquiry at Ne w York went out yesterday. The case of prominent postal officials and their connection with the Ne w York politicians now is ready for ,the grand jury. Harassed on all sides, Postmaster General Payne's friends say he must soon take a long rest or he will completely break down. The federal grand jury here resumed . consideration of the postoffice department cases to-day and it is stated that two warrants were issued at the district at torney's office this morning for the arrest of persons involved in the scandals. t- A DOUBLE FUNERAL Miss Fredericks Morgan and Young i Nephew, of Cass Lake, to Be Burled at Stillwater. Special to The Journal. Stillwater, Minn., June 16.A double funeral will be held here on Thursday afternoon for Miss Fredericka Morgan, "who died yesterday, and for the 3-year- !old son of Charles Morgan, her brother, who died at Cass Lake and whose re mains are to be brought here. Two sets of harness were stolen from Eugene Mellin and J. P. Hanson. Sus picion fell upon some gipsies who were followed into Wisconsin,"but the property could not be found. County Attorney Nethaway has accepted an invitation to speak at Hinckley on the Fourth. -, The steamer Lizzie Gardner and bow .boat arrived in port last night and will clear to-day. with lumber for Burlington. H. C. Hospers, who has been at Roches ter for surgical treatment, has returned home improved in health. Frank Harveaux, a iwell known citizen, is critically ill. Forty-three boys belonging to the Min neapolis Y. M. C. A. spent two hours in making a tour of the various depart ments at the prison. Joseph H. Holmes has been granted a , divorce from Catherine Holmes by Judge ' Williston. TRY NOVEL PLAN Unknown Persons Attempt to 'Move' Courthouse With Dynamite. New York Sun Special Service. Evansville, Ind., June 16.An attempt was made to wreck the courthouse at Petersburg, the county seat of Pike coun ity, Indiana, forty miles north of Evans ville, ySSterday. Eight sticks of dynamite ,.and a keg of powder connected by a fuse were placed under the hallway of the 'building and the fuse lighted. The pow 'der exploded, but the dynamite failed to Igo off. The plastering in the rooms above ,was torn off and the walls shattered. The report was heard all over the town and the fire department was called out. There is no clue to the perpetrators of the crime, altho it is believed it was done ,by persons favorable to moving the court ,house from Petersburg to Winslow, a itown ten miles distant. HIGH PRAISE FOR**TO .GERMAN SINGERS President Boosevelt Delivers an Ad- ' dress Before Members of the * j ' -Noriheasiern Saengerfest. ''ftl- Says the Sooiety Is Doing a Great Work and Compliments Its Managers. TRESTLE FELL iFour Men Killed at a Grading Camp . in Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyo., June 16.Four men were killed at a grade camp of Kilpatrick ''Brothers, twenty miles west of here, on the Union Paoific road. A trestle on which they were working gave way and they were caught under several flat cars In the fall. Their names are not given. iUQHT AND DARK, (Day and night, sunshine and shadow jaxe not mote different from eadh other (than a healthful from a sickly woman. The healthful woman carries light and sunshine with her wherever .she goes. The woman who suffers from ill-health casts a shadow on her own hap- piness and the happiness of others. She cannot help it. i W 3$S3 Those who suf- \r' ^^k f v 'felt that I was improving meter than at first. I am not now cross and irritable, and I have a goo color in my f%oet have also gained about I ten pounds in weight and one thousand,qf com fort, for X am anew woman once more." The dealer who offers a substitute for , '"Favorite Prescription *Mthe little more profit paid on, the sale of '"V-less meritorious medicines. HU^wofit is your toes, therefore accept no^nbstitute. Dr. Pierce's Comm on Sense Medio*! Adviser is sent frte onjncetabof stamps !to pay expense of mailing wwy. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the paper-covered jbook, or 31 stamps, for the cloth bound. Baltimore, June 16.President Roose velt spoke to the Northeastern saenger bund in Armory hall last evening. In part he said: It is almost exactly 220 years ago that the first marked Immigration from Germany to: what were the colonies in thin western hemi sphere began. As is inevitable With any pio neers, those pioneers of the German race on this side of the ocean had to encounter bitter pHya- tIon, for the people that go forth to seek their well, being In strange lands must Inevitably be reaq to pay as the price of success the expen diture of all there is In them to overcome the obstacles in their way. It was some fifty years later that the great tide of German immi gration lu colonial times began to flow hither one of the leaders in it being Muhlenburg, the founder of a family which has contributed to military and civil life some of the worthiest fig ures in American history from the first. Thraout our caTr-er t development the German immigration to this country went Bteadily on ward, "and the people who" came here, those and their sons and grandsons, played an ever-increas ing part in the'history of our peoplea part that culminated in the civil war for every lover of the union must bear iu mind what was done in this commonwealth as in the commonwealth cf Missouri, by the folk of German birth or origin who served so loyally the flag that was theirs by Inheritance or adoption. And here in this city I would be unwilling to let an occasion like this pass without recalling the part of In calculable Importance played by the members oi' the Turvevein of Baltimore In saving Balti more to the union. - " Doing a Good Work. In speaking a word on the occasion, of this great musical festival, I wish to say in the first place that I only hope it may be given me to listen long enough to you to make me feel that there has been atonement for requirlug me to speak at all. I feel that the men of this as sociation and of kindred associations are sot only adding to the common fund of pleasure, but are doing genuine missionary work of a needed kind when they hold such a festival as this. I wish that everywhere in our country we could see clubs and associations Including all our citi zens, of the character that go to make up the society which has furnished the reason for as sembling of this great audience to-night. No greater contribution to American social life could possibly be made than this Instilling Into it the capacity for "gemuthlichkeit." No greater good can come to our people than to encourage in them a capacity for enjoyment which shall discriminate sharply between what is vicious and what has pleasure in it. No man is going to go very far wrong if he belongs to a society where he can take his wife with him and enjoy it. So you see, gentlemen,. I hail you as missionaries alike from the aesthetic and the moral standpoint. Sing for Kaiser's Prize. Five thousand singers were on the stage at Armory hall this morning to rehearse the program for the closing concert of the and a large audience was present. During the afternoon the singing for the kaiser's prize, the $20,000 Minnesinger statue given by Emperor William, took place. HAS HILL LOST CONTROL? Wall Street Is Speculating Upon the Future of the Northern Se- ' curities- Company. :. Special to The Journal. N ew York, June 16.Positive and em - phatic denial was made yesterday by high officials of the Northern Securities com pany of statements made last week by allies of the Harriman group of railroad managers that Hill had sold enough stock to lose control of the great railroad trust and that the new masters had de cided to dissolve. Hill himself would say nothing for publication. It is the impression among friends of the Hill-Morgan party that the report is put out. for. stock speculative purposes, be cause the market reacted sharply yester day. Harriman interests assert the truth of the story as vigorously as the Hill peo ple deny it. None of the persons respon sible on either side will permit himself to be quoted by name, but these who assert the truth of the report give details and confirmatory circumstances, while the other side contents itself with bare de nials. It is known that Harrimans friends have asserted ever since the company was formed that the allaince was an armed one and could not last longer than the time when Harriman, who was forced into it, could see his way to withdraw. It Is also known that one of the most prominent bankers in the Harriman camp knew the supreme court decision was adverse to the company several days In advance" of the public announcement. The St. Paul railroad is to be the central feature of a new transportation trust in the northwest, according to interests which are asserting that the Securities company will be dissolved. GREEN MAY YET GET IT Cooley's Appointment Does Not Ef fect His Chances for a Civil Service Commissionership. From The Journal Bureau, Room 45, Post Build ing*, Washing-ton, Washington, Dec. 16.A. W. Cooley of N ew York, appointed yesterday to be a civil service commissioner, takes the place vacated by William Dudley Foulke. The vacancy caused by the resignation of James R. Garfield has not yet been filled and it is this place which Henry R. Green of Duluth may possibly be called upon to fill. During an interview between the presi-. dent and Representative Bede and Eugene G. Ha y recently there was a good deal of talk about Green and the president was much Interested In what Bede had to say about him. The president, when W. W. Heffelfinger declined an appointment on the commis sion, began negotiations elsewhere and If these fall thru, of which there is a good prospect, Green will probably be named. Captain Morgan's assignment as mil itary instimctor at the University of Min nesota will date from Aug. 1, Lieutenant Cole holding-on until that time. This date means thatthe two officers will divide be^- tween them the dull summer season of no work and full-pay.e e r ,+* smile and sing. ' Ill-health in woman Is generally trace |ble to disease of the delicate womanly organism. Ma ny women have been re stored to happiness by the nse of Dr. Pierce*s Favorite Prescription. It estab lishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and .cures female weakness. It mak es weak jfe" women strong, sick women well. I feel it my duty to inform you that I had " been a sufferer for many years from nervous r ncss with all its symptoms and complications. "' writes Mrs. O. N. Fiaher. of 1861 I^exingtou ATJC., \-' New York, N. Y. I was constantly going to *~ ' see a physician or purchasing medicine tor This - or that complaint as my troubles became un bearable. In the spring of 1697 my husband induced me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Fre- ' Bcription. After taking one bottle and follow. ' - log your advice I was so encouraged that I took five more bottles of' Favorite Prescription' and . then X did not take any more for several weeks as I felt so much better, but still Z was not com- - pld/ly cured. I commenced taking it again and ' %' cannot & ESCORT! KINGtPETER Deputation of* Twenty-four leaves Belgrade for Geneva VIThere , ' *the New King NowIs. \$ f Residents of the Servian Capital Are Showing Little Interest in , , Their New Sovereign. ' ,," , Belgrade, Servia, June 16.A deputa tion of the two chambers, composed of four senators and twenty'deputies, head ed by the presidents of the two, left Belgrade by special train last night to inform King Peter of his election to the throne. The officers who have been appointed to attend the king went on the same train. The deputation is expected to return here with the king on Monday or Tuesday next. The chamber met at 10 o'clock this morning and adjourned for the purpose of going to the cathedral where" a great thanksgiving seryice, including the Te Deum, was celebrated. Extraordinary lack of interest is shown by a majority of the people in the events arising from the revolution. The notice issued by the municipal authorities yes terday calling on the inhabitants to deco rate their houses in honor of the new king has. me*t with scant attention and the town by no means has a festive appear ance. The illuminations last night were not brilliant. A military band marched thru the town playing lively airs, but a heavy rain soon cleared the streets. No further progress has been made in the revision of the constitution. Many of the better class of Servians aver that the present ministry is inclined to conserva tive ideas and desires ,to protract delibera tions on the subject of the modification of the constitution until the arrival of King Peter, thus giving the new sovereign a free hand in granting a new constitu tion. This is partly confirmed by the report of a committee of the chamber appointed to revise the constitution which had been instructed to produce an entirely new one,? based on the constitution of 1888. The more liberal politicians strongly object to the incorporation in the new constitu tion of the principle that the people should revise the constitution at all. v Montenegro Pleased. ' , Cettinje, Montenegro, June 16.The election of Prince Peter Karageorgevitch as King of Servia was received with greatest satisfaction by Prince Nicholas, King Peter's father-in-law, and the Mon tenegrans generally. Salutes were fired, bells were rung and bands paraded the town, which was beflagged and was illuminated at night. Prince Nicholas made a speech to an immense crowd ex tolling the virtues and bravery of the illustrious ancestors of King Peter and at the same time condemning the manner in which King Alexander was assassinated. No Qu&stlon About Succession. Constantinople, June 16.The report published in Ne w York that Madam Christich and her son, Milan, whose father was the late King Milan of Servia, had left Constantinople for the Servian frontier, is unfounded. They have not left Constantinople and have no intention of leaving. The unanimous election of King Peter is accepted as a definitive set tlement of the question of the succession to the throne. The Servian legation . has officially notified the foreign diplomats of King Peter's election. Indianapolis, Ind., June 16.The thir teenth session of the head camp of the Modern Woodmen of America was opened in Tomllnson hall this morning at 10 o'clock. Mayor Bookwalter and Auditor of State Herrlck welcomed the delegates. The response was made by Lieutenant Governor W. A. Northcott of Illlnols.head consul of the organization. The.conven tion then got down to business. The report of Major C. W: Hawes, the head clerk for the two years, Jan. 1, 1901, to Dec. 31, 1902, shows that on the latter date the Woodmen had 664,166 beneficial members, carrying a total Insurance of $1,161,285,000. T he net gain was 126,306, and the net gain in insurance, $348,087,800. There was a net gain of 1,959 local camps, the total being of 10,654 local camps. On Jan. 1, 1903, there was a balance of $903,487.10 in the benefit fund and a bal ance of $345,853.20 In the general expense fund. At the last national convention a deter mined effort was mde to secure the ad mission to the society's jurisdiction of cities like Chica go Milwaukee, Pittsburg, Greater New York, San Francisco, etc. Tho society's law bars all cities having 200,000 or more population. The law com mittee submits an amendment providing that the executive council may, in its discretion, establish and maintain local camps In any part of the excepted cities if, upon investigation, it finds it safe and desirable territory In which to do bust ness. The law committee recommends that the basis of representation be left as at presentone delegate for each 1,500 mem bers or major fraction. NOW WILL YOU BE GOOD? Standard Oil Company Gets Even With South Dakota by Rais- - - ing Prices. * Special to The Journal. Sioux City, Iowa, June 16.The Stand ard Oil company has raised the price of oil in South Dakota 1 cent a gallon in order to counteract the effect of the law passed recently by the South Dakota legislature requiring a test for kerosene. It is estimated that this will greatly Increase the profits of the company over and above the value of the quantity of oil which may be rejected under this test. -" i ^-W. W. Jermane. ITS WORST FIRE Loss on Pelt Shoe Factory at Web ster City Is $70,000.g^ : Special to The Journal. w, t,si* J s* Webster City, Iowa, June 16.The worst conflagration ever experienced here was in the felt shoe factory which burned last night. The loss will reach $70,000. The plant was capitalized at $100,000 and was insured for,$36,000. The plant and. every thing was a total loss. *Vs. " n does so to gain , : * ^ -. VJOIS FINANCIAL PARADOX. /*' j Washington Star. , - : : - ^ i LOCKE IN DANGER ,*/' Rendezvous of Legislators at Pierre v *:.:. \ "Wa g Pierre, S. D., June 16.The Locke ho tel, which has been the scene of more legislative work than eyen the state build ing, had a close caU from jfire to-day. A blaze started in the kitchen part and the whole of the upper story of that addition was burneu o before the fire was under control. No damage was done to the main building. N A thing I cannot understand- * ^ Perhaps It springs from thought refracted-^*' Is how a fellow's debts expand The more the/ are contracted. ' 5 IttL'flIGH pi:.: MIGRANT S UommiMioner' Sargeant Will Rec ommend Establishment of In- Insured for $600,000. London, June 16.The Brussels corre spondent of the Daily Telegraph learns that the late king and queen of ^Servia were insured for |600,000 with a Belgian Dutch company. Half of this sum will go to Queen Draga's sisters and the re mainder to former Queen Natalie. THE WOODMEM- COKYENB Thirteenth Annual Session of the Head Camp Opened at Indian apolis This Morning.: k speotion Posts 131 N. W, Investigation Shows1 CORN IS VERY LATE Spring Wheat Needs. Rain in Some Portions of,the Da- kota*. Winter Wheat Harvest Progressing - Government Weekly V Report. Washington, D. C , June 16.The week ly crop report is as follows: The week ending June 15 was cool In, nearly all dis tricts east of the Rocky mountains, the minimum temperatures from the 10th to the 13th thruout the central valleys and southern states being the lowest of record for the second decade of June, and heavy frosts were of general occurrence In the Upper Missouri valley, with light frosts as far south as Tennessee. Under these conditions the growth of^ vegetation had been slow, but with a v^ery general ab - sence of rain or light local showers in the central valleys, much needed culti vation has made favorable progress. The long continued and disastrous drought in New. England and the northern portion of the middle Atlantic state has been re lieved (being succeeded In some sections by flood conditions), and the widespread forest fires in these districts extinguished. Generally favorable conditions prevailed on the Pacific coast, except during the early part of the week in Washington, where drying northernly winds proved In jurious In some sections. The week was unseasonably warm in the eastern por tions of Oregon and Washington and In Idaho and northern Nevada. While planting, replanting and cultiva tion of corn in the central valleys have been vigorously pushed, considerable planting remains unfinished In the north ern districts^, Corn is unusually late arid has made very slow growth under the low temperatures of the past week. In the middle and south Atlantic stateB the crop Is much In need of cultivation, and in the southern states is largely laid by. The winter wheat harvest is in progress as far north as the southern portions of Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Virginia. While an improvement In the conditio^ of this crop Is Indicated in northern Illinois Ohio and over the northern portion! of the middle Atlantic states, it has suffered deterioration over a large part of the win ter wheat belt as a result of Insects and Increasing rust. .',* ' .In California the crop is maturing rap idly and harvest is-in progress in the southern * portion with heavy yields. In Oregon and Washington winter wheat is heading short, but with good heads in Oregon. The crop was threatened by hot, drying winds in Washington during the latter1 part of the week, but escaped with a light .Injury. '- Spring wheat is in generally thrifty con dition, but needs rain in portions.of the Dakotas. Over the southern portion of the spring wheat region the condition of the crop is very promising and a marked improvement is shown In Oregon, but in Washington It has !experlenced drying conditions, altho apparently not seriously Injured. '* ' . Oats have made favorable advancement 'in. the lower Missouri and upper Missis sippi valleys, but need rain in the. Da - kotas. In Michigan the crop is backward arid uneven and -while general improve ment is indicated .In: the Ohio valley, a light yield is promised. Except in Michigan and the Ohio valley and middle Atlantic states, where a light yield of hay is indicated, the general out look for this crop continues promising. In Ne w York recent rains caused decided improvement,: Specials to The Journal. Fergus Falls, Minn., June 16.Grain in this section of the state has been suffering from dry weather, but a refreshing thun der shower yesterday has again changed the aspect of affairs and revived the hopes of the community. The, rainfall In this city was .89 of an inch, and was sufficient to freshen vegetation wonderfully. The outlook for good crops, except pos sibly corn, has seldom been better than It Is at present. Wheat and oats are thick and well rooted,- and are coming forward moderately fast. Early, sown barley - is headed out, and potatoes and garden vegetables generally are in ex cellent shape. Kathryn, N. D. June 16.Crops never looked better. at this'time of the year. A little rain would do good, but nothing is suffering. Wheat and all small grains cover the ground well except late sown flax. Mellette, S. D June 16Crops in this vicinity are in good condition.'. \Several showers lately have put the soil "in good shape. Many farmers report the best stand of corn they, have* had in several year*. , v ' 4 o n j?jret ^ Special to The Journal. ",' A^l-.-^l"^i ' * Jo Postmasters were appointed to-day as follows: South DakotaMelltown, Hutchlneoit county, Salmon D. Meyers. Wisconsin*admfle, Lafay ette county, John Baton,. - " MUBMH *DF 1KRIER The State Swears Its Pint Witness Against the Nelson Boys at Owatonna To-day. a * JL. * ST Sutton Pleads Guilty to Second Be? , gree Murder and Is Testifying^ % "?,,.- t' *.rfor Prosecution^*-t^*:.^ the Western Canadian Line Is Inadequately Guarded at Present. From The Journal Bureau, ^oom 45, Post Build ing, Washington, , ^ * - - ,' Washington, June 16.Commissioner General of Immigration Sargent returned to Washington to-day from, a trip of in spectlbn of immigrant stations along the southern and northern borders of the country,' the Pacific coast and Honolulu. He is convinced as a result of 'his observa tions that the Canadian border is not a}e quately protected from illegal entrance of Chinese^ and. Europeans arid, will recom mend the establishment of more immi grant stations in that section. He will probably urge the establishment of at least a-dozen such stations with a full compliment of inspectors and clerks. ' It will be recalled that Inspector Watch am made, an inspection last fall and in his report indicated that the Canadian border from the Atlantic ocean to the Soo was so closely guarded that European immigrants rejected at Montreal and Quebec had adopted the practice of going further west and slipping across at unguarded points in Minnesota, North Da"kota and Montana. Commissioner General Safeht's inspection supported this information and he has already stationed a small force of in spectors along the border, but there are not enough men to guard the line thor oughly. The few men on duty, however, have turned back a number of undesirable European immigrants, and have arrested others who had been smuggled into the United'States. The Canadian Steamship company sometime ago promised to estab lish an inspection service abroad and not to bring any Europeans over who would be ineligible to enter the United States, but they appear not to have lived up to the agreement thus forcing the immigra tion bureau to use extra precautions. W. W. Jermane. V - r - -'w^ Speoial to The Journal. ' " Owatonna, Minn., June 16.William' A. Sutton, the state's star witness in the prosecution of Charles and Henry Nelson for the murder of Harry ~Ht. Krler on April 13 last, was sworn shortly before dinner to-day and Is now telling a detailed story of the crime. Unless the defense Is able to break the force of his evidence by get-! ting him badly tangled up, it wo.uld seem that the prosecution could almost convict on his statements alone, The case was opened this morning by County Attorney Littleton. The first wit ness was Jacob Remmel, manager ,of Krier's bowling alley, who organized a searching party whlcli found Krier's dead body beside the railroad track. Coroner Adair was next sworn and then came Dr. A. B. Stewart, both' testifying as to the wounds upon Krler and when and where his body was found. After thus establishing that a crime was committed the state put on young Sut ton, whose evidence to this crime is In accord with the confession made by him when In duress in Minneapolis. Charles Nelson Fired the Shot. Sutton testified that Charles Nelson fired the shot that killed Krler, Henry Nelson first catching aifa then holding the saloonkeeper while the shots, of which there were two, Nelsons, he witness said, forced him to go thru the murdered man's pockets and clothes and remove his money and val uables. Krier, the witness swore, rushed down the embankment when stopped by the Nelsons and was trying to. get over the fence and away when he was caught and shot to death. The direct and cross ex animation of Sutton, will take up most of the afternoon." Judge Thomas'S. Buskham is presiding and County Attorney Littleton is assisted by W. F. Sawyer. The defense is in the hands of Harlan E. Leach. Besides Sutton,- the state has two im portant witnesses in the persons of Chris tine Jasperson and Anna Flinzog, girls with whom the Nelsons were Intimate and to whom they are alleged to have told many of the details of the crime. It is also said the state will swear a man who was plowing in a field near by and who heard the shots, and there Is an unconfirmed re port that an eye witness of the killing will be put on the stand. - Coup by the State. Contrary to expectations, the jury was completed last evening and is conceded to be an exceptionally good one. The jurors are W. S. Weatherstone, J. F. Brady, Wilv liam Ferrington, Peter Johnson, C. G. Bonnell, F. D. Carlton, George E. Sloan, William Thompson, Henry . Sorrensen, Horace A. Finch, J. M. Brooks and A. Q. Newhall. The fact that the defense ac cepted several who admitted having had opinions indicates a confidence in their case not understood by the public. Sutton, the third of the trio indicted, was brought into court and the state ac cepted a plea of guilty of murder in the second degree. H e will be used as the star witness. v HE SPEAKS IN VIRGINIA President Roosevelt Is Honored Guest at the State TJniver-*" - sity Commencement. Charlottesville, Va., June 16.The Uni versity of Virginia to-day entertained the president of the United States, and right royally the students of this historic seat of learning performed their duties as hosts. The president came here to attend the seventy-ninth -Commencement of the university. Mr. Roosevelt is the third president to visit the university of which Thomas Jefferson, whose remains lie near by it, was the founder. President Hayes and President ClevSkiA "J.5". e enjoyed the hospitality of this truly southern institu tion. The president's special train arrived here from Washington at 11:30 o'clock this morning. The Montlcello Guards "were on duty at the aepot and kept back the crowd. Visitors have been pouring into the city since yesterday. The president was cheered as he stepped from his car. The party was driven direct to the univer sity, where exercises were held in the public hall. Judge Morris, in a short speech of wel come, Introduced the president. After the applause which greeted his appearance had subsided, the president said in part: At the conclusion of the president's ad dress the various medals wJf delivered* to the fortunate students, and then lunch eon was served In the gymnasium. Judge R. T. W. Duke of Charlottesville presided as toastmaster and introduced the presi dent, who responded to the toast "The United States." After luncheon the party visited Monti cello, the home of Jefferson. There they were entertained by Jefferson M. Levy of N ew York, who owns the place. Presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt rode on horse back and other members of the party went in carriages. The president will leave here at 7 o'clock this evening for Wash ington. ' SHINGLE HEN'S TROUBLE Regular Shut-Down on the Coast May Have to Be Continued Indefinitely. Special to The Journal. Tacoma, Wash., June 16.A circular letter has been issued by the secretary of the Pacific Coast Lumbermen's associa tion which comprises every manufacturer of importance in Washington, Oregon Idaho and British Columbia, setting forth the extremely unfavorable condition of the shingle market arid advising that the regular shut-down of the shingle mills* on July 4 be continued indefinitely. About two months ago resolutions were passed by the association advising a gen eral shut-down of the shingle mills, but out of a total of 357 mills only 116 were closed, and several of these have-resumed operations. A s the matter now stands, the circular states that the mills must close down or the bottom will drop com pletely out of the shingle market. There are few mills that have the- capi- tal to enable them to hold their output until there are better prices offered, and if they attempt It, it Is more than likely they will soon go into ,the hands oj a re ceiver. * " " -" " ' . - . but they came too late to save the crop. SHOWER HELPED SOME Dry Spell at Fergus Palls Broken by Moderate Pall of Rain. SON OP MINNEAPOLITAN Wade Rutherford of Lawrence Drowned in Mille Laos Lake. Speoial to The Journal. Mora, Minn., June 16.Wade Rutherford of Lawrence, sone of M. F. Rutherford of Minneapolis, was drowned yesterday In Mine Lacs lake by the capsizing of his sailboat. H e was about 25 years of age and unmarried. It is believed he was caught in the rigging of his boat. Hia body was taken but in forty-five minutes and physicians summoned, but he could act behaved. - - _ _ DOCTOR ENSOR Endorses the Catarrhal Tonic Fe -ru-na A Congressman's Letter, Dr. J. F. Ensor, Postmaster of Colum- y bid, S. C , late Superintendent and Phy sician in charge of State Insane Asylum at Columbia, S. C.,'writes: i "After using your Peruna myelf for a short period, and my family having used and are now using the same with good results, and upon the Information of oth ers who have been benefited by It as a cure for catarrh and an Invigorating ton lo, I can cheerfully recommend It to all per sons requiring so effective a remedy." Dr. J. F. Ensor. : * v Dr. R. Bobbins, Muskogee, I. T., writes: "Peruna Is the best medicine I know of for coughs and to strengthen a weak stomach and to give appetite. Besf5e prescribing it for catarrh, I have ordered it. for weak and debilitated people and have not had a patient but said it helped him. It is an excellent medicine and it fits so many cases. "I have a large practice and have a chance to prescribe your Peruna. I hope you may live long to do good to the sick and suffering." Only the weak need a tonic. People are never weak except from some good cause. One of the obscure causes of weakness, and the one oftenest over looked, Is catarrh. ( were fired.. Then the Catarrh Inflames the mucous mem brane and causes the blood plasma ,to escape through the mucous membrane In the form of mucus. This discharge of mucus is the same as the loss of blood. It produces weakness.- $61,000 SHORT IN SINGLE DAY Continued from First Page. -" City park fund, $634.41 increased to $6,- 841.05, or $6,206.64. Ward funds, balance due Increased from $30,683.85 to $56,242.89, or $25,559.04. Total and net shortage Increase for all funds, except school and sinking fund which do not appear in ledger and trial balance account, increased from $367,- 896.15 on Feb. 28 to $429,135.93 on March 19, a net increase of $61,239.78 in the Haugan shortage from one day's work. The above balances due the various funds by Haugan on Feb. 28 and March 19, respectively, taken from the trial bal ance book, are verified by the entries in journal "G," all of which bear the date of March 19. In other words, seven weeks after Hau gan's affairs became so notorious that he was compelled to resign, seven days after his successor, C. Si Hulbert, was elected to the office, and even after the latter's bond had been approved and Hulbert was duly qualified as City treasurer, A. ' C. Haugan, If the books of the city controller are to be believed, appropriated $61,000 net, taking $26,871 due the general fund, $5,686 due the permanent improvement fund, $2,095 due the waterworks fund, $6,284 due the revolving fund, $6,206 due the park fund, and about $25,000 due the various ward fundsthereby In one day, after he had ceased to be city treasurer, being permitted to receive atid appropriate the sum of $61,000. His condition was at this time known to all of his official associates, and had been for many weeks, if not months. Two expert reports thereon had been made to the city council. The controller's office had made an in vestigation of the situation for report to the council, and its books told the story. Altho the Item of $5,356.03, Collected from municipal court fees and licenses, came directly to the city treasurer without the intermediation of the controller's of fice, It is well known that no taxes col lected for the city by the county treasurer can be turned over to the city treasurer until after the settlement between the county auditor and city controller. A Pertinent Question. , Consequently, the $36,705 of the January tax settlement and the $38,610 of the delin quent tax settlement, amounting to over $75,000, were turned over to Haugan by the controller's office on March 19, accord ing to the controller's books, with a full knowledge of the facts and by deliberate official action. By reason of the intimate relation of the controller's and treasurer's offices, it can scarcely be supposed that the officials in the controller's office were ignorant of the fact that Hulbert was elected a week before and was duly qual ified on March 18, or that he was about to take possession on the morning of March 20. What were the conditions and consider ations that compelled the delivery of these $75,000 of taxes to Haugan, ex-treasurer, on March 19, instead of to C. S. Hulbert, duly elected and qualified treasurer, on March 20? Eczema. No Cure, No Pay. Tour druggist will refund your money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure ringworm, tetter, old ulcers and sores, pimples and black heads on the face and all skin dis eases. 50c. , ELECTION DAY IN GERMANY. Berlin,. June 16.The polling in the eichstag elections began at 10 o'clock this morning and proceeded quickly under the new modified Aus tralian ballot law, few electors staying in the botoh longer than a quarter of a minute. In Berlin the balloting was not accompanied by the least disorder, eren tn the so-called slum pre cinct All the political parties resorted to the eleetidn tactics so often practiced in Germany, of sending voters from the strong districts, where they are not needed, to the doubtful ones. The law permits this. New YorkFrank Dean, a vice president of the Seaboard National bank at 18 Broadway, committed suicide early to-day at his home in Orange, N. J. He arose at his usual hour and went into the cellar, where he shot himself In the head. SUPT. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE INSTITUTION. : Hon. C. W. Butts, ex-Member of Con gress from "North Dakota, in a letter from Washington, D . C , says: "That Peruna is not only a vigorous, as well as an effective tonic, but also a cure of catarrh, is beyond' controversy. It is already established by its use by the thousands who have been benefited by it. I cannot too highly express nfy apprecia tion of its excellence.C. W. Butts. Peruna stops the catarrh and prevent* the discarge of mucus. This is why Pe - runa is called a tonic. Peruna does not give strength by stimulating the nerv ous' system a little. It gives strength by preserving the mu cous membranes against leakage. It gives strength by converting th blood fluids and preventing their drain ing away in mucous discharges. Constant spitting and blowing the nos will finally produce extreme weakness from the loss of mucus. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advlsa gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. DANCING AT NIGHT Spectacular Features of the Celebra tion and Festival of Whitt Earth Indians. Gov. Van Sant and Lieut.-Gov. Jones Among the Speakers of the Day. Special to The Journal. White Earth, Minn., June 16.The Sis seton Sioux Chief, Two Stars, is the rank ing head man of the Dakota Indians who have come up from their reservation ly ing close to Big Stone lake, to celebrats with the Ojibways the latter's occupa tion of this extremely desirable reserva tion during the past thirty-five years. After the spectacular parade yesterday by both tribes and their peaceable meet ing at which the pipe of peace was passed from chief to chief and the hatchet burled in the presence of a large audience. Governor Van Sant, Lieutenant Governor Jones, Rev. Louis Moneypenny, a full blooded Ojibway, and Chief May Zhuck Ke Ge-Shig of the same tribe used the time until noon in making speeches, the two former keeping well within the bounds of the English language and the latter close to the Ojibway. Simultaneously after dinner a baseball game and the presentation of Hiawatha began, the one being played by a visiting nine with the White Earth Invinclbles, who did not belie their name, and the other being put on in the assembly hall by the school children. These events were followed by dances, which took place to the music of Indian drums in the fields adjoining the old folks' home, old, middle aged and young Indians taking part in the presence of the largest crowd that has ever been on the reservation. The dancing lasted until a late hour la the evening. It is evident that Major Michelet is a disciple of good roads, as he has recently placed the highway on the reservation, fourteen miles long, between the agency and Detroit, in fine condition, making it possible to haul supplies from that point at much less expense than formerly and insuring speedy connection by team with the outside world whenever it is neces sary. The Indians have performed most of the labor. The council fire and festivi ties, auspiciously began yesterday, will last until this evening. Among the guests of the reservation are United States District Attorney C. C. Haupt, Assistant District Attorney J. M. Dickey, Lieutenant Dickey and F. W. Egan. Rev. Father H. C. Gaus of Washingtox* D. C , Is on the reservation as a person?0 representative of Cardinal Gibbons. f}XTRA E* VALUES Dlsplayd on Bargain Tablet Thrmughout Our Store. Children's and Misses' red and dark tan one-strap Slippersvalue to 98c AQQ . choice Boys' $3.75 kangaroo calf lace Shoes all sizesrather narrow toes QQQ pair '- Men's $3 and $3.50 Tan Oxford /./)9 Ties, all sizes, choice..- v" Ladies' Oxford Ties and one, two Q$Q and three-strap Slippers.val. to $L50^ Boys'and Youths'$1.75 and $2 C / 2J5 Vici Kid and Pat. Leath. Oxfords*'* Nervous Debility Brought on by Abuse, Excesses or Overwork is Dangerous and calls for prompt treatment. The quick est, safest and surest cure is OR. COLE'S Men whVwIah'lLo acquaint themselves with the state of their own health can do so in no better way than to consult Dr. Cole and Council of Physicians. This is the foremost: institution in the Northwest in the treatment of .chronic and prirate DISEASES OF MKN, having the highest' patient list, which has been secured and is maintained with-, out the employment of cheap, catchpenny schemes. You cau feel as safe In your dealing with them as with any bank in the city. ' lllaaftOAtt nff Man Varicocele, Loss of Vitality, Atrophied Parts, Emissions. Enlarged W1*VV* Ui m*n Prostate. Stricture, Blood Poibon and kindred Ailments success- fully treated. Only curable cases taken. .' If you cannot call, full particulars, giving mode of treatment, price, terms, etc., will be mailed you In plain n?e)op. No medicine-sent unless ordered. DR. ALFRED L 60LE and touncil of Physicians, 24 Washington Ava. 8., Minneapolis, Minn. -^ iOffice Hours9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8.p.,Jn. Sundays10 a. m. to-12:30 p^ mJE^ V W %M'*" Home Trade Shoe Store w*~tv\ Mtcollct a '^P-1 U iWiii.TTflhth^'-n'Vi i nrftir **-'^]