Newspaper Page Text
f Hl4^ v ' " * ^ KERR'S ^.*- We give Double AmountofTradingStampsThursday Value up to $4.50 thisgt ft - Q Valaeupto$6.50 this JB g 100 dozen fine percale, madras and lawn Waists, made in latest styles, large pouch, puff sleeves J_ Q ^ 98c waists. For this sale coats for UJU $75 0 1,250For No. 1610 Queen avenue N. House of eight rooms, four above and four below, with good brick cellar, double lot, 68x128 feet. The property belongs to an estate and must be sold In the near future There is plenty of room in the house It is clean and neat and in good repair. This is a rare opportunity for one who desires a good home. Come in for partic ulars. $3,750Will purchase a house, all modern, on Fifths avenue S, near Twenty-sec ond street Lot 48x124 feet. House of nine rooms, excellent style, located In a good neighborhood. Hardwood finish down stairs, electric lights and fine shade trees good barn This is a fine house for the money and must be sold at once Look it over. $6,250No. 2102 Lake of the Isles boule vard. Lot is 100x146 feet This is a magnificent piece of property House of nine rooms, all finished off in fine hardwood, full basement hot water furnace, laundry, porcelain bath, large barn, etc , etc $200Ought to be cheap enough for a lot 45x165, located on Twenty-sixth ave nue N and Logan Lot lies high and fine $300Lot 10, block 3, Forest Heights ad dition 39x189 feet located on Twen ty-fifth avenue N and James, city water and sidewalk $500Is no price at all for a lot in Pros pect Park, 50 feet front and nearly 200 feet deep faces on two avenues city water, must be sold at once. $450^Just think a lot on Elliot avenue between Thirty-second and Thirty third streets east front, and all im provements in street This price is outrageous, but if bought soon, it can nevertheless be delivered t'/ i- \ $600Will buy 44 feet on "Western avenue p*' by 120 feet deep, located between "t , Greely and Girard. All improve- | M . ments in good lot for store building. l* $750For 90-foot front lot in Kenwood, w$ , 142 feet deep to alley located on $**.** Sheridan avenue and Twenty-first k*, - street city water. P"te$750Each, two finebetweefront east lot l w V'/^ Cloak Dept. Tailor Made Suits, nobby up-to-date suits in black, brown, castor and array, worth to $25 ti^O O R for this sale V*P 5f O Wash Suits in latest Shirt Waist styles, made of duck and novelty wash fabrics cheap O O O R at$5.00 for ^mmm^WIM Spring JacketsTo assure a com plete clearing up of all Jackets in stock,weoffer values OJB 7 R as high as $14.50, for 0*fr m %9 Manufacturers' samples of Walking and Dress Skirts at less than half price. These are stylish flare skirts, handsomely tailored and of popular materials. Value up to $2.75 this j Q 7 5 ^NESDA OCBA 49c, sale price mm %W%M for four lots on Stevens Av. S., between Lake and 31st St. These lots are east front, have water, sewer and stone walk in street Size 46x129 each tO alley. Surely these area snap TALE REALTY CO., Bank of Commerce Bldg 311 NICOLLET AV. on Thirdfor avenue S n Thirtys - * second and Thirty-third street. Each 15- - 46x127 feet sewer, city water, gas, $ i stone walk. H i Journal want ads bring best results. One cent a word. ^lASSAYER AND CHEMIST ASSAYS AND ANALYSES ACCURATELY made at reasonable rates 20 years.' experi ence correspondence solicited. Dr. O. W. Drew, 416-420 Century building, Minneapolis. {Telephone connections. EVENniG,i5f%^4^ ^fip THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL-f^W p j *"\* Great Realization June Sale " Speaking plainly we are overstocked we must unload and turn the goods into cask. W e are resolved to take a heavy loss rather than carrythe stuff over.' Nothing reserved. Everything marked down " Worth $1.50 sale price .... fOC Linens and Whit e Good s 64-inch Silver Bleached Table Dam ask, warranted all pure linen, regu lar price 69c. For this JBTMsTl sale, per yard *" - 2 " India Linen, fine sheer quality, reg ular price 12Jc. For this *JFlg% sale only m 2 u One case 36-inch Bleached Heavy Muslin, regular 8c kind, spe cial . 36-inch unbleached L. L. Muslin, for this sale mw1m% Silk Waists in latest styles, black and colors worth from $4.98 to $6.50. Choice for lft Oft this sale at VZmSWO Petticoats made of genuine mercer ized sateen this fabric is practically transformed into silk made in full size, with flounce ruffle and dust ruffle. The $1.00 petti- AQ A Notions Pinslarge size package of M -. good papered pins - H Children's and Ladies' Hose Sup porters, good elastic, rubber but tons, all sizes in black and _._* white reg. 15c, sale price,... W Ladies' Frill Side Supporters, blue, pink, yellow and black reg- O A ular 19c, sale price Fli Cotton Tape, 3-yd. pieces, in best quality white and black, all 4 ^% widths - t# Leather Goods WristBags in real seal and morocco, silk lined with insidepocket, best of metal frames, with long chains, never sold at less than Summer Corsets and Girdles,in pink, blue and white, made of fine Batiste some with hose supporters attached, worth 75c and 98c. JB O** Choice Hhf D Department 9EOPG and Seventh St. Dress Trimmings Silk Braids, all this season's novel ties, divided into three lots to re alize on. Lot 110c, 12Jc and 15c, per yard Lot 219c and 25c, per 4 f}f* Valenciennes Lace s Edgings and Insertions to match, in different widths the very newest patterns don't forget to look at these bargains. For this sale, Qf% per yard, Shoe sand Slippers TALK Tt DULUTH, WEST SUPERIOR And All lntrmdlatt Pdnts OV1R THB NEW CONNECTING LINES OF THE Twin City Telephone Co. Prom Mlnataptllt and St.Paul D A Y "tt Cenh Mohaddltlona'mlnat*. |||l|HT Centi Three Glutei Wlim I 60 ah ftddltlOttaT minute ANNOUNCEMENTS CAE8 OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS MADE UP FOB Pacific coast, frequent shipments and big Bar ing in freight: see us before shipping. Bojd Transfer and Storage Co.. 46 S 3d BE LOT 4, BLOCK 9, KIQE & HANCOCK'S AD dltion to Minneapolis, sold by People s Savings Bank to Andrew Jurecka for $875 ZESBAUOH'S QUICK SA FBICE FICTUBE sale-, new and unclaimed pictures, French mir rors, ovals, room moldings, portrait frames and framing cheap, Hays oil aiating sale Zes baugh, 11 st S, opposite Lumber Exchange. BICYCLES AND AUTOMOBILES HONESTLYI FIX BICYCLES. TONY JOHNSON, Phoenix bldg. T. O. 1856. BICYCLE CLEABANOE SALE, CLOSING OUT at 20 and SO per cent off, all ladies' wneels one-half price, to make room for autos, big snaps in new and second-hand wheels, good second hand motor cycle, $115, duplex, $25, tandems $9 up Haynes Cycle Co., 627 1st av S. FOR SALEAUTOMOBILE,' CHEAP, THIS 6EA- * sori'B demonstrating machine,$450 gasolene, **fomr lvthev Michiga n at daly will* becarries here this week, two-passenger. Adland, 240 7th 'av S. Cut Prices on Gents' Furnishings 6c To Realize. Men's fine Mercerized Shirts and Drawers,regular price 48c, _}__% sale price mm O \s Men's Negligee Shirts, _QQ_% regular price 75c, sale *frBU Men's French Balbriggan Under wear, regular price 25c, 4 Q ^ sale price - mFU Men's black and white striped Working Shirts, regular O R A 50c quality sale price mm%9%3 Gents' Half Hose, black and tan, regular price 12Jc sale ^g% price M\M 19c Lot 329c, 39c and 49c, per yard Umbrellas Ladies' 26-inch Umbrella in fast black with natural wood handles, worth 69c, sale O O A price O %*%* Ladies' 26-inch Umbrella, paragon frames, large selection of novelty handles in silk twill. AQ A Corsets Children's Underwear 80 dozen Children's Jersey Vests, taped neck and sleeves, all Jkg* sizes, worth 10c this sale... *1*U (Limit 6 Vests) Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Draw ers, all sizes special for O f A this sale, each mm I fS Hosiery 62o 42c Children's fast black seamless Hose, ribbed, all sizes, 10c and 12Jc. 5*% Kerr's sale price U w (Limit 6 pairs.) A manufacturer's sample lot of plain black and fancy Hose. Every pair warranted, worth 25c to M "P 39c, choice to close - m w Boys' and Girls' Black Cat __* Hose, worth 25c, only 1 Oil only - ill 4 inches wide, per yard 13c Plain and.fancy Ribbons, regular 9c and 12c quality, this sale, A ^ special per yard W W Children's Goods k $1.98 Prices talk.. Children's dresses, white and colors, nicely made and trimmed. Sizes 4 to 14 years. Worth 75c, JB O A and Women's $!2.50 $3 Oxfords. Women's $2.00 Oxfords $1.45 Women's $1.50 Oxfords 98c Boys' vici kid Shoes $1.49 Girls' Strap Slippers $1.00 Infants' Muslin Hoods, close fitting or poke style, nicely trim- 4 Q A med, worth 29c to 39c ... . - 5FO CLAIRVOYANTS MRS.^JACOBS, THE WELL-KNOWN CLAIK voyant and busines medium, lived here past twenty years, may be consulted daily on all affairs of life 510 3d av S. MME. MAKIE PERCY, the world's greatest scientific- palmist and as the world's gieatest scientific palmist and astrologlst is located at 828 1st av S, corner 9th st. No questions asked but before you speak to her, she citn tell the object of your call and reads your life plainly to your perfect satisfaction. Do not confound her with cheap pietenders She is veistd in all the secret arts of the ancient Hindus and Egyptians Do von wish to Know? If it is best to make a change in business, in love, in marriage' How to win the one jou love' Shall I succeed in my un deitakings' Can I gain my ambitions'' Shall I be rich' Have I a rival in love ' Will I be happy or famous' Come and be told how tc gain vour wishes Mall readings a specialty Send dime and blith date Mention this paper Hours 9 a m to 0 p m PBOF. 2EN0, NO. 7 12TH ST S. Clairvoyant, palmist and magnetic healer, read ings daily, magnetic treatments given for alj mental, nervous and chronic diseases teacheJ of mental science and personal magnetism. DYEING AND CLEANING NOB^B?7TAB?^YEmG^NB^FBENra^DBY cleaning works 722 Hennepin av, both phones. THE PANTOBIUM, W. L. WALDBON, PBOP,. fancy dyer and French dry cleaner, renovator of clothing for men and women two stores 925-7 Mcollet and 630 1st av S Both phones. MINNEAPOLIS DYE HOUSE, FBENCH DBY cleaners, largest and best dry cleaning nous* in the northwest 242 and 522 Nicollet. EUE0PEAN TRAVEL FOB LOWEST BATES to Europe write Wenham's Gen. Agency. 302 Nicollet. Minneapolis. Minn. BATES FUBS STOBED FBEE Providing repairs amount to $5 or over We have the latest and best equipped storage rooms, built especially for protection against moaths, fire and burglary Goods called for Remodeling, repairing and redveing at special rates during the summer months. Orders placed now for new fur garments will receive a liberal discount A. Reiner, the Furrier, 701 Hennepin av. Both phones. BEDUCED PBICES ON TAILOR SUITS ALSO handsome linen to close out a small quantity of up-fo-date goods. Tucker, Ladies' Tailor, 625 Medical block LADIES' TURKISH BATHS TURKISH, RUSSIAN, VAPOB AND SHAMPOO baths, electric treatments, hair dressing, mani curing and face massage ..Roney Bath Parlors, 121 6th st S. Phone S62D-L2. ^JS^CJgNERY^ANDENGINES^ IRON WORKING AND\WOOD WORKING MA -cninery largest stock in the northwest. North ern Machinery Co.. 217 3d at S. Minneapolis. AUTOMOBILE. For sale, new Cadillac, in excellent condition run only few weeks, better than new, immedi ate delivery must sell at once inquire Pence Automobile Co TOLEDO STEAM AUTOMOBILE, 6Va H, P., new this spring, $900 machine, sell at $500. Bennit's repository, 8th st, off Hennepin. 81,500 BUYS % INTEREST IN FOUR EXOEL lent claims. Full particulars, 9356. Journal. BARGAINS IN MINING STOCKS. GEO. GIRL ing & Co., Temple Court. Tel. Main 2689. MUST- SELL 3,000 SHAKES "CATARACT" Stock 65 cents a share If taken immediately. Will Issue in i.OOO-share.lote. 1808, Journal. MEDICAL WOMEN'S DISEASES CUBED. Call cr write Dr. Bly, 412 Nic ar, 3d floor new book, 26c, ^^^JBUJLJ^S^E^IALS^^^ SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC,, PERMA nently removed by electricity. Miss Holister, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the KERR'S Gloves Ladies' and Children's Lisle Gloves, all colors and black, two patent clasp fasteners, extra ft Q_% Ladies' Lace Lisle Gloves, all colors, two-clasp fasteners. Reg-Jfl P A ular 50c kind, for this sale.*frU Ladies' Kid Gloves, two clasps, all colors and white, new Rftf* goods, worth 98c, this salcOOu ni5cr.2Boid Torchon Laces Just received a new lot of Torchon Laces and Insertions to match, from 1 to 3 inches wide, every yard worth 8c and 10c. For this sale you can have your choice of any of these, per yard Millinery Ladies' handsome, new, stylish trimmed hats these are certainly a bargainactual value tf^ 4 Q Q twice the price ^ 1 a90 Elegant HatsLast May we sold hundreds not as good __ ft A _ for $5.00 ^mmm%9%9 An elegant assortment of Shirt Waist Hats, different "T R A shapes, all reduced at.... I v u Manufacturer's sample line of ladies' Untrimmed Straw Hats, handsome new shapes values up to /[Q mm Ribbons Wash Taffeta Ribbon, in all colors, 3 inches wide, at per yard, || $1.50. Reduced to close. tOU Very swell styles and fine materials. These are cheap at OJ| R A $7.50 this sale ^mWm A Ladies' Underwear 100 dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, the best made for 10c. R 1 A This sale only 1. Cf 2 U (LimitRibbed'Vests, 5 Vests.) Ladies' Jersey i neck and long sleeVeS, 29c ft ft 4% quality. This sale ...mmmm\9 Ladies' tlnion Suits, umbrella style, lace trimmed, pure white A R A reg. 35c quality. This sale 3v THE M. P. D. DELIVEBS PACKAGES IN CITY lOf, St Paul 15c 619 4th av S Both tels 1503. CAMERON'S TBANSFEB AND STORAGE Ex pert packers for storage or shipment, large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nic ollet. both phones 1208 Residence, T C. 0324 SAFES, BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHINERY moved, household goods moved and stored or packed for shipment by expert packers, cars of household goods made up for the coast, fre quent shipment? and big saving in freight. Boyd Transfer and Storage Co.. 46 3d st S. RTTG MFG., CARPET CLEANING FINE HANDMADE BUGS FBOM OLD CARPET carpet renovating and laying, write for price list. National Carpet Cleaning Co., Nicollet Island, both phones CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house hold goods, expert packers. 200 Nicollet. Both phones 1203, Res phone, T. C , 13324. FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSECLEAN, separate rooms 100 12 1st av N. Phones. BENZ BROS., TBANSFEB AND STORAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 Eth st N Both Tels.. 952. EXCELLENT FACILITIES FOB STORAGE separate rooms or entire floor. Twin City Warehouse Co., 616 1st st N. Northwestern Trackage, phone 3232 INSTRUCTION A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHEB OF ENGLISH will take a few pupils in English and German. Flat 4, The Hurler, 123 11th at S. LADIES' TAILORING 1 *^?-^ ?#&!$& Great Realization Sato of Silks and Dress Goods Black imported mistralsand etamines regular price $1.18 and OQ $1.25sale price U5JU 38-inch all wool black henrietta, regular price 50c, sale price Uvu 54-inch imported broadcloths, colors only, regular price 0"fl | Q $1.50 and $2, sale price ^ - - - v Black and navy London cord, regular price $1.38. Sale price *4 ||| Collars Ladies' Wash Stock Collars, n white and colors made of pique an other material. offer these to ffieon.barga:We Colored Voile, reg. price QA,* $1.18. Sale price OmPC 56-inch imported English Meltons, regular price, $1.50. ^ 4 4 Q Sale price ^P I - I P Fancy Waist Silks, regu- 7B O A lar 89c and $1, sale price.. TrOu Corded Jap Wash Silk,reg- O R A ular 49c, sale price fcvU Figured Satin Foulards, regular 75c and $1.00, sale price 29c I9Q and ^frOO Black Silk Taffeta, 19-inch, flQn regular 69c, sale price.... I'VW Black Silk Taffeta, 21-inch, reg ularly 89c sale price, per fiQn Black Guaranteed Taffeta, 36-inch, regular price $1.50 ti_4 4A1 sale price 9 I - I 4K2 Black Pure Silk Taffeta, 36-inch, regular price $1.25 sale VkJk A price F*frU Colored 19-inch Taffeta, plain and illuminated, regularly 75c ROA and 85c sale price O O v Every yard of Silk and Dress Goods marked down for this sale. Great Realization Sale of A O V Linings and Was h floods 36-inch Percalines and Silesias reg ular price 15c. Sale ft1 price V2w Best Kid Finished Cambrics, O A regular 5c, sale price U u Best quality of light and dark col ored Prints. Regular 6c JB^A and 7c, sale,price *W'2C 40 and 36 inch Printed India Linens, Lawns and Dimities. Reg- f A1 / high PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON & MEBCHANT, Patent Lawyers and solicitors, main office, 929 935 Guaranty bnilding, Minneapolis, Minn. Branch office, 52 McGUl building, Washington. D. C. ular price 25c, sale price.. - **2U All Linings and Wash Goods at cut prices for this sale. MOVING STOVE REPAIRS REPAIRS FOB ALL STOVES. GBEAT WEST ern Stove Repair Co , 312 Hennepin av. LATEST IDEAS IN FABBICS AND FASHION. J. D. Hiushaw, Tailor, 627 Boston block. FOUNDA^FME^PA^^FB1EADS TYPEWRITERS ALL TYPEWRITERS FOB BENT. Tjpewriters for sale. MAXES. Repairing a specialty. Minneapolis Stationery Co., 405 Hennepin av. WOOD AND COAL HAVE BYRON & WILLABD PRINT IT. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND BOOMS AT HOTEL SOUTHEBN or 4th av S and 9th st Nice suite, with baths, and ten single rooms ONE OB TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms to rent in modern private home, with first-class board Walking distance. 2053, Journal. LABGE, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT room, second floor, suitable for three, good board, strictly modern 922 6th av S N. W. telephone. HAVE A PLEASANT BOOM, WITH BOABD. Would like a young man or young couple. Strictly modern house private family. 2136, Journal. ., _ . DAieetive Page 1 LOSTA SMALL OPEN-FACE GOLD WATCH, with gold and black bead fob. Mrs C F. Wood, 1811 W Lpke st LOSTPUBSE. ON OPEN 1st AV CAB. BE ward for leturu to Mrs J A Camp, First Baptist church, 10th st and Harmon plate. LOSTBOOK 1998, MINNEAPOLIS TITLE IN surance and Trust Co Return to 414 Bank of Commerce building LOSTGOLD WATCH PIN WITH DOUBLE hearts, between 6th and 15th st, return to 622 E 15th st, for rewaid. PENSIONS B. B, HOSTETLEB, PKN'blON ATTORNEY. Boom 307, Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn. LOSTWEDNESDAY MOKNING ON NICOL let av between Union depot and 7th street, small OTidized sliver shoe clasp Return to Journal office for reward STORAGE XHE' BOYD ^TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods, expert packing for storage or shipment. Collective cars of household goods made up for the coast frequent ship ments and big saving in freight 46 S 3d st FURRIERS COWS, DOGS, POULTRY, ETC. EGGS FOB SETTINGPUBE BLOOD WHITE Wyandotte, Giant Hunter, Schultz strain, rose comb, 75c for 13 3416 Humboldt av S. FOB Di SALEENGLISH SETTERS. C F Tuomy, St Petei Minn AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE LOT OF FRESH milch cows, grade and full blood Jerseys and Durham's, some of these cows are giving five gallons of rich milk per day, they -w111 b l sold cheap Brown, Park av and 50th st Tel South 463 J l FOB SALEFINE YOUNG FAMILY COW AND calf, heavy milker, gentle, price, $45 Hazel Hill Poultry Farm, one fourth mile north Man hattan Park station St Louis Park car line. City address 215 3d st S HORSES, CARRIAGESWANTED WANT TO BUY A YOUNG, WELL MATCHED cariiage team State color, -weight and price Address 2041, Journal WILL PAY $5 PEB MON.TH FOB DBIVING horse, light work Call at 3400 2d av S. TAILORING LOANS AND CHATTELS llO^Y^TO^OAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, WAG ONS, ETC , ON SHORT NOTICE AT CHEAP EST,RATES IN THE CITY. EASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STRICTEST PRIVACY GUARANTEED. CALL ON THB OLD HOME COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, 306 BANK OF COMMERCE BLDG, CORNER OF 1st AV S AND 4th ST. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUBS in storage and Warehouse receipts, at one-halt the usual rates Monthly Installment Loan Co , 825 Guaranty Loan BICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PEBSONAL property. . Charges reasonable 506 Globe bldg. WILLIAMS, 617 GUARANTY BUILDING, loans on furniture, pianos or any security. Large loans a specialty. Terms to suit bor rowers. Lowest rates. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDS FOB BOILER. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undei signed at East Giand Foiks, Minn , up to noon of July 7th, 1903, for the construction and delivery of one 72 inches in diameter and 18 feet long, 150 horse power boiler of the horizontal tubular pattern for the light plant, fob Northern Pacific railway station in East Grand Forks. Plans and specifications may be seen at the recorder's office and a certified check for 5 per cent of rbe bid must accompany all bids The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ^ NE 17, 1903. SSSaWTS^SB WANT Pages 14andl5 FINANCIAL i '. FOR SALAEY LOANS. EVERY MAN OB WOMAN IN MINNEAPO- LIS GETTING A SALARY CALL AND GET OUR MONEY ON YOUB PLAIN NOTE, WITH OUT PUBLICITY, MORTGAGE OR IN- DORSEE. FURNITURE LOANS. GOODS REMAIN IN YOUR POSSESSION. YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN WITHOLT ANY DEDUCTION. W E AIM TO PLEASE. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO., ROOM 408, NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. GET OFF OF ELEVATOR AT FOURTH FLOOR. s MONEY rates TO LOAN, EASY TERMS LOW David P. Jones & Co.. Oneida building. MORTGAGE LOANSRates low any lumi no delay. See us sure. Gale & Co., N. Y. Lite WE LOAN MONEY ON FURM1URE, PIANOS, HORSES WAGONS, ETC., without removal from your possession, located anywhere in Hennepin county, AT THE LOWEST RATES AND EASIEST TERMS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE NO INDORSER, NO RED TAPE, QUICK SERVICE, NO PUBLICITY. Call on the Old Reliable MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO., 601 2 Globe Bldg . 22 4th st S. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p R. D. CONE & 00., 517 Guaranty Bldg., have on band to loan on improved property, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $3,500 lowest rates. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES, NO delay Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. PRIVATE BANKING - - SALARY LOANS. Where you can get ready money upon demand in a business way, same as business men do at their banks $10 and upwards, easy terms, low rates GUARANTY INVESTMENT CO., 807 N. t . Life Bldg. N. W. Tel , Main S59 LI. W E LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT Low est rates. Nickels & Smith, 311 Nicollet av. MONEY LOAN MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOAN On your PLAIN NOTE or FURNITURE. CHEAPEST rates EASIEST payments ACTUAL rebate given if loan is paid before due Private offices Open 8 a m to 6 30 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday to 9 p. no. UNION INVESTMENT CO., 803 804 Lumber Exchange Building. A MONEY LOANED ON LIFE INSURANCE OB bought L P. Van Norman, 416 Andrus bldg "HEADftUABTEBS" FOR SALARY LOANS Every man or woman in Minneapolis getting a salary call and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or indorser FURNITURE LOANS Goods remain in your possession. You get the full amount of loan without any deduction We aim to please MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO , Room 408, New York Life Building. Get off of Elevator at Fourth Floor. g% MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tail merchants, teamsters, boarding bouses, without security. Largest business in 4S prin clpal cities Tolman, 920 New York Life oldg HAVE YOU PBOPEBTY TO BENT* I make a specialty of renting and taking care of all kinds of property, managing es tates, etc I can save you money. Walter L Badger, 300 Oneida building o o o o 4i/2 TO 6 PEB CENT ON OB BEFOBE LOANS wanted W. W Clark, 313 Mcollet av WANTED$800 TO FINISH HOUSE BEING built, Calhoun Park addition, value $1,800, 5 per cent Address 2036, Journal A LOST AND F0TTND : G'GLASSES, nickel bows, at Hirschy's, for 35c 420 Nic LOSTGOLD WATCH, WITH CHAIN AND charm, on Garfield av, between 24th and 26th sts. Five dollars reward if returned to Jour nal office. FOUNDTHAT W E BEPAIB GASOLENE AND oil stoves, lawn moweis, lamps, carpet sweep ers, all household utensils Shop 618 1st av S. N W , 3465 L2 T C , 3228 FOUNDSMALL BLACK SPANIEL, FEMALE. Call for same 332 E Franklin av. LOSTSMALL BLACK LEATHEB BAG, WITH silver purse and change inside Return for a reward H A Turner 911 Guaranty LOSTA GOLD LOCKET, WITH PHOTO lost down town, Saturda\ Return for reward to Miss Heyland, care The Leader W E OFFEB WELL PLACED NOBTH DAKOTA mortgage loans, $600, $350 and $500, at satis factory late J. G Lund. 300 1st av S. MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOB BESI dence loans and Hennepin county farm lands, no delay, building loans a specialty. E. D. Brown, 738 Lumber Exchange HORSES, CARRIAGESSALE harnesses, buggies and wagons, rubber tire runabouts, we buy, sell or exchange. Wld mayer & Prendergast. 414 3d st S. FBOST & CO.'S SALE 6TABLES, HEADftUAB ters for the sale of all classes of horses. A large assortment always on hand. Part time and guarantee given. 12 2d st N. JUST ARRIVEDCARLOAD OF HIGH BBED coachers and drivers, the best that were ever brought to the northwest. Also large stock of draught horses always on hand. Nolan's Sale Stables, 20 2d st N. 000000000000000000000 o HOBSES. HOBSES. HOBSES. o o o o 300 to 500 head of horses constantly on o o hand. If you wish to buy It will pay o o you to inspect our stock. We will not be o o understand. Every horse we sell must be o o just as represented or money refunded, o o Don't be mislead. Buy from headquarters, o o the northwest's greatest horse dealers. o o 0 BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN. o o Midway, Minnesota Transfer, St. Paul, o o Minn. Take interurban street cars from 0 o either city. o o o 00000000 000 00 00 000 o o ADDBESS PASTUREHOBSES CALLED FOB AND DE llvered, first class pasture, running water, no barb wire. Williams. 132 Holden st. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS, $6.50 AND UP double driving harness, complete, $19 and up, repairing a specialty. Minnesota Harness Co., 911 Mcollet av FOB SALEONE OF THE FINEST DRIVING mares in the city, splendid roadster, weight 1,075 317 E 25th t, $125 FOB SALEFANCY LABGE SADDLE PONY, gaited, price $100, including saddle and bridle, this is a swell horse, come and see her Call evenings, 3001 Fremont av X FOB SALEWOOD'S ELECTBIC BUNABOUT, in first class condition, $350 J. H. Gugler, 829 Hennepin av. $165 BUYS A GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT 2,750, one wide tire wagon, $16 set of harnes nearly new. $18, one single ritiver, weight 1,175, good for two seat. 508 24th s.v S. BAY HOBSE, 7 YEABS OLD, WEIGHT 1,275, first class delivery or family horse for sale, or would exchange for lighter horse. 309 8th st SE CABLOAD OF WESTEBN HOBSES FOB SALE at Crystal I ake road and city limits FOB SALEA GOOD HEAVY TEAM HOBSES, harness and wagon Call at 612 Adams st NE MY MATCHED TEAM BAY DBIVING MABES, 2,140 pounds. 5 years old, sound, beautiful drivers, worth $600, will sell for $400. J F Elwell New fetore FOB SALEGENTLEMAN'S DBIVING TEAM one of the finest in the city, bright bays, full sisters. 6 and 7 years old, stand 16 bands high, weight about 2 200 or will trade for real estate 2215 Colfax av S. FOB SALEA DRIVING HORSE, CHEAP sound and safe Inquire 1933 Hillside av. JUST RECEIVED FROM AN ASSIGNEE'S sale in the east a carload of the finest rub ber-tired runabouts in the northwest If you want a snap look at them before buying, at Bloom's Carriage Repository, 218 2d av N. FOR SALE AT A SNAP, A VERY FINE RUB ber tire hack. Bloom's livery, 16 Washington av N. TO LETFINE DRIVER FOR KEEPING GEN tie and sound. 515 Bank Commerce building. ONE FAMILY DRIVING HORSE, 5 YEARS old, gentle and city broke. A bargain. 617 4th av S. FOR SALEA GOOD CART WITH PARCEL box at back price, $6. 2115 18th av S. CUTLERY GRINDING SHEARS, RAZORS AND KNIVES SHARPENED We grind everything that requires an edge. Verbeci, practical grinder, 211 S 4th st, Mpls. v Henry Harm, Recorder. FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS NEW FUBNITUBE, CASH OB EASY PY merits, 25 per cent cheaper, not in nigh rent| district. RainvlUe Brog. 17 to 23 Central aT.itf NEW AND SECOND-HAND LUMBER, DOOBS,^ windows, brick and otber building material*, very cheap Corner 8th at and 14th av S. FOB SALE SECOND-HANS BILLIARD AND pool tables billiard tables repaired, a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 245 2d av S . Minneapolis. PARQUET FLOOBS, 80c SQUARE YABD. Old floors and furniture rennished. R R Hutlbut & Son 11 7th st N J I OR QUICK MEAL STEEL RANGES, GAS AND gasolene stoves C. Herbert Smith, 424 Hen, SECOND-HAND LUMBER, BUILDING MATE rlal, etc Corner 'Washington and 7th ar N "JEWETT' BEST TYPEWBITEB IN THB world. All makes exchanged, 237 Henenpiu. WOOD, DBY $2 50 TO $3.60 GREEN, 1 25 TO $2, factory blocks, $2 50, Plymouth Lumber Co., 237 Hennepin. Ppones Main 3845 LI. T. C. 2807. "HEADQUARTERS" '' FOR SALEVIVE CAMERA, 4x5, ALMOST! new, including plate holders and tripod, $6. Address 1406, Journal FOR SALEBOATS. LABGE STOCK BOW boats, all sizes, finished any style, at moderate prices. 1113 W Lake st. Telephone, T C , 5088 Open evenings LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE HOLDING PERMA NBNT POSITIONS WITH RELIABLE CON CERNS. WITHOUT INDROSER OR SECU RITY EXCEPT YOUR OWN NAME. OUR DATES ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN THE LOWEST. AS YOU CAN FIND BY COM- PARISON WITH OTHER COMPANIES SMALL OR LARGE PAYMENTS, TO SUIT BORROWER, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY WITH PRIVILEGE OF PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE, THUS STOPPING ALL INTEREST. OUR RECORD AND REPUTATION FOB 20 YEABS INSURE HONORABLE AND CONFI- DENTIAL DEALINGS TO ALL. MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 806 BANK Or COMMEBCE BLDG. W E HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MONEY TO ^ loan at 5 per cent on choice residence prop erty. Thorpe Bios., Andrus bldg. A 4 9CA 4V4 TO 6 PER CENT MONEY, WITH THE "on or before" privilege, to loan on improved property in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. M Newport, 809-311 Phoenix building, 60 4th st S, Minneapolis. FOR SALE200 HEAD CATTLE, AND RANCH of 1,600 acres leased Und, with pasture fenced, large sheds, five room house land can not be sold for ten years, an abundance of running water, hay and pasture for 600 head of stock Located fourteen miles from Min nesota state line, three miles from Sisseton. a county seat town of 1,500 population, with good creamery, an ideal place for dairy or stock farm Price $8,000, half cash, balanc* in one and two years C. E. Reed, Si6seton, S D CABINET GBAND, MAHOGANY CASE, UP right piano, used five months without a mar, ten years guaranteed, sell cheap, also 12 rooms of furniture, sell separately, call at once. 2244 Nicollet MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK, CONTENTS OF 2244 Nicollet, rare opportunity for any on* looking for fine goods consisting of mahogany parlor, library furniture dining room in quar tered oak, mahogany and oak dressers, chif foniers, brass beds, box springs, hair mat tresses, leather couch, easy chairs, mahogany rockwood parlor, library tables portieres, pic tures, lace curtains, mirrors odd chairs, rock ers, brie a brae pedestals, w ruing desks, Dav enpoit, combination bookcase, music cabinet, also cabinet grand piano, these goods must positively be seen to be appreciated. CaU at once CHEAP MONEY. LONG TIME. EASY PAYMENTS. It pays to borrow of MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO PRIVATE LOANS. IF YOU WANT MONEY AND A FRIEND, TOO, CALL ON US. PIANOSBARGAINS IN USED PIANOS FOR this week Singer piano, was $300, now $190. \ ery fine McPhaii piano, nearly new, first cost $450, now $285 Beautiful Huntington piano, regular price $325 now $225 Sterling , very good tone, $150 Terms cash or to monthly Three square pianos, $15, $20 d Foster &. Waldo, 36 5th st 3, corner Nicollet av. iianoan$10$35 t FOR SALETHE FIXTURES IN HOTEL CEN tral Mason City Iowa Must retire from business on account of ill health. Address P. Fiunegan, Mason City, Iowa SAFESWE~STILL HAVE A LOT OF BAR. fains and can furnish whatever tou want L. Waugh Company, 31S 2d av S NEW AND SECOND-HAND ENGINES, BOIL ers, pumps, iron and wood working machinery, radiators, rails beams, vault doors, pipe, shafting pulleys hangers boxes etc Hair It Machinery Co , 1025 Washington av SE , Min neapolis Minn A BOWBOAT, IN FAIR CONDITION, FOR three months, or will buy if cheap enough. Either in city or Minnetouka. Address 1934, Journal SECOND-HAND STORE FIXTURES OF ALL descriptions, safes of all kinds roll top desks, flat and standing desks store fronts and sash. All kinds second hand furniture A lot of cook stoves at $4 apiece, beds at 25c, bed springs 25c buggies and wagons at low prices. At 1027 Washington av S. SEEDSFRESH STOCK CARDEN AND FIEJD seeds just received, our lawn seed is the best. J H Smith hardware 214 216 Hennepin av. POULTRY SUPPLIES, CHICK FEED, LICE powder incubators "The Seed Store," Prior Seed Co , 209 5th st S WALL PAPERNEW AND LATE DECOBA tions Closing out good patterns at bargains. Work done proinptlv A H Ranney, 0u8 Hennepin WALL PAPER THREE PATTERNS OF 8a paper for 2c, 12^c and 19c haK price, ordi nary sized room papered with embossed giUs 53, wall paper cleaned 75c to $1 50 per room, papeihanging an painting Baker, 124 5th st S, opposite N \ Life building Both phones BEMINGTON TYPEWRITERS ON RENTAL$3 per month and up good work and piompt ser vice guaranteed bv our superioi facilities and natural interest in the reputation of our ma chine Remington Typew rlter Co , 4th st S, Minneapolis telephone 1 S GET OUR ESIMATES FOB PRINTING YOUR business stationery first class w ork, up to data methods Hall, Black &. Co 329 Hennepin SAILBOATONE OF THE SAFEST AND BEST built sailboits (cat rigged 1 on Lake Minnetou ka is 20 feet ever all has large comfortable cockpit and Is in fine condition will sell cheap, tall on Jooeph E Frank, 41-43 6tb st b Min neapolis Minn 00000 00000 PARQUET FLOOBS We are now prepaied to do work on o bhort notice We still have our full force o of experienced workmen who can be de- o pended on tc give satisfactory results, o Our refinish'ng will be sine to please jou o NORTHWESTERN PARQUET FLOOR CO o 82 9th st S Both Phones o 0000000000000000 FOR SALEFURNISHINGS OF AN EIGHT, room flat partv leaving city, will sell reason able Call at 121 4th st S TOWN MARKET. SPECIAL PRICES 0 \ LIGHTLY USED GOODS Woven wire sprlrgs 50c up good mattresses. 50c up high wood beds 50c up, gasolene stoves, $1 50 up, commodes, 7oc up, dressers with glass $4 50 up, bureaus no glass $2 " up couches., $1 up, lawn mowers $2 25 up. Large stock to select from Send in an order. TOWN MARKET Fl RMTLRE CO, 22 5th st & $125 BUYS NEW $250 PIANOLA. GOING away, answer quick Address 2127 Journal LATEST NO. 9 DROP-HEAD WHEELER A Wilson sewing machine $19 50 ^\ hite, $8 50 Domestic ST 25 Elmer 710 1st av S $25 OAK BEDROOM SUIT, USED ONLY SHORT time, $12 buvs it 22 12th st N. third floor $25 CASH BUYS ELEGANT OAK TOBACCO wall case about 10 feet long S feet high glass doors, large Brench plate mirror, cost $56. 8 7th st S PERSONAL 0 DR. BERTHA SHEPARD, SPECIALIST, DIS. eases of woman Office, 407 Nicollet Tele phone MaLi 65!) J2. Office hours, 1 p. m. to } p. in. Consultation free FEMALE DISEASES CUBED. Irregular menstruation quickly cared forty years' experience, offices open until 10 at night. Dr Wheeler, Globe building, Minne apolis. Telephones, N. W . Main 1753-Jlj T. C , S35 Good home for patients o WOMEN'S DISEASES CUBED. Call or writ* Dr Bly, 412 Nic. av, 3d floor new book. 25c ELITE BATH PARLORSTlZi/i^fithHsT^rUP- stairs, scientific massage, porcelain tub, cabinet and sulphur baths, experienced lady attendants. HAVE YOUR OLD TRUNKS EXCHANGES for a new one at the Bijou Trunk factory WE SHIP HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO COASS points, great saving in freight, see us. Twin City Van Co , 6% 4th st N. COBNS EXTRACTED, 25c inverted nails an! bunions treated. Dr. Collier, Syndicate Arcade. tcnx.i.r. UlSEASES TREATED BY DRS. MEY ers & Beig, 503% Henn. 2d floor, opp. West. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY EVENING, with social following, buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb's Academy, 43 4th st S third floor. DISEASES OF WOMEN, CONSULTATION free, piivate nome Dr B T Allen, 412 Ma sonic Temple. T C phone 5000. LADIES, CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal pills are the best, safe, reliable, take no other, send it stamp for particulars 'Be- lief for Ladies ' in letters by return mail at druggists Chichester Chem Co , Phila , Pa LADIES, CHICHESTER'- ENGLISH PENNY, royal pills are the lest, safe, reliable, takes no other, send 4c stamp for particular^ "Re- lief for Ladies" in letters by return mail, at druggists Chichester Cbem Co . Phila , Pa. A MIDDL*.-AG.D, WELL EDUCATED MAN with some means, wants to correspond with a respectntle lady of 35 or a widow without children, must have some mean, give full particulars Adlress 2051. Journal WINDS REDDEN, ROUGHEN, TAN COUNTER. act them using batiu Skin Cream and Satin Skin race Powder 25c YOUNG MAN, 30, DESIRES ACQUAINTANCE of refined ladv of some means, best references object, speedy marriage. Address 2106, Jour nal. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS W E BUY DIAMONDS OR TRADE FOR NEW, We pay cash for old gold or make Into new jewelry. Jacobs Jewelry Co , 41 Wash, av S. CASH PAID for all kinds of household goods don't sell before getting estimates from the Town Market, 22, 24 and 26 6th at S. Tel. 1993. CASH FOB OLD BOOKS IN LABGE OB SMALL lots Minneapolis Book Exchange, 229 Nicolleu WANTED^SAMPLES WANTEDTMICROSCOPId examination of liquids, price, $1 each analy sis Address Box 198, Hutchinson, Minn. WANTEDIMPOSING STONES MUST BE Hi . good condition and cheap. 328,3d st 8 .