OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, July 10, 1903, Image 4

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1903-07-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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It takes a long time and some pretty
severe lessons for some persons to ac
quire confidence in banks and lose con
fidence In some hiding-place as a reposi
tory of money. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Greenwood, who live on a farm near Grand
Forks, have just paid $2,830 to lose con
fidence in a mattress as a bank.
JSKCX^W '''.*
Ona month T?S
Thrte month* i'^i
Saturday JSve. edition, 20 to 28 pages 1.80
4 *?* T^^*y*wf^ft, "^tW^v^f?I5-T?
Delivered by Carrier.
g * :::::::: slSSis
AH papirs iri TOntlnutd until an explicit order
l received for discontinuance, and until all ar
rearages are paid.
The Minneapolis Journal from January 1st to June 1st,
1903, carried 73 per cent more advertising than the
daily Tribune.
The Minneapolis Journal from January 1st to June 1st,
1903, carried 74 per cent more want advertising than
the daily Tribune.
The Minneapolis Journal from January 1st to June 1st,
1903, carried 9 per cent more advertising than the
Sunday and Daily Tribune combined.
The Minneapolis Journal out of 6,146 residences can
vassed, had 4,992 subscribersthe Evening Tribune
1,275the Morning Tribune 776.
The Minneapolis Journal in 82 apartment and flat build
ings canvassed, had 1,253 subscribersthe Evening.
Tribune 186, and the Morning Tribune 178.
Vitalizing the Law.
Under the new turn in civil service law
administration, which has the firm back
ing of President Roosevelt, every govern
ment employe doing clerical work is
placed under the classified service and
removed from political influence. The
rural mail service is now included. Under
the new deal the fourth-class postmasters,
heretofore unclassified and within easy
reach of political influence, will be in the
classified service, and they number over
72.000 persons. When the civil service
law went into operation, it was the inten
tion to kill off pernicious political activity
In the departments, but as is the case with
many other good intentions, persons who
had some claim on their congressmen,
but who had no claim on the government
to be placed on the classified service,
either by law or personal qualifications
for positions, have been slipped into places
which they had no right to hold. The
presidential postoffices, to which the
president appoints postmasters and are
not in the classified service, have been
the channel thru which many persons
have wrongly entered the classified ser
The civil service commission under the
new arrangement is given the determining
power as to who shall be identified with
the clerical force of the government,
whatever the heads, of the departments
may say about it. Loglcallly there is no
\ alid reason why the four or five thousand
postmasters appointed by the president
should not be placed under the civil ser
vice rules. All the classes of postmasters
should be in the classified service. If the
new code is to include every government
employe doing clerical work, it will
sweep under the rules every one except
people In the consular service, who are
subject to special examination in the de
partment of state. This will be done, if
the politicians are not too fiercely insis
tent upon having what they deem their
"traditional" right to provide places for
, their constituents.
The indictment against Mr. Machen of
the free delivery service covers a charge
of accepting bribes and participating in
the profits of a ring in the New York post
office, which sold appointments and pro
motions during a period of seven years.
This incident shows the necessity of the
rigid maintenance of the integrity of the
public service by a literal and conscien
tious application of the terms and require
ments of the civil service law. It is true
whatever spoilsmen may say of their right
to buy and sell places, that the public
service is public, and not private business
for the profit of politicians. The agita
tion for civil service reform came not
from the politicians, but from the busi
ness public, who wanted the public busl-
. ness conducted economically and consci
entiously in the interest of the public wel
Frank Eddy Cuts Loose.
Former Congressman Eddy has discov
ered that being out of office has its good
points. A year or two ago Mr. Eddy, like
most congressmen, concealed his opinion
as much as possible. When venturing on
"any new ground, he took care to have a
protected line of retreat back to political
^orthodoxy. But now he finds that he can
j talk "right out m meeting," and, more
over, he does. He has declared himself
in favor of free trade with Canada and
.tariff revision all along the line.
Mr. Eddy reached the climax of audaci
ty and independence in his Fourth of
July oration at Dodge Center. Speaking
of the trusts he said: "The people know,
or at least they ought to know, that, the
only way in the world monopoly can be
broken up is by competition that domes
"tic competition cannot exist in domestic
markets because the trust corftrols them,
and it is as absurd to think of a trust
(Competing with itself in its own market
as for a man to run a foot race with him-
self in his own yard. They also .know that
In many cases outside competition is cut
off by a tariff. Not ten men in ten thou
sand believe in a tariff on trust-controlled
commodities. The people know, or at
least they ought to know, and I believe
they do know, that certain industries en
joying the benefit of a tariff sell their
wares in the market they are protected
against cheaper than they do in the home
market they know and know full well
that where such conditions exist, the dif
ference between the foreign price and the
higher homo one is not protection to
American workingmen or to American
producers, but is simply tribute to the
men who own and control the industry."
After getting a'good start on the trusts
and turning the flashlight on all the politi
cal and social maladies of the day, Mr.
JEddy declared that he had "no time for
THH JOURNAL la published every evening,
ejccept Sunday, at 4T-49 Fourth Street Souti,
Journal Building, Minneapolis, Minn.
(Mew York Office,
Mgr. General Advg, J Tribune Building,
the 'standpatters,'" and took liberties
with the sacred augustness of Uncle
Mark's famous dictum in this wise:
" 'Let well enough alone' is the pass
word to hell, and not the sesame that
opens the gates of paradise."
"Let well enough alone," cried the for
mer congressman from the seventh dis
trict. "Patriots spurn the sentiment,
trample upon it, spit upon it!"
During this hot address Mr. Eddy com
municated to his audience the secret that
he has a book in manuscript on the gov
ernmental conditions that disgrace the
American peoplea book such that, pub
lished "and given to the world, the people
then will no longer have any excuse for
making political mistakes."
Mr. Eddy, after thus arousing expecta
tion, gave no hint as to when this book
would be published. Possibly he hopes to
send it forth from the governor's chair
possibly he is holding it back until he
knows his fate. But if the Fourth of July
oration at Dodge Center is a sample, the
book will be worth reading, even if it does
come short of the author's high opinion of
its efficacy in making the political sins of
the people without excuse.
The public expects the city council to
get down to business to-night and vote
at an interest rate that will attract In
vestors the bonds that will make it possi
ble for Minneapolis to dress up. If the
town isn't going to put on a good ap
pearance and make its streets avenues of,
instead of obstructions to, business, when
times are good, the people are prosperous,
and the city in excellent financial condi
tions, it certainly will not when times are
bad and everybody is hard up. The coun
cil did exactly right in doing its best to
get a 3 ^ per cent rate. It has failed
now let it offer the bonds at a rate that
will carry them.
, The meeting of the National Forestry
association in the twin cities next month
will doubtless do much to awaken popular
interest lri forest preservation. It takes
an occasional reference to figures to show
to what an extent the great timber sup
plies of the country have been drawn
on. Mr. R. L. McCormick, president of
the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen's asso
ciation, recently stated that the
pine forests of Mlchfgan,1
- - -* - - r. * ,v, o
1 Tribune Building.
i Washington Office,
j 45 Post Building.
AN INVITATION Is extended to oil to vi*U
the Press Room, which Is the finest In the west.
The battery of presses consists of three four-decs
Gosa Presses, with a total capacity of 1.000
eight-page Journals an hour, printed, folded
and counted. The best time to call Is from 8.10
to 4:90 p. m. Inquire at the business office and
be directed to the visitors' gallery, of the Press
Senator Clapp's Bad Break.
Mr. Eddy is not the only Minnesota
statesman who has lately said about what
he pleased. Senator Moses E. Clapp, it
seems, addressed a G. A. R. encampment
at Owatonna, and if some of his auditors
had not known that he was a republican
they would have thought that some popu
list had taken advantage of the oc
casion to promulgate his pessimism and his
malice. According to the Owatonna
Chronicle's account and comment the
senator declared that he had no use for
ths nation's small standing army, and
that no reliance could be placed upon
either a standing army or a standing
navy, "but that the nation's whole reli
ance should rest upon the citizen volun-
teer." Then the Chronicle says:
"The Chronicle really never expected to
hear from the lips of a Minnesota United
States senator such a mischievous mess
of state's rights doctrine, distortions of
history andwell, instead of demagogery
let us say Clapp-trapas Minnesota's
junior senator gave utterance to in de
fending these extreme statements. The
United States regular army soldier was
compared to the hired mercenaries of by
gone despotisms.whose chief remuneration
was loot and whose only occupation was
slaughter. A standing army of any kind
or size was to be regarded as a possible
menace to the liberties of the people, etc.,
ad libitum.
The volunteer soldier has always done
the bulk of fighting in our wars, except
the Indian and Spanish wars, and he will
have to do the bulk of it in the future,
simply because this nation does not be
lieve that a large standing army is either
desirable or necessary. But that is no
reason why the army we do deem it neces
sary to maintain should be slandered, be
littled and insulted. The American regu
lar soldier is, after all, only a volunteer
under another name. In every war he
has fully justified himself. The fact is
that when war has come we have always
felt the need of more trained soldiers.
The officers and soldiers of the regular
army have behind them a glorious history
and for the last five years they have been
doing quietly and unassumingly some of
the toughest and hardest work that ever
fell to American soldiers. There is ab
solutely rib excuse for Senator Clapp or
any one else to defame the regular army
or the navy, and he will find that even
among the volunteers of the great war
whom he was addressing he will find
little sympathy with his unjustified and
unqualified denunciation of a little army
that has many a time stood the nation in
good stead. ,
berrnan has cut down 265,000,000.000 feet
and fires have destroyed the rest. Much
of the land this timber grew on is more
suitable to lumber production than to
anything else, How to put the forests
back on it is the question the next gen
eration will hav$ to solve. It is likely
that it can be done only thru state aid
on a large scale, ..,-..
I Cbleago Office,
Just why the council committee on
taxes and ways and means should vote in
favor of giving to taxpayers a rebate of
an increased assessment to make the as
sessment correspond with the actual cost
of improvements Is something that is be
yond our reasoning.
Expenditures for diamonds ought to be
a pretty good measure of a country's
prosperity. By such a measure the fis
cal year just closed was the best the
United States ever had, the total impor
tation of diamonds and precious stones
amounting to $30,000,000.
The Salvation Army is going to invade
Kentucky. - Perhaps Commander Booth
does not realize that these same homicidal
mountaineers are very religious. But
evidently they do not associate religion
with conduct.
Doubtless those who secured the flop
of the Press congratulated themselves on
their success as "peacemakers,"-but in no
other possible way could they have done
so much to Intensify and embitter the
strife, by no possibility could they have
done more to destroy confidence and ex
cite suspicion. If the regents would in
vite investigation and show an eagerness
to have the truth disclosed it would be
a long step towards peace and the restor
ation of confidence. But if they choose
to travel in the opposite direction they
will And strife Instead of peace. Prob
ably not all the regents, or even a major
ity of them, favor the suppression of the
truth in this unfortunate controversy. But
If they do not they can no longer keep
silent, for silence will testify to their
acquiescence. But at all events, the agi
tation for Investigation will be more ac
tive than ever, and its activity will be
inspired by the belief that with light will
come peace, and from no other source.
In conclusion, Farm, Stock and Home
now has to say for itself that it is not
nor has not been the champion or assail
ant of any Individual in this affair. It be
lieves that it is the champion of a princi
ple that is right and necessary to the in
tegrity of the entire university, and that
it stands for the changing of methods that
are demoralizing and damaging, if it is
wrong in its conception it can easily be
set right by letting the whole truth be
known, and if found to be wrong It will
fully and frankly acknowledge it. But
methods employed to suppress truth only
confirm the correctness of its conception,
and strengthens its determination to bat
tle for light arid truth, even if it has to do
it single-handed.
There remain but three performances
of the Ferris Stock company's clever pro
duction of John Stapleton's great laughing
success, "A .Bachelor's Honeymoon," to*
night, to-morrow afternoon and to-mor
row evening. For the coming week
opening Sunday evening, the company will
be seen in a double bill., J. s. Lawrence
ofTheJournalhas written a pretty
little one-act comedy, and it will be used
as a curtain raiser. The play has no
name as yet.- The audience will be asked
to name it. To the one who selects the
most appropriate title will be given a
box for the following week. The other
part of the bill will be Nat C. Goodwin's
comedy success, "Turned Up."
, Wisconsinwhite and
Minnesota, originally had a stand of about
850,000,000,000 feet Michigan having 150,-
000,000,000 Wisconsin, 130,000,000,000 Min
nesota, 70,000,000,000. Exclusive of sec
ond growth, there remains to-day in the
three states not more than 85,000,000,000
feet of merchantable timber. The* lum-
-I Aberdeen, S. D., News. .' .***
Postal recaipts are a good indication of
business prosperity, and the fact that
twenty-nine postmasters in South Dakota
have received an increase of salary is an
encouraging Indication of the splendid
prosperity this sate is enjoying1}
Farm Stock and Home.
As time goes on It becomes more and
more apparent that the future usefulness
of the agricultural department of the
Minnesota state university, and probably
other departments as well, can be assured
only by an investigation that will either
disclose dangerous conditions that they
may be corrected, or will restore^a public
confidence that has been rudely shaken
and is dally waning. One of the best pos
sible reasons for Insisting upon investiga
tion is the active efforts of those who
would be investigated to suppress investi
gation. A glaring example of the zeal and
effectiveness of this work of suppression
of truth is found in the sudden and mys
terious flop of the Pioneer Press-.-
In one issue it made an able, conserva
tive and amply justified demand that light
be turned upon methods obtaining in uni
versity affairs. A few days thereafter the
Press reversed its position completely.
That strong influence was required to
make so prominent a journal reverse itself
so promptly, and surrender a position that
was impregnable for one that cannot
withstand the lightest attack, is self-evi
dent. And that influence
Editor Sohonlau of the Houston Valley
Signal, has a straight tip on Governor
Van Sant's intentions, gained thru some
grapevine telegraph service, and he an
nounces it, in the following style:
"Captain Van Sant irtfchts to be United
States senator from this state, and his
lieutenants are already r, laying plans and
building hopes in that direction.
"The governor will tryand don Clapp's
coat, but failing, his next move will be
in the direction of Knute ^Nelson's shoes.
"Of course the captain has a perfect
right to enter the race for United States
senator, but the very idea that he can
displace Mr. Nelson:' is so ridiculous as
not to rise above the intelligence of an
infant. His going after the scalp of Mr.
Clapp is a grain more sensible, but even
in such going the result will be a most
signal failure, and the governor's sur
veyor general of logs and lumber might
just as well draw in his hoites, or, to use
a homely expression, 'pull out/
"What claim Mr. Van Sant has upon the
highest office in the gift of the state is
beyond comprehension, unless it be that
he banks on his slight connection with
the merger to 'haul him thru' but even
the merger as a political prop has dwin
dled to such an extent as to be no longer
useful in the line of gaining official ad
The Lake City Sentinel is also troubled
with the same dream, and is convinced
that ihe governor will be a third-term
candidate, and will then try for the senate.
This, story does not gain any credence
in well-informed circles. Julius Schmahl,
who -is well informed in state politics,
treats the subject as follows:
"Governor Van Sant is not a candidate.
This does not mean that he would abso
lutely refuse to receive a nomination, in
case the delegates to a convention in
sisted that he must again make the race,
but it means that, so far as getting out
and making an active canvass, or hav
ing . his friends solicit for him, he will
have nothing to do with it, or will not
countenance the latter. This, we believe,
is his position.
"Mr. Dunn has always had warm friends
all over the state, and they seem to be
quite active now, insisting that he will
be a candidate. These friends are found
in each county.of the state, and they ap
pear to be enthusiastic and energetic for
their leader. . In the northern section the
sentiment for Mr. Dunn is very pro
nounced, the newspapers insisting that he
must run and that he will be nominated.
"Mr. Eddy's boom seems to be differ
ent from any of the other candidates. It
is believed that a number of representa
tives in congress, or some of the retired
representatives, will favor him, while the
counties of the old seventh district, as
well as many other counties, will send
up delegates for him in case he becomes
a candidate. He is still a Barkis, how-
To Prison.
Minneapolis is certainly doing its part
in'cleaning its own house and giving the
country an example of severity In deal
ing with faithless public officials. After
many months the supreme court has af
firmed the finding of the district court in
the case against Colonel Frederick W.
Ames, and the former chief of police has
been taken into custody and now begins
to serve a state prison sentence of six
years and six months.
There is a remarkable similarity be
tween the two brothersthe colonel and
the former mayorin the way in which
each has done his. best to overcome
auspicious circumstances and excellent
opportunities. The colonel had the good
fortune to command the Thirteenth Min
nesota during a part of its stay in the
Philippines, and when the regiment left
Minneapolis he had a host of friends.
But from the moment the door of oppor
tunity was opened to him'" he. .has done
his best to shut it. After the chance he
had in the Philippines he had another
splendid opportunity as chief of police,
and how he abused that is now an old
story. The public knows too well how
the farmer mayor has persistently rejected
the numerous overtures fortune has made
to him.
The fate that has overtaken these two
brothers is a warning to all other offend
ers against the public and an admonish
ment to young and ambitious men that
if the wrong course is persisted in the
best of opportunities may be offset and
the most promising career ruined.
v v
The Blue Earth Post does not see how
there can be such a thing as a "minority
nominee" tinder the primary election law.
That may happen very easily, because it
does not require a majority of all the
votes to nominate, just a plurality. Last
fall Davis in the third, Volstead in the
seventh and Steenerson in the ninth were
minority nominees. V
Atchison Globe.
"I saw a suggestion in the Globe last
night,'.' writes Dayse Mayme Appleton to
the Globe, "that brides in future write
the^r own wedding notices. I am to be
married In June, -and^&s I will be rushed
then, I write my wedding notice now, with
the request that you hold it until rer
leased. It w i}L^feuit4 noje^and as that is
the only .^ifpo^tant if||n.%i*aywedding no
tice, I j^e^ysuiT wiltprnakse {.ritt changes."
The notice, cutting ouf place, data, names,
etc., follows: "The bride is one of the
most highly accomplished girls in Atchi
son. She was considered the best dancer
in town before she was 16, and old women
were praising her drawnwork before she
was 12. This is not her first opportunity
to wed. She has been to New York five
times, and received a' proposal from a
different man every time. The groom is
in luck to her get. Her wedding dress is
very costly, and her wedding outfit is
most complete." Here follows fifty lines
describing the wedding dress. "The bride
had so many dresses made," the notice
continues, "that she had nervous pros
tration, the result of being tried on, and
at one time had four doctors. The bride
was twice elected president of the So
crates Literary club. The groom has won
. a great prize. The groom is a clerk in a
store, but knows more of the details of
the business than the -proprietor. " " He ap
preciates his good luck in the prize he has
wa s to sup
press facts that it is now well known will
be embarrassing to the suppressors if re
vealed. There may have been some doubt
about this once, but there can be none
now. If the investigation (?) by a com
mittee of regents, for instance, that the
Press uses, among other things, to justify
its flop, will bear the light of publicity
there would be no powerful influence
brought to bear to keep it in the dark.
And so of many other things, that the
authors of the present controversy will
not allow to be disclosed if they can avoid
Governor Cummins in His Speech of Ac
.1 account it a very great privilege to be
commissioned by you to stand as one of
the humble agencies in the work of the re
publican party. It- is the only political or
ganization that in fifty years has done
any thing for humanity or for good gov
ernment. Every other political organiza
tion has either shriveled up under the
deadly paralysis Of conservatism, or blown
up under the deadly inflation of imprac
ticable and indefensible theories. As I
said last year, this party of ours in the
last half century has done more for good
laws, has enforced more wise policies than
any other political organization that ever
influenced human affairs. It has made
mistakes, as was so beautifully stated by
your distinguished chairman, but let me
state to you, as he said, and I repeat it
only in paraphrase, that the rriistakes of
the republican party can be written on the
same page with the worthy deeds of any
other political organization and there will
be stm-room for other inscriptions.
Dakota. Huronite.
A farmer in Miririeriaha county has just
sold his farm "for ?80 an acre. Ten years
ago $15 an acre would have been consid
ered a fabulous price for this farm. What
the past ten years has done in Minnehaha
county land values, the next ten years
will accomplish in - Beadle.
* TtNK
Myself, when young, had found a joy to
take - - i-.'
Wide strolls beside the waters of the lake.
I found a rapture on the open road
I found repose wherelnto none could
break. ,
Books and Authors
^ . " LOVE SONGS .'- - -
Edith Thomas, writing of recent poetry
in The Bookman, remarks that "all the
world loves a love song." It is true. A
sweet ajnd touching love song appeals to
the tender eida of the most illiterate of
human beings, or the most callous and
brutal of them, as well as to the most re
fined. There are certain chords in the
nature of every human being, which swept
by the tender motif of the song and its
musical expression, vibrates responslvely
wheri they can be touched by no other ip
uence. There have been writers of love
songs in this country, whose productions
sell Into the hundreds of thousands and
millions. Love songs are sung to-day
which way back in the nineteenth century,
touched and revived memories in many
hearts. Many love songs, which have a
somewhat monotonous metrical construc
tion, when put within the pervasive pow
er of the human voice, bring tears to the
eyes of many. There is no accounting for
tastes, but there are songs of this kind
which in the singing will hold thousands
spell-bound, who cannot be coaxed to
listen to a bar from the works of Gounod,
Beethoven, Haydn or Mendelssohn.
f , , .,:m
%'- -i.,-^-"#v'sJ.
But now a terror'waits'for hie and you
And wheresoe'er we flee it doth pursue.
It passes with a stench of burning gas,
And "choo-choo-chop," It says, and "choo-
choo-choo." '
Behind an oak ensconced, I forward leaned
And looked far up the road that inter
'Twixt me and something cleaving the
thin airs.
It passed me with a hiss, and 'twas the
The wild Mad-Mullah, vengeance-breath
ing Thing,
That you and me Into the lake can fling
A Demon, which, but let it pass this
An hundred sorrows- in its wake 'twill
Two things are free from this fiend's
power to slay
Creation else is "'periled, night and day:
The lark that spars thru heaven, and
the crab ".
That 'neath the wave pursues its watery
Willard Dilbnan in -Minnetoka Record.
Klehle, LL. D., State Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction and Late Professor of Pedagogy
In toe State University. Minneapolis: The
H. w, Wilson company.
Dr. Kiehle has performed a real service
in the preparation of this volume, which
details the progress and achievements of
public education In Minnesota from the
territorial period to the present day. The
first part of the book is historical the
second part contains a systematic study
and arrangement of the school laws and
sources of school support in this state.
To the pioneers, who, with the modern
civilization, brought with them to Minne
sota the sturdy belief that public educa
tion is one of the lading essentials of a
new country, Dr. Kiehle pays a deserved
tribute as the men and women who
"sought not merely lands and wealth for
themselves, but, they laid the founda
tions of a system of education in which
their children should Inherit the learning
and culture of the world's history and so
make themselves a part of the continuous
history of a Christion civilization."
Among these early promoters of public
education are mentioned the late Alex
ander Ramsey, Miss Harriet Bishop, Miss
Hornbeck, Miss Scofleld, Dr. Williamson,
a pioneer missionary to the Indians. This
was in 1849 and the early school houses
were built of logs. In a few years, as
population Increased, the public schools in
creased, and, after the civil war, the
founding of institutions for the higher
education was actively entered upon.
Minnesota early took advantage of the
national provision for public education in
the setting apart of a liberal portion of
the public lands for that purpose, to be
sold to provide a school fund, which has
always in Minnesota been managed, as
Dr. Kiehle says, with business sagacity
and conscientious faithfulness by the state
officers charged with its administration.
The school fund amounts now to $14,316,-
389. In addition to the national grant of
public lands for the support of the schools,
a one mill state tax was levied sixteen
years ago for such purpose and it was
provided that the common schools should
be held for not less than five months each
year. Details of the state aid for special
rural and semi-graded schools are given,
together with details of legisation on the
subject of school libraries, training
schools, state high school systems, and
university. The portion of the book relat
ing to higher education and the state uni
versity is of decided interest. There is no,
state-in the union which has more com
pletely provided for public education than
Minnesota. From the kindergarten to the
university the pupil may be brought to the
^most important professions and get a cer
tificate as to his qualifications for farming
or butter making or a diploma 1n any one
of the so-called "learned1'
The capitol commission has decided that
the legislators cannot nave roll-top desks.
Perhaps if the members had known abQut
it last winter, they would not have voted
that million and a half.
Charles B. Cheney.
The second part of the book is a com
mentary on, or exposition, of the Minne
sota school law and the general principles
on which it is based. The whole volume
will be found very useful for reference as
to historical fact and the laws which re
late to the school system.
David N. Beach. Illustrated. Boston: The
Pilgrim Press.
The Annie Laurie mine was in Colorado.
Duncan McLeod and Douglas Cambell
were two of the sturdy Scotsmen who
had important positions. John Hope of
Fall River, son of a weaver, became an in
ventor, was duped by a company who paid
him a trifle for a great electrical inven
tion but wisdom came to him with this
experience, and he ultimately controlled
the Annie Laurie mine, a great bonanza,
Duncan McLeod was a man of power in
the Annie Laurie. He transformed the
Miners* Club into something like a reli
gious body. He believed in Henry Drum
mond as a religious teacher and in Bishop
Brooks, who believed with Drummond in
doing, not only professing, Christianitv.
Brave as a lion, Duncan suppressed a
great strike at the mine when its destruc
tion was decreed by a band of the miners.
He rescued men from mine explosion gas
at the risk of his own life. Duncan loved
one woman away off in ScotlandKath
leen Gordonand the story vof their love
and her wavering between her woman's
strong love and duty to God is very beau
tifully told. Incidentally, there is an in
teresting account of a vicious fight for the
control of the Annie Laurie mine. The
religious faith developed at intervals in
the story is finely portrayed.
The best selling books in June, accord
ing to the Bookman, were:
First, "Lady Rose's Daughter," Ward
(Harper), $1.50, 195 points second, "Lovey
Mary," Hega'n (Century company), $1 123
lrd "
Lord Grimthorpe, wno was 87 the other
day, has the double distinction of being
King Edward's oldest counsel and our only
peer clockmaker. He spends most of his
time at Batch Wood, near St. Albans, in
a workshop fitted up with mechanical ap
pliances known in the clockmaker's trade
He is a designer of Big Ben at West
minster, and personally superintended the
great clock's construction, giving a guar
antee that it should never vary more than
sixty seconds in a week.
EdythIs it true that you are engaged
tp Jack?
MaymeYes, but you are not to men
tion It. I'm not quite sure that Jack
knows it as yet. ?w
JDIY 10, 1903.
Casually, Observed.
It may be a little warm, but the air is
so dry in the northwest that you do not
feel it.
The lack of help to cut the wheat having
been exploited, the cry that there will not
be cars enough to move the crop is now
William B. Curtis, the Chicago Record
Herald correspondent, is having trouble.
He reported the Iowa state convention and
the linotype made him say:
R. H. Spence, chairman of the state committee,
a slender gentleman with .a pin head, who prac
tices law at Mt. Ayr, pounded on the table with
a mallet and announced that the convention had
assembled and would commence business with
Mr. Curtis, however, denies that he
said anything of the kind. In a letter
he explains:
When you write that a friend has "a fine
head," and the printer makes it read *'a pin
head," I do not know what you should do or
say. I suppose such Inexcusable blunders are
punished somehow and some time. The tele
graph operator who sent my report of tfie Des
Moines convention, or the operator at Chicago
who received it, or the printer who set the type,
or the proofreader who overlooked it, may be in
dividually or collectively to blame, but it is very
exasperating. I said that R. H. Spence, chair
man of the republican state committee, was a
slender gentleman with a fine head, and It read
"pin head" in the paper, for which I make the
most humble apologies to the gracious gentleman
Mr. Spence had been breathing hard for
several days but is feeling better.
How can you tell when a multimillion
aire has gained the whole world and lost
his own appreciation of things? When he
doesn't get any fun out of going in swim
Governor Beckham of Kentucky is very
much incensed, by Gad, sah, at the prom
inence given his state, and particularly
Breathitt county, in the northern press.
He thinks the northern press should get
excited over its own slaughters and let the
southern people do their killing in their
own way. The right of the American
people to call attention to the delinquen
cies of their neighbors cannot be abridged
by any little 2x4 governor. ,
The scientists are questioning about
what is the fastest moving matter. It is
the office boy at 5:01 p. m-
The Bushnell, 111.. Democrat says: :-
Dr. J. A. James fell from a cherry tree Friday
and was very badly shaken up. A limb broke.
The Democrat leaves it in the dark
whether the tree or doc was the sufferer.
professions, or
come forth an expert in electrical or me
chanical engineering. Minneota and Tyler have been having
trouble with a Weary William with a
wooden leg. Altho denuded of a limb, the
tramp showed himself a very husky child.
When full of beer he gave the police great
exertion. At Tyler it took an alderman
and an attorney in addition to the
marshal to subdue him. Balanced on na
ture's remaining prop, he clubbed his as
sailants with the wooden peg, exhibiting
a dexterity in the use of this artificial
member which would have done credit to
a circus acrobat. He was escorted out of
town and warned that a return was sure
bath. He never came back.
The Fathers and the Bachelors of Bala
ton, Minn., had a hot ball game last week
the Paternal Relatives carrying off the
honors of the diamond by a score of 8
to G. The patsrs were so dead sure of vie-
Harper's Literary Gossip.
Little is known of Mrs. Humphry
Ward's methods of composition, but the
following extract from one of her own
addresses at the Passmore Edwards Set
tlement will be of interest to readers of
"Lady Rose's Daughter," who are puz
zled by the author's development of Julie
Le Breton. This settlement, be it said,
was founded upon Mrs. Ward's own plans
of social reform, and engages her active
assistance as well as that of her daugh
ter. Miss Dorothy Ward. Mrs. Ward said:
"Time passes, and every scheme in
which there is a germ of life develops in
waj's some expected, some unexpected,
and makes its own character. It is like
if I may take an illustration from my
own tradeit is like a character in a
novel. The story-teller plans it in this
way or in that. You scribble down on
your first sheet of paper such and such
incidents. Your hero is to end badly or
to end well. Marriage bells there shall
certainly be!on that last far-off page.
Or, if you are in a sterner mood, you
see all the forces of the pit unchained
about your poor puppets. A shipwreck
a railway accidentsome new disease
with a long nameyou write it down in
exorably. But then you begin your
work. And after a little while, as your
grip tightens, as your characters come
out of the mist, they begin to make
themselves, to shape their own story.
Your idea' remains, if it had any virtue.
Often one looks back with a strange thrill
to see how near the thought of the end
has been to the thought of the beginning.
But on the way it has taken to itself a
score of fresh forms and developments."
th Hose, " Is'ha m
(Bobbs-Merrill company), $1.50, 97 points
fourth, "Darrel of the Blessed Isles,"
Bacheller (Lothrop), $1.50, 73 points fifth,
"The Filigree Ball," Green (Bobbs-Merrill
company), $1.50, 56 points and sixth
"Wee Macgreegor," Bell (Grossett & Dun
lap), $1, 56 points.
Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton, according
to a photo of the novelist reproduced from
Wards painting, smoked a big-bowled
pipe, with a stem six or seven feet long.
The author of "The Leopard's Spots,"
Mr. Dixon, lives on the shores of Chesa
peake bay in a house containing thirty
five rooms, but he does his writing in a
log cabin near the water.
New York Press.
The decision of. a Brooklyn magistrate
that for one woman to call another an
old maid is a serious case 6f disorderly
conduct increases the swelling ranks of
our Dogberrys by one shining member,
Fair face, callous with kisses of dead men
Proud eyes, which did not melt at their
Which feign, but never know a tender
White hands, which I shall never touch
Sweet breath, which poisons like a stag
nant fen
Rare hair, which hides a serpent in each
Rich lips, with honeyed falsehood to con
I scorn you now, just as I' loved you
Yet were it given to me to sit above
Your petty world, that I might Judge your
A shame you do not guess the burden of,
In calm, dlspassioned judgment I should
name . .,:'
The penalty incurred by all your blamef^
'Twere only this, that some day you
%g&hL should love. .-
^ ..--New York Mall and Express*^
Chicago News.
f \
Kansas City Journal. #?i^
A'roll of bills stopped a bullet %hlch
struck a Chicago man in the breast, thus
saving his life. Yet there are reckless
people who will go right ahead day after
day without a roll of bills on their per
sons. N .
tory that they came very close to defeat.
Some of their best batters were "fanned
out" by Swede John's balls, and the game
was either a tie or in favor of the Race -
Suicides until the eighth inning, but thru
some errors in favor of the Progenitors a
final score was reached, 8 to 6 in their
Growing out of the stories that the leg
islators, when they left St. Paul, looted the -
state capitol building, a contest has been
raging in his home country around the
form of Judge Wilson. This week a demo
crat comes to the judge's defense and say .
in effect that he wouldn't steal a pin. The
following Is the artistic and energetic de
fense put up by the Adrian Democrat:
The amateur who runs the Gardine and the
dear old porpoise who tries to edit the Worthing
ton Globe, both renegade democrats, hare been
doing their best to make out that Judge Wilson
wanted to steel the state's furniture. The
judge says he had no Intention of taking any
thing that did not belong to him, and I don't be- '
Here be had. Dan and Caldwell will say any
thingeven praise Ham Clayin order to. have
some one notice them. On political grounds,
Judge Wilson was not my choice for representa
tive. He is a republican I am a democrat.
But I want to say right here that if it came to
a question of choosing between the judge and
the gentlemen (?) who are traducing him for
the sake of a little notoriety, I would take the
judge, even If be had been caught in the act of
carrying off the state capitol.
Say, now, the legislature has adjourned,
and the capitol, or that part of it that was
nailed down, was left behind, so let's have
a beer all around, shake hands and hunt
up a new issue.
New York has an Uproar club, composed
of people whose business is noisy and
who believe that noise in a city is a good
thing. If you keep a city too quiet, they
argue, strangers have an idea that there
is nothing doing and are inclined to go
where the bustle of traffic makes itself
heard. The infant sympathizes in the
idea of an Uproar club and is not at all
backward in adding its feeble note" to the
mighty refrain that beats against the sky.
While certain noises seem to be neces
sary and proper there are others that
will bear cutting out. Take the strong
laboring man with three lungs who prac
tices worn out airs On the cornet. After
a hard day's work you might think he
would long for rest. Not so. He hitches
several lungs to the instrument and strong
men cry aloud In their despair. Ths
Waconia paper recently gave a striking
dictionary of musical terms. Slightly
changed to suit this case they would ap
pear as follows:
pPush on the air.
ppPush twice.
fForte. ffEighty.
mpMighty poor. '
mfMighty fine.
sfStamp feet (keep time).
DCGo get a fresh start.
The Uproar club may be a good thing
from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m., but before or
after these hours, the thoughtless baby
and the cornet annoyance are "something
too much."
Grand Forks Herald.
Messages of congratulation to King Pe
ter of Servia, should be carefully worded.
If they contain anything in the nature of
a regret at the incidents of last week, this
would be a reflection on the. means by
which the king was elevated to the throne,
and if those events are referred to in a
congratulatory tone it would seem like an
encouragement of methods which may
lead to Peter being succeeded by some one
Des Moines Register and Leader.
We might have known it would be a
Kansas man who would finally devise a
successful method for getting rid of dan
delions. The editor of the Jewell, Kan
Republic says: "Marry a woman who
grabs her sunbonnet and a butcherknife
every time she sees a bloom on the lawa
that's the way we got rid of oiu "
' " Sioux Falls Press.
If those unpleasant people who are en
deavoring to accomplish the end of the
world on dates of their own selection
would come together in an agreement for
final mundane dissolution on the day of
the completion of the Sioux Falls Carnegie
library, every body would feel that there
was a long lease of life ahead.
Fargo Call.
Several respectable governments, includ
ing our own, have not recognized the new
Servian dynasty or manifested any in
clination to do so. Even a government
must be careful of the company It keeps.
Of course, there are Individuals who send
flowers to a murderer, but a government
ought not to adopg a similar policy.
Des Moines Capital.
The fellow who wrote to a family In
Marshall town and told them that their
son was deadjust for a jokewould
probably have to pad a thimble in order
to make it fit his head for a hat.
Dakota Huronite.
Governor Herreid has just spoiled an 18-
year-old boy of Watertown by appointing
him a member of his personal staff with
the rank of colonel.
Aberdeen* (S. D.) News.
Carrie Nation says that if she ever mar
ries again people may know she is insane.
How about the man who would marry the
hatchet reformer? %
Kansas City Journal.
Every boodler in Missouri should thank
Cod tor technicalities. They stand be- -
tween him and justice like a Chines* waB.i
^r- ^"

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