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I im PRICE TWO CENTS. RUSSIANS GUARD ST. PETERSBURG JAPANESE VICTORS IN SERIES OF FIGHTS Mikado's Troops Move on Liao yang, Driving Foe Before Them in Rout. St. Petersburg, June 10, 1 p. m. Remote as now appears the chance that the Japanese fleet will ever be in a position to venture up the Bal tic and make a demonstration against the Russian capital, or that a Euro pean power will be drawn into war, Russia evidently Is taking nothing Xor granted. The possibility of the fall of Port Arthur or a disaster to the Baltic squadron after the latter sails for the far east, have been considered and no precaution will be omitted to protect St. Petersburg against at tack. The fortifications of Riga (in the southern part of the Gulf of Riga) and Reval (at the entrance of the Gulf of Finland), have been strength ened, some new guns of the latest patterns have been mounted in the fortress of Kronstadt, and a chain of water batteries, running out on either Bide of the shores of the Gulf of Fin land, will guard the entrance to the mouth of the Neva. This system of fortifications was sufficient to discourage the attack planned by the British fleet during the Crimean war. In addition, how ever, shore batteries have been con structed near Oranienbaum (on the Gulf of Kronstadt, nineteen miles from St. Petersburg, and Sestroryetsk, on the Sestra river and seventeen miles from St. Petersburg), probably as a precaution against landings, as it is believed the forts are able to atop the advance of a hostile fleet. The approaches to Kronstadt are also being mined and merchant ships are being forbidden to enter the port without a pilot to conduct them thru the mine fields. Owing to the ex tensive work in progress at Kron stadt in connection with the prepara tion with the Baltic squadron, the central basin, heretofore reserved for merchant ships, has been appropri ated by the navy. Rigid regulations are enforced against any one ap proaching the fortifications. The Grand Duke Vladimir, commander of the militia district of St. Petersburg, has just completed an inspection of the shore batteries. JAP ADVANCE UNCHECKED Three Days of Fighting by Kuroki's Troops with Small Losses. Tpkio, June 10, 5 p. m.General Kuroki reports that a detaohment of Japanese troops on Tuesday routed a battalion of Russian infantry with two guns at Hai-ma-chi, the Japanese losing three men killed and twenty four wounded. The Japanese cap tured two officers and Ave men. The Russians left on the field twenty three men dead or wounded and prop ably lost seventy men. A Japanese detachment dispatched in the direction of tung-yuang-pu re pulsed sixty or seventy of the enemy's infantry at Lin-cha-tai Monday and on Tuesday encountered six companies of Russian infantry and 300 cavalry at Chan-chiah-sih. After two hours engagement the Japanese drove the Russians off in the direction of Tung-yuan-pu. The Russian casualties were seventy or eighty men killed or wounded. The Japanese lost four men killed and six teen wounded. On "Wednesday a Japanese detach tnen co-operating with another de tachment from the force landed at Ta-ku-shan encountered a Russian force of 4,000 cavalry with six guns near Slu-yen and drove them back toward Chi-mu-chang and Kai-chou, losing three men killed and two offi cers and twenty-eight men wounded. RUSSIAN FLEET PLANS DASH Ior Arthur Warships Will Try to Join Vladivostok Squadron. St. Petersburg, June 10, 4:14 p. m, There is reason to believe that the plans for the departure of the Port Arthur squadron in the event that the fall of the fortress becomes imminent have been completed. They involve the co-operation of the Vladivostok squadron. After the blockading fleet has been engaged, the uninjured Rus sian ships will effect a junction with the Vladivostok squadron and make their way to Vladivostok. The fact that the Korean straits are mined and guarded by a Japanese tor- ?lshed ed flotilla, which has been estab to the satisfaction of the ad mlrality here, greatly increases the difficulty of the operation, but the Russians will probably prefer to take chanoes of getting through rather than of making a 2,000 mile Journey around Japan. The attempt may occur at the first favorable opportunity. The squadron is useless for the defense of Port Ar thur, while if preserved entire, or in major portion even, the fall of Port Arthur would be robbed of much of its importance from the view point of Russia's future plans. The repairs to the Russian battle ship Pobeida are now practically com pleted. AMERICAN ENVOY POPULAR McCormick Is Not Expected to Resign Because of Slights. "Washington, June 10.No intima tion has been received at the state de partment that Ambassador McCor mick has any intention of resigning his high, office on account of the al leged anti-American feeling in St. Petersburg. On the contrary nearly all the reports the minister has made to the department indicate that he has been treated with the greatest cour tesy and consideration by the Russian officials and socially he is extremely popular. However, Mr. McCormick has been far from well physically for many months, suffering, from a gouty affection that has led his physicians to insist upon his visit to some of the ..._. Continued om fiacoaid Page* CZAR STRENGTHENS CAPITAL DEFENSES Sea Approaches Mined and Forts Cockrell and Gorman Yield and On Watch Lest Japs Attack. PARTY LEADERS WON TO PARKER Every Trend Is Toward New York Judge. New York Sun Bpeoial Servioe, Washington, June 10.The under currents of party sentiment are be ginning to flow with increasing strength in the direction of Judge Parker. ^Mree influential and power ful recruits have joined his standard within the past forty-eight hours. They are Senator Cockrell of Mis souri, who can have the indorsement of his own state Senator Gorman of Maryland, who restrained his friends in the recent Maryland state conven tion from adopting a resolution of instruction for himself, and Colonel James M. Guffey, democratic boss of the state of Pennsylvania. Both senators and the Pennsylva nia boss agree that the best thing they could do under the circum stances was to cast their fortunes, individually and collectively, with Judge Parker. Senator Mallory of Florida, who is in the city, believes the entire south favors Parker, and he looks for his nomination not later than the third ballot. NEW JERSEY FOR PARKER Murphy Fails to Stop Jersey City Boss' Unit-Rule Deal. Jersey City, N. J., June 10.In spite of efforts made by Charles F. Murphy, Robert Davis, the Jersey City democratic leader, has practically won New Jersey's twenty-four votes for Judge Parker. Seventeen out of the twenty-four delegates were put on record for Par ker at a meeting last night, and thus, under the unit rule, the vote of New Jersey will be cast for Parker on the first ballot. Congressman Flannagan, Grover Cleveland's most intimate friend in New Jersey, took a leading part in the meeting. He assured the dele gates that Mr. Cleveland would never ba a candidate. He visits Mr. Cleve land almost weekly as a fellow-fish erman and hunter, and they have in terests together at Cape Cod. "I said to him," Mr. Flannagan told the delegates, 'Mr. Cleveland, would you accept the nomination if it were offered to you?' "Mr. Cleveland replied: 'Absolute ly no. Under no circumstances would I take the nomination.' A HXLIi BRYAN RACE Both Will Be Candidates for Conven tion Chairmanship.. Vrota The Journal Bureau, Colorado Building, Washington. Washington, June 10.Democratic politicians expect a lively fight at the national convention over the organi zation of the committee on resolutions. It is understood that David B. Hill who will head the delegation from New York, will have himself placed on the committee and all the democrats expect as a matter of course that "W. J. Bryan will be Nebraska's member of the committee. They also expect ed that both Hill and Bryan will be candidates for the chairmanship and that in that fight will come the first test of Bryan's strength in the conven tion. Hill may have a fight on his hands in the New York delegation in order to get on the committee on resolutions. It is expected that the Tammany delegates will oppose him, and they may have some support from up the state. At Kansas City four years ago he was kept off the committee by order of Richard Crok er. If Bryan is defeated for the chairmanship of the committee and the platform reported does not In dorse the Kansas City platform, he will, in the opinion of democratic poli ticians, present a minority report which will enable him to make a speech in the convention. I W. W. Jermane. CANADIAN NOOSE FOR YANKEE TRUST Plan to Checkmate American Sys tem of Underselling on Exports. New York Sun Bpeoial Service, Ottawa, Can., June 10.A tariff wall of protection for Canadian in dustries against attack from Ameri can trusts is about to be erected by the liberal party in control of the Canadian government. This radical departure of the Dominion has been announced by W. S. Fielding, minis ter of finance, to parliament and as a part of the policy of the liberals, will be adopted probably without se rious oposition. It Is against "slaughtered" or "dumped" goods that the Dominion parliament is asked to take action Without any direct, specific mention of the country which will be affected by the tariff which it is proposed to create, the minister's attack was straight at the American industries which export at a lower price than they sell at home. In operation the special duty would work In this fashion: If an article sold In the United States for $100, on which the Canadian duty was $30, were offered in Canada for $90, the regular duty of $30 would be imposed, and in addition, $10 spe cial duty. If the article were offered for $80, costing $100 in the United States, the special duty, being one half the regular duty, would be $15 and not the full amount of $20. As a basis for this plan, it has been figured that the unfair price in Can ada is about 15 per cent less than the price in the United States. While the minister was interrupted by members of the opposition as he explained the government policy, and while certain theories advanced were attacked, the reception of the new ideas in tariff, backed as they are by the party in power, left little doubt as to the ultimate action. MOHEEK ON PLAINS DEAD. Kansas City, Mo.. June 10-John M"Ccy a Eome loneetr of Independence, Mo., is dead at his Jn that city, aged 88. In 1830 MeOr se cured from the government a contract for car rying the first mall that Teas started .acuta the plains to Bants JT*. LONE SEPOY MET 700 TIBETANS Killed After Shooting Down Five Lama's Forces Badly Defeated. Nttw York Sun Bpeoial Service. London, June 10.Details of a re cent atack on the British post at Khangma, in Tibet, in which one Sepoy alone met a charge of 700 Tibetans, have been received here. They show that the grand lama's soldiers fought with a ferocity un known to modern warfare. They left 175 dead on the field. On the British side the one Sepoy, who alone met the onslaught in the open, was killed. Six men in the post -were wounded. The onslaught of the Tibetans was made at dawn. They descended the hill in two solid masses. A portion of the troops already had started to march from the post, but those out side the fortifications immediately ran back to cover, all save one Sepoy. This one Sepoy refused to budge and re ceived the charge of the whole 700 Tibetans. After shooting five of them he was cut down, despite the heavy fire from the post. The Tibetans reached the walls of the fort and attempted to climb over, hacking at the men at the loopholes with their swords and even seizing the muzzles of protruding rifles. Mean while those behind kept up a furious fire with matchlocks and Lhasa rifles. The Tibetans kept up the attack for half an hour with the utmost ferocity. They then withdrew, the garrison pursuing them. The Tibetans bombarded the Brit ish camp at Gyantse on "Wednesday. Their fire was heavier than usual. One Sikh was killed. DefectiV^ Page FRIDAY EVENING, 0T7NE 10, 1904. MINERS PFHOLESAIMIN JFESY SCENE OF THE EXPLOSION AT THE INDEPENDENCE STATION, WHERE THIRTEEN NONUNION MINERS WERE INSTANTLY KILLEP AND A SCORE INJURED. WAR TO DEATH ON COLORADO UNIONS Cripple Creek Employers Bar Unionists and dnly Union Mine Is Closed. Cripple Creek, Col. June 10.Em- ployers in all branches of business in this city, without-, an exception so far as known, have signed the agreement proposed by the Citizens' Alliance, "not to employ help of any kind that is in any way connected with the District Trades Assembly or the State Federation of IiaiboKj, the American Labor union or the (Western Federa tion of miners or. anV kindred organ ization." _",- Xw' This aTegiffitfC*".ff..tJiQ proprietors has caused coosterftatlon-. among the. clerks and employees in *shops and stores who are members of the re tail clerks', barbers', carpenters', .bar tenders', cooks' and other trade unions, as all will have to resign to hold their positions. The union cards which have been demanded in this camp in order to transact business will xxo longer be a necessity. It is intended that the cards shall be surrendered as soon as the committee's report can be acted on. The present scale of wages will prevail and individual unions will be tolerated if they are conducted on conservative lines and do not give aid directly or indirectly to the Western Federation of Miners. This warfare against unions Is to be extended, the organizers of the movement say, to every city and town in the district. "Work was resumed to-day at mines employing nonunion men which had been closed since Monday, the Stratton Independence being the first to reopen. Continued on Second Page. &- To g& 0 that new tariff fence the Canadians propose buHding. CZAR'S ENVOY TO SWISS IS SHOT Russian Minister to Berne At tacked by Would-Be Assassin. Berne, Switzerland, June 10.The Russian minister here, M. V. V. Jad ovski, was shot in a street here this afternoon and seriously injured in the head. His would-be assassin was ar rested. Mr. Jadovski's assailant was a Rus sian named Linitzki. He had been in Berne for some weeks and complained that the Russian authorities had con fiscated an estate belonging to him. JM. Jadovski* wound, aJtho it at first appeared,to be severe,'is not danger ous. THREATENS GENERAL FREIGHT MEN'S STRIKE New York, June 10.Lawrence Curran, leader of the striking freight handlers, says he will call out every freight handler from New York to San Francisco unless the strike here is settled within the next three days. Curran intimated that more than 50,- 000 would be affected if the new strike is ordered. "I will give the railroad and steam ship companies now fighting the freight handlers and firemen three days," he said, "to grant the demands of both organizations or accept arbi tration." Colorado Springs, Col., June 10.Norman C. Jones of Manitou, one of the pioneers of Colo rado Springs, was instantly killed to-day by a train. In this rlty. Mr. Jones was the discoverer and original proprietor of the "Care of the Winds," at Manitou. Former Minneapolis Attorney Named by Other Negroes to Defend Octoroon. New York, June 10.With James W. Osborne, the former assistant dis trict attorney who conducted the prosecution of the Molineux case, by her side as her principal counsel, Mrs. Hannah Ellas is to be arraigned for a hearing this afternoon on the charge that she blackmailed the octogenarian, John R. Piatt, out of a fortune. It is expected Mr. Osborne will be associated with "Washington Brauns, her adviser, when the suit was brought, and J. Frank Wheaton, a negro lawyer, appointed by a mass meeting of persons of his race to as sist in the defense of Mrs. Elias. This meeting was attended by repre sentative negroes of the city, includ ing a number of property owners, and they pledged their moral and financial assistance in the belief that she is be ing persecuted because of her color. It is expected that Mrs. Elias will declare that she did not blackmail Mr. Piatt, but that she was constantly called upon for money by a lawyer and a doctor whom she had employed and who knew of Mr. Piatt's visits to her, and that she was obliged to call upon Mr. Piatt for money to satisfy these persons. It was reported to-day that Mrs. Elias had received an anonymous let ter postmarked Allegheny, Pa., and written on paper bearing the mono gram of the Duquesne Athletic club, in which the writer threatened that if he was brought into the case pub licly he would kill both Mrs. Elias and her lawyer. It was reported also that Mrs. Elias recognized the handwrit ing In this note and believed it was not written by a resident of Alle gheny but by a wealthy New York man of her -acquaintance who was probably in Allegheny temporarily. The police are inclined to look upon the letter as the work of a crank. One of Mrs. Elias' lawyers said to day that he had as clients two former servants of Mrs. Elias, who were going to sue two men for breach of contract. These men, the lawyer said, visited Mrs. Elias and offered to pay the two servants $100,000, but never gave them any money, hence the proposed suit for breach of contract. HOSPITAL STRIKE IN WAY OF SICK Pickets at Newark Hospital to Keep Away Patients Lose Their Fight. Bpeoial to The Journal. Newark, N. J., June 10.This city has had a freak strike. It was at the German hospital. The strikers were the nightwatchman, two orderlies, two kitchen men and the office boy. To enforce their demands instead of picketing the building to keep away men who sought to take their places and the payroll, the strikers devoted their energies to keeping away the mained, the halt and the blind. Pro spective applicants for admission were warned that the establishment was "unfair." The nightwatchman was the prime mover. He organized the union, first inducing the office boy to come in on the promise that immediately on be coming a member his wages would be advanced. That was what the office boy wanted. He joined and wrote a sonnet to commemorate the event. Then two orderlies came in. Next the members went after the kitchen men. By that course the four already in the union felt they were going to reach the pocketbook of the institu tionthru the stomachs of the pa tients. They felt that if there was no breakfast the next morning the ad vance in wages would be quickly forthcoming. The kitchen men favored the scheme, joined and were made officers. The strike was declared. But there was too much labor in the market, and the places were quickly filled. Being unable to prevent this move on the part of the hospital, the members of the union of six were picketed to prevent the sick from seeking treat ment at the hospital. The effort has not been highly ^successful, however, and the strike seems to have fizzled out. NANNY" GOATS MAY DISPLAGE MILKMEN New York Sun Bpeoial Servioe, Chicago, June 10."After the stork comes, try a goat." That may be the next enigmatical bill board motto blazoned in 12-foot letters to excite the curiosity of people. But eyes will open wider than ever when the mys tery is explained. The plan Is to dis place the milkman, with his tin pails and unhallowed clatter in the early hours of the morning, with "nanny" goats, docile, domesticated and care fully crated for delivery. St. Louis capitalists are interested in the ven ture. To relieve Chicago's scarcity of milk and improve the quality of food given to infants they propose to estab lish a number of distributing stations in Chicago from which the goats themselves will be sent out whenever an order for fresh milk is received. CZAR GRATEFUL TO WALL STREET. New Tork, June 10.The czar of Rus sia has sent to the New York Stock Ex change a magnificent solid silver gift as a token of his imperial appreciation of the courtesy of the exchange in listing the recent war loan. SPIDER'S BITE KILLS WOMAN. Knoxville, Tenn., June 10.Mrs. J. C. Wilson of this city died yesterday from the effects of the bite of a black spider. She was in her room dressing when the Insect bit her, and, the poison spread so rapidly that physicians were unable to check it. v. GIBX BLTJnJED BT STXTDT. local treatment quant*.-. a jjot JMUtXbig^ 22 PAGES-FIVE O'CLOCK. REMBLOOD FLOW S AT HARMONY MEET FRANK WHEATON FOR MRS, ELIAS Maj. J. M. Bowler Taken to St Barnabas Hospital Following J| a Party Conference. Fell Against a Door. Peoria, UL, June 10.Myrtle Berry, aged 18. a member of the graduating class of the Peoria high school, has become totally blind -at her studiea. She nevw was afflicted before, and surgeons teUeve her affliction can be relieved, hr I ii 3 bolero. i" xwbmU, kerl horse** eyes were omaplebeay -dosed Ja doctor* v i i--o^y DEM. LEADERS 3 COME TO BLOWS !&? THE DISASTROUS RESULT i$ OF A 'HARMONY MEETING' County Chairman Barton Credited With the Action Resulting in Bowler's Wound. First blood for the "antis" in th Hearst fight! Major J. M. Bowler, slated as chair man of the county convention to morrow by the Hearst followers, is laid up with a four-inch gash in his "*lT head caused by an "anti," It all resulted from a "harmony" meeting. By agreement the leaders of the Hearst and anti-Hearst movements met this morning at 10 o'clock in the offjfce of Richard Tattersfle4d, sec retary of the county democratic com mittee, in the New York Life build ing. The meeting was with the in tent of reaching some decision where by the convention to-morrow could be pulled off without the threatened friction. It was desired that the two contesting elements should agree at least upon who should preside as chairman, even if nothing else could be run thru as a harmonious slate. Among those present representing^ the anti-Hearst movement were Con gressman John Lind, Elijah Barton, chairman of the democratic county committee, and George P. Douglas. Among the prominent Hearst in dorsers were F. D. Larrabee, J. R. Corrigan, M. Brady, Frank Mason and Harry Mead. Harmony departed early from the harmony meeting. Hearst Men Were Sore, The Hearst men began demanding where the double sets of credential papers came from in various wards particularly in the eighth and fourth and also how it happened that in country towns where Hearst men were chosen there were no credential papers to be made out for them. This charge was made on the ground that the antis controlled the county com mittee which had the distribution of the credential blanks in charge, and particularly reflected on Elijah Barton chairman, who "has all along tried to jtnalntain a neutral position. Barton^, became angered. So did. Major Bowler. Words followed each other rapidly and with increasing heat per word. Finally, Bowler Is credited with hav ing referred to Barton as a "cowardly sneak." This cinched mattes. Bar ton led out with his right and wit nesses aver that he reached his mark the major's face. The major is an old man, but was about, to close when Harry Mead got between the two com batants. At this juncture the major fellwhether he slipped on the smooth floor or fell from the force of the blow landed by the athletic county chairman is a matter of dispute among the witnesses. In falling, Major Bowler's head" came in heavy contact with the sharp edge of the office door. A gash four inches long, extending from one eye up over the head, and to the bone, resulted. A vein was cut and the wound bled a stream. "The major must have lost a quart of blood in ~t& the office," is the way one eye-witness puts it. The battle rule of "let each side care for its own dead and injured." seems to haye prevailed. The anti Hearst men soon departed, and the injured man was left in the care of Hearst men=-Messrs. Larrabee, Bra dy, Mason and Mead. Two physicians were summoned to'the office and the wound temporarily dressed. Major Bowler was then taken to St. Barna bas hospital, where he was attended by Dr. Staples, and the cut, altho long and ugly, pronounced not seri ous. Shortly before 1 o'clock the wounded man was taken to his own home. Feeling at to-morrow's democratic county convention will be tense. 'What Major Bowler Says. '---''/&"*i "This morning I happened to be in 7 Tetler'field's office to look up returns and was called into the Hearst and anti-Hearst conference. "As the meeting warmed up, I asked Barton what his ruling would be if at the last moment a big lot of bogus lists of delegates were shoved into the convention and cut the Hearst numbers down to a minority. He said he would still rule all contested dele gats on both sides out. He went on beefing unreasonably, and finally I said, 'Mr. Barton, you act like a cow ard, sneak and cur.* "I had no idea of violence. But the first thing I knew something struck, me on the head. I hardly think I1 could have struck the door. I fell, dazed, but soon regained my feet and would have closed with him if others had not interfered. That is all there is to it." KC/J HORSE, ATTACKED BY a"4 HORNETS, A SlJICipE Speoial to The Journal. Fresh Ponds, N. J., June 10.Fren- zied by an attack of hornets, a horse owned by Ferdinand Schneider ran into a tree and its neck was broken. It is believed to have been a case of suicide. Two schoolboys frightened it by throwing stones. The animal, dashing? across the pasture, stepped into a hornets' nest beside a fallen tree. Instantly the horse was literally covered by the insects, which began a relentles attack. The horse's agonyi was "intense, and it rushed madlyj hither and thither until it finally lunged to its death against a tree*. When the owner found the animal's, body there were hundreds of great' The wo lt _-_-, wi.~. O Swolle places on it weit -m If I