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i if TAMMANY WILL SUPPORT PARKER Agreement Between Hill and Mur phy Is Announced in New York. CHARLES F. MURPHY, Tammany Leader, Who May Be for Parker After All. From The Journal Bureau, Colorado Building, Washington. Washington, June 13.The New York Tribune to-day prints a story on Its first page, which, if true, will have an important bearing on Judge Park er's candidacy for president. It says In part: "It was announced last night that an understanding had been reached between ex-Senator David B. Hill, leader of the Parker forces In this state, and Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall, whereby Murnhy will abandon his fight against the can didacy of Judge Parker. In return it was said Hill would withdraw all support from Senator P. H. McCarren, who is fighting to retain the leader ship in Kings county, and would take steps to minimize the importance of August Belmont in the cam paign. This report could not be sub stantiated from any authoritative source, but it was generally believed. "According to statements made last night, negotiations looking to har mony between the state organization and Tammany Hall have been under way for a week. The Tribune last Monday morning announced that the fight between Murphy and Hill was more a financial than a pontical fight. It is said to be a war of rival traction interests. August Belmont, one of the strongest Parker leaders, is president of the interborough company, which owns subway and elevated roads. In his traction plans, he has clashed with Thomas A. Ryan, who is the controll ing power in the Metropolitan. Ryan is a close friend and adviser of Charles F. Murphy. "The traction feuds a^brding to the general belief, have been carried into the field of politics. As an nounced in the Tribune last week, Murphy offered to abandon his war on Parker, if Hill would agree to drop McCarren and Belmont. At that time the offer was refused. According to reports last night Hill had reconsid ered his attitude, and McCarren is to be left to shift for himself. Belmont is to be sidetracked, and Murphy and Hill will hook up together to promote Parker's fortunes." Parker's First Ballot. The democratic politicians of New York are beginning to make tables showing what they think Judge Par k er's strength will be on the first ballot at the St. Louis convention. These tables are imperfect, yet they show concrete" crystallization of democratic thought in the east concerning his strength. The table which perhaps is most nearly correct, because pre pared in a spirit of fairness to all can didates, estimates Parker's strength on the opening ballot at about 435 votes, or 194 short of the necessary two-thirds. The same table allows Hearst not more than 200, Bryan forty, Gorman about 20, favorite sons, of whom there are four, Cockrell, Olney, Gray and Wall, 100, and uninstructed 200. These figures show a total slight ly in excess of the 994 votes in the convention, but for present purposes are accurate enough. After the opening ballot, Parker will have two important sources of strength, the favorite sons and the uninstructed groups. Cockrell, Gray, Wall, Gorman and Olney, in Missouri, Delaware, Wisconsin and Massachu setts, respectively, represent more of a protest against Hearst and the radi cals than they do a hope th at any favorite son can be nominated. Fo example, Missouri and Massachusetts have absolutely no hope of landing either Cockrell or Olney. The latter, in fact, is known to be a stalking horse for Parker. The uninstructed delegations will come, in the main, from Ohio, forty six votes Michigan, twenty-eight Minnesota, twenty-two, and Pennsyl vania, sixty-eight. It is assumed for the purpose' of this article that Min nesota on the 22d will not instruct. Her delegation, under such circum stances, however, will be much more likely to go to Parker than to any other candidate. The failure to in struct will be directly in the interest of Parker and against Hearst. This situation obtains also in other states uninstructing. So, it would seem that Parker has a good prospect for increasing his vote after the first ballot from the two sources named. This prospect is be ing increased by reports from south ern states, which are either instruct ing for Parker or failing to instruct after electing Parker men, as was the case in Virginia the other day. Par ker's name was the only one men tioned at the Richmond convention, and yet no instructions were given. Towne Nursing His Boom. The uninstructed delegates may, of course, support some dark horse, and it is on this theory that C. A. Towne is quietly nursing his boom. Yet with Parker controlling consider ably more than a third of the con vention to start with, it would require an exceedingly felicitous selection of a candidate to unite two-thirds against him. Thus the leading candidate con tinues to be the New York justice, against whom the field, led by Tam many, is still scheming. The breaking up of the uninstructed delegations is a thing to be closely watched. Under the impetus that has been given the Parker movement by the southern states, it is barely possi ble that Parker's nomination may be practically conceded before the con vention meets. The convention may possibly be a Continued on Second Page* k^. %& n&*iltisi*Vi K HEARST FAILS TO CARRY STATE Antis Are in the Lead, With Less Than Twenty Counties to Report. The Hearst men ^re behind on the latest returns fror. the Minnesota county conventions. .u.Jtho the strong delegations from Hennepin and St. Louis counties were captured by the Hearst forces, few other delegations were instructed, and the majority are reported as opposed to the presiden tial aspirations of the New York edi tor. The indications now are that Minnesota's twenty-two delegates to the national convention will go free to vote as they please. In four counties heard from no con ventions were held Saturday, and the outlook is that there will be several empty delegation seats at Duluth. The full delegate strength is 1,009, making 505 necessary to a choice, but with a reduced attendance the anti-Hearst counties already heard from will be strong enough to control the situa tion. They may not be able to put thru an anti-Hearst slate of delegates, but they are pretty sure to head off in structions. The Hearst men have not given up the state by any means. At the local headquarters reports have been re ceived from fifty-five counties, with 767 delegates, of which it is claimed 458 are for Hearst, and 273 antis, in cluding the contested delegation of twenty from Polk. There are thirty six delegates marked "unknown," in cluding eleven from Kandiyohi, eight from Murray, six from Pope, and four teen from Scott. These were all unin structed, and The Journal's re ports show that the Scott and Kandi yohi county delegations are against TTpfl.rit The delegates claimed for Hearst are as follows: Anoka, 7 Beltrami, 6 Big Stone, 7 Blue Earth, 6 Brown, 4 Carver, 11 Chippewa, 8 Crow Wing, 8 Douglas, 11 Fillmore, 12 Freeborn, 9 Henne pin, 102 Isanti, 6 Kanabec, 4 Le Sueur, 15 Lyon, 9 McLeod, 12 Mar tin, 4 Meeker, 12 Morrison, 16 Olm sted, 14 Rock, 7: St. Louis, 36 Sher burne, 5 Sibley, 11 Steele, 3 Stevens, 8 Swift, 10 Todd, 13 Traverse, 8 Wabasha, 6 Waseca, 11 Winona, 26 Wright, 16. The Hearst managers say they will pick up enough delegates from the counties not heard from to give the control of the convention. However, the reports from Journal correspondents indicate that the Hearst claims are not well founded in several counties, including Crow Wing, Fillmore, Le Sueur, Meeker, Stevens, Winona and Wright. According to the best information at hand to-day, the delegates chosen are lined up as follows: Aitkin Anoka Beltrami Benton Big Stone Blue Earth Brown Carver Anti- Hearst Hearst. 7 8 7 3 'ii 8 Chippewa Crow Wing Dakota Douglas Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Hennepin Houston Isanti Itasca Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson Le Sueur Lyon Martin McLeod Meeker Morrison Murray Nicollet Nobles Olmsted Otter Tall Pine Pipestone 8 Polk t Pope Ramsey Bed Lake Rice Rock Roseau St. Louis 36 Scott Sherburne 5 Stearns .t Steele 8 Stevens Swift 4 Todd 13 Traverse 11 "*9 102 15 14 8 Wabasha 3 Waseca Washington Watonwan Winona Wright 12 6 26 16 Totals 287 County Reports. Red LakeAgainst Hearst. Instructions for John Morgan, a Parker man, as delegate to the national convention. John Morgan was recom mended as state committeeman. RoseauUninstructed but against Hearst. J. F. Holmes for committeeman. Big StoneKansas City platform Indorsed. D. H. Evans of Tracy and O'Hair of Wheaton In dorsed for delegates. ScottNo Instructions. StevensNo Instructions. WatonwanSentiment Is anti-Hearst. WrightNo instructions. SwiftMost of the delegates against Hearst. C. L. Kane for district delegate. DakotaOwen Austin was recommended for member of the state central committee. The delegates are anti-Hearst. NicolletDelegates are uninstructed. KanabecKanabec is for Hearst and for R. W. Satford as delegate to St. Lonls. HockGeorge P. Jones was Indorsed as dele gate from the second district, and Jay La Due was re-elected state committeeman. The dele gates are uninstructed. MorrisonInstructions for Hearst and for Charles Vasaly of Little Falls and S. J. Mealey of Wright for district delegates, and James Bennett, Jr., of St. Cloud for delegate at large. Blue EarthThree delegates are for Hearst and the rest anti-Hearst. John C. Thro was recommended for state committeeman. DouglasInstructed for Hearst. IsantiInstructions for a candidate who will support the Kansas City platform. TraverseA Hearst convention. Evans and O'Hair indorsed for delegates to St. Louis. SherburnNo instructions. FreebornVirtual instructions for Hearst. WabashaThe delegates are probably about one-half for Parker and will support Dr. W. F. Milligan for district delegate, ChippewaInstructions for Hearst. St. LouisCharles D'Autremont was favored as a delegate-at-large. Instructions for Hearst. AitkinUninstructed but strongly anti-Hearst. GoodhueNo instructions. BeltramiDelegation unpledged, but senti ment strong for Hearst. Crow WingUninstructed but for Parker for president and Werner Hemstead for committee man. PopeNo Instructions. MurrayNo instructions. FillmoreUninstructed, but strongly anti Hearst. KittsonAnti-Hearst. ToddInstructed for Hearst. HoustonNo instructions. W. H. Harries for committeeman. Otter TallProbably for Parker, but unin structed. RiceHearst's name not mentioned. H. V. Gress of Northfleldl for delegate to national con vention. Le SueurUninstructed Hearst resolution voted down, 17 to 33. MeekerAnti-Hearst. BrownNo instructions. W. R. Hodges was indorsed for member of the state central com mittee. WashingtonAnti-Hearst instructions for J. G. Armson as delegate at large and member of the state central committeee. OlmstedHearst favored. Dr.. W. W. Mayo at head of delegation. PineThe delegates were instructed to vote for Charles Reinholdson for delegate to the na- 432 Continued on Second Paso* LAND ROSH FELT AT CASS LAKE Thirty Are Already in Line for the Opening Scheduled on Wednesday. Bpeoial to The Journal. Cass Lake, Minn., June 13.The advance rush for lands to be opened Wednesday has commenced, and thir ty men are lined in front of the land office ready to file. Th line was formed at 6 o'clock Sunday night, twenty men falling in to close order formation. There have since been regular aug mentations, and many more are here for information relative to the char acter of the lands. The land in the Cass Lake district to be opened comprises 63,000 acres. Every precaution has been taken that no unfair advantage be gained in the filings. Many are out on the land looking it over, and it is expected they will all be in before to-morrow rfoon, when the line will number several hundred. There is perfect order and harmony among the land-seekers. A large part of the land is valuable for agri culture. COURT HAS NEGRO PDBLIGLY WHIPPED Lexington. Ky., June 13.-Police Judge John J. Riley to-day restored public whipping posts as a means of punishment here. sentenced Si mon Scearce, a 15-year-old negro lad, to be whipped in the public square. Scearce had struck a small white boy. The court decreed that the boy's mother take the negro to the public square and give him twenty lashes with a buggy whip. The mother, in the presence of a large- orowd, admin istered the punishment as directed. This is the first time such an inci dent has been Witnessed in Kentucky since the civil war. TAKEN FROM BUGGY AND ROBBED OF $1,100 Bpeoial to The Journal. Fergus Falls, Minn., June 18.A hold-up occurred on the Elizabeth road, six rniles north of the city, Sat urday night, Arne Arneson being taken from his buggy and robbed of $1,100 and a gold watch and chain. Arneson was formerly employed on the Great Northern as a section man and his hand car was struck by a train. He sustained a broken leg, for which the company gave him $5,000. He consequently had plenty of money, and, being lame, was an easy victim. MOTHER OF GOVERNOR'S WIFE FOUND DEAD Chicago, June 13.Frie"hds and relatives who assembled at the North Western railway station to welcome Mrs. Helen M. Wood home from Cali fornia encountered her lifeless body as the train rolled in. She was found dead in her berth. Mrs. Woods, who was 74, had been in ill health for some time, and was reconciled to death, but hoped to reach her home here before the end came. She was the wife of Alonzo M. Wood, and one of her daughters is the wife of Governor Frank White of North Dakota. PILGRIMAGE TO MRS. EDDY Thousands of Christian Scientists Go to Concord, N. H. Boston, June 13.Several thousand Christian Scientists left here to-day by special trains for Concord, N. H., on the annual pilgrimage to the home of Mrs*. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. In connection with the pilgrimage and in response to a special invitation from Mrs. Eddy, the visitors were to view the elaborate new Christian Science edifice at Concord, the gift of Mrs. Eddy. ifrmmmm RUSSIAN MASSES EXPECT VICTORY Michael Davitt, ftow in St. Peters burg, Feels Pulse of the Populace. MICHAEL DAVITT, Irish Leader Who Sizes Up Russian Sentiment. St. Petersburg, June 13.Michael Davitt, who is now in St. Petersburg investigating the labor and industrial conditions of Russia, in an interview to-day with the correspondent of the Associated Press, said: "I have been greatly impressed at the attitude of the masses in Rus sia toward the war. I have visited every working quarter of St. Peters burg, the extensive Selosmolenskoe region, the Narvaskaia district, and such places as the Potiloff compa ny's locomotive and steel works, em ploying 10,000 men. I have inter viewed workers outside of the fac tories, in the churches, parks and places of public entertainment, but have failed- to find anything except quiet confidence that Russia is bound to win in the end. Th government is decidedly frank in its dissemina tion of news. Official bulletins are posted everywhere. The news is dis cussed among the bystanders, but al ways quietly. There is no trace of excitement. Certainly the war is not affecting the general current of life. Business everywhere is progressing as usual and the people are following their ordinary routine. The only sen timent is full faith th at Russia ulti mately will win. The stories published abroad that 600 persons were executed at Mos cow recently, th at wholesale sentences have been imposed at Moscow and that sanguinary conflicts have oc curred at Odessa, are all, so far as my inquiries show, pure inventions, deliberately set afloat for the pur pose of injuring the Russian loan abroad." SPOONER, WIS., RAVAGED RY A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE Special to The Journal. New Richmond, Wis., June 13. Fire broke out at 1 o'clock this morn ing and wiped out over half of the business part of Spooner. Spooner is the division headquar ters of the Omaha, and one of the best towns between New Richmond and the head of the lakes. A bank was burned, but the hotel and railroad property was saved. The losses are fairly well insured. BREAKFAST FOOD INVENTOR DEAD. New York, June 13.Rodolphus Bing ham, inventor of a wheat food upon which he claimed life could be maintained at the cost of 6% cents a day, is dead at Cam den, N. J. -He*Was 80 years old and had spent a fortune In advancing various scientific ideas, among them a system of phonetic spelling which he tried for many years to have introduced in schools. RECIPROCITY AS IMPERATIVE NEED Blackwell Sees Opening for Ten fold More American Prod ucts in Canada.* Special to The Journal. Boston, June 13.Discussing the question of reciprocity with Canada .and Newfoundland before the Massa chusetts club Saturday night,'.Henry- B. Blackwell said it was one of the most important questions ever brought before the American people and of vital interest to New England. Settle ment of the boundary dispute had re moved the chief obstacle to securing it. Mr. Blackwell further said: "Reciprocity with Canada and New foundland is imperatively needed by this city. To escape decadence and decay, New England must have free access to raw materials, food and fuel, and we can escape from our present enslavement in industrial trusts only by* availing ourselves of Canadian commerce. "As a matter of fact, Canada buys of us twice as much agricultural prod ucts as we buy of her. Suppose by reciprocity we increase this traffic tenfold. Evidently we shall increase our sales of agricultural products ten fold. Suppose she increases her sales to us equally. That also will be for our advantage, since we shall thereby supply ourselves at lower prices than now, with food and fuel that our peo ple need. "The prosperity of our manufactur ers is due primarily not to protection, but to the superior thrift, industry and intelligence of our people. These qualities have been developed by our magnificent system of domestic free trade from ocean to ocean and from Canada to the gulf." Congressman Gardner thought the United States should not seek to ac quire foreign markets at the risk of losing home markets. also as serted there is no chance that Canada would grant reciprocity in manufac tures. Eugene N. Foss strongly advocated close trade relations between the United States and Canada and New foundland. APPOINTMENT OF KNOX AS MENACE TO FREEDOM i -Ci-jSiWJ .gf-. Philadelphia, June 13.In his bac calaureate sermon to the graduating class of the University of Pennsyl vania the Rev. William C. Richardson of St. James Protestant Episcopal church, one of the wealthiest and most fashionable in the city, has de nounced the method of filling Senator Quay's seat by appointment as an en croachment on freedom.. "It is within the power of you, young man," he said, "to reform these conditions. Go into politics and be come leaders. When the professors and students of our great universities assume control we shall have justice in our government." RACE RIOT'S VICTIM IS EXPECTED TO DIE Canton, Ohio, June 13.Clifford Boylan, the victim of Sunday's race riot, is still alive, but death is mo mentarily expected. The night passed without disorder. Railroad men, who were in a threaten ing mood for several hours after the shooting, did not go near the county Jail or city prison, where the negroes were held. Officers of the railroad went among them at-t he roundhouse and other places where they congre gated, counseling them to commit no violence and urging them to go honys, and this had a salutary effect. :&Jjt 3^^'& WASHnraT0K i NOTES. Washington, June 13.Rural free delivery ser vice is to be established July 15 as follows: South DakotaWInfred. Lake county, route 1, population 412, houses 102. MontanaMissoula, Missoula county, route 1, population 850, houses 189. James A. Larson has been appointed post master at Walnut Grove, Redwood county, Minn., rice Viola Long, resigned. TURKS MASSACRE 2,000 ARMENIANS Two Days Given Up to Butchery as Result of Sultan's Irade. Special to The Journal. Constantinople, June 13.Armenian patriarchs have received information th at an irade has been issued by the sultan which has resulted in whole sale massacres and destruction of Ar menian property. The irade prohib its the settlement of Armenians in the villages destroyed. According to the information, two days- were devoted to massacres May 16 and June 3and on these two days thirty-seven villages were destroyed, and of a population of 5,000, 2,000 persons were massacred. The women of the villages who dis appeared during the massacres have been received by their husbands, but most of the girls have not been seen since. The villages destroyed were in the districts of Chetas and Hian. Massa cres are feared in other places. Shops have been closed for three days at Bitlls, while at Diarbeker and Sas soun reserves have been sent for by the authorities to suppress disorders. CASH FOR MERGER DIVIDEND READY James J. Hill Says He Expects Early Decision in Stock Dis tribution Suit. New York, Jure 13.James J. Hill, president of the Northern Securities company, has issued a circular to stockholders saying that cash to pay the dividend declared on May 2 has been deposited in bank by the North ern Pacific and Great Northern and that payment will immediately follow the distribution and formal transfer of the railway shares. He adds th at an early decision in the pending litigation is expected. NAN PATTERSON MOST FACE MURDER CHARGE New York, June 13.Mrs. Na Pat terson, the actress who was with Cae sar Young, the bookmaker, in a cab on June 1, when he was shot and killed, was to-day indicted for murder in the first degree. Young, who had been a close friend of Mrs. Patterson for several years, met her by .appointment about two hours before the time set for the sail ing of the steamship which he was to sail on with his wife for Europe. They haoT'spent most of the previous-even ing in conference over the impending separation and it is understood that this farewell meeting had been ar ranged for the transfer to Young of certain letters in the possession of Mrs. Patterson. Conflicting stories have been told of the happenings in the cab and Mrs. Patterson has refused to give the de tails of the shooting except to say that Young shot himself and that after shooting she had picked up the re volver and placed it in Young's right pocket. One eye-witness has presented him self and his testimony was to the ef fect that Young had shot himself. FINDS FORMER CONVICTS IN FASHIONABLE CHURCH New York, June 13.In an address at the Madison Avenue Reformed church, Mrs. Ballington Booth has caused much consternation among the members of the fashionable congrega tion. She was speaking of work in the state prisons of the country and success in the reformation of so-called "habitual" criminals. "I see before me many examples of what the love of Jesus Christ can do for habitual criminals," she said. "I see here former convicts, with their wives and even some with children." .Many of the listeners looked at one another as if each felt that a neigh bor might be one of those to whom Mrs. Booth was referring. Suspicious glances were cast and many looked askance to see a tell tale blush, but none was observable, and Mrs. Booth continued her re marks, assuring the congregation that she did not intend going into details. LAST IROQUOIS YIGTIM IN GRAVE OF 'UNKNOWN' New York Bun Special Service, Chicago, June 13.Altho no rela tive or friend stood beside the grave, 500 strangers surrounded a lot in Montrose cemetery yesterday after noon and bowed their heads in rever ence as the one unclaimed victim of the Iroquois theater horror was low ered into a nameless grave. The simple inscription on the coffin told the story: "The unknown, Dec. 30, 1903." The body was prepared for burial by Undertaker Keercher, who donated his services and the casket. The grave in which the last of the 576 victims of ,the fire was laid away was a gift from the cemetery association. RODGERS AT HEAD New U. C. T. Officers Elected by the Qrand Council at Winnipeg. Bpeoial to The Journal. $00 Winnipeg, Man., June 13.The elevihth annual session of the grand council of United Commercial Travelers of America, jurisdiction of Mlnnesota,s the Dakota's and Manitoba, elected the following of ficers: Past grand councillor, Ernest Grant of Minneapolis grand'councillor, George W. Rodgers of St. Paul grand Junior coun cillor, Walter Jacobs of Aberdeen grand conductor, Henry J. McGarvey of Huron grand page, J. A. McPherson of Grand Forks grand sentinel, Charles P. Van dermere of Minneapolis grand secretary, J. M. Dresser of St. Paul grand treas. urer, F. M. Noble of St. Paul grand ex ecutive committee, W. D. Austin of Far go, F. J. C. Cox of Winnipeg, H. M. West fall of Sioux Falls and J. M. Schurch of Winona A resolution WAS adopted reducing the entertainment tax on subordinate council members. Heretofore it has been 50 cents a member, and a cut of one-half was made. i :1 800 RUSSIANS DIE IN A JAP AMBUSH Led Into Trap by Japanese Re. treat, Czar's Soldiers Are Slaughtered. LEWIS ETZEL, American Killed by Chinese Soldiers Off Liao-tung Coast. Niu-chang, Sunday, June 12, (Mid night).Information was received* here at 10 o'clock to-night thru here-'. tofore reliable channels th at part of the Japanese force left at Pu-lan-tien to checkmate the Russians' southward movement to relieve Port Arthur was attacked southeast of Shungnmao yes terday. After slight fighting the Jap-, anese made a false retreat, the Rus-? sians hotly following them, when the Japanese made a flank movement,/ catching the Russians in a trap. The Russian losses are placed at 800 men.. They then fell back .on Kai-chou and""" began to retreat along the Baimatgu tsaichou road. About 2,00,0 Russian infantry from', Kai-chou passed thru Niu-chang this morning accompanied by a large sup-c ply and hospital train. Several carts" contained bandaged men. The troops'" appeared to be fagged out and showed every indication of a long, forced march. A noncommissioned officer told a correspondent of the Associated Press' that all the troops were retreating from Tsai-chau. Before he could say anything further he was reprimanded by a captain. Stragglers are closely watched by noncommissioned officers to prevent them from talking. The Russians have abandoned the ground mines eight miles south of here. A native messenger just in from the Russian camp east of here reports that there are many wounded men there. WORRIED KTZEL'S DEATH Chinese Government Sends Taotal to ^Probe the Killing. Nlu-chuang June 13.The Chi nese government is apparently greatly worried over the death of Lewis Etzel, the correspondent of the Lon don Dally Telegraph, who was shot and killed recently by Chinese soldiers off the Liao-tung coast. The affair is being energetically in vestigated by United States Consul' General Miller and the viceroy at Shan-hai-kwan sent the tao-tai Liu here to act in the matter on the be half of the Chinese government. Tao-tai Liu served at one time as secretary to the Chinese legation at Washington and subsequently as Chi nese consul at New York. He is now tao-tai of Tientsin. RUMOR SINKS SIX SHIPS Reports of Fights on Land and Sea Received in London. New York Sun Special Service, London, June 13.A dispatch to the Express from Nagasaki via Shanghai says that information from a high source is to the effect that Japanese engineers are sapping their way to- _, ward the fortifications of Port Arthur. Under cover of artillery new earth works are thrown up nightly. The trenches are gradually nearing the Russians. The garrison is using shells sparingly, and is evidently reserving its ammunition. Over 200 Japanese field guns cover the operations of the trench makers. Siege guns have not been used yet. They are being mounted on cement platforms in commanding positions. A rumor which cannot be confirmed is circulating in St. Petersburg that a great haval battle has been fought qff Port Arthur in which two Russian and four Japanese battleships werej sunk. A dispatch from Chi-fu states th at Chinese arriving there from Port Ar thur say a battle was fought within seven miles of the inner forts there) last Wednesday. The Japanese fleet* lying off the east coast of the Liao yang peninsula supported the army a the encounter. vis The Chinese say the conditions in Port Arthur are unchanged. -f y.^5$?* Heavy Cannonading. The correspondent of the Chronicle at Peking telegraphs that heavy can nonading was heard yesterday in the neighborhood of Si-ung-yao, the sec ond station to the south of Kai-ping. The Japanese appear to have been again bombarding the coast. Furious rifle firing was also heard in the vi cinity of Niu-chuang, Chinese troops being engaged there with Chung chusas. Rumors have reached here of a Russian ^victory, but they are not confirmed. The correspondent of the Daily Mail at St. Petersburg says news has reached Moscow that the Japanese are building a railway from Yalu to Feng-huang-cheng. The country is hilly but presents no serious engineer ing difficulty. It would be hard to exaggerate the advantage given the Japanese by the easy .and swift means of transportation they will thus be able to use during the season of heavy, rains. c$ Skrydloff on the Sea.,f| The Standard's correspondent at St. Petersburg telegraphs that dispatches have been received from Admiral Skrydloff stating that on Tuesday last he moved with the Vladivostok squad ron toward Port Arthur and arrived within thirty miles of that place. There he ran into a fog and found several Japanese torpedo boats and two battleships confronting him. The Japanese attacked fiercely and inflicted some damage. The Russians returned the Japanese fire, but as none of the Fort Arthur ships appeared as Skrydloff expected, they returned to Continued on Second Page, h&S/X^