Newspaper Page Text
'if Want Pages 1 0 and 1 1 FINANCIAL IHE MINNESOTA MOKTGAGE LOAN 00. TH E OLD HOME COMPANY, j] ESTABLISHED 1880. LOANS TO SALARIED PERSONS HOLDING PER- MANENT POSITIONS WITHOUT INDORSEE OR SECURITY EXCEPT YOUR OWN NAME. OUR RATES ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN THE LOWEST. SMALL OR LARGE PAYMENTS TO SUIT TH E BORROWER. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY. WITH ON OR BE FORE PRIVILEGE. THUS STOPPING ALL INTEREST. ALSO ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. WAG ONS. ETC.. WITHOUT REMOVAL PROM YOUR POSSESSION. OUR RECORD AND REPUTATION FOR TWENTY-FOUR YEARS INSURES HONORABLE AND CONFIDEN- TIAL DEALING TO ALL. MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 806 BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING. CHEAP MONEY. LONG TIME. EASY PAYMENTS. It pays to borrow of MINNEAroLlS LOAN CO.. TRIVATE LOANS. IF YOU WANT MONEY AN:A FRIEND, TOO. CALL ON US. WB LOAN MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS. ETC., without removal from your possession, located anywhere in Hen nepin county. AT THJH LOWEST RATES AND EASIEST TERMS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE: NO INDORSER NO RED TAPE QUICK SERVICE: NO PUBLICITY. Call on the old reliable MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO.. 601-2 Globe Bldg.. 22 4th st S. Open Monday and Saturday till a p. m. MO HOW f](K} *15 TO GET MONEY $110 $20 AT OUR RISK. $120 $25 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB *12S $30 if yon hold a PERMANENT (ISO $85 salaried position on your $140 $40 PLAIN NOTE, without MORT- $150 $45 GAGE. INDORSER or knowledge $160 $50 of friends or employer, $170 55 WB ALSO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD $17* $00 FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC. $180 $65 Lowest rates quick service con. $190 $70 fldential treatment. Call, write or $00 $75 tel phone Main 409-11-2. $223 $80 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO.. $230 $85 New York Life Building. $27$ $00 Rooms 406 and 408. $800 MONEY TO LOANFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS on approved Minneapolis real estate promptly made by th. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance cojipany. suite 603, Bank of Commerce building. J. M. Herchmer, manager. WANT $100 TO E REPAID I N SI MONTHLY installments of $2o each to be used In manu facturing an article of great public Impor tance. Please investigate. Address 4200. Jour nal. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tall merchants, teamsters, ooardlng-houses. Without securiy. Largest business in 48 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 920 New York Life bldg. R. D. CONE ft CO., 517 Guaranty bldg., have on hand to loan on improvad property, $1,000, $1,500. $2,000, $2,500. $3,500: lowest rates. WANT $2,000, SECURITY $8,000 PA 8 PE cent and commission straight, honest proposi tion. Call room 302 Phoenix. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES BOUGHT loans made. L. P. Van Norman, 416 Andrns bldcr. MONEY TO LOAN I N SMALL AMOUNTS good security. H. N. Bradbury, 505 N. Y. Life. MONEY TO LOAN EASY TERMS: LOW rates. David P. Jones & Co., Bank Cotnmeice. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWESTURATES: NO delay. Thayer & Gale. 213 N. Y. Life bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. NO delay. Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust Co. W E LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE AT Low est rates. NickelB & Smith, 311 Nicollet av. MORTGAGE LOANSRates low any sums no delay. See us sure. Gale & Co.. N. Y. Life. HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 18. Horses, harness, bucks, buggies, track and road carts, wagons of all kinds. Parties hav ing anything in this line to sell should bring them to this sale as we have buyers from all parts. Private sales dally. Horses, bug gies and harness bought,' sold and exchanged. DUBAY & SEXTON, 218-220 2d Av N. I HAVE FOR "SALE SEVERAL^ .PAIRS AMD single drivers, pacers and trotters, young, sound and city broken all are standard bred, being by my celebrated stallion, Lockheart, Woodford Wilkes and Ramsey R. At my sta ble in rear of 387 Maria av, St. Paul. George W. Sherwood. 401 Drake block. J&RRETT & ZIMMERMAN, MIDWAY HORSE market, St. Paul, have the largest assortment of horses In the entire northwest. Auction every Wednesday, 2 o'clock. Private sales daily. Port time given if desired. FROST ft CO. Largest assortment In the city of all classes of horses always on bond. Part time when de sired. 12 Second Street N. HORSESHORSES40 FROM WISCONSIN, draft, driving, delUery and farm mares sell cheap: 50 sets single and double harnesses, wagons, buggies, all kinds, second-hand. Cash or time. 414 3d st S. FOR SALESTYLISH, GENTLEMAN'S PA0 lng horse, harness, runabout cost over $600 will sell for $300 If taken at once horse young and sound. Address 4276, Journal. PAIR STANDARD-BRED BA MARES, 6 and 8 years, 16 hands, weight 2,200, sound, matched. Can step 8-mlnute clip. Address 4071, Journal. HORSE, CANOPY TOP SURREY AN HAR ness horse i.tauds 16 hands high, weighs 1,100 lbs, city broke all flrst-class $230. 315 New ton a N. A VERY FINE MATCHED TEAM OF MULES, young and sound, suitable for light delivery wagon, at a bargain. Bloom's stable, 248 2d av N. FOR SALE8-YEAR-OLD MARE, WITH 2- months-old colt. City broke gentle. Call 4315 Nicollet av. F. W. Prouse. COWS, DOGS AND POULTRY TOR SALEFRESH, GENTLE FAMILY COW, Durham and Jersey gives 18 quarts milk dally, at 127 Clifton av phone, Main 1847 J2. E. D. Brown. 738 Lumber Exchange. TWO FRESH GRADE AYRSHIRE COWS, BIG milkers, also Jerseys: exchange or time pay ments Jersey bull for service. 306 6th st S. FOR SALEANGORA CATS AND KITTENS $10 each. 772 Marshall av, St. Paul. Minn. Telephone Dale 518 J2. CAME INTO MY ENCLOSURE, ONE YEAR, ling heifer, fawn color. Owner call at 2800 Western av. FOR SALEA JERSEY HEIFER CALF, 6 weeks old. Call at 3604 20th av S. FOR SALEHOLSTE1N AND JERSEY COW and calf. 1108 E 36th st. WANTEDREAL ESTATE PARTIES HAVING SMALL TRACTS OF land, either wild or improved, will do well to call and see me or write me, as I have a large number of inquiries for just that kind of property. So FRANKLIN BENNER, Bank of Commerce Building. ooooooooooooooo WANTEDCUSTOMERS WAITING, MODER ate priced houses, modern or partly modern. Sure sale for bargains. Also farm bargains, very near city. L. L. Sutherland, 503 Oneida block. WANTED, FOR CASH, FARM OF 80 OR 120 acres good buildings and timber, within 60 miles Minneapolis: price nnd full particulars first letter. Address 4244, Journal. MACHINERY IRON WORKING AN WOOD WORKING MA chinery large stock 2d-hand and new. North ern Machinery Co.. 217 :jd st S. Minneapolis. THE BOYD TRANSFER AN STORAGE CO., bos unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods expert packing for storage or shipment reduced freight rates to the Pacific coast on household goods or emigrant movables. Frequent, shipments and lowest rates. Office, 46 3d st S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Ex pert packers for storage or p'Jpment large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nicol let, both phones 1208. Residence, T. 0. 13324. BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AN STORAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tera. 952. THE M. D. DELIVERS PACKAGEhS 10c: St. Paul 15c. 619 4th av I N CITY r-. Bot tela 1509 STOVE REPAIRS REPAIRS FOR ALL STOVES. GREAT WEST em Stove Repair Co.. 312 Hennepin av. y&*''i\h 'i VfV rf '.if PERSONAL rsV&i' FREE DENTISTRY OONTINUEDIN ORDER to give all a chance and get out more sample work, we will extend our great offer till June 20. There's no pain here. No students to ex eriment old, reliable, experienced dentists' your work here. Work, done.. free small charges for material. Set teeth. $2.85 gold crowns, $2.68. Alba Cut Price Painless Den tists, 524 Nlclllet av, second floor. Open 8 a. m. to St. m, HAVING SPENT TE N YEARS ON TH E ROSE. bud reservation, will give Information as to what can be raised and what land is worth per acre and save you $100. Send 50c. Informa tion Bureau, Globe Hotel, 206 Washington av S. RED NOSE. Red veins, permanently cured by my scientific treatment. Superfluous hair, powder marks and birthmarks removed by electricity no pain, no scar. Mme. L. Simmons, 618 Medical block MIZZOURI, 25c. Mailed free, southern story of love and war 400 pages. Illustrated cloth bound. Address Missouri Co., 015 E 17th st, city. FEMALE DISEASES I N ALL THE VARIES and complicated forms cured forty years' ex peiience of flees open until 10 at night. Dr. Wheeler, Globe building, Minneapolis. T. C. 835. Good home for patients. KIMBALL DANCING ACADEMY WILL GIVE regular informals every Tuesday and Satur day cveniugs In Kimball Music luill, 8th and Nicollet, second floor. Coolest hall in the city. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO_THE~PAOIFI0 coast on household goods or emigrant mov ables prompt* service, lowest rates The Boyd Transfer and Storage Co.. 46 3d st S. WE HAVE JUST WH AT EVERY MAN NEEDS and wants. 20,000 sold in one month. Send for illustrated circular quick. Address Ap pliance Co.. Dept. 23. Detroit. Mich. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND FRIDAY evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb's Acad emy, 43 4th st S. third floor. FOR SALEPNEUMONIA CURE, HUN dreds have used it successfully. Price $1. Will last a lifetime. Write to-day. Address Bavaria, box 54, Saco, Mont. PERSONALSPECIAL THIS WEEK HALF dozen high grade photographs $1 the new per pendicular light used, which pleases everybody. McKinney, S10 Nicollet. PERSONALMASSAGE, VAPOR BATHS AN magnetic treatment for all diseases of men and women. Dr. Lillian Grow, 475 Syndicate Arcade. DR. HARRIETTE HATCH, DISEASES OF women confinements a specialty good home, good care, rates reasonable. 32 Western av. DR. BERTHA SHEPARD, SPECIALIST, Dis eases of women 407 Nicollet phone Main 659 J2 office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Consultation free. PHOTOGRAPHY ALL KINDS OF PHOTO graphic finishing neatly done by.A. Roth, commercial photographer, 424 Nicollet av. DR. HINZ, Specialist In rupture and disease* of men. Century Bldg., 4th st and 1st av S. CALL AT 927 8th AV S, W E HAVE FINE LINE of home made bakery goods also light lunches and ice cream sodas. CORNS EXTRACTED. 35c NAILS AND BUN ions treated. Dr. Collier. 620 Syndicate Arcade. WANTEDLADY TO SELL COLD CREAM AND tonics. Address 4313, Journal. MINES AND MINING 8,000 SHARES CATARACT GOLD MINING AND Power Co. stock actual goods not pooled. Must have money 7%c share takes it. Do not answer unless you have the money. 4266", Journal. AUTOMOBILESANDBIO^IJg 1908 RAMBLER. $875 KNOX, $800 L0C0M0- blle, $35') full line automobile tires and sund ries of every description tend for catalogue. Great Western Cycle Co., 612 to 023 1st av S. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRINTING1,000 CARDS $1 1,000 LETTER heads, $2.50. Remember the Ides of June, and order those wedding Invitations. She's after you. Perry Printing Co., 316 Nicol let av, Minneapolis. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO THE PACIFIC coast on household goods or emigrant mov ables. Prompt service, lowest rates. The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 st S. NOTICEALL JUNE, PICTURE SALE AN framing pictures, ovals at deep cut prices must reduce stock. Zesbaugh. 11 5th st S. IDEAL %ND THOROUGH INSTRUCTION I N stage art. Blanche Booth, 12th at and pin av. The Gibba-. TWIN CITY DY E WORKS, THE LEADING* French dry cleaners for ladles' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. NORTH STAR DYEING AND FRENCH DRY cleaning work. 725 Hennepin av. Both phones DRESSMAKING SHIRT WAISTS. TAILORED OR HAND WORK shirt waist suits, gowns, matinee, silk slips special prices now. 1126 Hawthorn av. PURRIERS SELECT YOUR FURS NOW W E HAVE LARGE stock of finest Bkins on hand 25 per cent dis count on orders placed now redyelng and re modeling furs stored and insured lowest rates both phones. A. Reiner, practical fur rier, 30 yearB experience, 701 Hennepin av. INSTRUCTIONS AN EXPERIENCED CITY TEACHER GIVES private IOSSOHB to pupils wishing to make a grade. Has taught in ail grades. Terms rea sonable. 4247, Journal. TEACHER OF GERMAN, LADY, HIGHLY educated, would like private pupils or ex change lessons for room and board. 3976, Journal. A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER .WILL TAKE" A few pupils who desire coaching In grade or high school subjects. Address 4312. Journal. ^JLOANSAND^HATTEI^^ WILLIAMS, 617 GUARANTY BUILDING, loans on furniture, pianos, or any security. Large loans a specialty. Terms to suit boi rowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES BRING YOUR FILMS AND PLATES FOR DE veloping. finishing and enlarging lb Edmund A. Brush, commercial and illustrative photog rapher, 9 and 11 5th S. SEND FOR OUR CATALOG A. M. HAVE TJS do your developing and finishing. 0 H. Peck company, 112 5th st S, Minneapolis. V-.$9,'l}&i taT'V* Z&>? .Ok*5"!!**'- TUESDAY EVENmO/^r^^^.- v'Henne- AUCTION SALES FOR^AI^A^TWalj^ good trade and good location cheap rent a snap for some one with a little cash. Ad dress 4186, Journal. AGENTSJVANTED WANTEDEXPERIENCED LADY SOLICITOR. Pleasant and profitable work. Splendid terri tory. Inquire at 707 Boston block. $35 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MEN WITH rigs to introduce our poultry goods. Javelle Mfg. Co., Dpt 76, Parsons, Kan. $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MEN WITH rigs to introduce our poultry goods. Javelle Mfc Dept. 76 Parsons. Kan. _JBUSINESS^PROPERTY^^ FOR SALE TWO VERY CHOICE INCOME paying retail properties never before offered. Edmund G. Walton. CLAIRVOYANTS 50o 50c. 50c. 50o ATTENTION!)! FEE REDUCED. ONE WEEK. 50c. 50c, MME. BALDWIN, Eminent CLAIRVOYANT and PALMIST, late of London fame. This world-renowned prophetess has gained a victory over all in truthful predic tions and will guide you how to overcome all difficulties and be successful in business, health, love, domestic affairs, everything, or NO CHARGE. Tells WHEN and WHO you will MARRY, With full SECRET HOW TO CON- TROL WHOM YOU WISH, near or far tells you how to remove domestic troubles how to gain the love and marry the one of your choice. Hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Open all day Sunday. N. B.Beware of pretenders. MME. BALD WIN is a gifted, cultured woman. Her work Is genuine. 39 NINTH ST S. PARLORS, 39 NINTH ST S. MADAME BATCH, 0ARD READER AND palmist double readings, 50c. 520 5th av S. DETECTIVE AGENCIES McNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCY. 810 XASOTA bldg. S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detective work in all Its branches. References, police bead quarters, Minneapolis. N. W. phone- PE.^-^-^ f904, 1 7 -ji, K.^v, China Closet, $15. IE Iron Couches, $5. On sale number only of these celebrated iron couches and beds combined, have the drop sides a good quality of steel spring. Regular value $7.50. One to a customer only. Special Couch Sale. 100 Couches, covered with best quality of genuine Chase Leather. Equal in wear and durability to any Couch on the market. These couches we will sell you for $15.00, $16.00, $18.00 and $20.00. $3.00 down and $1.00 per week will buy one. The Store That Saves You Money NOTICE NOTICE. I wish to announce that the notice printed in Minneapolis papers to the. effect that I would not be responsible or pay for anything purchased in my name, applies only to such purchases as may be made by my niece, Miss Stella Clark, and in no way affects the busi ness of Young's Meat Market, 604 Hennepin av. MBS. MARIE XOUNG. Minneapolis, June 10, 1904. A CASH REWARD. Is- hereby offered for reliable information as to the name of the owner or number of the automobile which ran into a short stout aged entleman about noon of Saturday, May 14, in Minneapolis, all or address Q, Judd, 1229 Guaranty building, Minneapolis, Minn. ri-'ONE, BRICK AND CEMENT REPAIRING Tdone on short notice. Man and rig alwayi ready W look after chimneys, wails, aton* Boors, sidewalks, etc. Prices reasonable. 3ohm E. Layne, stone and brick contractor, Kasota building. T. O.. 2451 N. w.. 22S2-J Main. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, A SEP aration having occurred between me, the un dersigned, and my wife, Hedwlg B. Reinholdz, I shall no longer be responsible for any bill* incurred by her. John A. Reinholdz. PROFESSIONAL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA nently removed by electricity. MIBS Holllster, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand ot tha northwest. Exclusive specialist- PATENT ATTORNEYS i WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, Patent Lawyer* and solicitors main office, 920-035, Guaranty building, Minneapolis, Minn. 62 McGill build* lng. Washington. D. O. STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods expert packing for storage os shipment reduced freight rates to the 1'acifld coast on household goods or emigrant mova* hl:s. l"ric,v.en shipments and lowest rates. Off.ce, 40 3d st 3. i GAMEBON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house hold goods expert packers. 200 Nicollet. Both phones. 1802. Res, phone. T. C. 13324. FXREPHOOP STORAGE WAREHOUSEr clean. 100-112 1st av N. Both phones. "Wishing" went out of fashion^ when Journal "Want Ads" came In. Only one cent a word. i THE MHSNEAEOLIS^XJilNiuL, $"'1-1' ^wz V~*-w -*-nw*i^ The Celebrated Marshall Ventilating Hair Mattress sold you on an abso- lute guarantee to last you ten years. You can'haye on thirty days' trial free. If satisfactory at that time, buy it if not, call and get your money back. This Is without question the most sanitary and most comfortable mattress on the market. Must be seen to be appreciated. '-ih! Made of quarter-sawed oak bent glass ends good size. Regular value' i $21.00. A Leather Couch Worth-$65-sale price $35. Kar pen construction/ upholstered with hair and mo,Ss,'- best of- springs large size, best quality of sterling, genuine leather.? A snap. Karpen Parlor Suit, $30. For $3.00 and $1.00 per week for a three-piece.- Parlor' Suit. Cele brated Karperf^cbnstruG^^ either oak or mahog'ariy frames, polished finish. All upholstered with moss and covered'with good quality of damask. Regular value $33.00. Folding Go Carts, $2.85 A Heywood Fold ing Go-Cart, rub ber tires, value $3.75. Electric LightedObserva- tion Cars to Portland, Ore., via Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tsfcoma Pacific Express Fargo.Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland Fargo and Leech, Lake Local St. Cloud, Little Falls, Braln erd, Walker, Bemidjl, Fargo.... Dakota and Manitoba Express Fergus Falls, W.ahp eton, Moorhead, Fargo', (Jamestown Dally Ex. Saturday), Crookston, Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg "Duluth Short Line" Leave I Arrive *10:45 :69 10:45 TRAINS O DULUTH AND SUPERIOR *7:05 am pm 9:10 t5:20 pm am *8:35 M:50 Wash.and Hen. Avs., Nicollet House Corner. .Phone No. 225. St. Louis Depot. aEx. Sunday, Others Dally.| Leave. Arrive. Watertown and Storm LakeL -Express 8:57 ami a 8:15 pm Omahai Des JJdines, Kan-j sas"Citjr, #tason City anr i Marshalltown .ja 0:35 am Estherville and Madison... 6:15 pm -NORTH STAR LIMITED" Chicago and St. Louis. Peoria Limited Omaha and Des Moines Limitad 10:00 am 7:45 pm 8:15 am 8:35 pm 7:25 am G. $t. p. & Ry Ticket OfHce.TOO"Nicollet Av. Phone. 240 Main., Ex. Sunday. jftgfffjnr6ffiiy.t fBeave. Arrive. Chicago .Mil., Madison Chicago "Fast Mall".. North-Western Limited Chi., "Atlantic Express"... Duluth, Superior. Ashland.. Twilight Limited 7:50.jam 6:00 pm 8:Q0pm 10:20 pm 7:35 am 4:00 pm 7:80 pm 0:05 am 8:30 pm 8:00 nm 8:30 pm Elmore, Algona, Des Moines. Su City, Omaha, Kan. Cy.. Mitchell. Sioux Falls Omaha Limited Su City. Omaha, Kan. City 10:20 pm 10:10 am .-7:55 am 5:20 pm 5:00 pm 0:35 pm 8:30 am 8:10 pm 8:30 am 8-.10 am 8:10 am .-..^$ii$jj/jfar,!&ii A #250 outfit with $25 .clown and" per week. _- Parlor furnished, Bedroom furnished, Dining, Room furnished. Kitchen furnished- four complete rooms. Ycm to make your own selection from our half-million dollar stock. Equally good terms on cheaper outfits. 'W*W%/WVW^WS^( Oak Dresser, $7.50. A neat little Oak Dresser, made of oak, finished in golden. Has three good sized drawers, 18 by 22 French bevel plate mirror. Regu lar value $11.50. Refrigerators. We are th i sole agents for the' three best makes oh the marked .the:"BaLrdwiti, Bowen and Rainey Refrigerators. You can buy a Re frigerator this week for $3.00 down and $li00 per week. We have them in all sizes, running from $9.-09 to $35.00. Wash Stand, $1.50. Regular value $2.00.' Ordinary Wash Stand, made of elm finished in golden. Limited one to a cus tomer only. ISSREAJIJORTHERN UNION STATION. Office, 300 Nic Av. PhonesMain 860.T. C. 1758 Leave I 'Daily. tEx Sunday. Arrive 9:00am St. Cloud, Fergus Fails, Fargo i Willmar, Su. Falls, Su. City I Watertown, Brown's Val (ley, Aberdeen, Fargo.' FLYER TO PACIFIC COAST ..Wayzata and Hutchinson.. .PUOBT SOUND EXPRESS. WINNIPEG FAST EXPRESS Willmar, Fargo, Grand ForkB, Winnipeg, Sioux Falls, Yank' ton, Sioux City. 110:00am am pm ffcOlam 6:10pm *5:32pm *8:20pm 8:25pm *O:30am '8:05pm 111:47pm pm 18:15s am_ *WyK I0:3(K p*l?flOM Dally. Ex. Sunday. NOTB.AH trains use the Union Station, St. Paul, and Union Station in Minneapolis. TICKET OFFICiE-Jtt^^ffilsra: Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. 4:55pm 6:40pm 2:15pm 8:55am }0:10pm 7:35am 7:35am O DUL.UTH GOPHER STATE EXPRESS Princeton, Milaca, Duluth .Night Express to Duluth... }8:01pm 112:40pm 5:55am Night Express sleeping car open 9:00 p. CHICAGO GREATWESTERN KY. CITY OFFICE: Fifth and Nicollet, DEPOT: Washington and Tenth Ave. South. PHONE Main 86*. Ex. Sunday., Others Daily. Lv. Mpls Chicago and East, Dubuque Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City Kansas City, St. Joseph, Des Moines Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, Mankato, Faribault. Northfield. Dodge Center, Bayfield... Ar. Mpls 1020 pm 800 am 116 pm 810 pm 810 pm "130 pm 1066 am 1120 am 710 am 800 pm 1015 pm 10 20 am 7 40 am 766 am 166 pm 186 pm WISCONSIN CCNTRAl RY, TRAINS :10 pm MILWAUKEE and CHICAGO Leave 8 a. m. and 7:05 p. m. daily. Arrive 8:50 a. m. and 5:10 p. m. daily. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRAN8ATLANTIQUE French One, Jfew York to Paris, Six Van -Sailings Every Thursday at I O a nh La9avoi?.. ....June 23 La Gascogne ..July 14 La Champagne. ..June 30 La Touralne .July 21 La Lorraine July 7 La Bretagne ..July. 28 New. modern,l steamers i IMI (ii iu i ml i Tfontfii ifartiniti gigantic, twin-screw and express nava officers man-of-wa discipline Company'* vestibnled trains, Havre-Paris, 4 bouts AgentsNils Nllson, 100 Washington AT S Sooth Side State Bank A. E. Johnson A Co., 10- 14 Wash, a 8 Brecke & Ecfcman. 127 3d st S3. i China Dept. Special Sale of Fine Cut Glass for June Wedding Gifts. We can surprise you with the mag nitude of our stock and the low ness of our prices. ..y. Six-inch Bon Bon Dishes (like cut), i beautiful designchea tffe at $3each .^Cm 3-inch Fruit Bowlsregula pice $5.00. _-. Each......... $3.7r 5 Whipped Cream or' Mayonnaise Bowls, full size, richly cut regular $4.50. C&4& A A Special 9uiUv Water Bottles, beautiful sun burst pattern regular price $3.50 Special, each 2.75. Tumblers, fine col onial pattern regu lar price $4.50 doz special per doz. $3.50 Strawberry diamond pattern (same as cut) regular price $6 per jioz^ Specia Per doz' $4.80l Lawn Swings 4-passenger $6.75 2-passenger $5.50 Twelve Camphor Chests, Moth proofSuitable for the storage of eurs, at just HALF PRICE. SUMMER RESORTS The Hotel La Moine At Cottagewood Is the prettiest place on the Lake to spend Sunday. Our Sunday Dinners are the best at Minnetonka. LAKE MINNETONKA CASINO Excelmlor, Minn. OPEN DAY AN EVENIN G. Informal Dance Every Saturday Night. Steamers. Boats and Bait TH E CHAPMAN HOUS E ARow MOUND, TJPPE Minnetonka, is now open. Finest fishing, bath ing- and boating on the lake. Large new pa vilion. Everything first-class.' Forty-five min utes' ride on the Great Northern from the Twin Cities. FROM EUROPE Secure tickets now for friends and relatives. til 1 1 5 A A From London, Liverpool and 9 9m%9%9 Londonderry. From Norway, Sweden and fi A A Denmark I Oalflf Third-Ciass Ocean Bates via CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Atlantio StoarriBhip Lines. 15 8. 3d St., Minneapolis, Minn. ^"""Cured at jour home. DANDRUFF irritated or itching scalp, blanch ing, splitting or falling hair, and all other disorders affecting the hair and scalp. Full information and book free. Write or call, John E. Woodbury D. L, 183StateSt, CMoago. Steamer Qaiocy 't'*j Will leave3^% ^St.PanlforSUoiis and intermediate points, -^Thursday, June 16, S p. m. Fpr tull information regarding passenger and freight rates address HARRY CLARK. General Agent, office, foot of Sibley street, opposite Union depot, St. Paul. Both telephones, No. C3. iimmtm*mmtm4*mmiwdti*tlltAii To People About to Furnish 3Vi Vibrating Conches. If you want something real comfortable, buy one of these Vibrating Couches. The springs are all crucible steel, and tempered in oil, and fully guaranteed, absolutely indestructible. W have them in prices starting at $25.00, $32.00, $45.00, $50.00 up to $65.00. A Complete Outfit $21.00In Three PiecesHigh grade Iron Bed, made in full size only, with the best 40-lb. moss mattress, and heavy woven wire spring. The complete outfit would' cost you in the regular way $28.00. You can have one on the following easy terms of paymesnts: $8.00 down and $1.00 per week. Special 1-Day Sale Lace Curtainsand Draperies 6,000 yards 54-in. Arabian Net, reg ular 40c quality. Special ftlj for one day, per yard...^J5BC 200 pairs Ruffled Muslin Curtains, all new, choice patterns. Regular $1.25 Curtain. Special "yg one day, per pair O Special lot Arabian Door Panels, regular $1.50 and $1.75 ftJ special for 1 day, each 40 Couch Covers, 60-in. wide, fringed all aroundj perfect, ser viceable all choice lar $8 covers. Special$5.75-regu.patternseach for 1 day sale, 100 Tapestry Door Curtains, in all the new styles in silk mercerized and fancy top borders regular j$10.00 curtain, and are WONDER SALE WEDNESDAY As we do not belong to the Grocers* Association we will be open Wednes day, and for that day will place on sale 1,000 baskets of Groceries at $1.0 0 EACH Containing as follows: 1 Basket $0.10 1 Large Pineapple 15 1 pkgr. any kind Breakfast Pood .13 1 box Toilet Soap (3 cakes)... .15 1-lb. can Pure Baking Powder.. .20 1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 08 5 bars Best Laundry Soap..... .20 1 2-lb. can Best Tomatoes. 10 5 lbs. Pure Carolina Rice .20 1 pkg. Yeast Foam. 05 6 small boxes best Parlor Matches .08 Exactly what you pay at retail.$1.44 Our. pric Wednes- A ffcffc day flMlflF Mfe 1 1 .-"5 "X -4 nolt shownUW110 for less. Special for one day, per pair.. Special lot of fine Parlor Curtains, in Brussels Net, Swiss Point and Arabian. Regular $14.00 Special for one day, per pair OIC HU $6.9U 8 $10..tciJiiaiuucurtains Corner First Ave. So. and Fifth St. GINTER'S \i STOPPEy FREEb Permanentl Cured I DR KLINE'S GREAT .11 W NERVE RESTORER OOJraUMAnOir Mini by nUL trntl** ui S 3 TBJJJL BOTTLE FKBE Permanent Cure,_not only tompontj niuttn U Spasms, St. vitas* Dance, Debility. Exhaustion. JouM isr DR.R.h,.Kl.HIFJil.931 Arctt St., Philadelphiau ..-.V