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JMKUict **~4iuaKS*. 1st Floor- Waists, Muslin Underwear and Hosiery Silk Shirt Waist Suits Smart Taffeta Silk SuitsShepherd checks, solid col ors and dotted Foulards. The suits would be good value at $17.50. Special price Jaunty Covert Coats, $12.50 and $14.50 coats for Pretty Summer Waists Fine Lawn WaistsPretty Trimmings, all new styles. and $2.50 waists, for Dainty White Lawn Waists, exclusive styles, specia values for this sale, at $3.95, $2.95 and China Silk Waists, choicely trimmed, $5.00 and $6.00 waists, for Sale O Beautiful Millinery $10.00 and $12.00 Trimmed Hats for. $7.50 and $8.50 Street Hats for New French Sailors, duck and linen Hats, chic styles, $1.50, $2.50 and Misses' Dolly Varden Hats, $7.50 hats for REGENTS HEAR CHARGES Insincerity the Strongest Made Against MacLean of Iowa's "U." Special to The Journal. Iowa Cltj, Iowa, Juno lfiThe univer sity legenls held a mooting yesterday af tornnon and h^aid complaints from W Lovell of D^ Molnrs, Milton Romlcy, Iowa CMt\ Arthur Cox, Iowa City Fphralm Loir Independence Charles Clarke, ])os Moines, and W Beckman, })os Moines against Piealdeiit MacLean The public was not admitted to the meet ing, hut it is understood that Insincerity 403 and 405 NICOLLET AV. SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN $12.50 Tailored Silk SuitsIn Shepherd checks, stripes and solid colors, in fine taffeta and Louisine silk. Chic styles $25.00 and $29.50 suits, for Dainty Wash SuitsIn linen, lawn, organdies and cotton etamine exceptional valuesfl* $12.50, $9.75, $7.50 and 93i i O Stylish Dress and Walking Skirts at Special Prices Walking Skirts in Brilhantine and Duck, colors, I Graceful Walking Skirts in Novelty Materials and white, blue or brown $5.00 skirts fB* E tf& Etamines, new styles, regular $7.50 O A A for New Kilt Skirts, Paqum style dress and Walking length, in Voiles and Etamines, stunning skirts, $19.50, $16.50 and ^OiOV I skirtsfor $7B50 Lace and Embroidery Regular $2.00 $1.95l $3.95 3.50 3.50 $3.50 was the strongest charge brought against President MacLean, and that no evidence was adduced to prcvo that. WEALTHY FARMER HANGS HIMSELF. Special to The Journal Marshalltown, Iowa, June 15 George Fink, a wealthy farmer, living near Lis comb, this county, committed suicide by hanging The motive is unknown. Mjt-L J^^W^^ WEDNESDAY EVENING, Anchor Dining Malt, the only in vigorating and refreshing family bev erage (non-intoxicating) 3 dozen pints $2 25 Thoreson, 600 15th ave. S. PhonesN. W., 3583 J, T. C. 526. Ladies' Fine Tailored Suits in all wool cheviots and broadcloths, $15.00 and $17.50 Suits {^"7 Bfl $25.00 and $30.00 Suits for $12.50 Ladies' Fine Tailored Suits in novelty materials, voiles and etamines, beautifully trimmed, lingerie sleeves, new full skirts, $50.00 and $60.00 ^AC ft suits for $175.00 Costumes. .$75.00 $100 Suits for. $50.00 $150.00 Costumes. $50.00 $75 Suits for.. .$35.00 Rain Coats and Tourist Coats, two great bargains, $15.00 and 2d Floor- Coats and Suits. 3d Floor- Millinery IMlll MlllM Remarkable Sale on Light Weight Tailored Suits ^Jf^SJaW ^*OBW $10.75 Silk Underskirt Sale Fine Taffeta Silk SkirtsAccordion pleated black only. Sold elsewhere for $7.50 QA_ C&R special price Special Values Fine Muslin Underwear Dainty Under Muslins, made from high grade ma terials at prices that will save lots of money for you. Better select your summer outfit. Remarkable values in Corset Covers at $1.00 75c 50c and 25c, Pretty Gowns for $2.00 $1.50 and $1.00. Nainsook and Cambric Drawers, the best ever sold, for $1.50 $1.00 and 50c. MuBlin Underskirts, splendid values, $3.50 $2.50 and $2.00. ^^fravO Black and Colored Silk Skirts, made from the finest Taffeta Silk worth $8.50, *ftfiC A INSANE FARMER KILLS AND BURNS Horrible Dual Tragedy Enacted in Sherburne CountyKnife and Noose Used. St. Cloud, Minn, Ju ne 15After stabbing his wife and setting fire to his fine faimhouse, Frederick Nelson, 70 years of age, went to his barn, tied a lope to a beam, placed a noose about his neck, stabbed himself in the breast and lurched forward into eternity. Hi neck was broken and the knife wound would ha\e been fatal. Nelson lived on a farm in Santiago township, seven miles north of Becker, Sherburne county, and was the wealthiest man of the vicinity. I the last few years he had seemed to lose mental strength, but at no time was it believed that he was actually insine. The circumstances leading up to the terrible tragedy can only be surmised, but it is known that Nelson attacked his wife without one else wras warning,Thwhen Where to Fist*. You will find the best fishing in the Northwest along the line of the Great Northern Railway. Th Minnesota Lake Region with its innumerable lakes and trout streams offers unex celled opportunities for fishermen. Unexcelled train service to fishing points on the line of the Great Nor thern to and from the Twin Cities. Send 6 cents postage for illustrated book "Shooting and Fishing," to I. Whitney, Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent, St. Paul. For rates and other information call at City Ticket Office, 300 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Macnab's Hair Tonic Stops itching Cures dandruff. Puts life into dull hair. Makes hair grow on bald spots Keeps the hair from falling out. Every bottle guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. Sold at all drug stores. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Dress Good & new spring suitings, all kinds and descriptions, pieces, part pieces and remnants, solid colors and mixtures: not a yard in the lot worth less than 25c and up to $1.25. AC Choice WhiteThursday....***** Goods Jf$s goodsMill ends, some soiled some cleanlengths from 2 to 20 yardswill cut them as you want them some of these are worth 35c a yard, the worst are worth 15cyou may have your choice Thursday 4| flf* at. yard IVlir Millinery fcpt& selected from our regular stock, very newest styles, val ues to $7.00, for a quick sale Thursday, your choice, Ready-to-wear Hats, a large table loaded down with real choice things values to $3.50, at $1.50 and Music Dept.SS* Bush, She Was from Missouri, Satisfied, Goodbye Eliza Jane, By the Dear Old Delaware, Northern Lights Waltz, The Gondolier and many others, your choice... Our Director, On a Moon light Winter's Night, at Big Table of Good Things. .3c Si lk Mer- cerized Skirtings, full 36 inches wide, all the good colors and black, always 25c a yard, $$*% Thursday l*ifc# Tenn days toe Spair: no in the house wound, it is believed, caused instant death. When this first ghastly step in the day's terrible work had been taken, Nelson hurried to the machine house, where was stored hundie ds of dollars worth of farm implements and ma chines. Nelson staited a fire in it and then went back to the dwelling. There he started several fires, and in a short time both buildings were blazing. then ran to the barn and at tached a strong rope to a beam in the hayloft. sat on a crossbeam and fashioned a noose, which he placed securely around his neck. Then he took the bloodv knife and plunged the blade into his breast. Th body, inert, dropped from the beam and when the rope drew taut the man's neck was broken Neighbors who hurried to the scene when they saw the flames, devoted their whole attention to the burning house, but they were unable to enter it and Mrs. Nelson's body was charred beyond recognition The Nelsons had resided in Sher burne county over thirty years. I addition to Mrs. Peter Sorenson, of Becker, another daughter, Mrs. George Peterson, resides at 2742 Taylor ave nue NE Minneapolis. A son, Chris tian Nelson, lives within a mile of Becker village. Lot 1Worth to $16.50. Your choice up th remainder of Hudson Shoe and Slipper Co.'s stock. Prices are small. Several hundred pairs of wo men's very fine kid oxfords hand turn soles, worth to $2, extra special price Several hundred pairs of men's tan oxfords, wort 75woh Several hundred pairs ofjvo men's strap slip pers, special Several hundred pairs misses' size 11 to 2, and child's8| to 11, in very fine 7 ^lf* strap slippers, special +9%p Several hundred pairs of wo men's canvas ox- WjLg* fords, special +9%* Laces, Embroideries Fine LacesEverything new, the kind fashion demands, too many kinds for description. We bought the entire lot from a manufacturer at just one half the usual price. You get the benefit in six magnificent lots Thursday Lotl-l#| Lot2-lf| Lot3 Worth |B JA Worth IMC to 39c to 98c $148 wthto Hftwthto|QftwthtO| mIII $198 W S 2 4 9 $298 V"* Embroideries S of very fine dainty Embroid eries, Insertings and Edges, with very wide margins for ruffles. These goods are made expressly for trimming Baby clothes. We are very much over stocked and will sell them in three lots Lotl ft^Lot2- i LtS worth to*l C9 llI E^ wo ro worthto 16c, yd ww 2c.jd ww 55cji. GUARD S MflGE A 6 FIRST PARADE O THE THIRD REGIMENT LAST NIGHTGOV ERNOR'S DAY ON SATURDAY. Special to The Journal. ^jCamp Lakeview, Lake City, Minn., Ju ne 15. A 6 o'clock this morning the first battalion of the Third regi ment formed and marched to the rifle range, and most of the day has been devoted to rifle practice. Company G, Princeton, which should have arrived at 3 o'clock, did not reach here till nearly 6 on ac count of an accident to the train. The company brought forty-five men. Orders were issued yesterday that guard would be mounted in khaki uniforms. Para de at night will be in dress uniforms. Colonel Va Du zee reviewed the parade last eve ning and then drilled the regiment for a half hour. Major E Resche arrived last night and is in comma nd of his bat talion, relieving Captain Little. Lieu tena nt Caswell, Company B, acted as adjutant of the first battalion at pa rade, in the temporary absence of Lieutenant Staples. The ceremony of guard-mounting this morning was held on the head quarters street in front of the colonel's quarters, instead & by the mess houses. Th space is rather small but otherwise more convenient. Lieu tenant Colonel C. E Johnson is di- $4.98 Shirt Waists Lot 2-Worth to $20 00, Your choice "MHky Way" Laundry SoapPure white, large bars, sells at 5c *ft 1 bar this once .W2i Market BasketsSell regularly at 10c this once Jewelry Dept. Hosiery and Underwear Silk embroidered and lace lisle stockings,embroidered in pink, blue, white, red and green silk beautiful qualities, worth at our prices 75c pair, sold many places at $1.25 a pair, Thursday Ladies' Union Suits, Swiss ribbed, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella style, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and silk tapevalue 75c, Thursday Another lot of ladies' union suits, Jersey ribbed lisle, high neck, long sleeves, knee length also high neck and short sleeves, worth 98c, Thursday Misses' Swiss ribbed vests, cheap anywhere at 12&e, Thursday Children's union suits, low neck, sleeveless, umbrella styles two lots 75c goods for 59c, and 49c goods OKA for OOU Lace Curtains Lot 1 JUNE 15, 1904. DOTNTTNfi TffF "WjSV Jr%rM,i.i A iifu AJ.j.i-1 rrxii portumtiesreductions are so marked that you will open your eyes in astonishment. Sllit Dfillt Dress and Walking Skirts, no two alike man tailored, finely embellished fiC VB and worth to $20 each. To clean the lot **w *fr*F We have about 100 suits left that we wish to close out and on Thursday we will name prices that ought to move every one. They are all this season's styles, man tailored and trimmed in many pleasing ways. For convenience we will place them in 3 lots. $6.99 Lot 1 Sheer white linon collar, fagoted, shirred fronts and backs, lace and embroidery insertion, very pretty, & f&Cl Basement Clearing House Wire Clothes Lines Length 50 feet, cheap at 10c this 71* once. Silk Cross Stripe Mad ras in all colors, worth to at 45c a yard, g\ Belts Wide white crush belts, washable, nickel or gilt buckles, each Fans Silk gauze, spangled or lace trimmed, carved wood or bone sticks, values to $1.00, choice.... Pearl Shirt Waist Sets and Gilt Jewelled Sets, Opalware and Jet Sets, were 25c and 39c. Thurs, num.erou 0 Lot 3Worth to $32,50, Your choice Lot 3Special sale odd sizes of 7 different lines of sheer white Linon Waists, all the latest styles and very pretty Oflrf* and worth to $1.50. To close wOw Waeh Qlrirte Black Duck with white polka dots, trimmed If ll ^liirid with black braid, white but- 4 *JK tons and piping, each M* u^%P 50 light and dark gray splash twine cloth skirts, & O A trimmed all around, very pretty MJ"*F9 Optical 0 again see such bargains as we are now offering in fine lace curtains nearly everything offered are fine foreign cur tains all 1 to 3-pair lots in our great linein three lots: Lot 2 Value to $8. Pair Silks at Belding & Richardson's Silk Twist, three -fl spools RemnantsLawns and Fancy White Goods Men's Dept. 3^ thread and maco cotton half hose, plain, dropstitch and embroidered our regular price is 25c. Thursday ShirtsBroken lot Madras and Percale laundered shirts val ues 69c and 79c. 9&tf* Thursday 4&%9\r UnderwearOdds and ends men's balbriggan shirts and drawerswe bought them as a "job"many of them were samplesthey are worth, easily, 49cThurs- day Night Shirts Men's fancy trimmed Night Shirtsour regular price 50c QKA Thursday **B0l* PajamasOxford and madras cloths, worth to $1.49 each (we are closing them ^QA out) Thursday *f"5JU Deptfi{,tdk#a^ your choice of style, fitted with best periscopic lens. Regular price $fc4 E A $4, Thursday... .*P W Antique Mahogany Rug Dept. Sofaa or settes, handsome Swpricir $25-00 Grandfather clock.. $25.00 Oriental Rugs S and modern, fnd00:.$25-, LotS Value to $13. Pair Value to $27. Pair $1.49 $3.98 $7.98 Evans-Johnson-Sloan-Go. recting the instruction of the guard, as in previous years. Captain Little, Company C, is offi cer of the day and Lieutenants Jos ten, Company C, and Tuthill, Compa ny D, officers of the guard. Lloyd Edg ar Sigmund of Zumbro ta has been appointed regimental commissary sergeant. Promotions are announced in Com pany as follows. Corporal Claude Leach, appointed sergeant, Privates Christ Nesseth, Selmar Nerhaugen and Carl Schliecher, corporals. Company only had two sergeants present for duty, so these promotions were necessary. Governor's Da will be Saturday and the usual large crowd is expected. Sunday several excursions are being planned from various points and in dications point to a big crowd. A child owes much to its mother, but a mother owes more to her child. She is responsible for its very exist ence and for its future condition of health or sickness. Nursing mothers need Dr. Launtzen 's Malt Tonic for their own good and for the good of their children. All druggists, or Lauritzen Malt Co., 1900 3rd St. N. E., Minneapolis. Cheap Rates East. The Rock Island System will sell to eastern and Ne England points and return daily, good until October 31st, at very low rates. For informa tion inquire at 322 Nicollet avenue. A. L. Steece, C. A., W L. Hathaway, D. A., R. I. & WI1110 jj $12.49 Lot 2New lot of white sheer linon, shirred fronts and backs, with f-in. pleats, but hole embroidery, lace and embroidery in- fl4| Oft sertion mm&%D $1650 highest- class goods, all sizes from 3x5 feet to 7x16 feet0 worth to $200.00 each$100.00, $75.00, $50.00, 0 Drug Dept. r J* Skin Soap. Thursday 5 Rubber Complexion Brush, 4 A* worth 25c. Thursday I f#l* Madame Sargent's Com- Jll^ plexion Powder, reg. 25c... I Ot# Very best Ice Cream Soda, with crushed fruit. Thursday, O glass W GOLDEN JUBILEE DAY Two Archbishops and a Bishop Attend St. Clara's Exercises. Special to The Journal. Sinsinawa, Wis June 15.The golden jubilee of St. Clara college began to-day and scores of the alumni are here to take part. At 9 o'clock a pontifical high mass was celebrated bv Archbishop Messmer of Milwaukee, and the sermon was preached by Archbishop Treland of St Paul. The regular commencement exer- 11 meney-saving op- lot of good sPecia pi eceS ar and remnantsFoulards, bestsece wash Silks, plain Taffetas, Shirt Waist Suiting Silks, etc. Silks that have sold straight up to $1.25 a yard. Choice Thursday... pj Leno Mulls Fine sheer fabrics, neat de signs on white and tinted grounds, also solid colors a bargain at 12c yard. "T1 Thursday 2** Barnaby ZephyrsIn a great collection of pretty stripes, checks, plaids and plain shades these are fine qualities that should sell at 15c Q^& yard. Special ~4J Embroidered OrgandiesFine, sheer, dainty and cool, the season's latest, swellest crea tions, intended to sell for 35c yd. This sale filnifOe Don't failu see 'these. 1111, 50c Oil Opaque Window Shades 25C 1 sttoth thing to wear with your thin gauze dresses: Lace gloves, orth25c 1chlengtdstandar gloves,39c,lengthnbutto21 Lace rtorthB9c: 5c 7rtl\gloves, @@c 98c Lace 16 button length, Book sand Stationery 'The Middle Course,'' 'TheFortunes of Fifi," !'Truth Dexter," and hun dreds of other titles, worth WA fflb to $1.18, for W A 124 sheets Venetian Bond, 50 En velopes to match 124 sheets Ban nockburn, 50 Envelopes to match 124 sheets Mouseline, 50 Envelopes to match all Eton Hurlburt's pa pers, worth to 80c ^fij&rf* either kind O Of* Card 2 doz. black andwhite DeLong Hooks and Eyes, regular 7c, Thursday Set 12c 5-hook Corset Steels, Thursday *v !3 fnc5e.thto Leather Goods Are you nervous? H0RSF0RDS ACID PHOSPHATE. ,fe D^ en G* & Corset Sale J. B. and American Lady Cor sets, new dip hip, with supporters, all colors and sizes, worth to $1.75. Choice Fieailor. Petticoat Sate made black and colored Mer cerized Sateens, French flare plaiting and ruffles, worth to $2.00. Choice Wilton Velvets, remnants and sin gle rolls, reg. $1.25 #Qf* to $1.75 yd. goods.. **5F*j Crockery, House furnishings gj^b S: adjustable back, rubber tires, worth $10.00 "^E this once %Ptf 1 9 Boys' Express WagonsGood solid iron running gear^ strong and durable, worth $1.50 this once.... Dinner Sets,...8 4. PiecesSeveral00-5$ patterns select from, fine semi-porcelain china, cheap at cXr le belts, hand turned, in black, red and tan, always 48cThursday cises will be held late this afternoon, the address to be delivered by Archbtshon Messmer. The chief event on Thursday will be thq meeting of the arumni association, with an address by Bishop Thoma3 O'Gorman of Sioux Falls, S The exercises will close Friday morning with a solemn requiem mass Always avoid harsh, purgative pills, They first make you sick, and then leave you constipated. Carter's Lit tle Liver Pills regulate the bowels and ma ke you well Dose, one pill. Does not sleep refresh you? Is your appetite poor? Do you feel depressed and exhausted? Then take