Newspaper Page Text
Want Pages 10 and 1 1 FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses. 8434 ELLIOT AV, 9-EOOM MODEHN HOUSE rent $27.00. 2517 Brja,it av S, 8-room modern bouse rent $27 50. 2933 Pleasant av, u-rooni modem house reat $3o. NATHAN O. BOBBINS, o'J Boston Block. $4,500 FOR ONE OF THE FINEST HOUSES I N ei.nnjsiJe, hardwood finish, parquet floor down atairi, in th hall and bathroom upstairs full basement, line beating plant, good barn, large ^lot^ Call UDy time. _^545^Dupont av S Owner. W E HAVE OPENED A RENTAL DEPIHT tnent In our office at (J02 Oneida buildlnj If jou have unotucpled houses list them with us and we vill rent them for you. American It. E. I. Loan Co Andiew Liken, ingr. 8045 HAHRI~ET~AV. 9 ROOMSTMODERN EX cept heat, $:io, 17 \V loth "-t, 5 IOOIUS, tlty water, sewei and closet 23. O. J. SMITH, 55". TEMI'Lh COURT. Ofbto hours, 12.35 to 0 p. m. FOR BENT2805 5th AV, FINE NEW HOUSE of 7 rooms, modern, line decorations, gaa fix tures, n^ver occupied, good location, near car very cheap to deniable tenants. Morrison Crittenden Co 507 Plioenl*. I HAVE HOUSES AND LOTS I N ALL PARTS ot the cit\ nt nil pi he-, If jo are looking a good home, It will pa.\ jo to nee me b toie buying itha O. Robbing, 520 Boston block WILL LEASE TO DOCTOR OR DENTIST MOD leiidcin'o with otii'e fa Rules very pios pecrivi couiui, eighth ward. Phone, South J. 1.2. MODERN HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, WITH BARN, 11 L'oitlaud !iv. foiuei 24 Bt, rent $25 and liter tav- Mai-,ton, Ilampsblie Arms HOUSEHOLD"GOODS MOVED BEST FACILI tid niil thiKighlv experb need men. liojd Ttansti-r anil Slcrage VAI 4H 3d at S. $27 507-R00M* MODERN HOUSE AN BARN at 27IS Dupont av S. Call at premises or see I liorniiHon It rob 101 4th st. $25STRICTLY MODERN MOUSE, SI ROOM8, a's laiiiit 21J2 ,'jth av (antral Ileal Es li'i I ,_.\UI \Olk_Llfn bldg $20 PER MONTHSIX-ROOM MODERN BOUSE it .202.. Aldilch av S. Key at lhomp-j' Bio.* i i nil *i FOR RENTAN EIGHT-ROOM MODERN DE lied hotibu. W E loth bt lU(|Uiie 618. Kef' 11 nets. TOR RENTAN EIGHT-ROOM MODERN DE- i.ul.'d Imiibc 02o j] l.")th st Immhe 018. K"teieni is $40NO. .20O8~2~d~AV~sTTb'ROOMS, MODERN i 1 for Jaiinej, 203 Oneida bldg. FIVL-ROOM COTTAGETTH 9th ST 8, $16. Furnished Houses. MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE, 1639 HENNE pln tight at I-oilng park, for leut until t:ill tight rooma, puijue floors, awnings. "iivngfi servioe, etc., ?3o per month. Call "l \\fdnesdav at 10 30 a on Cook, 20(J ink of lomineroo bldg. rc RENT^HOUSE7~WITH COMPLETE FUR iiishlngs, f(jr bond of two adults to April I. v'i modern Noith part of town. Address i~2~, Journal. Furnished Rooms. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, PAR lois, en hulte, in tlir.rolj modern flat, within walking distance and only one block from car line, 1 blocks to public library, 2 blocks to park Iluduood floors, gas, bath, nit-am heat and all conveniences!. Reasonable ur Tint o, 12t Laurel av. TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOMS L0 uited sepintely In modem Hat, nice nelgh boihood, walking distance. Everything thoro 1 up to ilute. Reasonable rent, lat 6, 124 I uurel av. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. CONVENIENT to business distii' for July and August party going to lake, letoiuncii required, lady ste __nogiHpher prefeireci A duress 42t7, Journal. FRONT AN BACK ~PARL0R, ELEGANTLY furnished, all modern, will tent together or separate, will airange for light housekeeping __in buck parlor. 03 11th st N, Flat F. NOTICEPARTIE8 DESIRING FURNISHED or unfurnished looms should call on the Jenks Room Rental Agency .uid look over their list. S^t (iuaui'iti Loan. Main 423G-J NEWLY^FURNI8HED~R00M OFF PARLOR with nil modem convenieiw es. liulj#li)g tele pl.oi and spring wutir, giound flooi. Lenox, flat It, r.^3 9th st H. LARGE COOL TRONT PARLOR, MODERN, line location, eas walking distance, board if deslied, piivate lanilly, also side room. $8. PI 1 .,d uv LAHGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE, VERY lesliable locition, house strictly modern, rooms well furnished, walking distance. 43 13th __st a. ROOM SUITABLE ~FORTTWO~STATIONARY bowl, house modern, piivate family, walking distance, ulso one small one. 1310 Harmon place. THR EE COMPLETE FOR HOUSEKEEPING, sepaiate front and back poiehes all modern comeniencus, lar^e lawn. U08 7th st S. YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOMMATE. PLEAS ant front room In modern house. 1204 Chest nut av Phone, 3315-J1 Main. TOR RENTNICELY FURNISHED ROOM, flue shade tiees, artesian watei, cheap for the reason 3(^2 0th st S. A NICE, LARGE, FURNISHED^ROOMT^SUIT nblc for two young men. Call at 910 15th av S Oil till lllK. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSE THOR _oughly modem 4oS 9th st S. 2757 LI FOR RENTONE LARGE~FRONT ROOMTTWO fctuall looms, furnished, at 325 8th st S. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENTTWO ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, 51 4th at S 600 square feet, $35 per month poa bession given iluich 1. O M. Laraway & Son. Bank of ommercB building. PLEASANT, LARGE ROOMS, WITH ALCOVE, lighted and taied for, heated dining the cold season, elevatoi, both phones. The Landour S12()ia Nicollet av FRONT ROOM FOR RENT, ALCOVE AN closet gas, bath, will rent furnishod or un furnished, suitable for two 815 1} 21st bt. CHARMING SITE AMONG TREES! 2405 James av N city water, hewer, 5 looms, $10. S II. Flndler, 517 Andrus building. FOUR NEWSROOMS HARDWOOD FINISH bath, electiic light, hot and cold water. Cheat! _rent 1 fi.ts Jackson st _NE. FIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMSrBATH~AND Sas^cheap. 114-, es tern av. FIVE ROOMS UPSTAIRS.""803~llth~AV~S. $8.~ Furnished Flats. FOR RENTFOUR-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT all complete for housekeeping fine location walking distance us of piano, reasonable! 45 Sspruce place, flat 2. FOR RENTFURNISHED^ A^ FIVE-ROOM flat, across from Loriii.- paik. Call at 307 W Ht- dat 42, or audiess 4384. Journal. Miscellaneous. FOR RENTONE OR TWO FLOORS, 66x120 feet each, or smaller space if desired. Good elevator service and trackage. Bement-Dar ling to., 01S-020 3d st S. FINE CAMPING GROUND FOR RENT RIGHT nt water's edge, at Idlewild. west shore of Lake Calhoun. T. C. phone, 4940. Offices. DESK SPACE OR PART OF OFFICE WITH us oth phones and private office. Call 613 I' 11 building. FOR RENTDESK ROO OR ONE-HALF O desirable paityM Mi Call C01-2 PhoenixF EXCELLENT OFFICE~SPACE, ANY SIZE, ON fist tl.H.t N Life bldg. Gale & Co, FOR RENI OFFICES AT NICOLLET A IM'l 2Q5. Llndley620i/2 block Stores. 930REAR SECOND FLOOR, 329 HENNEPIN: elevatot, heated. $20Rear ground floor, 36 Oth st S, machine shop. $12Store room, 1412 E Tranklln good stand S. H. Findley, 517 Andrus Building. FINE STORE. OPPOSITE 0HTMBER meice, rent $50, including heat and Janitor service. Kdmund G. Walton, 300 Hennepin av. SHOP, FOR CONFECTIONERY, TAILOR OR agency business. 14 Central av, Mcollet island. $15. Small shop next door, $8. 6F~C0M^ CORNER GR0CERY~ST0RE F0R~RENT~AT $1S per mouth, six rooms upstairs, line busi ness cornei. Address 4225, Journal. SMALL STORE FOR PAINTER, TAIL0R~0R light manufacturing. 237 10th av S. $12. Unfurnished Flats. 8210 CLINTON AV, 5 ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, modem except heat, $18. 2318: E 22d at, 5 rooms, first floor, good condi tion $10. MINN. TITLE INS. AN TRUST CO. an range i drinking water FLAT FOR RENT-, UNFURNISHED, FIVE roomai ic aned hall up to date in every way chest second floor $00 till Sept. 1. $35 ufter. See Janitor. 708 8th st S. 0R RENTFLAT, FIVE ROOMS AND LARGE private hall, all outside windows, second floor, all in first-class condition. Inquire 300 Ka eota block. United States Installment Realty Co. .iiSmn^m^MM}iU/. w* ^sut2.i^Mi WEDNESDAY EVENING, FOR RENT Unfurnished Flats. Continued. FRANKLIN HEIGHTS APARTMENTS, 905-7-9 tranKlln av,rLowrly Hill district 4, and J,'??."18- Janj to wil show you through5. _IgpRggJBBOS., 206 ANDRUS BLDG. WELLINGTON FLATS, 1303-7-11 YALE PLACE, beautifully situated Just being completed all large, light, outside rooms. THORPE BROS., 206 ANDRUS_BLD G. 315 W 16th ST,~ VERY DESIRABLE~NEW~SIX live, four and three-room flats, facing Loring park finest summer location In city. Also three and five-room furnished. Edmonds. FOR RENTSIX-ROOM FLAT,~NEW PLUMpT lng and decorations, oarquet floors, steam heat ed, second floor. 205 E Grant at. Inquire Janitor. CORNER FLAT, SECOND FLOOR, 5 ROOMS, private hall, bath, steam beat, open plumbing, __hardwood floors. 22 12th st S.corner Harmon. FOR RENT$30THOROUGHLY~MODERN"T- room flat at 1508 Hennepin av. Apply room 205. Llndley block. C20 Nicollet av FLAT NO. 6, NETTLY CORNER FLATSSIX rooms and bath, very pleasant the Janitor will show you. Marston, Hampshire Arms THREE AN 6 ROOMS, STEAM HEAT, FINE condition walking distance no children. $1' -50. $25. Room I. 412 Nicollet av. FOR RENT7-ROOM MODERN FLAT, OVER 1504 Hennepin av, at $30. Apply room 205, Llndley block, 020% Nicollet av. 201 12th ST S, 6 ROOMS^ SECOND FLOOR, DE tached house parquet floors, open plumbing, gas ranse. Inquire on first floor. A PRET TY STRICTLY MODERN FLAT, HEAT ami hot v.ittr. four rooms and bath, only $2o. 145 Lyndale av. T. C. Borg. FLATS FOR RENTFOR RENT JULY 1, NEW modern five room flat, walking distance fine location $27. 419B, Journal MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLATS, SECOND AN third floors, at Clinton and 18th st. Inquir* on premiss. Frank Miller. ?30SIX-ROOM ALL MODERN FLAT, WITH heat, inbide 14th st T. J. Janney, 203 Oneida bldg. $25128 W 14th ST, 6 ROOMS, MODERN, NEW _and_neat. Janney, 203 Oneida building. SIX-ROOM FLATSi lst~~AND 2d FLOORS, strlctlv modern, $30. 417 E 14th Bt. WANTED TO RENT ooooooooooooooooo HAVE YOU PROPERTY TO RENT* I make a specialty of renting and taking care of all kinds of property, managing es tates, etc. I can save you money. Walter L. Badger, 300 Oneida building. ooooooooooooooooo WANTEDTHOROUGHLY MODERN HEATED flat, three or four rooms, unfurnished, In re spectable neigTTborhood, convenient to car. State price. Address 4421, Journal. WANTEDONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED looms for light housekeeping. Centralis lo cated. State price and location. Address 4307. Journal WANTEDTO RENT A NEW NINE OR TEN room modem house, outside of Franklin or in neighborhood of Lowry Hill. 3890. Journal. WANTEDBY YOUNG LADY, NICELY FTJR nished rooms in private family near Lake Har riet, on car line Address 4388, Journal. WANTEDTO RENT~FLAT 0F~VoR I rooms within 10 or 15 minutes' walk of post office. State price. 4407, Journal. FAMILY OF THREE, NO CHILDREN, WOULD rent five or six-room house, modern preferred desirable location. 4500, Journal. WANTEDTO RENT BARN SUITABLE FOR horses, near city wonted to buy cheap, plug horse. Address 4323, Journal. WANTEDTO RENT A GASOLENE LAUNCH at Mlnnetonka for balance of season. State price. 4331, Journal. WANTEDSIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE within 8 blocks of 2424 18th av S. Address 4305, Journal. BOARD AND ROOMS- ^OfferecT NICELY FURNI8HED ROOMS I N STRICTLY modern detached house, with flist-clasa board: line location, near park and library special rates for the summei a few table boarders can be accommodated 24 13th st S, second houso from Harmon place. SEVERAL LARGE ROOMS EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant, summer or wintei location cen tral ve.*y desirable house modern board fur nished 25 13th st S, between Yale and Har mon sts. BOARD AND ROOM FOR ADULTS WITH PRI vide family, west shore of Lake Calhoun. Es pecially desirable for the summer. T. C. phone 4040. LARGE~DOUBLE^OOMS, EN~SUITE I DE sired parquet floors excellent table and ser vice, modern, central telephone. 1115 2d av S. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM A REA sonable rates walking distance. Hotel Win doiu, 119 I'niverslty av SE. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO YOUNG MEN. Prico reasonable. Telephone, lawn, good loca tlon. 410 Oth st J5._ HOTEL SOUTHERN7 4th A AND 9th ST 8 suite with bath single front room with bath nice summer rooms NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, at No. 20 University av NE Nile hotel. HOTEL WAVERLYSEE WHAT W E HAVE before pou settle. Single, suites, private baths. SUMMER. RATES A HOTEL RICHMOND FOR double or single rooms, with excellent table boa id. LOST AND FOUND LOSTSUITE CASE ON INTERURBAN CAR, between St. Paul and Minneapolis, containing laihond equipments of Canadian Pacific rail way, finder will please return to Superinten dent C. Kent's office and receive reward. Room It No. 5, Milwaukee Depot. Phone 8005. LOST OR STOLENBANK BOOK, NO. 148522, issued by The Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis, if not returned to said bank befoie June 21. 1904, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. LOST OR STOLENBANK BOOK, NO. 125146, issued by The Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis if not returned to said bank before June 21, 1904, application -will be made for a duplicate thereof LOST OR STOLENBANK BOOK, NO. 123817, issued by The Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis if not returned to said bank before June 21, 1904. application will _bo_made__for a duplicate thereof. LOST OR STOLENBANK BOOK NO. 1559267 issued by The Farmers and Mechanics' Savings bank of Minneapolis, if not returned to said bank before fifteen days, application will be made foi a duplicate thereof LOSTSMALL DARK BRINDLE BULL TER rier bitch, Dora also fox terrier dog, black patch on right eye had name of owner on col lar and chain hanging reward at 29 Grove place, Nicollet island. PARTY FOUND DIAMOND PEARL OPAL PIN two weeks ago, or party who sent note by boy will return to Mrs. Nelson, 2119 Humboldt av __S. $25 toward present from dead mother. LOSTWEDNESDAY, JUNE"~1OS BETWEEN St. Paul and Northfleld, valuable papers. Lib eral reward if returned to 714 Hennepin av, city. LOST$25, ON LAKE ST, BETWEEN JAMES and Hennepin. Reward for finder. Address 4407, JournaL AUTOMOBILES AND BICYCLES 1903 RAMBLER, $375 KNOX, $300 LOCOMO bile, $390 full line automobile tires and sund ries of every description cend for catalogue. Great Western Cycle Co., 612 to 623 1st av S. NEW RAMBLER AUTOMOBILE, MODEL E for sale at a great bargain If sold this week. Money weight Scale Co., corner 5th st and 1st av N ANNOUNCEMENTS REDUCED FREIGHT RATE8 TO THE PACIFIC coast on household goods or emigrant mov ables. Prompt service, lowest rates. The Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 JW t S. PARQUET FLOORS LAID AND SEFTNISHEDj prompt and satisfactory work guaranteed. Alfred Lldholm, 314 Oth st SE IDEAL AN THOROUGH INSTRUCTION TN stage art. Blanche Booth, 12th and Henne pin av. The Gibbs. JLGENTSJWANTED___ WANTEDEXPERIENCED LADY SOLICITOR. Pleasant and profitable work. Splendid terri tory. Inquire at 707 Boston block. $35 A WEEK AN EXPENSES TO ME N WITH rigs to introduce our poultry goods. Javelle Mfg Co.. Dtpt, 76. Parsons, Kan $35 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO ME N WITH rigs to intioduce our poultry goods. Javelle Mfg. Co.. Dept. 76, Parsons. Kan. __^USINE^JPROraRTY__ FOR SALE TWO VERY CHOICE INCOME paying retail properties never before offered, Edmund G. Walton. BUSINESS CHANGES ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND in gold produced I May from Cripple Creek Camp, Colo., alone. Those who have pur chased stocks froja me in the last sixty days have made money. I now advise you to buy Buffalo Hunp, "Lucky Ladd" at 8c, Minnesota Kansas Oil at 3oc. Idaho Copper Mining and Smelting Co at 15c. Arizona Copper Mountain 30c and Vindicator (Cripple Creek) 73c. Al of the above stocks are gilt edge and promise a big advance. None but gilt edge stocks bougiit or sold. Submitted subject to previous sales and market advances. ni w. p. MCDONALD. 302-303 Andrus Building, Minaeapolls, Minn. CORNER GROCERY, doing good cash business clean stock will sell at a bargain owner leaving city price $550. CIG\K. CONFECTIONERY AN BAKER Y, do ing a cash business of $450 monthly cheap rent, nice living 100ms price only $700. CIGAR AN CONFECTIONERY, down-town lo cation doing a good cash business and well established, only $350. Cal lor address PHOENIX HEAL ESTATE CO., 31 PHOENIX BLILDING, MINNEAPOLIS. HAVE SEVERAL STOCKS OF HARDWARE, general merchandise and implement business to sell at a bargain for cash or exchange in lands. $10,000 flour mill, in good location and running, to exchange for land or farm. Can give parties with money positions at good salary and large interest on money invested. Why not call or send for our circulars explain ing our investments and other valuable Infor mation? Kjeldson, 607 Sykes block. BUSINESS CHANCESPLENDID CHANCE "FOR party with $12,000 to $15,000 capital to engage in wholesale harness manufacturing business. Thoroughly equipped foctory, with all new and modern machinery. Good location. Compe tent help, who thoroughly understand the de tails of the business, if needed. Rare oppor tunity for party wishing to engage in a lucra tive and legitimate business. For particulars, address jJ._L. Barker, Omaha, Neb. PARTN ER WANTED WITH $26^000 TO $30,000 capital to take half interest in a pork-packing business in NorthA'est Territories, Canada, present established trade, $100,000 per annum and increasing rapidly. More capital required to handle increasing trade. For reference ap ply to Union Bank of Canada, Wapella, N. W T.. Canada. W J. Tudge, Wapella. N W Canada. WANTEDTO ORGANIZE A COMPANY OF four to buy an Invention juat patented. The article is something every lady requires. Noth ing like it on the market. The cost of manu facturing is small profits big. It require* $400 to buy a quarter interest. Address 38b0, Journal. FOR SALELARGE WALL PAPER BUSINESS in Minneapolis established 23 years reason for sale, death of senior member of firm price reasonable stoc. in good condition it will pay jou to look this up, as we have good class of old customers. N Taylor & Co., 17 7th WANTED A PARTY TO INVEST $5,000 TO $lo,000 in cash into a profitable business bear ing the closest investigation right man to have permanent position as manager, owned bj reliable business men who cannot give it their time. 4324, Journal. DRUG STORE FOR SALEONE OF TH E FIN -MONEY est and best-paying stores in the state of Min nesota, in a town of 1,000 inhabitants. No competition. Invoice about $6,000 Will sell or rent building, including opera-hoCse. Address imperial Drug Co. CASH BUSINESS~F"O"R~SALE7~WITH "LARGE profits, pajs $75 to $100 weekly net pioflt on investment of $1,000 requires little time, ex perience unnecessary no scheme will bear investigation. Address 44&1, Journal. $60 FOR RESTAURANT. 575 for confectionery, soda fountain. Rooming-houses from $300 up. Call and inspect my list for bargains. C. F. Snow, 812 Phoenix Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSc OF 14 ROOMS I N EASY walking distance furniture good as new steam neat rent reasonable. Terms, $450 cash bal ance to suit. Or would consider part trade. N O. Robblns, 529uBoston block CASH FORa YOURu REAL ESTATE OR BUSI uess,ck no matter where located If you deslro .J} .l sle description. and price. set tt NORTHWESTERN BLSINESS AGENCY.Bank of Commeice building, Minneapolis. A LARGE AN MODERN HOTEL, AT.T, FUR nished, for sale or rent in a live town 5,000 inhabitants terms reasonable a good opportunity for right party to make money Address 8654, Journal. PROFITABLE GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND machlneiy business, sales $20,000 annuallj profits, $3,5oo can make reasonable terms best rerson for selling. E. W Greenfield, 925 I'hoenix. W E HAVE A FEW HARDWOOD TIMBER tracts for sawmill purposes. There is no better timber to be had one tree will pay for the acre. Lindstroin & Akerson, Lindstrom, Minn. FOR SALEDRUG STORE I N A THRIVING town of 500, in western Minnesota. Will In voice $1,800. Doing good business. No oppo sition. Address C. W. N., Bo 102, Boyd. Minn. W E ARE OFFERING VERY ATTRACTIVE IN ducements to prospective investors and settlers In Cuba. Write or call for explanatory book let. Linton and Whan, 642 Lumber Exchange. IF YOU WANT CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS or land no matter where located^ we can get it send description and price. Phoenix Real Instate Co Phoenix building, Minneapolis SPOT CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS OR PROP erty, no matter where located. For quick re sults, send description and price. Pioneer __ReaIty_Co Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. HOTEL FOR SALETHE FINEST LICENSED hotel in the territories complete with furnish ings and stock of liquors and cigars: $20,000, half cash. George Kellett. Carlyle. Assa. HOTELSMALL BU A WINNER. GOOD BA trade. Leading hotel. Shows net profit $150 month. Rent $50. $500 cash handles it, and It a good one. J., 118 Kasota building. FOR SALEWELL-ESTABYlSB^rT^GROCERY", doing good business in North Minneapolis* Owner has best reason for selling. Splendid chance for right party. 4513, Journal. CASH FOR YOUR FARM, HOUSE, FACTORY, or your bnsiness, wherever located. Send de scription and price. Northern Realty Co., 440 Andrus bldg. Dept. B., Minneapolis. WANTEDA MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR THE 4th pf July will rent, run on commission or buy, if sold cheap. Write at once, stating terms. Address Lockbox 60, Dawson, Minn. FOR SALEA SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPITAL stock in an A local manufacturing establish ment an opportunity for smal linvestors. Ad dress Investment. 4156. Journal FOR SALEA LARGE, COMPLETE LIVERY outfit and bam at Chamberlain, S. D. doing a big business. Best livery town in the state. Ray Gooder, Chamberlain. S. D. W E HAVE CASH CUSTOMER FOR GROCERIES, cigar and confectionery, hotels, rooming houses. Call or address. Phoenix Real Estate Co.. 315 Phoenix building, Minneapolis, HOTEL SNAPONLY $2 HOTEL I N BEAUTI. nil town 40 miles west of city $550 takes ever thing sickness cause for selling. E W Greenfield, 925 Phoenix. RESTAURANT, MODERN, COSY, HANDSOME ly equipped, doing $100 dally central price $2,000 might consider real estate for part. 1100 Lumber Exchange. FINEST ROOMING-HOUSE I N THE CITY strictly up to date, elegant furniture, always full. Please investigate before locating. Snow, 812 Phoenix. v-auuj,. PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE$4,000 PE YEAR with some apparatus and furniture, for sale! Central Minnesota town of 3,500. Address 3912. Journal. WANTFDJOURNAL READERS TO PATRON ize Rice's eycl* shop. 339 E Lake st. First class cycle repairing motorcycles and bicy cles for sale. GET YOUR HOUSES PAINTED NOW AND PA per hanging and cleaning, by one that will do you good work. 501 10th av S. N TV. phone 4603 LI. W E CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH wherever located. For quick sale, send par ticulars. Phillips & Co., Pioneer Press Bldg St. Paul. WANTEDPARTNER WITH $150 TO TAKE half interest and devote services in business that is a sure money-maker. Address 4?98 Journal. FOR SALE25-ROOM STEAM-HEATED HOTEL billiard-rocyi, cigar, soft drink stand. Will take part land. Address John J. Lee, Fingal. N. WANTEDSTOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN dise. Will trade improved farm near town. Want to get into business. Box 175 Campbell Minn. HOUSE PAINTING AN PAPER HANGING. For honest work, good material and moderate price, call on or address I Lillehei. 1316 7th st S. GREAT SNAPWELL-LOCATED RESIDENCE lot. Might take reasonable priced driving horse on deal if closed at once. 3624 3d av S. FOR SALETHREE-CHATR BARBER SHOP combination mirror, case, baths, in hotel For particulars address 275, Red Wing, Minn. LEASE FOR SALE, ON SECOND FLOOR OF l)est location on Nicollet av most suitable for dentist or doctor. Address 4231, Journal- NEWSPAPERWANT TO BUY PAYING PA per prefer only paper in town. Give price and terniB. C. C. Doty, Minto, N. D. GOOD-PAYING MEAT MARKET FOR SALE] Will sell cheap for cash. 3846. Journal. INSTRUCTIONS WANTEDBY PRIVA TE TUTOR, STUDENTS in mathematics, mechanical drawing or other branch of engineering. Faculty, box 70, U of M. A HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER WILL TAKE A few pupils who desire coaching in grade or high school subjects. Address 4312, Journal. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. nNANCTAL THE MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAw'cbT THE OLD HOME COMPANX. ESTABLISHED 1880. LOANS TO SALARIED PERSONS HOLDING PER- MANENT POSITIONS WITHOUT INDORSEE OR SECURITY EXCEPT YOUR OWN NAME. OUR RATES AR E AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN THE LOWEST. SMALL OR LARGE PAYMENTS TO SUIT TH E BORROWER, WEEKLY OR MONTHLY, WITH ON OR BE FORE PRIVILEGE. TH US STOPPING ALL INTEREST. ALSO ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, WAG ONS, ETC.. WITHOUT REMOVAL FROM YODR POSSESSION. OUR RECORD AND REP JTATION FOR TWENTY-FOUR YEARS INS iES HONORABLE AN CONFIDEN S DEALING TO ALL. MINNESOTA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 806 BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING. CHEAP MONEY. LONG TIME. EASY PAYMENTS. It pays *o borrow 0t MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO., PRIVATE LOANS. I YOU WA NT MONEY AN A FRIEND, TOO, CALL ON US. W E LOAN MONEY ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC., without removal from your possession, located anywhere in Hen nepin county, AT THE LOWEST RATES AND EASIEST TERMS. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE: NO INDORSER NO RE TAP E: QUICK SERVICE: NO PUBLICITY. Call on the old reliable MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO.. 601-2 Globe Bldg., 22 4th st S. Open Monday and Saturday till & p. m. flo HO W $15 TO GET MONEY 52C A OUR RISK. $25 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERB $30 If you hold a PERMANENT $36 salaried position on your $40 PLAIN NOTE, without MORT- $4 GAGE/ INDORSER or knowledge t55 0 of friends or employer. 55 W E ALSO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD $60 FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC. $65 Lowest rates quick service con- $70 fldential treatment. Call, write or $75 telephone Main 409-1 ,-2. $80 MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO.. $85 Ne York Life Building. $&0 Rooms 406 and 408. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, Re tail merchants, teamsters, ooarding-houses, without securiy. Largest business in 48 prin clpal cities. Tolman. 920 Ne York Life bldg. R. D. CONE & CO., 617 Guaranty bid*., have on hand to loan on improved property, $1,000, $1,500, $2.000. $2.500. $3.500: lowest rates. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property, 5 and 6 per cent. Edw. J. O'Brien, 104 Oneida. MONEY TO LOAN EASY TERMS: LOW rates. David P. Jones & Co., Bank Commerce. TO LOAN AT LOWE'S^ RATE S: NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. WE LOAN ON CITY REAL ESTATE A LOW est rates. Nickels & Smith. 311 Nicollet av. MORTGAGE LOANSRates low any sums no delay. See us Bure. Gale & Co N. Y. Life. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, rate best terms. 4403, Journal. LOWEST ^INNETONKA^JOPERTY^ TWELVE-ACRE FRUIT FARM, HALF MILE from Long lake, overlooking Mlnnetonka ex cellent buildings, eight-room house, stone base ment two-story barn new two-story fruit house corncrib elegant lawn, with shade trees, flowering shrubs 2Y% acres strawberries, thiee acres raspbetries, 150 apple and cherry trees, abundance of gooseberries, currants, etc. pasture soil very best lies fine on fine road. Only $3,200. Huiry. J. M. Davies, 509 Phoenix. TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES RENT MOD er.ite also excellent camping ground on Rob binsou Bay. with fine bathing beach also some choice cottage sites, with building material to sell, wholly on time. See us anyhow. Gale & Co., New York Life building. $240SIX ROOMED COTTAGE A MTNNE tonka Beach five bedrooms, good condition. $100Five-room cottage at Zumbra Heights, fur nished and boat. T. J. JANNEY, 203 OneiJa Building. I WILL RENT MY EIGHT-ROOM ALL STRICT lv modern house, together with good barn and garden lake frant, you will have to see this house to appreciate it. Address George H. Shrodes, Excelsior. Minn. $100GOOD 9-R00M FURNISHED COTTAGE on lower lake magnificent view large shade trees beautiful sloping lawn 100 feet lake shore. H. Newhall, 550 Temple Court, WANTEDTO RENT COTTAGE A MINNE tonka, six or seven rooms, near railroad sta tion. Large grounds. State price and partic ulars. Address 4454, Journal. MTNNETONKAFOR RENT. NICE 5-R00MED cottage at Cottagewood, furniBbed or unfur nished. Also one at Lake Park. P. Pllcher Bank of Commerce. THREE~ADJOINrNG FURNISHED TENTS A Mound floors 12x38, side3 boarded accommo date six month or season. Dr. Huestis 428 Central av. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A .NICE FARM home near Lake Mlnnetonka, see me. I have few bargains. A. Bildsten, 2427 Colum bus av. FOR LAKEe ACCOMMODATIONS I N PRIVA TE Uy tle hon Twin City. 2431. K. W. Htjra l6ll-ji, or DETECTIVE AGENCIES MoNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCY, 210 KASOTA bldg. S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detective work in all its branches. References, police head quarters. Minneapolis N W phone. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, TH E LEADING French dry cleaners for ladles' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet NORTH STAR DYEING AN FRENCH DRY cleaning work. 725 Hennepin a v. Both ph ones. FURRIERS SELECT YOUR FURS NOW W E HAVE LARGE stock of finest skins on hand 25 per cent dis count on orders placed now redyeing and re modeling furs stored and insured lowest rates both phones. A. Reiner, practical fur rier, 30 years experience, 701 Hennepin av. LOANS AND CHATTELS WILLIAMS, 617 GUARANTY BUILDING, loans on furniture, pianos, or any security. Large loans a specialty. Terms to suit bor rowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANB ON ALL KINDS OF gERSOTJAX, property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL RATES UNTIL JUNE 20. Ladies' shampooing, 5 for $2.00 Ladies' facial massage, 5 for 2!oo Scalp treatments, 5 for 3,'oo Cures dandruff and falling hair. Ladies' and gents' manicuring. All work strictly first-class. W. L. Higbee, 618 Medical block. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES. ETC., PERMX uently removed by electricity. Miss Holllster, 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, WARTS AN birthmarks permanently removed by electricity Anna M. Griswold, 417 Medical block. THEATERS THEATERS. "Ten Nights in a Barroom," to-night, at H. D. Rucker's big tent theater admission only 10 cents corner 8th st and 2d av S. "Camille" to-morrow, 2.30 p. m. free matinee for ladies only. PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, Patent Lawyers and solicitors main office, 920-935 Guaranty building, Minneapolis. Minn. 52 McGill build ing. Washington. D. O. PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES BRING YOUR FILMS AN PLATES FOR DE veloping. finishing and enlarging to Edmund A. Brush, commercial and illustrative photog rapher, 9 and 11 5th st S. SEND FOR OUB CATALOG A. M. HAVE T/8 do your developing and finishing. Peck company, 112 5th st S. Minneapolis. STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods expert packing for storage er shipment ieduced freight rates to the Pacific coast on household goods or emigrant mov.i blfs. 1 ret.uent shipments and lowest rat"s Office, 4tf 3d st S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house hold goods expert packers. 200 Nicollet. Both phones, 1802. Ees. phone, T. C. 18324 FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE clean 100-112 lt av N Both phones. MACHINERY IRON WORKING AH WOOD WORKING chlnery large stock 2d-hand and new. North- _wn_Machinery_J3o.. 217 3d at S. Minneapolis. HE BOYD TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods expert packing for stoiage or shipment reduced freight rates to the Pacific coast on household goods or emigrant movables Frequent shipments and lowest rates. Office" 46 3d S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AN STORAGE Ex pert packers for ttorage or p'Jpment large and commodious vans for moving. Office 200 Nlcol let. both phones 1208. Residence, T. C. 13324. BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND STORAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both teis. 952. THE M. D. DELIVERS PACKAGES I N CITY 10c St. Paul 15c. 619 4th av Both tols. 1509. MEDICAL MEDICALMRS. DR F. G. McKAY, ELEC tricity, massage and magnetic treatments wili cure rheumatism, insomnia and all nervous dis eases. Offce, 905 Northwestern building, 322 Hennepin av. Hours, 9 to 9. NOTICE A CASH REWARD. Is hereby offered for reliable information as to the name of the owner or number of the automobile which ran into a short stout aged entleman about noon of Saturday, May 14, 904, in Minneapolis, all or address W. G. Judd. 1229 Guaianty building, Minneapolis, Minn. STONE, BRICK AND CEMENT REPAIRING done on short notice. Man and rig always ready. W look after chimneys, walls, ston floors, sidewalks, etc. Prices reasonable. Johu E. Layne, stone and brick contractor, Kasota building. T. 2451 N W., 22S2-J Main. NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN THAT, A SEP aration having occurred between me, the un dersigned, and my wife, Hedwig E. Reluholdz, I shall no longer be responsible for any billi incurred by her. John A. Reinholdz. PENSIONS R. HOSTETLEB. PENSION ATTORNEY. Room 307. Boston Block. Minneapolis, Minn. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS lilEIPiPRM'lifci AZORES, GIBRALTAR, NAPLES^ GENOA! "ROMANIC" .Tune 18, July 30, Sent. 17 "CANOPIC" Julv 2. Aug. 27, Oct. S These steamers ar ethe largest in the Mediterranean service. First class, $65 up ward. Send for rates and illustrated booklet. Boston to Liyerjool NEW YORKQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL. BOSTONQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL. BOSTON MEDITERRANEAN SERVICS AZORESGIBRALTARNAPLESGENOA. 0 E. BRECKE, N. W AGT., 121-123 3d S, Guaranty Bldg, Minneapolis. J4amburg~/frmerican. Semi-weekly Twin-Screw Service. FOR PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG. HAMBURG. Hamburg June 10 **Moltke June 20 Phoenicia June 18 xPatricia July 2 Bluecher June 23 *Deutschland ..July 7 Pennsylvania.. .June 25 Belgravla July 9 Grill room and **gymrasium on board. xWill call at Dover only. if ASIllURtt-AMKIllCAW MWK Offices: 35 end 37 Broadway, Ne York 159 Randolph st, Chicago, 111. W Cnffudler, E. Eichorn & Son. A Johnson Co.. O. fci. Kieeke, Nils Nllaon. A. G. Vanstrum & Co. COMPAGNIE GEHERALE TRAN8ATLANTIQUE French tine, New York to Paris, Six Day* Sailings Every Thursday at 1 0 a. La Savoie June 23 La Gascogno ..July 14 La Champagne.. June 30 La Touraine ..July 21 La Lorraine July 7 La Bretagne .July 28 New. modern, gigantic, twin-screw and express steamers, naval officers' man-of-war discipline Company's vestibuled train*, Havre-Paris, 4 hours AgentsNils Mlson. 100 Washington av S. South Side State Bank A. H. Johnson & Co., 10- 14 Wash. a S: Brecke Eckman. 127 3d st S. Steamer Quiacy Will leave St. Paul for St. Louis and Intermediate points, Thursday, June 16 8 p. m. For full information regarding passenger and freight rates address HARRY CLARK, General Agent, office, foot of Sibley street, opposite Union depot. St. Paul. Both telephones. No. fi. SUMMER RESORTS The Hotel a Moine| A Cottagewdod Is the prettiest place on the Lake to spend Sunday. Our Sunday Dinners are the best at Mlnnetonka. LAKE MINNETONKA CASINO Excelsior, Minn. OPEJ3 DAY AKD EVENING. Informal Dance Every Saturday Night Steamers. Ro Boats and Bait HE CHAPMAN HOUSE A MOUND UPPE3 Mlnnetonka. is now open. Finest fishing, bath ing and boating on the lake. Large new pa vilion. Everything first-class. Forty-five min utes' ride on the Great Northern from Hie Twin Cities. ST. PAUL, nrpflX., ,OJNE 15, 1904. SEALED proposals in tripUca e, will be received at this office until 11 a. :n., July 15, 1904, for furnish ing such corn, oato, *)rs, hnv and straw, as may be required during the n^al year commencing July 1, 1904, at Forts Assinniboine, Harrison, Keogh and Missoula, Montana Fort Lincoln, N. D. Fort YeD-wstone, Wyo. and Fort Snelling and St. Paul, Minn. Information furnished on application here, or to quartermasters at the posts named. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. J. MCE. HYDE, 0 Q. M. i) JUNE 15, 1904. SPECIAL SALE All Week, June 13,14,15, 16, 1 7 and 18. 2S.O 1 A 0eevnstow.. Cymric June 16, July 14, Aug. JS Cretic June 30, July 28, Aug. 25 First-class, $75 and $80 upwards, according Republic July 7, Aug. 11, Sept. S to steamer. For piafis, etc., apply to O. E BRECKE, N. W. AGT., 121-123 3d st S, Guaranty Building, Minneapolis. AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTHCHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON. PhiladelphiaQueenstownLiverpool. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE NEW YORKLONDON DIRECT. DOMINION LINE PORTLANDLIVERPOOL, short sea passage. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORKROTTERDAM, VIA BOULOGNE. RED STAR LINE NEW YORKANTWERPPARI S. WHITE STAR LINE Green Trading Stamps S & with A. & Baking Powder none better. Oil S & H. Green Trading Stamps with one bottle A.f & tracts, any flavor. S*. Teas,Exf an kin 7 FOR fl wit finest flavor and strength. wit 1 A roasted, fres FOR ground and pulverized coffees, from 2Sc anTrading up S*. Stamps Qree with 5 cakes A. & borax soap. Has no equal. 1 A S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with three packages wash ing powder, per package 0 ffe S & H. Qreen Trading Stamps with five cakes Our Float Soap, per cakeee 0pG Gr 1 A S*- A A Trading Stams Tra Kn Sams with two boxes best toilett I Qree Ap Soap, per box lUCs A with two bottles strongestt 1 As* Tradin Samp Ammonia,& per bottle 1UU 1 A Gree S with two bottles best blu- 4 A ing, per bottle 1UC 2 FOR 1 wit & **r aism cur- rants, cocoas, soups, salt, breakfast foods and spices. Regular Amounts on Sugar and Butter. 4 lbs. Best Granulated A A O Sugar for. pLOU -A ffe S. & H. Qreen Trading Stamps %P with one pail Swift's Best OC* Lard, "Silver Leaf" OOC Extra Elgin Creamery Butter, 21c. Always the Best. PROMPT DELIVERY. Remember we give stamps on all C. O. D. orders. Both Phones, 1286. A.&P.TEACO. 521 NICOLLET AVENUE. Electric lightedObserva- tion Cars to Portland, Ore Tla Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma Pacific Express Fargo.Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland Fargo and Leech Lake Local St. Cloud, Little Falls, Brain erd, Walker, Bern id] 1, Fargo... Dakota and Manitoba Express Fergus Falls, Wahpeton, Moorhead, Fargo, (Jamestown Dally Ex. Saturday), Crookston, Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg Leave Arrive *10:45 *1:59 pm am 10:45 *7:05 pm DULUTH AND SUPERIOR am 9:10 f5:2C am pm 8:35# "Duluth Short Line" 6:50 am pm 11:15J 2:00 *I0:302 TRAINS TO Daily i Ex. Sunday. NCrlE.All trains use the Union Station, St. Paul, 'Utd Union Station in Minneapolis. TIM ET OFFICE 19 NICOLLET BLOCK. PUMMN.W.1134. T.0.114. ^iPi^NpTrlirll UNION STATION. Office, 300 Nic. Av PhonesMain 860.T. C. 1758 Leave "Daily. tEx Sunday. Arrive 9:00am St. Cloud, Fergus Falls, Farero Willmar, Su. Falls, Su. City i s Watertown, Brown's Val (ley, Aberdeen, Fargo. FLYER TO PACIFIC COAST ..Wayzataand Hutchinson.. PUdET SOUND EXPRESS. WINNIPEG FAST EXPRESS Willmar. Fargo, Grand Forks, Winnipeg, Sioux Falls, Yank ton. Sioux City. 110:00am *ll:01am 6:10pm 5:32pm *8:20pm 8:25pm 4:55pm 5:40pm 2:15pm 8:56am 10:10pm 7:35am 7:35am O DULUTH 9:30am 3:05pm 111:47pm GOPHER STATE EXPRESS Princeton, Milaca, Duluth.. .Night Express to Duluth.. *(8:01pm 112:40pm 6:55am Night Express sleeping car open 9:00 p. Minneapolis & St. Lonis R. R. 424 Nicollet Avenue. Phoni No. a25. St. Louis Depot. aEx. Sunday. Others Dally. 1 Leave. Arrive. Watertown and Storm Lake| Express ja a:57 amia 5:15 pm Omaha, Des Moines, Kan sas City, Mason City and Marshalltown 9.35 ama Estherville and Madison...| 6:15 pml 10:00 am 'NORTH STAR LIMITED") Chicago and St Louis. Peoria Limited Omaha and Des Moines Limited TRA^ 7'10 pm 7:45 pm 8:15 am 8:35 pm 7:25 am S. St. P. 8W & Ry. Ticket Office, 600 Nicollet Av. Phone, 240 Main. *Ex. Sunday. Others dally. Leave. Arrive. Chicago. Mil., Madibon Chicago "Fast Mail" North-Western Limited Chi., "Atlantic Express"... Duluth. Superior. Ashland.. Twilight Limited Elmore, Algona. Des Moines. Su City, Omaha, Kan. (Jy.. Mitchell. Sioux Falls Omaha Limited Su City. Omaha. Kan. City 7.50 am 6.00 pin 8:00 pm 10.20 pm *7:33 am 4.00 pm 7:30 pm 0:05 am 8 30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 10.20 pm 10:10 am 7:55 am 5:20 pm *5:00 pm 9:35 pm 8:30 am 8 10 pm 8:30 am 8:10 am 8:10 am CHICAGO (TREAT WESTERN Rv. CITY OFFICE Fifth and Nicollet. DEPOT Washington and Tenth Ave. South. PHONE Main 264. "Ex. Sunday. Others Daily. Chicago and East, Dubuque Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City Kansas City, St. Joseph, Des Moines Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rocheste., Red ing, Mankato, Faribault. Northfleld. Dodge Center. Hafield. Lv. Mpls 7 40 am 8 00 pm 10 46 pm 10 80 am 7*0 am 7 55 am 4 65 pm 4 35 pm Ar. Mpls 10 20 pm 8 00 am 115 pm 810 pm 810 pm 7 30 pm 10 55 am 1120 am WISCONSIN CENTRA RY. MILWAUKEE and CHICAGO Leave 8 a. m. and 7:05 p. m. daily. Arrive 8:50 a. m. and 5:10 p. m. daily. A. GOOD THING RUB IT IN. LYMAN-ELIEIi DRUG COMPANY, Minaeapolls, Minn. 15 LAKE MINNETONKA A the Minnetonka club there was a full' house over Sunday and numerous visitors came out for the day. The beautiful weather had tempted many of the chauf feurs to risk the -trip to the lake, and a the roads were in fair condition and rains interfered, the excursions were greatly enjoyed. Mr and Mrs. Lar rabee and children came out last night to spend the summer months at the club house, and more guests are expected be fore the close of the veek. Mr. and Mrs. Wight of St. Paul and family are to be at the hotel this sea son and will come out to-day. The Sunday guests at the clubhouse were Mr. and Mrs. George Daggett and Dorothy Daggett, Sliper, S. Ireys, r. and Mrs. N Rea, Miss Olga John son, E Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Dr. Hunter, Miss Margie Hunter, Harrison Fryberger, A Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pryor, 1,. Hankinson, Mr. and Mrs. N Chadbourn. Mr. and Mr s. Harry W Jones, Mr. and Mrs Charles Cirkler. Dr. A A Cirkler, Mr and Mr s. C. Evans, Mrs. Bowman, George Trimble. Alfred Wagner, Folwell, Chute, Chute, all of Minneapolis Mr and Mrs. E A Hughes, North Dakota Mr and Mrs. R. C. Wight, Mr s. Clar k. St. PaulMis Berger, San FranciscoH Thompson, Chicago Miss Grace Anderson, Chicago. A large number of people will come out to the lake to-morrow to attend the open ing ball of the Mlnnetonka Boat club. A special train will leave on the & St. station at 7:35 m., returning from Ton a Bay at 12 o'clock and reaching the city in time to connect with the 1 o'clock cars. The college girls are beginning to come home and the younger sets are looking for some pleasant social gatherings. Miss Mil licent Hosmer, who has been at Wells col lege, returned home last week. Miss Ruth Spicer of Splcer, Minn., also a Wells col lege girl, came with her, and has been her guest at Wildhurst for a few days. She is now in the city. Miss Glee Jamieson of Wildhurst returned home Sunday morn ing and Miss Gertrude Satterlee has also returned from 'Wells college and Is with her parents at Manitou forest. Miss Irene Ford, a former Minneapolis girl, is visit ing in the city and some of her former school friends will entertain for her at their lake homes. A jolly houseparty of the Tau Kappa Phi of the Central High school is being entertained at the Schadde cottage a Fairview. There are about twelve in tha party. Mmes. VanDuzee and Cavan entertained yesterday at their summer homes, a Man itou Forest, the guests being a group of thirty women who have met during the winter for cards. The party came out from the city early in the morning, re turning in the late afternoon. Luncheon was served on the spacious lawns, each of the guests having provided some deli cacies for the spread. I the afternoon cards were played. Among the members of the club were Mmes. Louis Heinrich. John Heinrich, Dunlap, Norton, Storer, McLain, Robert Wright, Stevens, Beidel man, Lund, Metz, Falk, Fleming, Jim merson, Loudon, Laliberte, Lee, Rowley, Jowett, CampbellMisse Robinson, Em ily Mueller, Stella Mueller, Emily and Etta Knoblauch and Cavan. Mrs. W Merrick of Cottagewood gav an informal luncheon yesterday afternoon at her summer home for a group of S Paul friends. After the luncheon euchr* was played. There were eight guests. The pretty picnic grounds at Roswefl Park, near the old Hotel St. Louis grounds, have been chosen by a number of th young church people for their annual pio nics. To-day the Swedish Methodist church will picnicPar Avenue Method ist church will hold its annual merry, making to-morrowAl Saints* Episcopal church will picnic Saturday, and Bethl Lutheran church will hold its picnL June 19. Poisoned ivy claims numerous victims this season, and for some reason the ivy poison takes a rather malignant form* Probably the many rains and the beautiful growth of everything in the way of foliag" accounts for it I one of the families at Tonka Bay, the victim is the maid the household, who, together with her mis tress, made beautifying efforts in behalf of the lawn. After the grass had beea cut, the maid handled it and a consid erable poisoned ivy was among the grasa the presumption is that she got some i the poison into her face, despite the pre caution of wearing gloves. SJ*y is no* so ill that she is confined to }v~s fced, hav* Ing been unable to open her ey& for tw days, as her face Is so swollen. Miss Lois Tennant of Wildhurst enter tained a group of young university pea* pie at a house party last week, her guestft being Misses Ruth Leonard. Maude Der rick, Helen Aldrich of ColoradoMessr* Harold Aldrich of Colorado, Truman Rick ard and Angler Furber. Bert Gowen gave a house party from Saturday over Sunday at the home of h4J parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gowen, a Wildhurst. LAKE RIPPLES. Mrs. Harriet Van Nnmo and Miss Mary Vas Name of St. Paul were guests over Saturday am? Sunday of Mrs. W F. llmyer at her cottage on Gideon's bay. MrH. V. O. Ilolbrook and Gordon ITolbroolj ai Summerville will leave Thursday night for St Louis. Morton Pratt has been Hpending few davfl witli Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Pratt at Wildhurst. Mrs. Frank H. Libbpy of Oshkosb, Wis. 1B vis iting her mother, Mrs. Purchase, at her homft in ETcclslor, and will remain until Thursday night. She came to attend the weddings of Mish Thompson and of Miss Henderson in Min neapolis to night. Mrs. R. Eger of Milwaukee has come to spen4 the summer with her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Chute, at her summer home at Wildhurst. Mrs. C. E. Adams of Duluth will arrive at the lake Friday and will spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Tennant, at their cottage at Wildhurst. Mr. Adams will come with his wife and will remain at the lake over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ny Bpent Sunday at th A. E. Norton cottage at Tonka Bay. Frank Nor ton was also a guest over Sunday. Mrs. Henry Wacks spent Saturday and Sun day with her daughters, Mrs. Edward von Bnd and Mrs. A. E. Norton, at their cottages at Tonka Ba and at Cottagewood. Mr. Von Ende has bought the Springer cottage at Cottagewood and the family is now occupying it. Miss Edna von Ende is quite a chauffeuse and runs father's automobile in and out of the city. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McKusick have opened their cottage at Wildhurst after having mad many improvements, such as enlarging the downstairs considerably. Mr. McKusick has also bought a handsome gasolene launch. Mr. and Mrs. Will Albra and family ar* occupying a cottage at Tonka Bay. Miss Priscilla Rand is the guest of Mls Beatrice Wilcox at Old Orchard, Wildhurst. Mr. and Mrs. B. Winsor and eon Robert of Fergus Falls will be guests of Mrs. Winsor'g brother, G. II. Tennant, at the Tenuant's sum mer home for two weeks. They will come next week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bostwick and Ralpji Bostwlck were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennant over Sunday. J. T. Garland has built a cottage at Wild hurst, adjoining the Hosmer place. Mr. Sievers of Minneapolis is also planning for a new cottage for his own use, which will be finished In July. The World's Fair and How to Get There. The Minneapolis & St. Louis Rail road has these advantages: Two trains a day An eighteen-hour schedule. Dining Cars serving all meals. Lands you at the gates of the Pair. Reduced rate tickets. Its rates are no higher, but its serv ice is mu ch better than that of any other line. For a free map and guide to the Fair, or other information, call or write to J. G. Rickel, 424 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. More cases of sick headache, bili ousness, constipation, can be cured in less time with less medicine, and for less money by using Carter's Littl* Liver Pills, than by any other means.