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-r t^.sl'4 MJ^M^^ii gUMIttiteAawasiWfr- rT,mri^iiim,ri.iTii(n .i mm/L4 rmiiMpill 1)ll I* SHOE DEPARTMENT. 2d FLOOR. Women's Tan Oxfords Just received, a new line of tan Russia calf Blucher Oxfords, light weight welted soles and Cuban heels, new, natty styles in all sizes and widths, at Women's Oxfords Black kid, in hand turn ed and welted soles, with high and low heels, also patent leather, in sev eral new styles, with Cuban and French heels exceptional values, in all sizes and widths, at Women's White Duck Oxfords Made with high Cuban heels in the latest Newport style, laced with white ribbon all sizes and widths, $3.00 Women's Linen Ox- fordsMade with light soles and medium heels, just the sort for style and comfort, all sizes. Price Boys' and Girls' Tennis Shoes and Barefoot San dals, large variety. Prices range from 50cfo$2 POPULAR MUSIC. We are going to give you such bargains in music that it will be the talk of the city, state and the Unionthis sale will be quoted from New York to San Francisco. The following 50c Music, the kind we sell for 23c every day, in the great sale, per sheet. A few of the Choice Vo cal Selections: Those Tantalizing Eyes. My Drowsy Babe Rip "Van Winkle Was a Lucky Man The Gambling Man Susip Anna I Ain't Gwln' to Weep no More. I "Want to Be the Leading Lady. I Know She Waits foi Me. Message of the Rose Jennie Lee Rufus Don't Tease Me. Excelsior (Sacred) Tell Me Not Her Name Is Rose My Japanese Cherry Blossom. Julie Sallle Mine When Wealth and Poverty Meet. Under the Mistletoe Bough When Souas Came to Coon Town O'O'O Brien It Seems Like Yesterday. The Same Old Crowd. INSTRUMENTAL. The Flower Garden Waltz You will have thousands of others to select from Our list of good things will not be very 3oon exhausted We have made preparations for this event. Music Department In Basement. CARGO RECORDS BROKEN STEAMSHIP AUGUSTUS B. WOIi- VIN ARRIVES AT DULUTH WITH 10,300 TO]\S OF COAIJ. Special to The Journal. Duluth Minn, June 15All rec ords for vessel cargoes on the Great Lakes have been broken by the ar rival of the steamship Augustus Wolvin, with 10,300 net tons of coal, and by her scheduled loading this week ol 10,000 gross tons of iron ore at the docks of the Duluth & Iron Range railway. The greatest coal cargo ever car ried into Lake Superior was on the steamship I Elwood of the United States Steel corporation, Buffalo to Duluth, 7,688 net tons, and the lar gest cargo of iron ore was that of the William Bdenborn of the same company, Escanaba to South Chicago, 8,807 gross tons. In this cargo the ship was favored by a draft of 20 feet all the way, while the Wolvin is restricted to about 18 5 by the chan nels out of Lake Superior and by the fact that this is her first trip. The Wolvin should carry about WEDNESDAY EVENING, **s 4H !& 11,000 gross tons with all conditions favorable, and will doubtless make that mark this season There are few ships afloat anywhere that carry heavier loads than this The career of this ship will be watched with great interest, not alone for her unrivaled size, but on account of the revolutionary methods of con struction employed, the fieedom from inanual labor planned for cargo de livery and the net returns expected from the immense investment in con struction Nothing could more close ly typify the growth of marine traffic in the noithwest than this ship. Dally Newspaper Published on Board a Trans-Atlantic Liner. Marconi has made good his promise to publish a daily newspaper on board a trans-Atlantic liner, giving Its pas sengers the news of the world each day. The experiment was successful ly tried on the steamer Campania, which arrived at New York last Satur day The passengers, while many hun dreds of miles from land, read of the Colorado dynamite outrage, the events of the war and many other happen ings Prom all points of the compass we may hear of the comments given golden grain belt beer. Why is it so popular? Get a case and find out. ^&r#&g n^ F^f#3"^ 1 '&rZ 1 ^^^*^p^^^^^^^ Cotton Piece Goods. 36-inch Taffeta, striped and floral, 30c quality, at, yard 36-inch Sateen, striped and floral, 20c quality, at, yard 36-inch Plain Sateen, various colors, 18c quality, at, yard 30-inch Cretonne, for draperies or box covers 15c quality, at, yard 36-inch Art Muslin, 18c and 15c qual ity at, yard 32-inch French Cretonne, in rich col orings 85c and 75c quality at, yard.. 34-inch English Damask Dimity for drapery purposes 75c quality at, yard.. 36-inch plain Denim and plain Bui lap 20c quality at, yard 36-inch imitation plain Denim 13c quality at, yard 36-inch Fancy Silkolines 13c and lie quality at, yard REGISTER JONES RESIGNS Koli of Douglas County to Have a Plaoe In Cass Lake Office. Special to The Journal Little Falls Minn June 15 Congress man Buckman has just returned from Cass Lake where he was called to confer with Jones, register of the land office at that place, relative to his resig nation on account of ill health The resignation will not be handed in until some time in July, and the position will be tendered N Koll of Douglas county It is possible that a change will be made and E S Oakley of Wright county, the present receiver at the Cass Lake office made register, and Mr Koll receiver. $11.75 to Chicago and Return. $11.75 Via the Wisconsin Central. Tickets sold on June 16th to 20th, inclusive, good for return to and including June 29. For further information, apply to V. C. Russell, C. P. & T. A., 230 Nicollet ave. The Land of Now. Farmers and investors who wish to know where and how to make money, should address W. L. Hathaway, 322 Nicollet av, Minneapolis, Minn., for I booklet "The Land of Now." THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. tt*\ June Clearance CLOU ADD SDIT ROOM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Of the numerous sales we have held annually in this section at this season, none have abounded in such wonderful price reductions and large assortments as the offerings we are now making. A Great Saving of One-Half in Women's, Misses and lunior Tailor Made Suits. It is imperative that a vast assortment of suits, con- sisting of broken lines from our Suit Section, be disposed of at onc e. EVERY SUIT REDUCED FIFTY PER CENT as the means to obtain the desired result. WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND JUNIOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS in Voile, Brilliantine, Cheviots, Broadcloth, and Novelty Tweeds, all colors and black. New effects plain and fancy suits. $5.00 Walking Skirt Sale150 Novelty Skirts, made of a light mixture $8.50 value also Brilliantine, Cheviots and Men's Wear Mixtures not a skirt worth less than $7.50. All special at Shirt* Waist* SuitsWhite and colors the styles are dis- tinctive. Made in Madras Cloth, Lawns, Ginghams and Mercerized Cloth walking and dress shapes. Special CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Children's and Misses' Wash Dresses, Fancy Lawns, white and colored, Peter Thompson and Russian coat effects, slightly soiled, Half Price. Children's Wash Dresses, made of Chambrays and Lawnspretty new effects and neatly trim- med, sizes 6 to 14 years. Special Our Out-of-Town Customers Should Take Advantage of These Exceptional Values. LACE CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. Previous to taking inventory we offer all odd pieces that we cannot duplicate and short and medium lengths of the following goods at clearance prices. 22c 14c 12c 12c 9c HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Portius Demlns and wife to Augustine McComille and wife, lot 18 Uock 7, Wilson's rearrangement, $325 Charlotte A Secombe to Northwestern Im provement companv lot 10, block 2, St Anthony Citv $1 300 Moses Carleton to Northwestern Improve ment company part lots 1 and 2 block 4 St Anthony City $3 100 Anna Armstrong to Isa' ella Armstrong, lot 13 block 58 Calhoun Park $100 Minnesota Park association to Jennie Bar rett lot 10, block 16 Second Division of Rem ington Park, $225 \dolph Burau and wife to Mary is Burau, lots 2 and 3 block 10 Village of Osseo *200 Sarah A Guile to Chute Realty company lot 0 ssbdivlslon of block H. Tuttle addition, $3 000 Jennie Nelson and husband to Carrie Erickson, part lot 1 block 184, Town of Minneapolis, SI 250 George Gould and wife to Wllllaia Everhard lots 6 and 7, block 34, St Anthony Citv, $3,000 Oscar Farnham to Chester Farnham lots 0 and 10, bloc* 8, Farnham's Third addi tlon $300 Laura Llbby *o Mary S Hubbard lot 6, block 2 Henry Morse addition $125 Emma Breager and husband to Louisa Lorch, lot 5, block 11 Lawndale $125 Minnesota Debenture company to Peter Lyons, lot 1 block 2, Walton's rearrangement $100 Sophia Bohanon et al trustees to Abel Sundquist, lot 8, block 14, Wyoming Park, $200 John Clemmings and wife to David Sum mers lot 9 block 17. Blalsdell Revised addition, $4 200 Lewis S Gillette and wife to Magnus Swan son and wife, part of lot 7, block 13, Lincoln Street supplement $200 Frank Eckert administrator, Gust A Swanson, part of io* A addition, $1,050, *4 5. blockto, 6 Foster' B1M W ^0 1 Third Floor Fancy Net Draperies. Net, 9 pieces Fish Net and Fancy 80c and 75c quality, at, yard.. 2 pieces, $1.10 quality, at, per yard. 6 pieces, 60c quality, at, per yard 12 pieces, 38-inch, Fancy Scrim, 30c quality, at, yard 20 pieces, 44-inch, cross stripe, Snow flake Draperies, 18c quality, at, yard Cords and Fringes. &-inch Cotton Cord, various colors, 8c qual., 4c i-inch, Mercerized Cord, various colors, 10c quality, at, yard f-inch Silk Cord, 20c quality, at, yard Silk Tassel Fringe, for China Silk or other draperies 10c quality, at, yard.. Fancy Trellis Head Band, with tassels, 20c quality, at, yard 30 Cowtails, for oriental corner, $2.25 and $1.95 quality, each Mechanics and Worktagmen's Loan and Build Ing Association to Marie von Schlegell, lot 5, block 4 Rand addition, $1 200. Mahala Pillsbury et al to Adeline Schneider, lot 25 block 7, Ramsey, Lockwood and others' addition $300 Portius Deming and wife to Herman Rud &. wife lot 5 block 2 Deming & Kinmore 8 addition $150 Gus Adler and wife to Theodore Mix, lot 7, block 28 Falrmount Park addition $1,300 Charles E Mabie to Florence Iv Mable, part of lot 7, block 27, Snyder &. Co 's First addition. $5 014 Seven minor deeds $131. Total 29 deeds $26 995 BUILDING PERMITS. Annie Lundell, 77 Knox avenue N, frame dwell ing $1 800 E Person1, 2487 Dupont avenue S, frame flats $6 500 Emma Hagstrom, 3107 Dupont avenue N frame dwelling $1 400 "William McGee, 1917 Hamline avenue SE. frame dwelling $1 500 Twelve minor permits $3 845 Total, 16 permits $14,545 Soo Line bummer Tourist Kates to the East. Albany and return $38 20 Boston and return 45 90 Buffalo and return 25.90 Montreal and return 83 00 New York and return 41 90 Toronto and return 25.90 Portland and return 4350 Other points as low If you intend making an eastern trip inquire at the ticket office, to your advantage. Tick et office 119 3d st S. JUNE 15, 1904. ?&* i: *i/ p^^^^p^^^y^^"^' r/ :/w WASH GOODS BARGAINS. 25c quality in plain solid colors of real French Org andies, on sale Thursday at, per yard, 10c for fine Dimities, Printed Lawns and Ba tistes, worth 15c and 19c, choice Thursday, per yd., Bargains at 654cGrand offer of 5,000 yards of fine Lawns, Dimities and Dress ginghams, regular values 12e and 15c, choice, to close, only, per yard, DRESS GOODS. Bargain in Fine Mohair. 56-inch Plain Cream Mo hair Sicilian cravenetted, very stylish for Fall Suits or separate skirts worth $3. Special for Thurs day, per yard, EH 46-inch fine Mohair, in cream white, high lus trous finish value $2. Special Thursday only, per yard, 50 and 52-inch Home- spunsIn fancy mix tures regular value $1 and $1.50. Choice Thurs day at, yard, LAWN WAISTS Handsome White Lawn Shirt Waists-Yoke of lace insertions and tuck ing lace insertion down front of waist and tuck ing tucked back dainty stock and cuffs will sell 15 dozen of these. $1.48 Waists Thursday at WHITE PETTICOATS. Women's White Cambric PetticoatsDeep flounce of lawn, trimmed with three very wide Cluny lace insertions ruffle on bottom with tucking and wide lace to match inser tion, worth $1.48, at 98c MILLINERY SALE AT DONALDSONS Our $3.50 Hats Cannot be Equaled in the Twin Cities. Thursday we will have an entirely new assort ment, 200 hats to choose from many of these are worth up CJ.O A to $8.00... Ht&uW A handsome line of duck hats, Thursday QQ each vO^ Outing hats, to close, all colors, Thurs- gQf* day, each A All Flowers at HALF PRICE. o.V &)&& $m&ari&dak$k?