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8 RAILROADS. BIG DEMAND FOR RAILS PREDICTION OF A RAILROAD PRESIDENT THAT IT WILL TAX THE CAPACITY OF THE MULLS NEXT YEAR, Xfow York Sun Special Service. New York, June 15.The president of an Important grain carrying road says. "I predict that next year the railroads of this countrv will want half a million tons more of bteel rails than the rail mills of the United States will be able to turn out I have this on knowledge that all the roads after this lean year in track I clay ing, and extensions will need from 10 to 30 per cent more rails than they did In 19(k oi in 1902 In common with most other heads of railway systems I have been conserving resources and cutting expenditures until assured that the reaction in business was only a temporary lull The rail account was easy to check This will have to be made up next year, however. NEW WISCONSIN ROAD Line to Be Built Between Melrose and Sparta. Special to The Journal. La Crosse, Wis, June 15.It has been definitely decided to build the proposed railroad between Melrose and Sparta, which will tap a portion of the territory thru which the La Crosse & Black River Falls railroad will run, altho it is not anticipated that the competition between the two lines will be very sharp, there being plenty of business for both roads Eastern capitalists have agreed to finance the project, and the work will be started as soon as the details can be worked out. President Cheney of the road says that steam will be the motive power. From this it is believed that the road will be directly connected with either the Milwaukee or North-Western roads at Sparta and will be a feeder for the main lines. NEW ROAD INCORPORATES Minneapolis to Be One Terminus Local Men Interested. The Minneapolis, Red Lake & Mani toba road has been incorporated to build from Lower Red Lake to White Fish lake and thence south and east +o connect with the Minnesota & In ternational, thence to Minneapolis. Authority is given to extend to the boundary line at a point west of Lake of the Woods. The capital is $100,000 and the limit of indebtedness $5,000,- 000 The incorporators are M. Amsden, W. L. Amsdem, C. A. Smith, O Hulbert, C. J. Johnson, N. O. "Werner and Andreas Ireland. It is understood this load is to be built to bring large tracts of C. A Smith land within leach of the market. NO DIVIDEND ON COMMON M. & St. L. Declares Dividend on Pre ferred Only. Minneapolis and St. Louis directors nt the annual meeting yesterday in New York passed the dividend on common stock and declared the semi annual dividend of 2Vt per cent on preferred. President Edwin Hawley said the common dividend was passed because the road hadn't earned it. The preferred dividend is payable July 15 Books close June 30 and open July 16. A'ALTDATING FEE CUT OUT Milwaukee Road Charge Nothing for Chloa#o Stopover. The Milwaukee road announced yes terday that it would abolish the $1 villditlng fee on St. Louis exposition ticket stopovers in Chicago. There will be no charge even if stops are made going and coming. The Central at,sooi ition has already granted this concession and the Milwaukee is the first western association road to fol low suit IOWA RAILROAD EARNINGS Showing for 1903 Larger than That for 1902. Bpeefol to The Journal. Des Moines, Iowa, June 15.The railroads of Iowa report aggregate re ceipts on all Towa business for the year 1903 of $58,443,037, or $1,976,- 732 more than for the previous year. The net earnings or profits for 1903 aggregated $15,028,551, or $2,000,000 less than the previous year. The dif ference In receipts and profits is ac counted for by increased operating expenses. B. & O. Flnanoes. Ne-w York Bun Speoial Service. New York. June 15.The Wall Street Journal navs to-day". Baltimore & Ohio will finish the year $1,000,000 net or thereabouts behind tho previous vear This sum represents, in the main, the replacement of about $1,000,- 000 of expenditure on motive power main tenance taken out last year. The pres ent management is charging out every thing into expense as it goes along, and will start the next fiscal year with a clean sheet and in pretty good condition Earn ings for the current month will probably be better than for May, but will be be hind last year La Crosse & Onalatka Election. Special to The Journal. La Crosse, Wis June 15.The La Crosse & Onalaska Railway company has elected the following officers- President, S. Y. Hyde, vice president, P. E. Nichols secretary and treasurer, W W. Schall, The dlrectois are S Hyde, B. B. Ed wards, Pater Valler, F. E. Nichols and "W. W. Cargill Extra Lake Service Sunday. Heavy Mlnnetonka traffic has induced the Great Northern to prepare for extra servioe beginning Sunday. For persons wanting to spend the whole day at the lake an early train will be put on. RA.IT.ROAP NOTES The Minnesota & International has issued a book called "Aronnd Leech Lake The Minne sota & International la called "The Sportsmen Route" and the booklet is calculated to en lighten sportsmen as to the sports aYailahlo around Leech lake The Great western secured the beet part of the Pes Moines traffic to the republican con vention in Chicago before competitors were aware of it* scheme The comptuy sold tickets at an advance of about $2 over other lines with five days' lodging in a building rented on a short term lease. F. Marshall of Duluth has been made treas urer of the Duluth & Iron Range to succeed C. Coffin of Chicago. Clin Wheoler of the Northern Pacific has been elected president of the St Paul advertising agreement succeeding S. Fe. Judge Fen is In the supronwi court at Cincin nati has enjoined all brokers within the jurisdic tion of that court from dealing In non transfer able time limit contract or special railwav tick ets to the exposition at S Louis or the na tional reunion of the Elks at Cincinnati from July 18 to 23. The Milwaukee and the Omaha have withdrawn their low homeseekers' rates to South Dakota on account of the opening of the Rosebud Indian reservation, and instead will sell round trip tickets at a rate of a fare and a third, with a minimum of $9. The tickets will be on sale from July 1 to 23, with Aug 81 as the return limit. Hot Springs and Return$80.15. Via the Minneapolis & St. Louis. Return limit, twenty-one days. Tick ets on sale twice a month. Stopovers going and returning at St. Louis to visit the World's Fair. For particu lars, call on J. G. HiokeL City Ticket Agent, No. 424 Nioollet av, Minne apolis. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Silk Remnants In Waist, Suit and Petticoat lengths. They include Checks, plain and with dots. Stripes, plain and with dots. Fancy Jacquard Effects. Colored Bourette Effects. Plain Peau de Cygnes. Louisine, Taffetas. Peau de Soies. Poulards, satin and plain grounds. Macclesfield Silks, a wash silk that is fast colored, and 27 inches wide. Black Silks, in all lengths, from half yard to dress lengths, in Taffetas, Peau de Soies and Peau de Cygnes. Black Goods Rem'nts In Skirt and Dress Lengths, in all the fashionable weaves, such as Voiles, plain and fancy. Chiffon Voiles, a light, thin fabric. Canvas Weaves, light and heavy weights. Cheviots, Mohairs, Sharkskins, Roxanas, Granites, Broadcloths, Serges, Sicilians, Etamines. Grenadines, a nice line. Diess Linings Consisting of Silesias, Percalines, Moreens, Mercerized Sateens, Etc. Ribbon Remnants Staple colors, all widths and many lengths. Ladies' Underwear Combination Suits, full fashioned, high and low neck, long and short sleeves, ankle lengths and knee lengths, former prices $3 and $3.50 ti*9 Aft each, sale price %Jj"" Lisle Combination Suits, high and low neck, Ion? and short sleeves, ankle and knee lengths, former prices $1.25 and $2.00 each, sale price Fancy Silk Vests, in cream, light blue, pink and canary, former prices, $1.75 to $4.00, sale S1-00 Fancy Crochet Lisle Vests, in white, former prices, $1 and $1.50, Bfeftf sale price %B%M%jr Fancy Lisle Vests, former prices OCA 50c and 85c, sale price i%3\M Ladies' Lisle Vests, about 60 dozen, for mer prices 25c and 35c, 4^ Rft sale price Parasols A fine line, too many on hand, owing to lateness of season, to close out Less Than Half Price. SKIRTS Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts Skirts 50c 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $1.00 11.15 1.4 51.50 S2.25 53.25 J3.75 54.50 Tailor-Made Suits About 200 Eton, blouse and coat effects, skirts plain flare, fancy tucks, plaits antj flounce, in fact eveiything stylish former prices, $20, $25, $30, $35 and *rards: $20 $25 $30 Suits. Suits. Suits.. 510.00 $12.50 515.00 Evening and House Gowns 35th SEMI-ANNUAL OUR PATRONS are more interested in what we have to offer them than in what we have to say, so we will not weary them with a long introductory. We promise a big sale, the backward season furnishing us with the needful rem- nants and the side line bargains mentioned below. Our old patrons know full well the prices we always give on remnants, but for the sake of new comers, we will say, that: Laces, Embroideries Linens, White Goods Cotton Cloths, all widths. Table Linens, Towelings, Napkins, odd dozens. Pattern Cloths, etc., etc. Colored Dress Goods Dress, Skirt and "Waist lengths. Dress Trimmings Ladies9 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR 85c $1.00 $1.35 $1 50 $2 00 $2 75 $3 00 $4.50 $5 00 $6.00 $8.00 Skirts $6.00 $10.00 Skirts $7.00 $14.00 Skirts $11.00 $15.00 Skirts $12.00 SHORT SKIRTS Skirts 45c Skirts 60c Skirts 85c Skirts $1.00 Skirts $1.15 Skirts $1.25 50% off Our entire line, at much less than the cost of makingonly one suit of a kind. $275 $140 $135 $125 $110 $75 Suit Suit ..$75 suit 850 suit 875 suit $50 suit... $62.50 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $35 Suits.. $40 Suits.. $45 Suits.. $75 Suit $30 $67 Suit $25 $65 Suit $25 $65 Suit $25 $60 Suit $25 $57 Suit....'. $25 $30 MISSES' JACKETS- Our entire spring line in coverts, home spuns, cheviots, etc., ages 6 to 14 years, former prices $7.50 to $15, Sale Price 50 Per Cent Off THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Thomas&Co. Valenciennes, Edgings and Insertings. Torchon Edgings and Insertions. Cream Net Top Laces. Venise, Bands, Galloons and Appliques. Allovers, in cream and black. Chiffons and Nets. Embroideries, all lengths, widths and qualities, a very large lot. Mohairs, Cashmeres, Albatross, Sicilians, Granites, Voiles, Serges, Challies, Twines, Cheviots, Crepes, Panamas, Scotch Tweeds, Prunellas, Etc., Etc. White Wool Mohairs, a large line. Fancy Jets in various widths, former prices 25c to 50c per yard, 4 f^f% remnant sale price Other Good Trimmings, remnants of all lengths, VERY CHEAP. REMNANT SALE SIDE LINES Men's Goods Pajamas, $1.00 and $1.50 Corsets Half Price and Less Neckwear Stocks, Collars and Cuffs, in sets, white and colors, Eemnant Sale Prices. DRAWERS 60c Drawers 85c Drawers $1 00 Drawers $1.25 Drawers $1.50 Drawers $1.75 Drawers $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3 50 $4.00 OurRemnantSalePricesareAboutOne-HalfofRegularPrices 50c 50c 25c 35c qualities, sale price Night Shirts, former prices 75c and $1.00, sale price.. Jean Drawers, former prices 50c and 75c, sale price.... Belts, former prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 each, sale price. NeckwearFour-in-hands and string ties, 50c and $1.00 ORA qualities mm%M\M Wash Ties, 25c quality 5 Stocks, 75c and $1.00 OC^ qualities ^m%M\M Broken lines and mostly small sizes, which we will close out at 50c Drawers $1.75 Drawers $1.85 Drawers $2.25 Drawers $2.50 Drawers $3.00 CHEMISES $1.00 Chemises 85c $1.25 Chemises $1.00 $1.50 Chemises.... $1.15 $2 25 Chemises $1.65 $3.00 Chemises $2.25 $3 25 Chemises .$2.40 $4.50 Chemises $3.00 $5.00 Chemises $3.75 COAT AND SUIT DEPARTMENT The backward spring season has left us with a surplus- stock which we desire to unload, hence we will offer some splendid bargains in this department. Ian Covert Jackets About 50 ladies' Jackets, somewhat soiled, sizes 34, 36 and 38. These are not this season's garments, but yery similar, former prices, $7.00 to $10.50, while they last you ^^*fl Rffe may have them for "OU Jackets About 50, former prices, $10.00 to $15, remnant sale price, ftO A each 9iOU Ladies' Short Jackets Our entire line black and coverts to close in two lots. Lot 1Former prices $12.50, $13.50, $14 and $15, sale price Lot 2Former prices, $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25 and $27.50,$15.00 sale price....... $10.00 IJ $18.50 $20.00 Colored Wash Goods Our remnants in this department include all the staple wash fabrics, as well as the new weaves of this season and our remnant offers will fully sustain our well-earned reputation for the best of bargains. Fancy and Plain Voiles. Printed French Organdies. Printed and Plain Mous. de Soie. Dimities, new and handsome weaves. Printed Pongees, Flaked Crepes. Linens, plain and fancy, all weights. Mercerized Checks and Fancies. Thin Bourette Suitings. Fancy Black Lawns and Grenadines. Heavier Materials Suitings and Skirtings, handsome and serviceable fabrics. Printed Madras Waistings. Oxford Madras Shirtings. Imported Ginghams, Anderson's and Whytlaw 's. Voile Suitings, Crepes, Egyptian Tissues, Tickings, Sateens, Percales, Printed Batiste, Etc., Etc. Flannel Remnants A large assortment, consisting of French, Scotch and Domestic Flannels, Baby Flannels, plain and embroidered, Ladies' Cloth, Cloakings, Canton Flannels, Plaid Waistings, Outing Flannels, Fleece Lined Wrapper Goods, Summer ComfortsCotton and Wool. $3.00 Comforts .$1.95 $4.50 Comforts$3.00 $3 50 Comforts.2.25 $6.50 Oomforts$4.25 Fancy Goods Lace Centers, a lot in Irish, Crochet and Renaissance patterns. $3.75 Centers.$2.25 $4.50 $5.00 Centers. $2.50 Centers. $2.50 Stamped Pillows, 50c and 60c pillows Hosiery $6.00 Centers. $3.50 $15 Centers... $7. 50 $25 Centers.. $15.00 Commenced Pieces, also a lot of Finished Pieces at HALF PRICE Lace Doilies, a small assortment at HALF PRICE Sofa Pillows, commenced and finished at HALF PRICE 25c 35c pillows 10 Children's Coats in one, two and three year sizes HALF PRICE Dressing Sacques at HALF PRICE Ladies' Hose, 400 dozen cotton hose, all black and with split feet and with spliced heels and toes, regular 4| Kx* 25c quality, for this sale Dainty Trimmings, Good Fabrics, Ample Proportions and Well Made. CORSET COVERS 75 Covers 50c 75 $1.00 Covers 75c 85C $1-25 Covers $1.00 .$1.00 S1-5 .$1.10 $2.00 Covers $1.35 $1.25 $2.50 Covers iJ-gO $3.00 Covers $1.75 $5.00 Covers $3.75 GOWNS $1.00 Gowns 85c $125 Gowns $1.00 $150 Gowns $1.10 $1.75 Gowns $1.35 $2.00 Gowns *$1*50 $2.50 Gowns $1.60 $3.00 Gowns $2.15 $3.25 Gowns $2.50 $3.50 Gowns $2.75 $4.50 Gowns $3.25 $5.00 Gowns $3.75 0 Cover $1.10 Shirt Waists About 50, black and white cotton waists, odds and ends, broken sizes, bad ly soiled, former prices, $2 to Af* $2.75, sale price, each W A nice, clean lot, black and white cot ton waists, odds and ends, broken sizes, former prices, $2.50 to $4tfJ remnant sale price, each. Silk Waists In white, light blue, light green, pink, black. We put ihem in two lots to close. Lot 1Former prices, $5 to $7.50, sale price.. Lot 2Former prices, $9.2^ to $12.00, sale price. Tailor-Made Suits Odds and Ends, Your choice ft ft $3.50 $5.00 $10.00 JUNE 15, 1904.* COLORED MUSLIN Former price. 1500 yards 15c 900 yards 20c 300 yards 35c 850 yards .40c 750 yards..65c-55c-50c TICKINGS 1200 yards 80c CRETONNES 500 yards. Kind. Kasaba Oushak Oushak Oushak Oushak Punjab Punjab Punjab Punjab Serape Serape SavaJan .7-4x8-1. 8-0x11-4. rA ,.7-4x11-5..$125.00. ,9-5x11-10..$170.00, .9-1x12-2. .9-1x12-1. ,.9-2x12-4. .10-2x12-4. ,10-2x14-5. ..9-0x12-5. ..9-9x12-9. .10-6x12-6, TO-MORROW Thursday, Friday OF THIS WEEK. Drapery Department Sale price. lie 14c 21c 25c 40c 20c 15c 300 yards..." 25c 15 Madras ClothOur entire stock, former prices 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 Beautiful Tapestries50 pieces, former prices 50c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2 25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, to $6.00 Couch Covers100 covers, 50 to 60 m. wide, orien tal designs, former prices from $2 to $12 each.. Table ClothsOur entire line, V/2 to 2 yards square, to close at Leather PortieresOur entire stock at Tapestry Door Curtains Lace Curtains3500 Pairs Per Pair. 75c Curtains 50c $1.25 Curtains 85c $1.50 Curtains..$1.00 $2.00 Curtains.. 81.35 $2 50 Curtains. -81.65 $3.00 Curtains..$2.00 $4.50 Curtains. $3.00 $5.00 Curtains..$3.35 Our entire stock includes Arabian Dentelle Real Arabians Brussels Net Clunys Scotch Nets Ruffled Curtains Novelty Irish Points At This list by no means represents all the curtains we have on sale, but are simply samples of the reduction prices. HelUIlaHlS plenty Remnants of Muslins, Tapestries, Madras Cloths, Silks, Cretonnes, Laces, RugsOriental $80 $110 8115 8135 8140 8150 .$185.00 .$220.00 .$225.00 .$250.00 .$295.00.. $180 $335.00.. J20 .$375 00. .JJ225 .$185.00.. $148 All our small Oriental Rugs we have divided into ten lots as follows: Lot IConsists of Beloochistans, for mer prices, $8, $10, $12.50 your choice at Lot IIConsists of small Kazaks, former prices $10, $12 $12.50, $13.50, your choice at Lot IIIConsists of Silky Beloochis tans, former prices $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50 choice Lot IVConsists of Silky Beloochis tans, larger sizes, for mer prices $15 to $18 your choice LOT VConsists of Shirvans and Daghestans, former prices $20, $22.50, $25.00 your choice Lot VIConsists of Silky Kazaks, which usually sell at $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, choice $6.50 lal Kazaks $7.00 ky Beloochis- ky Beloochis- $8.50 Shirvans and $12.5 0 Silky Kazaks, $13.5 0 Domestic Rugs Imperial Smyrnas Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. 6x9 $18.00 $15.00 7-6x10-6 $28.00 823.50 9x12 $35.00 $27.50 All small sizes at 20 Per Cent Discount Mattings Our regular 20c Mattings at 12c Our regular 25c Mattings at 15c Our regular 30c Mattings at 20c Our regular 35c Mattings at 22c Our regular 50c Mattings at 30c .Our regular 60c Mattings at" 35 Silk Mohair RugsA beautiful line in all colors Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. 18x36 $3.00 $2.00 2-0x4-0 $6.00 $3.50 2-6x5-0 $9.50 $6.00 3-0x6-0 $13.50 $8.50 Boudoir Rugs These are beautiful bedroom rugs colors, pink, green, yellow and red. Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. 6x9 $12.75 $8.50 8-3x10-6 $19.50 $12.00 9x12 $22.50 $15.00 CRETONNES Former price. Sale price. 275 yards 40c 25c 225 yards 50c 30c 220 yards 60c 40c 150 yards.. We place on sale our entire line. These curtains are fringed top and bottom, colors, red, green, rose, blue, etc. Our $3.50 Portieres will go at $1.95 per pair. Our $4 00 Portieres will go at $2.5 0 per pair. Our $4.50 Portieres will go at $2.7 5 per pair. Our $5.00 Portieres will go at $3.50 per pair. Our $6.50 Portieres will go at $4.00 per pair. Our $8.00 Portieres will go at $4.7 5 per pair. Our $12.50 Portieres will go at $6.7 5 per pair. Per Pair. $4.00 55.00 $6.00 Curtains. $7.50 Curtains. $9.00 Curtains. $10 Curtains. $12 Curtains.. $15 Curtains. .J $16.50 Curt'ns $20 Curtains. .J During this sale we will place on sale our entire stock of Oriental Rugs, in- cluding carpet and small sizes. During the summer months much extra work and expense is required to protect our rugs against moths. To lighten our burdens and risk, we give you the benefit of the lowest prices we have ever made before at any sale. We mention a few of our large sizes below. If none of these fit your room we have plenty in stock which will. Reg. Sale Price. Price. ,$132.50.. $85 $ Size. 75c 50c 190 yards...* 90c 60c 125 yards $1.00 65c WHITE MUSLINS 1250 yards 15c 1050 yards 35c 900 yards ..50c 500 yards *..75c 10c 25c 40c l/3 offc06 85c, $1.00, .l/3 off 20% off &off */3 off I^off Per Pair. $22.50 Curtains...$15 $25 Curtains... $16.65 $30 Curtains..$20.00 $35 Curtains..$23.35 $37.60 Curtains...$25 $40 Curtains. $26.65 $45 Curtains..$30.00 $6.00 56.65 J8.00 $10.00 ttl.00 $13.35 near the elevator, you will find Denims, Silkolines, Tickings, Burlaps. Reg. Sale Kind. Size. Price. Price. Serape 10-1x15x0. .$450. .$360 India 6-1x9-3. .$130. -8104 Muskabad' .10-1x17-10. .$325. -8260 Muskabad .9-3x10-2. .$170. -8136 Muskabad .11-10x15-4 $330. .8264 Muskabad ...11-3x15-4. .$250. .8200 Savalan 9-8x11-9. .$165. -8132 Savalan 8-7x10-9. .$135. -8108 Savalan .7-10x11-9. .$137.50. 8 11 0 Savalan 9-2x12-1.. $65.. 8132 Teheran 9-0x11-4. .$155. -8124 Teheran 9-0x10-10. $145 $ 116 Lot VIIA fine lot of Kazaks, Shir vans, Serebends, Moussuls, Shiraz, Irans and Teherans regular prices $25 to $35 your choice at 5 M&Sl)S$iiL $20.00 Lot VIIIA very fine lot of Persians, average size 4x7. These rugs sold from $35 to $50 your choice at $7.50 $23.50 Lot IXConsists of large Kazaks sizes averaging 4-6x7-6, former prices of this lot, $35 to $45 your choice at I $25.00remrul,O-IAU- Lot XConsists of very large Kazaks These rugs vie have been selling at from $40 to $50 each your choice $35.00 Khivas You may have your choice at regular prices less dis- Otffe count of dm %J'U Japanese Cotton Rugs for bath rooms Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. 2x4 $2.00 $1.50 3x3 $2.25 $1.65 2-6x5-0 $3.00 $2.25 3x6 $4.60 $3.35 9x12 $27.00 $18.75 Tami Rugs These are imported from Japan and are adapted for porches, bedrooms and lake cottages Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. 30x60 $2.00 $1.50 36x72 $2.50 $2.00 6x9 $8.00 $6.00 7-6x10-6 $12.50 $ 9 0 0 9X12 $16.50 $12i00 English DhurriasFor hangings or floor coverings Size. Reg. Price. Sale Price. M.00 $2.50 4x7 $6.25 $4.25 6x90 $12.00 $7*50 1 ^wntwwflWfcTsfcBS $9.7 5 $6i50 7-6x10-6 $18.00 $12.00 9x12 $24.0^0^ $15.00 ^^^A^^A^WWMWWW^W