Newspaper Page Text
hf" W%KmW^rW^ 11** 1 JnLHi PRICE TWO CENTS. 23st Compiled From Prepaid Ticket Numbers by the A. E.*" Johnson Company. SOME OF THE NAMES IN LIST OF RESCUED Several Whole Families Bound for Minnesota Wiped Out by the Disaster. Of the total passenger list of the steamer Norge 451 tickets we re sold by the A. E Johnson agencies In this country the remainder abroad. Pas sengers for the northwest numbered 126. Immediately after news of the disaster, Mr, Johnson, at the head office In New York, set a force of clerks at wo rk pre paring from the ticket numbers as complete a list as possible of prepaid passengers who sailed in this vessel. The tremendous task was quickly a c complished and to-day the list of northwestern passengers reach ed the Minneapolis office. This list will be read with great in terest in the northwest, where so many of the ill-fated passengers were bound. The list, giving name, age and des tination is as follows. Northwestern Passengers. Anders Person 26, Cottonwood, Minn. Fr. J. Holmqulat, 18 Grove City, Minn. Kersten Hurd, 20, Llndstrom, Minn. Hanaluo L&ngaan, Jttcknon, Minn. UUwaul Bonn, 34, Madison, S. D. Ole JenseD, 28, Willniar, Minn. Jens Danleluon, 18, Gerh Dnnlelson, 18, Weta klwin, Canada. Johiimiu Arneson, 17, Wlllmar, Minn. Rolf Vaagaasen, 17, OlTar Vaagaasen, 18, Richaidton, N Knri Larson, 22, Fosston, Minn Mrs. Anna England, BO. Anton, England. 9 Earold England. 7. Hedvlg England, 4, Anna England, 2, La Moure, N. D. Anton Alitad, Mayville, N. D. Mrs Elma Vlk, 36 John Vlk. 18. Hriga Vik, 11, Hans Vik, 10, \lbln Vlk, 8, Thoiolf Vik. 6 Selmu Vlk, 4, Dallas, Wis. Karl Englund, 18, La Moure N. D. Lasse Ophflm, 18 Meckinock, N. D. Jorgen 0. Berkeland, 17, Kersten Berkeland. 10 Fisher. Minn Margaret Aaihus, 20, Lanesboro, Minn. Karon Hanson, 20, Pelican Hapids, Minn. Karl Mathjeson, 27 *Mr. Mathiewa and two childien Devflbr Lalce? ~N I Hehner Batten, 21. Denbigh. N. D. '4 Lisa Hagen, IT, Denbigh, N. Jens Jonannesen, SO, Mrs J*nannesen, 60 Elnei Johannesen, 17, Albert Johannesen, 14, Ellsworth. Wis Hans Olson, 18, Brandt, S H.%. i Bernhatd ArneSen. 28, Sioux Fans S. D. Emma Pedersen, 20, Sioux Falls, 3. D. Ingeborg Oiaa*. 27, Sioux Falls, S D. Johanna Kodset, 20, Mllaca, Minn. Johanna Jesperson, 10, Cummings, N. D. Anton Holderson, Dalton, Minn Andrew Krestenson, 47, Mrs Thea Krestenson, 40, Karen Krestenson, 17, Theodor Krestenson, 12, Thora Krestenson, 8, Hedvlg Krestenson, 4| Johan KiesteuSon, 2, one Infant, Dallas, Wis. Kniit Hanson. 21, Walcott, N. D. Helmer Olson, Devils Lake, N D. Herman Post, 18 Hutchinson, Minn. 1 Jorgenson, 17, Mlnot, N D. Justin M. Wedin, 85, Martin Wedln. 10, Jo tan Wedln, 17, Alma Wedln, 14, Fridlot Wedln, 11 Frlda, 0, Frans, 7, Thune, 4, Hugo, 8, onO Infant, Little Falls, Minn. Olga Jeremlason, 21, Elbow Lake, Minn. Sivert Boe, 20 Gary, Minn. Johan Toreerson, Spring Grove, Minn. Jonas O Nilson, 20, Sandstone, Minn. Johan Larson, Horace, N. D. John Stromberg, 23, Mora, Minn. Johanna Bergemoen, 38, Bertha Bergemoen, 9 #fai'la Bergemoen, 7. Andreas Bergemoen, 4 Anna Bergemoen, 3, Bottineau, N. Hans O. Olson,Hokanson, 18, 1 1 Clarkfield,Edna ^f^m^jm Minn. Mr Mathild a 87. Hokanson, 1largretr 1 Iva Hokanson, 10, Mathilda Hokanson, 9 a Hokanson, 7, Sine Hokanson, 4, Johan Hokanson, 3. one infant, Parker's Prairie, Minn Thorborg Cornelluson, Ounvald Corneliuson, Herman Cornelluson, 14i Ella Corneliuson, 10, Arthur Corneliuson, 8, Henrlk Corneliuson, 8, .West Superior, Wis. Ole Moen. 26. Vienna, S D. i- Aalln P. Severtson, 20. Baldwin, Wis. Hans H. Wing, 48, Doroethea Wang, 45, Shell I Lake, Wis. I Mrs. Katjirlne Bratnstedt, 34, Enghardt Bram ftedt, 11 Jennie (0) Gerda (4), Guetaf (3), one infant. Hendrurn, Minn Katnrln .Svenson, 21 Lauris Svenson, 3, Mar taus Svenson, Wllmot, S. Lam Is R. Laursen, 20, Vermillion, S. D. i Sigurd Amundsdatter, 43, Ingeberg Amunds* 'flatter, 17, Torger Amundsdatter, 15, and three Children, Thompson. N. D. Asblorn Bjerge, 10, Bryant, S. D. Karl Varhaug, Fosston, Minn. Nils O Nelson, 10, Honeyford, N D. Ludvig Bettolfaan, 23,'Glenwood, Minn. Selma Osbeck. 20, Dunnell. Minn. Sofia O Anderson, 05, Anna E. Karlson, 16, acy, Minn, ugust Rystrom. 28 Westboro, Wis. 'istaf II Johann^son, 17, Kensington, Minn, ir.Jls D. Nelson, Windom. Minn. Anton Olsen, Northv%ood, N. t. Erik Nelson, Wells, Minn. Pernllle H. Berven Portland, Ore. Name appears In list of rescued. MORE SURVIVORS FOUND Another Boat Lands After Six Days of Privations. Aberdeen, Scotland, Ju ly 6.Anot h boat, containing seventeen survivors of the Danish steam er Norge, which foundered off Rochall reef June 28, h'-was landed at Aberdeen, Scotland, last flight by the steam trawler Largo Bay. The contingent now being cared for rat" Aberdeen consists of twelve pas sengers, the third mate of the Norge, the quartermaster, a steward, a lamp {.trimmer and one of the crew. They drifted at the mercy of the Atlantic .for six days. When both water and food were gone, and when the occu pants were almost too exhaust ed even to hope, the trawler hove in sight on .Ju ly 4. They had eked out an exist ence on two biscuits a day. When the survivors we re dragged on boa rd the trawler the fishermen we re i obliged foroibly to prevent them from eating and drinking too much. The third mate says that three other boats started with that rescued by the Largo Bay. One of those contained thirty-two persons, including several women and children. Another boat had fifteen men, with the second mate \in charge. The third boat had ten men on board. The survivors parted company with the three boats on July 3. For these boats the British gunboat Leda, the government fishing cutter Jackal, the steamer chartered by the t)anish consul at Glasgow and several xi other vessels are diligently searching. Partial Idst of Survivors. New York, Ju ly 6.A partial list of J- the survivors has been giv en out at Continued on Sixth Page, f*n REPUBLICANSHAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY Secretary Hay Orator at Semicen tennial of Party at Jack son, Mich. Jackson, Mich., Ju ly 6.Five thou sand people assembled in Loomls park here tod ay to celebrate the fif tieth anniversary of the birth of the republican party "under the oaks" in this city July 6, 1854. It was here then that the first state convention, acting under the name of "republi- can," was held. The state ticket nominated on that day went thru a heated campaign to election day suc cess. Secretary of State John Hay, who was private secretary to Abraham Lincoln, the first republican president, was the orator of the day. Other dis tinguished guests present weie Speak er Cannon of the national house of representatives, Senators C. W Fair banks of Indiana, republican candi date for vice president, and United States Senators R. A. Alger and J. C. Burrows of Michigan. James O'Donnell of Jackson pre sided at the morning exercises. Mayor William H. Todd of Jackson wel comed the visitors, and Governor Aaron T. Bliss responded. Attorney General Charles A. Blair of Jackson read a paper on the history of the republican party. Thomas J. O'Brien of Grand Rapids, the next speaker, was one of the participants in the original "under the oak s" convention of 1864. An interesting feature of the exer cises was a body of Fremont voters, for whom 1,000 prominent seats had been reserved. Grand Army uni forms, crutches and silvered locks were conspicuo us among them. The distinguished guests attended a reception at the Hotel Otsego at noon. Address of Secretary Hay. Soon after p.m. the program at the grove was resumed. Senator J. O. Burrows of Michigan introduoed Sec retary John Hay, the orator of the af ternoon. Secretary Hay reviewed the record of the republican party since its be ginning with the ability of a states ma n, a historian and an orator com bine(W* Perhaps he, as no other man In the country, knows the history of the party. When it Is said,-therefore, that his review of the party's past was masterly, the word "masterly all that it an mean as -so applied. Mr. Hay, passing from the history of the party to the present and imme diate future, said, in part: W are not claiming that we monopo lize the virue of the patriotism of the country There are good men all par ties, I know far better men than I am who are democrats. But we are surely allowed, in a lo\e feast like this, to talk of what has been done by the family and at least to brag a little of the democrats who have helped us. We come before the country in a position which cannot be successfully attacked in front, or flank, or rear. What we have done, what -we are doing, and what we intend to doon all three we confidently challenge the verdict of the American people The record of fifty years will show whether as a party we are fit to govern the state of our domestic and foreign affairs will show whether as a party we have fallen off," and both together will show whether we can be trusted for a while longer. 7 means The 1004 Platform. Our platform Is before the country. There is certainly nothing sensational about it It is substantially the platform on which we won two great victories in the name of McKinley, and it is still sound and serviceable. Its principles have been tested by eight years of splendid success and have received the approval of the country. We stand by the ancient nays which have proved good. It would take a wizard to guess what a dainty dish our adversaries will set before the sovereign people tomorrow. One thing is reasonably sure: They will get as near to our platform as they possibly can and they will by implication approve everything McKinley and Roosevelt have done In the last four years. They will favor sound finance and a tariff which will not disturb business rigid honesty in administration and prompt punishment of the dishonest the Monroe doctrine and an isthmian canal. To be logical they ought to go on and nominate the republican candidates who are pledged to all these laudable poli cies. Roosevelt as an Issue, But they will not be logical. They an nounce* their plan of campaign to be not pro-anything, but anti-Roosevelt. Even on this issue they will dodge most of the details. Ask them, has the presi dent been a good citizen, a good soldier, a good man in all personal relations? Is he a man of Intelligence, of education? Does he Know this country well? Does he know the world outside? Has he studied law, history, and politics? Has he had great chances to learn, and has he im proved them? Is he sound and strong in mind, body and soul? Is he accessible and friendly to all sorts and conditions of men? Has he the courage and the candor, and the God-given ability to speak to the people and tell them what he thinks? To all these questions they will answer yes Then what is your objection to him? They will either stand speechless or they will answer with the parrot cry which we have heard so often: He is un safe! In a certain sense we shall have to ad mit this to be true. To every grade of lawbreaker, high or low to a man who would rob a till or a ballot box t$ the sneak or the bully to the hypocrite and the humbug, Theodore Roosevelt is more than unsafe he is positively dangerous. Coefficients of Safety. But- let us be serious with these good people. What are the coefficients of safety in a chief of state? He should have cour age the wisest coward that ever lived Is not fit to rule. And intelligence we wa"nt no blunder-headed hero in the White House. And honesty a clever thief would do infinite mischief. These three are the Continued-on Sixth Page, firr^hfU^d^ *?"&> PASSENGER LIST OF THE WRECKED STEAMSHIP NORGE SHOWS MANY NAMES OF PASSENGERS BOUND FOR NORTHWEST $ NORGE HAD 126 FOR NORTHWEST J. W. BAILEY, Texas Senator, Who Will Be Per manent Chairman. BAILEY OF TEXAS TO BE CHAIRMAN Four Hundred Tammany Braves Make Vain Appeal for Seats. St. Louis, July 6.Senator Hill a n nounced this morning that United States Senator Joseph W Bail ey of Texas had been agreed upon for per manent chairman of the convention. Outside of this announcement there was little doing about New York's headquarters this morning except a vigorous demand by 400 Tamany braves for seats in the convention a demand which National Committee man Mack could not gratify. Sena tor Grady of New Yo rk appealed to Senator Hill, but the latter told him he could not assist him. Then Senator Grady accused the Hill people of bad faith, and said that th ey were purposely keeping out the Tammany people to prevent applause Jtpr ftny, othe*^&>n *!Mq$w)Mft BBITONS STORM AND TAKE TIBETAN FORT Gyang Tse, Tibet, July 6.An as sault by a British storm party of Ghurknas and fusiliers on the Jong (fort) here was successful. The fort was captured. The Tibetans fiercely resisted. Lieutena nt Gordon of the Thirty-second Sikhs is among the killed, but the British casualties were not great. WILD RIDE DOWN MOUNTAIN. Denver, Col July 6.Two persons were killed and forty-seven injured yesterday afternoon in a car which broke loose from a t"aln and dashed down the mountain side near Cripple Creek. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1904. DEMOCRATS MEET IN NATIONAL CONVENTION.SQOICTY PARKER AND TURNER, THE PROBABLE TICKET **f HEARST MEN RIDE OYER JOHN LIKD Congressman Thrice Beaten in Apportioning of Honors by Minnesota Delegation. From a Staff Correspondent. St. Louis, July f.The Hearst squadron rode roughshod over John Lind in the Minnesota delegation meeti ng last night A a result, Min nesota's most distinguished democrat is witho ut a place of a ny kind in the organization of the convention. None but Hearst men 4yere put on guard. Mr. Lind himself is disposed to be philosophical, and laughs at the three hour squabble, but he to ok a most active part in it while it lasted. A for is friends, they are bitter in de nounci ng the Hearst men for turning down their old leader. The mildest term applied to the Hearst delegates is that they are ""crazy." The discussion' la st night ranged over every Incident of the recent state campaign, which was fought over aga in in every gory detail. Frank Larrabee and H. L. Buck, who led the debate for the Hearst men, plainly said they did net, consider Lind a proper representative of the delega tion, because fce^as a Parker man and in work on tfi(e platform commit tee would followpthe dictates of his candidate. Mr. Lind resen^l this. said he had no desire for a. place of any kind, but did not wajafcUo. plac ed in a false position- It would make |*f difference to him in shaping the plsMtform what candi date was to be nominated, except that he would fa#or a^more conservative platform if Hearst shou ld be named. expressed himself quite satisfied with Mr. Bryan's platform, and said he would like to jSJee it presented by Bryan himself. once more stated his determination 4 .retire from pub lic office. A,. Pleas for Iftod Futile. C. t. O'Brien watf T. D. O'Brien pleaded hard for raoognition of Mr. Lind on accounti of Ills record, his in fluence and his Standing, in the^,j?arty, but their pleas wete* in vain^ The Hearst men who 3*fd lost B Duluth had a chance to getf^evenge and final victory*j. and did not propose to be -Tftey put thU slate thru just as It was tt^f&'W&? fWfB**- 9JM* exception. They hacVslated Lind for\chairman of the delegation &nd when the caucus met proposed his name. declined flatty and H. L. Buck was then named. This started a dlscussion,\ which lasted for an hour, ending In a, test vote, on Which the anti-Hear st 'men voted for Rosing. Buck was elected by the following vote: For Buck Mayo, Craven, Larrabee, Corrigan, Vasaly, Mealey, Evans, Q'Hair, Saf ford, D'Autremont, Ny e, Buck, 12. For RosingLind, O'Brien, Rosing, Virtue, Day, Taylor, Gress, Armsott, O'Connor, Thompson, 10. Mr. Llnd's name was then presented for member of the committee on reso lutions by C. D. O'Brien. Frank Lar rabee named C. B. Vasaly of Little Continued from First Page. SOMETHING WRONG, ^MX-m%*&s$sm Hypnotist Bryan seems to bare lost control over bis patient. JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS, Temporary Chairman of Democratic National Convention. PARKER SEEMS TO BE FAR IN LEAD Nomination of New Yorker Prob able, Tho Opponents May Defeat Him. From a Btaff Correspondent. St. Louis, July 6.The opening day oil the democratic national convention sees the situation as to the presiden tial nomination unchanged. Parker Is far in the lead and is nomination seems likely. A the same time, however, his prospects are no more favorable at this time than tho se of many a defeated candidate for the nomination have been before him and it may yet be possible for his enemieB to concentrate against him and defeat hi m. The fact that thjy are as actively at ~woric tod ay as at any previous time, and profess to be hopeful of, success, makes confident prediction that Parker will certainly be nomin ated somewhat unsafe. The trend of even ts is so distinctly toward Parker, however, as to indi cate his early nomination, possibly by the second ballot. If it were a betting proposition, I shou ld say the chances were at least seven out of ten in Park er's favor. Tammany is now acting as it did in 1892, when it counseled against their renominati on of Cleveland, saying he could not carry New York. A form al statement of the Tammany position was giv en out in Chicago when the convention was in progress. The con vention disregarded the opposition ot Tammany and renominated Cleveland. It looks as if it would again disre gard this same opposition, and nomi nate Parker. MNESOTA HISTOH1CAL PAIR TONIGHT AND THURSDAY COOLER TONIGHT 14 PAGESFIVE O'CLOCK. EIGHT MINUTES OF CLEVELAND CHEERS Row Develops in Demonstration Evoked by John Sharp Williams and Brooklyn Deler gate Is Ejected from Hall by the Sergeant-at-Arms. St. Louis, Ju ly 6.Exactly at noon Chairman J. K. Jones of the national committee called the democratic na tional convention to order. His ap pearance on the platform and the sou nd of his gavel brought forth a cheer from the floor and galleries. Chairman Jon es directed the ser geant-at-arms to secure order. continued belaboring the table with his gavel but it was some time before quiet reigned. the time the hall was one-third filled the heat had begun to increase to a noticeable degree. The great ma jority of the delegates and visitors had^ provided themselves with fans and the' auditorium viewed from the speaker's desk was one yellow flutter, as th? palm-leaf fans bobbed back and forth. The delegates lost but little time in removing their coats, and the com plexion of the lower part of the hall, black at first, became lighter and lighter, as the ooats disappeared and the shirtsleeves became evident. The first ripple of applause that went across the convention came from the galleries when the Texas del egation marched In bearing their flag of red, white and blue, with the single star. A white silk banner beari ng the in scription* "Florida democracy safe and sound," was borne into the hall short ly after the Texans had arrived, and was also greeted with applause. This was five minutes, before 12, and up to that time not a handolap had been offered to a ny man who had entered the hall. The platform was crowded with members of the national committe e, but the crowd paid no at tention to them. The Fhilippino delegation came in with their banner, which was not floating free like those that had tered before it. It was an American the cheers and cries fell, there would flag of Bilk wrapped closely arou nd the staff and tied hard and fast. This was done, aocordlng to one of the Philippine delegation, "with deliber ate intent," as if to show that the democratic convention did not recog nize the Philippines as part of the nation. Chairman Guffy of Pennsylvania strode in closely behind t*ie Philippine flag' and,"WKs~1*eiR*trry -cheered. California's appearance with a huge silk bann er mad" -sttk- ^Asnscrican flags and a' yell "California, California? Hearst, Hearst, Hearst," caus ed cheer ing. Bryan Rose for a Cheer. Just as the California delegation reached its reservation after march ing up and down the center aisle, Wm. J. Bryan, who had come in unnoticed, arose in his place and was giv en a cheer. Then an enterprising member of the Montana delegation created a diversion by vigorously ringing a cow bell. Again Chairman Jones demanded that the conventi on be in order and at once directed the secretary to read the call for the convention. Applause followed the readi ng of the call. After quiet was restored, Chairman Jones announced that the convention would be opened by prayer by Rev. John Cannon, pastor of Grand Avenue Baptist church of S Louis. During the invocation the conven tion stood. Dr. Cannon's voice was entirely inadequate to reach even the oenter of the hall. The prayer occu pied several minute s. Enthusiastio cheering greeted the chairman 's announcement that he was directed by the national committee to appoint John Sharp Williams tem porary chairman and C. A. Walsh temporary secretary, and John Mar tin, temporary sergeant-at-arms. The chairman appoint ed Colonel J. M. Guffey of Pennsylvania and M. Harper of California to esoort Mr. Williams to the chair. A the plat form was inclosed by a railing, it was necessary for the committee and Mr. Williams to climb over the railing. The committee lifted Mr. Williams safely over and the entire conventi on burst into cheers as he ascended the platform. "I have the honor to introduce to you John S. Williams as temporary chairman," said Chairman Jones, and again the convention cheered. Williams Speaks. Mr. Williams was attired in a light gray suit and a'white waistcoat. delivered his address calmly and with out gestures. Several cries of "louder, louder," interrupted Mr. Williams as he began, his clear but not powerful voice at first failing to reach parts of the hall. A Williams proceeded, is voice increased in volume and the delegates listened attentively. Convention Amused. The convention appear ed consider ably amused at Mr. Williams' humor ously sarcastic references to the "mu- tual admiration society" of Mr. Roose velt and Mr. Root, and when he read a eulogy by the president on Mr. Root, the delegates laughed and ap plauded. Mr. Willjpms spoke in an ironical tone that caught the fancy of the convention, and he was interrupted time and time aga in by laughter. Cheering was evoked by the speaker's statement that Mr. Rooseve lt had found praise for only three presi dents"Geor ge Washington, Abraham Lincoln and himself"and when he asked if the "hell-roaring Jake Smith" order was a sample of the moral sentiment for which the repub licans stood, a lusty cheer broke forth. A great part of Mr. Williams' speech was delivered under great dif ficulties, for the speak er and tho se of his heare rs who were suppos ed to be most directly interested in is re marks. The aisles leading past the delegates we re packed by dense throngs, who kept up a constant hum of conversation that smothered Mr. William s' voice. Policemen who we re in the space arou nd the 1stationed platform to keep others away, did it by occupying the space themselves to the exclusion of all others. & times the speaker stopped and asked that the talking cease in order that he might make himself better under stood. Mr. Williams mentioned the name of Mr. Bryan in discussing the price of wheat during the first Bryan-Mo Kinley campaign. The utterance of the name called forth a little applause and some cheers. A second later mentioned the name again and the applause was not repeated. Cheer lor Cleveland. A mention of the name of Grove* Cleveland was cheered lustily. A mo~ ment later the first scene of the ses-, sion occurred. Mr. Williams declared I that it was a brazen effrontery for the' republican party to attempt to seize the laurels of Grover Cleveland. A genuine outburst of applause fo l lowed. Cheer after oheer rolled thru the hall, and altho the chairman used the gavel vigorously the convention was soon beyo nd his control. New Hamp shire delegates climbed upon their seats and yelled vigorously. One Iowa man of the Hearst-instructed delega tion from that commonwealth, stood up and waved his hat frantically, and a wild chorus answered him. "Three chee rs for Grover Cleve- land," shouted an Alabama delegate, and they oame with genuine power and enthusiasm. N cry came from Nebraska, where Mr. Bryan and is friends sat. quietly, without taking part in the noise. Again and again the cheers came in dense volume, de spite numerous cries of "order," and the strenuous pounding of the ohalr man's gavel. Then Mr. Williams sat back and watched the sce ne he had created. As, be a renewed outbreak and the dem onstration lasted eight minute s. f/^ Brawl in Center. r& Tim Murphy of St. Louis, standing' in the center aisle and encouraging the demonstration, was first requested to take his seat and then ejected from the hall by John I. Martin, sergeant at-arms. Murphy wa^jrushed towarde the platform byr Martin thru a railing and down a narrow-stairway leading omder th* ^tage. i Another "encounter between Murphy* and Martin to ok place in the passage way under the stage. Murphy then permitt ed himself to be taken from the hall by two officers. Murphy said that he endeavored to assist in securing quiet, but his efforts were misunderstood, a,nd at the direc tion of Sergeant-at-Arms Martin he was forcibly ejected from the floor by a policeman, and landed among the newspaper men. Here he endeavored to explain that he had been acting in the interests of quiet and order, but his explanations fell on a deaf ear, and despite his expostulations and threats, he was finally taken from the building by the police in charge of Captain Schroeder. For several minutes after the Mur phy incident the demonstration con tinued. Finally, In desperation, Mr. Williams threaten ed to discontinue is speech. "You have placed me here, I am your servant. If you don't want me to continue, it is your pleasure," he oried. This announcement was effective and Mr. Williams secured control, the demonstration that his mention of Cleveland had caused, dying slowly out. When he said that he had heard that Dewey, Schley and Miles were democrats, that a .republican admin istration had snubbed the first, tried to disgrace the second and insulted the third, the convention aga in broke out into shouts and applause. William s' Voice Falling. this time Mr. Williams* voice was failing. It grew weaker and he was heard with difficulty even by those very near the platform. Mr. Williams' flow of oratory was uninterrupted for some time. A re sponse of applause followed his de nunciation of the republican claims of prosperity because of the tariff. Cries of louder were again heard in various parts of the hall. "I wish I had the lungs to speak louder, but I cannot," answered Mr. Williams. "What did you say?" came a voice from the gallery. So rapidly did the noise Increase that Mr. Williams began to address himself directly to the persons on the platform. This brought forth from the galleries loud cries of "time" and "louder." Mr. Williams, with all the voice left, turned to the audience and, with considerable feeling, took up the race question. When he referred to the incident at the republican con vention when a colored child and white child were both on the plat form waving flags during one of the demonstrations, there we re cries of "This is a white man's country!" "~$0& Police Tried to Clear Aisles. g| So great did the noise become that the sergeant-at-arms went down into the hall and ordered the aisles cleared. But the police had difficulty in carrying out these instructions. Mr. Williams had by this time been speak ing an hour and twenty-five minutes. "Now, a few words in conclusion," said Mr. Williams, "and if you are as pleased to hear that conclusion as I am to conclude, this will be the most delighted audience that ever existed." Wiliams closed his speech at 2:05 p.m. Mr. Williams devotes most of his speech to an arraignment of Presi dent Roosevelt, ex-Secretary Root and the republican party, chiefly by as sailing Mr. Root's speech as tempo rary chairman of the republican na tional convention, which, he says, was largely historical. Mr. Williams continued: It was to draw away attention from Rooseveltism and its volcanic, eruptive and reckless character by dwelling upon Several the fact that at some period of its history W3