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"},f PRICE TWO CENTS. Democratic National Convention in Session Thruout the Night. BRYAN MAKES HIS LAST GREAT EFFORT Hearst Receives 204 Votes, but Nomination Is Finally Made Unanimous. S Louis, Mo., July 9.Chief Judge Alton B. Parker of the New Yo rk state court of appeals was nominated, at about fifteen minutes to 6 o'clock this morning, for president of he United States by the democratic na tional convention. But one roll call ensued, and so decisive was the re sult of that one that contrary, states beg un to oall for recognition, and the ballot finally resulted in a unanimous vote for the New Yo rk statesma n. The scene was dramatio in the ex treme. Darkness had witnessed he gathering of he democrat ic hosts, while broad daylight, the sun paling the electric light, witness ed the close. The convention was in session from 8 o'clock last night until nearly 6 o'clock this morning. In th at time eight names were presented to he convention. Nominating and seconding speeches innumerable were made, and when dawn appeared it became necessary to limit the seconding speeches to four minutes each. A extension was made in the case of "William J. Bryan, who, in one of the most dramatic situations ever wit nessed in a political gathering, ad dressed the convention, and concluded by seconding he nomination of Sen ator Francis M. Cockrell, "the favorite so n" candidate from Missouri. Mr. Bryan received the third great ova tion aocorded during the convention. His Bpeech was an Impassioned ap pe al to the delegates to give the party a candidate who had voted the demo cratic ticket in 1896 arid 1900. spoke on behalf of he Nebraska del egation, which he said had no candi date to present or favors to ask, but wanted a candidate whose nomina tion would not prove a triumph for one faction over another. Bryan for Cockrell. LANDSLIDE BEFORE, VOTE IS ANNOUNCED PARKER NAMED AT PA IN OF THE DAY $ suggest ed Hearst if the con vention thought best, then former Governor Pattison of Pennsylvania, and finally created a surprise in the convention by declaring for Senator Cockrell. One of he features of he lon g drawn-out session had been he beau tiful tribute paid to Senator Cockrell when his name was placed in nomi nation by Representative Champ Clark. It was a spontaneous outburst, and for th at reason he more compli mentary to the senator. he delegates, already weary by reas on of the tedious and trying ses sion, paused in their labors, and in the guise of a nomination for the presi dency which he senator's friends knew to be beyond his reach, indulged in a demonstration continuing about half an hour. Near ly every delegate and spectator in the galleries or on the floor had been provided with a flag and the scene was far he most impressive of all he ovations given during the session. The thousan ds of cheering persons apparently converted Mr. Bryan to the belief that Senator Cockrell's chances of nomination were greater than other favorite-son candidates. he Nebraskan gained recognition goon after the Cockrell demonstration, and in a spee ch directed undoubtedly in an effort to defeat Parker, made his electrifying plea for the anti-Parker forces to rally. was given the closest attention. The great conven tion, which he police and the ser geant-at-arms were powerless to con trol, listened as tho every word were a personal message to each person, as if a hypnotic spell had be en cast over the throng. Worker Farces Unshaken. But when it was all over, the Par ker forces had not been shaken. The ballot for president gave Parker 658 votes out of he 667 needed to nominate, and before he result could be announced, Idaho, Nevada, Wash ington and others made changes to the Parker colum n. Governor Dockery of Missouri moved to make the nomination unani mous and it carried amidst increasing cheers. The result of the ballot was nev er announced officially and it is not likely th at it ever will be. The convention took a recess yes terday until 8 o'clock last night for the purpose of receiving the report of the committee on resolutions. The report was received and adopted by a viva voce vote. A far as surface in dications were concerned there was no more opposition to the platform than there had been to that accepted unani mously by he republican convention in Chicago a few weeks ago. Nominations were Immediately pro ceeded with. Alabama yielded to New York and Judge Parker's name was the first presented to the convention. A fter that. Hearst, Gray, Cockrell, Wall, Williams, Olney and Miles were named in speeches which took nearly the entire night. Parker Claims Made Good. In he end, all the claims of he Parker forces were proved accurate. Parker had within a few votes of enough to nominate and these were forthcoming. The speeches, which had been cheer ed so lo ng and loudly, had neither made nor lost time. he Parker forces, under perfect organi sation, remained serene. After the nomination had been made i the convention adjourned to 2 p.m., when a candidate for vice president will be chosen. c After the close of the convention, ,..\many of he figures prominent in the 'contest ware surrounded by friends I |n,df Jjeartily ongratuJatel Jttotabla ti", ?w. -!t\ S MARTIN W. LITTLETON, New Yorker Who Nominates Parker for Presidency. among these were Dav id B. Hill of New York, who has been in actual charge of Parker's campaign. laughed and cried alternately. In a section of the hall sat Mrs. Hall, daughter of Jud ge Parker. With a party of friends she remained thru out the night. She showed her hap piness with tears. William B. Sheeha n, who has done the personal work for Judge Parker, and August Belmont were Jubilant ovar he result. One of the uno st interesting phases of the convention was he fact that altho early evening was succeeded by darkness, darkness by dawn, and dawn by sunlight, at least two-thir ds of all spectators, 80 per ce nt of them women, remained until the nomination was made. Mr. Bryan left the convention hall a few minutes before he nomination was made unanimous, but not before he knew that Judge Parker was nom inated. To he several correspondents who were waiting for him at his hotel,. he said that he had nothing to add to what he had said in he convention, which was that he would support any candidate nominated on he platfo rm he had assisted in making. "I have not slept for" hours," he said. "Good night." It may be added th at those of a superstitious turn of mind may be en couraged by the fact th at Judge Par ker was not nominated on Friday, Convention Met. he convention met at 8 o'clock last evening. When, after a noisy opening, Sena tor Daniels advanced to read he plat form, he convention composed itself and warning had to be given by he reading clerk th at quiet must be pr e served. Senator Danie ls ceased reading the platform at 8:53 o'clock. When it was noticed that he had finished, the convention broke into cheers. Senator Daniels said: "I am unanimously instructed by your committee on platform to move the previous question on its adoption and I now make th at motion." It was adopted by a viva voce vote, two or three delegates voting in he negative, and they apparently in a spirit of fun. Chairman Clark then put he motion to adopt the report and another viva voce vote carried it. Temporary Chairman Williams mounted the steps leading up to he platform, swung his hat round his head and the delegates, following hia lead, voiced their applause again and again while he band played "Hail, Columbia." Nomination for President. "The clerk will now call he roll of states for the nomination of a candi date for president," shout ed the chair ma n. A Wild cry of delight came from the galleries. "Alabama," shrieked he clerk. '"Alabama yields to the empire state of New York," called Delegate Bus sell of Alabam a. Marlin W. Littleton of New York, of medium height and sturdy figure, with a full, clean-shaven face, with a heavy mass of dark brown hair, tossed back from his brow and ears, took the stand amid ringing applause to place Judge Parker in nomination. said: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Con vention: "We do not expect here that stu pid peace which smells of chloroform. W do not wish that unctuous unanimity which springs from the unconflicting emo tions of a solitary man. W would not have our harmony in a single harness. We, too, love the stir of a strenuous life but we believe in equal strenuousness for all and special strenuousness for none. W do not derive our power from the seats of th mighty, but from the souls of the humble. We do not ask for inane agree ment springing from faithless fire but rather outbursts of dissension issuing from robust freedom. W are not in ex ecutive session, but rather in the oom mittee of the whole. W were sent here by the people to select a candidate. W were not sent here by the candidates to notify the people, Our adversaries, by dwelling tenderly on the simplicity of the lamented McKinley, managed to endure for three days the strenuous ity of Roosevelt. By counting in affectionate terms the achievements of the one they evoked an enthusiasm which they immediately credited to the other. Thru tears that were shed for the noble dead they saw a larger outline of the liv ing. Driven by lash and lured by luck they called on all the sacred dust to keep their spirits up. Set to run for three full days the pen dulum petered out, the hands stuck fast, and only a strenuous shake could make the wheels go round. Spiritless in the dull mask they worked uphill against the grain and gravity of the hour. Under the Whip. Without the master whom they had learned to love, they lingered listless un der the whip of one they have learned to fear. Stripped of premeditated pomp and shorn of soothing phrase, the occa sion meant no more or less than an era of boots and spurs. Take away the tribute to the dead and all that is left is a horse man on the slopes of San Juan. Remove l*iSJ!(Sk*fltA Continued on Thixa Fasr% KAI-CHAU TAKEN BY THE JAPANESE This Will Probably Necessitate Early Russian Evacuation of Niu-chuang. Special to The Journal. Paris, July 9.Messages received In St. Petersburg report that the Japanese, after suffering considerable loss, have succeeded In capturing the second line of defenses of Port Arthur. General Kuropatkln Is now blamed in St. Petersburg for remaining at Llao yang Instead of retiring to Mukden. That General Stakelburg should be given such an Important command as the right wing of Kuropatkln's army Is ridiculed, as Stakelburg's health Is said to be bad. Tokio, July 9.After severe fight ing, General Oku occupied Kai-chau (Kai-ping) yesterday. The capture of Kai-chau throws the Japanese line clear aoross he Liao-tung peninsula, and from the Ya lu river to the Liiao-tung gulf. Kai chau is about twenty-five miles south of Yin-kow, the port of Niu-chuang, and Yln-koW is about thirty-five miles southwest of Hai-cheng, which is on he railway and twelve miles to the southeast of N4u-ohnan#. r^^.*^.*:.r^., St. Petersburg, July 9, 2:10 p.m. The capture of Kai-chau by he Jap anese, announced from Tokio today, is not officially confirmed at the war office, but there is no disposition to question he report, as he latest ad vices made plain that the Japanese were advancing in force along the railroad against he Russian position* The occupation of Kai-chau is im portant to the Japanese, as it brings them within reach of Niu-chuang, Ifacilitating General Oku's juncture with General Kurokl. They may al ready be in touch. The Japanese reports of the severity of the fighting might indicate Kuro patkln's desire to ho ld Kai-chau as lo ng as possible to prevent a Juncture of the Japanese armies, but the threatening position of the Japanese columns eastwa rd may have rendered The Democratic Bo^ SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 9,^1904. PARKER NOMINATED ON I1HE FIRST BAISLOT HIS RUNNING MATEWILL E CHOSEN THE WAR FOR THE WEEK The most important news of the week from the seat of war is that received today, announcing the capture, after heavy fighting by General Oku's army, of Kai-chau. There was great activity Thursday around Ta-tche-kiao, in a movement toward Kai-chau. The Russians could not stem the movement. The capture of Kai-chau means that the Japanese line now extends clear across the Liao-tung peninsula, and that the Russians will probably have to get out of Niu-chuang in short order. The Japanese have also been pressing closer to Port Arthur, both on land and sea. A desperate attempt to get into the harbor was made early in the week by four torpedo boat destroyers. Only one of the vessels escaped. The Russian report of the sinking of several Japanese war vessels by the Vladivostok squadron has not been confirmed. Manchuria has been deluged with rain, but this does not seem to have de- terred the Japs from pushing the fight THE DECISIVE FIRST BALLOT Following is he way the states voted on the first ballot, not taking count of the changes. When West Virginia was reached and it was seen Parker would win on the first ballot, there was a great, rush for he band wagon and many .votes were changed. These changes arts not shown in the table .^'Parkec Hearst. Others. Alabama 18 Arkansas ..18 California 20 Colorado $* 5 1 Connecticut 1* Delaware (Gray) 6 Florida 6 4 Georgia 26 Idaho 6 Illinois 54 Indiana 80 Iowa 26 Kansas 7 io 8 Kentucky 2S Louisiana 18 Maine .....T 1 Maryland 16 Massachusetts (Olnay) 82 Michigan 28 Minnesota 9 9 4 Mississippi 20 Missouri (Cockrell),. 86 Nebraska 4 12 Nevada ,i. New Hampshire ..,,8 New Jersey J,* 24 New York 78 North Carolina ....JY. 24 North Dak. (WttiaiLtt 8 Ohio ..,....,....A '40 Oregon 2 8 Pennsylvania 68 Rhode iBland 2 6 South, Dakota .ritSSjC. '--AfVs ^v#* Tennessee .......,'f JA S Texas ...j. 36 Utah 6 *i.'... Vermont 8 Virginia .A 24 Washington 10 West Virginia 10 2 2 Wisconsin (Wall) 26 Wyoming 6 Alaska 6 Arizona 6 District of Columbia.. 6 Indian Territory 5 1 Hawaii j"\" 6 w New Mexico 6 Oklahoma 2 2 2 Porto Rico ..jt 2 4 Totals 648 204 188 -o You'll find the first of the Dooley Articles on page zi. SOBERING UP, -$ I -1 HARMON IN LEAD FOB SECOND PLACE Conference of Parker Leaders Endeavors to Settle on Vice Presidency. St. Louis, July 9.Senator Hill did not take off his clothes when he reached his hotel this morning, but after refreshing both the inner and outer man, Joined William Shee han, Colonel J. M. Guffey of Pennsyl vania, Thomas Taggart of Indiana, John P. Hopkins of Illinois in a con ference to determine who should be he running mate of Judge Parke r. The conference began about half past 10, and messengers were sent to almost every state headquarters ask ing leaders of delegations to come. Senator Hill said th at the contest was entirely open. intimat ed th at he candidate would come from the middle west states. Among those whose names were mentioned prior to he conference and who had emissaries ready to present their claims were Kern of Indiana, Williams of Illinois, Daniel of Vir ginia, McLean of Ohio, Harmon of Ohio, Dockery of Missouri, and Beck ham of Kentucky. It was pretty thoro ly known among the Parker leaders a few minutes after he con ference met that Judson Harmon of Ohio was their choice, with Kern of Indiana second and. Williams of Illinois next. The southern candidates were prac tically eliminated, and Mr. Kenrs candidacy suffered from the fact that Mr. Tagga rt of Indiana is a prominent candidate for chairman of the nation al committee. The probabilities are that the national oommittee this afternoon will take a reoess until next ,week in New York city, when it will elect its new chairman. This is to be taken so that Judge Parker may nave a voice. The name of Gray of Delaware was mentioned for he vice presidency, but the geographical Situation of he state worked against him. Pittsburg, July 9.Another cut of 5 cents in the price of all grades of oil was made today by the Standard Oil company. tQN^n^tJu&>jt$a FAIR TONIGHT AND SUNDAY WARMER ALTON B. PARKER, Presidency, .emocratlo Party's Nominee for the JUDGE PARKER HEARS THE NEWS Reaches Him at His Morning SwimStill Refuses to Talk. Bsopus, N Y., July 9.The news of Judge Parker 's nomination was given to him at 6.50 a.m. today by the correspondent of he Associated Press, who found him clambering out of the Hudson river after his morn ing swim. The judge's ruddy face broke into a cheery smile in which satisfaction was undisguised, when he heard the news. asked for details and dis played the liveliest interest in every fact and figure, at the same time re fraining from he slightest comment, When asked if he would say any thing, he only said: "No, I. shall say nothing whatever until I am formally notified of my nomination." climb ed up he steep bank to his house and cordially received the greetings of other newspaper men present. From 9:45 pm, until after 6 a,m. Judge Parker remained in his room, which he left for his usual swim. knew then only that balloting had begun. The re is little doubt th at Judge Parker has been confident for many days that he would be nomi nated, and it was plain that the an nouncement brought him no surprise. Judge Parker devot ed his first leisure to readi ng he platform, refused to make any comment. Af terwar ds he started for a ride on horseback. MOTHER'S TEARS O JOY Mrs. Parker Hopes Her Son Will Elected. Derby, Conn., July 9.The news of Judge Parker's nomination was brought to Mrs. Parker, mother of the democrat ic nominee, by the Associated Press. Tears well ed to her eyes and for a moment she could not speak. Then she said: "I had hoped that if his nomination would be the best thing for he party he would be nomi nated. And now, if his election will be the be st thing for the country, I Bincerely hope that he will be elected." She said that Judge Parker was a personal friend of President Koose velt and within a year or two had made him a visit at his Oyster Bay home. Mrs. Parker is 80 years old. Parker Will Make Financial Plank. St. Louis, July 9*A Parker ma n, so olose to he demooratio candidate as to make his words practically an echo of Judge Parker declared that Parker would in his let ter of acceptance deal with he finan cial question in a specific manner on tho lines advocated by Hill of New York and Williams of Mississippi be fore the committee on resolutions. Sidetrack for Parker. New York, July 9.A sidetrack to the home of Judge Parker at Esppus, N. Y., was ordered today by the West Shore for he increased business an ticipated. MASKED MEN ROB AGOPHERTRAIN Omaha Freight Crew and a Pas senger Made to Surrender Their Valuables. Bpeoial to The Journal. Mankato, Minn., July 9.Freight train No. 24, northbound, on he Omaha, was held up last night by two masked men. Conductor E Ritz, Brakeman O. P. Tainer and E Lentz of Brookings, S. D., who travels for the Garnble Hobinson Commission company, Min neapolis, were forced to hand over their valuables, but Lentz had con cealed a large roll of bills and he robbers got very little. They handed his watch back to him. The police of this city were notified and the robbers were arrested while crossing the Blue Earth river bridge. Subsequent ly Lents identified them, They gave the names of Thomas Murray and Charles Sanders. The latter had a gun, Which he drew whan arrested, but was forced to drop It. 1TWsJej&*oj?jWrt,mad& 28 PAUISSSIMM O'CLOCK. DEMOCRACY'S NEW BIRTH IN ST. LOUIS DEATH BLOW TO SILVER THEORY Conservatives in the Saddle, and Party Apparently United *j$ on Parker. 'he men will be held, Sanders has alto S Louis in part to bury Bryan bullet wound. but -wftetttiy in I* ww^ Coqtfnsgd, $ & Sgfion HILL PRTMAITE IN &te PARTY COUNCIL^ Bryan's Triumph a Personal One, a Tributeito the Orator. Not it the Leader. From a Staff Conespondent. St. Louis, Mo., July 9.What tW* republican national convention at Chicago lacked in the picturesque and in intensity the democratic na tional convention at St. Louis, at its all-nig ht session, closing at 6 o'clock this morning with the nomination of Judge Alton B. Parker for the presi dency, supplied, and supplied in abundance. It was one of he most thrilllngly interesting sessions of any national convention -within the memory of men now living, and the best proof of this is he fact that the immense hall, seasting 11,500 persons, was filled when he moment of adjournment was reached. Women as well as men, and the re were many of them in the audience, sat thru the long hours of the night, and were as fully alive as the men to the unusu al character of the contest they were witnessing. The earlier hours of he night and morning were occupied with speeches, nominiating presidential candidates and seconding nominations. A times these speeches were tiresome, espe cially ^when some one with a poor voice came forward. On these oc casions ,the vast audience showed good-natured impatience, and indi cated its desire to have the business proceed as swiftly as possible for a ballot. The ^ehairman made liberal use of the gavel'to preserve order, and he was fairly, successful. What disorder there was, and it was much in evi dence at times, resulted more, from the policy now followed by both great parties of making their national con ventions as large as possible and not from any premeditated proceedings. Smaller Conventions. The experience at both Chicago and St. Louis this year suggests the wisjdoni of smaller conventions. In spite of he lo ng flow of oratory lasting from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m., the general interest was well sustained.f**)*rdehcaer. he dramatic climax was when, at 5 o'clock, the speeches being -w nearly finished, Bryan came to thev4. platform, presumably to second, on be-*" half of Nebraska, the nomination of Cockrell. did this, but he did much more. he gray dawn was' breaking when the speaker began, and before he had finished, forty minutes later, daylight was at hand in full,^ splendor. On the day before, Bryan had ap-* peared before the convention as he attorney for the contesti ng delegates for Ilinois. This was his first appear ance in a national convention since he made himself famous in a single speech in Chicago in 1896. His speech of Thursday, however, was a spee ch of an attorney. argued he Illinois case, and he argued it well. had tha right^ on his side, too, and in Justice the convention should have decided with him, but it didn't. It deliberately made he vote, which should have been on the merits of he Illinois con-j test, a test of relative strength of the -y Bryan and anti-Parker forces in thd)\' convention. This morning, however, Bryan ap-.'' peared before the convention in tho.^j role of its leader in two great national*" 4 campaigns, to render an account of his stewardship, to analyze these oam-, paigns, to tell of their weak points^ and to give advice as to he future. was never in. better form.. Alt ho he talked for forty minutes,, it did not seena one-quarter of that time, so complete ly did he have the attention of his hearers. Applause fop Bryan. Applause followed applause at short intervals, and it was only stopped by holding up both his hands as if to ask for silence. i "I may not have fought a good fight," he said. "I may have finished my course, but there is nobody who can say I have not kept the faith.". said everything he wanted to say about the opposition of the eastern democracy to his candidacy in 1896 and again in 1900, but he said it with out criticism. "Do you think I have come here part of a minority," he said, "because I enjoy such, an environment? No, I am here as he representative of 6,600,000 American citizens who were loyal to he democratic party in two unsuccessful campaign s, to speak for them on an. importa nt oooaslon and see that their position is correctly stated." The speech was full to running over with th at choice phraseolo gy of which Bryan is a master. It was eloquent, tactful, sane. explained how had helped make a platform on which the whole party could stand, and then he pleaded for a candidata behind whom he party could place Itself. named Cockrell, Hearst and Pattison as candidates whom he. could support, and made an argu ment and plea against the nomination of Judge Parker, but without naming hi m. It was the belief of the party lead ers up to this morning that Bryan was dead. His speech has changed that current of talk. is again very muoh alive. has a warmer placsi in he demooratio heart at this mo-| ment than he has had since 1896 an* is in a position to recover much of hia old-time prestige. Sp while the democratic party cam*