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415 to 419 Nicollet Ave. IF I 1 ''pw^MjWednesHayrEveni^-- Browning, King & Co CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS. AND HATS Your Raincoat Did you have one today Are you sure you won't want one tomorrow Oxford Cheviot Raincoats universally popular $12, $15 and $18. Fancy Worsted Raincoats handsome dark patterns $18, $20, $22 and $25. Venetian Paddock Raincoats this present season's newest raincoat idea $20, $25, $30. "If you can't go in out of the rain" said Beau Brupi mell, "you can dress to keep the rain out." S.W, Broadway at 32d Street NEW YORK Factory. Cooper Sqanrc Conover Cable Kingsbury These famous pianos manufactured exclusively by us Also a large stock of second hand uprights of standard makes, .ranging in price from $100 to $VT5 $10 Cash, $5 per month. (Second hand squares, from $15 to $50 $5 Cash, $8 per month. gecond hand Organs, from $10 to- $25 $3 Cash, $2 per month. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. C0MPANYB LENZ'S CLOTHING HOUSE safe 3jf* 415 to 419 Nicollet Ave. ranc,,Hous Hie. Av. & 8th We are prepared to show 70a a complete selection of the well known KOHN BROTHERS CHICAGO FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN They are the perfection of tailoring. Their patent 'K. B." shotilder is indestructible. Suits and, Top Coats, up to date styles and shades. $10.00 SI2.50 $15.00 $16.50 We are recognized as the leading boys'out fitters. Suits at $1.25 $(.95 $2.75 Is an innovation. Unique and original. All Exposed cooking. Sea food of all varieties a specialty. Our Combination Breakfasts are a popular feature. $3.95 Novelties in Hats, including the Gordon. $1.00 $1.50 $2.25 $3.00 In addition to these good things you get the S. & H. Oreen Trading Stamps. 1321 Washington Ave N HOTEL MARLBOROUGH Broadway, 36th and 37th Streets, Herald Square, New Yorjc. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE OJL1 BNOIiISIE GBILL ROOM TH GE'MM RATHSTCEIA12R Is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular Music. EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 rooms, 200 baths. Bates for Booms, $1.50 and upward $2.00 and upward with bath. Parlor,' bedroom and bath, $S.0d, $4.00 and $5.00 per day Parlor, two bedrooms and bath, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00 extra where two persons occupy single room. Write for Booklet. SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY, E. M. TIERNEY, Manager. WANT ADS Completely renovated and refurnished. The largest and most attractive LOBBY AND ROTUNDA in New York has been newly opened up. Special inducements to COMMER- CIAL MEN with samples. Thirty large and well lighted SAMPLE BOOMS, with or without bath. Forty large front suites, with parlor, two bedrooms and private bath suitable for families or parties traveling together. taken over the Phone! YOU are too busy to bring or send your ad to the Journal, call up Main 9, either line, and ask for the "Want Ad" Department, give your ad and the Jour- nal will do the rest. Only one cent for. each word. No ad less than 20 cents* merely. enumerated the features you were looking for in a house. Remember this when you write a Journal want adfor renting or any- thing else. The principle is the same. Tell the story. People will go to see 6 what they feel mar satisfy them. TH ET -MENNElAJPQJIii PANAMA ROAD TO BREAK MONOPOLY Secretory Taft Says Government Will Do All It Can to Make Rates Just. Washington, April 26.Secretary Taft has made a decision of the greatest importance to railway interests regard ing the policy of the government rela tive to the existing monopoly of traffic across the Isthmus of Panama and the fixing of rates over the Panama railway as bearing on the existing rates of transcontinental traffic. The publication of several interviews recently with the secretary himself, with representatives of the canal com mission and with Engineer Wallace, has led to much confusion in the public mind on these subjects, and the secre tary decided to make known his own views and purposes. He makes it plain that there is to be no discrimination whatever as between the several steam ship companies in handling their busi ness across the isthmus. He says: Show No Discrimination. The policy of the government in man aging the Panama railway is to charge such rates as will pay for the carriage of the goods cross the isthmus, a reason able return- on the investment of the gov ernment and nothing more. It will per mit no discrimination against or in favor of any of the connecting steamship lines. It may be that this policy will affect the transcontinental rates, as to the classes of freight that can stand the isthmus trip, favorably for the shipper. The Panama Railway company owns three steamships which ply between New York and Colon. We shall make the rate upon these ships as low as possible, con sistent with paying a reasonable compen sation for the carriage and the invest ments." We shall run them merely for the jpurpose of preventing a combination to raise the rates for the delivery of mate rial for the "construction of the canal from the "United States to the Isthmus. To Break Up Monopoly. The government is not running and does not expect to run a line between New-York and San Francisco, or between San Francisco and New York, hence the relation of its policy to transcontinental rates is only indirect. The policy of the Panama Railway, company, heretofore, in view of its ownership of the three ships and the docks at Colon and its resulting ability to exclude from the New York and Colon business any other steamship line, has been to' monopolize the trade between New York and Panama, on the one side, while its arrangement for exclusive thru billing between New York and San Francisco wltli the Pacific Mail Steamship company, produced a monopoly for the Pacific Mail trade on the other side between Panama and San Francisco on the north, and a monopoly for the Chilean and Pacific Steamship companies from Panama to the south. As far as the action of 'the Panama Rail way company can break up the monopolies action is being taken. The government requisitioned the railway line for the pur pose of acquiring an instrument with" which to construct, the canal, an instru ment absolutely indispensable to the ac complishment of our purpose within a rea sonable time. Make Just Bates. We shall do what we can to make Just rates and prevent discrimination. If it does not ameliorate^conditions, it will not be In our power to"3o more. The effect" of changes in rate and. trade conditions is so elusive that it is hardly safe to make a prediction as to the re sult. One should study the logical condi tions which prevail at Panama and at the many ports between San Francisco, In Mexico and in Central America, and should estimate the effect of our coast wise laws, which prevents the Interven tion in the trade going via the isthmus between San Francisco and New York, before expressing an opinion as to the ef fects of the government's operation of the Panama railway on the trade between our east and west coasts. It is possible the time is now ripe for the establishment of American competition with the Pacific Mail between San Francisco and Panama! Certainly, the government in operating the Panama railway, will do nothing to hinder it. NORWAY REJECTS PLAN OF REGENT Declines to Renew Negotiations with Sweden According to Prince's Terms. Stockholm, April 26tThe Norwe gian government has declined to accede to the crown prince regent's request for a renewal of the negotiations look ing to an adjustment of the differences between Sweden and Norway, lt^ re quires as precedent to such negotiation! the establishment of a separate con sular service and that'no obstacle be imposed on the existing liberty of ac tion of either country. In consequence of this decision the regent has issued a statement as follows: The Norwegian government unfortu nately declines to associate itself With my proposal for fresh negotiations con' cerning the union. I must therefore with sincere regret leave the matter to the council of state. The common affairs of Sweden and Norway are decided by a council of state composed of Swedes and Norwe gians. Norway Explains. Christiania, April 26.The govern ment issued a statement yesterday giv ing the reason for its action in declin ing to accede to the crown prince re gent .'s request. The statement says that, while Nor way is not seeking a dissolution of the union, the people unanimously demand separate consular representation and that to yield this point pending nego tiations, as suggested by the prince regent, would mean the surrender of a fundamental right. The statement further points out that negotiations have hitherto been fruit less and that there is no reason to sup pose that a further effort will be more fruitful. BANKER IS MADE ROSS AMBASSADOR TO CHINA Peking, April 26.M. Pokotilofft one of the directors of the Eusso-Chinese bank, has been appointed Eussian min ister to China to succeed M. Paul Les sar, who died recently. M. Pokotiloff he has hitherto held no diplomatic ap nese affairs, and is considered very suitable for the position. His selection has, however, created some surprise, as heh as hitherto held no diplomatic ap pointment. Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia wil leave next Sunday, by way of Kalgan and Kiuchta to join the Eussian armv in Manchuria. l'-T $13.25 AND PAN FREE. pff jf^EE3B9||^B lEwtji x^ Lawn Swings $5.50 1 M $5.75. SPECIAL SALE GASOLINE STOVES. REGULAR $3.50 GASOLINE STOVES, On Thursday we will sell 200 "Re- liable" Gasoline Stoves, with Brass Stand Pipe, Cab inet Frame reg ularly $3.50, at $2.75 $2.75 SPECIAL SALE LAWN RAKES, 35c and 15c. 200 "Queen" Lawrt Rakes, like picture. Special.Thursday 35c 500 Malleable Iron Rakes, with Hardwood Handles, Special Thurs day 15o SPECIAL SALE LAWN SWINGS. Derrick -Swings, Painted t'lted ami Varnished, Very Str6nfc 4-passenger size, Thurs-' day .,...$7.5 2-passattfler size J^ and $7,5Q zz*r**z :V.,* Wfrfefe..\o KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Eundel, a Minnesotan, Dies of Injuries in Omaha Hospital. Omaha, Neb., April 26.D. B. Eun del, a Minnesota man, died at Wise Memorial hospital yesterday as a result of injuries received in beiWg run over by an automobile operated by Emil The largest and moBt magnificent sodawater apparatus ever shipped to Minneapolis, or to any city in the United States, with the one exception of New York, has just been,installed by the progressive and downj-to.-date estab lishment of Boosalis Olympia Confec tionery. This marvelous piece of soda fountain construction wa*s-ouilt by The Liquid Carbonic company of Chicago, and was exhibited and in operation at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, be: ing awarded-the first grand prizethe highest award within the gift of the commissioners. This fountain is built thruout in the JJVench renaissance style of architec ture, with colors so harmoniously blend ed that it must be seenVitevbe j&ppreci ated. .The top or superstructure, of quartered, oak, is finished jmldark green, by a process known only- to its -manu facturers, and is guaranteed not to fade SPECIAL SALE REFRIG- ERATORS. On Thurtday we will sell 50 Hand* some Hardwood Warranted Re frigerators like picture, with Double Doors, 100-pound Ice Com partment, Finished Antique reg ularly $17.50, at $13.25 60 Medium Size Refrigerators of same make regularly $11.75, Thursday $9.50 50 Small Size ditto for small fam ilies regularly $7.50, Thursday $5.00 Either size cash or $1 per week. GALVANIZED IRON REFRIGER- ATOR PANS FREE. A Standard Quality Galvanized Iron Refrigerator Pan Free Thursday with every Refrigerator purchased. Special Sale Oil Cook Stoves. W Choice Thursday of either a "Brooklyn" or "Perfection" Wlckless Blue Flame Oil Stove $5.75 SPECIAL SALE LAWN HOSE. On Thursday we will sell 100 50-ft. Lengths of 4-ply Lawn Hose, Fully Guaranteed, Complete with Spray and Nozzle a regular $6.50 Outfit, at, Complete $4.98 50 FEET WARRANTED HOSE, COMPLETE WITH SPRAY AND NOZZLE, $4.98. SPECIAL SALE AUTOMOBILES. $4.45 100 Automobiles like picture, suit able for either Boy or Girl Rub ber Tires, Large Size, Nioely Painted and Varnished Special Thursday $4.46 Brandeis, the wealthy department-store man. Nothing is known aoout his fami ly and he will be buried here. A woman? who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength atid rest. $25 000 ST. LOUIS FAIR PRIZE WINNING SODA FOUNTAIN INSTALLED AT BOOSAUS' OLYMPIA CONFECTIONERY, SIXTH ST AND HENNEPIN AV. when exposed to the sunlight.' Three handcarved top, ornaments, luxuriously rich in design and execution, embellish the uppermost part, while the remaining Eanels, pilasters and capitols are equal ornate in exquisite decorative effects. An entirely new departure in this oun1 tain is the introduction of richly tinted art glass panels, at the rear of which are placed electric lights, provided with reflectors, and so arranged as to illu mine the four beautifully artistic pan els. These represent MorWing, Noon, Evening and Night, and the originals were by the world renowned painter, Professor Sturm of Amsterdam. The chandeliers .and candelabra are all in Louis XV style of architecture, especial ly constructed, and finished in rich fire gold. The four bodies of the fountain prop er are of the most beautifully blended imported Mexican onyx, with corners and top of eaeh body inlaid with Aus tralian green mother of pearL The dis- For. This Sale we have filled up an Immense Bargain Table In our Cen ter Fifth Street Aisle, where you will find Great Pickings. Enameled Tea Kettles 50c Cereal Cookers, like picture..35c 6-qt Berlin Kettles, with Cover48o Enameled Water Pitchers 39c 2-qt. Long Handle Enameled Dip pers i 0 4-qt. and 6-qt. Enameled Milk and Pudding Pans 18o Enameled Tea and Coffee Pots.35c 1-qt. Enameled Palls, with Cover lOe Preserving Kettles and Sauce Pan 29o SPECIAL SALE IRONING BOARDS. 200 "Gem" Folding Ironing -Boards,, "Very Solid and Substantial when set up regularly $1, Thuraday.59 SPECIAL SALE GARBAGE CANS. 75c and 98c. 100 Heavy Galvanized Iron Garbage Cans, with Cover. Two Sizes, Spe cial Thursday at T#o and 98c The One-Price Complete Housefumishert, Fifth St.. Sixth St. and First Av. S. TWIN CITY FREIGHT BURNS. Winnipeg, Man., April 26.The Cana dian Pacific' railway freight sheds at Moose Jaw burned yesterday. The sheds were filled with freight and effects, a large quantity of which came over the Soo line from the twin cities. The loss will reach over 120,000. pensing apparatus consists of twenty four two-gallon, and thirty-two one-gal lon sanitary white porcelain tilting syrup containers, which are absolutely air proof, dust proof, insect proof and OLUTELY erm proof, reWaering the fountain AB- SANITAEY. The Geyser Draft Arms, and the block tin systems of coolers, are of the very latest pat tern, furnishing a constant supply of ice cold carbonated water. The woodwork of the counter and re frigerator base is of the same finish as the .top. The carvings on the front of counter consist of cupids, with cornico- 5ief: i and festoons, executed in bold re all of the raised parts are overlaid with gold leaf and highly-burnished, the burnished gold and the green oak finish making a very pleasing and unique con trast. The' refrigerator base, of best oak, with white Italian'marble facing, is very substantially built, to carry the ponderous weight of the four bodies and superstructure. .The lining thruout is Standard Tents, 9%xl2 ft., con structed of 8 oz. Ducking, Thurs day $8.50 12x14 ft. ditto........... $11.00 SPECIAL SALE BALL BEARING LAWN MOWERS. Hammocks 75c 98c $1.48 $2.50 afc $4.95 $5.95 $6.75 These Substantial Mowers are made of Very Best Quality Tool Steel and are the Easiest Mowers to operate on the market. 14-Inch cut, Thursday.*.*..$4.98 16-inch cut, Thursday.*...$5.95 18-Inch cut, Thursday.*....$6.75 SPECIAL SALE DEPENDABLE MOWERS. "Slasher" Warrant'd lowers, $2.48 $2.98 $3.48 100 "Slasher" Lawn Mowers, the Best Medium Price Mower on the market, Fully war ranted, 12-Inch cut, Thursday ..$2.48 14-Inch cut, Thursday ..$2.98 16-inch cut, Thursday ..$3.48 Al INTRODUCTORY SALE HAM- MOCKS. We place on Spe cial Sale Thursday our Entire New Line of Ham mocks, the Finest we ever showed. 75c. 98c, $1.48. ,$2.50 and up to 86.0O. VICTIM OF SPOTTED FEVER Milwaukee Reports Its First Death from the Disease. Milwaukee, April 26.Hans Biersach. aged 25, is dead at his home here of cerebrospinal meningitis. This is the first fatality to occur from the disease in Milwaukee this year. V^SJ of white glazed tile, having convenient space allotted for the reception of ice, and shelving suitably arranged for the storage and cooltag of syrups and bot tled beverages. The doors are heavily lined .with burnished brass and equipped with specially designed extra heavy hinges and catches. Especial care was exercisedin the construction of the very elaborate German silver workboard, the ice cream packers, with heavy sheet-lead lining and asbestos aWd charcoal filling, and all accessoriesto make this fountain the symbol of clean liness, sanitation, and for the quick-dis pensing of perfect soda water. We congratulate this enterprising concern upon, securing a.fountain with so many superb qualities, and on ilc behalf we take the liberty of inviting all lovers of goody pure, wholesome soda water to call'upon Boosalis '-01fm- pia Confectionery, inspect this marvel- -.*,& OUB piece of work, and try one of those "long," cool, delicious sodas.