Newspaper Page Text
(aMi WISCONSIN I I 1 EATON IS DRIVEN OUT OF SENATE TOOK MONEY TO CAMPAIGN AGAINST A BILL, Els Colleagues of the Upper House Find Him in Contempt and Suspend Him Until Jan. 1, 190&Wisconsin Solon Three Times Indicted in Mil waukee for Criminal Bribery. Madison, Wis., April 26.Barney A. Eaton, found guilty of contempt of the Wisconsin state lenate, of which he was a member, was bus pended until Jan. 1, 1906, when his term ex pire*, by hia fellows sitting in an impeach ment court yesterday afternoon. After ses sion In which the senator was bitterly railed and warmly defended by speakers against and for him, the question came to a vote. The first motion, that Eaton be expelled, was lost. 16 to 11, but enforced retirement, which Is expulsion in an indirect way, won bj 23 to 5. The strongest speech was made by Senator Sanborn of Ashland, who said. "The question 1B not one of legal guilt or innocence, but one of square-toed honesty. The senator has ad mitted that he received money to spend with legislators, and, altho he has proved to the satisfaction of a jury that be was not guilty of bribery, the fact remains that it was giossly Improper conduct for a senator, and he should he punished. Such a man is not fit to sit in this senate." Factional lines were not absolutely drawn, bnt in general the stalwarts or anti-La Toilette members favored being lenient with Eaton and the administration side was Inclined to expel him. The specific offense for which Senator naton was tried was described in a finding of fact reported by the senate committee on judiciary, "that he accepted and used $100 from Albert XowaC Farmer Says Rouleau Country Is Best in Canada. Special Correspondence of The Journal, Rouleau, Assa., Canada, May 1.People who come here call this the best part of Canada. The country is well settled and the town grow ing rapidly, nil lines of business being repre sented, two churches, three elevators, etc. Farm ers are mostly from United States. Land is best on earthevery section so perfect can plow a mile either way. Not a stone in the country. Many school houses already. Land sells at ?8 to $15 per acre. The Iowa-Canadian Land com pany of Traer, Iowa, and Terrill, Iowa, has sold over 25,000 acres here, and has good deals yet on easy payments near town. In a few years this land will bring $25 sure. Many farmers have paid for their land out of first crop. As high as 100 bushels oats, 50 wheat, 20 flax, has been raised here. Too many seekers stop down the Soo Line, where land Is Nowhere near as good. The land company mentioned above will 6end folders, maps, etc., if you write them as above. A Pleased Iowa Settler. Bpeolal Correspondence of The Journal. Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 20.The frtory of William Pearson ia the story of Western Canada. Years hence, when historians are at work on the story of this great country, they will write down the name of the big land operator of Winnipeg as an "empire builder" one of those rare individuals who have confidence in their own judgment and in the possibilities of what are known to day as 4he great Northwestern Terri tories. Years ago Mr. Pearson rode over the Last Mountain valley country. He knew good Wheat land when he saw it, and altho there were no friends to whom he could turn for advice, since neither friend nor stranger knew more than he of the matter in question, he bought ti an enormous acreage Prom the very first the land looked good to him, and he had come to have faith In his own ideas. He drove and walked over the district, prospected, staked looked,at it and felt of it and then in the end decided tbat the Xiast Mountain valley was not only ideal for colonization, but that Bome day it would be known as the greatest wheat land in the world. To be sure this was only a beginning. He knew that he must spend thousands of dollars to get people to see the possi bilities of the Last Mountain valley as he saw them, to induce farmers to come as settlers and prove that the fields w* %&TitZ. 1r 1 LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. Wednesaa^fjEvefting, *NEWS0F THE NORTHWEST Stark, during the session ot W01. in makipg MINNESOTA a campaign against the barber's license bill." M**I***WW** Senator Eaton was caught a year ago in the grand Jury "graft net" in Milwaukee, being indicted three times for criminal bribery while a member of the legislature. One indictment concerned the alleged act for which he was tried and found guilty yesterday. He at first refused to stand trial, being under Immunity from prosecution aB a member of the senate, but was compelled by his legislative associates to return to Mllwnnkee, under Indefinite leave of absence, to face prosecution. He was ac quitted by a jury on his defense that he took the money not as a bribe or to influence mem} bers against the bill, but merely for the pur pose of paving his expenses in making a cam paign against the hill, buying drinks, dinners and other favors. He returned to the senate and took bis seat, insisting that his acquittal on one of the three indictments nas full vin dication. Senator Frear of Hudson, one of the La Fol lette leaders In the legislature, pressed the matter against the Milwaukee member and i brought about an investigation by the judiciary committee, resulting In the trial and convic tion. MERRILL, "WIS.John White, a farmer liv ing nenr Tomahawk, biought to the county seat the scalps of seven wolves which he had killed. Last nlirht be wni taken ill, and was found to be snfferlnr with sntallnox He was sent to the pcsthouse by the health authorities. RHINELANDER, WIS,The bodv of William Smith. t" and who disappeared at Wood bore la'l November, was found floating in SiH'ash lake today. He evidently had fallen thiu the ice. VIROQUA. WIS.At Lnfarge 2-venr-old child of Arthur Keebev was scalded to death by falling into a kettle of boiling water. ASHLAND, WIS.rnited States Marshal Pugh ha* left for Seattle with San Lee and Lee Gong Yak, who will be deported to Hongkong. MENOMONIE, WIS A child of Herman Boh linsr choked to death on a shell while eating peinuts. GIVES HIS ALL TGCREDITOBS Despondent Over Fire Losses, Landers Drops Out of Sight. SIOUX CITY, IOWA Driven to despondency by his loss in the big fire of Dec. 2a. H. E. Landers, pioprietor of the Rockfoid Shiit com pany, which moved here last fall from Rock ford 111 has quietl.v disappeared. Landers owed about H.000 about the city, and left a note asking his creditors to take the machinery and stock In his factory to satisfy his debts. His business associates say he was nearly craved by his financial difficulties MARSHALLTOWN, IOWABurglars entered the home of Mrs. Narion F. Peiry last night and at the point of a gun ""demanded her monty. She game them all she had, $8, and they escaped without beins identified. SIBLEY, IOWA.Walter Yarman, manager of 1he Harris Grain company, is missing and it is not likely he will return No leasou ib known. He deserted his wife, who is here. FEDERAL COURT INDICTMENTS War Veteran Must Serve Six Months for Pension Fraud. MANKATO. MINN.The April term of the federal court opered yesterday. Stephen Muck of Worthington was indicted on the charge of taking iioni the Worthington postoffice a letter that was mailed to I). Kramer of that place. He was sentenced to six months in the St. Cloud reformatory. It is said th*t he took the mail of the Worthington State bank and cashed checks found therein. Charles A Heath of Wells pleaded guilty to an indictment returned against him a ear ago charging him with having made a fraudu lent pension affidavit and voucher. He was sentenced to serve si\ months in the Faribault county jail. He Is 74 and was drawing a" pension of $8 a month from the government, representing him self to be anothn man of the same name,twho had served in Company C. One Hundred and Forty-second Illinois volunteers. He had ap plied for an increase to $12 a month. Edward G. McCoy of Peoria, III., but who has been working near Balaton, was Indicted by the federal grand jury for using the mails for fraudulent purposes and sentenced to serve a year in the penitentiary and to pay a fine of $100. McCoy's intended victim wa3 his father, Dan McCoy of Peoria, to whom he represented that another son had died at Balaton and that the body would be shipped if bis father would for ward $40 to pay charges. The letter was sent under an assumed name, but the senior Mc Coy was suspicious and he placed the matter in the hands of the postal authorities. FIRE AT PARKERS PRAIRIES McNair's Large Flour Mill in Ruins Loss Is $10,000. FERGUS FALLS, MINN.A message from Parkeis Prairie says that William McNair's large flour mill there was destroyed by fire. The loss is placed at $10,000 Insurance at $7,000. The origin of the fit is unknown. Mr. McNatr ex pects to rebuild. The cannon which Congressman Steenerson re cently secured for this city arrived today, and has been placed on the courthouse grounds. It is a 5-inch lified cannon, and was made by the Spaniards in 1820, and was captured at the time of the fall of Manila. Samuel H. Booth, eushier at the Northern Pacific station here, has been transferred to Breckenridge and will become the company's agent in that city. Frank Surratt, who has been with the hos ital corps of the United States army in the hllipplnea for three years, arrived home to day, his term of service having expired. He says the health of the soldiers In the Philip pines is excellent, owing to the strict cleanli ness that is enforced by the army regulations. There has been no organized opposition to American rule for some time, but an occasional soldier Is killed while on outpost duty by bandits who wish to secure his rifle and shoot him from ambush or strike him from be hind. DAMAGES FOR LOST BEAUTY Former Smallpox Patient Wants $20,000 from Hibbing and Officials. 100,000 ACRES OF WHEAT LAND DULUTH. MINNMrs. L. A. Rltter of Hlb Mng has brought suit for $20,000 damages against that village and Dr. D. A. Roodt, healui officer Dr. H. R. Weirick, and a druggist, J. J. Cox. She seeks to recover this sum for hav ing sustained blemishes on her face due to small pox, for which the village and the people are declared to have been responsible. IN THE FAMOUS WINTER WHEAT BELT OF ALBERTA, CANADA, WHERE CROPS HAVE NEVER FAILED. Average yield of winter wheat for three years 30| bushels per acre. Many farms produced 45 bushels per acre. Will sell in tracts of 160 acre3 to 10,000 at low prices and on easy terms. For complete information and maps address .v were really as productive as he knew they would be. He expended his own money to attain this end and he did not spend it vainly. Today the Last Mountain country, lying the very heart of the southern part of the Saskatchewan valley, is the Mecca of thousands of home seekers ^from the United States. Among these thousands are hundreds of American farmers whose years of train ing has developed their' judgment in agricultural matters and who echo Mr. Pearson's early pronouncement that the Last Mountain valley contains and is made up of the most productive wheat lands in the world. Mr. Pearson did not spend his money vainly on the first settlers who came into this country, altho houses and sup plies for men, horses and feed for them had to be bought, as there was not a roof or a rag of canvas to cover home- CALGARY COLONIZATION CO. CAL9ARY, CANADA. seekers save that which the sturdy em pire builder supplied. Mr. Pearson has peopled the country that was a wilder ness when his eyes first fell upon it and today, what was then a desert waste is dotted -with farms and filled -with ha-p py, prosperous people. He is selling his land at $9 an acre and his offices in Winnipeg, Regina and elsewhere are filled every day with incoming land seekers. The success of the hundreds of satisfied farmers who have already set tled in the Last Mountain valley will bring thousands of other settlers until the whole great stretch of country shall be given to the plow. l^i&aaiiiiatiii^S': jSws THOS. SIMPSON AT POINT OF DEATH FOREMOST PIONEER OF WINONA CANNOT RECOVER. Residence in Southeastern Minnesota Dates from January, 1856Prom- inent for Many Years at Winona, Where He Was an Alderman, Presi dent of the Normal Board and a State Senator. THOMAS SIMPSON. Special to The Journal. Winona, Minn., April 26 Thomas Simpson, a leadiug member of the bar of Winona, and a citizen here since the earliest years, lies at his home critically ill, and there is no hope for bis recovery. Mr Simpson was born in the north of England in 1836. and came to this country with his par ents when be was but a few months of age. They settled near Dubuque and there Mr. Simp son spent his early years. He completed a couise in civil engineering and was also engaged in mining, smelting and farming. In 1853 ha was engaged as assistant in running the guide merid ian and standard parallels, the base lines of the government's surveys of the territory of Minneso ta. This work was turned over to him and he completed it in 1855. In the later part of 1855 he was sent by the government to Green Bay to determine the boundaries of the Menominee Indian reservation and to protect the Indians in their lumber and timber Interests. On Jan. 1, 1856, he came to Winona, and has lived here continuously ever He began business as a loan agent and also sold land warrant* and dealt in land. He also studied lnw and in 1858 was admlted to the bar, and has practiced continuously since. He was a life long friend of Rev. Edward Eggleston, the author of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster." Mr. Simpson's wife was Margaret Simpson, whose charitable work here is commemorated by the Margaret Simpson home, which cares for the needy people of Winona. Mr. Simpson was al derman In the early years of the city and was president of the first board of education of Wi nona. He was a member of the state normal hoard from 1864 to 1884 and was president of that body in its dark days, saving the first state normal school to this city. In 1866 he was elect ed to the state senate. He was always strongly interested,in the city's welfare, and. has been associated with some of its leading industries. He has three sons, George Tv, first assistant to Attorney General Young, James K., cltv treas urer of Winona, and Earl, who Is practicing law here. BOY THIEVES RUN DOWN Treasure Cache Found in Wall of Barn at Fosston. r? SS 0N MI A party 0 ??I!!S?t L, 5 eeneral roundup of a younir pilferers was made by Marshal Wolt. For weeks farmers have complained of tte disappearance of silver and other valuable ornaments from their homes whilea* theyDraymain were town. Tho the stealing was frequently done In broad daylight ocnt thAeb public streets, no one was lB a tw ot. lae '-^.HfridJMBPHiP^ was de and his arrest ou a wee Meatus lost several rings and other articles & ?aJ a fe a la oI tCtnn,Irj1nS tu t 0 ^t seI1 at once followed. The swealbos process was employed and two more ooys were aeeured. it \vas discovered thatb a systematicdbusiness was being done by thne trio, one of them doin| the stealing and. the others disposing of thi fS^i.A ar se arc ^nich ha served as their headquarters revealed a goodly stock of ffi2?,f?neeaTledla,t!,e wal1 The boys we?e CROOKSTON'S NEW CLERK A. M. Childs Succeeds W. H. Graver, Who Resigns and Will Go East. OKS T, OJ MINN.At the meeting ot the city council last evening the resignation of W, H. Graver as city clerk was accepted. A. M. Childs, brother of the president of the council, was elected to the vacancy after a hot contest with F. H. Kogers and A Erickson. Mr. Graver leaves this cltv next week for Pittsburg, Pa., where he wlU be general manager for a wholesale house with which he was connected many years ago. Captain H. L. Keller of Companv I of thl3 city haB tendered his resignation and will leave in a short time for Minneapolis, where he for merly resided. The Crookston Northern league ball players will assemble in this city May 1 with Manager BUly McNiel at the helm. One of the fastest teams that ever represented the city has been signed. SALOONS WILL CLOSE License Fee at Blooming Prairie Held to Be Prohibitive. BLOOMING PRAIRIE, MINN.A peculiar condition exists here with respect to the liquor license question. The new village council raised the license fee from $300 to 1 500 The sa loon men believe that this fee is prohibitive, and at a meeting an organization was formed by them, and they have all agreed to close their places of business and not make applica tion for licenses unless the fee Is reduced. It is reported that in this action the local organization lias the support of tne Brewers' and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' associations. It is evident that the council will not recede from its position. SENTENCED FOB ROBBERY Guthrie and Costigan Given Terms by Judge at Walker. WALKER, MINN.The April term of dis trict court of Caes county came to an end to day. William J. Dojle entered a plea of guilty to a charge' of assault in the second degree. James Gutnrie and Michael Costigan were con victed of robbery in the second degree, and were each sentenced to three years in the state' prison. Navigation opened today on Leech lake, three weeks earlier than last year. BECKEB COUNTY TEACHEBS Program Prepared for Association Meeting at Frazee. PRAZEE, MINN.The Becker County Teach ers' association wiU meet at Frazee on Satur day, when the following program will be pre. sented: 10 a.m., chorus, Frazee hierh school address, "The Relation of the School to the Patron," Superintendent Rudolph Geiseh discussion 1:30 p.m.. song, pupils of the second grade paper, ["Drawing in Country Schools," Miss Beaver Ipaper, "The Teaching of Geography," Miss Nellie Childs recitation, selected, Miss Goldie Botts "Seat Work.'i Miss Jessie Ashley. 'HE MINNEAPOLIS^JJOURNAtTM CLAIRVOYANTS' ONLY TRUE T^ORIGip,' 'Reader of -ti^' ^Strictly Mftgh *-$ Huma jjestmy ^-m^f Straight,^erfdjife Only. *s Only one in the world advertising to tell exact thought or question in your mind. Positively asking no questions, or make no charge for reading. Any question connected with husmany des tiny. Remember, you don't tell him your ques tions or need you a,peak during the reading. Write any questions at sour home on any kind of papei jou choose. Can give Instant answers to your questions. Understand, posi tively not seeing ou writing, i^an, besides answering jour questions, commences .your reading at childhood, going year by year through the various experiences of your life in so plain a way that yo,u will be astonished nt the knowledge possessed by Zau of your most secret personal affairs. Zan is located in his own home with fam ily. The most timid, reined need not hesi tate to call. Courteous treatment to all. Hours 10 to 8 Sunday 2 to 6 p.m. i General Reading $1.00. 028 5th st 8. Human Destiny. CUT THIS OUT. Mme. Marie Percy, 1025 Henue.ln Av. T. O. shone 3124. Is the best known of anv palmist or clairvoy ant in America She is the only scientific reader in the city who is also psychic. She can tell names, objects of jour call. etc. Past, present and future. For* a bhort time Mme. Percy will give readings at reduced pi ices. Any lady bring ing this ad will get a $1 xeadin_ for 50c. Rime l'cicy's piedictlons are always cor lect. as thousands will testify. Satisfaction giiai anreed or no fee taken. Teaches personal magnetism and how to be suceesstul and happy and how to in fluence others. B.Mail readings a specialty. Send dime and biithdav to It. J. Marsh, manager, for trial horoscope. MBS. MARY JACOB'S, THE WELL-KNOWN clairvoyant and business medium may he con rulted^on all affaiis of life at 1301 Hawthorn av, formerly 510 3d av S. MBS. C. TEYON, CLAIRVOYANT. HEADINGS daily on all affairs of life Tuesday gives 25c leadings from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Boom 420, G20_ Nicollet_nv. MME. BATCH, CARD ,READER AND PALM 1st, leadings 23c and 50c. o20 ."in av S. FLORISTS NEW YORK FLORISTS, 7 WASHINGTON AV S. Special on all Easter plants. Out-cf-town orders solicited. T. C. phone. 1728. STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, HAS unequaled facilities fdr moving, storing, pack ing aud shipping household goods, and quotas REDUCED FREIGHT KATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver Spokune and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and legularlty to insure prompt and re liable service. 1 or the nest or service at the lowest lateB write or call at 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. have best facilities for handling and storing household goods, expert furniture packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 5th st S. Both phones. STOVES STOREDWE CALL FOR THEM, clean thoioughly and iet up in the fall tele phone messages given prompt attention. Both phones 101. Western Stove Repair Co., 312 Hennepin av CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and stoilng house hold goods expert packeis. Office 200 Nicol let. Both phones 1208. Res, phone, T. O. 18324. FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE CLEAN, separate rooms, 100-112 1st av N. Both phones. OPTICIANS THE GRIEV1SH METHOD OF FITTING EYES is both scientific and practical. The Peerless one-piece eyeglass mounting. 407 Nicollet av. JPROFE^ONAL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA nently removed by electricity. Miss Hollister, 77-78* Syndicate block* Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. DR. POLK, CHIROPODIST, 816 PHZSBURY building, treats corns, bunions and Inverted nails without pain^ PATENT ATTORNEYS WILLIAMSON: & .MERCHANT* PATENT LAW yers and solicitors, Main, off lee, 925-033 Guar anty Bldg., Minneapolis, Mlnn.^ 52 McGill Bldg., Washington, P. C. PENSIONS ROBERT WATSON, Pension Attorney and Notary Public, 304 Boston Block, Minneapolis, P.O. Box 413. RTB. HOSTETLER, PENSION ATTORNEY, Room 307. Boston Block. Minneapolis. Minn. PLUMBING W. S. Bayley & Sons, sanitary plumbing, gag fitting, sewer and ater connections hot water heating alterations specialty both phones. S ARTICLES OP INCORPORATION OF BIRMINGHAM PROCESS CIRCULAR-LETTER COMPANY. We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Minnesota, do hereby associate ourselves for the purpose of forming a manufacturing corporation under and pursuant to Title Two (2) of Chapter Thirty-four (34) of the General Statutes of 1878 of the State of Minnesota and of Acts and parts of Acts amendatory thereof, and to that end do hereby adopt and subscribe the follow ing Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be "Birm ingham Process Circular-Letter Company." The general nature of its business shall be the manufacturing of process circular letters, books booklets, leaflets, advertising novelties, and other printed products. The principal place for the transaction of the business of this corporation shall be in the City of Minneapolis, County of Hennepin aud State of Minnesota. ARTICLE II. The time for the commencement of this cor poration shall be the 20th day of April, A. D. 1905, and the period of its continuance shall be thirty (30) years. ARTICLE III. The amount of the capital stock of this cor poration shall be Twenty thousand dollars ($20,- OO0.), which shall be paid in in such manner and at such times as the Board of Directors Dta prescribe. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount ot indebtedness or lia bility to which this corporation shall be at any one time sutject shall be Five Thousand dollars ($5,000.). ARTICLE V. The names of the persons forming this cor poration are J. M. Birmingham, C. B. Birm ingham and J. F. Armeau, all of whom reside at Minneapolis. Minnesota. ARTICLE VI. The government of this corporation and the management of its affairs shall be vested In a Board of Directors consisting of three members, but such Boaid may in the by-laws of the corporation or otherwise, delegate to the Presi dent of the corporation and other officers of the coiporation such powers and duties as such Board may deem best. The officers of the corporation shall be a President, a Vice-Presi dent, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The mem bers of the Board of Directors and the other officers of the corporation shall be elected annually bv the stockholders at their annual meetings, which shall be held at the offices of the corporation at 10 o'clock a.m. on the second Tuesday ot June of the year 1906 and of each year thereafter. The above named Incorporators shall consti tute the first Board of Directors and shall serve tintil tne fiist annual meeting of the stockhold ers and Until their successors are elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties. Said J. Birmingham shall be the first Presi dent and Treasurer of the corporation, and said C. B. Birmingham shall be the first Vice-Presi dent and Secretary of the corporation, and they shall serve in said offices respectively until the flrBt annual meeting of the stockholders and until their successors are elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties. The members of the Board of Directors and all other officers of the corporation elected at the first and subsequent annual meetings of the stockholders, shall serve for the period of one year and until their successors aro elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties. The Board of Directors may fill any and all vacancies which may for any reason occur either in its own membership or in any of the other offices of the corporation. It may establish and from time to time amend by-laws for the government of the corporation* ARTICLE VII. The capital stock of this corporation shall be divided into Two hundred (200) shares ojt One Hundred Dollars ($100.) *ach. In testimony whereof, we BHve hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th day of April, A. D. 1905. J. M. BIRMINGHAM (Seal) C. B. BIRMINGHAM (Seal) J. F. ARMBAtI (Seal) Witnesses1 M. L. COLBURN. i N. F. HAWLEY. i STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY' OP HEN neplnss. On this 20th anv of April, A. D. 1905, before me, a notary public within and for said county, personally appeared M. Birmingham, C. B. Birmingham and J. F. Armeau, to me known to be the persons described in,and who executed the foregoing ArtlcloB of Incorporation, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and dee Notary Public, HenneDin' Cqunry, Minnesota. {Notarial siiill i If:PERSONAL KING'S DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION SER, Tice detective work done to the entire satis faction of our clients, and secrecy guaranteed. Watchmen furnished immediately. Suite 003 Century building. Telephone Main 087. Nor man W. King, superintendent. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES" 0 WUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer aud Storage Co., 48 3d st S. SWITCHES SWITCHESSWITCHES At great reduction pompadours, hair chains, hair dressing, shampooing, wigs and French toupees for gentlemen mall orders filled. Brahl'a Hair Bazaar, 409 Nicollet av. IF YOU ABE INTERESTED IK THE GRAIN market, call and investigate our service and accommodations. Office No. 214 Century Bldg., branch of L. T. Sowle & Sons, Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. TELEPHCNE THE QUICK MESSENGER EX press and ha Ihem call for and deliver your packages and trunks anywhere in the city prompt delivery. 429 1st av N. Main 179 T. C. 670. HOW '10 THINKFREE LECTURE FRIDAY evening, 8.30, with hypnotic tests treatments and instruction Class opens May 6, at S.30 Raymond Mental Institute, 62oVj Nicollet av, room 211. WANTEDA LIVE STOREKEEPER IN EACH town to take e\oluslve agency for best bread baked shipments clailj. Write for particulars. Ye Olde Tjme Bakerle, Minneapolis, Minn. HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired will call and get tbem and de liver all work guaranteed. 8. A. Parker, 117 E 26th fat. N. W phone S 594 J2. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND FRIDAY evenings, with social following, buck and wing and private by appointment. Ilolcomb's Acad emy,, 43 4th st S, third floor. ECZEMA PIMPLES, SORES AND ERUPTIONS cured by Ulanchard's Eczema Lotion, three to nine applications give results. Druggists or any wholesale drug house. INVESTIGATE OUR PLAN FOR BUILDING homes easy monthly payments, don't pay rent invest the money in a home. Yale Realty Company. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 207 MEDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hail, moles and warts removed by electxlclty corns extracted inverted nails and bunions treated. TRY DARLING'S CURE FOR COLDS AND catanh pleasing fragri.noe. pleasant associate, sure, safe, quick. Cet sample at Thompson's drug store. FOR EVERY KIND OF HOUSEHOLD CLEAN Ing use Cleanit, liquid substitute for coup. Ten cents a quart bottle, at all grocers. CORNS EXTRACTED, 25c INVERTED NAILS and bunions treated. Dr. Collier, 515 Nic. av. AUTOMOBILES ANDBICYCLES FOR SALE AT A BARGAINLARGE 12-PAS senger automobile, in good condition suitable for hotel, tourist, or livery business. Will sell at big bargain if bought at once. It will pay you to investigate. Strong Automo- bile Company, 249 3d av S, Minneapolis. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. One new Oiest mnabout, 8 h. n., air cooled engine, with a shaft drive $450 One 8 h. p. double-cylinder runabout.... 400 One 12 h. p. Columbia touting car in A No. 1 condition 1,000 One 1004 20 h. p. Knox touring car. Price on application. One 1904 8 h. p. Rambler with tonneau 575 One electric runabout 500 Northwestern Motor Vehicle Co., 219-221 Cth St S. WANTEDAN AUTO WILL TRADE 160 acres of land two miles from market, five miles from Hope, N. D., with ofe-half 1905 crop, 115 acres In crop, balance Of land can all be broken price $4,000, for an automobile of 1904 or 1905 make, must be In first-class condition, from 16 to 24 horsepower, gasolene and of some standard make will take mort gage back for difference $4,000 is cash value of land, and auto must be at cash price. Ad dress 8744. Journal AUTOMOBILES AND LAUNCHES. 1904 White car get price. 1904 Auto car, good as new, $1,100. Electric runabout, $250. Stanley steamer, $650. 42-foot full cabin launch, $1,600. 28-foot launch, $650. Haynes Automobile Co., 44 7th St SL G, & J. TIRES, The best automobile and bicycle tires on the market today. Plant Bros, Northwestern Distributors, 21 2d st S. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTEDGOOD AUTOMOBILE AS PART payment for 160 acre farm close to town in Manitoba, Canada, all beautiful open prairie, price only $10 per acre. D. M. Addison, Box 698, Winnipeg, Can. WANTED AN AUTO WILL EXCHANGE .traction engins. Giant, in good renair (8-horse runabout preferred). Lock Box 431, Spring Valley, Miun^ FOR SALE1904 MODEL LIGHT TOURING car, 8-horsepower double cylinder, run less than 500 miles, S500. Demonstration at 628 E Lake Bt. GALE $500 EIGHT-HORSEPOWER AUTOMO blle Ford two-cylinder touring car. Write Walter G. Benz, N. W. agent, 15 7th st S. FOR SALEONE EIGHT-HORSEPOWER AUTO mobile runabout In first-class condition, at a bargain. A. Zfkman, 23 5th st S. BICYCLE STORAGE, 50c PER MONTH. Lumber Exchange. April 26, 1:905. 129 NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received bv the building committee of St. Geneveve parish, Centervllle, Minn., up to o'clock p.m., Saturday, May 6, 1005 for the necessary labor required to com plete a brick church building according to plans and specifications that shall be fur nished by the pastor. Separate bids will also be required for labor to build the foundation, brick mason work and carpenter work. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 2 per cent of the amount of bid, made payable to the Rev. Father Mahl, as a guarantee that the bidder will accept the con tract, and furnish a surety bond to complete the Avork as specified. Additional plans and specifications can be seen at the office of E. J. Donohue, architect, 660 Gilflllan block, St. Paul, Minn. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. MINNEAPOLIS LODGE, NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF Pythias, will give a da.nce Friday evening April 28, at their hall, Masonic Temple all knights, their families and friends are cor dially invited first-class mnsic in attendance and refreshments will be served no trouble or expense will be spared to insure a pleasant time to all who attend. |75 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES EASILY made selling the sanitary coffee and tea maker, samples free. Write fo- particulars. Address The Aluminum Novelty Co., Mayvllle, N. D. HAIL AND CYCLONE INSURANCE CASH commissions hustlers can make $10 to $40 per day In Minnesota. Address 626 Boston Block. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED FOR A GOOD money making proposition for particulars ad dress Lock Box 65, Mcintosh. Minn. ^NOTOOEMENTS NOTICECLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK ROOM mouldings new and unclaimed pictures at quick sale prices we frame pictures cheap artist material ovals, portrait frames, mirrors. Zesbaugh, 11 5th st S, 'opposite Lumber Ex change. Established 30 years. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., *6 3d st S. K0RTHWEBTERN SCAVENGER GO. CLEAM3 reults, cesspools and yards. Office 102 1st at N. Both phones 195. AOTORNEV^ THE 6WEET8ER-R0CHESTER CO., 810-S11 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Beat equipped collection department In northwest. JAMES A. KELLOGG. 328 ANDRUS BUILDING.' Minneapolis. Attorney in all courts, federal and state, land office, patents and pensions. SHEARS, RAZORS AND CLIPPERS SHARP ened. All work guaranteed. Mail orders sollc lted. Verbeck, practical grinder, 211 4th st S. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. NORTH STAR DYEING AND FRENCH DRY cleaning works. 725 Hennepin av. Both phones. DETECTIVE AGENCIES XoNULTY DETECTIVE AGENCY, 810 KAS0TA bldg. S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detective work In all Its branches. References, police head qnarters. Minneapolis. N. W. phone. J^DETOCTIVE^DgEAgBj^ J. W. COREY'S PIONEER DETECTIVE Bu reau, 503 Kasota bldg. All business strictly confidential. T. C. 3965. FOR BALEGOOD HOTEL BUSINESS. WITH saloon In connection, In southern Minnesota town of 600, doing a good business only hotel, one other saloon proprietor must sell on ac count of other business which requires his whole attention. This is a snap. Address George Rlppe, Browntville, Minn. IF YOU ARE THE RIGHT MAN (RATHER student) will teach you a high-class profession, take you in as partner in established busi ness and start you on salary beside an ex ceptional opportunity, offering jou several thousand dollars' yearly income $1,500 re quired. Address 9622, Journal. ROOMING HOUSEANOTHER ONE OF THOSE baigalns good location, cheap rent, well fur nished, 24 rooms full of good paying roomers, going at half price small amount of cash handles It. If you wantr a snap in this line don't wait but see me today. Geo. Dirlmple, 421 ICasota Bldg. CASK FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR BU8I ness, wherever located. For quick sale send description and price. If you want to buy a business or property send to* our monthly. Northwestern Business Agency, Bank of Com merce, BUSINESS CHANCEWJ*NT GOOD MAN TO complete oigaulzatlon of company being formed for manufacturing purposes rare op portunity for good man $(L,000 required money secured. Address 204-0 New York Life. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE property of any kind, or if you wish a partner In business, write us. Associated Brokers, 314 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. BLACKSMITH SHOP AND HOUSE FOR SALE Complete shop, tools, irons and woods trade worked up already: only shop In town sick ness cause for selling. price $1,750. Address Joe McCaffrey Land Co., Warroad, MjtlD. S0^CKS~AND~B0ND9~UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed companies desiring to float their stock call at office for Information, which costs nothing, but will start you off right. W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus building. WE CAN SELL FOR CASH WITHIN 80 DAYS from listing Your business, faim or other propertj, wherever located. Bend description, cash price. Northern Realty Company, 4^0 Andrus building, Minneapolis. KOOCHICHING FALLS. Be&t values, there offered by The Enger-Noid Realty Co. 120 Temple Court. Minneapolis. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, FARM OR other property for cash, no matter where lo cated, bend particulais. Rojal Real Estate Co Pioneer Press building, St. Paul. ANY REASONABLE OFFER FROM SUITABLE party takes half interest business chances and real estate help needed for keeping of fice open. Address H711, Journal HALF INTEREST, WELL ESTABLISHED shirt factory, good business and good position hustler preferred. Come and see me at once. F. E. Mulford, Andrus Bldg. Lobby. FOR SALSFURNITURE AND LEASE OF A ten-xoom house, fine location walking dis tance, large yard and barn cheap rent must be sold. Address 7404, Jorrnal. 70 SALEFTTBNITUB.E AND LEASE OF A ten-room house, fine location, walking dis tance, large yard and barn cheap rent must be sold. Address 7404, Journal. WANTEDA LIVE STOREKEEPER IN EACH town to take e\clusive agency for best bread baked, shipments daily. Write for particulars. Ye Olde Tjme Bakerle, Minneapolis, Minn. FOB SALEEXCLUSIVE DRUG BUSINESS in town of 800 inhabitants, first-class farm ing community leasons for selling, falling health. Address 417 Rondo st, St. Paul. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS, WELL-SECURED, on Minneapolis homes, for sale in amounts fiom $500 to $5,000, netting 6 per cent. Yale Realty Company. I WILL BELL TWO $1,000 HOME BUILDING contracts in the U. S. Installment Realty Co. party can build on them in a few months. Address 9629, Journal. GENTLEMAN WITH SMALL AMOUNT OF cash, who can handle financial part of busi ness, established two years, will be paid sal ary. 9338, Journal. FOR SALEBAKEBY, FIRST-CLASS Fix tures, In a prosperous western town of 2,500 must be sold at once. Address Charles Ceaser, Nampa, Idaho. ROOMING HOUSE. 10 ROOMS, STRICTLY modern and swell, walking distance, money, maker price $500, easy terms. 323 New Yoik Life. 15-ROOM, STEAM HEATED HOUSE, CENTRAL location, dealing $60 month S'JOO handles balance $25 monthly. 59 Loan & Trust bldg. WIGS AND FRENCH TOUPEES FOR GENTLE meu made to order. Mail orders filled. Brahl's Hair Bazaar, 409 Nicollet. Established 1873. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING INDUSTRIAL, electilc light or telephone stocks see George Girling & Co., Temple Court. T. C, 3778. TAIL0R- -FENN. Maker of men's fine clothes, has removed to 629 Hennepin Av. TEN-BOOM ROCMINGHOUSE, CLEARING $40 a month, rent $25 close in good lease, $300. 59 Loan & Trust building. FOR SALE11-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, GOOD location price for quick sale very cheap. Call at 1315 Washington av S. YOUNG MAN ENTERING BUSINESS WISHES to borrow $1,000 for four years at 20 per cent. Address 9637. Journal. CAFE PRIVILEGES, IN GOOD LOCALITY diningroom will seat 50 people. Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus buildingv $600SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR 28th AND Nicollet, to move off lot. 2721 Nicollet av. MOVING^ THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific Coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasional!} in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure reasonably prompt and re liable service. For the best of service at the lowest rates, write or call at 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co have best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points. Can save you money. Do not be deceived hy other advertisers. We can and will do what we agree regarding car rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machinery moved by experts. 122 5th Bt S. Both phones. THE TWIN CITY VAN AND STORAGE CO. will pack, ship or store your household goods. We will give you low rates on goods west or south. See us if you want the best. We are the original mixed car shippers. We handle safes, boilers and machinery. Office. 6% 4th st N. THE O. G. PETERSON EXPRESS & STORAGE Co. makes a specialty of moving household goods and pianos. Furniture packed for stor age or shipment. Experienced help only best storage in the city. Both phones. 301_2dlav S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND_ST6RAGE ^__MACragRY _EX, pert packers for storage or shipment large and commodious vans for moving. Office, 200 Nicol let _both phones 1208. Residence. T._C. 13324. BENZ BROS.. TRANSFER-AND~~ST0BAG_1 finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tela., 952. FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND EN. glnes, boilers, pumps, relaying rail, beams, pipe and supplies. We buy and sell. Manu facturers' Supply Co.. 24th and University avs. IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA chinery, large stock of second-band and new. Northern Machinery Co., 217 3d st S. Mpls. FOR SALECHEAP, A FAIRBANKS SIX horsepower gasolene engine owner leaving city. 243 27th av N. LEDGE OUT IN TUNNEL OF HUNTER CREEK mine 14 feet wide, 300 feet deep crew of men working night and day ore will be shipped soon as roads permit now Is the time to invest money wanted to place plant on property. Call or write for prospectus. Hnnter Creek Mining &. MlllInK Co 701-2 Phoenix Building. 30 YEARS IN MINING NONE BUT FIRST class stocks handled. Address me before buy ing W._P JllcD^ald,_3^2^^sJbldg,_MpJs. WILL SELL 6,000 ARIZONA COPPER MOUN tain to highest bidder. Address 0887. Journal. OTE^SHgS^ SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES TO ENG. land. Germany, Scandinavia excellent serv ice, large steamers, shortest ocean trip. Cana dian Pacific Steamship Lines, 15 3d st S, Minneapolis. ^TOVEJREPAgS STOVES STOREDWE 'CALL FOR THEM, clean thoroughly and set up in the fall. Both phones 161. Great Western Stove Repair Co., 312 Hennepin av. WgODjLNDJJOAL DRY FACTORY HARDWCOD CHEAPEST, cleanest and best wood in city. Barnard 8t Cope Co.. 4th st and 2d aT NB. ^RESSMAKDJG^ A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WILL SEW oat by the day. Call 719 1st av S. ^BUSBWESS^PgO^^Y^ 17,500LOT 38x165 TO 20-FOOT ALLEY 1st st and 1st av S secure the description. Ho bart, Phoanix building. HORSES AND CARRIAGES For Sale. HORSES AT AUCTIONHORSES AT AUCTION. Every Wednesday. Every Wednesday. Private sales daily. From BOO to 1,000 head constantly on nana. Anyone wishing a single horse will receive the same attention as carload buyers. Remem ber the place. Barrett & Zimmerman's Great Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. AUCTIONAUCTIONAUCTION., Saturday, April 29, at 2 p.m., the entire liv ery stock of the West Hotel Stables, consist lng of 15 good driving horses, single ano double harnesses, buggies, stable tools anO 'Jt office furniture: everything must be* sold b* close, our partnership. Wilson & McQetrlqU. jg^ FROST & CO., Jp Received dailj. fresh consignments of all classes of Minnesota bred horses, also many city b.oke horses prices the lowest part time when desired. 18 Second St N. WORX HORSESJUST RECEIVED 40 HEAD good big work hones from Heucbe Lumber company and must be sold immediately also harnesses part time given if desired. Barrett & Zimmerman. Midway Horse Market. FOR SALEONE TROTTING BRED STALLIOHT. 9 years old, chestnut color, sired by Mork McGregor, 120d9, first dam Topsy by Archy Membrino, speedy and sure foal getter. Geo. Dunham. Spring Valley, Wis. BAY DELrVEHY HOKSE, WEIGHT 1,2M young and sound, fine looker, city broke also bay family horse. 1,200 pounds, worth $125. will take $75 this week. Farrington, 3&# _8tnji SE. T. O. tel.,_16770. '__ GOOD STRONG 1,200-LB BLACK HOBSE, years old, sound and a true worker worth $75, the first man with $45 cash before Thursday night gets him. 2433 5th ar 8. IF YOIT WANT TO SEE A GOOD FAMILY team of carriage horses, sound and gentle. Bend your address and I will drive tbem around. Address 9679, Journal. FOB SALEONE LEATHER TOP STANHOPE, one two-seat Stanhope, very fine will sell cheap call and make me an offer. 1801 Emer son av S. C. J. Blntliff. $125 TAKES HORSE, WORTH $200, SUITABLE for delivery or family driving first-class no better horse in city for he money top buggy, $15. 3820_ Portland av. FOR SALEBAY MARE, 1,000 LBS. FOR FAK lly or delivery will guarantee her In every respect, $35 moving no place to keep her. 2432 15th av S. WILL SELL MY HANDSOME, FINELY BRED 8-year -old bay mare can step some If you want a fine one answer, $300. 9702, Journal. CARRIAGES, RUNABOUTS, CONCORDS AND delivery wagons manufacturers' prices. Thompson & Ege Carriage Co.. St. Paul, Minn. HORSESHORSESHORSES. All kinds, from $50 up. Kelly & Zimmerman. 12 2d et N. WANTEDFOR THE SUMMER, HORSE AND buggy, for its keeping light driving and good care. Address 9661, Journal. FOR SALEFINE TEAM OF CARRIAGE horses, sound and not afraid of anything. ,.K, Can be seen at 2320 Plllsbury av. "J* SADDLE HOBSE A FINE GAITED KENTUCKY%ft saddler for sale cheap. Barrett & Zimmerman. *0 Midway Hoise Market. *& FOR SALEA FINE HEAVY 1,800-LB MARK, .^1 also light driving mare. J. L. Owens, Fulton *Ji and Huron st SE FULITGAITE SADDLE HORSE. GRAY, PEB^ $$ feet conformation and manners. 9368, JonrnaL1-' FOR SALEHORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS time giv.?n if wanted. 612 Globe building. i NEW AND SECOND-HAND HARNESS CHEAP. "Central Market Harness Co., 625 2d av V. FINE, PERFECTLY SOUN1* 1,150-LB HORSE for sale cheap. 301 6th st SE. -J- HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. HORSESSOUND TEAM, SAME COLOR. about 2,500 lbi. for country salesman must be good travelers no fancy price describe fullj. F. Merrill, Brookfleld. Wis. BOARDERS WANTED AT GANNON'S BOARD ing bam, rear 818 1st av S. COWSjJDOGS^AOTJ^TOTRY FOR SALETWO YOUNG FULL BLOOD JER sey cows very rich milkers one fresh big bargain. Call 2206 Fremont av N. AJJCTIONSALES ANTIftUES AT AUCTION. Auction Sale at Short NoticeWe are instructed by a Baltimore firm who are com pelled to realize to sell at auction Saturday next, 29th of April, at 10 a.m. sharp, rare and valuable consignment of antiques, consist ing of Sheffield silver articles, old mahogany furniture, china, brass, copper and pewter wares, etc., Including rare Sheffield trays, both oval, round and oblong pattern, In various sizes colonial and grape pattern entree dishes, bouillon cups, meat platters, tea caddies, gravy boats, toast racks, candlesticks, wine coolers, salts, peppers, bonbon dishes, fruit bowl, coasters, tumbler holders, after-dinner coffees. Queen Anne tea service, cake baskets, muffin nieres, fern dishes, etc. old French Girondoles with cut droppers Russian brass jardinieres, pots, uras, fine brass woodbox. candlesticks, pewter teapots, plates, two Hogarth plaques, wine carrier, brass snuffers and trays, two fine old willow pattern platters, blue Canton, Wedgewood, Copeland. Longport and other old ""^gj china, one fine Spanish mahogany drop-leaf En- %~M~ gllsh dining table with claw feet, one drop-leaf 'MM breakfast table, one fine old mahogany bureau, _1 one rosewood bureau, one fine old mahogany &A sideboard, three sliding and tiltlng-top card or sewing tables, two fine drop-leaf work tables, *Jt odd Chippendale Heppelwlte and Gothic chairs. %f two mahogany occasional tables, one carved ~*i Roman chair, six old mahogany loose-seat ""m' chairs, Wlllard or banjo clock, valuable mabog-,. any three-wing bookcase, round chvw foot libra-s,S ry table one fine old solid mahogany chest of L* drawers, one swinging mirror for same, threeil^ old mahogany mirror frames, bronzes, two ma- tji bogany center tables, rockers, one Dutch man- WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE NO CHODRiar, want to rent at once, furnished fiat for house keeping must be modern of not less tbas four rooms and in good neighborhood, near car line or walking distance best of care takes of everything: references furnished statu price. 8533. Journal. oooooo e# HAVE YOTT KROPERTY TO HHTtJ make a specialty of renting ana tattn* 0 car* ot all kinds ot property, managing es tates, etc. I can save you money. WalUr L. Badger, 800 Oneida building. ft oooooo A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS A nice fnrnlshed room, In modern house. _fc Glenwood or Bryn Mawr. Address 9797, Jo_r* nal. W^TED^^^^^^^^^ LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE WITH XI9. We will advertise at onr expense if we sell: charge reasonable commission. McQuade McQuade. 711 Phoenix Block. WANTEDTHOROUGHLY MODERN 1HOUSE, in good location, west of Nicollet av pric# not to exceed $4,000 from owners only. Ad dress 0287, Journal. WANTEDSIX TO EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, B* tween 10th av S and Cedar av, Franklin sad 26th st: mall particulars to 2600 Clinton ar, and will call. WANT TO BUY MODERN BiSIDENCR Df Lowry Hill district, Green's addition or Sunny. side f5,000 to $8,000 owners only. 6748. Journal. I WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR WELL .LO. cated Improved Minneapolis business property. What have you? D. D. Webster. 801 Phoenix. |S queterre chair, four flag-seat chairs, one arm '3g fireside chair, one set fire brasses, old Bohem Ian bottles, two fine mahogany dressers and-^J two chiffonnieres with mirrors, desk, brlc-a-4 *jl brae and many other Items. Our Instructions S are peremptory and all will be sold without'.^ the slightest reserve. ^38 Terms strictly cash. We positively cannot change any purchases at this sale. Huberts-*- Bown & Co., auctioneers, No. 9 5th st S,e? a Minneapolis. A AUCTfON~TOMORROWBY ORDER OF __'- Howard, Esq., of Ashland av, St.'2* Paul, Minn., w_ will sell at auction*^ Thursday next, 27th, at 10 a.m. sharp, tho elegant and nearly new furnishings of his residence, as under: One fine golden oak buffet, one round extension table, six box-seat dining chairs, one china closet, one leather couch, one Turkish leather easy chair, two fin* leather rockers, four oak and mahogany rock ers, three handsome 9x12 rugs, one fine bird*. -j eye maple dresser and chiffonnier, one fine ma bogany dresser and chiffonnier, one golden oak dresser and chiffonnier. three pairs pillow*. two center tables, three fine Iron and braao beds, one box spring, two prime hair mot tresses, bookcase, weathered oak ball clock, t^o weathered oak rockers, one weathered oak writing table, fine mahogany Wing chair la leather, lace curtains, a first-class steel range with waterfront and canopytop, a nearly new refrigerator, books, pictures, crockery and other items, all without the slightest ressrvo, at our salesrooms. No. 9 5th st S. Fin* let goods. Hubert Bown, Auctioneer. WANTEDHOUSES AND VACANT LOTS THAT 1 -are bargains have customers waiting for same. Dickinson Land Sc Realty Co., 540 Temple Ct. $ WANTEDLISTINGS OF MINNEAPOLIS RJ&AL estate: houses, lots and nearby acres bnyera 4 Inqniring daily. Newhall. 550 Temple Court. WE HAVE CLIENTS WATTING AND CAM_ sel or yonr property. Cal and llaff&SE witlh 7. H. Bird, Andrus,l Mpto. -Tf