Newspaper Page Text
li^?iiiMjJials-^^ HELP WAMTEDFEMALE Continued. GIRL WANTED FOB GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Willing to go to the lake. Inquire at 1619 Pork av. YOUNG GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework a neat Scandinavian girl. 2218 6th at N. STRONG CAPABLE WOMAN FOR HOUSE". cleaning. 1121 Henuepiu av. Main 3110-J 2. A NEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK family of two. Call 508 E Lake st. city. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK TO GO to Minuetonka. Apply 815 E 18th st, flat 3. WANTEDGIRL FOR' SHORT ORDER COOK ing, $5 a week, at 1015 Washington av S. CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT SIXTH AV HO tel, corner 8th av and Washington av S. WANTEDONE lunch counter. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR The Grill, 308 1st uv S. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN new modern house. 1017 Irving av S. WANTEDA GOQD PLAIN COOK AT NORTH western Hospital, 2627 Chicago av. WANTEDHAND SEWERS ON COATS AND vestsr. F. E. Tallant, 38 3d st S. WANTEDGIRL FOR HOUSEWORK STEADY work good pay. 3J3S Park av. GOOD GENERAL HOUSEWORK family of six. 2434 Stevens av GOOD GIRL FOR 3112 2d av S GIRL IN WANTEDDINNER AND SUPPER WAIT ress. Mandell's, 1206 3d av S. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework 2G53 Portland nv. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT RUSSELL Coffee House, 14-16 4th st S. WANTEDCOMPETENT COOK faaillj flat 5.1672 Hennepin. PRIVATE WANTEDA NEAT, RELIABLE GIRL TO DO second woik. 2218 1st av S. WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1015 Park av. FRY COOK WANTED AT taurant, 225 Nicollet av. GOOD SKIRT FINISHERS. 21 Oth st S. GOOD GIRL FOR 8112 2d av S. COLUMBIA RES- GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. 3121 Clinton av. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 1710 0th av S. MISS McGAHN, GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. WANTEDDININGROOM 508 2d av B. GIRL. SAMSON'S, COOK AND LAUNDRESS AT 1414 HARMON place. SITUATIONSWANTED Male. BATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, V,o A word no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 50c. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN, OUT door emplojmeut oh ranch, farm or lumber bus iness, am well educated, have some experience in handling help, location, hours and cbaiacter of work no figure. Address 9635, Journal 1SOUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE IN painting, would like work at once, good educa tion good habits, will work reasonable Ad dress Austin, 212 Nicollet av, Merchants Hotel, or jcall 0 30 evenings POSITION OF TRUST AS MANAGER FOR some good business concern, 38 jears old, have had 15 years' experience, best of city references can give bond any amount. Ad dress 0595, Journal. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER WANTS work, have high school and college education, willing to work for small wages to start and have my own machine. Address 9505, Jour nal. WANTEDSITUATION BY EXPERIENCED salesman and expert booKkeepei, will go any where at $40 a month. Address 47 7tn st S, Minneapolis, Min 1. PRACTICAL ALL-AROUND NON-UNION printer wants work part of time, can bring some job work wages reasonable. Address 0710, Journal. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER open for position at once, rapid, accurate and hard worker, first-class references. Address 0547, Journal. JCHOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED FURNISHING goods man and window trimmer, open for position May 1 best of references. Address 08O6, Journal. WOULD LIKE POSITION AS GROCERY CLERK Having had four years' experience, can speak German A references will leave city. 66 llth st N. SITUATION I N DRUG STORE BY A YOUNG man with one jenr good general experience, understands fountain. Addicss 9682, Journal. HOW IS YOUR CARPET BUSINESS! CAN you use a good clerk In the department? Will prove ability. Address 9530, Journal. SITUATION WANTEDMARRIED MAN wants situation on stock or mixed farm good references age 32 9352. Journal. WANTED^ATPOSITION AS~SHIPPING CLERK in wholesale house or department store, nine years' experience. 0660, Journal. STENOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION, HIGH school graduate willing to start for small pay, references. 9677, Journal BAKERFIRST-CLASS ALL AROUND MAN will be open for position after May 1 steady and temper.ite. 8734, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS COLLECTOR CAN furnish good refciences, also bonds if neces sary. Address 9663, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS HARDWOOD FLOOR LAYER wants steady work during summer, has fine references. 9541, Journal. SITUATION WANTED AS COACHMAN SOBER, reliable, competent references. Address 0700, Journal COOK, FIRST-CLASS MEAT AND SOUPS BEST references. Arthur James, 422 2d av N. Female. BATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, A word no ad less than 10c dally 20 words or less, one week, 50c. COMPETENT LADY COMPOSITOR AND AD setter desires position in printing office at once, several years' experience, good refer ences ad samples furnished. Address 9419, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION AS BILL CLERK BY young lady, ha/e had three years' experience, am thoroughly competent, will furnish first -lass references prefer an interview. 9490, Journal. TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS, EXPERIENCED cook, second girl, wiBh positions west of the Dakotas. after May. Family preferred, but not particular. Address 0518. Journal STENOGRAPHER WITH~THREE~YEARS' EX perience in real estate, insurance and general brokerage business desires position moderate salary references Al 9527, Journal. DRESSMAKINGSHIRT WAISTS, 75c AND UP summer dresses, $3 and up. Tailor-made suits $5 up skirts $2 and up All work guaran teed. Mrs. Schafer, 11 E 14th st. A WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE WISHES A SIT uation as housekeeper good cook and manager, in or out of city references, good wages ex pected._Address 9648, Journal SITUATION WANTED YOUNG^LXDY~STE nographer with some experience, willing to commence with small salary. Can furnish ref erences. 9639, Journal. LADY STENOGRAPHER, 10 MONTHS' EXPE ence as public stenographer, wants position with reliable firm in or out of city. 9444, Journal. GIRL THAT GOES OUT BY THE DAY WOULD like to clean in some big buildings or new bouses. Call at 518 3d av S. Miss Niels. LADY STENOGRAPHER, COMPETENT. DE sires position city references furnished sal ary $10 to $12. Address 9371, Journal tADIESPLEASE CALL AND SEE MISS HAM mersley in regard to making your spring suits. 23 13th st S. N. Tel., Main 2229. NURSE DESIRES TO MAKE FEW MORE EN gagements references private and medical, charges reisonable 9733 Journal. A GIRL WOULD LIKE TO DO DAY WORK In nice families, housecleaning and choring, no washing. Miss Niels, 518 3d av S. COMPETENT AND ACCURATE LADY B00K- keeper wants position, steady, experience best of references. 9349, Journal. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POSITION TO core for elderly person or baby. 412 5th av SE. Phone East 44-L2. LADY BOOiuCEEPER, FOUR YEARS' STEADY experience, wants position best city references furnished. 9343, Journal. feOQD SECOND GIRL DESIRES PLACE IN email famll} to go to lakes. b. 9130. 805 6th av S. T. WANTEDPOSITION A N EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address L. 2748 Dnpont av S. WANTED^-POSITION AS COMPANION ~BY~A refined, educated woman. 9654, Journal. WANTEDWORK THE DAY7 Iverson. S010 Lyndale av S. MRS. J. ^JLOST^JWra^R^WARDS^ DAME TO MY PLACE MONDAY, BAY AND fofety ra horses, owner can have same by paying and also for this ad. H. L. Bartholomew, Portland av and 58th st. LOSTFLAT MUSIC ROLL, WITH MUSIC, BE. tween 13th and 19th sts, Nicollet and Henne pjn. Retnrn to 119 Groveland av for reward. LCJBTONE PAIR OF GOLD SPECTACLES, ON University and 1st av NE. Liberal reward if returned to W. D. Rivard, 1702 6th st NB. FOUNDA PLACE TO HAVE YOUR TRUNKS repaired or exchanged for new onei Bijou Trunk Factory, 18 Washington av N. LOSTBETWEEN EMERSON AND WHITHER schools, eyeglasses, extra heavy lens. Please return to Flat 1. 127 W 15th st. LOSTPEARL CRESCENT PANSY PIN. turn for leward to 1131 3d av S, RE. REALESTATE1 FOR SAjLE^ Improved. 1 PAUL BEUHLEfi, 456 Temple Court. $4,800-Look at 2518 Garfield av S, one of the best built and hardwood finished and strictly modern, new, up to-date, east front homes in the city for tho price. Really a $6,000 home expensive sideboard, mantel, gas fixtures and decorations. Don't delay if you lire looking for a first-class heme in a fine neighborhood at a bargain. Go in and look it over. $3,500Beautiful, all modern, eight-room home, steam heat, veil located in Prospect Park, only one short block to the Interurban car this is not a rental house, but has alwavs been occupied by the owner and built by the owner for his home handsome electric lighting fixtures, storm windows and screens, nice large shade trees, stone walk in front: one of the neatest kept-up homes in Prospect Park first time offered change of business cause of sale no doubt the best bargain offered in Prospect Pir $2,000 buys one of the most elegant, seven room, new homes, all modern except heat gas fixtures, shades, storm windows and screens hardwood floors fine open porcelain and nickel plumbing handsomely decorated thioughout walking distance first time of fered. $2,250Best bargain north go and look it over: No. 322 22d av N new, seven-room, hardwood finished and floors will be handsomely deco rated this is one of the rare, new, up-to date North Minneapolis bargains fine bath room, best open nickel plumbing all modern except heat. Don't fail to see this bargain eas terms $3,750Very handsome new 7-room strictly mod ern hardwood finished east front home, 262S Emerson uv S. $3,650Good all modern S-room house, finished in oak hardwood floors, combination heat, gas, lauge, gas fixtures, window shades, fine large lot everything goes, Lyndale near 25th st, big bargain. $1,000Look at 3125 Hiawatha av S, 6-rooni house, large lot, 50x153 to 12-foot? alley good well and pump, lot all fenced. $3,750The most elegant S-room all modern house and large bam, fine lot, on Oth av S near 27th st storm sash and screens, gas fix tures, house cost $4,500 to build barn cost $800, and the lot is worth $1,200. $2,800Look at No. 3129 Oakland av. This is a very nice all modem home, except the furnace is not in, but the house is all piped for It. Remember, this is hardwood finish downstairs everjthing in the finest condition, gas fixtures, window shades, stoim sash, gcieeus, attic floored fine lawn large lot, 42x120 to alley, real yaid all fenced. Don't fail to go in. Occupant will show you through. $3,500Elegant new up-to-date 8-room all mod ern, hardwood finished and hardwood floors, fine home, steam sash and screens, handsomely dec orated very handsome gas fixtures elegant large corner lot, only two short blocks to Chi cago av car. $3,200Look at 322 E 27th st, 8 or 9 rooms, all modern, open porcelain plumbing, hardwood floors downstairs, gas fixtures, good large barn, nice south front lot, big bargain, don't miss it, but call and see mo for terms. $1,250Good 7-room house, large lot, 21st st S, near 14th ay. See Paul Beuhler before you buy for fine up to-date modern houses at all prices. If you wish to make a quick cash sale or Borrow money, see him. $3,000 1200 26th st, ten rooms, city water, bath, closet, cistern and cellar rents $27 a month. Don't bother the tenant, but get an older at this office for admission. $3,000 3329 Columbus av ten rooms, hardwood finish downstairs, hardwood floors over larger pait of the house, mantel and giate, city watei, gas bath, closet, sewei, base ment, combination heatiug plant, well, cistern, storm sash, screens, etc. This is a verj good house, and we want to sell it thib week, and want an offer on it. Don't bother the tenant, but get a card for ad mission at this office. $2,500 2441-43 16th av S, double house, 20 rooms city water on two floors and sewei con nected, property rented for $36 a month. A big investment. $2,100 Hennepin av cottage, five rooms, modern. $2,200 Dupont av near 27th seven rooms, par quet floors downstairs, city watei, gas, bath, closet, open nickel and porcelain plumbing. $2,000 Harriet av near 39th st seven rooms, hardwood finish and floors downstairs, city water in kitchen, gas, cellar, stoim sash and, screens easy terms. $1,000 Stevens near 80th st, six, rooms, city water, cellar, cistern, storm sash and screens, small barn. $1,500 514 17th av S, five rooms, city water. $1,450 810 26th av NE, eight rooms, cellar, well, cistern, storm &ash and scieens, rents $10 a month. $1,000 3046 Grand st NE, eight rooms, cellar and well. $950 1611 E 25th st, five rooms, hardwood floors, electric lights, cellar, etc The above houses aie only a few from a large number of good properties we have to offer you. Inspect our catalogue befoie buying. Walter Badger, 300 Oneida Bldg. EDWARD J. O'BRIEN & CO., 104 4th st S, Ground Floor Oneida Bldg. $3,000New seven loom modern house on Pleas ant av near 86th st, hardwood floors and finish throughout, full basement with hot water heating plant, ceitainly a bargain. $3,200One of the nicest little seven-room homes in the eighth ward, built about six months ago foi a home, it is strictly well built with full basement, attic and has hot-water beat. $4,800A complete home on Portland av near 33d st house has eight good sized rooms, nicely decorated, with hardwood floors and finish on first floor hot-water heat ing plant, attic and full basement large east-fiout lot and good barn. $8,500Beautiful modern home In the choicest location on Kenwood parkway it has ten rooms and billiard room, hardwood throughout, hot-water heat, gas and elec tiic fixtures, in fact a complete home at less than the cost of the bouse alone. $2,600A bargain in an eight-ioom house on Portland av between 32d and 33d sts, large east-front lot, good two-story barn, house can be made entliely modern at a small cost. $3,500For a new, thoroughly modern, eight room house on Penn av N. This is cheap best neighborhood on North Side. Investments. $5 500Bargain in a biick flat building contains four flats, modern except heat and in lust-class condition, always rented, terms leasonable. $6,500Do you want a bargain in a three-story frame flat building that we will guar antee pays 12 per cent net? This build ing is in first-class condition and in one of the best lenting locations. See us today on this pioperty if you want an investment. We have a fine corner only three blocks fiom the West Hotel that we are authorized to deliver at the ridiculously low price of $95 per front foot for im mediate sale, 100x87. MOORE BROS. & SAWYER, 311 Nicollet Av. $2,200A seven-room house, modern except heat, located only a short distance from Uni versity is finished in hardwood has hardwood floors, mantels and sideboard, thoroughly up-to-date bath, open plumb ing, nickel finish, full basement house complete and is certainlv a bargain. We want an offer on 904 Lniversltj av SE the house has eight rooms and Is mod ern except heat Go and look it over and make us your best offer. C. A. Rockstrom'ti mi gnlflcent home, located at 1416 Adams st NE, built by Mr. Rock strom only three years ago, every pait put together in first-class shape, of A No. 1 matenal six rooms on the first floor and seven on the second, arranged for two families, Demaiest steam and warm air beater all modem convenl ei ces could not be dupMcated todav for less thin $6,000. The owner business cells him west hence his reason for selling. Price, $5,000, if taken at once $3,800A cosj heme of six rooms for a small family, located on Colfax av, south of I/ake st thoroughly up-to-date hot wa ter hi'ater, lai.ndiy, two rooms finished -in mahogany, stained birch diningroom in Flemish oak. Dcn't fail to ask us about this. $3,750Modern heme in Sunnyside, nine rooms, thoroughl? up-to-date good heating plant, herdwood finish and floors, beauti ful mantel and sideboard. Big bargain. $6,500A new and elegant house of 13 rooms, located in Lake of the Isles district, finished in the very best of hardwood, with hardwood floors, elegant mantel and very tasty sideboard hot water heating plant ticroughly up-to-date bath, with or en plumbing, nickel finish everything of the very best. oooooooooooooooooooooo QUICK SNAPS. $7,000 takes this splendid corner, Frank 0 lln av S, partly improved rented for $84 per month room for other build lngs. You must see this at once. 0 $5,500Splendid four-story brick block, Washington av S, about one-half value of lmproverrents. You must call quick it will go at that price. $2,20022x100 feet on Nicollet island and Central (business) way below the market price- favorable terms. $75 each for two very choice lots, 18th av S, near 30th st. $85 each for 0 lots, Morgan av and 32d av N. $150Good lot. 24th av and 32d st S size 53x150 feet. 0 $195Fine east front, 21st av S and 32d st, terms, $35 cash, $5 per month. 0 $275 each for two fine east fronts on Minnehaha and 35th st. 0 $375 for two east fronts on Minnehaha 0 av and 38th st. a $325 for fine east front lot on Emerson a av S near 82d st. a $325Fine lot. Harriet av near 35th st. 0 $250Good lot on Garfield av, just be- 0 yond 26th st. John L. Neai, 821 Northwestern Building. 0 ooooooooooooooooooo OO K8J Wednesday- Evening, ^fTKE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Improved. v* Continued." 4 fr oooooooooooooooo NEW MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, Eighth Ward, $2,750. Hardwood floors and finish, full open plumbing, cemented cellar, full attic, plenty of closet room, sideboard, Btone porch east fiont. This :s the best ever. W. W. Clark Realty Co., 313 Nicollet. FOR SALETHROUGH A N UNFORESEEN OB stacle, must sell my new, all modern house, built for my own use by day work, cross lathed and back plastered and back papered, warm in winter, cool in summer, located in eighth ward on a piominent avenue, walking distance, two blocks fioin pavement, therefoie very convenient to travel by cairiage or auto mobile full basement with luundij, do ing, coal and cold storage loom, storage room built in with concrete blocks, eight rooms and bath on fiist two floors, no pine wood theiein, beau tifully arranged with fine stairways, beveled plate glass mirror facing stairway, gas and electiic light with switch for each room, laundry clothes chute from first and second floor, leaded glass windows, gas, mantel, best open nickel plumbing, hot-water heat, boiler large enough to heat attic, large attic can be airauged for billiard room and servants, elec tiic bells, storm windows and screens my price, $5,500. 9731, Journal. $2,250BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOUSE, FIN ished in polished woods throughout, piped for and connected with gas, full basement, 9 feet high all hardwood polished floors, plumbed thioughout with porcelain lined fixtures, nickel plated pipes, house has five rooms on ground floor, piettlly decorated, and room for two rooms on becond floor. This cottage is back plasteied, papered between floors, papered be tween root boaids and shingles lot will be sodded in front and stone walks and steps laid. Don't fail to look it over, 3653 Lyndale av N terms to suit. The Edmund G. Walton Agen cy, 300 Hennepin av. 2302 JAMES AV NSMALL HOUSE AND GAR den, all planted, only $700 cash or $800 on time 4113 Colfax av NSeven rooms, good house, $1 10O, easy teims, will assist purchaser with loan. $1,5501708 Crystal Lake av, eight rooms. New houses and homes in course of construc tion near north end of 20th av car line, $100 down and $10 a month. 1210 Aldrich av NFine modern house, 13 rooms, $3,500 Lauderdale Go. & Sloane, 355 Temple Court. $800 DOWN. New house for sale, by owner, 3236 Irving av S, view of Calhoun, east-front, modem throughout, aiehitecture new, elegant side board, teat, paneling, open staiiwuy, hard wood floors and finish full basement, pel feet heating plant, six rooms and bath. Apply 614 Oth st S. oooooooooooooooooooooo FOR SALE OR LEASE* RAILROAD tiackage, corner, 108x157 to 20-foot alley, with exclusive lailroad trackage, also eon venient to depots, mills, etc Terms to suit Thorpf Bios., Andrus building oooooooooooooooooooooo FOR SALEGREAT BARGAIN, NINE-ROOM modern house in one of the best residence dis tricts in Minneapolis, foi sale for a few dajs, otherwise it will be rented price $3,650, $1 b50 cash, balance to moi tgage at 0 pei cent. Union Realty Co 407 Boston Block. IOWA LANDONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN northern Iowa, 600 acres, laige house, splen did improvements will take small farm In exchange and give five years on difference at 4 per cent Interest having decided to remove to the Pacific coast, I wish to reduce my holdings Box 356, Sioux City, Iowa. $2,0008600 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT, BUYS my new seven room cottage, built for a home, oak finish with paiquet floors, city water with nice enamel bink, china closet, nice cellar, storm sash, screens large woodshed, east front lot, this is certainly a snap. Owner. 3944 Hairiet av S. A WANT AN OFFER MUST SELL ON ACCOUNT sickness, 2206 and 2208 Washington av N stole building with living zooms upstairs, two good houses newlj painted and fixed up, full size lot we think nn offer of $3,000 will take this pioperty, is rented now for $35. 503 Oneida Block. $2,750NOW IS YOUR CHAKCE SEVEN rooms, a beautifjl corner, on I'oitland av strictly modern, best open plumbing, elegant lawn and shrubbeiy, stone walks, good barn this property is about new and cost $4,500: f'hoenixo.r 1,250 less will handle same. Gleason, 500 $5,000 WILL BUY A THREE-STORY SOLID brick and stone business block in Watertown, S building alone cost $12,000 with some repairs will jleld nn income of $100 per month a gieat bargain for someone. Savings Fund Co 225 Railway Bld g, Minneapolis. $400 CASH, BALANCE PAYMENTS TO SUIT, for a new hardwood finished eight-room house, modern except heat. This certainly ought to leach jour purse and Is a bargain that can't be beat R. It Betcher & Co., 507 Phoenix Bldg. FOR SALEGREAT BARGAIN, NINE-ROOM modem home in one of the best residence dis tricts in Minneapolis, for sale for a few days, otherwise it will be 1 ented, price $3,600 $1,650 cash, balance to mortgage at 6 per cent. Union Realty Co 407 Boston Block. FREE HOMESTEADS. The finest wheat land In the world now open for homesteads in the famous Palouse country along the new government irrigating canal, state of Washington. See Brookings, 24 Wash ington av N OUR BOOKLET, "COUNTRY HOMES," GIVES the description of over 100 small farms from one acre to 10 acres, neai the city, near elec tric and steam cars, to be sold on easy terms, rree on application Walton, 300 Hennepin. FOR SALE^3325 COLUMBUS AV ELEGANT seven-ioom just completed cottage house, all modern, sewer, gas fixtures, window shades, all complete, easy terms if desired. Owner, J. Friedman, 3338 Park av or 6 5th st N. $1,600.00. 1% acres at end ot Washburn park car line has a four-room cottage on it. This is ex ceedingly cheap. Thorpe Bros Andrus Bldg. A SAFE INCOME INVESTMENT24 APART ments, 3 buildings, central location, grc*s income, $11,000, every known modern conveni ence, $25,000 cash lequlred, wiite for state ment and photo. Yale Realty Company^ FOR SALEBY OWNER, COMPLETE MODERN eight-room residence, one jear old designed by Long richest finish corner lot shade trees improvements Including curb paid for worth $6,500 will sell for less. 2401 Garfield. A NEW HOME, UP-TO-DATE. Why buy an old bouse when you can get a new house and lot'i Will build to suit you in any part of town easy terms. Save rent. R. Betcher & Co. 507 Phoenix. TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, EXCEPT HEAT, arranged for two fanllies. fine large lot Northeast Minneapolis close to fine park for sale or exchange for land or improved farm. Joseph Lowry, 223 Phoenix building. LOOK AT THISLINDEN HILLS, CORNER lot, east front, 90x170, new nine-room house hot -and cold water gas, hardwood throughout If you want a beautiful home do not buy until you see it. 9705, Journal. $1,300ARRANGED FOR TWO FAMILIES, eight large rooms and barn, good repair $1,700 Rents for $22, near car, good location, 12 rooms, good repair McCurdy & Co., 455 Tem ple Court. T. C. 3827. REAL ESTATEA NON-RESIDENT WISHES to dispose of some of the best residence prop erty in Minneapolis. Write me for list. Agents need not write. H. E. King, 273 W 10th st, Winona, Minn. FOR SALETEN-ROOM HOUSE (FOR TWO families), full besement and attic, city water, sewer, closet first-class condition terms to suit parquet floors price $2,500. Adler, 1408 Main st NE. 8012 DUPONT AV SEIGHT ROOMS, HOT water heater, hardwoods upstairs and down, gas grate, fixtures shades, decorated all mod ern, large lot must sell. Lewis, 8} Kasota Block. FOR SALEBY OWNER WHO IS LEAVING the state, modern nine-room house In Sunny side, fine location a bargain to a quick pur chaser prefer to deal direct. 9789, Journal., $950$100 DOWN AND $12 A MONTH SPLEN did little house of six rooms, newly painted and ready for occupancy 3329 2d st N, near the new bridge. Walton, 300 Hennepin av^ JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR MOD era eight-room house full-sized lot in choic est location will s,ell verv cheap and on terms. Hobe, 214 Lumber Exchange. LOOX AT THIS BARGAIN. $1,55014 lots, block 3 Bowen's second ad dition excelleit location reasonable terms. E. Smith. 516 New York Life. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROP erty at lowest current rates payment privi leges given no delay in closing. Minneapolis Trust Co., Henenpin av and 4th st. 4206 NICOLLET, PLEASANT EIGHT-ROOM cottage well, cistern, shade trees. \screened notch, ready to move into easy terms. Fort, owner, 47 Loan & Trust. NEW MODERN HOUSE, HARDWOOD FINISH throughout, large grounds, near car might take part trade get key, make offer. Rait, Bank of Commerce. LIST REAL ESTATE WITH US SPRING trade opening demand for bargains especial attention and advertising to exclusive listings. Yale Realty Co. FOR SALEA COLOBADO STOCK RANCH. Apply to A. Ipsen. Blackhawk. Col. REAL ES^UtFOR BALE **& Contln$fe0. ONLY $3,100-MY NEW, THOROLY MODERN home, eight rooms and bath cost me $3,400 3217 Colfax av to build must sell at once. 8. Easy terms. WILL PAY SPOT CASK -FOB WELL-LO"- cuted. Improved. Minneapolis business prop erty. What have you? D. D. Webster, 8ul Phoenix. STRICTLY MODERN KEN-ROOM RESIDENCE on living av S, between Douglas and Frank lin, for sale at a bargain. Address 6867, Journal. S811 LAKE OF ISLES BOULEVARDSEVi*, rooms, fine open plumbing, hardwood finish, fine trees, huge lot. Lewis, 8% Kasota Block. FOR SALEBY THE OWNER, MODERN UP to date elsht-rooui house eighth ward good reason foi selling- UdOB, Journal. GOOD NINE-ROOM HOUSE ON STEVENS AV, for sale at a bargain. McMcbjol Investment Co., 417 Guatauty Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH ALCOVE, STONE walks and boulevaid, lor $2,000.' 1770 CanoU st, Merriam Park. FOR SALE10-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD RE pair, cheap if taken at once. By owuei. Call at 613 Cedar av. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN AT ANOKA, $50, half cash, near courthouse. Newhall, 550 Temple Court. FOR SALE AT A BARGAINA NEW, MOD ern, seven-room cottage, 2843 10th av S. T. 0. tel. 5672. ELECTRIC BELLS REPAIRED, INSTALLED. Phone T._C. lfll.JS. H. Hammer,_325 5th_st 8. fSOO^SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR 28th AND Nicollet, to move off off lot. '2721 Nicollet av. Unimproved. $1,500FREMONT AV NjbAR LINCOLN, 50x135, and a big bargain. $1,000living av near 22d St, 50x150, east front, and a bargain. $1,500Irving av near 25th st, 57x145. east front. $1,300 Pillsbury av near 26th st, 44x165. $.650Oakland av near 32d st, 47x118, east front. *60uLot 8, block 12, Park addition, Nicollet and 37th. $576Lot 10, block 2, FrenchJs addition, Park near 37th, a good lot and cheap. $450Lot 27, block 9, Motor Line addition, Grand near 32d st. $500 EachLots on Dupont av S or Colfax, east and west fiontb, Jaetween 37th and 38th streets. $800Lot 7, block 8, Elliot's addition, 22/i st near Bloomiugtoti also coiner lot at $000 will submit offer of $1,600 foi both, 111x133, can be divided into four or five lots. $S50Lot 9, block 2, Blooming Prairie, Grand av near 26th st, east front. $750Harriet av near 24th at, 4uxl28 $4256i st NE near 20th av, 55x161. !5iS3Coine Mcnioe and 20th av NE, south and east front, fine lot. $35017th av near 32d st, 50x121, West front. $250iillmore st NH near 27th av, west front. $200Bloomington av, inside of 37th st city water and stone sidewalk. $250Cornei 3bth and 13th av S, west front. $250Russell av near Laurel. $15 EachLots on 271h av, between 41st and 42d sts, west fronts. Lots At All Prices. Walter L^ Badger, 300 Oneida Building. oooooooooooooooooooooo NOTICEINVESTORS. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. An eastern man, who is in the city this week, has authorized us to close out his Minneapolis piopeity'at once at prices that will attract the attention of all caje fnl investois. The following tracts are ofteied. Vine place, near 14th st, 132x165. 15th st, near Vine place, 41x132. Gioveland, neai Dell place, 128x155. Coiner Dell place and Grovelaud, lOOx 112 Corner Dell place and Summit, 170x130. Gioveland, neai Dell place, 55x145. If jou aie looking for a location for a fine residence or flat building, look up this property. Keinembei, it is to be sold at once and AT A BA&GAIN. WYVELL-HARRINGTON CO., 401-402 4oa Andrus Building. o-,o oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooo BUSINESS PROPERTY. $14,000 will buy a double corner on 4th st and 10th av S, 132x165 feet one of the best sites in South Minneapo lis fo- walehouse or manufacturing purposes accessible to railroad right of waj nothing better has been of fered at our figure, must be sold in the ne"ar future. n. "rvv Mooie Bios. & Sawyer, 311 Nicollet Av. 00000000000000 6 000000 oooooooooooooooooooooo 0 MAKE OFFER. 6 Two fine lots on Lake of the Isles boul 0 evard, south frontage of 124 feet, all im piovements will sell single lot. These must be closed out at once for the best offer we can get. Call for description of piopeity. Wyveil-Harrington Co., 401-402 Andrus Bldg. O ooooooooooooooooooooo $350 EACH FOR LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 32, Remington's Second addition, on Aldrich av S near 32d st, fine lesidence lots at a bar gain, one-half cash, balance on time. $100 each for ten fine lots at Minnehaha Falls easy terms, monthly payments. $100 each for ten lots in Cataract addi tion, 39th av and Colfax av N $10 down and $10 monthly. Saving Fund Co., 225 Railway Bldg. $425. Double corner of 42d and Wentworth av S, size 75x132 feet to alley nice trees on front of lots, lots lie above grade and 1% blocks from the Washburn Pnrk car line owner wants to leave town. Terms, $25 down and balance $20 pei month. Thorpe Bros., Andrus Building, $30015 LOTS, ADJOINING CITY TAXES only $2 50 per jear close to street cars $750 for five acres near the above 12 acres fine garden land, one n.ile from city, very cheap easy terms Homesteads in North Dakota for $35. McCurdy, 455 Temple Court. T. C. 3827. LOTS 12 AND 18, BLOCK 1, WENZ' ADDI tlon, fine large corner, on Penn av and Crystal Lake road, $1,200 half cash, balance ona yeer Large coiner lot, in St. Anthony Park, one block from Como car fine location price only $450. John L. Smith. 225 Railway bldg. tROSEDALE. Located at Mcollet av and 43d stWe still have 60 fine lots left," ranging 111 price from $75 to $200 each terms. $25 down, balance $10 per month. Call at office for plats. Thorpe Bros Andrus Building. SUBURBAN ACRES I Morningslde, just on outside edge of city limits, on new electric, 5c fare, trees, best soil, $350 for one big lot equal to three city lots, easy terms. Let me show them to you. Chas. I. Fuller, 803 Phoenix. SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND Lo cated in Wright county near Annandale, for sale in 40 or 80-acre tracts, $15 per acre one-third cash, balance on or before 10 years at 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., Clear Lake, Minn. LOTS AT LINDEN HILLS WILL E SOLD AT greatly redac^d prices this month: call in for plats prices less than ever want to sell out the few remaining lots. The Edmund G. Walton Agency. 300 Hennepin av, BEST BARGAINS IN THE CITY. Two lots, near state university interurban line all improvements. F. M. Morgan, 515 Guaranty Loan building. $1,500FINE HIGH SMOOTH LOTS, NICOLLET av and Franklin inside lots 48x200 to 20-foot allej -best on the market for flats. Hobart, Phoenix Bldg. W E HAVE TWO 60-FOOT LOTS IN LAKE OF Isles addition for sale cheap by an out-of town owner. Newhall, 550 Temple Court. $495 FOR EAST FRONT LOT, 40x124, TO AL ley. Pleasant nv near Lake st sewer, water and walk. Yale Realty Company. GOOD BUILDING LOTS ON 2d AND 3d AVS S, $150 to $200, easy terms. McNichol Invest ment Co., 417 Guaranty building. 940 ACRES OF LAND THREE MILES OF NA poleon, N. D. $6 per acre a snap. & Sperry, 305 Central av. Velikunge CHOICE LOT, HARRIET AV BETWEEN 32d and 33d, a bargain easy terms. S. H. Find ley, 517 Andrus Bldg. BARGAINS IN TIMBER LANDS. PeDley, Pensacola, Fla. Farm Lands. $475$175 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS 10 aeres. less than half mile from new Min netonka electric line virgin soil, with plenty of timber just the place for a suburban fruit and chicken farm it's a mighty good investment you must remem ber that this tract will be nearer the city so far as time, required 0 reach it is con cerned than lands south Of the city, which are being sold at $100 to $126 per acre, and soil no better, if as good. $800Ten -acres, 2% miles south of Lake Har riet good soil, every foot tillable high ground, thus avoiding early frosts just a fine place for fruits and vegetables or chickens easy terms, or might take good clear lot, worth $200 or $300, as part pay. $800Five acres, 58th st and Penn av 8 this is near Lake Harriet. Soil as good as any in the county. Might sell in 2%-acre tracts. Offered for 30 days only at this price. Potter, 418 Phoenix Buiiaift& 68 ACRES, FOUR MILES FROM WEST HO tel. section 9, St. Louis Park township, near Cedar lake some fine timber little meadow anxious to sell nri Sloo an acre. Hobart, Phoenix building* Defective Page V^L'^^S^^j^^ff'W^W^^^fS^^^^W1-'? REAL ESTATE FOR SALE f-,,U*J^ Farm Lands/ Continued. ooo'Ooooooc HERE IS A BIG BARGAIN IN SOUTH Dakota land*. Would make the best kind of farming land. These lands are mostly under cultivation. a Hyde County, SEQ 8-112-71 NEQ 28-116-72 0 SEQ 2-112-71 SEQ 81-112-78 SEQ 25-112-71 NEQ 2-113 73 NEQ 5-114-71 NWQ 7-113-73 SBQ- 15,114-71 SBQ. 11-113-73 NEQ 21-114-71 SWQ. 22-118-73 SWQ 22-114-71 NWQ 32-113-73 SWQ 23-114-71 SEQ 10-114-73 SWQ 27-114-71 SWQ 11-114-73 NEQ 32-115-71 NEQ 15-114-73 NWQ 21-116-71 SBQ 22-114-73 SBQ 28 111 72 NWQ 26-114-73 SE5QL N NEQ 32-115-7 2 NWC NWQ 82-115*72 NEQ. Lots 1 and 2 and SEQ. SEQ of NEQ. NEQ.... 1.116-72 NEQ, W% of NWQ and SEQ. Lot 4 of 6-116-72 Nwq. o RAINY RIVER FARM FOR SALE NEAR Koochiching Falls, 291 acres, beautifully lo cated, facing Raiay liver, 40 acres clear, good set of buildings much valuable timber on place, farm machines, stock, all for $2,700 no such bargain will occur again. Address Rainy River Realty Co. Littlefork, Minn. LANDSEEKERSWE HAVE A NUMBER OF improved farms from $800 to $1,500, 60 to 75 miles from Minneapolis also a few improved homesteads from $200 to $400. U. S. Homestead Laud Co 802 Nicollet Av, Minneapolis. AOjli-tj, NfcAR LAKE MINNETONKA close to new electric line good buildings, worth $2,000 orchard' of 300 fine trees, 50 acres cultivated, balance timber, good clay soil price $50 per acre easy terms. James Nelson, 565 Temple Court FREE HOMESTEADS. The finest wheat land in the world now open for homesteads in the famous Palouse country along the new government irrigating canal, state of Washington. See Brookings, 24 Wash ington av N. $7.00 TO $9,00 PER ACRE, IN TRACTS TO suit 10,000 acres to select from, In Aitkin and Crow Wing counties, stiong, heavy soil, delightful climate, very productive lands. Henr M. Troy, 502 Guaranty Bldg. 77 ACRES, LONG LAKE, SIX-ROOM HOUSE, barn, well, 25 acres good meadow, balance good black soil, some timber, fruit, only $42 per acre. J. M. Davies 509 Phoenix. BARGAINS IN ACRES, LANDS, FARMS. $1,500, 20 icres, Deephaven. Minnetonka. $2,200, 50 acres, improved, good house, barn, 18 acres in crop Mound, Hennepin county. Hobait, Phoenix building. VA ACRE AND EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Washburn Park, hardwood finish, full base ment, cistern, cesspool, water In house, pump, well, barn, $2,200, easy payments. A. B. Hammond, 412 Phoenix. WE OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE THE SWA section 24-137-79, 15 miles southeast of Bis marck, 4 miles from Soo railway good land bears inspection. J. C. Oswald & Co., Minne apolis. CANADIAN LANDS IN SOUTHEASTERN AS siniboia, along Arcola-Regina branch of C. P. railway very cheap prices will advance soon. Crescent Land Co., 518 Guaranty bldg. FOR SALELMPROVED FARM OF 80 ACRES, with stock, machinery and crop being put in, 14 miles of Minneapolis all for $3,100. Ad dress 0532, Journal. ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN, 640 IMPROVED farm, North Dakota, 3"^ miles to town, $15 stock and implements if desired. Rait, Bank of Commerce $22 PER ACRESEVERAL QUARTER SEC tlons under cultivation, rich Red River valley land, near Crookston. Thomas Watts, 616 Phoenix Bldg. INFORMATION FREECANADIAN LANDS. R. R. Stoner, Canadian Government Agent, 231 Boston Blk, Minneapolis, Minn. ACREAGE AT KCOCHICHING FALLS. CALL or write the Enger-Nord Realty Co., 120 Tem ple^Court, Minneapolis. LANDSEEKERS' CANADIAN BUREAU OF IN formation. 518 Guaranty bldg. I nf01 mat Ion f,ree. W E BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE farm lands, city property. Quale Land Co N -W. bldg. 8,400 ACRES good farm land is North Dakota. Write for owner's list. Barnes Bros.. Mpls. 200 ACRES, IMPROVED FARM, OR WILL SELL 10-acre lots. August Classen. Long Lake. ^MgTOTTOlJKAJ^OPERTY^ oooooooooooooooo MINNETONKA PROPERTY. For Rent. Minnetonka Beach First-class cottage of eleven rooms, situated on one of the most delightful points on the whole lake stands on cornel facing- "Lafayette club house" beautiful grounds extending to shore cottage has seven sleeping rooms, very large dining-room and living-room, wate., bathroom! gas, screened porches, good stable and nearly all the conven iences of a house in town. Rental, $600 a yeAr. McGrory, Temple Court. 0000 000 FOR SALEELFGANT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, nicely furnished, with beautiful grounds, fine beach and boatbouse, at Linwood, on M. & St. L. railroad, two blocks to station open for inspection after May 1 price $2,800. E. Eichhorn & Sons, corner Hennepin and Wash ington. T. C. phone 106. FOR RENTFINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES, 5oinlng THOMAS 100 season unfurnished, $126 furnished ad Wayzata station. For SaleFive-acre garden tracts liberal terms. Moffett, opposite Bijou. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD, SOUND, SAFE HORSE, weight about 1,100, to exchange for a fine lot at Minnetonka, that will stand inspection, call and see me. P. P. Swensen, 514 Bank of Commerce Bldr. LAKE MINNETONKA PROPERTY FOR SALE by the owners 28 acres in section 10-117-28, being part of lot 7, adjoining Markvllle. For particulars address J. C. Oswald & Co., Min* neapolis, Minn. NINE-BOOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, AT MIN netonka, only $135 for t-eason icehouse and fine boathouse nice shade, south front good shore. Newhall, 550 Temple Court. FOB BENTUNTIL AUG. 1, FUBNISHED COT tage, Zumbra Heights, Lake Minnetonka five rocins, screened porches, large wooded grounds, boat. Apply 825 5th Bt SE. FOB RENT7-ROOM COTTAGE, SCREENED porch partly furnished, boat, etc. variety of fruit. J. M. Totton, 1127 Lumber Exchange. MINNETONKA fruit farms, cottages, lots: lots $125 five-acre farai $1,000 fine cottage, $2,500. Also others. J. M. Davies 009 Phoenix. 80 ACRES FINE FARM LAND FOR SALE AT Wayzata, Hennepin county. Call C. H. Wil cox. .810 Phoenix builiin*- April 26, 1905. O 20-112-72 SEQ 27-114-73 SW and NW 81-114-7 3 SWQ of NWQ 32-114-73 SWQ.-.. 7-114-72 NWQ 21-115-73 SWQ 0-114-72 NWQ. OSPNOo 2-115-73 8-111-72 5-115-71 20-113-71 8-112-72 83-112-73 15-113-73 nughes County. 28-111-75 SWQ. 13-112-78 21-111-75 NWQ 20-112-78 25-111-70 Lots 9. 10, 11 and 12 14-112-76 of NEQ. 6-111-70 NEQ SEQ SWQ.... NEQ.. NWQ 84-112-76 N% of SWQ and S 18-112-80 SEQ 10-111-77 of NWQ. S% of NWQ 31-112-79 NEQ.... 28-111-78 SEQ 23-112-81 NEQ 1-112-78 SEQ 26-112-81 O SEQ 4-112-78 SWQ 31-112-79 We have some vacant property In Mlnne apolls also for sale. C. E. Hatcher, Marshalltown, Iowa. ooooooooooooooooooooo SUMMER RESORT HOMESWE HAVE A number of large and small tracts fronting upon some of the finest lakes in northern Wiscon sin, lots of fine hardwood timber, full of wild game, including deer the lakes are clear as crjstal. and filled with pike maskalonge and bass these properties are from three to five miles fiom the railroad and we are selling them at the same prices as wild lands. If you are wise you will buy now. Wisconsin Blue Grass Land Co 706 Northwestern building. LAND ON EASY TERMS. $6 to $12 Per Acre. Choice hardwood timber land near station, Aitkin county, Minn., in tracts to suit best soil, no swaup, sand or stone, near best wood market, we own this land and will accept wood in payment. Tingdale Bros 307 Bank of Commerce Bldg, Minneapolis, Minn GET A FARM IN WESTERN CANADABEST wheat country in the world we have land In western Canada near, railroad, homestead land adjoining we have the best land and sell on easy terms, yearly payments, reduced rail road fare telso Noith Dakota and Minnesota land. For particulars write Martin Hansen, __Grafton, N. D. 6,50TACRES OF WILD LAND AT FROM 7 TO 10 miles from Poplar Point and about 40 miles from Winnipeg must be sold within 30 days best investment in America pi ice $4 pet acre, half cash, balance arranged at 6 per cent. For fuller information write The Cooper Walch Land Co., 517 Union Bank Bldg.. Winni peg, Can. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE160 OR 320 ACRES fine valley land, on the government Irrigation ditch in Lost Rner valley, the coming gaiden of southern Oregon, will sell at a gieat sacri fice. If you want to live in a beautiful cli mate and make money at the same time, come and see us. McQuade & McQuade, 711 Phoenix. i*#W&t*&PWl-)A FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ABE YOU SAVING SOUS MONEY BY Getting One Grovenstiae, $40. One Lyon & Heal}, $85. One Mathushek, $100. One Schtimann, $100. One Hale. $100. One Newby & Evans, $135. One Knabe. $175. Organs $lo, $15 and $25. ttquare pianos $10 and upward. Howard, Farwell & Co.. 7p7 Nicollet Av. RENT A NEW PIANO For $3.50 Per Month. A large shipment of new pianos just re ceived. They are for our rent department and are offered at $3 50 per month one year's rent to apply in 'case of purchase within that time. Fine tone and action and stylish cases. Metropolitan Music Co., 41-48 Sixth St. S. 1027 WASHINGTON AV S HAS THE LARGEST assortment of second-hand fixtures in the noith west, 500 counters, 200 showcases, floor and wall cases, refrigerators, scales, cash registers, 50 safes, roll top desks of all Bi^e and office furniture, household goods by carlots wagons, buggies, harness, pianos, organs it will pay jou to cal land ee for yourself. UNDERWOOD STANDARD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS. Given highest award at St. Louis exposition. Writes in sight, rree trial on request. Also bargains in second-hand typewriters of all makes. Underwood Typewriter Co., 326 Henne pin av. PIANOSBARGAINS IN USED PIANOS: EM erson piano, $125, Vose piano, $160 Fischer piano, $190 Weber piano, regular price $375, now $200 Singer piano, regular pi ice $300, now $165, three upright pianos, $80, $90, $125. Foster & Waldo, 36 5th st S, corner Nicollet. WALL PAPER. Newest, Finest Decorations in the Market. Closing out some patterns at half price to make room for new goods, plentyn men. A. H. ltanney. BARGAINS SEWING MACHINES, LATE drophead Singer, $18 Standard, $10 White, $10, Household, $7, other high-grade machines, $4 to $8 fine repairing. Dalseide av S. Phone 2183. ,ijwn IA* our estimates on your bouse -o ills? We furnish building paper, hard wood flooring, BiroE Doors, Fir Doers, and all kinds of mill work. a City Sash ft Door Co., 4th st, opposite courthouse. 9 0 oooooooooooooooo IT' IDLoE BOAST W E AR E HEADCIUARo tera of the northwest for the largest, finest and best grade of new and second-hand office, store, bank, drug, restaurant and icecream fixtures our stock includes safes, desks, chairs, tables, upright show cases, wall cases, cash register, soda fountain, scales, five station cash carrier, big stock window display fixtures space will not permit our enumerating every tning. Call and get our prices. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 3d St. S. PIANO BARGAINS. good work- 608 Hennepi av LUMBERNEW AND OLD, SHINGLES, DOORS and windows, very cheap. Get our estimates and sve money. N vV. Lumber Wrecking Co. Yaids, 8th 6t and 14th av S. Washing ton andlOthavs N^ Office. 319 Hennepin nv. 15V4-FOOT LAUNCHES WITH 1V4 H. P. EN gine, price $110. launches in stock up to 30 teet in length, cedar row boats in stock, marine engines. Send stamp for catalogue and price to Moore Boat Works, Wayzata, Minn TIMBER CLAIMS. Party who has secured timber claims himself in Oregon and returns soon would like to meet other paitles who would like to secure good claims. Inquire at 100 Nicollet av, city. FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL llard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments, send for catalogue and price list. The Brunswick, Balke, Cullender Co., 426 and 428 3d st S, Minneapolis. ELECTRIC MOTORS, USED AT THE WORLD'S fair all sizes from one-half to 50-horsepower. at half original cost. Northwestern Electric Equipment Co 133-135 E 5th st, St. Paul, Minn. Both phones. 61 0 1st PIANOSA LARGE SIZE BUSH & GATES piano, good as new, for $200 less than regu lar price this piano must be seen to be ap preciated. S. W. Raudenbush & Co., 703 Nicollet av. PIANOS AND ORGANS. New upright pianos, $150 upward second hand upright pianos $40 upward. Ask for bar gain list. Howard, Farwell & Co.. 707 Nlc. av. BOATS FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND steel and wood row boats, boat lumber, hard wood flooring, hardwood and spruce lumber and shingles^ N. C. Bennett Lumber Co., city. ROWBOATS, ALL SIZES, FINISHED ANY style, immediate deliver} oiders taken for launches, sailboats, canoes, hunting boats. A. Shepherd, 1113 W Lake st. T. C. S0S8. THE OFFICE OF MINNESOTA SAVING FUND & Insurance Co. has been lemeved from Temple Court to 225 Railway building, 3d st and Nicollet. John_L._Smith, president. MAIRE'S ROOF PRESERVERT Stops leaks in any roof. Call, telephone or write Maire Paint Co., 242 1st av N. BIG BARGAINSGOOD SINGER SEWING MA ehlne, $5, Domestic, $4.75, oak White, $8 75 Singer, $12.50 drophead Wheeler & Wilson, $19.75. Elmer, 710 1st av S. FOR SALEHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LEAV ing for coast Thursday ifight, Iron couch and mattress. Stewart heater commode, chairs, etc. 3412 Columbus av. FOR SALEA $35 BABY GO-CART, LATEST style, and in fine condition, only used a short time, only $18. Coll evening or fore noon at 2709 3d av S. WOODDRY, $2.25 TO $3.26 FACTORY WOOD, $2 50 and %3.50, coal, $4.50 to $8 75. Plym outh Lumbfer Co., 237 Hennepin. Main 3846 LI. T. C. 2807. LARGE BLACK WALNUT FILING CABINET, contains 63 files 5%xll Inches, cost $125 you can have it for $40. J. L. Smith, 225 Rail Way building. NO. 6 REMINGTON TYPEWRITES, WITH ALL latest attachments, $47 will ship for inspec tion. McNichol Investment Co., 417 Guaranty building. UNUSED SAMPLE PIANOSLet us save you money. Don't mi*s this chance. M. Schulz Co., wholesale samplerooms, 404 Dayton bldg. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GASOLENE EN gines, 1% to 30-horsepower, stationary, trac tlon. Parten A, Bloomstroni Mfg.C ,251 6th av S. FOR SALELAUNCHES, all sizes, fitted with Westman gasolene engine order now for spring delivery. Enterprise Machine Co., 1114 3d st S QUICK MEAL, RELIABLE AND JEWEL GAS ranges second hand gas stoves cheap, for good stoves. C. Herbert Smith. 424 Hennepin av. FOR SALEONE LARGE CAST IRON RANGE, with reservoir, closet and shelf, in good con dltlon, cheap. Both phones. E. Q. Stone. $8.50 FOR 18x14 THREE-FOOT WALL TENT. American Tent & Awning Company. 125-127-120 1st av N, Minneapolis. Minn. VERTICAL ENGINES AND BOILERS W E have a large stock of new and second-hand. Prices the lowest. Harris Machinery Co. WRITE TODAY FOR MY GREAT PIANO 0F- fer how to get a Bird piano free. Francis J. Bird, 505 Hennepin av SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER NO. 4, PRAC tically good as new, worth $75, will sell for $52.50 cash. Address 9806, Journal. HALL'S SAFES, NEW ANDBECOND-HAND largest stock in the northwest. J. J. Deright & Co 318 2d av S. Tel., Main 3121. $1,500LEVEL EAST FRONT LOT, NICOLLET, inside 22d st, 48x192 street Improvements all in great bargain Yale Realty Co. RANGE, HEATERS, PIANO, BOOKCASE, chiffonnier and other household goods cheap leaving city. 2380 Thomas av N. LAKE COTTAGES ORDER YOUR PORTABLE summer cottage at once, by telephone. T. C. 4368 or call at 2504 12th av S. COMPLETE LINE OF FINE WHOLESALE AND retail wall paper, painting and decorating. F. Hlrshfleld. 239-241 Hennepin av. FOR SALE HERRICK REFRIGERATOR been nsed a short tinoe in good condition: can be seen at 120 4th st N. NO. 8 OLIVER TYPEWRITER FOB SALE"ATA bargain, will ship for inspection. G. M. Whit more, 417 Guaranty building. W E WANT TO BUY A QUANTITY OF SE0- ond-hand tools and will pay good prices there _for Harris_Machtaery__Co. GAS STOVESBEFORE PLACING YOYR OR~ der call and see our line and get prices. Brand Stove Co., 330* 4th av S. QUICK MEAL GASOLINE RANGE, ICE CHEST and other household goods will sell cheap at once. 1220 1st av S. FOB SALELATEST NEW CITY ATLAS 0F Minneapolis and oak office table, at 209 Lum- berExchange. PBACTICALLY NEW "PRINCESS" RANGE for sale cheap. 3116 Dnpont av S. T. C. 5610. FOR SALEHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 8244 18th av S- Call before ft a.m. or after 6 p.m. BASEBALL SWEATERS AND STOCKINGS made to order. Bils, the Knitter, 8123 Nic. WALL AND SHOW CASE FIXTURES FOR sale Lane's drug store, 501 Hennepin av. OFFICE FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE finished. American Desk Co., 209 3d st S. FIRST-CLASS TICKET TO CHICAGO GOOD until May 4, $8. 2432 15th av S. FOB SALEFBAME BUILDING TO E BZ moved, $15., 217 1st at N. FOB SALE55-GALLON MILK B0UTE, 3324 24th st &'. spelling, business practice, bookkeeping, etc.. preparation for business or college teachers' exa n.inatlons private course, $6. Evening. Raymond Institute, 620% Nicollet av, room 2ia 19 FmANOTAL^ ANNOUNCEMENTWE TAXE THIS MEAN* of Informing our many friends and clients or the past that we now have on file an unusual number of applications for loans on improved city property, in sums ranging mostly from $300 to $8,000, which will net you 6 per cenU as the borrower pays all expenses. We uay had 82 years' experience in the real estate and loan business in this city and can prove to any one Interested that our office had the smallest percentage of foreclosures of rfny In the city during the panics of 1873 and 1898. Do not throw your hard-earned savings over the tran* eom of some "get-rich-quick" concern, but lefcj us invest them for you in a way where the very ,worst that can happen, even in case if another panic would be that you might be obliged to lake a choice piece of improved property at half cf its value. Parties having funds upon which they are not receiving satisj factory returns are Invited to call and Inspect our system, and also get an unlimited number of names as references also see page 100 of the Minneapolis City Directory. E. Eiebhora & Sons, corner Washington and Hennepin. CHATTEL LOANS. '"JV'U Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., Established 25 Years. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large pay ments, weekly or monthly, with privilege ofc payment on or before, thus stopping all cost.,. Having Leen engaged in the money lending' business for the past 25 years, and with the large clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation* for the past 25 years Insures honorable and., coLfldentfal dealing to all. *s ^i Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 2 306-306 Bank of Commerce Building, 1st Av S and 4th St. ABE YOU LOOKING "'""t For a Friend To Loan You Money We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses^ wagons, etc. Low rates. Easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. 1 Call, write or telephoneN. W., Main 17703 Twin City, 0378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Building, 22 4th st S. "J AT KOOCHICHING FALLS. $3,000 loan at 8 per cent on or before, wanted on 160 acres, partly Improved, l^j miles from main business center of that great new industrial center. For particulars The Enger-Nord Realty Co., 120 Temple Court, Minneapolis. INVESTMENTJOBBING STOCK FOB in a well-established business paid 10 perj V5 cent dividend every year since incorporated^^ 19^0, besides having a surplus of about $9,000 ^t reason, expanding the business $100 per shared Address 5609, Journal. 0 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE-4- tail merchants, teamsters, boarding houses,.,'", without security. Largest business in 48 princWj^ pal cities. Tolman, 920 New York Life bldg,^t WANTEDLOANS FBQM $500 TO $5,000. CXTYJl property, 40 per cent value. We charge n*? commission for placing your money. Morrison-** ^rlttenden Co., Phoenix bldg. MONEY TO LOANLOWEST BATES WITH OK, or before privileges, no delay in closing or sr curing answer. Building loans also accepted*" Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building. MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOIP residence loans and Hennepin county farnfc loans, building loans a specialty no delay or dlsoi poiutment. E. D. Brown, 738 Lumber Exchange. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN OH improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., 313 Nicollet av. LET US WRITE YOUR INSURANCE, FIRI Tornado, plate glass, liability, burglary stand ard companies, lowest rates, lale Reatt| Company. B. D. 00NE & CO., 517 Guaranty bldg, have on hand to loan on improved property $l,000,t $1,500, $2,000, $3,500 lowest rates. PROMPT LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY J* easy terms. C. 8. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty building. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY AND LD7E in surance policies. Abbott, 22 Loan & Trust. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST BATES. NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY LOW rates. J. Bird, 625 Andrus building. LOANS ON rXFE INSURANCE POLICIES, delay. Ins., Loan Co., 506 Oneida block. 4 BQ7 WE LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, wagons, warehouse receipts and salaries. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co 408 New York Life Bldg. WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS ON furniture, pianos or any security, large loans1 a specialty, terms to suit borrowers Lowest prices. RICE~ LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg. ^EALJSTAraEXCHANGE_ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEOAKES IS ON three railroads now is nine miles from the Great Northern and ten miles from the Mil waukee. When these two get there it will have the Milwaukee, the Soo line, the North western, the Great Northern and the North ern Pacific, five separate roads, more than any other town in the northwest. I have 80- acre addition to Oakes, between five and six hundred lots, nicely located. Will sell or trade for good land. Ed A. Smith, Devils Lake. N. D. FOR SALEOR EXCHANGE FOR MERCHAN dise. a fine flat building In St. Paul, valued at $20,000, also other lower-priced property no incumbrance, for sale, exclusively choice tracts of farm lands, wild and improved, or will exchange for stock of good merchandise. Ten-acre farm for rent or sale, near St. Panl. Also homestead in Sonth Dakota, where stock can run year round. Well adapted to general farming as well. John H. Lawton. 814 Brad ley building, St. Paul^ IDEAL CLUB SITE, ON LARGE LAKE, NEAR Haywood, Wis. 15 rooms, furnished, club house icehouse, boats, etc. 204 acres ex cellent fishing: easy access to railroads also suitable for stock farm bargains to right par ties. Address J. H. Lawton, 314 Bradley build ing, St. Paul. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN WILD LAND TO trade as part payment 87 ty -acres farm, four miles from St. Michael fine building andmaple grove with all kinds of fruits: price $3,200 $ right on river bank. Boston I.and Co., 406 Boston block. WANTEDTO TRADE A 480-ACRE STOCK farm for a stock of general merchandise the land has 100 acres of timber on it, the rest good hay land. Will trade 160 head of cattle in also. Address Box 461, Devils Lake, N. D. SIX SECTIONS FINE LEVEL PRAIRIE LA NS on railway to exchange at cash value for city property, especially for business property in side 10th st. improved or unimproved. Ad* dress 0334, Journal. PARTY OWNING FINE RESIDENCE AND beautiful grounds in city would trade for farm at Minnetonka. Address, with description ot property, price and assessed valuation. 8712, Journal LOTS OB ACRES TAKEN A 3 PART PAY ment for fine residence and four lots North east Minneapolis make fine chicken ranch. McCurdy 455 Temple Court T. C. 8827. $2,500IMPROVED, 160 ACRES, CASS COUN ty want residence will assume. Phoenix Land Co., New York Life Bldg. BOARD AND ROOMS 2S^5i NICE LIGHT AIRY BOOM WITH BOARD, suitable for two gentlemen, desirable location, walking distance and large lawn, just tho place for summer. 1522 4th av S. BOOMS WITH BOARD, FUBNISHED 0 UN. furnished, modern, detached house with lawn, desirable location, walking distance. 124 16th st, corner Stevens av. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR also other rooms central location large lawn and porches, and a lovely summer home sum* mer prices. 403 7th st S. LARGE ALRY BOOMS, EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant for summer, with board. 25 13th st 8, between park and library. T. C. phone 8779. DURING APRIL W E WILL MAKE SPECIAL rates for the summer to parties desiring first* class board and room. Richmond hotel. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN FRONT ROOM also side room with board in private family. 808 4th av S. HOTEL CLINTON BOOMS. WITH 0 without board elevator service. 4th av S and Grant st. HOTEL WAVEBLYSEE WHAT W E HAVE before you settle. Single, suites, private baths.! WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ROSENSTEIN PAYS BEST PRICE FOB SEC-'' ond-hand furniture, stoves and office fixtures, 417 Washington ov S. T. 2817. WANTEDTO BUY BLACKSMITH'S FORGE and anvil state lowest price. Address Mac beth & Gardner. Maakato. Minn. WANTEDGOOD SECONDHAND BOWBOAT .4- i three or four seats. Address 406 Oak st SB. State price and condition. XARAT- DIAMOND WANTED ABOUT A stone most be good and cheap for cash, dress 9662. Journal. WANTEDMILE PUG PUPPY prices. Address 9455, Journal. Ad- 0 FAH0YT TO EXCHANGE Miscellaneous. WANT TO StrY^ATENTTlSilANB 10x19, OB one 12x20 also one gasoline stove, three burn ers: must be in good condition and cheap for cash. Annhr at once. 3730 1st av S.