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J* Store Your Furs, BO NOT BE CAHELESS and let your furs remain exposed until they become infected with moths. You are taking an unnecessary risk 'which can be avoided "t very small oost. WE HAVE UNLIMITED facilities for storms furs and tHe only cold, storage vaults in the city. We insure against loss by fire, moths or burglary. NOW IB THE TIME to store your furs and make arrangements for any repairs or changes that may be needed, as our charges are much less for such 'work during the summer months. SEND TTS.A POSTAL and our wagon will call. One lot twenty suits, Choice., Fine Summer Furniture. RIGHT NOW is the accepted time to buy your porch and lawn furniture, also for the summer cottage at the lake. Handsome and exclusive designs in willow and rattan pieces, which later on cannot be duplicated, consist- ing of willow reclining chairs, rattan porch swings, built after the Daven- port pattern, in two sizes6 feet and 4 feet willow work tables, rocking settees, chairs and single rockers. A new and elegant novelty in summer furniture is the Punjab, built after the British India bungalow style, as the name implies, in solid oak and cane, combining strength, comfort and beauty. Davenports, settees, rockers, chairs and tables. BlackDress Goods. Two Special Items for Thursday Which Are Splendid Values. MOHAIR SICILIAN50-inch coarse weave lustrous black, suitable for dust coats or shirtwaist suits, regular Y5c value. Spe cial for this sale only, per Ktfl^ yard 3VC FRENCH VOILE42 to 44-inch Imported Voile, cri3p and wiry, perfect black. Spe cial for Thursday, per yard Lace Curtains. Mill Ends. On Main Floor Tables. Representing values up to $5.00 pair, at 25c 35c 45c each piece Lace Curtain Sample Pairs. On Third Floor. FULL SIZE CURTAINS. Some are slightly imperfect. There are 3, 4, 5 and 6 pairs alike of some, at 38c 55c 75c each curtain Trunk Bargains. Basement. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THE best Trunk bar gains ever offered. For Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, we will give on all Trunks one-fottrth off regular prices. cial for this sale 80-in. $550 32-in. $590 SPACE forbids an extended descrip- _. tion of all the Trunks we carry. We are going to sell Trunks at prices never attempted in the Twin Cities out side of this store. The now Trunk Center of the Northwest. Heavy Waterproof, duck covered, full brass trimmed, extra heavy and strong, ball bumpers and knees, eight corner valance clamps, sole leather straps over top, cloth lined top and cloth covered tray, iron bottom. 32 in. S4-in. 36-in. 38-in. Regular price $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 Special Price....$450 $4-90 $5-25 $5-65 EXTRA HEAVY Waterproof canvas covered. This Trunk is built on similar lines of trunks selling from $12.00 to $15.00 elsewhere. Bound with hard Vulcanized fiber, every slat has heavy metal tips, 2 center bands, full malleable brass trimmed, including 2 dowel bolts in front, eight valance clamps, Excelsior lock. Extra heavy anchor handles, two straps from the bottom up, inside is cloth faced, extra deep swing tray, extra suit or dress tray, sheet metal steel bottom. Spe-^ 34-in. 36-in. $665 $625 Camera Dept. GOLD lOkt Spring Eyeglasses, finest quality Lenses. Regular price, $4.00. Saturday $2.98 Eyes Examined FreeOculists' Prescriptions Filled. I The New Reginaphone. AN ELEGANT Solid Mahogany Music Box and Talking Machine, combining all the best features of each class of instrument in one. Do not fail to visit this department and see and hear this wonderful piece of mechanism. Only one in the Tailor-Made Suits, One-Third Off. WE OFFER special tomorrow, Thursday, SEVENTY-FIVE of the choicest suits ever shown at the prices. JUST ONE-THIRD OFF THURSDAY. In this collection will he found a great variety of ideas and effects In all the fashionahle fahrics. Fifty Suits, Divided Into Two Lots for Quick Selling. One lot thirty suits Choice Rain and Automobile Coats. Four Special Offerings at $12.50, $15.00, $18.50 and $20.00. MADE OF THE BEST waterproof Oravenette, finely tailored garments, made in Redingote, half fitted, loose and every new style of merit. All colors and sizes. 38-in. $700 Main Floor. PARTICULAR attention is called to our line of Hawkeye Folding Cam eras, Eastman Pocket Kodak, from $1.00 up Also a complete line of supplies for developing and printing. .Develop ing and printing for the trade. 's?i i*J.le 36-INCH PERCALES200 pieces new Percales, white grounds, with hairline stripes, polka dots and small fancy figures, latest for the new shirtwaist suits. Special Thursday, per 12*fi yard, only COTTON VOILESNew Cotton Voiles, counterparts of the high- cost foreign dress fabrics, with all the advantages in favor of these, on account of their washing and laundering so prettily the assortment includes all the popular plain shades and ARA fancy suiting effects, per yard, only 35c PRINTED MADRAS, 19c6,000 yards new Printed Madras, white grounds with neat Dresden patterns, very stylish for the new shirtwaist suits or separate waists, in lengths from 3 to 12 yards, worth in regular way 35c. On special tables for Thursday only, per yard $10.00 Shirt Waists. WHITE LAWN SHIRT WAIST-Very fine mate rial. Ten wide tucks across front and hem stitched beading. Tucked collar and cuffs. Special WHITE LAWN SHIRT WAIST, made with full front of tucking and faggot stitching. Cuffs and stock trimmed to match. tifr & KE A Special ^liOU Petticoats. BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS, accordion pleated flounce trimmed with two stitched ruffles. Special TAFFETA SILK PETTICOATS in most desirable coloringsvery fine quality silk accordion pleated flounce trimmed with tucked ruffles silk underlay and dust ruffle worth JfcK $& $7.00, at Tea Rooms and Cafe, THE TEA ROOMS and Cafe afford one of the best and most moderate priced places in the city, qual ity considered, for a light luncheon or a full course dinner. The service is always kept up to a high standard and the surroundings are of a quiet, refined nature, which is at once inviting, pleasing and restful. One Thousand Sample Cans of Jap=a=Lac Given away tomorrow in our Paint Department, Basement. Only one sample given to each customer. One-fourth pint, covers 9 square feet, two coats One-half pint, covers 18 square feet, two coats One pint, covers 38 square feet, two coats REMEMBERAnyone can apply it as it does not re quire a skilled painter. It is all ready for use when you open the can. THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY: Draperies for tke Cottage. THE DRAPERY DEPARTMENT, Third Floor, is splendidly equipped just now in beautiful and inexpensive materials for curtains and draperies of all descriptions. You will notice by reference to the ad. below that we are offering some splendid bargains in Striped Scrims, Fancy Colored Muslins, Art Muslins, Figured Muslins, Caledonian Nets, Crepes, Oriental Draperies, Arabian Curtains, Ruffled Muslin Curtains, which are so de- sirable for the summer cottage Oriental and Linen Couch Covers, etc. We have made a special effort this year in draperies and curtain goods for the lake cottage and the prices were never lower or the qualities better. Cotton Dress Fabrics for Thursday's Sale. 2w Remember, Thursday. A Pleasant Surprise in Decorated Carlsbad China, IN THIS WE HAVE one of those little surprises which have proved so alluring to our customers. DECORATED CARLSBAD CHINA1,200 pieces which seems ip large amount until we consider that the large pieties are in lesser quantities than the small ones. WE WILL PLACE this lot upon sale promptly at 8:30 o'clock, and those wishing to secure the best selec tions should be on hand early. THE ASSORTMENT COMPRISES CHOCOLATE POTS, CRACKER JARS, TEA POTS, SUGARS, CREAMS, JUGS, CHOP TRAYS, PLATES (four sizes), CUPS AND SAUCERS, SYRUP PITCHERS, SALADS, BERRY SAUCERS, HAIR RECEIVERS, ETC. ALL WILL GO WHILE THETLAST, choice Black Silk Hose. LADIES' plain black pure thread silk Hose, gauze weight, all sizes while they last, price $1.09 Folding Go-Carts, A GOOD, strong folding Gocart, enameled gears and rubber tire wheels Special AN EXTRA fine folding Gocart, with springs, rubber tire wheels. We will sell 100 of these carts, just received, each... A REED BACK folding Gocart, a neat and desirable Cart, easy to handle Special.... $1.85 $2 $2.75 Distribution One Thousand Jap-a-Lac Samples Thursday. JUST RECEIVEDA large shipment of Jap-a-Lac in all colors and sizes, which we will place on sale tomorrow at 8:30 o'clock in our paint department, at the following prices 15c 26c 39c Defective Page SILK MADRASAnother fresh lot just opened 28 inches wide, in pink, blue, green, grey, yellow and oxblood stripes, ORA regular value 65c. On sale Thursday only, per yard wwv PRINTED FOULARDS28-inch fancy cotton Printed Foulards, light and dark grounds, fine, silky finish, in neat 4C Dresden designs, at, per yard, only *f MOUSSELINE DE SOIE50 pieces plain and dotted Mousseline De Soie, all the leading shades. Special for Thurs- 4A1 day only, per yard ""2V GREAT SALE AT 5y2c PER YARD8,000 yards of Apron Checked Ginghams, Fancy Printed Challies, Zephyr Dress Ginghams, Fancy Mixed Cotton Voiles, in lengths from 2 to 15 yards. Displayed on special bargain tables for Thursday only, R^tf* per yard 5*2** Fine Draperies for S6-inch Fancy Stripe Scrims, per yard, 10c 8c TC 5 and 36-inch Fancy Colored Ground Muslins, yard 8 36-inch Art Muslins, per yard, 20e 15c 12c and 9 36-inch Spot and Figured Muslins, per yard 12c Caledonian Nets, 18-inch, 30-inch, 36c-inch wide, pear yard 25c 18c 15c 13c and 36-inch Snowflake Crepe, in four colors, per yard. 20o 36-inch Oriental Drapery, per yard 25c Bohhinette, in white and Arabian, 45 inches wide, per yard 35c Edgings and Insertings, per yard, 5 4 If a One quart, covers 75 square feet, two coats Imft# One-half gallon, covers 150 square 4 O feet, two coats N* m%9*9 One gallon, covers 300 square feet,^Q Eft ^wocpats VfciWV TR WIRE CLOTH on screen doors and windows can be protected and beautified by apply a coat of brilliant BLACK JAP-A-LAC. Rugs Mattings. Third Floor. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES for Thursday in the Rug Department. ONE LOT Velvet Rugs, good colorings and very serviceable. Size, 9x12, ^4^ Oft for Thursday ONE LOT extra quality, size 10 ft. 6 in. 12 ft. worth up $30, $32 and OAQ A $34. Thursday, choice, only .'MH&fcBtFV ONE LOT best quality Wilton Velvet Rugs, choice line of Oriental Patterns and colorings size, 10-6x12 ft. not one worth less than $40.00 and up to $47.50. Choice, $29 0 0 SANITARY FIBRE Mattings and Rugs. Have you seen the new line? See our, Nicollet Avenue Window. Special Showing this week. Just the thing for the Lake, goods one yard wide 60c Rugs, 6x9 ft $6.75 Rugs, 7-6x10-6 $8.75 Rugs, 9x12 ft $12.00 BRUSSELS STAIR CARPETS, 27 in. wide, four patterns to select from, CQA per yard %M%9\ VELVET STAIR CARPET, Oriental effects, per yard Rugs and Mattings. RUGS AND MATTINGS, particularly those of the light sanitary materials, are very essential and should come in for their just share of consideration in the summer furnishings. Fiber mattings are desirable from the fact that they are easily cleaned. They are also inexpensive and with proper care will last several seasons. We have an immense stock in all sizes and patterns, all priced very low. For tomorrow we offer some special prices on these desirable goods and if you ace considering the purchase of such an article, this is a good opportunity. You will also notice in the ad. below other special items which we recommend as exceptionally good values. A A Third Floor. 4 $1.00 AN EXCELLENT quality of I *1 uncolored Japan Teas, good J^flf^ J. W*flavo and cheap at per pound, What Jap-a-Lac Is For JAP-A-LAC is for use on new or old work of all kinds, whether of wood or metal, where a high grade color or clear var nish is required. Good for old chairs, tables, beds, chande liers, lamps, or any thing in the way of household goods of any description which needi a little finishing. Do not fail to call and get a free sample can, and a Book which tells you all about what you can use it for. m7WZg\ d^SnauttwSf^l] OTJB HAIL ORDEB BTTSmESS is steadily iiurMs. ing, which is pretty good evidence that the service is satisfactory. It is a fact that we give the peo ple in the country just as good values and the same low prices as are obtained by those in the city, which is becoming appreciated more and more, aa indicated, "bar the volume o DUSIHAS* transacted through this department. OUR 8FBING AND ST/XKEK Catalog has just been issued. Bend us your name and address and receive a copy free of charge. It brings the wad ing advantages of this great store to your door. Colored Dress Goods. Just One Special, But It Is a Good One and Will Prove a Great Attraction for Thursday. $2.00 FANCY MOHAIR^ $1.00Special lot of fine English Mohair Sicilians, 50 inches to 54 inches wide, suitable for full suits or long coats, in neat checks, stripes and mixed effects. Two dollar quality. To close Thursday at, per yard You will find this one of the best bargains in colored dress goods offered this season. the Lake Cottage. Embroidered Muslins for Window Curtains, 60 patterns to select from, per yard, 75c 12o Muslin Ruffled Curtains, per pair 32c 50-inch Oriental Stripe Tapestry, per "yard 34c Full-size Oriental Couch Covers, fringe all round, each..$1.15 Iiinen Couch Covers, each $1.25 S6-in Plain Burlap, per yard 15c 36-inch Reversible Burlap, specially useful for doors, per yard 25c 3(Pinch Plain Denim, best quality, yard 20c 10 gross of Brass Plated Extension Rods, good heavy rod, 10c quality 6 White Goods. MANUFACTURERS' Short Lengths of mercerized Waistingsin the better grade. We have cut them in Shirt Waist lengths of 3 yards and 3y2 yards. We guarantee Lot 1 worth not less than 35c yard, and Lot 2 worth not less than 50c yard. LOT ONEworth 35c to 45c, yard 18c LOT TWO, worth 50c to 60c, yard 25c ALL OUR REMNANTS of India Linens, Lawns and Dimities, accumulated during the past three months, will be sold at half their regular values 10c values, 5 yard 15c values, *7%c WE HAVE SHORT LENGTHS in our better grades, such as French Lawns, Persian Lawns, Silk Mulls, etc., suitable for Waists and Children's Dresses, to close out at half their regular values 50c qualities, 25c. $3.00 and $40 quadruple plate water pitchers, $1.60 3.00 and $9.00 Porcelain lined, quadruple plate water* C^Q pitchers .^IO%FiJ $1.25 quadruple plate breacd 1X87 8 qualities 37%C 75 DONT MISS this opportunity of getting genuine bargains as represented. Jewelry Dept. $2.00 German silver Knives per set and Forks, 4 A Rogers' Table spoons dozen If per set 89c ROGERS' second grade flat ware, stamped W. R., made on 10 per cent nickel silver instead of 18 per cent Berry Spoons 39c Cold Meat Forks 39c Sugar Spoon and Butter Knife Sets in box.. -39c Coffee Spoons, set 31c Tea Spoons, set 31c Orange Spoons, set 89c (While They Last.) ^-j* Cooking School. In the Busy Basement. THE FREE COOKING SCHOOL, under the direc tion of Mrs. Nellie Duling Gans, is meeting with well deserved success. Many ladies are taking advantage of this splendid opportunity to in crease their stock of knowledge i: the art of,- cookery- i $1.00 4 vard i SPECIAL BARGAINS in Sil verware $1.00 sterling, sil ver, French gray' finish, Bon-Bon spoons, and sugar spoons, Sardine forks, etc., odd pieces to RQf% close, special Uuu Wm. Rogers' stand- 69 ard plate, fancy han dle tableware. Rogers' Teaspoons, per set 42c Rogers' desert spoons 1 en \A\ J^hkM MRS. GANS has nothing to sell and the lessons are absolutely free of charge. The following program for the balance of the week. THURSDAY-Ices and Ice Creams, Ct FRIDAYLoaf Oakes/*~ SATURDAYCandies,