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k Ironmaster Turns to New Benefac tion, Giving Huge Sum for Annuity Fund. HEADS OF COLLEGES NAMED ASTRUSTEES Steel Trust Bonds to Help Men in the United States, Newfound- ^j land and Canada. CARNEGIE GIVES ,TEN MILLION FOR AGED TEACHERS SUPERANNUATED PROFESSORS AIDED :3S3xxx7.aext^x3^^xx!cx^%%xxxa ANDREW CAK2TCGX&, VThn Has Given Ten Millions far Super annuated Xeacban. New York, April 27.A gift of $10,000,000 by Andrew Carnegie to pro vi de annuities for college professors who are not able to continue in active service, waB announced today by Frank A. "Vanderlip, vice president of the Nation al Citv bank of New York. Professors in the United States, Can ada and Newfoundland will share the distribution of the income of the fund. United States Steel corporation 5 per cent first-mortgage bonds for $10,000,- 000 have been transferred to a board of trustees and steps will be taken at once to organize a corporation to re ceive the donation. Dr. Pritchett, pres ident of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Mr. Vanderlip have been selected by Mr. Carnegie to ob tain data on the subject to be present ed at the first meeting of the trustees, which wi ll take place on Nov. 15. Half Million Yearly Income. Mr.Vanderlip, inyannouncing the gift, Bays: Andrew Carnegie has transferred to a board of trustees, consisting In the main of presidents of the moat Important col leges in the United States and Canada, $10,000,000 first mortgage 5 per cent steel corporation bonds, to provide annuities for college professors who, from old age or other physical disability are no longer In a position to render the most efficient service. It is Mr. Carnegie's belief that this fund will not only provide a dignified pension system for a body of most worthy, self sacrificing and poorly paid men, but that It will be of distinct value to the cause of education In offering an opportunity to the trustees of a college to retire mem bers of the faculty who have faithfully served the Institution for many' years, and to replace such men with young, vigorous and efficient professors. Steps will at onqe be taken to organize a corporation to formally receive the be quest. The first meeting of the trustees has been called for Nov, 15. The bonds which Mr. Carnegie has so generously donated have a market value of $11,000 000, and will produce an income of -{500,000. The corporation which is being formed will be styled "The Carnegie Founda- tion." Carnegie Tells Plans. Mr. Carnegie's letter to the trustees is dated April 18. and is as follows: I have reached the conclusion that the least rewarded of all the professions is that of the teacher In our hijjher educa tional institutions. New York city gen erously, and very wisely, provides retir ing pensions for teachers in her public schools and also for her policemen. Very few indeed of our colleges are able to do so The consequences are grievous. Able men hesitate to adopt teaching as a ca reer, and many old professors whose places should be occupied by younger men cannot be retired. I have, therefore, transferred to vou and your successors as trustees, $10,000,- 000 6 per cent first mortgage bonds of the United States Steel corporation, the rev enue from which Is to provide retiring colleges and technical schools In our own country, Canada and Newfoundland, under such conditions as you may adopt from time to time Expert calculations show that the revenue will be ample for the purpore. Three Classes of Schools. The fund applies to the three classes of Institutions named, without regard to race, sex, creed or color. We have, how ever, to recognize that state and colonial governments which have established or mainly support universities, colleges or schools may prefer that their relations shall remain exclusively with the state. I cannot, therefore, presume to include them. There is another class which states do not aid, their constitutions some cases even forbidding it, viz, sectarian institu tions. Many of these established long ago were truly sectarian, but today are free to all men of all creeds, or ot nonesuch are not to be considered sectarian now. Only such as are under control of a sect or require trustees (or a majority thereof). Officers, faculty of students, to belong to any specified sect or which impose any theological test are to bo excluded. Trustees and Their Terms. Trustees shall hold office for five years and be eligible for re-election. The first trustees shall draw lots for one, two, three, four or five-year terms, so that one-fifth shall retire each year. pontinued on 2d Pag e, 6th Column. -t% ijiliiiirtitf^ TAINTED MONEYIS GLADDEN'S THEME Congregationalist Clergymen Re turn to the Charge Against Rockefeller. Gladden Says Church Must Keep Itself Free from Such Al liances. Boston, April 27.Herbert W. Glea son, secretary of the committee on Con gregationalist clergymen which has been opposing the acceptance by the American Board of money from John D. Bockefeller, today made public a long' statement which Dr. Washington Gladden, the moderator of the council of the Congregational church in this country, read yesterday before the pro testing committee. Dr. Gladden an swered several declarations made by the prudential committee behalf of the American Board by repeating argu ments previously made by him in inter views, particularly with reference to the contention that the money should not be accepted because of Mr. Rocke feller's connection with the Standard Oil company, which. Dr. Gladden said, "it is a matter of common knowledge, has frequently been convicted, some times out of its own mouth, of trans gressions of the laws of the land.'' Judge Denounced Rebates. A "judge of the United States dis trict court," was quoted as havi ng "denounced the "Standard Oil com pany 's system of rebate as 'gross, ille gal and inexcusable,' and 'the discrim ination complained of in this case as being so wanton and oppressive that it could hardly have been accepted by an honest man having a due regard for the rights of others.' Dr. Gladden reviewed at length the history of the Standard Oil company in various states where, he said, there had been violations of the law, and he as serted: "The company has played continual ly with stacked cards and loaded dice." The company's alleged system of re bates was condemned as an "abhorrent practice," and Dr. Gladden added: There is nothing more startling or more ominous in American history than the fact that such a tremendous industry has been permitted to go on vear after year, with no interference by the government. Of this kind of extortion, Mr. Rockefeller has the credit of being the inventor. Bockefeller Not Singled Out. W are often asked why pensions for the teachers of universities^ teamsters had struck. One hundred and ninety drivers of the A. M. Forbes Cartridge Co. struck today. The strike of the Forbes men had the effect of interfering partly or wholly with the teaming of sixty other firms for whom the Forbes company furnished wagons. 4 fttV we single out this man for reprobation. If the answer has not already been given, it is enough to say that we did not single him out. It was the prudential committee who sin gled him out by soliciting his donation. W object to his gift because it is now before us for judgment. It is said there are others from whom a grift would be equally objectionable Even If that were true, no gifts have been offered by those others, and it will be time to decide about them when they are offered. If we accept in our Christian work the alliance of the Standard Oil company* we can. refuse no other alliance with oppressors and despoilers of the people. To say that we will not testify against this iniquity because others are nearly or quite as heinous, is practically to say that we will testify against no iniquity that in the presence of all this wrong we will shut our eyes and seal our lips. If the church wishes to regain Its hold upon the people who heard its master gladly, it must keep itself free from such alliances as these. Failure here will be the costliest blunder the church has ever made. CHICAGO STRIKE HITS BIGSTORES Store Teamsters Extend Labor Warfare and the Express Drivers Aid. Chicago, April 27.The teamsters' strike, which hitherto has affected less than one hundred men and has been confined to a boycott of Montgomery Ward & Co., spread today to the whole sale and retail houses of Marshall Field & Co. and Carson, Pierie, Scott & Co., and to the wholesale house of the J. V. Farwell Co. Strike pickets, with orders to prevent, if possible^ the handling of any goods by non-union men were placed about the stables, stores and warehouses of the firms named. Drivers for the railway express com panies refused today to haul or deliver goods to the firms against which the CAPTIVE MISSIONARIES ARE REPORTED KILLED New York Sun Special Service. Peking, April 27.Four French mis sionaries, captured by savage tribes in the vicinity of Batangang, which is sit uated near the frontier Sze-chuan and Tibet, are said to have been put to death. A Chinese assistant was mur dered while trying to effect their res cue, and it is reported the missionaries also have been put to death. OASTRO FOR ARBOR DAY Issues Decree Setting Aside May 23 as Arbor Day. Washington, April 27.President Castro has issued a decree, setting aside May 23 to be observed annually as'Arbor Day of the Venezuelan repub lic. This is the anniversary of the day on which President Castro took up arms against the government of which he subsequently made himself the head. i^ ^^fw^ YWY* 1 HENRY G. GOIX, Named as Bigelow's Accomplice is Big Bank Defalcation. fa jrv jr'f v y$ VICTIM OF SMITH'S KNIFE IS DEAD Fred Matthews of Anoka Dies of His Wounds Received in Saloon Brawl. Special to The Journal. Anoka, Minn., April 27.Fred Mat thews, who was stabbed yesterday afternoon in Myers & Hmes' saloon, died at 7:40 this morning. Ni ck Smith, the murderer, is about 28, and was released from the Henne pin county workhouse in February. The murder was provoked to some extent, Matthews, according to some witnesses, threatening to strike Smith, and slap ping him in the face, according to others. The body of Matthews bears three wounds, but the one in the abdomen, which permitted the entrails to pro trude, was the fatal one. All were made by a sharp pocketknife, which is in possession of the authorities. Smith was drunk at the time of the tragedy and hardly recalls it. does not yet know that his victim is dead, but notwithstanding is in a hysterical condition and cries and raves at in tervals. Smith has been working in the coun try districts around here for a month or so.. Wh en in town he generally spent his time in, drinking places. A inquest will be held some time today. TRADING STAMP STORE* RAIDED IN INDIANA a Fayett e, Ind., April 27.Warned by merchants that a local trading sta mp company was moving its stock from this city on account of financial trouble, an excited jostling crowd of more than a hundred men, women and children raided the company's store in Main street today. Holders of the green stamps crowded into the store and took possession of the first things they could lay their hands on. Vases, lamps and articles of furniture were broken be fore the crush was ended and within half an hour the well-stocked estab lishment had been stripped of house hold furnishings and other furnishings that had been Kept for the^ redemption of trading stamps. jpray'iWKxarcvaay^ AA* M,A...,ifc^^^^ ^&M^tMm& ife BIGELOW CONFESSBSTO THREE MILLIONS DEBTS MILWAUKEE MAN IS ISBANKRUPTCY t-*t Defaulting President's Statement of Assets and Liabilities Astounfs. the City. $- BIG DEFALCATIONS OF PAST 20 YEARS 1884Ferdinand Ward, head of Grant & Ward, bankers 36,000,000 1884John O. Eno, presi dent Second National bank, New York 3,000,000 1899P J. Olaassen, president, and H. Pell, Sixth National, Lennox Hill and Equit able 1,000,000 1891Gideon M. Marsh, president Keystone Na tional, Philadelphia 1,000,000 1891John T. Hill, presi dent Ninth National, New York 400,000 1894Samuel 0 Seeley, bookkeeper, Middlesex bank, Perth Amboy, N. 354,000 1900William Schreiber, trusted clerk, Eliza bethport Banking com pany, Elizabethport, N. 100,000 1900C. L. Alvord^ note teller, First National, New York 700,000 1900Frank M. Brown, assistant cashier, Ger an National, ^New port, 200,000 1901Henry J. Fleisch man, cashier, Farm ers and Merchants' bank, Los Angeles, Cal. 150,000 1902Frank O. Andrews, vice president, City Savings hank, Detroit, Mich .1,500,000 0 -4 Milwaukee, April 27.Frank a. Big elow, the defaulting bank president, has confessed an indebtedness to banks, commercial institutions and estates of which he had charge which will aggre gate between $2,000,000 and $8,000,000, and based on his confession, a volun tary petition in bankruptcy has been filed in the United States district court, which contains the names of as many of Mr. Bigelow 's creditors as he can remember, together with a list of assets on which Mr. Bigelow's valua tion is $1,419,000. Debts All Over Country. his own admission his creditors extend all over the United Statfs. One estate has been looted, his unsecured indebtedness to the Brodhead estate being $100,000. It is also believed other trusts ^kfiNJafcy -the ex-banker have suffered. Those famdliac wfthsthe-situation fear his liabilities will'run up to consid erably more than his present estimate, jas they believe subsequent revelations will reveal transactions of even a more startling nature. Charles P. Spooner, attorney, who filed the voluntary petition in. behalf of Mr. Bigelow,# was compelled to make up the petition in such a short time that it is far from complete and will necessarily have to be amended. No Record of His Deals. Mr. Bigelow had no system of keep ing a record of his financial transac tions, and the schedule of liabilities and assets had to be made up from a list made in pencil on half a sheet of note paper in Mr. Bigelow's hand writing. Mr. Bigelow was not positive of the names of some of his creditors, nor of the nature of some of the compa- Continued on 9th Pag e, 3d Column. SETTING OUT TROUBLE FOR HIMSELF. The PowersHe will grow switches for his own punishment out of that tree. */t .t:ii GOEDON BIGELOW, Son of Prank G. Bigelow, and Blamed cr the Crash, $ !V o* STOLEN PROPERTY FOUND IN SEWER Silks and Dress Goods, Taken in Weinberg Raid, Discovered by Boys. Valuable silks and dress, goods stolen from the store of Benjamin Weinberg, 1315 Washington avenue N came near causing trouble for the sewer engineer. Since the store was robbed by burg lars last week, the police have been seeking the goods. Last night a crowd of boys had gathered on Thirteenth av enue# and Fourth street to play ball, and in the course of the game, the ball rolled down the sewer .opening. It was a "real league" ball and one of the boys went down the shaft to recover it. Striking a match to see the lost sphere, he was surprised to find himself stand ing on a bolt of silk. Lifting this up he delved deeper and discovered an as sortment of dry goods worth $500. The partol wagon took the stolen arti cles to headquarters, where they were identified today by Mr. Weinberg. KAISER EXHAUSTED BY SOUTHERN TRIP Berlin, April 27. Reports have reached Berlin that tl^e kaiser's health has not been benefited as much asJs^pedSt or his Mediterranean cruise. [is- physicians again have had to warn him of the absolute necessity of taking un disturbed rest. So far his holiday, while bringing a change of air. has proved nothing but the continuous round of fatiguing visits and cere monies, and it has done him no good whatever. His majesty felt so indis posed at Taormine that he was unable to appear at the garden party especially organized for him, and spent the whole day in his apartments. The empress is uneasy regarding the kaiser's condition. PEARSONS GIVES $135,000 Chicago Man Gives More Money to Colleges in the South. Chicago. April 27.Br. K. Pear sons of Chicago announced today gifts to five southern colleges. The amounts donated range from 10,000 to $50,000. The total amount of the gif ts is $135,000. Mabel Ward, Hammon's Sweet heart, Beady to Help Alibi Manley Notes Admitted. From a Staff Correspondent. Anoka, Minn., April 27.Will a little quarrel over three transfers prove indirectly the means of sending Orlin Kalderwit, Charles Hammon and John Kolb to the gallows? The incident will be a strong link the chain of evidence being drawn about Kalderwit, the first of the three prisoners now on trial for the murder of Freddie King on Nov. 22. On ac count of it the state will prove that the three prisoners were actually on their way to Columbia Heights on the eventful night. Julian Gautfeld, conductor on the Eighth and Central line, will testify for the state that the three rode to the end of the line on his car on the night of the murder. Gautfeld took the car at the East Side station after the fares had been paid to his prede cessor. The three prisoners asked him for transfers to the stub line. A he had not received their fares he was obliged to refuse. A quarrel followed, which caused him to remember the three perfectly. Finally Gautfeld gave them the transfers. These transfers were never used and will figure in the case. After reach ing the end of the line, the trio waited over one car, making their transfers useless. Wh en they took the stub they paid cash to Manley, the conductor. A most passengers have transfers, Manley remembered the three. Manley's testimony, like a voice from the dead, was given to the jury today, by L. E. Stetler, the stenograph er, who took it before the accident which caused Manley's death. Sarkn KERCHIEF FOUND IN KOCH CASE WAS ONE OF GEORGES' 4 STREETCAR ROW MAY MEAN NQOSE It Caused Central Avenue Con ductor to Remember Kalder wit and His Pals. Mabel Ward Appears. Another woman in the case appeared today. She is Mabel Ward, and will be a witness for the alibi. She was living a the Grand Central hotel with Hammon. She stated to the police that the three played cards in her room until late on the night of the murder and did not leave the hotel that night. know the boys are innocent," she "said. I ajm glad I can be here to testify for them. I will do any thing and everything possible to help." A the opening of cpuet-Bhe smiled ^eetJ^fttJh^prjs,qjies, who seemed .'pleased tb^'roe her." 1she wre a, brown tailormade suit, a picture hat, and'a black fur stole with whi te bars. Her ow and her clear complexion and eyes against the background of auburn hair made her a conspicuous figure. A the first opportunitv she rushed across the courtroom to the prisoners, and affectionately greeted them. The four talked together a few moments. Then Kolb and Kalderwit withdrew. Hammon and the girl be gan' an earnest conversation, which was at times broken by her light, gurgling Manley Notes Admitted. A the opening of court today Mr. McGhee entered a vigorous protest against allowing L. E. Stetler to give the testimony of Manley, the dead wit ness, for the state. Judge Guddings ruled that the evidence was admissible, as Manley had appeared in person at the preliminary hearing and the de fense had been given opportunity to cross-examine. Stetler was allowed to read the tes timony from his shorthand notes. The dead man's identification of the three suspects had been complete. McGhee closely questioned the witness as to the stenographic character for the words "complexion" and "overcoat." In transcribing, the stenographer had mis taken the character for "complected" and had written "overcoat." made the characters and McGhee of fered them as an exhibit. This testi mony will probably be attacked in the plea to .the jury. N Young Morey Called. George W. Morey, who testified yes terday, was recalled and questioned concerning the time necessary to make the trip from Washington avenue to the end of the Central avenue line, and from there to the end of the stub line. Mike Krisko, Sr., was then recalled, and an attempt made to impeach his testimony of yesterdav. W. A. Blanch ard, assisting Mr. McGhee, asked if the witness did not in February last state to John Fleetham, and Lawrence Eeynolds of Columbia Heights that he could not identify the hold-up men. The witness could not remember such a remark. The first witness this afternoon was David Wright, who was on the car going to Columbia Heights with the three men. Many State Witnesses. The state has a long list* of witnesses and hopes to rest Friday night. In ad dition to those already sworn the state has the following yet to come, all from Minneapolis or Columbia Heights: James McCallum, John McCallum, Guy Connors, William West and John A. Drogseth were present in the Mingo sa loon at the time of the murder. Julian Gantfeld, a conductor on^ the Eighth and Central line, John J. Smith, clerk at the Grand Central hotel, George C. Slater, a lunch wagon man, William Weisman and John Gordman, pawnbrok ers, and Oscar Emerson, a streetcar man, are vet to be sworn and examined. Gautfeld's testimony, it is stated, will be specially strong for the state. The defense has four witnesses and may have more. One will be the mys terious woman said to be Kalderwit's sister. A attempt will be made, it is thought, to show that the testimony of the little Kristo boy was influenced by the detectives. E Mingo, the bartender who was shot in the face, was a strong witness for the state but probably cannot be produced. is very ill in St. Mary's hospital with appendicitis. "THAT'S~THE MAN I SAW" Litt le Mike KriBko Positively Identi fies Kalderwit as the Murderer.-./ Special to The Journal. Anoka, April 27.Little Mike Kris ko, a friend and playmate of little Continued on 2d Page, 5th Column. SENSATION SPRUNG IN THE KOCH CASJ Chief Klause Swears Ida Kocft Told Him the Handkerchief Was Her Brother's. DEFENSE'S ATTORNEYS STARTLED BY EVIDENCE Senator Somerville Tells the Neif Ulm Chief That He Is a Liar. wi?wyvTTjryyTxT*:^'wyy:ryTTVT |I CHIEF OF POLICE KLAUSE, Whose Testimony at Mankato Today jj Dumfounded the Defense. t:o vt A. t.t.tx.* :o.% By W. P. McGulre. Mankato, Minn., April 27.Chief of Police Adolph Klause, on the witness stand just before noon today, declared that Miss Ida Koch, sister of George R. Koch, had told him that the hand: kerchief found in Br. Gebhardt's of fice on the night of the murder was "one of George's," and that "it was one she had marked with the initials "G. B. K." The testimony of the chief was a sw prise and a sensation. At the first trial he did not quote Ida Koch as making who seemed i any such statement. Counsel for th defense was dumfounded. Immediately upon adjournment for the .Jioon "rreeess the lawyers rushed Chief Klause for \an explanation. the attorneys, Abbott and Somerville, while General Childs and Albert len der stood near, the "Chief said he did not before make this direct statement as to what Miss Koch had said because he was not asked the direct question. Had he been asked about it, he sa id he would have testified the same as he did today. *p Calls the Chief a Liar. "J. Counsel for the defense sneered rather bitterly at the chief's explanation, and Senator Somerville said to Mr. Klausti "You are lying, that's what you are." Chief Klause made no reply, except a straightforward denial of the accusa tion which the senator had made. Mr. Abbott spoke up, saying: "WeH, you just wait till we get at you on tha sta'n'd, and we'll show you.' The state had not finished with Klause when the noon recess was take n, but it was expected that the cross examination would begin before the day was over. Chief Klause's sensational testimony was given whe^n he related the account of his visit to'the Koch home on Nov. 5, four days after the murder. said he was accompanied by Sheriff William J. Julius. A the home were the defendant and Miss Ida Koch. Examined the Handkerchiefs. *K Asked by General Childs what inves tigation he had made then, the chief said he had examined some clothing and the handkerchiefs of Dr. Koc h. Miss Ida Koch, he said, brought the handkerchiefs to him. The defenda'n* was present. General Childs asked: "Among the handkerchiefs handed you by the defendant's sister, were there any resembling the one found in Dr. Gobhardt's office, on the night of the murder?" "Yes," answered the witness. "How many handkerchiefs were there which you looked atf" "There were abcut twenty-four is the bunch." "State whether or not there were any marks on them." "Yes." "What were they!" "There were the letters 'Or. K.' in ink." General Childs asked the witness If he had spoken to the defendant at that time about the homicide. Chief Klause replied: "One of George's." I asked Ida Koch whether she aw the handkerchief that was found in Dr. Gebhardt's office". "What did she reply!" "She said it was one of George's one of them that she had marked herself." Exclamations of surprise were heard in the room. Counsel for the defense looked at one another and then shoves their chairs together and whisperM' among themselves. -1 General Childs continued with his ex amination of the witness and adducefl testimony next as to the investigatiqSi which the chief of police had made tft the office of Dr. Koch on Nov. 4 and The chief said that he and Sheriff Julius, in the presence of Dr. Kochli father, had gone over all the tools that could be found in the office. On the afternoon of Nov. 4, he said, he and the sheriff were in Dr. Koch's offief when the defendant entered. "Did you* make any inspection the defendant's hands at that timel General Childs asked. L "Not an inspection," said the wf^ ness. "But you saw his hands!" v~ t'i*:Tefc sir. vjt,^ 5^ 3E "Describe to the jury what yat saw.'' Chief Klause said that he had ob served some sores on the knuckles of Continued on 2d Page, 3d Column/^