Newspaper Page Text
$18.50 ^$_&sfl&ta___t TU Announc for Friday and Saturda A Very Special Sale of Silk Shirt Waist Suittk^^ Tailored Suits and Smart Covert Coats We are conservative in saying that equal values have never been shown in midseason, also taking into consideration the fact that every piece advertised is absolutely new Silk Shirt Waist Suits An Extraordinary Opportunity. About 100 new Taffeta Shirt Waist and the new Sus- pender Suits Secured from our best makers at less than manufacturer's cost will be priced accordingly also our own best styles included and priced to correspond with this special purchase. All the new shades pastel greens, blues, white, the dark shades and black. $9.95 Regular $20.00, $16.50, $15.00 and $13.50 suits, I plain and changeable taffeta, also pretty fancy patterns. Choice, $9.95 $14.50 Regular $22.50 and $20.00 Suits, all shades and I black. Choice, $14.50 And other exceptional values at otes and Blouses surprising values. Arabian Curtains, hand made lace on heavy imported bobbinet, pair $5.50 to $40. Oluny Curtains, hand made lace in white and ecru, pair $3.50 to $22.50. Brussels Curtains, imported Swiss and German laces, pair $5.00 to $40.00. 711-713 Nicollet Av. Extremely Large Assortments. Exceedingly Small Prices. Don't fail to inspect our stock before purchasing. Brass Beds with heavy 2-inch posts, each, $30.00. Mahogany Dressers, with large French plate mirrors, each, $35.00. Royal Wilton Bugs, 9x12 size, each, $37.50. MOORE & SGRBYE! Real Flower Odors Lasting, Delicate, Refreshing Oriental Perfumes Toilet Waters TALCUMS SACHETS Louise Morto Both Phones 820 Nicollet Av. Did you ever stop to think That screen doors and windows are either a nuisance or a mighty big comfort? If they warp and split and the wire parts rust and tear they area nuisance, otherwise they are a comfort MAKES THEM A COMFORT PROTECTS AND PRESERVES THEM Thursday Regular $35.00, $30.00 and $25.00 Suits specially clever models. Choice, $18.50 $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $29.50 Tailored Suits Great inducements from an unequaled assortment Equal values cannot be shown, and a glimpse is all that is nec- essary $25.00 for $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00 suits. $27.50 for $32.50, $35.00 and $38.50 suits. $35.00 for $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00 suits. $50.00 for $55.00, $60.00 and $65.00 suits. and equal bargains at $55, $65, $75 and $85. Smart Covert Coats Values extraordinaryour newest short jaunty tailored Coats also the toppy box and fitted Coats W cannot emphasize too strongly the advantages offered Begular $22.50, $20.00 and $18.50 Covert Coats, perfectly tailored and best taffeta linings .Special for this sale, $15.00 Keffular $25.00 and $23.50 tight-fitting and box effects, best English Coverts Special for this sale, $18.50 A $20.00 and $22.50 All our highest grade Covert Top Coats and the clever English tailored Coat with fancy strappings and stitehings very best tailored silk serge and taffeta linings Regular $35.00, $32.50, $30.00, $27.50 and $25.00 NOTEA exceptional showing of the ultra Auto and Rain Coats now almost indispensable and new silk Reding- lSK IS HERE. Grand Dame and Bonne Fenune Cur tains. All hand made. Our entire line at 3 3 1-3 per cent discount. Imported Scotch Madras, beautiful designs and colors, per yard, 35 to $2.00. Scotch Cretes for hall and library win dows. Artistic de signs. Unusual col ors. Pei^ vard, $1.25 to* $2.00. 711-713 What I Can Do. CAN miRroTe the condition of yoar skin, half or M-alp and correct all irregularities of features. By my home treatment wrinkles, blackheads and ill facial blem ishes cn be .emoved. Write for inv boluota JOHNH WOODBORYD. I. 163 State St.. Chicago Screen Door Paint W. K. MORISON CO., Sole Agents in Minneapolis for ^^sk Hardware, Paints, Cutlery, Mechanics'. Tools, Etc 547-249 NICOLLET AVENUE ^^^^m^^^&^^^fk^^^m^&JjMVM *"*m* O Mmes. Charles E. Ovenshire, Clarence Header and Horace Myers gave the first of three card parties this afternoon at the home^of Mrs. Ovenshire on High land avenue. The decorations and ap pointments were all in green and white and the delicate spirea blossom was used in profusion with foliage and palms for a background. Six-hand euchre was played at the ten tables and the score cards were in the shape of the fluer-de-lis. Mmes. Ovenshire, Meader and Myers will entertain again this evening and tomorrow afternoon. The wedding of Mrs. Mina Waleh and Edward J. Conroy took place last even ing at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles TJ. Humason, in Merriam Park. About fifty relatives and friends gathered to witness the service, which was read by Kev. Father Fitzgerald. The bay window was banked with palms and ferns, among which Easter lilies_ were resplendant. Thru tho rooms white roses and carna tions were attractively mingled with ferns and smilax. The dining room was also in grene and white with rose and ferns in the center of the table and smilax and white satin ribbons were fes tooned from the chandelier. Mrs. H. B. Humason was matron of honor and wore white and carried pink roses. The bride was in white silk mousseline fashioned with valencience lace and her flowers were bride roses. Edward W. Murphy was best man. A informal reception followed trie service and assisting thru the rooms were Mmes. J. J. Malov, G. A. Chaffee and M. L. Tiernan. Mmes. D. Fair- Are dependablegood from start to finish, with all the quality and style possible to put into a hat. They are always right. Three Dollars LAST INFORMAL Friday Evening, Masonic Temple. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. PROGRAM AT 9. PERFECT Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Very convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY G0$&r<.$M A SKIN OP BBAUTY IS A JOY FORBVER. TVB. T. FELIX GOTJEAUD'S OKIJENTAI, LTCBBAM. OR MAGIC AX B&AUTIflER Kemoves Tan, Plmples.Frocklea, Moth ratcbes. Rash, and SVlH diMMes, ana every blemish .on beauty, and efles detection. It as stood the test of SB years, and la BO harmless tro taste It to be sure ftlsproporlymadc Acoeptno counter- feit of similar name. Dr. L. A. Sayre said to a lady of the hant- ton (a patient): 'As you ladlos will use them, I recommend 1 Gouraud's Cream' the least barmful of aU the skin preparations." For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers in the TT. B., Panadas, and Europe. rERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St, N. Fancy, lg"_ perqt. box. Ivv Good size, IEfk per doz 195 Thin skinned and juicy. A perdoz lUG Best white, ____ perbu UG S Large t*m bunches ?_ pounds W Large solid "7 heads I S Bracfcett's Best Patent, *l 98-pound bags 9__i Selected, per quart Fancy, IC Bourbo Whiskey fXy A four pounds IwS Special Tea and Coffee Prices. Call and sample a cup of onr Famous Pickwick Coffee. 75c Ceylon Tea, per lb, 45c. 50c English Breakfast, lb, 34c. 50c Sun Dried Japan, lb, 28c. 60c Basket Fired Japan, lb,~35c. Tetley's India Tea, 1-lb tins, 42e. Japan Tea Sittings, per lb, 14c. Eio and Santos Blend, lb, 18c. Roasted Golden Eio, lb, 16c. Excellent Mexican Java, lb, 22e. Piekwiek Blend, per lb, 27c. Port Wfcssac*?! Asserted Wines ______, Port and Sherry, large bottles |A. Friday ISfQ Celery Sompoun __&*?!_ to dose out VVV SIfil. E?fv__l_ Makes ffoah and blood, a WlHIT LAliaCT great spring gf E tonic, per dozen VllV -W quarts UvC Fresh Lake Trout, 14c. Lake Superior White Msh, 18c* Halibut Steaks, 16c. ^,f, Columbia Elver Salmon, 18c?-*- v**"" Fresh Pike, lie. *Vt/ Smoked Halibut,, l8c. if Fat Breakfast Mackerel, 10c. ^"fi^t MtNITETOSTKA, BEACH STORE OPEN. Meats of all kinds delivered to 'lake customers at city prices. *-*^^gtfv WX!M 'JfcfettK ^^_y^S^^^CgV.^Ma ^S 4gg_JS.iu Jr yK-- '-f..___y. ,.i,ir.i.u....a. THE MINNEA0LI%JOURNAL. child of Des Moiriea,. Ipyra,, and C. 061e,~ presided at the, twble and were assisted by Mis* Bockwell and Mrs. W. L. Lawrence. Mr. Oonroy and hfrbride left on the evening train lor Chicago. They will be at home at 1026 "Fourteenth avenue SE after May 15. Mr. Conroy was formerly chiei of police for Minneapo lis. Miss Tweed McDonald and Joseph C, Williams of Toronto were married yes terday afternoon. Mr. Williams and his bride lft on the evening Jrain for their new home in Toronto. r^ The annual banquet of Sigma Xi was held last evening in Donaldson's tea rooms and was preceded by the initia tion of the following new members: C. Bull, T. L. Haecker, E. W. D. Hol way, J. E. Manchester, R. H. MulKn, F. L. Washbjurn, Deborah Anderson, A. H. Bates, L. S. Billau, E. Bisbee, R. E. Boyd, A. S. Cutler, A. V. Dahlberg, S. Einarson, C. Fray, E. D. Jackson, J. A. Jensen, Bessie Leeds, E. H. Le Tourneau, R. McMillan, E. C. Park er. E. M. Pennock, C. D. Poore, R. Sanford, L. B. Sperry, G. T. Walker, M. Williams, A. D. Wilson, and R. A. Ziesmer. The Dutch room was transformed into a chapel and after the ceremonies the banquet was served in the green room, where the long table was decorated with three mounds of pink and white tulips fringed with ferns. Pink roses and ferns were at each cover and the lights were shaded in pink. Tapers in blue and white, the fraternity colors, were on the buffet. Henry Nachtneb was toastmaster and the responses were as follows: "The National Society," H. T. Eddy "Something About the Un known," D. F. Swenson "Medical Re search," G. D. Head "Research in Agriculture." Harry Snyder "En- gineering Research," H. Constant. The annual reception which the Church of the Redeemer gives for its new members took place last evening in the church parlors and over 200 people were present. Rev. and Mrs. Marion D. Shutter were assisted in receiving by a group of the older church people. Miss Madeline Oberg, violinist miss Barse, pianist, and a string orchestra gave a musical pro gram. Mmes. Clayton B. Cooley, Weed Munroe and Arthur Peck, assisted by ten young women, served light refresh ments. Easter lilies and spirea blos soms were effectively arranged with palms and ferns thru the rooms. Mmes. A. W. Paris and S. S. Linton were chairmen of the committees which had charge of the reception. Mrs. Hovev C. Clarke entertained Bishop and Mrs. S. C. Edsall and the diocesan officers of the Woman's Aux iliary of Minnesota at luncheon yes terday. The high school dancing class Vill have its last party Saturday evening in the hall, 500 E Twenty-fourth street. H. W. Malcolm will give his last in formal tomorrow evening in Masonic Temple. The children's class will have its closing party Saturday afternoon, when a cotillion will be danced. The favors will be suggestive of spring and there will also be some fancy dances. 'Mrs. Jessie M. Johnson and W. H. Lieben were quietly married last even ing at the home of Rev. T. E. Culien of the Immaculate Conception parish Mr. and Mrs. Lieben will be at home after May 15 at 3245 Clinton avenue. Tho J. L. D. Girls entertained 200 guests at a dancing party Tuesday even ing in the Phoenix club. The decora tions were in the club colors, white and gold, and a huge basket of Easter lilies was placed in the reception room while other baskets hung from the ceiling in the ballroom, which was festooned with white streamers. The platform was banked with palmS and lilies were ar ranged in theVfldffdowsT The dance cards were sb^ei^ter*:fch club pins and were jembossed with %h\ monogram in gold. Light- ^refreshments were served. The club members are Mmes. Browne", Keidel, Ells,, Cooke, Leighton, Martin, Hall, Shores, Drew, Ponsonby and Miss Pickett. Miss Linnie M. Russell, of Superior, Wis., and Frank R. Hawkins were mar ried Saturday afternoon. Rev. btuart B. Purves read the service. JEBSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mrs. E. Benham has gone to Fort Sully, S. D., to remain until June. E Juneau of Chicago was a guest of his cousin, George E. Bertrand, yesteiday Floral hive, T*. O. T. will give a card party in Richmond hall tomorrow afternoon. Minneapolis people^ at New York hotels are as follows Astor, A. C. Sheldon Hotel Astor, E. Mrs Alice U. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs James Young and daughter have returned from Ber muda. The Ideal Euchre club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Elithorpe, 3132 Stevens avenue. Mrs. Henry Hahke and daughter of Pupcrat avenue S, are home from a western trip of three monthjj. The S. S. Card club will be entertained to morrow afternoon by Mrs. 'C. P. Riegel, 2011 Second avenue S Sweet Clover hive. L. O T. will give a dance tomorrow evening in A. O. L. W hall, 17 Seventh street S. Mi. and Mrs W. R. Miller leturned today from Cuba, where they have been spending the past four months. The knights and ladies of the Modern Mcca bees will give a caid paitv and entertainment this evening in Richmond hall. Woodward. H. Ub-ich Marlborough. Mrs. B. Secombe Tifth Avenue. F. A. Chamber lain, Duluthethiland F. Belden. Mrs. C. James of Svracuse. N. and Mrs. Kirk Gardner of Fort Collins, Col., are visiting their sister, Mrs. H. B. Gardner of Garfield se nile. Mmes. Bradley Phillips, George H. Miller and W. Williamson are in Des Moines, Iowa, rep representing the Westminster church societies at the -meeting of the Presbyterian Boaid of the northwest Edmund Jaokso af Fulton. Ill supreme secre tary- of the Mr'tic Workers of the World, and H. Giav of Pfoua, 111 state manager weie lecent guests of the local deputj, G. M. Dempsie, ^10 Nicollet av The Redotti Ciiich club met yesterday with Mrs W Smith 417 E Fourteenth street. Prizes we-e won b, Mmes A. V*. Shaw, W. Souder and E. Ja-n Ihe ciub will met next with Mrs O Smith, *0!) Fifth stieet SE. Geoige Elfner was bu-prised last evening at 1 is home, 421 Jamts avenue Games and dancing were pmusemeuts and theMifses Wer ner and Mr Palmer furnished several musical numbers Supper was ^ened at midnight. TTie guests were Misses Mathews. McKenna, Sharf, West Wein*n, Btithel Menalis, Messrs. Spra gic, Blanebard,. Kicksmillei, Palmer and Donley. Mrs. H. H. Hardestv of 2500 Twenty-fourth avenue S was surprised Monday afternoon by a group of women who piesented her with a silver berry spocn aud meat forte. Light refreshments weie served and a social hour enjoyed. The guests were Mmes O Magnusou. J. Larson, O Xortvedt, A. G. Johnson, V, Turner. A. Young blom. A. elton C. VS Westman, F. Peterson and O. Pberson. BUBirETT'S EXTKACT OF VANILLA Is the leader the world over. Use no other. READ ENOC ARDEN Recital by Mrs. Wakefield at Grace Presbyterian Church. At the request of friends in the neighborhood of Grace Presbyterian church who have heard and liked her interpretation of Tennyson's melo drama, "Enoch Arden," Mrs. Lillian H. Wakefield will read the poem in the church tomorrow evening. The re cital will be the more interesting as it wall be, Misa, Oon^guiee Osborn 's first public- appearance/^lalee her retirement was necessitated/ mote than a year ago, by her serious illness. Miss. OsJborn will play the Strauss musical setting for the poem and will also give a Liszt number. Mrs. Wakefield will give va riety to the program by reading sev eral lighter selections. The Ladies' Aid society of the church is in charge of the recital. DT. LauritzenV Malt Tonic," is a superior blood enriehing drink. At druggists or delivered to house. Phone Is. W. East 440 Twin City 13399 CLUBS AN CHARITIE S pi Club Calendar. v^~ FRIDAY-i Travelers, Mrs. W. S. Jenkins, Portland avenue, 12:30 o'clock. Ladies* Social union of Fifth Avenue Congregational church, church parlors, af ternoon. Como W. C, T. U., Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Loomls, 1063 Thirteenth avenue SE, evening. Riverside Mothers' club, Riverside kin dergarten, 2:30 m. Woman's Foreign Missionary society of Highland Park Presbyterian church, Mrs. W. R. Maclean, 2641 Fremont avenue N, 3 p.m. Fiances Neal W. C. T. U., Mrs. W. D. McCall, 72 Royalslon avenue, 3 p.m. Cosmopolitan club, Mrs. Eichelver, 2736 Blaisdell avenue, 2:30 p.m. Thursday Musical. The Thursday Musical had its last program meeting this morning in the Unitarian church, and as each mem ber was privileged to bring a friend there was a large attendance. Mrs. George Richer was unable to be pres ent on account of illness, and the new president, Mrs. Floyd S. Muckey, pre sided. The program was a delightful one and was opened with a Tschaikow sky symphony at two pianos played by Mmes. Harriet W. Runyan, M. P. Vander Horck, W. N. Porteous and W. H. Marsh. Miss Wilma Anderson and Miss Elvina Chenevert furnished the piano solos and Miss Loretta Dellone gave a harp number, with Miss Mar aret Gilmor at the piano. The Misses 'ranees Vincent, Ednah Hall, Inez Da vis and Alberta Fisher contributed the vocal selections. In her announcements Mrs. Muckey spoke of the recital which Miss Wilma Anderson and Mrs. Lillian Wakefield will give May 10 in Simpson church, and extended an invitation from the Columbian Club for the musical to at tend the lecture on "Japan," which J. S. Bradstreet will give in the Uni tarian church Saturday evening. The annual basket luncheon followed the program meeting and it in turn was followed by an amusing program, in direct contrast to the classical num bers presented at the fortnightly meet ings, arranged by Mrs. W. H. Marsh. Annual Meetings. The Travelers will hold their annual meeting tomorrow at the home of Mrs. W. W. Jenkins, 2653 Portland ave'ntie. The yearly business will be transacted after a luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. The Ladies' Social Union of the Fifth Avenue Congregational church will transact its annual business and elect officers tomorrow afternoon* in the church parlors. The Benevolent Union of Park Ave nue Congregational church elected the following officers at its annual meet ings yesterday afternoon: President, Mrs. S. E. Belknap vice jresident Mrs. J. N. Pike secretary, Mrs. G. W. Teitsworth treasurer, Mrs. it. Woodward. A luncheon preceded the business session an'd covers were placed for fifty women. The union will give a dinner for the Men's club, May Institute for Spanish Girls. Miss Josephine H. Short will speak on "The International Institute for Girls in Spain," Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Thomas G. Winter in Groveland aveirtie. Miss Short is the accredited representative of the educa tional work established by Mrs. Gulick in Madrid, and Mrs. Winter has invit ed a group of people interested in phil anthropic and missionary work to hear her speak. A. C. A. to Be Entertained. Mrs. Thomas G. Winter will enter tain the Association of Collegiate Alumnae next Wednesday afternoon at her home on Groveland avenue. OLUB NOTES. The Ladies' Shakspere club was entertained at the home of Mrs. L. Trestrail, 2738 Dupont avenue S, Tuesday afternoon. A basket lunch was served, and Mrs. W. C. Boorman of How ard, S. gave two songs. The Riveiside Mothers' club will meet to morrow afternoon in Riverside kindergarten. Mrs. Elbert Carpenter will give a talk and a boy soprano will sing. Como W. C. T. U. will hold a fathers and mothers meeting tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Loomis, 1063 Thirteenth avenue SE. Dr. Margaret Koch will speak. MILITAR BOARD Army Officers Will Consider Street Oar Problem at Snelling. The military board which will con sider transportation facilities for the Fort Snelling reservation is composed of Colonel O. J. Sweet, commanding of ficer of the post Lieutenant Colonel W. W. Robinson, Jr., chief quartermas ter, department of Dakota Major S. E. Allen, commanding the artillery battal ion, and Captain H. B. Kiske, Twentv eighth infantry, quartermaster of the post, as recorder. The appointment by General C. C. C. Carr directs that the board shall meet May 1. Advisability of constructing a bridge across the Mississippi for the rapid transportation of troops will be considered. Carey Cement Roofing grows better with age. See W. S. Nott Co., Tel. 376. April 27, 1905. Latest Photograph of THE 2653 Open 8:30 Close 5:30.? Except Saturdays. SaleL COPl-RIOT I9M BMNEKROSW CHICAGO -%^^^Mi8S Carrie Wilsorr, 3728 64th Place, Chicaeo.^and ten cents in silver or stamps to pay postage, ag^* POWER S of Men's High Grade FOUR-IN-HAND TIES Newest Spring* Styles. FRIDAY'S SDecial Offer April 28, i9o5. TN addition to the previously advertised special low prices this week, on Friday, April 28, with cash purchases only we will give DOUBLE Amount "S. & H." Green Trading STAMPS, In The Following Departments Only Men's Furnishing Goods. Umbrellas and Parasols. Women's and Children's Hosiery and Knit Underwear. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Caps. Women's, Misses' and Girls' Suits, Skirts, Coats, Jackets, Wrappers, Dresses, Costumes, Cravenette Coats. Women's Waists, Knit Goods, Infant's Wear. Muslin Underwear, Under Skirts and Petticoats. Corsets, Art Embroidery and Fancy Goods. Women's, Misses' and Girls' Millinery. Furniture, Sewing Machines, Bedding. Carpets and Rugs. Curtains, Draperies and Upholstery Goods.* Crockery and Glassware. Toys, Dolls, Games. Hardwar and all Housefurnishing Goods (in Basement.) Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. Pictures and Mouldings. Fanc and Waste Baskets. Sporting Goods of all Kinds. WOMEN'S CLUBS CO-OPERATE. The officers of the Territorial Pioneer Women 's club. Mmes. Eli Southworth, G. H. Hazzard and Miss Carrie Stratton.wlth the executive committee, Mmes. M. N Adanu A Bolton, E Tubbs, Es telle 9* vart and B. N. Thompson, met this af| noon to arrange thefr share of Girls', Boys' and Children's Wheel Goods of All Kinds. Such as Automobiles, Auto-Wagons, Velocipedes, Wagons, etc., etc. An on All Makes of Go-Carts. All Groceries, except Flour and Sugar. Store s& Nicollet Av.... 1st Av, S... .Bth S Minneapolis. Kinds that retail regu larly at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. About 500 dozen In exclusive patterns Extra fine materials. 5* Choice At a Popular Price thirty-nine cents We include our entire New Stock of Four" in-hand Ties our 50c and 75c qualities For this extra sale 39' Choice Brass Beds, the celebration. Ma 11, of the seventh anniversary of statehood. AND WE CAN PROVE IT. Danderine Is So Exhilarating! Invigorating and strengthening to both the hair and scalp that even a 260. bottle of it is often enough to show wonderful im provements. It at onoe Imparts a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will cause new balr to sprout out all over the scalp, and grow abundantly, long and beautiful. Use It every day for awhile, after which two or three times a week will be enough to complete whatever growth yon desire. NOW at all dm 5 0 cents and CDCC i I forty- Harsh, purgative remedies are fast giving wav to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. If you try them, they wiU cer tainly please you. nderine Grew Miss Wilson's Hair ists, in three sizes, 2 5 cents,*' pet bottle. show how quickly Danderine acts, we It ECi will send a large sample free by return mail to -j| any one who sends this advertisement to the KnOWftOfl Danderine Co., Chicago, with their name and address 4,