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&D8 3 FOR 1 f/'l If i i SI "T^M .EVANS.-JOHNSON-SLOANE. CO $3.00 Worth Trading Stamps with every $1.00 Gash Purchase. We'll give, Friday until 12 o'clock. After that, $2 for $1 'till closing time. THE "WINNIPEG" UHITED The Fas Mail Train Between St. Paul, Minneapolis and Winnipeg In a New Dress. Parlor Buffet Observation Gars, Lighted by Pintsch Gas. Booklover's Library Station. Palace Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars (Meals a la Carte), Comfortable Day Coaches, Will Be Pu in Service by the Great Northern SUNDAY, APRIL 30th. Drs. Young and Bentley never pub lish any testimonials of their cured patients only by permission. No read this one: "Minneapolis, Minn., April 14, 1905.. "To Whom it May Concern: "This certifies that Dra. Young and Bentley of Minneapolis, Minn., have successfully removed a cancer from the left side of my face, ne ar the in ner corner of the left eye, without the use of any knife and with scarce ly any pain. Thjs growth had been troubling me for nearly two years, and now that it is completely gone, I can not say too much in praise of the kind a nd successful treatment I have re ceived from these doctors. I shall al ways be glad to recommend other suf ferers to them for the same success ful treatment. (Signed) "Emma Hildebrand, "Gaylord, Minn." Leaving St. Paul every day 5:15 p. m. Leaving Minneapolis 5:50 p. m. Arriving Winnipeg 7:30 a. m. Returning, Leave Winnipeg 5:20 p. m. For Furthe Information, Address 1 I MffTOBBllg Minn. [liWJUWWFfVM Or to ^(iffvlilB I. WHITNEY, Phone! TF YOU are too busy to bring pr send your ad to the Journal, call up Main 9, either line, and ask for the "Want Ad" Department, give your ad and the Jour- nal will do the rest. Only one cent for each word. N ad less than 20 cents. DRS. YOUNG & BENTLEY Thursday Evening^ FOR CITY TICKET OFFICE: Third St and Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, Fourttran Rober Sts. St Paul, Minn. Passenge Traffic Manager WANT ADS St. Paul, Minn. taken over the Are not only honest men, of well known busi ness integrity, who can give you any desired reference in this city or state, but they have had many years' successful practice and are ac knowledged expert specialists in the instant re lief and speedy cure of all forms of external CANCER Without knife, caustic or. pain. The growth is checked at once, the cancer killed and removed wholeevery particle of it drawn outwhen the opening heals, sometimes not even leaving a scar. If you suspect that you have cancer, then do not trifle with such a fatal malady, for if not cured it means sure death, and to die from cancer is an awful death. Gallor WriteToday. Do not defer hope simply because! you have not found the relief desired. Your case may be easily curable by their new method of treatment. They also successfully treat LUPUS, GOITRE, RUPTURE, VARICOSE VEINS, ULCERS and BONE ULCERS without knife or pain. They make no| charge for consultation or examina tion in any case, and all inquiries arel promptly answered in writing, inclose I stamp. Call or address DRS YOUNG & BENTLEY, 305 Nicollet ave.F over Model Clothing Store, corner Thirdl a nd Nicollet, second floor, Minneapolis, Minn. OPEN ALL NIGHT. FRAUD ORDERS FOR,, GET-RIGH-QDIGKS Postmaster General Bars the Home Co-operative Company from the Mails. By W W. Jermane. Washington April 27.A fraud or der was issued today against the Home Co-operative company, whose home of fice is in Kansas City, but which has been doing a large business in Minne apolis, Des Moines, Milwaukee a'n'J. other northwestern cities. A fraud order was issued against this, company in June, 1903, which it unsuc cessfully attacked in the courts and then petitioned the postoffice depart ment to have the order revoked, promis ing to change the form of contracts and in other ways comply with the depart mental regulations. 'This petition was granted, last year. Lately some question arose as to the methods of the company and postoffice inspectors were put on its trail. I was found that the eompany was operating under the old form of contract and that the office expenses were consuming all the revenues, thus making it im possible for the contracts ever to be carried out. This led to the second fraud order today. The numerous fraud orders issued by the postoffice department during the past few months mark the beginning of a crusade against such institutions. All over the country a corps of expert in vestigators is being put into the field to look after them, and it is the hope of the postmaster general that in a short time all these swindlers will be denied the use of the mails. The cru sade has been begun with the knowl edge and consent of the president. W. W. Jermane. FINA DECLAMATORY CONTEST Judges Selected for Interesting Enter tainment at Clark. CLARK, S. I).The final declamation con test will take place tomorrow evening. The young ladies participating won places in the preceding contests. They are Florence Babri, Mamie Jones, Ruby Schoull, Mary Donahue, Mabel Hill, Edna Armstrong and Carlton Sher wood. The judges are S. A. Keenau, B. J. Tupper and R.' A. Dunham. The new board of education organized by electing D. J. Quinn president, Judge P. U. Bohrl vice president, and R. A. Dunham clerk. The board is composed of F. G. Bohri. S. A. Keenan, D. J. Quinn, Thomas Simpson, William McGann, B. J. Tupper and G. Arpin. Teachers for the ensuing year have been selected as fol lows: Superintendent, M. O. Hill principal, Mrs. Delia Bruner: eighth grade, Miss Frances Armstrong: seventh grade. Miss White fourth grade. Miss Laura Baker third grade. Miss Hose Cochrane second grade. Miss Cornelia Van Lieu first grade, Miss Myrtle Boyle. Pro fessor Hill and Miss Boyle have declined the positions offered. Professor Hill has accepted a position with the Fidelity Life Insurance com pany. The city of Clark has begun the year with great activity in building. Many persons have been coming here for months and cannot find places in which to live. It is estimated that there are nearly 1.500 inhabitants, as the municipal election this month gave a vote of 258. Several fine residences have been started. The gas system and' waterworks have aroused much enthusiasm and lawns are being improved and built and hundreds of trees planted. The grounds around the new schoolhouse are to bebeing graded and planted and cement walks laid. The Clark Tennis association numbers thirty six members. Four up-to-date courts have been constructed. Miss Vera Dice, who has been Governor El rod's stenographer at Pierre, has resigned and been succeeded by Miss Ethel Walker, of this city. FOUR PA FINE S Criminal Calendar of Circuit Court Moved at Mitchell. MITCHELL, S. D.The criminal section of the circuit court was put in motion today. Paul Scott, a colored man who conducts a res taurant, was charged with selling liquor with out a license, pleaded guilty and wasfined$50. Gus Kertsing was charged with incest, and pleaded not guilty. George Smith, farmhand, was charged with uttering three forged checks on the man whom he worked for last fall, the checks amounting- in all to about $60. He pleaded not guilty. These cases will be trie-i the latter part of the week. Art Yandenberg, William Scriven and, Claude Maughan, charged with having disturbed a rer ligious Salvation Army meeting, pleaded guilty and were fined $15 each. The eighty-sixth anniversary of the founding of oddfellowship was celebrated at Mount Ver non, and fifty Odd Fellows and Kebekahs with the canton went over to take part. The ad dress of welcome was responded to by W. N. Hollands of this city, and the address of the day was made by Harvey J. Rice of Huron, grand secretary of the grand lodge. In the evening the canton of this city gave a drill in the operahouse, the day closing with a danc ing party. J. J. McDougall has organized a company of local capitalists for the rection of a machine shop. HOMESTEADERS LOSE Title of Keweenaw Company in Upper Peninsula Lands I Quieted. CALUMET, MICH.In the United States cir cuit court at Grand Rapids last week, the cur tain was rung down upon the last act in one of the most important pieces of land litigation the upper peninsula has ever known. The case was noticed as the United States vs. the Lake Su perior Ship Canal, Railway & Iron company, the Keweenaw association, Ltd.. Metropolitan Lum ber company, and W. D. Wing company Ltd., and the title to over 16,000 acres of land upon which ninety-five homesteaders had settled was involved in the suit. The court declared the title of the Keweenaw association, which is the successor to the interests of the canal company, to be quieted, and against the homesteaders. After the homesteaders had announced them selves as occupying the lands, the canal com pany made them parties to the- United States suit. In many instances settlements were made, but the bulk of the cases were contested be fore the department, and the last one was de cided last fall. Following up the departmental decisions, the United States case was heard at Grand Rapids and final decree entered declaring the title of the Keweenaw association, which is the successor in interest of the canal com pany, quieted to all tracts which had been in volved in the suit. No Newfoundland Fishing. When the senate killed the New foundland reciprocity treaty last win ter, it did not imagine that Newfound land could strike back, but it has. I is now against the laws of that coun try for American fishermen to obtain bait there, and if an American vessel is found within three miles of their coast with bait, or supplies purchased on their island, it will be confiscated. This will virtually put a stop to Amer ican fisheries. Ho much better for Newfoundland to let us fish off her shores and in return be able to buy our flour and golden grain belt beer re'e of duty.' The beer, especially, is becoming more and more a family ne cessity from a health standpoint. If you haven't a case at home you can order by phone. Make I Your Business To know something more of the glori ous country, between Minnesota and the Pacific coast. The Northern Pa cific is offering some of the cheapest excursion rates to Pacific coast points that have ever been advertised. Tick ets are good for three months and good for stop-overs. The North Coast Lim ited offers every comfprt and conven ience ever provided on'any train. Call at City Ticket Office,.No. 19 Nicollet House Block. Homeseekers' Rates. The Minneapolis & SU Louis R. R. has on sale round trip excursion tickets at one fare plus two dollars to points in the West, South and Soutnwest. Final re turn limit, twenty-one days from date of sale. .-A'. Liberal stop-over privileges granted. Call on G. Rickel, City Ticket Agent, 424 Nicollet Ave. _. If sick headache is misery,-what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. Carey Roofing will neither run in hot weather nor crack in cold weather. Ab solutely guarnteed/^Se W S. Nott Co.. Tel. 376.. Ask for the Brewery Bottling. See that the cork or crown ts branded POSTMASTER I S SHORT Troubles of Mielke of Ferney Charged to Poor Bookkeeping. ABERDEEN. S. D.Postal Inspector Tulles of this city has found a shortage of $1,100 in the accounts of Postmaster Mielke of Fer ney. Mielke's friends say the shortage is due to poor bookkeeping rather than intentional dis honesty on his part. The- bondsmen have been asked to make up the shortage, and the papers have been forwarded to- the United States at torney at Sioux Falls. R. K. Hafsos of Canton was awarded the contract for the workshop for the Northern normal and industrial school. The Symms Powers company secured the heating contract and L. W. Kelly the plumbing contract, both Aberdeen firms. The building contract is for $8,015, according to the specifications, but the regents will make .some additions which will bring the total cost to about $9,000. The regents selected a site near the main building on the campus. SMITH & WYMAN, WHOLESALE. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Etc. Specialties: Stair Work, ,Office Fitting* and Interior Hardwood f^pisfi^ Corner 3d'Avenue S'-v EAST SIDE, and 8th Street. Minneapolis, Minn. i".y/\n- HOWE SCALES & HOWE ENGINES Champion Engines Champion Scales. Howe Scale Co. 321 So. 3d St. iir^':^Crushed',:Lime Stone/ :Phone :& 16359,vN-1 W. E 177: Corner/"fFirst1' -& AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING COMPANY. C. M. Rawitzer, Manager. Awnings, Tents, Flags, Umbrellas, Cotton Duck, Horse Blan kets, Horse Covers, Wagon Covers, Tarpau lins, Peed Bags, Leggings. TENTS FOR RENT. 125-127-129 First Av. N. ^NORTi^st^^ ':C'i$*r?$. 1VSitsfat**tiii'C*s-s.: Ay^^'ancl? Fifth: St. ^H^^-^''^--'!^"^^'.".'.' 7 .'v S^g^ ::^inneato l^s,|^inn.: ._:- ALFRED ANDRESEN & CO., Importers SWEDISH STEEL GOODS. 1300-1302 Washington Av. S. -& |ii'^.\F./WALLERlUS, Cf^H^ESALE NOTIONS. *nMW-: 'Cash'' Wag-on. ::%$&&. 1203 Main St. N. E. Tel. East 495 Jl MINNEAPOLIS FLORAL CO. Wholesale Growers and Deal ers in Plants and Flowers. Special,Attention to Funeral Orderi. 36th St. and Calhoun Boulev'rd WINSTON, HARPER, FISHER ,:'^wG' COMPANY. 0' WHOLESALE--.GROCERS '^.tfr.* Minneapolis, Minn. & PETERSON CARPET CO., 312-314 FIRST AV. K. The Only Wholesale Mail Order Firm Jobbing CUT CARPETS, Rugs, Draperies, etc., as an exclusive specialty. Manufacturer of all kinds of pattent exhibitors and myrioscopes. Founder cut order carpet trade in Minneap olis and two other( cme6 Liv merchants wanted to sell out goods by sample. Over 1,000 town asencies. Malt is a food, half digested. Hops area tonic. Beer that is pure is good for you. But beer that isn't aged causes biliousness. Beer that's impure is unhealthful. That is why we insist on purity. That is why we spend fortunes every year to attain it. WAGNER A FUGITIVE Bonds of Minnehaha County Farmer Forfeited by the Court. SIOUX FALLS, S. I).The bond of Nicholas Wagner, a Minnehaha county farmer, who was charged with two very serious crimes, has been declared forfeited by Judge Jones of the state circuit court., Nothing is known as to Wagner's whereabouts. Arrangements are being perfected for the an nual camnnieeting of the Free Methodists of the Sioux Falls district, which will be held in a beautiful grove oiear the village of Coll on, north west of Sioux Falls, from June 20 to July 2. Last year the city council granted to Desalleges, Moiues capitalists the franchise for an electric street railway system in Sioux Falls. Up to this time nq^move has been made by the Iowa men to commence work, and the council has adopted a resolution requiring the Des Moines men toexpense put up a bond of $5,000, which will guarantee the faithful performance of their part of thegrafting contract. If this is not done the franchise will be revoked. .MYlVlAN,, PARTRIDGE Cb. ^WtfOLESALE DRY GOO$ ':-FirstAvenue N and Jpourth st..' PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. Largest producers of Plate Glass In the world. We carry a complete stock of WINDOW AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS. Northwestern Distributing Agents of PAT TON'S PAINTS( and carry a full line of Painters' Sundries. THE CRCENTCRMER .'::E 'S' COMRANY.E^A ^$%-': ^0i-MS Hennejiin Ayemie^ Jj^ "\yky. Wholesale and Retail JWr Butter i Cheese Eggs,^ ft0,' Cream arid Ice Gream.i R. HERSOHEL MFG. CO. M. S. Thurber, Mgr. 406-408 Third avenue North. Manufacture mower knives, sections, rivets, cotters, rake teeth, link chain, beltinp, etc. Jobbers' agricultural supplies. Write for 1905 catalogue, No. 56. FACTORY, PEORIA, ILL. GLUEK BREWING CO. Brewers and Bottlers of HIGH GRADE BEERS, Minneapolis Minnesota THE JOBBING, MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE INTERESTS OF MINNEAPOLIS THE DEALER WHO SELLS PIONEER* ANfHMClTE Sill* MMMllrOOOD COAL 245^247-249 Firat Avenue North. BEMIS BROS. BAG COMPANY. G12, 614, 616 Fourth St. S. Phone JN.W.,M.707or JT11UI1C -JT, 707 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. 1209-1211 4th St. South, Minneapolis eer waukee famous. MAYOR SUES HIS ENEMIES Libel and Slander Cases Sequel of Nor way's Spring Campaign. NORWAY, MICH.A sensation has been caused in Delta county by the institution of a libel suit by Mayor Charles D. Mason of Glad stone against I. E. Shelley, a merchant of that city, and I. G. Champion, proprietor of the Delta County Reporter, published at Gladstone. The alleged statements because of which suit is brought are said to have been made prior to and in the spring campaign. Shelley was theoption nominee for mayor on the law and order ticket. Three charges are made by Mayor Mason. He first, that Mr. Shelley made the asser tion that the mayor was the tool of a corpora tion and souaht re-election In the interest of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron company to secure a reduction of the taxes of that company at the of other taxpayers and, second, that he accused the administration with corruption, and rottehnesss. The third charge is made ,against the Delta County Reporter, which is accused of having BERGSTEDT BROS. CO. SODA FOUNTAINS and Soda Fountain Supplies. 641-43 Decatur St. St. Paul, Minn. MCCLELLAND BROS. & r. RAVICZ, 21-25-'2r Thin! i v.t North', GENTS' FURNISHINGS. "-JKW- .ELRY, NOTIONS, ST \XIUN- EKY, CliTI.FHY, ETC. Write fur'-. Our. New ("dialog'. M. 0. BURR Manufacturer of Wooden Special ties. Anything in wood, except such conunoir* articles as sash, doors, etc., manufactured in quantities. Call or write NicoUet Island, Minne apolis. FOSTER ROBE AND TAN- s. ,-...'r,.r -i:NiNGOO': Vv-., DEA1EK8 IN FINE BUFFALO ROBES. Tanning, Etc. 1629 S. E. Fifth Street. ARE THE GREATEST IN THE, WHOLE NORTHWEST. LINK BELT SUPPLY CO Manufacturers Flour ai.d Saw Mill Machinery. Complete Elevator Equip ment, a Specialty. Salesroom, 418-420 S Third st. Factory, 200-204 Lyndale ave N. GREEN & DELAITTRE CO. IMPORTERS AND _.: WHOLESALE GROCERS 18-20-22 Third Street N KETTLE RIVER QUARRIES COMPANY, ^gg Quarries at Sandstone, Minnesota. Producers of Building Stone, Bridge Stone. Paving Blocks, Curbing, Crushed Bock. Etc. 400-403 Oneida block. KpTHEAFOlJtB, 0 XXHV. practically declared the administration guilty ot,^,-! stealing. The amount of damages asked is? I $5,000. V% CHASKA MIL I N NE W HANDS John Frank Leases Property to Scott of* Milbank and Others. i CHASKA, MINN.A deal was completed this? week whereby the Chaska flour mill, owned by* John Frank, was leased to the Cbaska Mills' company for two years, giving the new firm an* to t.urchase at any time in that period.* The principal factor in the new firm is W. H. ?.1 Scott, who on April 1 sold his interest in a large/ flouring mill at Milbank, S. D., and will take) charge of the mill here the first of next month. I He is a practical miller and has been in that* business for twenty-eight years. He will make* special efforts to induce farmers to trade at*, bis plant. I Mr. Frank and his family, who have made*. Chaska their home for several years, have prac tically decided to return to the German father land to remain permanently. CIRCULARRFOEWRIT FOR RAW FURS To MCMILLAN FUR & WOOL co. IVI I N N EAPOLIS, MINN. I)KPT. 20 ww Journal wanvt ads tell your story directly to a large and appreeia tive assembly for the sole purpose of learning your needs and desires. The use of Journal want ads will be a most substantial aid to you in pushing your busiaess. Only a word. JANNEY, SEMPLE, HILL & COMPANY, Wholesale Hardware. f. 30, 32, 34, 36 Second avenue S. I Q- 3 ("oilier I'lrat Avenue S. '& J. H. Kerrick. Engines, Boil ers, Wood and Iron Working Machinery. 126 Third Av. N. P.n.ri-rs of Illi'.t's. Furs. Wool, Etc. NORTHWESTERN HIDE & i FUR CO. Ksl:it.]lshcil 1W) I. 200-202-204 First street N. CITY SASH & DOOR 00. Wholesale Dealers in All Kinds of Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Millwork. 4th St. and 3d Ay. So. GEO. R. NEWELL & CO.(- Wholesale Grocers, Cor. First Av. N. and Third St. OYEN MANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers of Fine Cabinet Work, Bank, Office and Store Fixtures, Detail Sash, Boors and Ornamental Staircases 209-211 So. Second Street. :.V STOVES GREAT WESTERNSTOV E AN REPAIR (CO.- Stoves' and llep iirs. 312 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. 1- NORTHWESTERN BAKERS' SUPPLY CO. Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers of TOOLS AND SUPPLIES for Bakers, Confectioners, Caterers and Hotels. 215 First Avenue North. WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO 100-2 4 Second Avenue N. Wholesale Jron and Steel. Car- riage and .Wagon stock, etc. .ff