Newspaper Page Text
Female. IPC i Continued. f, LADY STENOGRAPHER, 10 MONTHS' EXPE- .^ence as public stenographer, wants position with reliable Arm in or out of city. 8444, Journal. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR A RE fined gentleman of means by a lady of high est references. F. W., 913 Hennepin av. LADY STENOGRAPHER, COMPETENT, DE Bires position} city referenced furnished sal ary $10 to $12. Address 9371, Journal. GIRL OF 20 WISHES POSITION IN PRIVATE family doing second work Inexperienced but willing to leiun. 1307 8th st S. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POSITION TO care for elderly person or baby. 412 5th ay SE. Phone East 44-L2. XADY WISHES SEWING IN FAMILIES BY the day will guarantee work. Telephone Main 1926-L2. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE position at once, good refeiences. 9936, Journal. ^E^L^STATE^FOR^SALE^ Improved. oooqooooo 0000000000000 NEW HOMES. Before you buy look oyer beautiful Lin den Hills. I have three new all modern, 0 up-to-date houses, thoroughly well built for homes, line grounds ana splendid view ovei looking lakes One of these owners bus met lth reveises and tontiactor must sell. Now if I cannot suit on auj of these new houses, I can sell you a line lot overlooking lakes, with gas and water, and furnish jau money to build 0 to suit yourself. Cull for list of lots and acres near the city. Geo. B. Dartt, 807 PhoenK Bldg. Res. phone, T. C. 4247. Office phone T. C. 3$e. vpoooooooooooooo 000000 0000000000000000000000 $3,250WITHIN A FEW MINUTES' walk of depot at Mound, on the Upper lake, we have a very fine, seven-room, fully furnished cottage, with lar^e south front lot, HO feet of shore front and 400 feet deep, with windmill, puma and tank, pipe to house, barn, Wndsorae shade trees. 0 shrubs, etc stiawberry beds, a good boat and summer's supply of wood, 0 Thompson Bros 101 4th St S. OOOOOOO OOOOQ OOOQ OOOO $2,250BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOUSE, FIN ished in polished woods throughout, piped for and connected with gas, full basement, 9 feet high, all hardwood polished floors plumbed throughout with porcelain lined fixtures, nicke] plated pipes, house has five rooms on ground floor, piettily decorated, and room for two rooms on second floor. This cottage is back plastered, papered between floors, papered be tween roof boards and shingles lot will be sodded in front and stone walks and steps laid. Don't fail to look it over .J653 Lyndale av N terms to suit. The Edmund G. Walton Agen cy, 600 Hennepin av. $800 DOWN. New house for sale by owner, 3236 Irving av S, view of Calhoun, east-front, modern throughout architecture new, elegant side board, seat, paneling, open stairway, hard wood floors and finish full basement, perfect heating plant, six looms and bath. Apply 614 9th st S. 0000000000000000000000 FOR SALE OR LEASE RAILROAD trackage, corner, 198x157 to 20-foot alley, with exclusive railroad trackage, also con venlent to depots, mills etc Terms to suit Thorp Bios., Andrus building ooooooooooooooaooooooo IOWA LANDONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN northern Iowa, 600 acres, laige bouse, splen did improvements, will take small farm in exchange and give five years on difference at 4 per cent interest, having decided to remove to the Pacific coast, I wish to reduce my holdings. Box SSO^Sioux City, Iowa $5,000 WILL BUY A THREE-STORY SOLID brick and stone business block in Watertown, S. building alone cost $12,000, with some repairs will yield an income of $100 per month a great bargain for someone. Savings Fupd Co., 225 Railway Bldg., Minneapolis BY OWNER, LEAVING CITYNICE PLEAS ant home, 11 rooms, city water both floois, large corner lot, fine lawn, in the beautiful residence suburb of Minneapolis, Lvnnhurst Lake Harriet, a $3 000 home for $2,000. 4300 Colfax av S, Bryant car line, one block. 9400 CASH, BALANCE PAYMENTS TO SUIT, for a new hardwood finished, eight-room house, modern except heat. This certainly ought to tench your purse and is a bargain that can't be heat. B. R. Betcher & Co 507 Phoenix Bldg. $1,400. 8S02 3d st N, ten-ioom house. In fair repair, large corner lot, 40x157 to alley. This is a bargain. Terms. Thorpe Bros AndiuB Bldg. Exclusive Agents. BARGAIN. Modern eight-room house on Lyndale N, In side of *3d av, fine location, good repair, easy terms everv thing in and paid for. Dickinson Land & Realty Co., 540 Temple Court. FREE HOMESTEADS. The finest wheat land in the world now open for homesteads in the famous Palouse country along the new government Irrigating canal, state of Washington. See Brookings, 24 Wash lngton ar N. $T000 FOR NEW NINE-ROOM MODERN house on Blaisdell av, $1,800 for seven-room house near Bloomington av, $2,400 for sevon rooin house with furnace on 22d st near Minnehaha line. Nicollet Realty Co., 311 Nicollet av. OUR BOOKLET, "COUNTRY HOMES," GIVES the description of over 100 small farms from one acre to 10 acres, near the city near elec tric and steam cars, to be sold on easy terms. Free on application. Walton. 300 Hennepin. $1,500.00. 1% acres at end of Washburn park car line has a four-room cottage on it. This is ex ceedingly cheap. Thorpe Bios Andrus Bldg. FOR SALEBY OWNER, COMPLETE MODERN eight-room lesldence, one year* old, designed by Long, richest finish, corner lot, shade trees improvements including curb paid for, worth $6 500, will sell for less. 2401 Garfield. A NEW HOME, UP-TO-DATE. Why buy an old bouse when you can get a new house and lot't Will build to suit you In any part of town, easy terms. Save rent. R. R. Betcher & Co., 507 Phoenix. REAL ESTATEA NON-RESIDENT WISHES to dispose of some of the best residence prop erty in Minneapolis. Write me foi list. Agents need not write. H. E. King, 273 W 10th st, Winona, Minn. FOR SALETEN-ROOM HOUSE (FOR TWO families), full besement and attic, city water, sewer, closet first-class condition, terms to suit, parquet floors price $2,500. Adler, 1408 Main st NE. $950$100 DOWN AND $12 A MONTH SFLEN dld little house of six rooms, newly painted and ready for occupancy, 3329 2d st N, near the new bridge. Walton, 300 Hennepin av. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR MOD ern eight-room house full-sized lot, In choic est location, 1 will sell verv cheap and oa terms. Hobe. 214 Lumber Exchange. KAIRE'S R~00F PRESERVER, Stops leaks in any roof. Call, telephone or write Malre Paint Oo 242 1st av N. MODERN HOUSE. Recently buijt eight rooms, Southeast, pho tographs at owner's office. L. II. Fletcher, 410 Bank of Commerce Bldg. ONLY $3,100MY NEW. THOROLY MODERN home, eight rooms and bath, cost me 400 to build, must sell at once. 3217 Colfax av S Easy terms WILL EAY SPOT CASH FOR WELL-LO citted, improved Minneapolis business prop erty. What have you? D. D. Webster, 801 Phoenix STRICTLY MODERN TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE on living av S, between Douglas and Frank lin, for sale at a bargain. Address 6867, Journal. $2,600MY HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS MODERN except heat sbert and barn on a corner lot 45x 128 to alley: all in fine condition. 3201 4th av S. FOR SALESIX-ROOM HOUSE. WET SINK, city water, storm sash, screens, stone walks lot 48x128 also barn. 3521 Columbus av S PRETTIEST LITTLE HOUSE IN MINNEAPO- lis for $1,500. Call and see photograph and easy terms Smith. 516 Phoenix building FOR flALESEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS, bath, hardwood floors, city water, storm sash. screens and woodshed. 3431 1st av S. FOR SALESEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, THOROLY modern built by dav large lot. Call on own er, evenings, 3021 Emerson av S SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH ALCOVE. STONE walks and boulevard, for $2,000. 1770 Carroll st, Merriam Park. FOR SALE10-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD RE pair, cheap if taken at once. By owner. Call at 613 Cedar av. FOR SALE AT A BARGAINA NEW, MOD ern, seven-room cottage, 2843 10th av S. T. C. tel. 5672. ELECTRIC BELLS REPAIRED, INSTALLED. Phone T. C. 1711 E. H. Hammer, 325 5th st S. FOR SALEA COLORADO STOCK RANCH. Apply to A. Ipsen. Blackhawk. Col. Unimproved. FINE EAST FRONT LOT, ON 4th AV, BE tween Lake and 31st st, for sale cheap by owner. Address 1512 E Franklin av. GOOD BUILDING LOTS ON 2d AND 3d AVS S, $150 to $200. easy terms. McNichoi Invest aient Co., 417 Guaranty building Thursday Evening, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Unimproved.\ Continued. "IN THE TRIANGLE." We Offer Best Corners At Lowest Prices. $2,000Corner of Humboldt and Franklin, east and north frontage, 63x135. This lot Is to be properly graded with a sufficient depth of black dirt left on top by pres ent ownei. All street improvements in aud paid for, Including fine park trees. We can sell you an iuside lot here, 50 foot, east front, for $1,400. $2,200Corner of Uirard and tranklln, east aud south frontage, OOx.141. This lot has all street improvements in and paid for and Is about three feet above giade and level. $2 000Coiner of Summit and James, Green's addition, east and north front, 50x135, sewer and water. This lot is to be prop el ly graded by present owner. 'Xhe&e ure the best and cheapest comers left in this location. Yale Realty Co., 206 4th st S. $850 EACH FOR LOTS 11 AND 18, BLOCK 82, Remington's Second addition, 011 Aidricb uv S near 32d st fine residence lots at a bar gain, one-half cagh, balance on time. $100 each for ten fine lots at Minnehaha Falls easy terms, monthly payments. $100 each for ten lots In Cataract addi tion, 30th av and Colfax av $10 down and $10 monthly. Saving Fund Co 225 Railway Bldg. $485. Double corner of 42d and Wentworth av S. size 73x132 feet to ajlej nice trees on front of lots, lots lie above grade and xy* blocks from the Washburn Park ear line owner wants to leave tovn Terms, $25 down and balance $20 pei mouth. Thorpe Bros., Andrus Building. $235 EACHLOT 42x125, 38th ST, BRYANT, Aldiich av S3, block from Ljndale, consult aud deliberate, for a home, location the best, American neighborhood, eighth ward, teims, cash discount is made in the price double ou investment baj a lot and get on the grass. Ilobart, Phoenix Bldg. LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 1, WENZ' ADDI tion, hne large corner, on Penn av and Crystal Lake road, $l,2ou, half cash, balance one ve?i Large coiner lot. In St. Anthony Park, one block tiom Conio car fine location, price only $450 John L. Smith, 225 Railway bldg, R0SEDALE. Located at Meollet av and 43d stWe still have 60 fine lots left, langing in price from $75 to $200 each, terms, $25 down, balance $10 pei month. Call at office for plats. Thorpe Bros., Andrus Building. SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND Lo cated in Wright county near Annandale, for sale in 40 or 80-acre tracts, $15 per acre one-third cash, balance on or before 10 years at 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., Clear Lake, Minn. LOTS AT LINDEN HILLS WILL BE SOLD AT greatly red.ic.jd prices this month call in tor plats, prices less than ever want 10 sell out the few remaining lots The Edmund G. Walton Agencj, 300 Hennepin av. $2,250LOT 45x100, 12th ST NEAR NICOLLET, ripe to impiove See the location, price, double jour investment Minneapolis is boom ing. This is inside dirt at low price. Ho bait, Phoenix Bldg I HAVE LANDS FOR SALE WHERE RELIN quisiuuents and homesteads can be got ad joining. Corey, 701 Northwestern Bldg. $8,250LOT ON 7th ST, 66x165, WAY INSIDE location given only to actual cash purchaser. Hobart, Phoenix Bldg. BARGAINS IN TIMBER LANDS. Peoley, Pensacola, Fla. THOMAS Farm Lands. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, $200. A splendid piece of farming land, easily cleared, timber for fuel, new log building, near navigable river and pretty lake, good hunt ing and fishing seven miles from station, one mile from sawmill and postofflce, only 100 miles from Minneapolis country well settled, lou can have this if you have your homestead right and $200. Tingdale Bros 307 Bank of Commerce Bldg Minneapolis, Minn. 80-ACRE FARM, TWO MILES FROM TOWN, 25 miles from Minneapolis, good improvements, $2 500, $500 cash, balance easy terms. 80-acie farm within four miles of three towns, 35 acres cultivated, all new land, 20 acres fine meadow, balance timber and pas tuie, good house, barn and other buildings price $1 600, easy terms C. Christensen, Mgr. Land Department, Strong, Campbell & Co 215 New York Life, Minneapolis. A SUMMER RESORT ON THE SHORT OF beautiful Lake Surah, consisting of 76 acres of good land, about 40 acres under cultivation good eight-room house, good barn, all in good lepair, half-mile from station, a bargain if taken at once. Dickinson Land & Realty Co., 540 Temple Court. ATTENTION SPORTSMAN. We have for sale 80 acres of land that has a spring lake that covers about 14 acres and is well stocked with black bass and pike no pickerel one hour's ride from Minneapolis. Own and cootrol your own summei resort. Elcklnson Land & Realty Co., 540 Temple Court. GET A FARM IN WESTERN CANADABEST wheat country in the world we have land in western Canada near railroad homestead land adjoining, we have the best land and sell on easy terms yearly payments reduced rail road fare, also North Dakota and Minnesota land. For particulars write Martin Hansen, Grafton, N. D. RAINY RIVER FARM FOR SALE NEAR Koochiching Falls 291 acies, beautifully lo cated, facing Rainy river, 40 acres clear, good s6t of buildings much valuable timber on place, farm machinery, stock, all for $2,700 no such bargain will occur again. Address Rainy River Realty Co, Litttefork, Minn. LANDSEEKERSWE HAVE A NUMBER OF Improved farms from $800 to $1,500 60 to 75 miles from Minneapolis also a few improved homesteads from $200 to $400. U. S- Homestead Land Co., 302 Nicollet Av, Minneapolis. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN WILD LAND TO tiade as part payment 87%-acre farm, four milese frome St. Michael 1 buildin,g and mapl grov with all kindfinef fruits price $.5 200, right on river bank. Boston Land Co., 400 Boston Block. FREE HOMESTEADS. The finest wheat land in the world now open for homesteads in the famous Palouse country along the new government irrigating canal, state of Washington. See Brookings, 24 Wash ington av N. $7.00 TO $9.00 PER ACRE, IN TRACTS TO suit, 10,000 acies to select from, in Aitkin and Crow Wing counties strong, heavy soil delightful climate, very productive lands. Henry Troy, 502 Guaranty Bldg. 20 ACRES INSIDE CITY LIMITS, THREE blocks from car line, beautiful timber, graded street, lots will retail for $300 each 26th av N cost less than $80 each, speculators. Ho bart, Phoeqix Bldg SUBURBAN~H6ME AND 1% ACRES, NEW eight-room house, hardwood finish, basement, cistern, cesspool, bain, near Washburn Park beautiful little home. A. E. Hammond, 412 Phoenix. WE OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE THE SW% section 24-137-79, 15 miles southeast of Bla^ marck, 4 miles from Soo railway, goQd land boars Inspection. J. C. Oswald & Co., Minne apolis. CANADIAN LANDS IN SOUTHEASTERN AS sinibola, along Arcola-Regina branch of C. P. railway, very cheap, prices will advance soon. Crescent Land Co 518 Guaranty bldg. FOR SALEIMPROVED FARM OF 80 ACRES, with stock machinery and crop being put in 14 miles of Minneapolis all for $3,100. Ad dress 9532. Journal. A LARGE NUMBER OF VERY DESIRABLE Delaware farms for sale write for new 1905 catalog Charles M. Hammond, real estate broker, Milford. Del. $40 EACH FOR SEVEN LOTS 60 FEET, NEAR Minnehaha school $250, lot 6 block 43. Rem ington's second addition. Woodman, Lumber Exchange INFORMATION FREECANADIAN-LANDS. R. R. Stoner, Canadian Government Agent, 231 Boston Blk, Minneapolis, Minn. ACREAGE AT XCOOHICHING FALLS. CALL or write the Enger-Nord Realty Co 120 Tem ple Court, Minneapolis. LANDSEEKERS' CANADIAN BUREAU OF IN formatljn. 518 Guaranty bldg Information free. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE farm lands, city property. Quale Land Co., N.-W. bldg. 200 ACRES, IMPROVED FARM, OR WIXL SELL 10-acre lots. August Classen. Long Lake. WANT TO BUY MODERN RiSIDENCE IN Lowry Hill district, Green's addition or Sunny side, $5,000 to $8,000 owners only. 0748, Journal. I WILL PAY SPOT CASH FOR WELL LO cated Improved Minneapolis business property. What have jou? D. D. Webster, 801 Phoenix. WANTEDHOUSES AND VACANT LOTS THAT arc bargains, have customers waiting for same. Dickinson Land & Realty Co., 540 Temple Ct. WANTEDLISTINGS OF MINNEAPOLIS REAL estate houses, lots and nearby acres buyers inquiring dally. Newhall. 550 Temple Court. WE HAVE CLIENTS WAITING AND CAN sell or rent your propertj. Call and list with us. J. H. Bird, 625 Andrus, Mpls. LEDGE CUT IN TUNNEL OF HUNTER CREEK mine 14 feet wide, 300 feet deep crew of men working night and day ore will be shipped soon as roads permit now is the time to Invest money wanted to jplace plant on property. Call or write for prospectus. Hunter Creek Mining & Milling Co., 701-2 Phoenix Building. SO YEARS IN MINING NONE BUT FIRST class stocks handled Address me before buv ,ing. W. P. McDonald. 302 Andrus bldg, Mpls. jgNANCgAL^ ANNOUNCEMENT^WE^TAKE~THIS MEANS of Informing our many friends and clients ot the past that we now have on file tin unusual number of applications for loons on Improved city property, in sums ranging mostly from $800 to $3,000, which will net you 0 per cent, as the borrower pays all expenses. We have had 82 years' experience in the real estate and loan business in this city and can prove to any one interested that our office had the smallest percentage of foreclosures of any in the city during the panics of 1873 and 1893. Do not throw your hard-earned savings over the tran Bom of some "get-rich-qulck" concern, but let us invest them for jou in a way where the very worst that can happen, even In case of another panic would be that you might be obliged jo lake a choice piece of Improved property at half of its value. Parties having funds upon which they are not receiving satis factory returns are invited to call and inspect our system, and also get an unlimited number of names as lefercnces, aUo sec page,JL00 of the Minneapolis City Directory. K. Elchhorn & Sons, corner Washington and Hennepin. CHA1TEL LOANS. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., Establishea 25 Years. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large pay ments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of psjinent on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having Leon engaged in the money lending business for the past 25 years, and with the large clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honorable and confidential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 305 306 Bank of Commerce Building, 1st Av S and 4th St. $15,000 PRi,Fi,RRl,D STOCK, 7 PER CENT guai anteed, semiannually old established busi ness, whose steady growth demands increased equipment well known Minneapolis investors inteiested same management that has in creased the business over twelve fold in last decade assets include Minneapolis business property equal to full authotized preferred stock, not a speculation but a conservative, safe investment at 7 per cent dividend open to fullest investigation 9904, Journal. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money? We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates. Easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephoneN. W., Main 1770. Twin City, 9378. Minneapolis Loan Co., 601-602 Globe Building, 22 4th st S. INVESTMENTJOBBING STOCK FOR SALE in a well-established business, paid 10 per cent dividend every year since incorporated, 19"0, besides having a surplus of about $9,000 reason, expanding the business $100 per share. Address 5609, Journal. MONEY TO LOANFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS on approved Minneapolis leal estate promptly made by the Massachusetts Mutual Lite Insui ance Co., Suite 603, Bank of Commerce Bldg. J. M. Herchmer, manager. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tail merchants, teamsters, boarding houses, without security. Largest business in 48 prlncl pal cltlej. Tolman, 920 New York Life bldg. MONEY TO L6AN~0N~IMPR0VED CITY PR0P~ ert at lowest current rates, payment privi leges given, no delay In closing. Minneapolis Trust Co., Henenpin av and 4th st. WANTEDLOANS FROM $500 TO $5,000, CITY property, 40 per cent value. We charge no commission for placing your money. Morrison Crittenden Co., Phoenix bldg. MONEY TO LOANLOWEST RATES WITH ON or before privileges no delay in closing or se curing answer. Building loans also accepted. Thorpe Bros 206 Andrus building. MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOR residence loans and Hennepin countv farm loans, building loans a specialty no delay or dihaipointment. E. D. Brown, 738 Lumber Exchange. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., 313 Nicollet av. BUY AND SELL WATCHES AND DIA~ monds, handle real estate, make loans on same, strictly private. Abeles, 503 Sykes block. WANT TO BORROW $2,000 ON A STRICTLY modern house, Southeast Minneapolis situ ated on two fine lots. Address Postofflce Box 59. R. D. CONE & CO., B17 Guaranty bldg, have on hand to loan on improved property $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $3,500 lowest rates. PROMPT LOANS ON IMPROVED PROPERTY easy terms. C. S. Woodruff. 605 Guaranty building. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY AND LIFE IN surance policies. Abbott, 22 Loan & Trust. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY LOW rates. J. H. Bird, 625 Andrus building. LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, NO delay. Ins., Loan Co., 006 Oneida block. WE LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, wagons, warehouse receipts and salaries. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co 408 New York Life Bldg. WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS ON furniture, pianos or any security, large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL _property. Chaiges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg. _REAL^STATEJEXCHAN(^ OAKES HAS 1,500 INHABITANTS. Oakes has two national banks. Oakes has five drj goods stores. Oajces has three exclusive grocery stores. Oakes has three retail hardware stores. Oakes has three hotels. Oakes has two drug stores. Oakes has two furniture stores. Oakes restaurants run night and day. Oakes residence lots are selling from $200 up. I have an 80-acte addition to the town, nicely located, between 500 and 600 lots, and will sell or trade for good land. Ed A. Smith. Devils Lake, N. D. 600 ACRES GOOD FABM LAND IN WASH burn county, Wis., two miles from good town, 70 miles from Minneapolis. This would make a splendid stock farm land is level, soil is rich clay loam, three creeks cross the land price $10 per acre on easy terms, would consider trade for land near Minneapolis or good city real estate. 80 acres of good land In Isanti county, $15 per acre, will trade for good little house In Minneapolis. C. Christensen, Mgr. Land Department, Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life, Minneapolis. WANTEDTO TRADE A 480-ACRE STOCK farm for a stock of general merchandise the land has 100 acres of timber on It, the rest good hay land. Will trade 160 head of cattle in also. Address Box 461, Devils Lake, N. D. SIX SECTIONS FINE LEVEL PRAIRIE LAND on railway to exchange at cash value for city property, especially for business property In side 10th st. improved or unimproved. Ad dress 9334, Journal. PARTY OWNING FINE RESIDENCE AND beautiful grounds in city would trade for farm at Mlnnetonka. Address, with description of property, price and assessed valuation. 8712, Journal PORTLAND AV PROPERTY PAYING $720 PER annum will take good $1,000 lot, $500 cash, balance time. Hanford, Bank of Commerce. $8,500IMPROVED, 160 ACRES, CASS COUN ty want residence will assume. Phoenix Land Co., New York Life Bldg. _MDWETCgKAJPOPERTY_ FOR RENTA WELL FURNISHED 9-R00M cottage at Orono delightfully situated, east front three spreened porches running water in wet sink in kitchen filled icehouse: barn for two horses and carriage lot 100 feet front on lake, 20 1 feet deep to road In rear reason able rent to satlfactory party. 9841, Journal. FOR SALEELEGANT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, nicely furnished, with beautiful grounds, fine beach and boathousc, at Llnwood, on M. & St. L. railroad, two blocks to station open for inspection after May 1, price $2,800 E. Eichhorn & Sons, corner Hennepin and Wash ington. T. C. phone 106. FOR RENT11-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE AT Cottagewood, large lake shore lot with boat dock, running water in the house suitable for hotel, club or large family, rent reasonable. Inquire to owner, Oscar Carlson. Deephaven. FOR E FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES, 5oininRENTFINstation. 1100 season unfurnished,' $125 furnished ad Wayzata For SaleFive-acre garden tracts liberal terms. Moffett, opposite Bijou. LAKE MINNETONKA PROPERTY FOR SALE by the owners 28 acres in section 10-117-23, being part of lot 7, adjoining Markville. For particulars address J. C. Oswald & Co., Min neapolis, Minn. MINNETONKA BEACH, LANGDON PARK, IN terlachen, Deephaven, Breezy Point, Groveland Park very choice properties for sale by George H. Miller, 330 Lumber Exchange. NINE-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, AT MIN netonka. onlv $135 for season icehouse and flue boathouse: nice shade, south front good shore. Newhall. 550 Temnle Court. FOR RENTUNTIL SEPT. 1, EIGHT-ROOM furnished cottage, near Wfldhurst. beautiful lakesbore frontage, nice shade $125. 810 14th st, Agincourt, flat 3. MINNETONKA fnzit farms, cottages, lots lota $125 five-acre farai $1,000 nne cottage, $2,500. Also others. J. M. Davles. u09 Phoenix. W^ODJiND^COAL, DRY FACTORY HARDWCOD CHEAPEST, cleanest! and best icooil in city. Barnard &\ Cone Co.. 4th st and 2d av NE. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. FOR SAIJB ITIISCEIJANEOUS 0000000000000000000000 ARE Y0V SAVING SOME MONEY BY oj getting our estimates on your bouse 0' bills? We furnish building paper, bard- 0 wood flooring, Biroh Doors, Fir Doors, ^^c 0 and all kinds of mill work. *vMf 0 VK|* 0 City Sash & Door Co., \J O "VV 0 0 4th st, opposite courthouse., g'yi O ,Jf 0 0000000000000000000000 IT'S NO IDLE BOAST WE ARE HEADQUAR ters of the northwest for the largest, finest and best grade of new and second-hand office, store, bank, drug, restaurant and ice cream fixtures our stock Includes safes, desks, chairs, tables, upright show cases, wall cases, cash legister, (soda fountain, scales, five station cash carrier, big stock window display fixtures space will not permit our enumerating every thing. Call and get our prices. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 8d St. S. PIANO BARGAINS. One Grovenstlie, $40 One Lyon & Healy, $85.* One Mathushek, $100. One Schumann, $100. One Hale. $100. One Newby & Evans, $135. One Knabe, $175. Organs $10, *1 and $25. Squate pianos $10 and upward. Howard, Farwell & Co.. 707 Nicollet Av. 1027 WASHINGTON AV S HAS THE LARGEST assortment of second-hand fixtures iu the north west 500 counters, 200 showcases, floor and Wall cases, refrigerators, scales, cash registers, 50 safes, roll top desks of all size and office furniture household goods by carlots wagons, buggies, harness, plauos, 01guns It will pay jou to cal land ee for jourself. UNDERWOOD STANDARD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS. Given highest award at St. Louis exposition. Writes in sight. Free trial o*h request. Also bargains in second-hand typewriters of all makes. Underwood Typewriter Co,, J2 Henne pin av. BUTTER IS DOWNCHOICE CREAMERY, 25c daily, 22c, fresh eggs, 15c best suuimei sau sage, 12%c good country flour, $2.25 pure attained honey. 9c comb honey, 10c choice tea sittings, lie, best tea sittings, 15c fresh roasted coffee, 15c. Berslin's, 89-91 7th st S. PIANOSBARGAINS IN USED PIANOS: EM erson piano, $125 Vose piano, $160 Fischer piano, $190, Weber piano, regular price $375, now $200 Singer piano, regular price $300, now $165 three upright pianos, $80, $90, $125. Foster & Waldo, 36 5th st S, corner Nicollet. WALL PAPER. Newest, Finest Decorations in the Market* Closing out some patterns at half price to make room for new goods, plenty good work men. A. H. ltannej, 60S Hennepin av. NOTICE TO CLEANERS. I have a brand-new handpower extractor, flrstclass, and will sell at a sacrifice object foi selling, I am getting a power extractoi call at once if you want a bargain. Inquire of H. H. Porter, 26 Central av. FOR SALESIX-ROOM FLAT OF FURNITURE taken under mortgage part time if nece=. sary, consisting of three iron beds, six rock ers, three stoves, chairs, tables, three dress ers, two commodes, icebox, wardrobe,, etc. Call 408 New York Life Bldg. LUMBERNEW AND OLD, SHINGLES, DOORS and windows, very cheap. Get our estimates and save money. N \V. Lumber Wrecking Co. Yards, 8th st and 14th av S. Washing ton and 10th avs N. Office. 319 Hennepin av. 16y,-FOOT LAUNCHES WITH IVi H. P. EN glne, price $110. launches in stock up to 30 feet in length cedar row boats in stock, marine engines. Send stamp for catalogue and piice to Moore Boat ^r orks Wayzata Minn TIMBER CLAIMS. Party who has secured timber claims himself in Oregon and returns soon would like to meet other parties who would like to secure good claims. Inquire at 109 Nicollet av, city. YOU CAN EXCHANGE YOUR Dollars and Cents With H. G. Neal, For Awnings and Tents, 243-5 Hennepin av. Both phones. FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL liard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments, send for catalogue and price list. The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 426 and 428 3d st 3, Minneapolis BARGAINS SEWING MACHINES, LATE drophead Singer, $18 Standard, $10: White, $10 Household, $7, other high-grade machines, $4 to $8 fine repairing. Dalseide, 610 1st av S. Phone 2183. PIANOSA LARGE SIZE BUSH & GATES piano, good as new, for $200 less than regu lar price this piano must be seen to be ap preciated. S. W. Raudenbuah & Co., 703 Nicollet av. FOR SALE$500 ROSEWOOD CABINET GRAND upright pia)o $105 parlor suit centerW table, sideboard, dining ^abfc. fWSe., ref ?,ftfj 1,100 family horse Inoving away. Call 1715 9th av S. ^^-nxr-yn ru FOR SALESTEEL "JEWEL'1 GAS RANGE, three single burners, a double burner, a slmmerer and two oVenSV In good condition for $12. 2201 Harriet av, flat T. C. 'phone 6745. PIANOS AND ORGANS. New upright pianos, $150 upward second hand upright pianos. $40 upward. Ask for bar gain list. Howard, Farwell & Co., 707 Nic. av. ROWBOATS. ALL SIZES, FINISHED ANY stjle, immediate delivery orders taken for launches, sailboats, canoes, hunting boats. A. Shepherd, 1113 W Lake st T. C. 5088 BIG BARGAINSGOOD SINGER SEWING MA Chine, $5, Domestic, $4.75 oak White, $8.75 Singer, $12 50 dropbead Wheeler & Wilson, $19 75. Elmer, 710 1st ay S. FOR SALEA BARGAIN, ALMOST NEW, high grade Fischer piano, chlffonnier. Quick Meal gasolene range, bedroom suit and dining room set. 807 17th av N. FOR SALEFRAME BUILDINGS, 619-681 Washington av S, to be removed at once. Apply Room 221, Bank of Minneapolis Bldg.. Nicollet av and 3d st. WOODDRY, $2.85 TO $3.85 FACTORY WOOD, $2 50 and $3.50, coal, $4.50 to $8 75 Plym outh Lumber Co., 237 Hennepin. Main 3846 LI T. C. 2807. STEAM PUMPSSECOND-HAND, BUT C0M- pletely over-hauled and guaranteel also en gines, boilers and all machinery, at Harris Machinery Co. LARGE BLACK WALNUT FILING CABINET, contains 63 flies 5%xll inches, cost $125 you can have it for $40. J. L. Smith, 225 Rail way building. FOR SALESMALL REDWOOD RANGE, COST $37 will sell $5 If taken before Saturday noon is In good Condition. 2913 Fremont av S. NEW $50 RADIANT STEWART HEATER, $26 Rolph soft bed, $15 costly parlor furniture music cabinet, $5 rockets. 104 Royalston av. UNUSED SAMPLE PIANOSLet us save you money. Don't ml*s this chance. M. Schulz Co., wholesale samplerooms, 404 Dayton bldg. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GASOLENE EN glnes, 1% to 30-horsepower, stationary, trac tion. Parten & Bloomstrom Mfg.C,251 8th av S. FOR SALELAUNCHES, all sizes, fitted w\h Westman gasolene engine order now for spring delivery. Enterprise Machine Co., 1114 3d st S. QUICK MEAL, RELIABLE AND JEWEL 'GAS ranges, second-hand gas stoves cheap for good stoves. C. Herbert Smith, 424 Hennepin av. FOR SALEONE LARGE CAST IRON RANGE, with reservoir, closet and shelf, in good con dition, cheap. Both phones. E. Q. Stone. $8.50~~FOR 12x14 THREE^FOOT WALL TENT. American Tent & Awning Company, 125 127-120 1st av N, Minneapolis, Minn. WRITE TODAY FOR MY GREAT PIANO OF ter how to get a Bird piano free. Francis J. Bird, 505 Hennepin av. HALL'S SAFBS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND largest stock in the northwest. J. J. Deright & Co., 318 2d av S. Tel., Main 3121. INVALIDS' CHAIRS FOR RENT AND FOR sale, patients' greatest comfort In or out doors. Buchstein Co., 608 1st av S. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER NO. 4, PRAC tically good as new. worth $75, will sell for $52.50 cash. Address 9806, Journal. FOR SALEINSURANCE GASOLINE RANGE, three-burner, In good working order, at Lake Mlnnetonka. R. Neising, Excelsior. COMPLETE LINE OF FINE WHOLESALE AND retail wall paper, painting and decoratins'. id. 239-r" -24 1 Hennepin av. _Hlrshfiel O GAS STOVESBEFORE PLACING^YOUR OR dei call aud see our line and get prices. Brand Stove Co., 330 4th av S. FOR SALEHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CAR pets, etc. 3244 18th av S. Call before 9 a.m. _or_ after 6 p.m. BASEBALL SWEATERS AND STOCKINGS made to order. Bilz, the Knitter* 3123 Nic. OFFICE FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE flnished. American Desk Co., 209 3d st S. I OR SALEFINE GOCART, UPHOLSTERED in gray corduroy, $5. 314 7th st S. FOR SALEFRAME BUILDING TO BE RE moved. $15. 217 1st st N. ROSENSTELN PAYS BEST PRICE FOR SEC ond-hand furniture, stoves and office fixtures. 417 Waahingtonfav S. T. C, 2817. WANTEDTO BUY BLACKSMITH'S FORGE and anvil: state lowest price. Address Mac beth & Gardner. Mankato, Minn. WANTEDGOOD SECOND-HAND ROWBOAT, three or four seats. Address 406 Oak st SE. State price and condition. BOOKS PURCHASED FOR CASH EN SMALL quantities or, whole^ libraries. 605 1st av S. NEW YORK FLORISTS, 7 WASH. AV STALL varieties of cut flowers and plants floral desiens for all occasions. T. C. phone 1728. SMTH ft-April ^_JUggESSJHAOTES^_^ WANTEDPARTIES TO INVEST THEIR IDLE money Jn manufacturing concern, well estab lished. We have orders on band to extent ot $20,000, and there is profit of over 300 per cent. We will sell limited amount of stock at 50c on $1, and you can buy any amount from $10 up. This stock we will guarantee will be worth 100 cents on $1 by first day of May, and cannot be bought for cent less. Now if you are interested in this proposition and want to invest some money where it will earn you something, call at our office and al low us to Show you the models, take you to the factory to* see large machines undergoing construction. If interested call 618-610 Phoe nix Bldg. MANUFACTURING BUSINESB TO EXCHANGE for real estate. Saloon, central, dally sales $45 price $2,000. Man wanted on salary to take charge of fuel business must loan employer $500. Confectioneiy, eighth ward, living rooms price $450. N. W. Business Agency, Bank of Commerce. R00MINGH0USE SNAPS. i Ten rooms, rent $25, price $300 22 rooms, rent $50, price $350 25 rooms, brick, steam heat, $1,000 dowq, cheap 40 rooms, steam heat, brick, cheap, $1,300 down. For room inghouses call on us. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. IF YOU ARE THE RIGHT MAN (RATHER student) will teach you a high-class profession, take you in as partner in established busi ness and start you on salary beside an ex ceptional opportunity, offering jou several thousand dollars' yearly income $1,500 re quired. Address 9C22, Journal. ROOMING HOUSEANOTHER ONE OF THOSE bargains good location, cheap rent, well fur nished, 24 rooms full of good paying roomers, going at half price small amount of cash handles it. If you want a snap in this line don't wait but see me today. Geo. Dirimple, 421 Kasota Bldg. FOR SALESTORE BUILDING, LARGE LOT and grocery business hour's ride from city established 18 years value stock $1,000, value fixtures $475 monthly sales $800 price for all $4,500 will sell stock separately, lease build ing. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New.York Life. DO YOU WANT TO SELL Your grocery or cigar or confectionery busi ness? If so send us your address and our grocery department manager will call on jou and tell you how to sell quick. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. GROCERY. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY rent $10, store and five living rooms, modern value good fixtures $650, value nice clean stock $350, daily sales average $18.50, price $650 bargain. Don't miss It Strong, Camp bell & Co., 215 New York Life BUSINESS STORES AND STOCKS OR PROP erty of any kind bought aud sold on com mission the largest advertising brokers in the northwest fpr quick private sale write for our terms and methods. Strong, Campbell it Co.. 215 New York Life. CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR Busi ness, wherever located. For quick sale send description and price. If you want to buy a business or property send for our monthly. Northwestern Business Agency, Bank of Com merce. WANTEDACTIVE MAN (UNMARRIED) TO Invest $1,000 and services in good paying office must be strictly honest and willing to work, big profits all statements guaran teed. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. FOR SALEA FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING AND Bhoe business in a good town in northern Minnesota, population about 1,200 stock $4,500 only cash will buy agents ueed not apply possession given at once. Address 9821, Jour nal. GROCERY, PLYMOUTH AV, RENT $16, store, basement and barn, good stock and fixtures, sales per month $500, price $1,100 cash or security must sell account sickness. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. IF YOU WISH TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE S1 roperty of any kind, or if you wish a partner business, write us. Associated Brokers, 81S New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. BLACKSMITH SHOP AND HOUSE FOR SALE Complete shop, tools, irons and woods, trade worked up already only shop in town- sick- ness cause for selling price $1,750. Address Joe McCaffrey Land Co., Warroad, Minn. STOCKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed companies desiring to float their stock call at office for information, which costs nothing, but will start you off right. W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus building. WE CAN SELL FOR CASH WITHIN 30 DAYS from listing Your business, farm or other property, wherever located. Send description, cash price. Northern Realty Companv, 440 Andrus building, Minneapolis. GROCERY, LOCATED GOOD BUSINESS AVE nue, established 10 years, stock and fixtures all first-class monthly sales average ovei $1,600 price $2,400. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. 40-ROOM HOTEL, BRICK BUILDING, STEAM heat, electric light, rent only $60, best of trade it taken at once will sell for $2,500 easy terms. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Lite. SALOON, ELEGANTLY FITTED, DOWNTOWN corner, money-maker owner don't like busi ness invoices $3,500 price $1,800 easy terms. Strong, Campbell & Co., 215 New York Life. KOOCHICHING FALLS. Best values there offered by The Enger-Nord Realty Co 120 Temple Court. Minneapolis. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, FARM OR other property for cash, no matter where lo cated, fcend particulars. Royal Real Estate Co., Pioneer Press building, St. Paul. WORLD WDSDOW CLEANING CO. CLEANS windows by their own process contracts for all kinds of work, male and female help fur nished. Both phones. 104 1st av S. RESTAURANT, FINE DOWNTOWN LOCA tion doing good business splendid chance for you price and terms right. Strong, Camp bell & Co., 215 New York Life, FOR SALEFURNITURE AND LEASE OF A ten-room house, fine location, walking dis tance, large yard and barn cheap rent must be sold. Address 7404, Journal. WANTEDA LIVE STOREKEEPER IN EACH town to take exclusive agency for best bread baked shipments daily. Write for particulars. Ye Olde Tyme Bakerle, Minneapolis, Minn. TEN-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, BRICK building, good location snap, price $325 must be sold this week. Strong, Campbell & Co., 216 New-York Life. GENTLEMAN WITH SMALL AMOUNT OF cash, who can handle financial part of busi ness, established two years* will be paid sal ary. 9338, Journal. FOR BALEBAKERY, FIRST-CLASS Fix tures, In a prosperous western town of 2,500 must be sold at once. Address Charles Cesser, Napipa, Idaho. LAWYER IN GOOD COUNTY SEAT MUST change climate will sell established busi ness, with or without library. Address 9881, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION IN HARDWARE Busi ness, twenty years' experience willing to take interest with right party. Address 9883, Journal. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING INDUSTRIAL, electric light or telephone stocks see George Girling & Co.,_Temple_Court. _T._C.,_8778.__ SALOON"FOR SALECENTRALLY LOCATED doing good business other business reason for selling. Inquire at 225 Washington av S. 8476 TAKES A GOOD GROCERY AND CON fcctlonery business cheap rent good reason for selling. 59 Loan & Trust bldg. TAILOR- -FENN. Maker of men's fine clothes, has removed to 629 Hennepin Av. SWELL 14-ROOM HOTEL RENT $55, INCLUD ing heat clears $75 monthly $1,150 cash takes it. 59 Loan & Trust bldg^ FOR SALE11-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, GOOD location price for quick sale very cheap. Call at 1315 Washington av S. YOUNG MAN ENTERING BUSINESS WISHES to borrow $1,000 for four years at 20 per cent. Address 9637, Journal^ $300 BUYS THE BEST NLNE-RCOM ROOMING house in the city, everything good rent $25. 59 Loan & Trust bldg. CAFE PRIVILEGES, IN GOOD LOCALITY diningroom will seat 50 people. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building. $500SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR 88th AND Nicollet, to move off lot. 2721 Nicollet av. BOARD AND ROOMS SftE^cL BOARD AND FINELY FURNISHED ROOM can be secured In a thoroughly modern private residence within walking distance. 1811 Clin ton av. LARGE AIRY ROOMS, EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant In summer, with board. 25 13th st S. between park and library. T. C. phone_3779. 5URING~APRIL WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL rates for the summer to parties desiring first class board and room. Richmond hotel. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN OUR modern fiat, easy walking distance, home cooking. 826 E 17th st. HOTEL CLINTON ROOMS. WITH OB without board elevator service. 4th av S and Grant st, HOTEL WAVERLYSEE WHAT WE HAVE before you settle. Single, suites, private baths. JjOHXCAL OIL CURE FOR CANCERNO NEED OF knife or burning plaster, no pain or disfigure ment. Cancerol is soothing and balmy, safe and sure. Write for free book to the Home office, Cancerol Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 27. 1905. HORSES AND CARRIAGES ForSale. BARGAINS FOR FEW DAY8. New business Concord buggy $55 New rubber-tired runabout buggy 35 New steel-tired runabout buggy 40 Good second-hand canopy-top surrey 60 Good second-hand, newly painted two-seat.. 45 Good second-hand Bangor buggy 80 Good second-hand top buggy 25 Good second-band light farm wagon 22 Hcddeily & McCrackeu, 248 and 250 1st av N. HORSES AT AUCTIONHORSES AT AUCTION. Every Wednesday. Every Wednesday^ Private sales daily. From 500 to 1,000 head constantly on band. Anyone wishing a single horse will receive the same attention as carload buyers. Remem ber the place. Barrett & Zimmerman's Great Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. AUCTIONAUCTIONAUCTION. Saturday, April 29, at 2'p.m., the entire liv ery stock of the West Hotel Stables, consist ing of 15 good driving horses, single and double harnesses, buggies, stable tools and office furniture, everything must be sold to close our partnership. Wilson & McUetrlck. $135 BUYS A SPAN OF HORSES, 7 AND 8 years old. weight 2,950, true in any harness also a span ot mares, weight 2,800, 6 and 7 years old, sound and good workers or will sell you a horse 10 years old, $37.50 takes him one express wagon aud harness, good order. 2829 Park av. FROST & CO., Received dallv, .fresh consignments of all classes of Minnesota bred horses, also many city b.oke horses prices the lowest part time when desired. 18 Second St N. $65 FOR GOOD CHUNKY BUILT BROWN mare, weight 1,100 or 1,200 pounds, good tiaveler, good condition, true double or sin gle, might rent out for three months to le sponslble people. N. W. telephone, Main 1500J2. 2109 19th av S. WORK HORSESJUST RECEIVED 40 HBAD good big work horses from Henche Lumber Company and must be sold immediately, also harnesses part time given if desired. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market. FOR SALEONE TROTTING BRED STALLION, 0 ears old, chestnut color, sired by Mork McGregor, 120J9 first dam Topsy by Archy Membrino, speedy and sure foal getter. Geo. Dunham. Spring Valley, Wis, SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SORREL MARE, BLOOKY build, weight 1,10, city broke, suitable for any use well worth $125 first one heie with $70 cash takes her- Top buggj, $15 am going away. d820 Portland av. BAY DELIVERY HORSE, WEIGHT 1,850, young and Bound, fine looker, city broke also bay famllr horse, 1,200 pounds, worth $125, will take $75 this week. Farrington, 309 8th st SE. T. C. tel 16770. IF YOU WANT TO SEE A GOOD FAMILY team of carriage horses, sound and gentle, send your address and I will drive them around. Address 9679, Journal. FOR SALEONE LEATHER TOP STANHOPE, one two-seat Stanhope, very fine will sell cheap call and make me an offer. 1801 Emer son av S. C. J. Bintliff. FOR SALEHANDSOME, WELL-BUILT PONY, weight 750 broke to saddle and harness, gen tle and kind. Eureka restaurant, 35 Washing ton av S. Price, $40. HORSES, HARNESS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, etc., bought, sold and exchanged. Widmayer & Prendergast. 414 3d st S. N. W. phone 2775-J3. CARRIAGES, RUNABOUTS, CONCORDS AND delivery wagons, manufacturers' prices. Thompson & Ege Carriage Co.. St. Paul. Minn. FOR SALERUBBER-TIRED RUNABOUT, AL most new single harness, blankets, robe and hickory pole, $60, cost $150. 734 1st st N. HARNESSNEW AND SECOND-HAND IF you want the best for the least money, call on M. Bock, 1509 3d st S, near Cedar. HORSESHORSESHORSES. All kinds, from $50 up. Kelly & Zimmerman. 12 2d st N. FOR SALEGOOD HORSE AND HARNESS, for $60 am leaving city and must sell at once. Call or address 305 Cedar av. FOR SALE7-YEAR-0LD, 1,100-LB HORSE, fine driver, absolutely sound and the kindest horse in the city. 1715 9th av S. FOR SALEFINE TEAM OF CARRIAGE horses, sound and not afraid of anything. Can be seen at 2320 Plllsbury av. FOR SALE1,400-POUND SORREL.. HORSE, Call at Northecp Express Co., 905 Hawthorn av, evenings or Sunday. SADDLE HORSE A FINE GAITED KENTUCKY saddler for Pale cheap. Barrett & Zimmerman Midway Horse Mirket. FOR SALEA FINE HEAVY 1,800-LB MARE, also light driving mare. J. L. Owens, Fulton _and_ Huron_st SE FOR SALEONE FINE PAIR OF DRIVERS", broke single or double, city broke. 218 2d av N. FOR SALENEW PONY WAGON, FIRST class shape have no use for it. 9899, Journal. NEW AND SECOND-HAND HARNESS CHEAP. Central Market Harness Co., 62.1 2d av N. FOR SALECANOPY TOP, TWO-SEAT GOOD as new $60. 2640 Aldrich av 8- FOR SALE CHEAPHORSE, before 6 o'clock. 126 6th ST N, HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD, SOUND, SAFE HORSE, weight about 1,100, to exchange for a fine lot at Mlnnetonka, that will stand Inspection, call and see me. P. P. Swensen, 514 Bank of Commerce Bldg. WANTEDDELIVERY HORSE OR PONY team, state price, age, condition, weight and where to be seen. 9858, Journal. BOARDERS WANTED AT GANNON'S B0ARD lng barn, rear 818 1st av S. COWSjJDOj^AjTOJ^UIJRY ANOTHER LOT FRESH COWS SOME FINE Jersevs big milkers exchange or time pay ments bull for service. Davis, 306 6th st S. FOR SALEONE FINE 7-8 JERSEY COW and calf, one Durham and Jersey cow and calf or will trade for beef. 218 2d av N. MOTOTO THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific Coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to Insure prompt and re liable service. For the best ot service at the lowest rates, write or call at 46 3d st S.^ MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND- STORAGE Co have best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points. Can save you money. Do not be deceived^by other advertisers. We can and will do what we agree regarding car rates. Write or call. Sates and heavy machinery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones. THE TWIN CITY VAN AND STORAGE CO. will pack, ship or .store your household goods. We will give you low rates on goods west or south. See us If you want the best. We are the original mixed car shippers. We handle safes, boilers and machinery. Office. 6% 4tb st N. THE O. G. PETERSON EXPRESS & STORAGE Co. makes a specialty of moving household goods and pianos. Furniture packed for stor age or shipment. Experienced help only best _storage In the city. Both phones. 501 2d av S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGETE X. pert packers for storage or shipment large and commodious vans for moving. Office, 200 Nicol let both phones 1208. Residence, T. C. 13324. BENZ BROS.. TRANSFER AND "STORAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st N. Both tels.. 952. MACHINERY FOR SALE. All machinery In Bonn Manufacturing Co. Plant. St. Paul. It has been decided to dismantle this plant and sell the machinery therein. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned at its office in the city of St. Paul, until noon on the 15th day of May, 1905, for all or any part thereof. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Bidders will mark en velopes "Proposal for Machinery in the Bohn Manufacturing Co. Plant." Inspection of the machinery can be had upon applica tion first made to the undersigned. S i Paul Title & Trust Co.. 508-511 New York Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Dated April 25, 1905. FOR SALENEW AND SECOND-HAND EN glnes. boilers, pumps, relaying rail, beams, pipe and supplies. We buy and sell. Manu facturers' Supply Co.. 24th and University avs. IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA chinery large stock of second-band and new. Northern Machinery Co., 217 3d St S, Mpls. ONE VENTILATING FAN, 36 INCHES IN diameter, for sale at City Laundry, 1420 Wash ington av N. AGENTS WANTED $75 "PER MONTH AND EXPENSES EASILY made selling the sanitary coffee and tea maker, samples free. Write to? particulars. Address The Aluminum Novelty Co.. Mayvllle. N. D. HAIL AND CYCLONE INSURANCE CASH commissions bustlers can make $10 to $40 per day In Minnesota. Address 626 Boston Block. AGENTS FOR HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. BIG profits, quick seller every family will buy PILESDR. K. WAITE, SO YEARS' SPECIAL ist, cures every case. Write for pamphlet, mailed free. 1219 Hawthorn ay," ffinMBM. MRS. DR. F. G. McKAY, 7 7th ST 8, NEAR 1 LOCAL AGZNTf WANTED 3* A OOO&i Hennepin baths, massage, electric and mag-' money making proposition for particulars d- netic treatments. 9 to 9, Sundaysincladed. dMw Lock Box ih^ IS ^mif*F AUTOMOBILES ANDBICYCLES FOR SALE AT A BARGAINLARGE l&ftfcS- senger automobile. In good condition sfUafete for hotel, tourist, or livery business. Will' sell at big bargain if bought at once. It will pay you to Investigate. Strong Automo- bile Company, 249 3d av S, Minneapolis. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 9450 One new Crest runabout, 8 b. D.. air cooled engine, with a shaft drive One 8 h. p. double-cylinder runabout.,.. One 12 h. p. Columbia touring car in A No. 1 condition 1,00* One 1904 30 h. p. Knox touring car. Price on application. One 1904 8 h. p. Rambler with tonneau 575 One electric runabout |0# Northwestern Motor Vehicle Co., 219-221 flth St S. AUTOMOBILES AND_LAUNCHES. 1904 White car get price. 1904 Auto car, good as new, $1,100. Electric runabout, $250. Stanley steamer, $650. 42-foot full cabin launch, $l,e00. 28 foot launch, $650. 4 Haynes Automobile Co.. *A 44 7th St S. G. & J. TIRES, The best automobile and bicycle tires on the market today. Plant Bros., Northwestern Distributors, 21 2d st S, Minneapolis, Minn. loo WANTEDGOOD AUTOMOBILE AS PART payment for 160 acre farm close to town in Manitoba, Canada, all beautiful open prairie price only $10 per acre. D. M. Addison, Box 698, Winnipeg, Can. __^^__ WANTED AN AUTO WILL EXCHANGE traction engine. Giant, in good repair (8-horse runabout preferred). Lock Box 431, Spring Valley, Minn. -_ FOR SALE1904 MODEL LIGHT TOURxNO car, 8-horsepower double cylinder, run less than 500 miles, $500. Demonstration at 6*28 E Lake st. GALE $500 EIGHT-HORSEPOWER AUTOMO blle Ford two-cylinder touring car. Wntt Walter G. Benz, N. W. agent, 15 7th st 8. FOR SALEONE EIGHT-HORSEPOWER AUTO moblle runabout in first-class condition, at A bargain. A. Zekman, 23 5th st S. AUCTION SALES Otf|| ANTIQUES AT AUCTION. Auction Sale at Short NoticeWe aro Instructed by a Baltimore firm who are com pelled to realize to sell at auction. Saturday next, 29th of April, at 10 a.m. sharp, a rare, and valuable consignment of antiques, consist ing of Sheffield silver articles, old mahogany furniture, china, brass, copper and pewter wares, etc., including rare Sheffield trays, botn oval, round and oblong pattern, in various sizes colonial and grape pattern entree dishes, bouillon cups, meat platters, tea caddies, gravy boats, toast racks, candlesticks, wine coolers, salts, peppers, bonbon dishes, fruit bowL coasters, tumbler holders, after-dinner coffees. Queen Anne tea service, cake baskets, muffinr nieres, fern dishes, etc. old French Glronaqles with cut droppers Russian brass Jardinieres, pots, uras, fine brass woodbox, candlesticks., pewter teapots, plates, two Hogarth plaqne^ wine carrier, brass snuffers and trays, two fine old willow pattern platters, blue Canton, Wedgewood, Gopeland, Langport and other jold china, one fine Spanish mahogany drop-leaf .En- glish dining table with claw feet, one drop-leaf breakfast_table, one fine old mahogany boreau, one rosewood bureau, one fine old mahogany sideboard, three sliding and tiltlng-top card or sewing tables, two fine drop-leaf work tables, odd Chippendale Heppelwite and Gothic chairs, two mahogany occasional tables, one carved Roman chair, six old mahogany loose-seat chairs, Willard or banjo clock, valuable mahog any three-wing bookcase, round claw foot libra ry table one fine old solid mahogany chest of drawers, one swinging mirror for same, three old mahogany mirror frames, bronzes, two ma hogany center tables, rockers, one Dutch znaq queterre chair, four flag-seat chairs, one arm fireside chair, one set fire brasses, old Bohem ian bottles, two fine mahogany dressers and two cbiffonnieres with mirrors, desk, bric-a brac and many other items Our instructions are peremptory and all will be sold without the slightest reserve. Terms strictly cash. We positively cannot change any purchases at this sale. Hubert Bown & Co., auctioneers, No. 9 5th st S. Minneapolis. ANNOUNCEMENTS REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Paclflo coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. NORTHWE8TERN SCAVENGER CO. CLEANS vaults, cesspools and yards. Office 102 1st t N. Both phones 196. ATTORNEYS THE SWKETSER.ROCHESTER CO.. 810-811 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Bail __equipped_-collection_department _in_ northwest. JAMEB A. KELLOGG, 828 ANDRUS BUILDING^ Minneapolis. Attorney In all courts, federal and state, land office, patents and pensions. ___CLAmVOYANTS____ WO^S^UL^TULlir^E^SG^THE^NLY dead trance medium in the world his startling Jf, re.-elatiois are the wonder of all past, present and future told correctly send 10c, own writ ing, date of birth, stamped addressed envelop, to Dr. Joseph_Lester, drawer 34, St. Louis, Mo. MRS. MARY JACOBS, THE WELL-KNOWN clairvoyant and business medium, may be con suited on all affairs of life at 1301 Hawthorn av, formerly 510 3d av S. MRS. 0. TRYON, CLAIRVOYANT, READINGS, daily on all affairs of life" Tuesday gives 25c readings from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Room 420, 620% Nicollet av. MRS. PASCHKA, WONDERFUL TRANCE ME dlum and magnetic healer, gives readings dally tests Tuesday and Thursday evenings." 115 10th st S MME. BATCH, CARD RFJ^ER~ANlTpALi 1st, readings 25e and 50c. J20 ."th av S. __^UTT^RYJgRragTNG__. *j SHEARS, RAZORS AND CLIPPERS SHARP-' cned. All work guaranteed. Mail orders sollc lted. Verbeck. practical grinder, 211 4th st S. 1" _^YEmGATO^IaEANmG^^ TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, THE LEADING -M French dry cleaners for ladies' and geatM'"*^ clothing and all household goods. 816 Nicollet. NORTH STAR DYEING AND FRENCH DRY-r?tI cleaning works. 725 Hennepin av. Both phones. DETECTIVE AGENCIES MoNULTY DETEOTIVE AGENCY, 810 KASOTA* bldg. S. J. McNulty, Mgr. Detective workM in all its branches. References, police head- vS quarters. Minneapolis. N. W. phone. g&I DETECTIVE BUREAUS 3. W. GOREY'S PIONEER DETECTIVIT BTJ.^i reau, 508 Kasota bldg. AH business strictly^ confidential. T. C. 3965. T$ I JLOSTJTOTOSJS^^SSS^ LOST$100 REWARD PAID ANY ONE FIND Ing my two setter dogs lost March 26 on* black and white, one red and white, tickod on front legs. Telephone Brundige, Photog rapher, Minneapolis. PURSE BETWEEN TWIN CITY TELEPHON1 office and Hennepin av, containing $5, a ring and few papers. Finder return to chief oper ator Twin City office and receive reward. CAME TO MY PLACE MONDAY, BAY~AHB gray horse owner can have same by paying cost and also for this ad. H. L. Bartholomew, Portland av and 58th st. LOSTGOLD CROSS BEARING INSCRIPTION, "To A. from S," on Bloomington or eightb av car finder please return Minneapolis Gu company. LOSTFLAT MUSIC ROLL, WITH MUSIC, BI tween 13th and 19th sts, Nicollet and Henno pin. Return to 119 Groveland av for reward. LOSTSMALL GOLD LOCKET, VALUED highly as a keepsake. Liberal reward if re turned to Journal office. FOUNDSMALL FEMALE ENGLISH SETTER. black and white. Call at 180S W 31st st and pay ad. LOSTBUNCH OF KEYS ON LAST MONDAY night, in Kenwood or on car. H. L. M., 3148 Dnpont av S. OPTICIANS. *M Jfel is* I 1 1 ~M*. -T SHE GRLEV1BH METHOD OF FITTING EYES is both scientific and practical. The Peerless one-piece eyeglass mounting. 407 Nicollet AT. PROiTESSIONAL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PERMA. nently removed by electricity. Miss Holllater, 77-78 Syndicate Mock. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. DR. POLK, CHIROPODIST, 816 PLLLSBURY 'building, treats corns, bunions and lnverte4 nails without pain. PATENT ATTORNEYS W3&UAMB0JT 4( yen and solicitors main office. flSS4MR Guar- pEACTMT I LAV.