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is Hi J^RSONAL^ KING'S DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION SEB ice detective work done to the entire satis faction of our clients, and secrecy guaranteed. Watchmen furnished- immediately. Suite 603 r-y. Century building* Telephone Main 53T. Nor- $$ man W. King, superintendent. ?2" WBDUOED rKEIGHT'RATES'oN HOUSEHOLD foods tpoints Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer and Storage Co., 46 3d st S. I YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE GRAIN market, call and investigate onr service aud accommodations. Office No. 214 Century Bldg., branch of ,L. T. Sowle & Sons, Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. TELEPHONE THE QUICK MESSENGER Ex press and have Ihem call for and deliver your packages and trunks anywhere in the city prompt delivery. 429 1st av N. Main 179: T. C. 2679. HOW '10 THINKFREE LECTURE FRIDAY evening. 8:30, with hypnotic tests treatments and in&tructlon. Class opens Slay 6, at 3:30 Raymond Mental Institute, 620VJ Nicollet ay, room 211. WANTEDA LIVE STOREKEEPER IN EACH town to take exclusive agency for best bread baked: shipments dally. Write for particulars. Yt Olde Tyme Bakerle, Minneapolis, Minn. HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and repaired will call and get them and de llw all work guaranteed. S. A. Parker, 117 E 26th st: _N._W._lhonc_S_694_J2 DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND FRIDAY evenings, with social following buck and wing tad private by appointment. Holcomb's Acad emy,, 43 4th st S, third floor. ECZEMA, PIMPLES, SORES AND ERUPTIONS cored by Blanchard's Eczema Lotion three to nine applications give results. Druggists or My wholesale drug house. AJINA M.~GRISWOLD7~20T MEDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hair, moles and warts removed by electricity corns extracted inverted nails and bunions treated. TRY DARLING'S CURE FOR COLDS AND catarrh pleasing fragrance, pleasant associate, safe, quick get sample at Thompson's stores Jruug FOR EVERY KIND OF HOUSEHOLD CLEAN log use Cleanit, liquid substitute for coap. Ten cents a quart bottle, at all grocers. CORNS EXTRACTED, 25o INVERTED NAILS end bunions treated. Dr. Collier, 515 Nic. av. PENSIONS^ ROBERT WATSON, Pension Attorney and Notary Public, 40* Boston Block. Minneapolis. P.O. Box 413. R. B. HOSTETLER. PENSION ATTORNEY. JBoom 307, Boston Block, Minneapolis. Minn. PLUMBING^ W, S. Bayley & Sons, sanitary plumbing, gas fitting, sewer and water connections hot water heating alterations specialty: both phones. STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack ing and shipping household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and re liable service. For the best or service at the lowest rates write or call at 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. have best facilities for handling and storing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 5th st S. Both phones. STOVES STOREDWE CALL FOR THEM, clean thoroughly and set up in the fall tele phone messages given prompt attention. Both phones 161. Great Western Stove Repair Co., 812 Hennepin av. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE Best facilities for moving and storing house hold goods expert packers. Office. 200 Nlcol let. Both phones 1208. Res. phone, T. C. 13324. FIREPROOF STORAGE WAREHOUSE CLEAN, separate rooms. 100-112 1st av N. Both phones. STEAMSHIPS. SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES TO ENG. land. Germany, Scandinavia excellent serv ice, large steamers, shortest ocean trip. Cana dian Pacific Steamship Lines, 15 3d st S, Minneapolis. JSTQVEJREPAIRS^ STOVES SXOREDWE CALL FOR THEM, clean thoroughly aud set up in the fall. Both phones 161. Great Western Stove Repair Co., 312 Hennepin av. It was true yesterday, it is true today, it will be true tomorrow that' a Journal want ad will "do the business" all over the north west. Only lc a word. lie On Friday we will sell at a out price the cel ebrated Health Crack er, made by Dr. John son of Boston, of whole wheat no short ening, baked hard. Very nutritious, it is delightful to nibble tops off a Bohemian LuncheonFive barrels have just arrived.They are absolutely fresh and were ordered espe :ially for this introduc- Educator Crackers 10 tory sride. This is a remarkable cracker it has a national sale. We are among the largest distributors in the northwest. Many take them with their tea, enjoy nibbling them. Phone in a trial order if you. can't come Tegular price ISc lb. Friday ioc ALSO sealed tins of tbeir famous "Baby Educator" for teething infants they are food rings and vastly superior to rubber for this purpose. Price 26c ALSONo. 1 Educator Wafers, in air tight sealed cartons as digesters of other /ood they have no equal good for sleeplessness. Prioe 25o Strawberries s&MSI5c Asparagu a 10 Onions S??^!. 7 15c Mapls Sugar Cucumberslo^th MINNESOTA' Direct shipment of nw Vermont Ma gar, in 10-pound pails, pail".. WI 0 Strawberry Shortcake Every day at 11:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Not delivered. CASH Castile, Bocabella, pure Olive Ouflp Oil. best made, 4-lb. bars. UsAlrAPAl A APR ^k iff/', I2c Fancy.'white fat fflflwRfflVI Norway, each,... 0 8 Cream Sugar Corn from W II one of the very best factories in Maine, worth regularly 17c. A A Special, can 14o dozen....#li"fU Beans lWax: l2Je| Salad Dressing ^ttt\\ 38o 30csize .T ZUCI Borax 5SE^.^t.,...ll.t Fairy Seap p*r 3 lee Cream and Ices Su notice. Pints. 30c. Quarts, 60c, CHAPMAN Grocer BakeV Confectioner I Eighth and Nicollet. The Next Time 1^ You have occasion to use Witch Hazel, Cold Cream, Arnica ,or Vaseline, try Paracamph insteacL Results will be a revelation......., Clean and pure. All druggists. _i S Sear ch far and wid e, you'll not find a better want ad medium for reaching the people than The Journal. Only lc a word. Thursday Evening, DEEP MYSTER I FENTOrS ABSENCE TELEPHONE SUMMONS HIM TO BROTHER'S SIDE IN ST. PAUL. Later It Develops There Had Been No Accident, as Stated in the '-Hello" Call, and the Disappearance of the Young Farmer Cannot Be Explained by Relatives. Winona, Minn., April 27.Relatives and friends of C. W. Kenton are alarmed over his strange disappearance, no trace of him having been found since he left bis home on Monday after noon. Fenton lived with his mother-in-law and his father-in-law, J.W. Hardwick, a 'dairyman In Gllmore Valley, a mile west of this city. At 3 o'clock Monday afternoon the telephone rang and Fenton answered it. He told his wife it was a long-distance call from St. Paul, stat ing that his brother, Foster Fenton, who works for Dwyer Brothers, plumbers, had been run over by a street car had both legs broken and that he was wanted there at once. He took $15 and came to Winona to take the train for St. Paul. Before leaving home he called up another brother, E. J. Fenton, a farmer in the town of Fremont, and asked the latter toygo with him to St. Paul. It was impossible to make train con nections that night, but E. J. Fenton went early the next morning and found his brother unin jured. The latter said he had had no accident and that he bad sent no telephone message to Winona. Neither had he seen C. W. Fenton. The Fremont brother came home last evening and a diligent search since has been made, but no sign of the missing man can be found. Mr. Fenton is 27 and had been married three years and has one child. He and his wife had Uved happily together. Oongregationalists Seek a Pastor At a meeting of the Second Congregational church this evening the pastoral committee ap pointed three months ago will report and an in vitation will be extenled to a young Chicago minister to come here for a hearing with the view to extending a call to him to become the regular pastor. The committee will not give out the name of the minister until a formal call Is made. A letter was received from Ray, N. D., this morning stating that Charles Holzs, formerly of this city, had been accidentally shot in the right leg below the knee and that the wound was serious. Many Winona men went to Rochester today to attend the dedication of the handsome new St. John's Catholic church, which was erected at a cost of $75,000. Bishop J. B. Cotter of this city celebrated the solemn pontifical mass. Sioux City Story in Error. R. E. Tearse of the Western Grain company says^he report from Sioux City that his com pany has secured the elevator rights along the Sioux City-Ashland line of the Great Northern road is not true. His company has nothing to do with it, and in fact could not handle the ele vators along that line from the Winona head- Why Endure Pain the excruciating misery of\ blind, bleeding, itchingpiles, when there is an absolute cure Dr. Perrin's Pile. Specific is an internal remedy that painlessly produces a positive and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it is absolutely free from opium, cocaine or other injurious drugs. Simply take a spoonful three times daily before each meal. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy For dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred ailments it is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. Think what a relief it would be to you to be rid of these troubles and to avoid the almost certain consequence of Piles. Dr. Pertin Medical Co* Helena, Mont WOMEN WHO MC E- THIMSELVESjO WORK. Women Who Suffer from All Maimer of Uterine and Ovarian Troubles, Weak, Nervous, Bloodless, Melancholy Women Find a Positive Cure in DR. A. CHASE'S HERVE PILLS. Every day sees an army of worn out women dragging themselves towoik or forcing themselves to attend to their household dutieswomen whose trouble lies in an overstrain or overexerti on at some time in the pastwomen who stay in this condition and think themselves beyond repair, because they know noth iiy{ of the wonderful power of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills to give them back their health, strength and vitality, by their ability to resupply the lost nerve energy, to build UD the system, to manufacture good, rich biood, and give increased weight by making the diges tion strong and vigorous. Mrs. Ella Smith of No. 48 Miller St., Newark, N. Y., writes: "Last summer I was so weak I stag gered when I walked. I was very nervous, easily excited, could not rest nights, blood thin, appetite poor, and hands tremblyI was in a low state of health. About this time I got a box of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills and though everything -else had failed, these, pills put me on my feet in good health, and that quickly, too. It was not long before I was eating and sleep ing wellthe nervousness and trem bling gonethe blood rich and mv strength back. They are a grand med icine and I feel vigorous and strong in every way." 50c a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., on every package. For sale at The Voegeli Bros.' Drug company two stores, corner Hennepin and Washington avenues, and corner Nicollet and Seventh street. Minne apolis, Minn. SOXT* NEWS OF THE INORTHWEST quarters. Some other northwest grain company must have been meant. The annual convention of the teachers in the Lutheran schools iti Minnesota is being held In Rochester, and there are close to 100 instruc tors present. The convention will continue thru this week and papers aud discussions'looking to the better' grading and the higher efficiency of the schools will be tbe main features, SANBORN, GRAND COMMANDER Annual Meeting of Knights Templar of %W% State at Duluth. DULUTri MINN.One hundred and twenty five delegates attenld the annual meting in this city of the grand commandery of the Knights Templar of Minnesota. The next meeting will be held in St. Paul. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Grand commander, B. P. Sanborn, St. Paul deputy grand commander, Charles L. West, Aus tin grand generalissimo, W. Hayes Laird, Wi nona grand captain general, C. E. Ovenshire, Minneapolis grand senior Avardeu, George Fishel, St. Paul junior senior warden, Wellington C. Masterman, Stillwater grand prelate, Henry M. Drew, Minneapolis grand recorder, Charles W. Drew, Minnneapolis grand recorder, Edward M. Van Cleve, Minneapolis grand standard bearer, .Tames K. Smith, Faribault grand sword bearer, J. C. Burchard marshal grand warden.\ J. T. Black, Duluth. The installing officer was Very Eminent Sir Knight J. W. Chamberlain of St. Paul, grand captain of the guard of the grand encampment of the United States. KILLED BY THE LIMITED Sandt Could Not Hear Warnings or Approaching Train. FERGUS FALLS. MINN.A1 message from Perham says that Carl Sandt, an old man, was struck by the limited passenger train on the Northern Pacific and instantly killed. He was picking up coal on the track, and two or three men saw him and shouted to him that the train was coming, but being quite deaf, he did not hear either their voices or the approach ing cars. His body was hurled from the track and badly crushed. He was 71 and leaves1 a wife and one married daughter. Mrs. Carl Dohrer, who has resided about four miles north of this city for thirty years, fell dead at her home there last night from heart failure. She was 54 and leaves a large family. Joseph H. Newton, a lumberman of Roose velt, Roseau county, fded a petition In bank ruptcy in the United States court in this city today, placing his assets at $16,005, of which $1,205 is" exempt, and his liabilities at $15,- 592.28. FREEBORN COUNTY'S FAIR Governor Johnson to Make an Address on Second Day. ALBERT LEA, MINN.The dates of the Freeborn county fair have been fixed for Sept. 18, 19 and 20, and the Martin county fair will be held the last half of the same week. Gov ernor Johnson will deliver an address on the second day. Preparations are being made for a great exhibit of farm products, while much attention will be paid to the speed department. This city will give "a reception to the high school.debating team under the auspices of the Commercial club. Refreshments will be served and some short speeches made. The township of Freeborn has voted to issue bonds of $12,000 to aid in the construction of the Duluth, St. Cloud, Glencoe & Mankato rail way, but the bonds are not deliverable until a part of the line is completed. The township of Vivian, Wtseea county, will vote upon a proposition to bond to the extent of $8,000 to assist the same road. The surveyors are push ing on toward Freeborn. Next ex Saturday the local union of the Ameri can Society, of Equity is to meet in this city and the subject of rural telephones will be considered, ihe faimers desiring the lines better arranged for communication from one part of the county to another. STAPLES, MINN.There are several cases of diphtheria in town, and the two primary rooms in the North Side school are closed. Three will graduate from the high school June" 2, Ora Nason, Frank Degnan and Lawrence Gavin.Arbor Day will be observed in both schools. SPRING VALLEY, MINN.The funeral of Mrs. Wlllard Stevens-was held from the First Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Durham officiating. The wedding of John Hoffmari and Miss Clara Halbkat was solemnized last evening at the home of the bride's parents. WHITE EAB.TH, MINN George Fox, it is alleged, last night shot Martin Bisslon. Both are Indians. No particulars can be obtained from Bission, who is dangerously wounded. Agent Mlchelet ordered the Indian police force to arrest Fox. INDEPENDENCE, IOWA.Milan Richards, 20 ye'hrs old, attempted suicide last night at the Purdy farm. He was disappointed In love, and on returning from the home of the girl of his choice fired a bullet into his chest. He "will recover. EDEN VALLEY, MINN.A. G. Anderson has been re-elected superintendent of the school for the third time.Mrs, Belle Quinlan will lecture on the benefits of the Court of Honor at Meiers' hall Friday evening. LONG PRAIRIE, MINN.John D. Jones la very ill with acute inflammatory" Rheumatism. He has been delirious for three days, and his condition is considered dangerous. MONTROSE, MINN.Robert Ferrell's house and barn burned yesterday. It is not known how the fire started. Insurance of $500 was carried on the house. MANANNAH, MINNThe town board ap pointed Frank O'Brien assessor. Maurice Foley, who was elected, could not serve on account of ill health. STANLEY, WIS.The postofflce at Boyd, f,lx miles west, was burglarized of about $20 in cash and $400 worth of postage stamps. The burglars evidently^ were tramps. NORTHWEST WEDDINGS HUTCHINSON, MINN.The marriage of George H. Sivrlght,assistant cashier of the Bank of Hutchinson, and Miss Maud Kouwe took place at the residence of the bride's parents at high noon yesterday in a bridal bower built of Easter lilies, palms and ferns. Rev. Ik L. Brooks of ficiated. The wadding march was played by Miss Anna Kouwe, sister of the bride. The young couple left on a trip east and will be at home to friends after May 15. WATERLOO, IOW.4 -John B. Blair, presi dent of the Des Moines National bank, and Miss Frances Mullan. elder daughter of Attorney Gen eral and Mrs. Mullan, were married at 8 o'clock last evening at the bride's home in this city. They will reside in Des Moines. ABERDEEN, S. D.iFred Meyer of Aberdeen and Miss Maud Miller of Groton were married at the latter town. They will reside at Ana moose, N. D., where Mr. Meyer recently pur chased a store. Miss Miller is a teacher in the Groton schools and will retain her position until the expiration of the school year. PERduS PALLS, MINN.Miss Elizabeth Shellman and O. A. Grande were quietly mar ried last evening, the ceremony being per formed at the bride's home on Summit avenue. WATERTOWN, S. D.The wedding of Joel Bingham of Encampment, Wyo., and Miss Maud Davis of this city took place last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Davis. LA CROSSE, WIS.The marriage of Miss Elizabeth E. Langdon and Thomas Kemp took place last evening at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. T. K. Allen officiating.Miss Bertha Aldeif James D. Frainse.n at the homef MILFORD, IOWA.George Sheffler of Meadow and Miss Marie A. Knntson of Sioux were united in marriage by Rev. E. E. Day of Spencer. CLARK. S. D.William Douglas of Willow Lakes and Miss Alice Heckmau of this city were' married last evening at the home of the bride's parents in this city. Rev. W. J. Oldfield officiating. They will make their, home in Willow Lakes. I GONE HerpicMe Will Save It. Horpidde Will Save It. NEWBSUTS HER.PICU The ORIGINAL remedy that Thfi Rabbit and the Guinea-Pig Prof. Unna. the world's greatest dermatolo gist (ask your doctor about him), was tbe first to discover the microbe and contagious nature of true dandruff. His discovery was verified by Dr. Sabourand of Paris, who de nuded a rabbit with human dandruff flakes. Also by Lassar and Bishop, who took dan- Tf?E MlNNEAPpi^IS^JOURNAt WISCONSIN -&*#& GAYEACOATOF PAWLING AND WIFE MAKE NO CASE AGAINST WHITECAPPERS. Oases Against Merchants and Several Wisconsin Farmers Are Dismissed a Second TimeAffair Was the Climax of a Barn-Burning and Stock-Poison ing Campaign. Special to The Journal. Cumberland, Wis April 27 Upon complaint of John Puwling of Andrus, twelve miles west of here, District Attorney G. B. Frye of Polk county issued warrants for the arrest of John Risberg, Gust Risberg, Fred Grenqulst, John Erickson, Gust Lundstrom, Frank Engeibert, Will Drake and Jacob Bentzline, the first two merchants of Loraine and the remainder prominent farmers of the towns of McKinley and Johnstown, Polk coun ty, on a charge of inciting, leading and partici pating in a whitecap raid upon the home and persons of Mr. and Mrs. John Pawling on the night of Nov. 26. 1004. The prisoners were released upon furnishing $300 bail each. The preliminary hearing was held at Clear Lake, Justice Knight sitting In the case. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pawling swore that they recognized Gust and Jack Risberg and Gust Lundstrom as the leaders of the raid and the others as accessories and that the twelve prisoners came to the Pawling home on the night of Nov. 26, broke in the door, took out the complainants, coating them with tar and feathers and chasing them off the place. Gust Risberg and brother Jack and Gust Lund strom denied the charge, explaining their where abouts on the night in question, establishing an alibi to the satisfaction of the Justice, who dismissed the case without further evidence, claiming there was no cause for action and as sessing the costs to Polk county. On the night cited. Pawling and ^nis wife were the victims of a whitecap raid and were driven from their home, but later returned and swore out warrants for the arrest of those suspected. The first trial was held at Amery Jan. 6, and re sulted Jn an acquittal, the court finding Insuffi cient evilence to convict. However, upon the solicitation of Pawling, District Attorney Frye again took up the case, bringing it Into Justice Knights court at Clear Lake, with the result given above, which, no doubt, will be final. The trouble is the culmination of a feud in the Pawling neighborhood, owfng to disagree ments between Pawling and some of his neigh bors Tbe ba feeling. wa WANTED TO SEE A WRECK Reform School Terms for Boys Who Filed Ties on Track. CUMBERLAND, WIS Roy Oberg and Wil liam Fye, both 17, were sentenced at Shell Lake yesterday afternoon to the reform school until they are 21, foi- endaivoring to wreck a pas senger train north of here. The boys piled ties on the track and lay in the brush to see the wreck. The engineer of the locomitive first to arrive saw obstacles in time to save the train. The boys said they wanted to see what a. wreck looked like. EATT CLAIRE, WIS.^Mrs. Ida Hoyme, widow of Bishop Hoyme, died yesterday after a long illness. She is survived by four daughters and three sons. The funeral will take place Satur day afternoon. GOOD ROADS "SPECIAL" Business Men of, Eldora Spurred to Offer Prizes to Farmers. ELDORA. IOWA.The good roads special train, which is traversing the state, was here today and D. Ward King of Missouri, Henry Wallace, editor of ,the Wallace Farmer, Joe S. Trigg, and officials of the Chicago & North western railway were in the party. Two ad dresses were delivered in the dperahouse before a vast crowd of farmers and business men, and much interest in good roads and roadmaking was aroused. ut' A practical demonstration was made of the King drag upon the streets. The bpsiness men's club met after dinner and arranged to award Prizes aggregating $250' to farmers who make *he best country roads ths next year. Were there ever any buffalo in Iowa? Inter est In the matter seems to have been aroused by the offer of a reward by a Mr. Garden of Tracy, Iowa, to anyone who will produce evidence that buffalo ever existed in the state. The Tracy man does not believe they ever lived here, and is so .positive -)f it, that he offers $50 for the production of tangible evidence to the con trary. Many have come forward to claim this reward, but Mr. Garden still refuses to tbe con vinced. Charles Aldrlch, curator of the Iowa Historical society, is not after this $50. but wishes the evidence for the benefit of the state. In the Annals of Iowa, July, 1903, an article by Pro fessor Beal of Washington tells of having dis covered about two or three miles out of Ames, on the east side of the Skunk river, the skull of a buffalo. His interest was aroused and he soon was abla to locate a marsh which proved to be full of buffalo bones, and one almost per fect skeleton. Stephen S. Whited of this city, says he frequently found the horns and skulls pf buffalo in Wright county, and that in 1855 ln-'tne weste.-n part of Hancock county there existed a large' herd. FRASER DREDGING A FAILURE Gethman Makes a Gloomy Report to the Lillooet Stockholders. IOWA PALLS, IOWA.In an interview in the Gladbrook Northern, Fred Gethman, who re cently returned from British Columbia, makes a statement that is of vital interest to stock holders In the Iowa-Lillooet Gold Mining com pany that was pro.noted here and has stockhold ers scattered all over the state. th were united oand the bride's mother CHARLES CITY. IOVA.William Otto and Miss Emma L. Potato were united in marriage this afternoon by Rev. E. H. Caselman. V,. 'kills tne Dandruf Qe n. druff scales from a student who was losing his hair, and, having made a pomade of them with vaseline, rubbed the same upon a guinea pig. and the pig became bald. New bro's Herpicide is the original dandruff germ destroyer. It kills the microbe growth and permits the hair to grow as nature intended. A wonderful hair-saver. A delightful dress ing. Stops.Itching Instantly. Drugstores. $1. Send iOc. stamps, to HERPICIDE CO.. Dept. H, Detroit, Mtch., forsenpta VOEGELI BROS., Special Agents p.. Cor. Hennapln and Washington Aves., and Cor. Seventh St., and NlCoJIet Ave. Applications at Prominent Barber Shop. vffj^ yTf '^^^^fsmsAtsmm^stiSimmmmm::- ^^ff^Sg^^ j" and his brothers are heavy stock noiaers and he does not brins encouraging re portsfrom the scenes th company's the Frazer river. Heosaysethat dredginclaims on theno river is both difficult and expensive, and that he feels that it can never be made to pay any dividends. It is reported that he goes so far as to say that the company is insolvent, and that those having stock in the venture have lost their entire investment. On the other hand, several who have visited the claim are confident that it is a paying in vestment undsr proper management. Some are inclined to think that certain men are seekinir control of the dredge and that the creditors aim to press their claims and gain control of the toiupunj prope.-ty. Mrs. Anna L. Burdick, who has been identified wit the schools of this city for several years has been engaged as a teacher in the high school of West Des Moines. __ GAINS IN FIVE YEARS State Census Estimates in Iowa Are Rather Disappointing. DES MOINES, IOWA.Estimates on census returns for Iowa cities show that several of the leading urban centers will be disappointed at the returns of the state canvas** The following figures show the closest estimates which can be roatje ^J*? population of Iowa cities by the state census: Burlington 24,697 Cedar Rapids 28,000 3 tanned by the burn- ing of barns and grain, poisoning of livestock and fights among the neighbors. State. 1905. Federal. 1900 Counci KlufPa 97 00O Bluffs Davenport Des Moines Fort Dodge Mason City Muscatine' Iowa City 23,291 26,050 25,802 35,254 62,139 12,512 B.764 14,073 7,987 21,580 4,61i30D,, .42,000 .74,000 .14.257 8,321 .15,045 8,400 \Y aterloo 17,000 Webster City e.OOO Xhese figures are based on the returns of the enumerators to date. In the towns given the enumerators say they :iave completed their can- TMhSSFXHSW*'. WWA.-Rain Interfered v\ lth the Odd Fellows' celebration to some extent here yesterday. Several hundred visiting Odd Jellows were here and there was a parade be tween showers. Chaplain Cole of the soldiers' home deMvered the principal address. OHESTEE, IOWA.Creditors of H. B. Nich ols and Babcock & Nichols, merchants and ele vator men, elected W. F. Carter trustee George Leslie was hurt in a runaway and may die. He is 65, and a bachelor. CHASLES CITY, IOWA.The Fellow celebrated their eighty-sixtkh anniversary.j fi f!S!' ""ker,Odd contributeds Roc 5 Marbl toward the erection of a schoolhouse nt that place. **-Mecte t- a position'. fPENOER, Heald. prinrf- !?h2&*'IOWA.-,Pbfessor hn al t in Forest City at a salary of $1,100. or an ad" vance of $300. NORTHWEST NECROLOGIC LAKE BENTON, MINN.Oilmen H. Hoyt died last evening after a protracted illness He was 57, and was born at Marcellou, Colum bia county. Wis... moving from there to Iowa and coming to Minnesota about thirty years ago and settling on a homestead in the township of Diamond Lake, Lincoln county. At the elec tion in 1894 he was elected county auditor and was re-elected tTvo years later. is BurrtYed by his wife and two'grown sons. CEDAR FALLS, IOWA.The funeral ser vices of Norman H. Harris were conducted tUk afternoon by the members of Baldwin com-$ mandery. No. 65, of this city, assisted by members of Ascalon commandery, No. 25, of Waterloo. Rev. Messrs. J. E. Snowden and Daniel McGurk made addresses. Mr. Harris was 60 and a man of sterling worth. TORTURING_HUMOUR Body a Mass of Sores. Called In Throe Doctors but Grew Worse. CURED BY GUTIGURA FOR 75c. My little daughter was a mass of sores all over her body. Her face was eaten away, and her ears looked as if they would drop off. I called in three doctors, but she grew worse. Neigh bors advised Cuticura, and before I had used half of the cake of soap, and box of ointment, the sores had all healed, and my little one's skin was as clear as a new-born babe's. I would not be without Cuticura again if it cost five dollars, instead of seventy five cents, which is all'it cost us to cure our baby. Mrs. G. J. Steese, 701 Coburn St., Akron, Ohio." Experience Quality There are two classes of remedies those of known qual ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting: gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup CJp., which represents the active/ principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con- tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti- pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi- ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go 'elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article but, unfortunately, there are some people who ddPnot know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the woman's Nature is the key tOi Remington Quality & is the key to Remington Supremacy t' GenuineSyru of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.plainly printed on the front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only. Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it }s worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. THE BRADNELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Ga. The efficiency of a Journal want ad is enhanced by careful wording. It 4 should be so clearly stated that when the right person reads it he will know 3 4 It "means him," and the wrong person will know it is not for him. 3 V- inston i^yfe---.* -4^ Typewriter Co Ne Yor ml Evervwliere Is to love children, and no home can be completely happy -without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually is so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension and dread. Motherands,feelingstunpleasanlal Friend