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1 1 FAMOUS* ATHLETES lm 4 FE-BTJ-NA Eenovates, Regulates, Restores a Sys tem Depleted hy Catarrh. John W. Glenister, of Providence, R. I., champion long-distance swimmer of America, has performed notable feats in this country and England. He has used Peruna as a tonio and gives his opinion of it in the following letter: 2% lbs 5e Best Tea, any kind, 1 lbs. 50c years You who are sick and discouraged 9 make this offer to you. We will buy you a bottle of Liquozonea 50c bot tle. You may try it at our expense. We ask you to write usyou who ftill cling to medicine for what medi cine cannot do. We waWt to show youas we have sho^n millions of othersthe only way to cure a germ disease. Please don't hesitate. Don't wait longer. The test shall not cost you a penny. Not Medicine The virtues of Liquozo'nte are derived olely from gaslargely oxygen gas. No drugs, no alcoholnothing but gas enters into it. The process of making takes fourteen days, and requires im mense apparatus. Then we get one cubic nvch of Liquozone for each 1,250 cubic inches of gas used. This process has, for more than twenty jears, been the constant subject of scientific and chemical research. The result is a germicide so certain that we publish on every, bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannof kill. Yet it is not only harmless, but remarkably helpful. The effects are exhilarating, vitalizing, pu rifying. Even a well person feels its instant benefit. The reason is that {ike 'erms are vegetables and Liquozone aW excess of oxygenis life to ah animal but deadly to vegetal matter. There lies th& great value of Liquo zone. I is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killine the tissues, too. An drug that kills PAY CLOW!\C TRIBUTE TO As a Spring Tonic to Get the System In-Good Shape. JoimGlenister, Champion Swimmer and Only Athlete to Successfully Swim Through the Michigan Whirlpool Rapids. 0COO06COOOOOOOOOOOOO0COOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO New York. The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen"This spring, for the first time I have taken two bottles of Peruna, and, as it has done me a great deal of good, I feel as if I ought to say a good word for its worth. "During the springtime for the last few years, I have taken several kinds of spring tonics, and have never received any benefit what ever. This year, through the ad vice of a friend, I have tried Peruna and it has given satisfaction. I advise all athletes whov are about to go into training to try a bottle, for it certainly gets the sys tem in good shape." Yours truly, JOHN W. GLENISTER. DOUBLE TRADIMG 8T&MPS BiVEti Good Sugar Corn, doz... .75c Best Maine Corn, doz..$1.0 Early June Peas, doz.. String and Wax Beans. New Jersey Tomatoes.$1.00 Best Can Pumpkin, doz...7So California Peaches, heavy syrup, doz ...$"l@5 Best G. G. Plums, doz. $1-5 5 lbs.Cal.SeedlessRaisins,25c 25-lb. box Cal. Prunes $1.15 10-lb. box Macaroni ..50c 5 lbs. Gloss Starch, 25o 10 lbs. Best Corn Meal. ..15c 10 lbs. Best Rolled Oats..2c Lenox Seap, bx $2.5 25 bars.... 70c Mocha and Java Coffee, Thursday 'Evening, THLETES realize the importance of keeping in good bodily trim. The digestion must be good, the circu lation perfect, sleep regular and enough of it. If the slightest catarrhal condition of lungs or stomach is allowed to remain, neither digestion nor sleep will be strength-sustaining. Those who lead very active lives, like athletes, with good muscular de velopment, find the spring months especially trying. Athletes everywhere^ praise Peruna be cause they, of all men, appreciate the value of a tonic that dispels physical de pression. The vocation of some men may allow them to endure the depressing feelings incident to spring weather, but the athleto must never allow himself to get "under the weather." He must keep in the "pink of condition" all the time. In order to do this ho must avail him self of a spring tonic upon which he can rely. Therefore athletes are especially friendly toward Peruna. Peruna never fails them. Anniversary THURSDAY FRIO AY SATURDAY Sour Pickles, gal 20 Queen Olives, qt. 25c Pure Catsup, 3 bottles... .25c Best Mustard, gal -48c Vanilla Wafers, 3 lbs. for 25c Uneeda Biscuit, 6 lbs. for 25c Malta Vita, 3 pkgs 27 Vanilla and Lemon Ex tract, 6-oz 20 Best Jap Rice, 5 lbs 20 Best Cocoa, lb 28 Walter Baker's chocolate.25c Best Baking Powder, lb..25c Swift's Premium Ham. 1 l&c Picnic Hams 7c Choice Mackerel, 5 for.. .25c Good Bacon 10c Best Salt Pork, 5 lbs. 35c Best Lard .8c We do a business on a wholesale plan to consumers and guaran- tee a saving to all of from 25 to 40c on the dollar. Interest yourself. 23 3o Sixth Sfoest. Both Phones Diseases which have resisted medicine for yield at once to Liquo^one. May we buy a bottle for you? germs i3 a poison, and it cannot be taken' internally. For that reason, medicine is almost helpless in any germ disease, while Liquozone is almost cer tain. We proved this fact for years, through physicians and hospitals, in thousands of the most difficult cases obtainable. Then we paid $100,000 for the American rightsthe highest price ever paid for atfy discovery used in the cure of sickness. Liquozone is now used by the sick of nine nations in the treatment of germ diseaes. In millions of homes it has clonje, an'd is doing what medicine can not do. Germ Diseases These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs and such results are indirect and uncertain. Liquozone attacks the germs, wherever they are. An'd when the germs which cause a disease are de stroyed, the disease must end, and for ever. That is inevitable. Hay FeverInfluenza Kidney Diseases La Grippe Leucorrhea Liver Troubles Malaria-Neuralgia Many Heart Troubles PilesPneumonia PleurisyQuinsy Rheumatism ScrofulaSyphilis Skin Disease* Stomach Troubles Throat Troubles, Tuberculosis "r TumorsUlcers jvtf"^* Asthma Abscess^Anaemia Bronchitis Blood Poison Bright's Disease Bovrel Troubles CoughsColds Consumption ColicCroup Constipation CatarrhCancer i, DysenteryDiarrhea DandruffDropsy Dyspepsia EczemaErysipelas FeversGall Stones frfryyr'-jgfojft CORTELYOU WARNS^ tf US POSTMASTER Tells. Them to Aid Political Party Only by Good Official Service. Washington, April 27."The best service a postmaster can give to# his party is to conduct his postoffice in a proper manner." This remark was made today by Post master General George B. Cortelyou, in discussing the general subject of politi cal activity of postoffice officials in connection with the plan of the depart ment under the postmaster general's di rection, to issue new rules and regula tions for the guidance of postal em ployees. Postmaster General Cortelyou's views on the subject come from his knowledge as a political manager, as well as from his experience as a federal official. He said today that the new rules will be but a summary of those already in exis tence, including the formal rules pre scribed by the civil service laws, as well as the orders which have been .is- sued from time to time by the presi dent. These will all be codified and printed in the form of a circular, which will be sent to every official of the postal service. The oostmaster general insists that any official in the service ought to know from these rules and regulations how far he may be active in politics. If he does not' know, the department will supply the necessary discipline, going even'so far as'actual dismissal. The whole subject lately has been brought to the attention of the post master general in connection with the action of the assistant postmaster at Louisville. This official became a mem ber of the republican state central committee. The objection raised was that the committee was engaged in raising funds for political purposes, and it is said by the postmaster general that such work should not be engaged in by the officials of the service. The department does not rule that officials not in the classified service shall take no part in politics, but points out how such work, if conspicuous or if con nected with financial operations of a political party, is contrary to good dis cipline and the good of the service. MARRIES INDIAN WOMAN ON TRAIN Scion of Old New England Fam ily Makes Strange Alliance Soon After Divorce. Special to The Journal. Butte, Mont., April 27.Ernest Bar bour, manager of the Grand operahovtse, Dick' Sutton's big vaudeville here, and Princess Chinquifla, a wealthy Iirtlian vaudevile actress, were the central fig ures in a romantic wedding, which was solemnized yesterday aboard a Pullman sleeper on the Oregon Short Line rail way, a few miles south of Pocatello. The ceremony was permormed by a clergyman taken along from Butte by Barbour for the special purpose. On Tuesday Barbour secured a divorce from his wife in New York city, and his wedding to the princess was the im mediate sequel. Barbour is the son of Eev. H. H. Barbour and grandson' of ,tbe la,te Jndge Barbour, and comes from an old and respected family of Hartford, Conn. E has been in every city of importance in the United States, star ri'nV as a monologist and humorist. The Princess Chinquilla is a full blooded Cheyenne, daughter of the late Chief Lone star, who journeyed to Washington and made a famous ad dress in behalf of ihis neople from the steps of the capitol. She was educated at Carlisle, and speaks English, Ger- maW, French and Italian fluently, as well as Cheyenne and other Indian languages. CHILD BRAVES DEATH TO RESCUE PLAYMATE New York Sun Special Service. Philadelphia, April 27.Joseph Mor rissey, a 9-year-old boy, made an un successful attempt to save the life of his friend, Bernard O'Brien, aged 7, who was drowned in the Schuylkill yesterday. Three times he dived after his companion, but altho he managed to reach the body the third time, he was too late. When young Morrissey saw O'Brien fall into the water he jumped in after him. O'Brien was carried under a barge by the tide and Morrissey was pulled back upon the barge by two men. They tried to stop him from making another attempt, but he slipped past tbem and once more dived into the river. He is an expert swimmer for one so young, and three times he went down in the water after his chum. Morrissey sat beside the form of his dead friend nearly all last night. If you want a hurry-up job of roofing done, telephone W- S. Nott Co.. 376. GoitreGout GonorrheaGleet Varicocele Women'g Diseases AH diseases that beginwlt feverall inflam mationall catarrhall contagious diseasesall the results of impure or poisoned blood. In nervous debility Liquozone acts as a vital izer, accomplishing what no drugs can do. 50c Bottle Free If you need Liquozone, and have never tried it please send us this coupon. We will then mail you an or der on a local druggist for a full-size bottle, and we will pay the druggist ourselves for it. This is our free gift, made to convince you to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do.season In justice, to yourself, please accept it today, for it places you under no obli gation whatever. Liquozone costs 50c and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. Fill out the blanks, and mail it to The Liquozone Company, 458-464 Wabash ave, Chicago. My disease Is I have never tried Liquozone, but If you wlU supply ine a 50c bottle free I will take it. 568A. Give full addresswrite plainly. Any physician or hospital not yet using Llquo sone will be gladly supplied for a test. THE "MINNE^Pq^IS JOURNAL. Buy Your Furni* tuv Now and ut Open mn Account with You. Only five suits left Golden or Weath ered Oak frame, ^polish finish, covered with genuine leather, well made in cludes one sofa, one arm chair, one re ception chair. Worth fully double the E..?^ $20.00 Oak Dressers Golden Oak, polish finish, two small and two large drawers has an 18x20 French Bevel Plate Mirror. Special X^- $8.50 Not over three to a customer. "BOBBY" BURNS IS DEAD FORMER PROMINENT MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA HOJSE SUC- CUMBS TO PNEUMONIA. 5^::: r4 UtoPft J. H. BURNS, Who Died Yesterday at His Home at 0 Lanesboro, Minn. & Special to XHe Journal. Lanesboro, Minn., April 27.J. H. Burns, who formerly represented the fifth legislative district in the Minnesota legislature, .died at his boine in this city at 2 p.m. yesterday from pneumonia. Mr. Burns was an editor, lawyer and railroad man. He came to Minnesota In 1884 from Ur bana. 111., where he had been editor and publish er of the Messenger. He was a graduate of the Northern Indiana law school. He was unmar ried. "Bobby" Burns, as he was affectionately known to his associates in the legislature, served in the house In 1901, the extra session of 1902 and in 1903. He was a leading mem-' ber at every session. In the stormy session of 1901 he took a prominent part as a debater, and in 1902 he was one of the leading advo cates of the tax code prepared by the com mission. He was re-elected and was a candidate for speaker of the 1903 house, but withdrew and joined.the winning combination, being rewarded with important committee assignments, includ ing the chairmanship of the committee on gen eral legislation. He was a candidate for the nomination for railroad commissioner at the last state conven tion, but withdrew when the candidacy of A. D. Gray of his own county was announced, and Since "had taKen little part in politics. y.r Tourist Season Opens. The Northern Pacific opens the Tour ist season to the wonderful Pacific coast country with special excursion tickets to San Francisco and Angeles at rate of $57.90. Tickets are good for three months, good for stop overs and are on sale May 1, 2, 3 ,9, 10, 11, 12 ,nd 13. The Northern Pa cific Tourist publications will be readv for distribution, about May 1. Call at City Ticket Office, 19 Nicollet House Block i:v, liewis and Clark Exposition, Yellow stone National Park. During the coming summer tourist the Northern Pacific will pre sent some of the-most attractive com bination trips ever offered, both west ern via the Yellowstone park' to the Pacific coast, Alaska and the Orient and East via the Great Lakes. Now is the time to arrange plans for your party. See Mr. Qr. McNeill, City Ticket Agent, Nq^"19 ,,^c^llet House Block. Homeseekers Bound Trip. Excursion tickets will be sold by the Northern Pacific Tuesdays in May and June to points in Minnesota. North, Da kota, Montana, Idaho, British Columbia, Eastern and Central Washington, for one fare plus $2 00 for the round trip. Call at the City-Ticket Office, No. 19 Nicollet'House Block. -xr &M'$i Carey Cement Eoofingk better& than metal or tar and gravel.- J3ee-~W. S. Nott Co.. Tel. 376. *'$ T j, Defective Page THREATENS MAFIA WITH EXPOSURES Doomed to Hang, Murderer Or ders Organization to Put Up $10,000 for Family. New York Sun Special Service. New Orleans, La., April 27.^Realiz- ing that he will be hanged Friday for the murder of Antonio Luciano, Sam Aspara, a member of the New Orleans Mafia, has delivered an ultimatum to the organization demanding $10,000 for his wife and children, or he will make a confession on the scaffold revealing Mafia secrets which, he says, will in criminate some of the wealthiest Ital ians here. Asparawas told by his friends that he would not be hanged and the board of pardons would commute his sentence to llife imprisonment, which was yesterday the news and" he immediately seirt word -1 to. the Mafia leaders that they would I have to provide for. his family after his death, or he would expose the entire business, tilling how he was engaged while working as a laborer in the April 27, 1905. Boufelll&iiFriday Bargains For Friday we have prepared an offering of Good Furniture and Homefurnishmgs that will prove of the greatest interest to you. The Goods are all new and the prices right. refused .7? Choke home in Green's, I built by me *&''*: Crockery Department In the &a*emnt. This Remarkable Bargain for Friday Only. Pressed Cut Glassware"Sugar Bowl, Cream Pitcher, Spoon Holder and But ter Dish. Complete set of four pieces Worth 75c. Per Set. Lace Curtains and ^Draperies Our Lace Curtain and Drapery continues daily with greater success. Bear in mind we have no shopworn or old styles to offer you.. All this sea son's purchase. Everything new and up-to-date, at a considerable saving from regular prices. Real Brussels Curtains, our own impor tation, at $5.50, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10 pair. A saving from $|_ to $ 5 pair. Royal Saxony Brussels Curtains, direct from Brussels, at $12.50$15.00 $17.50, $20 and $25 pair. A saving of $2.50 to $7,50 pair. Hand-wrought Beal Arabian Curtains, at $10.50, $12:50, $13.75, $15, $17.50 $20.00 pair. A saving from $3.50 to $10 Pair Duchess Point Lace Curtains at $4.50 $5, $6.50, $7.50 and $9.50 pair.ria A saving, from $1,50 $ 5 Point Milan Curtains at $6.50, $7.50, $8.5& $9.50 pair. To be had only of us. A saving from $2.50 to $7.50 Eich Antique Curtains, every thread linen, hand-wrought (from South of France), at. $10, $12.50, $15 and $16.50 Pair. A saving from $ 5 to $12.50 a i LARGEST HOME, HOTEL AND CLUB FURNISHERS IN THE NORTHWEST. Temporary Store, 623'625 Nicollet, in the New Store Block. American Sugar Refinery, for $1 a day to obtain Luciano's friendship,and mur der him to settle an Italian feud. Altho Aspara was a laborer, he has paid over $5,000 in attorney's fees, which was provided by the Mafia man who promised to care for his family. He has waited patiently for the money and when it had not arrived before the se'nftence was affirmed, he resolved to send the ultimatum for $10,000. With in one hour $3,000 was raised, but he refused the sum as being insufficient, and another demand for $7,000 was sent, which he says must be delivered to his wife before he takes the scaffold. .PRINCE ALBERT MAY BE KING. London, April 27.A dispatch from Ant werp to the Daily Telegraph states that King Leopold, the counts of Flander (brother of the king), and the Belgian finance ministers are debating the ad Klng Leopold, the count of Flanders ders' son, Prince. Albert, the legal heir presumptive to the throne of Belgium, by obtaining parliamentary sanction for the count of Flanders' renunciation, already agreed upon, of his claims to the succes sion. One Way Half Rates. The Northern Pacific will continue sale of the one way^Colonists Excursion tickets to points fto Montana, Idaho, Washington, British Columbia and Cali fornia, daily until May 15. Call at City Ticket Office, No. 19 Nicollet House Block. THE TRIANGLE Build in th Triangle and I Will Loan You Moiwy at Aa an investment pure and simplo I will fftodly loan money at this very low figure on new homes inXjreen'8 Additions. If*Iwere no^sure of the safety of my invefctanetit I wouM not make the offer. I would rather have Green's Addition homed as security at today's valuation than Qovernment Bonds, Stocks or Pirni Mort gages. I am long on lots in Green's--I anvglad of itI know their worth.* Others are beglttmng to realize itmy money at 4% is safer in Green's than any plaoV I know of. Its Buy one of our Bowen or Ranney Re- frigerators. There is nothing better made perfectly sanitary, and the King of Ice-Savers. We have them at $10* $12 $14 $15, $16 $18, $20 and $25. cheaper money than*you can set anywhere. I own all the racant lots on both sides of the streets for taro blooks next to the Kenwood owrUj^eOPquglas avenue, one block from Mount Curve avenue) Huaobott, Irving, J^tmes and Knoxoavenues. N.H.Emmans OWiierof The Heart of GitenY Additions, Office 823 I Guaranty Bfdg. Minneapolis. i-% w. WALDORF-ASTORIA AS BAIL PLEDGE FOR 3 MEN New York Sun Special Service. New York, April 27.The Waldorf* Astoria hotel was put up as security foi the release of three prominent ana wealthy Canadians, who were arrested charged -with disorderly conduct in the Grand Central station last night. In addition to singing, dancing and shout ing so loud that women and chiidroa were almost frightened into hysteric^ the three came very near whipping fiv^ stalwart policemen. When taken to th police court they gave their names ai William Gallagher, member of parlia ment, of Ottawa James McDonald, millionaire contractor of Montreal and Brant Morden, a millionaire urnitur* manufacturer of Montreal. The mana ger of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel cam* to his guests' assitance and pledged th hotel as bail. THOMAS SIMPSON NO MOKE Honored Citizen of Winona Will Bi Be Buried on Saturday. Winona, Minn., April 27.Thomat Simpson, a leading member of the bai at Winona and a pioneer citizen, died at 11 o'clock last night of diabetes al the age of 68. The funeral probablt will be held Saturday afternoon. -HI s*t Sl ^fjnFv "J& 'T&gsafcJ** Urn Cash At496 See EMMANS .Mj if J" V- &**$!&- "r&