OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, April 27, 1905, Image 4

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1905-04-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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t$f W
One week
One month
One month
Three months
Six months J'JJX
One year *-|*J
Saturday Eve. edition, 28 to 36 pages LOU
UP to 18 pages 1
Up to 86 pages "l
Up to 64 pages
All papers are continued uptil an explicit order
to received for discontinuance and until an ar
rearages are paid.
Journal building, 47-49 Fourth street 8.
of Washington Bureau. 901-902 Colorado build
ing. Northwestern visitors to Washington in
vited to make use of reception-room. "J***''
stationery, telephone and telegraph facilities.
Central location. Fourteenth and streets NW.
Ooplrs of The Journal and northwestern news
papers on file.
HEW YOBK OFFICETribune building.
D. A. CARROLL, Manager.
CHICAGO OFFICETribune building,
W. Y. PERRY. Manager.
LONEON-^Tournal on file at American Express
office, 8 Waterloo place, and U. S. Express
office. 99 Strand.
*AHB3Journal on file at Eagle bureau, 68 RUB
JONMABX-tfournal on file at U. S. Legation.
X. PAUL OFFICE420 Endicott building. Tele
phone. N. W.. Main 280.
EAST SIDE OFFICECentral avenue and Sec
ond street. Telephone, Main No. 9.
IELEPH0NEJournal has private switchboard
for both lines. Call No. 9 either line and
call for department you wish to speak to.
A Useful Vanderbilt.
Cotnelius Vanderbilt, the millionaire
ln,ventor, has beeto given letters patent
on an improved locomotive boiler, which
it is claimed will make a great saving
in fuel to the railroads. Mechanics
are at work at the Eogers locomotive
works turning out locomotives with the
[Vanderbilt generating appliance. Im
portant railroads have agreed to give it
a trial. This is the second or third
time that young Vanderbilt has made
a successful appearance at the patent
Cornelius Vanderbilt is the eldest son
of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt, and
should have inherited the major por
tion of his father's vast estate and the
headship of the house, but because of
his independence in marrying the
woman he loved against the wishes of
his- father, he was passed over, and the
Vanderbilt cash and honors went to his
younger brother, Alfred. Cornelius
fell heir to a million or two, and his
independence, which as worth more
to him. "While Alfred Vanderbilt as
perfecting himself in the ways of so
ciety, and in the speeding of automo
biles over the persons of pedestrians,
Cornelius has been' working in rail
road* '.shops/ tapping wheels, greasing
engine's arid learning all about their
construction. A a result he is an in
ventor, and a useful citizen. bids
{ir to become a Vanderbilt, who would
never think of saying "the public be^
d-= and who will never be
damned the public.
Apparently what Norway and Sweden
need JS a temporary dose of board of con
A Low Aim.
It rarely happens that when a man
prominent in finance goes wrong, the
full truth comes out in the first reports.
Seaso ns for this are obvious. The
ramifying moves of a man laboring un
der a strain and seeking to avoid dis
closure that means ruin, make it hard
to follow the trail back and, more
over, there is the natural disposition
on the part of conservative business
men to tone down as much as possible
the first accounts, that the shock upon
the community may be lessened. Hence,
altho the report that Prank G. Bige'
low, president of the First National
bank of Milwaukee, as a defaulter
in the sum of $1,500,000, as news that
staggered all who read it, later devel
opments show that only half the truth
came out. Mr. Bigelow's total defal
cations. Will run much heavier than
this. The full amount may reach
Here was a man trusted with the
management of a great bank, and whose
name appeared on the boards of other
large companies, as the Northwestern
Mutual Life, the Milwaukee Electric
Railway & Light company, besides a
number of lesg prominent corporations.
Additional to this, he was trustee and
administrator and had the handling of
mueh, property in mortmain,..including
that- or* ftie.old Brodhead estate and
of the late Henry C, Payne, recently
postmaster general. The-Payne estates
is fbtind to be litlie affected, if at all,
but^,Mr.. Bigelow owes a round sum to
the^rbdhead estate. Additional to the
$l,5Q0~,G0p due th,e First National of
Milwaukee, -there are five other Mil
wauk ee -banks with claims for consid
erable sums, thiee New York banks,
one in Chicago and one in St. Louis,
the aggregate of this other bank in
debtedness being $357,000. A number
of small claims appear amounting to
k* Mr. Bigelow's private accounts are
found to be in a state of confusion
4** that, to those who were familiar with
his methodical mind, appear at nrsif
almost inexplicable. The reason, how
ever, is not hard to find. Bigelow was
speculating and there were many things
i^t that it was dangerous to commit to
fc writing even in memorandum form
:/v~ least some one should accidentally see
r^i^them and discover the secret. Hence
te! grew the habit of carrying large af
fairs in mind only. Latterly circum-
^stances forced him to reveal his secret
!'_,, to three men in his own bank, and he
3- must have realized that discovery was
jTifb& question of time only. This feeling
|||no doubt prompted the last desperate
$ plunge for a recoup that would make,
(& everything square. It failed and utter
Ml"*uin is the result.
The case is highly interesting for
many things that ordinarily come to
light after such a crash are not found
here. Bigelow as a gentleman. N
wine or women affairs appear. as
devoted to his family. His home rep
resents a value of $40,000not extrav-
-^w mv Thursday Evemagj**
agant for a ma'n* in bis position, ,Its
furnishings, including a few good pic
tures and a collection of choice books,
approximate $60,000. Not one thing
about his private conduct or his home
life betrays anything but the admira
ble. Ambition' gained the mastery and
led him on until it was too late.
But what a wretched failure he has
made, for himself and for his family!
With a legitimate income sufficient to
provide not only every comfort, but
every luxury that reason could ask for,
he as willing to jeopardize all that he
had, including his good name an'd the
honor of his family, in the hope, not
of adding anything that as needed,
but simply that his overmastering
greed, for money aWd the power that
money gives might benot satisfied,
for that could never bebut might be
gratified. How deplorable that some
worthier ambition might not have en
gaged the energies and the talents of
this capable man! That he should not
have been' able to take a juster and a
saner view of the real object of life!
All the higher and nobler and worthier
possibilities of his existence have been
thrown away that he might seize one
great prize which has eluded his grasp
at last, and left him disgraced and
ruined by his effort to reach it.
The greatest pity of all is that the
world is full of men like him. They
do not a fail as he did, nor do they all
employ the dishonorable means that he
used, but they waste their lives in trv
ing to realize an ambition no higher
than that which tempted Frank G.
Bigelow to his ruin.
When an ex-president is tackled by
Susan B. Anthony, he begins to realize
how much better to be just an ex-vice
president, with no one to care what he
says or does.
American Wedding Humor.
Horse-fair humor is still alive in
this country of the free and somewhat
brave. Slapsticks show the develop
ment of the drama and wheelbarrow
bets show the progress of politics. W
are a humorous people on any subject
and can laugh on slight provocation.
Even a man going to sleep in church
and waki ng with a terrific effort to
look as tho he had never been asleep
in his life, instead of causing sympa
thy, brings on a titter.
The federal grand jury in Kansas City
is after the get-rich-quick concerns. Some
people think a concern is all right if it
has a lot of gilt lettering on the office
Trie Spelling Line Assured.
The license to the street railway
company to extend its lines into the
Fort Snelling reservation' has after
some vexatious obstructions been
granted and work on the line will be
pushed to completion.
The line into the fort will be great
gain' to the government as well as a
substantial accomntodation to the offi
cers and men stationed at Snelling.
Heretofore to reach Minneapolis they
we re obliged to go to St. PauL or take
a bs^ o, Minnehaha Falls from ,,the
,Thg goYern mentv
F2r$ ffs ft
fa? W*
But it is weddings that brighten our
sense of fun until it fairly 'glows.
When a prominent an gets married
he does a good thing in giving an out
let to the pent-up waggishness of a
whole community.
One is moved to these reflections by
the report of the doings attendant upon
the marriage of the former chief of
police,- Mr. Conroy. Mr. Conroy has
many friends, and naturally they were
delighted to see him settled in life.
They went to the train which he and
his bride were to board in St. Paul
and testified ,to their friendship by
hanging humorous banners all over the
car, inside and out. There are some
people who do not see banners, how
ever, and these cases were provided for
by handbill^ fronj which jfcliey could
Sot escapjg,' Eice "and flowers were
showered upon them and the Indians
stood upon the platform as the train
pulled out and yelled themselves hoarse.
You might think this ended the fun,
but it was only the beginning. The
couple are to be met today in Chicago
with a handorgan and escorted to their
hotel. There is no reason why the ex
citement should stop in Chicago. There
are other stations and other things to
do. They might be taken, out and
ducked in the lake at Detroit or shut
up in a coal mine at Scranton, or ar
rested in Philadelphia. There is no
reason why the humor of the situation
should not be increased with ''every
stop of the train. If people will get
married, they must expect to take the
gain an inlet and. outlet i!or the moving
of troops and the people of Minneapolis
will have seeured" the boon-of going to
Fort Snelli'nfg, whose associations are
historic, without footing it over a mile
of sand hill, ft
The development "of trolley lines in
and about Minneapolis is but begun.
The Lake street line, which will give in'
time a new interurban route, and the
building of the line to Lake Minneton
ka, are beginnings of the usefulness of
the rural trolley. There are many
other directions in which quick com
munication is needed and in which it
must be provided in due season.
Beltrami county, Minnesota, is approach
ing the^Lincoln J. Sttffeps stages by leaps
and bounds.
Cortelyou Means Business.
Postmaster General Cortelyou issues
his instructions to postmasters in a
way that may be understoc/d. "Inform
William A. Evans that it is the opinion
of the department that if he wishes to
retain his position as assistant post
master he should retire from member
ship on the republican state central
committee of Kentucky,'' is the way
he addressed the postmaster of Louis
ville. The state central committee of
Kentucky had been actively engaged
in a campaign and the assistant post
master had been active in raising
money for the committee. The impro
priety of a federal official involving
himself in such work should have ap
pealed to the local office, but as it did
not, the postmaster general gaye the
-above hint, which, no doubt, as suf-1 mobile.
ficient.^Hr. Cortelyou has-been/ quoted
as saying that "The best service a
postmaster^ can render ,to h^s pafty ia
to conduct hm pQstofficp in a, proper
manner." fiy
^The instructions do "not" nfean thatr
postal employees will lose any* of their
substantial rights as party men, but
w'here party ser^icja beepmesjif burcten",
ime of*'the ofeciaF'the g#v* upon the time of the 'OHiciaJTth i
ernment has .the first call upon his
time and talents, and where such serv
ice is so conspicuous as to savor of
federal bossism in politics, it must stop
or the connection with the service must
b$ severed.
i I his instructions Mr. Cortelyou is
only carrying out the spirit of the civil
service regulations and laying the
foundation for efficient service. Un
questionably he is correct in assuming
this position and undoubtedly he as
sumes it not as a bluff, but with the
determination of a man who not only
can, but will, make his department live
within the law.'
An absent-minded citizen of New York
sold for $29 a safe which happened to eon
tain $20,000 worth of stocks, ''some valu
able jewelry and rare coins. When he
found what he had done, his hair stood
up like telegraph poles on a moonlit night,
his eatworks refused to budge and his
general' feelings were feverish, with signs
of mental strabismus. Fortunately, he
had kept the combination when he -gold
the safe, and by buying up all the second
hand safes in town he Anally came into
his own again, and found the contents in
tact. He is eating once more and his
hair is being gradually pressed into a re
cumbent position. So far as safes are
concerned, if he sells any more It will be
only after they have been turned inside
out and blown to pieces with dynamite.
Henry Essler, for a number of years a
farmer near Retreat, Wis., is dead. He
was 107 years old and was cutting his
third set of teeth. He was perhaps the
oddest as well as the oldest man in the
state, his ways being decidedly primitive.
He usually slept in the barn rolled up in
a blanket. His menu consisted of bread
and potatoes, with several cups of tea.
This seems to show that it is not the diet
that makes the man. It is what the man
does to his diet.
JEx-President Cleveland's declaration in
the Ladies' Home Journal that women's
clubs are "harmful in a way that menaces
American homes," and a nuisance gen
erally, makes his ultimatum to Great Brit
ain look like a mild compromise, and his^
stand for the gold standard appear posi
tively timid.Kansas City Times.
There Is that about Grover that even
the ladies must admire. Wrong or right,
you know where to find him.
Wellington was behind a tree praying
vigorously for night or Blucher, when an
orderly rode up. "It's all right, general,
if Blucher don't corned l*ve got" Senator
Morgan to take the floor for the remain
der of the session."
"You meant well," said Wellington,
"but sometimes I think I would rather
lose the battle."
The Times records with approval the re*
turn to old-fashioned English Involved in,
the report that Bigelow "stole" $1,500,-
000 of the- Milwaukee bank's money. Tho
Times may be right, but now that it is
discovered that he got away with over
three millions, there will be a tendency
to dignify the importance of his feat.
Some ag at Lawson, Olcla., sent out
the following dispatch:
Cowboys report that dead wplves are
being found'over this entire tract of land,
having dropped in their tracks" from ex
It is evident that the president is having
a great time.
A pained and grieved expression would
have rested on Banker Bigelow's features
a month ago if one of the bank's clerks
had gotten away with $200, besides his
salary. We should be as charitable as we
can. 0. 1
When the mothers of Minnesota learn
that Warden Wolfer will not allow his
tenants to be contaminated with the yel
low journals, they may begin to realize trie
chances they take on Sunday mornings.
Professor Goode of Chicago states that'
the Rocky mountains -are quite useless.
They will make splendid material for fill
ing real estate depressions.
Reports from the baseball craze in Ja-*
pan state that the crowd has not yet aris
en to the height of abusing the honor
able umpire.
The ex-president of the bankers did It
a little quicker than Mrs. Chadwick, but
the lady's methods were equally certain.
Colonel Gordon of California is quite as
impetuous with his gun as tho his title
had been bred in old Kentucky.
Xantippe may have had a'hasty temper,
but have you ever been cross-examined
by a lawyer like Socrates?
Pennsylvania will go thru the form of
an election this fall, but, it will not count
as an indication for 1908.
Stupid and ignorant courts are gradu
ally depriving Senator Mitchell of his "In-
vincible defenses."
Now if Kiichli shall appeal that case,
will it be on the ground that the verdict
was excessive?
Pennsylvania boasts a town called North
Mehoopany. This sounds like gross intoxi
Novo& Vremya.
Nothing could be more shameful* than
the manner in which the whole of Rus
sia treats the Russian army, sending in
sulting proclamations to it after every de
feat. If Russia does not want the war,
let her make an ignominious peace.
ft -i. dl i J6 E jh i
TWAIN.The World's Work for May tells
for the first time the story of Henry H.
Rogers' service to Mark Twain. It began
long before the Standard Oil man knew
Mr. Clemens. Once, years ago, Mr. Rogers
read "Roughing It." He not only read it
again, but he read it to his wife and to
his children. He said, "If I ever have the
chance to help the man who wrote it, I
will." And the chance came.
When Webster & Co. (of which Mark
Twain was a member) failed, every asset
of the famous humorist, including the
copyrights of his books, went down in
the wreck. It was what is called "a
bad failure," Mr, Clemens surren
dered everything. Not long after
ward/, he met "Mr. 'Rogers. Mr. Roger*
knew of the Webster failure. He asked
permission-to be of service. In forty-eight
hours he was managing the author's busi
ness affairs. He gave his time, worth
thousands of dollars a day, to recoup the
fortunes of a broken literary man. Into
it he put all "his 'business acumen and en
ergy. He found that Webster & Co. owed
Mrs. Clemens personally $65,000 cash lent
from her own pocket, upon the firm's
notes. made Tier a preferred creditor,
and to 'secure the claim' gave her the
'copyrights' of her husband's books. In
this way the books were, saved for Mr.
Clemens. They have been his principal
assets. They were worth* more to him then
than the gift of half a million dollars in
cash. Mr. Rogers saw Mr. Clemens safely
thru these trying business troubles. But
he did not stop there. Kver since he has,
with a few others, constituted himself a
guardian of Mr. Clemens' business af
fairs. Last year he aided in consummat
ing tho' deal for the publication of Mark
Twain's complete works, which placed the
author beyond financial care for the rest
of his days. Out of that service has
grown an affectionate friendship between
the men.
As the Comedian, looks to G4#$ge Brehm,
-^Fspm tl)s^#ea'4er $Iagaaia&-/*or May.
fijfl'a rwv
MAN."Your true sportsman is stirred by
the sottg of victory or depressed by the la
ment of defeat. If the
hath his life
Is one of the un
conquered he knows what the wine of
triumph means, and he is of little Imagi
nation if he cannot know what the gall
of defeat would mean. Most, however,
have tasted both wine and gall, and will
find something to recall both in The Ath
lete's Garland, a c&llectlon of verse of
sport and pastime Compiled by Wallace
Rice. It is a boofcr+hat every lover of
sport for sport's sake will want among
his ''traps." It contains verses by the mas
ters and the amateurs, but verses in all
cases by those who delight in physical
prowess. There are songs of victory and
dirges for dead hopes, poems for the golf
er and the tennis player, for the football
enthusiast and the diamond devotee, for
the oarsman and the fleet of foot, for
every phase of sport, verses with morals
and without, verses musical and unmusi
cal. Indeed, it is remarkable how much
has' been compacted into this volume of
250 pages of song about sport.
For no fame may a man win better the while he
Than from what his feet have accomplished, or
his hands amidst the strife.
A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago.
Over the hills where the pine trees grow,
With a laugh to answer the wind at play,
Why do I laugh 7 do hot know,
But You and I once passed this way.
Down in the hollow BOW white with enow
My heart is slngiqg a song today,
Why do I sing? I,tlo hot know,
But You and I were here in May.
Thomas S. Jones, Jr., In May Lipplacott's Mag
COMINGThe announcement that the
Funic & Wagnalls company, publishers of
the Standard dictionary, are to publish a
Standard encyclopedia, is a matter of no
little Importance. The Standard dictionary
is a standard, and if the encyclopedia
comes up to a mark relatively as high,
as it no doubt will, those who "want to
know" will congratulate themselves. The
publishers promise:
It will be to things what the Standard diction
ary is to words. It will be up to date. It will be
made wholly by specialists, the highest authori
ties in every branch of human knowledge being
made its editors regardless of expense. It will
be all-inclusive, both as to subject and as to
thoroness of treatment. It will be most easy
to consult indeed this feature will be a distinc
tive one. The thing a man wants to know at
once will be the thing he finds first and easiest.
The illustrations will be all that the most criti
cal can wish and will be prepared primarily for
the purpose of information. The maps will be
well made and adequate, a thing never yet
achieved in American encyclopedia making. The
Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedia will be,
In short, "the standard universal reference work
for the masses and the scholars, the workers.
that title the first address delivered bv
Charles Wagner to an American audience
has been published in attractive book
form. The proceeds from the book's sale
are to go to the purchase of land for
a church in Paris, to be presided over by
Mr. Wagner. Many who heard the Paris
pastor while he was in the United States
will welcome this opportunity to add to
their collection of books an address of
great force and helpfulness.
t. McClure, Phillips & Co., New York.
SOMEBODY IN BETWEEN ?The 'Railway .o*^utimi.-"Kavtherine
Qalveston "News.* *Tl
W are such a funny neople. We kick
because the steers .ell for so little then
turn around and*'kisk because steaks cost'
so much.
Savannah News.
President Castro's queer actions are in
part explained. The man owns an auto-
Lfeuis Smith in'the'M.gy Bdoklover#' Mag
azine, says W
For some time energetic'' persons Tiave been in
terested in making the city beantlful and today
the-"railroad beautiful is .beginning to loom on the
horizon with the possibility that bare tracks
and uninviting walting-roras will disappear. A
stranger's first impression of a city is gained
from the railway station at which he alights,
and from its envlronmentv Too often he has
traveled over a blacMFpndf3^dery course and
arrived at a woodefi ^s*tfnctnre absolutely devoid
of architectural beauty*-mud surrounded, with a
dreary expanse of uncultivated ground. That the
beautification of a railroad, where it traverses a
city and its suburbs, should be considered the
duty of tho management Just as much as the care
of its rolling stock may at first sight seem tho
dream of an idealist but in specific cases this
has been shown to be a paxlng investment.
The writer's article bears evidence of
the desire of railroads to beautify their
lines, in numerous halftones showing some
things that are being done.
Auditorium"Twelfth Night."
The presentation of "Twelfth Night" in
the Elizabethan fashion adopted by Ben
Greet's company last night at the Audi
torium afforded a test of the intrinsic
power of attraction in Shakspere. The
play was presented shorn of all its ap
peal to the eye in the sumptuous stage
setting which modern stagecraft provides.
The result was gratifying to the most
skeptical and demonstrated amply that
great dramatic art does not consist in the
selection of picturesque situations, but in
the curtning unfolding of plot and the in
teraction of characters upon each other,
as of yore. Dramatic principles have not
changed, altho they have been sadly per
verted, with temporary success.
Stripped of distractions, the delicious
comedy took on a new charm and fresh
interest that was grateful to tastes jaded
by a surfeit of musical comedy and the
frocks and frills of society drama. The
thread of the play was followed unerring
ly and its devious windings held the in
terest closely. The beauty and ingeauity
of the master playwright's construction
and the marvel of his wide knowledge and
countless ingenious conceits were thrown
into high relief. This was made possible
by the unusual dramatic ability of the
company, which played the old comedy
with unction and rollicking spirit, yet'
with a refined restraint. The lines, too,
were read in a way to delight ears tired
by the mouthings of less rinished players,
who depend on accessories rather than on
their art. It would be well worth while
to spend an evening simply hearing
Shakspere read as Mr. Greet's players
read him.
On the other hand, it must be ad
mitted that with all its fresh charm, the
play in the Elizabethan manner is a bit
confusing. There was no change of scene
and nothing to indicate the divisions into
scenes and acts, the whole action taking
place without the use of the curtain. As
the lines do not always indicate clearly
the changes, familiarity with the play was
necessary to follow the story perfectly,
but this was not a serious difficulty. The
stage setting used was one ingeniously
contrived to afford as much variety as
possible in a single set. Great pains had
been taken to secure authenticity in rep
resentation and the scene was an Eliza
bethan manor hall on the hangings of
which were appliqued the initials of the
virgin queen. The small servitors* who
moved the furniture, lifted aside portieres
and performed other minor offices were
clad in blue smocks and had their hair
bobbed off at the shoulder. Two armed
knights stood guard at either side of the
proscenium arch all evening and excited
mingled wonder and pity by their silent
endurance. The audience felt relieved
when in one of the slight divisional pauses
they solemnly changed places and were
at length given stools by the serving lads
and gravely refreshed by tall cups of
sack. The costuming was accurate and
handsome without being unduly elaborate.
Mr. Greet played the love-lorn Malvolio
with happy discretion. The Viola of Con
stance Crawley had a naturalness that is
the perfection of art. It was feminine
without being mawkish or unconvincing.
She simulated the man well enough to
deceive the unsuspecting, but did not
overstep the bounds of womanly modesty
in her masquerading, making it easy and
fitting for her to step back into? her own
character. In a cast, all of whom were
admirable, special commendation would
be given to the charmingly womanly ca
priciousness of Agnes Scott's Olivia, the
jester with his songs, S^r Toby Belch, Sir
Andrew Aguecheek and Maria, the maid.
Martha Scott Anderson.
Foyer Chat.
Nat C. Goodwin begins his brief en
gagement at the Metropolitan tonight in
his new comedy, "The Usurper," which is
said to give him opportunities for his
irresistible comedy work and eloquent pa
thos. This play will be repeated Saturday
afternoon. Tomorrow night Mr. Goodwin
will be seen In "An American Citizen,"
and Saturday night in "A Gilded Pool."
Creston Clarke in "Monsieur Beau
caire," will be the attraction at the Met
ropolitan for the half week opening Sun
day night. He brings a cast of brilliancy
and a production of scenic and costume
This week's bill is unusually popular
with patrons of Orpheum matinees. Fore
most on this list is La Jolie Titcomb,
whose marvelous French costumes appeal
to the women and whose other charms at
tract the masculine element.
Bickel, Watson and Wroth, the clever
comedians, form a trio of magnates that
are attracting large houses to the Bijou
in the musical comedy, "Me, Him and I."
"The Way of the Transgressor," which
comes to the Bijou next week, has four
dog actors in the cast. They are magni
ficent Landseer dogs.
Dixon, Burt and Leon, the refined acro
batic and comedy team at the Unique this
week, are above the average. Josephine
Coles, the great contralto, is also in great
Government Control of Industries.
To the Editor of The Journal.
The brief editorial headed "Government
Insurance," in The Journal of April
10, prompts me to send you for publica
tion a reply to your challenge to socialists
in the second paragraph of the article,
which reads thus:
"The persistent assertion that the gov
ernment can do something for all the peo
ple cheaper than anybody else seems to
the socialist newspapers to prove it. They
do not cite any facts or evidence. They
probably cannot out of the government
operation of any large industry."
When I read this I remembered the to
bacco industry in France. That industry
there is a government enterprise and not
a mere experiment. It has been in opera
tion many years and continues, I believe,
as profitable to the nation a* to Its em
ployees as ever. While the industry has
paid larger wages than any other in the
country and has pensioned its employees,
it has remained exceedingly profitable to
the country, not only in reducing the
price of goods manufactured, but in earn
ings of the enterprise. I cite you to this
illustration of the successful government
ownership of what we regard in this
country as a private industry, and if other
instances showing the immense advan
tages of socialistic production over indi
vidualistic are required, I think I could
fill your newspaper with, accounts of them
but there are none as blind as those who
won't see.
pril 27, ^1905*^
Ashton, S. D., April, 1905.
Detroit Journal.
Dispatches say that Fierpoht Mor
gan gave King Victor Emmanuel a spe
cial private audience yesterday in Rome.
VfA. t" ^Charlotte News.
The new chairman and chief engineer
of the canal commission are talking busi
ness. If they live up to their promises
there will be no occasion to kick on the
work of digging thes, big ditch.
The Minneapolis police department is
the only department in the state that is
strictly obeying the law requiring pris
oners under arrest to be kept from pub
lic view from the time they are arrest
ed until /they are either discharged or
committed to the workhouse. Other
police departments attempt to carry
out the laws, but the local department
is the only one that obeys it literally.
The law, passed at the 1903 session
of the legislature, provides lor covered
patrol wagons and is intended to screen
the arrested person from public view.
The day the law weii'fc into effect, the
Minneapolis department was provided
with covered patron wagons. But even
then the law was not obeyed in all
particulars, and there were times that
prisoners wer exposed to public view,
especially when being taken from the
wagon to the police station and again
when taken to and from the wagons at
the muicipal court.
This disobedience of the law has been
overcome by the installation' of the new
central police station. Now when a
man is arrested, he is placed in a cov
ered patrol wagon and taken directly
into the basement of the 'nfew city hall
where he is placed in an elevator, and
taken up a dark shaft to the new lock
up, six stories above. When court con
venes, he is taken down' a private stair
way that leads into the courtroom, and
as soon as his case is disposed of, he
is led back to the lock-up where he is
hew awaiting the departure of the
"Black Maria' if he is to go to the
workhouse. Then the elevator works
the reverse way, and the prisoner is
lowered into the basement, loaded into
the "Black Maria," also a covered
wagoW, and taken to the workhouse.
Irom the time he is arrested until
the workhouse doors close behind him,
the only view the public has of the
prisoner is the bri ef moment he is in
police cOurt. And if the prisoner is
a juvenile, even this brief glance is de
nied the public, an'd the trial is held
behind closed doors.
coming of the trolley line,
Lake street has several serious ques
tions to dispose of. There are the poles
of the Northwestern Telephone com
pany and the Minneapolis General Elec
tric company which have been standing
nuisances for years, the changing of
curb, sidewalks and trees and the ap
pearance of billboards which are ap
pearing in large numbers, particularly
toward the Minnehaha end.
The pole question has been partially
settled. A a conference between the
aldermen of the Eighth, Seventh and
twelfth wards, the Northwestern Tele
phone company voluntarily agreed to
remove its Lake street line as far down
as Chicago avenue. This concession
was a great relief to the aldermen, who
are disposed to commend the telephone
company highly for its action. It will
cost at least $8,000 to make the change
and instead of being a benefit will
place the company at a disadvantage.
General Manager A. M. Kobertson of
the electric company, is working on a
plan which he hopes will take his poles
from Lake street.
The aldermen have decided on a road
way fully fifty feet wide from Hennepin
to Minnehaha avenues. I the Eighth
ward this crowds the space between the
curb and the sidewalk to six inches,
which is entirely too narrow for the
What to do with the billboards is an
other question, but the people will
have to accept the inevitable
the patrons of the two other inter
urban lines. Bill boards are permissa
ble under the state law and the council
has no authority to pass ordinances
abolishing them. So saith the city at
torney. A effort will be made with
moral suasion on the owners of vacant
property to refuse to lease their lots for
Japanese Lecturer Will Give Oriental
View of I Tomorrow Nigh t.
The-late edict of China abolishing
cruel forms of punishmenta response
to a memorial by W Ting-fang, for
mer minister to the United States
marks a long step of progress in this
country. As W Ting-fang has been
ordered to memorialize the throne for
other beneficial reforms, there is hope
that the work of the missionaries may
be rendered more easy, and that a dif
ferent conception of them and their
work may grow in the minds of the
That the missionaries, both Prote
stant and Catholic, have not always
been wise in their attitude there is no
doubt. For what reasons and to what
extent the Chinese have cause for
their bitter hatred of missionaries and
foreigners is, perhaps, not well under
stood by most people in the United
States "at any rate, it will be interest
ing to know the opinion of a contigu
ous friendly people like the Japanese.
Dr. lyenag a, the noted Japanese, in
his lecture Friday night at the First
Unitarian church, will trace the his
tory of Christian propagandism in Chi
na the causes of the outrages and
hatred of the Chinese towards the mis
sionaries the methods of propagand
ism from a Chinese standpoint, together
with other related topics. Two other
lectures, May 5 and 12, by this lec
turer, will clos"e the Stanley Hall
course for the season.
McNeill Lecture Will Show Many Views
of Yellowstone Animals.
Few people know tbat the Yellow
stone National park, beside being tho
greatest natural park in the world and
government reservation, is in reality a
huge game preserve for it is the refuge
of all sorts c-f the wild game of th
Rocky mountains. It is no uncommon
sight for the park tourist to see bands
of wild deer, elk and mountain sheep
wandering on the mountains or in the
valleys, while the bears are quite famil
In his lecture on "The Yellowstone
Park," to be given tomorrow even
ing in Y. M. C. A. hall, G.^F. McNeill
has paid special attention to the Ani
mals and has many interesting pictures
showing their haunts and habits. In
addition to views of the park, Mr. Mc
Neill has many slides of the Lewis &
dark exposition.
Practical Jokers Doing Snch Intensely
Funny Things.
fSeveral acts o? vandalism have been com
mitted at the Central high school within the past
tew days, notwithstanding the summary pun
ishment met out to the juniors who com
mitted outrages in the rooms of Professor
McWhorter. I'aiit has been smeared about here
and there, and ciher practical jokes perpetrated.
Principal J. X. Greer declines to discuss the
new outbreak, but admits that there has been
something doinp He also admits that he does
not know who the guilty boys are. jLbg-.
J^V"#^ CHEAPER^ ga$c\tf3
wi*T i is'*?*. Commoner. *-v-
Perhaps the public would-be willing to
pay these congressmen mileage for travel
ing the other wag.
r^u. -V* ti%
Bullets from the rifle range at Camt
Lakeview have peppered the house of
a farmer near Lake City till he actu
ally lost patience and complained to
the commandant of the regular army
battalion which has been camping at
the national guard quarters. Major R.
L. Bullard 01 the Twenty-eighth infan
try, who was appealed to, was incred
ulous, for the farmer's house is nearly
a mile back of the targets and on much
higher ground. visited the house
and was soon convinced by several
bullets from the Krags striking its
framework. ran up the white flag
and later gave the order to abandon
the range.
A a result of this incident the reg
ulars are not likely to make any mora
visits to Camp Lakeview, but will use
the new rifle range being equipped near
Eort Snelling. The march down tho
river and the target practice has been
a fine outing for the regulars, who are
loth to give it up.
vThe embattled farmer's case will now
require the attention of the national
guard authorities, who will have tq
protect his family and livestock from
the reckless shooting of "rookies" at
this summer's encampment.
"Eddie" Conroy, erstwhile czar of
the Minneapolis police force, has taken
a bride unto himself, Mrs. Nina Walsh,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Charles A.
Humason, 1966 Carroll street, St. Paul.
If there is anyone between St. Paul
and Chicago who is not aware^of the
fact that Mr. Conroy has entered the
rank of benedicts, the former chief
is prepared to present a medal. There
is no danger. "Harry" Minor, Ed
Murphy, John flyan and Max Zeimer
were the committee on advertising.
Conroy thought that, with all the
subtlety he had imbibed from the se
cret service, the mere dodging of his
friends would be easy. With a per
fectly innocent air he stepped out of
the carriage at the St. Paul union sta
tion about 11 o'clock last night and
asked in a matter-of-fact tone when
the train left for Chicago and which
one it might be. as not kept in
ignorance, for at that moment the train
pulleci in from Minneapolis and his
friends jumped off. They were accom
panied by a hobo band. The sleeper
as covered with posters yards wide
announcing that the great chief was
on his bridal tour and that every one
was invited to drop in and see him.
The happy couple were then
showered with bushels of rice, old
shoes and flowers. With a rush they
were carried on their train and depos
ited in the stateroom. Wi th a sigh
of relief they said that it must soon
be o\ er. But it wasn 't. Telegrams
were sent ahead to all stations to give
the couple a sendoff, and they were
met this morning at Chicago by every
one in the windy city who ever heard
of Minneapolis.
Primer 16 Gives Pictorial Description
of Eoute to Pacific.
Soo line advertising issued in book
let form by the passenger department
has assumed the proportions of a small
library. Primer 16 has just come from
the press, entitled, "Hotels and Hy
drosSoo-Pacific Route." It is up to
the Callawav standard as to matter
and is bound in attractive form. Th#
first picture is that of a sunrise im
Minnesota and the last tbat of a sun
set on the Pacific. The fortv pages
are full of information, pictorial ana
descriptive, concerning the attractive
hotels in the famous tourist points on
the northern route from Minneapolis
to the coast. A few pages are devoted
to pictures of the "Lewis and Clark ex
position buildings.
W. E. Callaway, general passenger
agent, will advertise his line thoroly
and will at the same time entertain
waiting passengers at the principal sta
tions, with stereopticon views of scenes
along the road. has ordered stere
opticons from England and will place
them at leading points.
John De Laittre Returns After Winter
Spent in Islands.
Former Mayor John' Laittre, has
just returned from Hawaii, where lie
has lived thru the winter months with
his daughter, Miss Corinne. Mr.
Laittre is enthusiastic about the won
derful climate and the scenery, which
excels anything he has ever seen in this
country. also says that the busi
ness conditions of Honolulu are most
prosperous, the main industry being
production of sugar^ of which there is
exported about 4,250,000 ton* a vear.
This brings into the islands $32,000,000
annually. The largest sugar mill is lo
cated about twenty miles from Hono
lulu. It is made entirely from steel,
and has a capacity of 1,250.000 tons a
year. The principal capitalists of the
island are American's and English.
Aged Woman Who Went to Police Sta
tion Taken by Stepdaughter.
Mrs. Emeline Smith, the aged woman
who was given shelter at Central police
station, Tuesday night, after having
been refused admittance to the home ot
one of her relatives, will live with her
step-daughter, Mrs. Parker Smith, 30
Boyalston avenue.
It was Mrs. Parker Smith who
placed the old lady in a carriage to
send her to the home of a relative, Le
ander Smith, 816 Beacon* street SE,
where she was refused admittance. The
step-daughter, learning that the mother
had been refused shelter, hastened to
claim her.
Party from Soldiers' Home Will
Entertained Saturday.
Two hundred civil-war veterans from
the state soldiers' home at Minnehaha
will be guests of the Bijou theater man
agement Saturday afternoon, at the
performance of Me, Him and I," by
special invitation of Manager Theodore
Hays. the courtesy of General
Manager W. J. Hield of'the Twin City
Rapid Transit company, all will be
free transportation from the
om to the theater. The trustees and
management of the home have ex
pressed their appreciation of this kind
attention on the part of Mr. Hays and
the veterans are looking forward to the
treat eagerly.
Secretary of Promotion Committee Here^
Talking Business.
Edward M. Boyd, secretary of the Haw'siR
promotion committee of Honolulu, is in Min
neapolis preaching the gospel of "the garden
isles of the Pacific
It Is a fervid religion with us." said Mr.
Boyd today, "and we preach it as a faith.*
There has been no one in the islands this wid^
ter who has been too busy to join hands wlth| f
the committee In its endeavor to teach the
citizens of America that their possession in the
Pacific 1B the most beautiful spot in the world,^, IK
There have been many Minneapolitans with us,
this winter, and thev are as enthusiastic as /Ijk
those who make Honolulu their home. Ji
"The mot striking thing that has been doav -*3
is the extinction of the mosquito. She has
gone. Petroleum and cleanliness did it.' No
one regrets her departure With the mosqnltS
gone, the islands are perfect*"

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