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225 Railway Bldg. refill M&*&* m&Mslh& J^?lW- ARMille Lacs County, Minn., Stockman Tells of Advantages of Rum River Valley for Stock RaisingEx ceptional Opportunities for Stockmen and Farmers. Between St. Paul and Minneapolis on the south, and Duluth and Superior on the north, lies one of the finest stock countries on the American continent. This is known as the cut-over or burnt over lands of Minnesota. This large and fertile tract of land seems to have been in a measure overlooked in the great rush of immigration to the west and the Canadian northwest, but is now fast being settled by farmers and stock men from nearly ail parts of the coun try and is becoming known as one of the best stock ana grazing countries in the United States. Here is the home of the big red clover, blue-joint and Kentucky Dluegrass, etc. Clover once sown here without plowing the land seems to live and nourish for years without winter killing or dying out. Blue grass and white clover come in natural as soon as the brush is cut or browsed off by the stock. Here are the greatest and most productive nat tiral hay meadows in the United States. These meadows, many of which contain many hundreds of acres, were formerly covered with tamarack trees, which have been killed by fires, have dried up, fallen over and then been burned up by the fires which generally sweep thru these tall grasses every season, until many of the meadows can be cutfuel with mowing machines with but little clearing up. Oftentimes everything burns up clean, and, being perfectly level, the land becomes the most valu able in the state. One great advantage these meadows have over most land of this nature in other states is that they have a nat ural drainage, and it is seldom that water stands on these lands except in the early spring and in wet seasons, and whenever alkali clover and timothy is sown they grow in great abundance and crowd all other grasses out and often produce from two to three tons of hay to the acre, and it is here that cattle get rolling fat during summer, and keep right on growing during the winter, when fed on this hay, which is the very best quality of hay to put onMontana flesh. It is here where stock can betana fattened for the arket on clover and vegetables, as they do in the old coun try, and without corn, for there is po country where more or better turnips and beets grow to the acre than here. It is here that stock can graze and put on flesh a3 many months in the years as ariv place east of the Rocky mountains, for, as a general thing, snow Beldom comes here before the holidays, Rnd stock can get their living at least a month earlier in the spring than they can on the prairies, but winter pas tures that have not been fed over dur ing summer should be provided stock for winter and early spring grazing, and statistics show that, take one year with another, we have less than one half as much snow here as they do in Wisconsin or Iowa. Some may say: "O! it costs more money to clear this land up than it does to buy prairie land all ready for the plow, and will take a lifetime to do East half of Section 7, Township 140, Eange 78, Burleigh County, North Dakota. 320 acres fine blafck soil in the hard wheat and flax country, six miles from railroad, in a well-settled community, where adjoining lands are selling at from $12 to $30 per acre coal mines, schools and churches near. Your chance to secure an ideal farm at half price about 20 acres of plowed land, 100 acres splendid meadow, balance wild. Price, $10.50 per acre easy terms. WHEN LOOKING FOR FARM LANDS, Either improved, raw prairie or timber lands, you will find It to your interest to call and interview me, as I have choice selections in all the above. Improved farms are from $20.00 to $50.00 per acre. Choice meadow and timber lands from $8.00 to $15,00. all sold on easy terms, With twenty years experience in farm land business in Minnesota, I can assist you in locating to good advantage. References furnished, THOMAS E. SIME, 309^ Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn. VA Blocks from Union Depot, Opposite "Merchants' Hotel." Pine County as a Farming Region By Professor Thomas Shaw. My opinion has been asked as to the adaptability of the land in Pine county to the growing of livestock and to farming'generally, and more espe cially of that portion of the county east' of the Great Northern railroad and above the St. Croix river. 1 have noticed that in the area under consideration, and indeed in all that part of Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin, wherever hardwood timber is found the land has an almost marvelous adaptation to the production of clovers, grasses and indeed all kinds of grain essential to the maintenance of livestock of all kinds usually kept upon the farm. I have also observed that in sandy stretches, which occur here and there in various parts of the whole area referred to, the land is not productive, more especially where jack pine grows upon it. Happily, those sandy areas are not of groat' extent. I have fui'ther observed that in much of this country are marsh lands inter spersed with the forest lands. These are likely to repel rather than to at tract the settler who is seeking for land, owing to the somewhat dreary appearance which they present in their subdrained condition, but to the writer they would be an attraction, as many of them at least are underlaid with a clay subsoil. This means that when drainedand usually they are not dif ficult of drainagethey can be made to grow hay and pasture and certain other foods in great luxuriance, and as it were in perpetuity and without enrichment, owing to the vast stores of the same deposited in these thru long forgotten centuries. These swam]) lands, when drained, leave a marvelous adaptation to the growth of alsike clover, timothy and red top and clover. ^Thur^ip^Epfiing, it." Now, this is a mistaken idea. Of course, it does cost from $5 to $8 per acre to clear the average of this land ready for the plow, but what have you got when it is all cleared up? You have got land that will raise as good wheat, oats, barley, vegetables and clover as any land in the United States, and what is it worth per acre? As much as the land south and west of the twin cities or in Iowa, and the writer has raised corn on the Pleasant Valley stock farm, owned by the Thompson Cattle company, in Mille Lacs county, for the past seven years, and only one failure, and the corn yielded on an aver age of over forty bushels per acre of sound corn. We have cleared up sev eral acres of land on our farm, all exbuy cept the stumps, at a cost of $2 per acre, and one acre of this land will carry a full-grown steer thru the graz ing season. We have several large fields as clear of stumps and lying as beautiful as any Iowa prairie which we plow with a sulky plow, and reap the grain with a binder, that the cost of clearing did not exceed $12 per acre. One important thing that must not be overlooked in buying land and build ing up a home in this country, is the and building material and fence posts. These dry tamarack posts last nearly as long as cedar and cost prac tically nothing. Sawmills are scat tered over this country where logs are sawed for $4 per 1,000, or one-half the lumber, and the building of barns and houses, is very inexpensive when compared to building on the prairies where lumber and fence posts are so very expensive. Here we have the best markets in the country, with St. Paul and Minneapolis fifty miles on the south, and Duluth and Superior and theSouthern greatest iron mines in the world on the north within 100 miles, makes this an ideal location as to markets. Freight on a car of cattle from our place to South St. Paul is $20, while freight on a car of stock from central is over $200 per car. Mon stock is on the road four days and nights, and from here less than four hours. Here from one to one and a half acres will graze a cow, during the sea son there it takes from ten to twenty on an average, with the free ranges growing less and less every year. Here we have an abundance of pure water, and droughts are unknown. Stock suf fers much for water, and prolonged droughts prevail the year around nearly every season. Sheep do equally as well* as cattle here. Foot rot and scab are lunknown. Many Montana stockmen are buying these Mille Lacs county lands and developing them into boun teous farms, and business men from the crowded cities are returning to the farms and seeking the simpler life. Behind the squaw's birch-bark canoe, Where warriors led their braves, Now bounteous farms are blossoming1 Above old Indian graves. George Thompson, Page, Minn. OS., Minneapolis, Minn. HELLO Look Hore! Healy has some more Dandy Bar- gains. Gome On! I'll go in with you, and we'll 2 or 3 They are not far from RE LAK E FALLS. From what has been said, therefore, it will be apparent that this is an iea.l. stock country. As a grazing country it is away ahead of southern and west ern Minnesota. I is, therefore, an ideal country for dairying. Thi3 means that it is also an ideal country for growing swine, since the two go hand in hand. What it lacks for this purpose in corn production is made up in thePillsbury production of barley, peas and field roots. The abundance of the pastures, and their succulence, thru nearly all the summer, adapt it admirably to sheep husbandry. I is also an ideal country for growing beef, as everybody knows, or may know, that when cattle which are being fattened are fed on good clov er hay rather than on corn fodder, they will finish equally well on from one half to three-fourths of the rations of grain needed to accomplish the same re sult with corn fodder. I am not pleading for this area. I am giving my opinion' in regard to it. Personally it will make no difference to me tho it should remain a wilder ness, but from the day that my eyes first saw this country in the winter of 1894, when covered with snow, the high opinion which I then formed of it has been more than sustained by occasional trips made here and thee thru it since in the summer season. My opinion has been asked in regard to itj and for that reason I give it. As one interested in the agricultural development of the state, I would that intending settlers would look this country over, which is so easily accessible to the two cities, before they push out into the treeless areas of the dry west in search of a home. The land in this region is prob ably not more than one-fourth of theSeverailninterestinparts price of that in the southern areas of the state, and for stock keeping it has no superior in any part of Minnesota. The above cut fairly represents the building on a fine farm' of 310 acres, on R. D. route, well improved *and productive, no waste land, all under cultivation, surface gently rolling, 100 acres seeded to timothy, house contains five rooms, good horse barn, machine shed, cow barn and granary well .and windmill, fine water the Soo railway crosses this farm only four and one-half miles from Grlenwood, the county seat of Pope County, Minnesota* Price $35.00 per acre. .Usual commissions paid agents. We will male anv reasonable terms. W. Carson, Glenwood, Minn. Mm*^mmmtim* .55' ilealy Land Co. MAIN OFFICE: Bed Lake Falls, Bed Lake Co., Minn Down Balance to Suit. 160 acres, 3 miles from N. P, Ry. station. Frame house", 12 acres broke, 30 acres meadow, good heavy clay soil, no sand. Near school. $12 per acre. Cordwood will pay for land. PHIL S. RANDALL, LITTLE FALLS, MINN. in the famous Des Moines Valley of Minnesota. W have several improved corn and dairy farms to sell on easy termsin settlement of Illinois and Iowa farmers. N. W PULVER, Jackson, Minn. Correspondence Solicited. IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA. $ 6 to S35 per acre. By sending Postal Card mentioning this paper you will receive. FREe. MAPss and PR IO LISTS of either Otter Tail, Wadena. Todd, Cass or Becker Counties. Low Prices. Easy Terms. We are larpe owners. Write us. MURRAY'S LAND OFFICE, Wadena, Minn. And Prairie Lands in Red Lake and Marshall Counties, Minnesota, at prices S15.QO to S3Q.OO, or Thief River Falls City Real Estate, write to or call on ANDREW 8TEN8ETH, THIEF RIVER FALLS, Minn. CHURCH I S FIFTY YEARS OLD Chief Features of Anniversary Celebra tion of Anoka Congregationalists. ANOKA. MINN.The Congregational church will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in May. This society was organized on May 6, 1855, and built the first place of worship in Anoka. The present pastor is liev. Edwin Ewell, who came here from Iowa. There will be services on Sunday, April 30. and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday following, and Sunday, May 7. The week will e "Old Home Week," for members who moved from town. I On Sunday, April 30, the evening service will be known as "Young People's Night," with the following: "Our Sunday School, Past and Present," G. II. Goodrich "Our Endeavor Society," Mrs. L. J. Peck address. "A Cap tured Dream," Clinton M. Norton, Minneapolis. The text for the morning sermon will be "Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever," the same theme used Sunday morn ing fifty years ago. Wednesday, May 3, at 11- a.m, a general church rally will be held, dinner being served by the ladies of the church, and followed by reminiscences, greetings and toasts. Re\. George R. Merrill, D.D., of Minneapolis, will give an afternoon address, "Lessons of Fifty Years." In the.. evening Rev. A. A. Graves will extend greetings from the Metho dist church. Rev. Harold Hunting, assistant pastor of Plymouth church, Minneapolis, will make an address, "Our Young People," and Rev. Mr. Rollins one on "The Beautiful Gate." Tlnirsday evening will be civic night, when Mayor Tones and Judge Waite. of Minneapolis, will address the audience. Friday evening Rev. F. R. Leach will extend greetings from the Baptist church, and Rev. Clement Clarke, D.D., pastor of the First Congregational church. Min neapolis, will lecture on "The Real Mission of th$j Church." On Sunday, May 7. Robert P. Heirick, D.D., of Minneapolis, will lecture ou "The Sons of the Pilgrims," followed by com munion services. In the evening Rev.. Heurv Holmes, pastor of Lowry Hill Congregational chnrch, Minneapolis, will speak on "The Open ing Sentence of a Great Book." On civic night the speakers will be introduced by Mayor George McCauley, of Anoka. PILLSBURY'S HONOR ME N Academy at Owatonna Will Graduate a Class of Thirty. OWATONNA, MINN.The honor speakers at academy for commencement have been determined ujon as follows: Alva Earley of Detroit, James Chapman of Owatonna. Miss Gert rude Hicks of Tracy, Robert Nelson of Albert Lea, Floyd Bell of Owatonna, Miss Gertrude Bendixen of Springfield, Martin Jensen of Clarks Grove, and Sidney Klnyon of Owztonna. The first two are respectively, valedictorian and salutatorian. The other six are not chosen for scholarship primarily, but for oratorical ability, the first three being elected by the class, the other three by the faculty. In addition to this feature of commencement, whifh will be held June 12 to 15, there will be a class pliy. a field day, a class play by the graduating class, alirnni banquet, junior ban quet, art exhibit, recitals in the special depart Cnt3 jf music and oratory and a prize mili drill. yVere arc aboat thirty members of the gradu ating class, about evenly divided as to the sexes. The'Minneapilis me libers are Herbert Bly, Frank Jones and Howird Freeman. The entire class will so to Minneapolis to have commencement photographs taken. FIFTY YEARS I N PI NE ISLAND Anniversary of the Coining of the Hay wards I Celebrated. PINE ISLAND, MINX.A reception was held last evening in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival In Pine Island of Giles and George Havward. About 200 guests were present. A banquet was served and a musical and literary program presented. Rev. S. U. Updyke. rector of the Episcopal church, acted as chairman and delivered an address, giving guiany interesting details of the arrival over an Indian trail of the Haywards at the present site of Pine Island. letters frcm friends and rela tives distant of this country and Eng land were read. Rev. K. O. Lawrsson, pastor of the Methodist church, responded for the younger people. Giles Hayward is 75 and George 69. .^^iaffraeat^^ w^^^^p^C^ Vt'V. -^^5^i*^Ka B,^ ^E^ t^f?!^l BI HOMESEEKERS! MOVEMENTTOIFTING TOWARD S MINNESOTA A L+* Are? 1 Yes picture. \Zisy Defective Page SjHE^'MlN^ ^^HApnl V7r ytrtf looking for a winning land proposition?, Then lets talk business. W,e are handling the finest body of land for stock raising and dairying ever offered a home- seeker. It is in Mille Lacs county, Minnesota. Look' It's one of the barns belonging to the Thompson Cattle Co., at Page, Mille Lacs county, Minnesota. Page is only twelve miles north of Mllaca, where our land office Is located. The above barn was erected in 1902, at a cost of $4,000. It is 80x144, with full basement. Capacity for 500 tons of hay and 4,000 bushels of grain, and will hold 350 head of cattle. The Thompson Cattle Co. has a ranch of 3,000 acres. Read article on this page entitled "A Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, Stockman," and you will become convinced that you need not look else- where, but let us show you lands in the vicinity of this stock ranch. You can buy these lands at $10 to $15 per acre, on very easy terms. DON'T RENT. DON'T GO TO CANADA. DON'T GO TOO FAR WEST. BUY MILLE LACS COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LAND. Don't let land agents fool you. Buy this land while it is chea.p and on the market. 50 miles north of Minneapolis and St. Paul and 100 south of Duluth and Superlor-rtwo of the greatest commercial centers of the west. Every acre of this land will double In value In five to ten years, in its present state*. An expense of $2 to $8 per acre will make this land worth three .times what you pay for it. We have ail kinds of land propositions and solicit your correspon- dence. Maps, circulars and full information cheerfully sent. Call at our branch office at 907-8-9 Phoenix building, Minneapolis, when passing thru the city. astern Minnesota Land Co., HOiESEEKER'S HEADQUARTERS, f| Milaea, Minn. Land Bargains in Anoka County TTo vn Wish to Buy a "Wheat Ranch, Stock Ranch, Chicken Ranch or a Splendid Home 1 It $0, you should bear in mind that it is to your interest to buy in the ight place, well located, and at the right price, and on reasonable terms. A'uy should you go to the far northwest on the bleak prairie, aT*y from sell Jols and churches and markets when you can buy for nearly the same ^'l^yie I'^gbt here in civilization, close to schools and churches and at the i rerj gateway of the two best markets in the United States? Anoka county is the home of the dual purpose cow, the stockman's ''^harvest fielus, the rancher's paradise, with wonderful opportunities for x-'/ churches' MH.MM at this and markets. When you ca buy for nearly fijhfrK*wsiit he*re in civilization close to schoolsn and churches and the verv" gatPway of the two best markets in the United States I The City of Anoka, the county seat, is a hustling little city of 5,000 lmalutnnts, beautifulh situated on the Rum and Mississippi rivers, 17 miles north of Min- neapollb, has three railroads, two banks, two starch factories, a sash and door factory, sawmill, a boot and shoe factory, 1,500-barrel flourmill, a fine sanitarium,, five hotels and twelve churches. It has one of the best markets in the state and is a live town is lib- erally supnlied with shade trees and is a beautiful and healthy place. We are offering some exceptionally rare bargains in Anoka nnd surrounding counties also cultivated and uncultivated lands, timber, pasture and meadow lands in tracts of from 40 acres to 800 acres. Just write us about what you want and we will try to match you. Map of Anoka -county sent on application. Dell Cummings & CO., Corner Second Avenue and Jackson Street, Anoka, Minnesota. What the W. E Lindsey Land Company of Monticello, Wrigrht County, Min- nesota, have to offer in Real Bargains In Improved farms. You have already seen cuts of some of the farm buildings in our locality and must see this is a prosperous country. No. 1:S0 acres, 1% miles from town, best of soil, $32.50 per acre. No. 292^ acre's, 3 miles from town, $33 per acre. No. 3SO acres, 3 miles from town. All under plow. No buildings. $21 an acre. No. 4120 acres, 3% miles from town, $28 per acre. No. 5160 acres, 5 miles from town, on R. F. D., $32.50 per acre. No. 6210 acres, 6 miles from town, 2 miles to creamery and P. O. On R. F. D, Near fine lake. A fine dairy farm, good buildings. Only $20 per acre. W. E. UNOSEY LAND CO., Only 37 miles from St. Paul and Minneapolis. Write for price list of im- proved farms. PINE COUNTY' S ADVANTAGE S SOILA rich clay loam with clay subsoil retaining the moisture, so thnt it will grow whatever is planted in it. MOISTUREA gentle rolling country, well watered with numerous springs and trout streams, guaranteeing it free from drought. GRASSCovered with a heavy growth of blue joint and red top, five or six feet in height. A paradise for cattle. CLOVER"The land of the Big Red Clover." "The best grass and clover producing country in all Minnesota,'' says Professor Thomas Shaw. FRUITSRaspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and other small fruit grow wild in great abundance. "Why not cultivate them? VEGETABLESPotatoes and all other vegetables do well. Over $300,000 worth of potatoes have been shipped in one season from one small station. MEADOWSGreat natural meadows, easily cleared and producing three or four tons of hay to the acre, are all through the country. HARDWOODBirch, bass, elm, maple and red oak grow everywhere, mak- ing the best of cordwood and timber and proving the quality of the soil.. LUMBERSawmills all through the country take the settlers' logs and furnish him lumber at half what he must pay, elsewhere. GAMETrout streams everywhere, and in the season venison and partridge* three times a day. MARKETSJust 100 miles from St. Paul and Minneapolis and 50 miles from Duluth and Superior, the head of the Lakes and open naviga- tion to the rest of the world. Where can you find a better location to dispose of all your products? RAILROADSThe Great Northern and the Northern Pacific Raili*ad3 already traverse this country, and others are coming, for they must get into Duluth, the greatest port in the United States. Early morning trains take fruit, milk, poultry or vegetables into the great cities quickly, cheaply and without shrinkage, and late afternoon trains return pails, cans and profits. INVESTMENTYou pay from $7.00 to $15.00 per acre and but $2.00 or $3.00 down! Nothing can keep these lands when cultivated and pro- ductive from going to from $50.00 to $100.00 per acre. TERMS$2.00 to $3.00 per acre cash and balance in ten annual installments with interest at 6 per cent. Prices from $7.00 to $15.00 per acre. Privilege of pay- ing in full at any time and stopping interest. Good titles and warranty deeds. Half rates to see these lands at any time. Fare to land and return to Twin Cities, $3.00. For maps and descriptive matter or other information call or write FARMERS LAN & CATTLE CO If Globe Building. St. Paul, Minn. 9 theasame S"' M0N 'i905.^^^""' mi^(De1wenng^ '-liWfM^W^^'- '-Z ftl & Special Correspondence. Crookston', Minn., April 27.Condi- tions are ripe in "this neck of thevary woods" for a "killing." You have all heard of Crookston, the queen city located in the heart or the famous Red river valley, as a hustling, bustling, little city of 7,000 wide-awake souls. You may have heard of its prosper ing business enterprises, its great rail road, an'd shipping facilities, best, of markets and advantageous condition that builds up rich communities, but dothe you know what is the "backbone" of all this? I is Polk county, and Polk county is "God's country,'' where the thrifty farmer is getting rich, where crop failures are unknown and where the splendid educational advantages of Crookston' are duplicated with school houses and a graded system of educa tion, reaching all over this splendid county. I would have felt like a "Carnegie" or a public benefactor today if some of the farmers of the east could have taken the drive I did this morning. I certainly would cause them "to ''si upyou straight," and make preparations for moving their families out to this glo rious community. W. H. Morse was responsible for this drive, and right here lwaht to extend my thanks to him for courtesies ex tended. This young business man ofa Crookston is the "goods." Just the right sort. Enjoying the confidence an'd friendship of all classes in Polk county he is "the homefinder" whose word and representations can be abso lutely relied upon, and being at the head of one of the most promintent and reliable real estate companies in thecounty, great northwest, and thoroly conver sant with the country "speaks by theMr. card Talking with Mr. Morse, I asked him to give it to me "straight" regarding Polk, so we could "put it updependence right" to the men of the older settled sections that are looking for newsomething homes. He said: "Williams, it would be foolish for me to say anything 'off color' about our county for two reasons. First, there isn't anything here but the best to offer, and,- second, we do not want to offer any goods here and then not bea able to deliver them after they are looked over. You know a good deal what the country is from what you are I seeing. You know it is in the heart of I the Red River valley of Minnesota, a section that is known favorably all [around the world, and I .can only add (Capital and Surplus, $150,000.) thes Great Activity in Red River Valley LandsPolk County One of the Garden Spots of Minnesota-SnBppy Talk With W. H. Morse of Crooks^!^^" ton, Minnesota, COME TO E FAMOUS RED RIVER VALLEY that the soil is a rich black loam from three to four feet in depth with a clay and Furnish You A Steady income for Lile Write for Detailed Information CLAY COUNTY LAND CO. HIOOREHEAD, MINNESOTA. We Are Selling Improve Farms Big Stone and Traverse Counties, Prices Range from $30 to $45 per Acre If you want to raise Corn, Tame Grass, and all kinds of small grain this is the place to buy land. Our country has everything you wantRural^ Telephone, Rural Mail Route, Creameries, etc. We are land owners and sell our own land only. Write for information.* O'Brien Land Company A Home Like This for You fe IN THE Garden Spot of Minnesota l subsoil, and, what is more, it does not every acre here is tillable: and crop failures are unknown, and good pure water is reached from 15 to 20 feet. The climate* is the best on earth and sanitary conditions are right. All the lands are improved and vary from $25 to $40 an acre and we arcnot looking for a cheap grade of settlers, but good, substantial farmers who are tired ofs conditions back east and want to give boys and girls a gopd start towards, happiness and prosperity in a section where the environments equal any state in the union. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, flax, buck wheat, macaroni and corn are raised, also potatoes, sugar beets, beans, peas..-, and fruits in abundance, while for stocky we have them all beaten with hay#& clover, timothy, redtop and other grasses." Dairying is an important industry and the "man with cows" can.find the best of markets for his product. I said: "What are the opoprtunities. and have lands like these for sale?" Mr. Morse laughed and said: "Polk is a pretty big county also many of our farmers who have gotten rich are mov ing into town and with selling a por tion of their holdings, that they have acquired, it gives us a chance to offer series of propositions that are money makers." On our drive in Mr. Morse showed me a beautiful half section of land about five miles from Crookston, all under cultivation, large house, barn, granary, good well, improvements in first-class repair and every acre tillable. This farm is one of the best in the has made a fortune for one man, and can be bought for $40 an aere. Morse has promised to send me some letters from farmers who have come "out of the east" and gained, in and prosperity, and next week I am going to give my readers pat'' and information that, if followed up by farmers who are look ing for "the soot, "will cause them to look "good old Polk county" over. I did not write this article as any "boost" to any one in particular, but if any settler or investor who wishes to get next'' to something good will drop line to Mr. Morse he can get more valuable information in a minute than I am capable of giving in a lifetime, and you can rely absolutely on what "this chap" says. .*._, Good-by until next week, Ward D. Williams. we CoTHMak vou Prosperous independent si& :'$ GRACEVILLE, MINN. In the above cut is shown an ideal home of a prosperous Traverse county, Minnesota, farmer. Eleven or twelve years ago there was noth- ing there but prairie in its wild state. Look at it now. We have the making of such farms. Do you want one? If so write us, stating how much you can handle. Our prices vary from $20 to $46 per acre, accord- ing to location and improvements. Do not be afraid to write us, stating what you want and how much you want to pay down. We will do the rest and try to satisfy your wants. Write for our booklet. N. MILLER LAND CO.^ Browns Valley Live Agents wanted Everywhere. Commencing next week the state of Minnesota will commence publishing the first of a series of ten articles devoted to The Great Eesources and Ad- ^|s _-" -vantages Minnesota has to offer to the ^'.fl'%? Homeseeker and Investor?0j,$$^ 'f \r Land interests wishing representation on Minne-.^Jf^ '^^"f.lAw.aota weekly page during this period must havo j5:L,v/},: copy and applications in the hands of the tiff*1*_||1|| Tla^|l4l^'5 undersigned by Thursday morning, May 4th. .___,^--"-" -m$mm$3^m%g^ WARD D. WILLIAM^44 MaMger 'a Minnesota NOTICE N Northwest Advertising, Minneapolis, MUr*t