%f J."'
The Predictions.
MinnesotarPartly cloudy "with showers
tonight and probably In northeast portion
Friday cooler in west and warmer in
northeast portions tonight variable winds.
WisconsinProbably showers tonight
and Friday variable winds.
tipper MichiganProbably showers to
night and Friday warmer in northwest
portion tonight variable winds.
IowaPartly cloudy tonight and Fri
day, with possibly showers in east por
tion variable winds.
North Dakota and MpntanaiGenerally,
fair tonight and Friday, westerly winds.
South DakotaFair tonight and Friday:
cooler in east and central portions to
night fresh westerly winds.
Weather Conditions.
Clear weather is reported in the middle
Mississippi valley and thence westward
to the Pacific coast, also in Montana and
in northern Michigan. There have been
rains during the past twenty-four hours
on the Atlantic coast, in Tennessee, Ar
kansas. Missouri, the Ohio valley, tho
southern part of the lake region, in Mon
tana and Assiniboia. Rain was falling
this morning at New York, and it was
anowing at riwift Current.
T. S. Outram, Local Forecaster.
Weather Now and Then.
Today, maximum 67, minimum 54 de
grees a year ago,
mum, 36 degrees.
maximum 63, mini-
Butter Is Lower.Butter went to 25
cents, wholesale, today. It opened the
week at 31 cents. This development is re
garded as abnormal by the trade, which
Is at sea regarding the outcome.
Assessors Talk ValuesThe Hennepin
county assessors, thirty-two in number,
held their.annual meeting in the county
commissioners' rooms this morning. Gen
eral valuations were discussed, but no
radical changes were made.
Real Estate Board Meets.Alvin S.
Skiles was elected a member of the Min
neapolis Real Estate board yesterday.
The old question of removing the H. &
D. tracks of the Milwaukee road from
Twenty-ninth street was discussed infor
mally at the meeting. F. G. Smith pre
sented the matter in an attractive light.
A Coal Dealer Missing.Urgent inquiry
by business associates
E Fellowshis of the Fellows Coa
company, 409 Hennepin avenue. He left
the city a few days ago, destination un
known, and his friends are greatly mysti
fied, as the men in charge of his office re
port accounts in good shape.
Brothers at Queensbury.Ole and An
drew Rasmussen, brothers, were in police
court today for fighting on the street. Ole
explained that they had quarreled, each
contending that the other was the more
intoxicated. Ole was given a sentence of
$5 or five days and Andrew, because he is
a. man of family, was allowed to go free.
Dr. Thompson Called Away.Rev. Fay
ette L. Thompson of the Hennepin Ave
nue M. E. church has been called to Dav
nport, Iowa, to conduct the funeral ser
vices for a friend, and the lecture which
he was to give, "Seventy Centuries of Si
lence," jtomorrow evening in Hennepin
Avenue M. E. church, has been postponed
until next week.
Family in Trouble.Thomas Henderson
and wife were arraigned in police court
today charged with grand larceny on
complaint of Albert Johnson, a woods
man. He alleges that the Henderson's
stole a gold watch and a firaft for $50
from him while he was staying in a
Washington avenue lodging house. Hen
derson's case was continued. His wife
was convicted on a charge of prostitu
tion ana was sentenced to the -workhouse
for /sixty days.
JOHN HIRT died Wednesday evening of
bronchitis at 2831 Twenty-eighth avenue
S, after an illness of three weeks. Mr.
Hirt was born in Ann Luxemburg, Europe,
in 1830. and came to this country when a
.young man. He moved from New York
to Bansing, Iowa, and later to Minne
apolis, where he lived for thirty-eight
years. He is survived by a widow and
three children. Funeral Saturday at 8
a.m., from the residence, and from St.
Elizabeth's church at 9 a.m.
NEY died at his home, 3330 Park avenue,
Tuesday morning. The funeral will be
held from the residence next Saturday at
10:30 a.m. Interment at Lakewood cem*
May 2, at 2 p.m.
Mayor D. P. Jones has received per
mission from the police committee of
the council to secure a site and esti
mate of cost for a lockup at Minne
haha, and, if he deemed it necessary,
to have the building erected at once.
Mayor Jones urged the building of a
police station for 1jhe East Side, on the
ground that the present method of rent
ing: quarters was costly and the sta
tion not adapted for such uses.
mentioned, among several desirable
sites, one owned by John Flannagan ad
joining Alderman Ryan's livery stable
"on Second street NE. The committee
took no action.
Mrs. Ella Schiltz, the woman who cut
off her own frozen toes at Cold Springs
and was sent to the Northwestern hos
pital by the Associated Charities, has
written Manager E. D. Solenberger of
the charities that she is entirely well
and that a prosperous North Dakota
farmer has asked her and her family to
settle none of his farms. He read
of the sad case in The Journal.
Failing to Secure Satisfactory Refresh
ments, the Charivari Party Breaks
into the Berry House and Bombards
the' Guests with Old MetalPolice
Called to Quell the Disturbance.
A'fter playing "Lohengrin" effect
ively on tin boilers and washtubs before
the Berry residence at No, 9 Highland
avenue last evening,, a cbaravarj gang
numbering two hundred men and boys,
stormed the house and piled their noise-'
making implements several feet high in'
The occasion was the marriage of
Miss Ella Berry to Joseph Himmels
bach. Just before the ceremony the
ganft had mustered in quietly a few
blocks away, marched to the residence
and made demand for beer money.'
Failing to secure this, they hurried to
the great scrap pile at Sixth avenue N
and the railroad tracks and returned
with a choice kangaroo band outfit.
At the door of the house they were
met by Andrew Himmelsbach, brother
of the groom, who for some reason had
not attended the function, i He took the
leadership in the grand serenade, which
was a record-breaker. Still refresh
ments were not forthcoming and more,
dratic measures Were employed.
Dividing forces for an effective rush
and bursting in the doors, the intrud
ers showered the wedding party with a
rare variety of kitchen utensils The
front vestibule and side halls were com
pletely walled up with tin, and the
braver members of the party inside
jsvere unable to get out and do battle.
By this time the neighbors had noti
fied'the police and a squad of ten of
ficers headed by Patrolman Archie Buck
went to the rescue of the beseiged mer
rymakers. Frightened by the appear
ance of the officers, the gang dispersed
and left the field to the police, who for
nearly half an hour busied themselves
tearing down the barricades of metal.
Shirt Tailors, $3. Custom Tailors, $45.
Monogram work for shirts or waists.
Hoffman's Toggery Shops. Both Stores.
Representatives of Various Reform and
Relief Agencies Agree that Other In
stitutions for Caring for Unfortun
ates Ar Wholly InadequateA
State Regulation of Birth Registra
tion Is Strongly Advised.
With the present inadequate equip
ment of institutions in the city, the
baby farm'' is a necessity, and under
the existing laWs it is perfectly legal.
This conclusion was generally accepted
at a conference today of worker inter
ested in the welfare of young girls who
have fallen into evil ways, and thus
coirie into the hands of the keepers of
these institutions. The 'matter has
been agitated by the Humane society
which called the conference at the As
sociated. Ch.ari.ties.
One reason given for baby farms is
that existing institutions are hedged
about by such regulations and involve
so much publicity that the girls will not
go to them. A hew institution is need
ed with greater freedom of action,
where girls can be cared for and kept,
with their children for from three to
six anonths for the sake of the phys
ical well-being of the children. A
the end of that time, if the mother
is unable or unwilling to undertake
the care of the child, suitable provi
sion for its future would be made. I
was felt that it was imperative to
keep mother and child together for
this period, and that mothers should
be encouraged to keep their children
permanently but to attempt to force
them to do so endangers the health and
life of the children.
The necessity for rigid regulation and
inspection of the baby farms was
pointed out. Among the plans pre^
sented was securing a law requiring
registration of births by all institutions
and requiring all persons desiring to
transfer the custody of a child by adop
tion or otherwise to do it under court
regulation. A state inspection of all
children placed out in this way would
be the final step in insuring the chil
dren proper care.
Preventive work came in for a share
of the discussion and its great nee'd was
emphasized. Placing headstrong girls
under surveillance of interested persons
such as settlement workers, was pro
posed. Among those taking part in the
conference were E. D. Solenberger of
the Associated Charities, who presided
Mrs. Sarah Schaeffer, police matron
S. L. Van Etten of the Humane society,
Mrs. T. B. Wells of the Children's
Home, and Mrs. E. D. Adams and A. H.
Tit)teta of-the Children's Home society.
Andrew A. D. Eahn was today an
nounced by Peter E. Hanson, superin
tendent of the new state census, as the
supervisor of the census in Hennepin
county. Mr. Eahn served in the recent
campaign as secretary of the Hennepin
county republican committee and as
manager of the Loren Fletcher con
gressional campaign. He held a clerk
ship during the recent legislative ses
The appointment is also announced
today of Fenton G. Warner, the state
oil inspector,. as census supervisor for
Ramsey county.
Attractive Program for Society of Co
lonial Wars at Fair Oaks.
Members of the society of Colonial
Wars will be the guests of General W.
D. Washburn, at Fair Oaks, tomorrow
night. Judge Torrance is governor
of the society and a program of great
interest has been prepared.
Among the visitors will fee Lieuten
ant Governor Curtis Guild, Jr., of Mas
sachusetts, who will make an address
on "The Puritan's Contribution to
America," and Eev. Dr. Frank W
Gunsaulus of Chicago, who will speak
of The Five Points of American
New Route to California.
Information has been received that
the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt
Lake railroad will be thrown open to
passenger traffic on May 1. The open
ing of this new line will give thru
the Butte gateway anew outlet to Cal
ifornia points for the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific railroads. V*. .t
Home Co-operative Co. .Denied, the Uge^
of the MailsMaintained Minneapo
lis Office for a Time in Temple Court
Local Representative Deceived and.
Lost Money in the Concern.
Another get-rich-quick scheme,
namely the Home Go-operative com
pany, which had offices until recently
at 256 Temple Court, has come to*grief.
A fraud order against the company Was
issued today by the postoffice authori
ties, but it is not ..thought any large
amount of mail will be stopped, as
most of it was forwarded to the head
offices of the company in New Orleans
before the order was issued.
The company operated a building
loan scheme. W. B. Sullivan, president
and treasurer, and John H. Lopin, sec
retary, both of New Orleans, have in
the past, been considered business men
of wealth. They established offices in
twenty-four cities, including Minneap
olis, and St. Paul. A Mr. Jepson was
appointed manager in Minneapolis.
Jepson believed the scheme a good one
and invested several hundred dollars
All contracts were sent to New Orleans haes madeeaand
and practically all business was done
High Prices'' do not make Quality
High Grade Tailors. Seasonable Prices,
$40, $50. Hoffman's Toggery Shops.
Ditches Will Hereafter Be Dug in Ac
cordance With the General Plan
Mapped Out by the Survey, for
Which Legislature Made an Appro
there. Jepson finally became suspicious looking fosr her and hope to have he in
and warned many would-be investors
The new state drai'n'age commission
consisting of the governor, state audit
or, and secretary of state, met today at
the "capitol. The new law was thoroly
ly discussed, and it was decided to cCn*
cluct the work on broader lines than
ever before.
The old system was entirely of a
local nature each ditch, being for the
beWefit solely of a certain locality.
The new system will be for the drain
age of swampy regions into the great
natural drainage channels.
The commission, will meet
p.m. tomorrow, at which time
at 3
if state
engineer will probably be ^elected to
conduct the scientific drainage survey"
in northern Minnesota, authorized by
the legislature.
The commission will have $80,000
available by August, and a like sum
the following year. There is an ap
propriation of $7,000 a year for sur
vey expenses.
Two Local Men to Help Inspect Voting
Professor John Flather, dean of
the mechanical engineering department
at the university, has been appointed to
the state voting machine commission by
Edward T. Young, attorney general.
The governor is to appoint one mem
ber, and these two with the attorney
general will compose the board. I
understood the governor will name
\y. Cappelen of Minneapolis, former
city engineer.
The convention of the Minnesota
branc of the Woman's Board of Mis
sions of the Interior of the--'Congrega-
tional church, held at Pilgrim chnrch
closed this noon. The following officers
were elected: --L,-
President, Miss Margaret ,J, Evans,
Northfield? vice president, Mrs. C.
Sawyer, Minneapolis correspondinr: sec
retary, Mrs. S.WV-Dickenson St. Paul
assistant corresponding secretary, Mrs.~
Harlow Gale, Minneapolis recording
secretary, Miss Gertrude Bust, Minne
apolis assistant recording secretary,
Mrs. Eugene Graham, St.
Paul treas
urer, Mrs. Hiram A. Scfiver auditor,
Mrs. William W. Morse, Minneapolis
secretaries of pledged work, Mrs. W. S.
Wood bridge of Duluth young ladies
and Y. P. S. C. E., Mrs. W. C. A. Wal
ler, Little Falls children's work and
Sunday school, Mrs. Willard W. Morse,
Duluth bureau of exchange and pro
grams, Mrs. Eose B. Dunlap, St. Paul
foreign correspondence, Miss Hannah
M. Griffith, Minneapolis program com
mittee, Mmes. A. W. Wood, F. A. Sum
ner and C. T.. Eickard, Minneapolis.
The next convention will be held at
Montevideo. Personal experiences with
missionary work were given' today by
Mrs. Albrecht from Japan Miss Min
nie Mills, Turkey Mrs. Eichardson of
Minneapolis, but formerly in Turkey,
and Mrs. E. M. Willis of Chicago.
Miss Margaret Evans, in a brief
closing address, found the 'n'ou.religibns
agency for so-called civilization want
ing, if not positively demoralizing. She
said Our great national sin is our
commercialism, and we carry eyery
where the deadeWing, freezing 'influence
of estimating everything by it? money
r'?:- ::&&
order suits equal to others at $50- The
Palace Clothing House Custom Dept.
Veteran Detective Returns to His Toi
/met Post Monday. $?
Joseph W. Lawrence, a veteran Min
neapolis* detective, who walked the
plank in the Ames administration, .will
return to the service May/1. .Since his
departure he has been in Seattle, but
has accepted a place under his former
team-mate, Superintendent Doyle.
Lawrence was on the force for
eighteen years and had an excellent
^pm^n.,of Many Names I Charged
With' Performing a Criminal Opera-
tionIda Johnson Indicted by Grand
Jury, but I Evading the Officers
Prosecution to Be Vigorous.
Mrs. W. E. Begin, better known as
Hannah M. Lund, was brought to trial
today before Judge D.. F. Simpson* for
performing a criminal operation. Her
case is the third of the "baby farm"
prosecutions, two
convictionfsa havintga"
already been secured.a"
baby rm
1432 Fifth street NE. She has been
indicted on a similar charge before.
Mr. Begin sat behind his wife and
discussed with her the merits of the
veniremen. Six jurors were secured
before noon. First Assistant County
Attorney John F. Dabl is trving the
casen for the state and William R. Mor
ris for the defense, i'.:.."-
Ida Joimson Wanted-.
Ida Johnson, one of the busiest of the
local "baby, farm" operators, has
been indicted by the grand jury. She
temporary "getaway but .polic the sheriff'- forc,e" are
soon Count
to wait awhile before they-decided to Smith says that he will extradite the
put in their money. The result was that
many hundred dollars were saved for
Minneapolitans. Finally the company
shut up the local office.
A short time ago Sullivan was in St.
Paul and the postoffice inspectors de
manded an explanation. To avoid 'ar-
rest he agreed t,o sign new contracts.
The offices in St. Paul were closed
shortly. The contracts have now ma
tured, but the investors have not re
Average Number for Each Working
Day of the Entire Year Is 505, More
Than Half of,Them Employed in
Sewer ConstructionTotals Surprise
the .Census Agent....,
Some interesting statistics were taken
from the city by Miss M. C. de Graffen
ried, special agent, of, the census bureau,
who completed her rwork at the city
hall a few days ago.. According to fig
ures prepared 1% B% L. Kingsley, time
keeper for the:' city engineer's force,
there,, were yb%,57& days of common
labor performed under the direction of
the, city engineer,jjpi ,1904. One man
working Sundays, -and holidays would
take ,423 1-3 'yearjs to,, do .the Work.
During the working season ,in this
city, which.is.,.usually about 180 days,
there are frfn^^OM^to^l^QO laborers
iunder,. the city., engineer,' but reduced
to .the "stind^rff. j& of 306 days
adopted.by tJmteu^tates'census bureau
for' purposes of comparison^ the average
number -of. laborers' employed/on public
works'Vwas 505.14 yid&a.
figures do not'
however,daily.". include the
wafermain crews', which will swell the
total by about 50/'"The various depart
ments take the following proportions:
Sewers, 264.42 -paving, 73.16 miscel
laneous, 76.57, and'ward work, 90.98.
The figures we're great surprise'to
Miss de Graffehried. who made an es
timate of ah average of about 70 men,
based oh the relative populations of
Minneapolis with
St.,Paul Duluth and
other cities of the '.country, from which
she had returns. -She would hardly be
lieve that Mr. Kingsley was correct,
but he soon showed the figures to prove
that the average was *|ght.
Steps for the completion of the main
entrance to the city and county build
ing, were taken by the commissioners
at their meeting yesterday afternoon.
To complete" the marble work, insert
the leaded glass windows and roof and
lay the tile floors will cost about
$45,000. The board will sell bonds for
$250,000 on May 16.
Clothing House Laundry work. Col
lars aid cuffs, 1c shirts, 10c vests, 15c.
ta'-' i_
Bernard Finger Who Died Tuesday Had
Led an Active Life.
Bernard Finper died "Tuesday night
at 3537 Eleventh avenue S, "aged 80
years. He was born' in Silesia, Ger
many. In April 1852, he married
Margarethe Arndfe at Davenport, Iowa,
and settled in that city. He enlisted
in 1863, and served as first lieutena'n't
and commissary of the Sixteenth Ili
nois cavahy.
In 1888, he moved to South Heart,
N. D his home until three years ago.
He is survived by his wife 'and seven
children, Rudolph, Edgar and Mrs. C.
Z. Angell of South- Heart, N D.
Eugene of St. Paul, and Gustave, Julia
and-Joanna-of-this city. Funeral from
Holy Rosary church at 9 a.m., Friday.
Interment at St, Mary's.
Council Committee cHars Opinions on
the Kiosk Ian.
The special committee of the council
to consider the proposition to establish
kiosks on down-town streets met this
I is generally conceded that such in
stitutions where newspapers and postal
supplies could be purchased, informa
tion given, telephones supplied, etc.,
would be a great convenience, but there
is objection, from n&wsxlealers and other
merchants with whom the kiosks would
compete. I is understood the city at
torney holds that the council has no
authority to grant such a franchise.
'Omaha and Des Moines Limited"
Trains leave St. Paul daily at p.m.
via the Minneapoli8t&Sl?.Lduis,8:35
woman no matter where she is found.
The evidence given to the inquisitors
relative to the methods of Miss Johnson
made them open -their, eyes with aston
Julius Pretzel, -the man responsible
for the trouble of the complaining wit
ness in the Johnson case, was arrested
at Cloquet, Minn'., Wednesday evening.
He was brought to Minneapolis and pre
vailed upon to tell the whole story im
plicating Miss Johnson. Pretzel has
been released on his own recognizance,
but will be ready to testify when the
Johnson woman is arrested and brought
to trial.
Omaha the follow"jB$ morning at 8:05
a/mV, DJBS Moines 7:45 a.m. Through
Pullman Sleepers and Buffet Library
Car service. Direct connections in
Union Depots for points south and
Call on G. Eickel, City' Ticket
Agent, 424 Nicollet Ave.
We repair tritch 'and gravel roofs
Carey Roofing" after ten years' service
perfectly sound and water tight. See
W. S. Nott Co., Tel, ^gjgggjj
Minnesota lumbermen are not fright
ened over the prospective suit which, it
is reported, E. A. Munson of Michigan
threatens for alleged infringement of,
a patented process for prevention of
stain in lumber. They are not inter
ested because they do not use the sys
M. J. Scanlon said today that he had
heard of the process, but that it was
not used in Minnesota because the only
lumber affected.was "clear saps," and
that was a very small proportion of the
cut in this state. For this reason no
lumberman has felt justified in put
ting up a plant for sprinkling or dip
ping to prevent stain.
A Marquette, Mich., dispatch re
ports that fully half of the lumber
manufacturing companies, operating in
northern Michigan, Wisconsin and Min
nesota have damage suits in prospect
for alleged infringenient.
In early lumbering Bays it Was con
sid'ered a*'Waste of time to savfe lumber
from stain. The situation is different
now and manufacturers appreciate the
value of experiments to save the stain
losses. Hall & Munson of Bay Mills
discovered what they considered a so
lution of the problem. The sap boards
cals. dipped in a vat containing chemi
cals. The operation was continued until
the firm .went out of business a year
ago. Mr! Munson secured a patent and
sold the right to use the dip. The
threatened suits are expected to be
brought against firms employing the
sprinkling process or in other ways
evading the Munson process.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller have just
returned from, a prolonged sojourn in
Cuba and the Isle of Pines. When
seen today Mr. Miller said:
"More than 15,000 Americans vis
ited the island the past winter,
among them a number from Min
neapolis. Havana is one of the clean
est cities I have ever seen, and the
climate is glorious. There is but one
drawbackthe lack Of first-class
"Not only Havana but the whole
island seems to be in a flourishing con
dition. The chief products are sugar
and tobacco, but lately Americans have
bought land in the interior and are
raising oranges. The Cubans are
withdrawing their lands from the mar
ket and are beginning to cultivate it
themselves. The better class of Cubans
appear to be satisfied with existing con
ditions and treat the Americans with
great kindness."
Funeral Services for Cyrus A. White
Held Today.
The funeral services of the late Cyrus
A. White, whose death occurred in Salt
Lake City, Easter morning, took place
this afternoon at the First Baptist
church, where for many years he had
been a member and held the office of
deacon. Bev. W. B. Biley preached the
Mr. White was a man of sterling
worth and unimpeachable character
with unwaverfeig faith and a sweet,
sunny nature. For twenty-four years
he has" been a real estate dealer in Min
neapolis. To many he has always
been kn'own as Dr. White, having prac
ticed dentistry a number of years in
Winona. There he was for some time
choirmaster in the Baptist church, pos
sessing a fine tenor voice.
Mr. White moved to La Crosse, where
he went into milling. He built the
White & Lietman mill of La Crosse and
also operated mills in Hokah, Minn., and
Laneing, Iowa.
Mr. White was born in Barnston,
Canada East, Sept. 14, 1835, and on
Oct. 15, 1873, married Eliza Anna Shel
don of Massachusetts. They had three
children, Frederick A., who dind Oct. 21,
1901 Annabel, and Chester S., who was
with his father in his last illness*
Unlike other prepared roofings, Carey
Boofing cannot be cheapened tofita
price. Once a... Garye's, always a
Carey's. See W. S.Nott Co., TeL 376.
The Bock Island Limited
Runs daily- between Minneapolis and
Chicago, Bock Island, Davenport, Bur
lington a'n'd St. Louis. Pullman sleep
ing cars, chair cars and dining cars.
Leaves (Milwaukee depot)} at 7:30
p.m. Office 322 Nicollet avenue, A. L.
Steece, City Passenger Agent.
It will pay you to see us. We have
the best styles and largest assort
ment in the two cities. All the new
things in Tan, Patent Leather and
White Linen. All prices.
307 Nicollet Avenue.
Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pa
cific road, attended the funeral today of Judge
A. M. Thayer of the federal bench at St. Louis.
He will return Saturday.
The doubletraek work on the Great Northern
line from the head of the lakes to Hlbbin^
has been completed with the laying of a s,eveu-
so prosperous. Washington
ing fine and big crops are expected. Xhejarge
a Bumme resort "by tb passenger depart
ment of the road.
LEAVE YOUR ORDER for a spring
suit. $50 values, $35 to order. The
Palace Clothing House Custom Dept.
mile Btretch from the state line to Carlton. N.v, Jl~^~4- ~A +U~ I
the street car company and the police'
C. M. Levy of Tacoma, assistant to the pres- ,ia_,__*._,_+ in ,f,^ U.o+^
ident of the Northern Pacific road, is in St. department Will co-operate With the
Paul. He says conditions in the west were^health inspectors in arresting violators
nevers whe.^tisison.
A Good Umbrella is worth several CoversCosts little.
Umbrellas Repaired
Some people with a big heart look on their umbrella as an
old friendthe grip of the handle feels goodthey remem
ber the grip of this old friend in early days, and they hang
on to it. If it needs anew cover or a rib or a frame, bring
it to Gamossi's. Some people carry an umbrella for years
to give it up would be like giving up their best chum. A
good silk or gloria cover costs less than anew umbrellawe
make old umbrellas overeither as good, or better than new
in our own umbrella factory on the Rot TO ^fcES
premises. Covers range in price from I
Violators of Ordinance to Be Haled Into
Another campaign against the street
sp itter is to be started at once, and
TOUt, +w-
look- 7 of the ordinance. N arrests have been
thajate thoer
town are booming and much building
The first low rate Great Western excursion,!m .i a na-Mi
will take place May 14. A special will leave i
a spittertmonths,
ar almos as Di
Oelwein early in the morning, arriving in Min- i ever, particularly on the rear platforms,sa
neapolis before noon. Intermediate stops will Superintendent Doyle says that the
be made. The twin citiese are to be boomed- I li will be instructed to arrest every
person tney find spitting in. the street
BEST SERVICEPalace Clothing
House Laundry. Vests 15c, waists 15c up.
Charges for Repairs are
very little at Gamossi's.
Umbrellas and Gloves.
The Leading Clothing Outfitting HouseEstablished 1882.
T&nlarged Second Floor for WomenThree Elevators.
Main Floor for Men and BoysBasement Salesroom for Everybody.
NOTICE Our New Nicollet Avenue Elevator, next cor
ner entrance, reaches the second floor every few seconds.
Bulletin of Bargains
Second Floor.'
The following list of bargains will be found in our new
Haberdashery Section on Second Floor. Friday onlyeach
and every item is matchless,m its class.
50c Lisle Thread Hosiery, 19c.
50c and 75c Silk and Leather Belts, 25c.
Lisle Thread Vests, Lace Yokes, 25c.
Women's 25c Turnover Collars, 10c.
Shopping Bags, $2.50 quality, $1.50.
Shopping Bags, $1.75 quality, 95c.
$1.00 Linen Collar and Cuff Sets, 50c.
$3.00 Large Lace Collars, $1.75.
Discontinued Models Corsets, Half Price.
,'j- $1.50 Kid Gloves, 95c.
$1.50 Silk Hosiery, 95c
The Great Plymouth Clothing^Ho'i
\e, Nicollet and Sixth'
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