-U HARMAN QUITS% THE EQUITABLE Frick Report RejectedExecutive Board to ReorganizeRe- quest of Hyde. New York, June 3.Disputed claims of victorv by the conflicting factions in the Equitable Life Assurance socie ty and an apparent readjustment of in terests, marked the meetings of the di rectors of the society held to pass on the Frick report. The only positive results of the meet ing of which official announcement was made was the rejectment of the Frick report by a large majority, the resig nation of Mr. Frick, Mr. Bliss and Mr. Harriman from the board of directors and the passage of the resolutions em bodied in the following statement given out by the board of directors after the final adjournment: The board, after full consideration and after replies on their own behalf to com mittee by President Alexander, Vice Pres ident Alexander, Vice President Tarbell, on motion of Mr. Schiff adopted the fol lowing resolutionse That a chairman of the board be cre ated with plenary powers over all de partments and affairs of the society. Name Nominating Committee. That a nominating committee consist ing of D. O. Mills, John A. Stewart, A. I Cassatt, T. Jefferson Coolidge, Augu s tus Belmont, J. B. Forg an and Robert T. Lincoln, be requested to report, at a meeting of the board to be called on Wednesday next, a candidate for chair man. That at the meeting the executive board be reorganized and that appro priate amendments to the by-laws should be prepared for submission to that meet ing for the purpose of carryings out these resoltions. That Mr. James EOazen Hyde be re quested within thee months to divest himself of the control of the stock of the Eociety on such terms and conditions as shall be satisfactory. Hyde Turns on Foes. The Post's report of the Equitable meeting contains the following: "Mr. Hyde was on his feet fully an hour and attacked those who had made allegations against him with the utmost bitterness. He named in particular E. H. Harriman and made him the object of the most violent of his utterances. It was also recalled in connection with Mr. Hyde's attack on Mr. Merriman today, that the young vice president had declared at last Wednesday's meet ing of the directorate, that he he had been betrayed by his friends. Mr. Alexander's defense did not deal in personalities. He declared that the report of the Frick committee fell short, particularly in that it did not deal with the question of mutualiza tion. He declared that the alleged waste and extravagance in .the manage ment of the societv's affairs and in the conduct of his office were results of the system and one-man-power control of the societv's affairs. "From two distinct sources the re- fhat iort came to the Evening Post today E. H. Harriman had made an offer to Mr. Hyde for the latter's stock in the Equitable since the report of Frick committee was made on last Wednes day. Efforts to verify these reports we're unsuecessful. Neither Mr. Hyde's friends nor Mr. Alexander's would dis cuss them." LA CROSSE, WIS.The state convention of the Universalists of Wisconsin will be held in this city June 26, 27 and 28. Among the speakers will be Rev. M. D. Shutter of Min neapolis. Telephone: N.W.Alain 352-J. 1 Vi WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Principal office. New York City. (Organised In 1837.) George B. Crawford, president Mo rell Q. Brown, secretary. Attorney to accept ser vice in Minnesota: Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, S3-)0,0O0. INCOME IN 1904. Premiums other than perpetuals.. $2,028,040.52 Bents and interest 122,443.28 Profit on ledger assets over book values 60,726.84 Total incomo $2,211,210.64 DISBURSEMENTS' IN 1904 Amount paid for lc&ses $1,296,085.99 I Dividends and interest 160,000.00 'Commissions and brokerage 412,889.40 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 129,596.54 Taxes, fees and rents 71,344.80 All other disbursements 241,786.89 Total disbursements $2,211,203.62 Excess of income over dluourse ments 7.02 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1004. Value of real estate owned $56,976.17 Mortgage loans 823,200.00 Bonds and stocks owned 2,851,650.00 Cash in office and in bank 99,962.25 Accrued interest and rents 24,582.00 Premiums in course of collection.. 280,101.02 Total admitted assets $3,638,471.44 Assets not admitted. $14,104.01. LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1904. Unpaid losses and claims $153,849.40 Reinsurance reserve 1,746,038.77 Salaries, expenses, dividends and interest due 14,034.24 All other liabilities 80,169.90 Capital stock paid up 300,000.00 Total liabilities, including cap ital $2,248,587.31 Net surplus 1.892,884.13 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1904 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the year $252,490,680.00 Premiums received thereon 2,711,390.58 Net amount in force at end of the year 836,655,331.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1904 $2,389,212.00 82,578.54 20,239.52 19,524.89 406,059.00 2,252.58 2,745,271.00 84,826.12 20,239.52 19,524.89 Fire risks written jS-Ns* Fire premiums received ffifi Fire losses paid ^j/',. Fire losses incurred jtL*j Tornado ^isks written gsto Tornado-epremium'swritten received.. Aggregat risks Aggregate premiums received ^Aggregate losses paid ys Aggregate losses incurred.... -$ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ..n 9k Department of Insurance. J^ Whereas, the Westchester Fire Disurance Com ugfft pany. a corporation organized under the laws ir:~ of New York, has fully compliedrelativethte The Bisbee easily distanced all of the forty competitors in the Memorial Day motor boat race at Minnetonka. Sh covered the fifteen-mile course in the new record time of one hour, eight min utes and nineteen seconds, or forty-one seconds better time than was made by the Buster Boy last season. Both boats were made in St. Paul and were run by asolene engines made in Minneapolis. lhe MICHIGAN'S COPPER NEWELL S. HEAD FRED S. HEAD THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. Principal office, Philadelphia, Pa. (Organized in 1829.) James W. Mc Allister, president B. T. Cressin, secre tary. Attorney to accept service in Minnesota: Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, $400,000. INCOME IN 1904. Premiums other than perpetuals.. $761,401.46 Premiums on perpetual risks 5,759.02 Rents and interest 119,438.60 Erom all other sources 1,275.50 Total income Reclaimable on perpetual policies Salaries, expenses, dividends and interest due Commissions and brokerage with pro-under ision of the laws of this state the %\S admission and authorization of insurance compa- *t! nies of its class, ISsJ Now, therefore,oI,Minnesota, the undersigned, jggg Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorise gjJ* the saidt above named company to transact its %& appropriate business of fire and tornado insur- &2f Stat nc accordinInsurance to the %y laws thereof, until the thirty-first day of Jan uary, A. D. 1906, unless said authority be re yoked or otherwise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixod my official seal at. St. Paul tbJfl 31st day of January, A. D, 1905. ^THOMAS D. A'SBXBN,. 1. Insurance Commissioner* Z3 THE^FIRST OF |THE AUTO BOATSij|?14 t^||MJ ^.w't:'-: ^APPEARS O N THE BISBEE, WHICH WO N THE MEMORIAL DAY RACE Max W Matteson of the Globe Iron Works Giving the Boat a Trial Run "for He Owner, Richard Schall of DuluthShe Was Running 15 Miles an Hour When This Was Taken. Bisbee is a 27-foo launch with a four-cylinder 20-horse engine and wasnieska. THE ANNANDALE BASEBALL TEAM WHICH IS MAKING A SPLENDID RECORD THIS SEASON. The Production for the Year Is 208,- 329,000 Pounds. HOUGHTON MICH.The actual fig ures of production of Lake Superior copper vary less than 80,000 pounds from the estimate for the year given Top Row, Commencing at LeftJ. Bartholomew, J. Walters, M. Davis, E. Kertz, F. Nelson. Second RowR. Co field, H. Sano, H. Cofield, captain E. Rudolph, J. B. Dally, manager C. Anderson, B. Thayer. built for Richard Schall of Duluth. Max W. Matteson, who ran the boat, is now building a 40-foot launch to carry 75-horsepower and expects to cut the waters of Minnetonka early in July at from twenty to twenty-four miles an hour. The Widgeon made the course from scratch in one hour twenty-two minutes and fifty-one seconds, while the third best time was one hour forty-qne min utes thirty-seven seconds by SUCCESSORS TO N. S. HEAD & SON 209.210 PHOENIX BUILDING We Write at Lowest Rates Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass, Automobile, and Marine, Insurance Minneapolis Agents for Following- Companies: income $887,874.5& DISBURSEMENTS IN 1904. Amount paid for losses $549,012,26 Dividends and interest 79,430.00 Commissions and brokerage 185,506.41 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 35,235.75 Taxes, fees and rents 26,563.72 Loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets 9,628.59 All other disbursements 129,037.70 Excess of disbursements over ln- $1,014,414.43 126.539.85 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1904. Value of real estate owned $228,000.00 Mortgage loans 80,548.00 Bonds and stocks owned 2,477,130.00 Accrued interest and rents 1,208.22 Premiums in course of collection..-.. 122,445.93 Total admitted assets $3,029,092.46 LIABILITIES' DEC. 81, 1904. Unpaid losses and claims $69,741.26 907,116.18 570.00 29,491.32 400,000.00 Total liabilities, including cap ital $2,103,904.46 Net surplus $925,188.00 RISKS AND PREMIUMS, 1904 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the year $75,210,432.00 Premiums received thereon 970,993.52 Net amount in force at end of the year 111,344,184.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1904. Fire risks written I $2,012,586.27 Fire premiums received Fire losses-paid Fire losses incurred 38,413.91 16,185.43 22,119.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whereas. The Franklin Fire Insurance Com pany of Philadelphia, a corporation organized the laws of Pennsylvania, has fully com plied with the provisions of the laws of this state relative to the -admission and-authorization' of Insurance companies of its class. Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner, do .hereby empower and authorize the said above-named company to transact its appropriate business of fire insurance in the state of Minnesota, according to the laws there of, until the thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1906, unless said acthority be revoked OB other wise, legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my' hand and. affixed my official seal at St. Paul this 31st day of January, A.,D. 1905.,, .o,v /THOM'ASI,.XO!BRI3S}N. Insurance Commissioner, (the, in this correspondence on Jan aevtual output for the-" FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY.Principal office, Jersey City, N. J. (Organized in 1901.) Percy Chubb, president Max Grundner, sec retary. Attorney to accept service in Minne sota, Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, $500,000. INCOME IN 1904. Premiums other than perpetuals... $1,085,618.23 Bents and interest 64,648.67 Profit on ledger assets over book, values 464.44 From 611 other sources 2,469.46 "Total income $1,153,200.80 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1904. Amount paid for loss.es $468,164.27 Dividends and interest 50,000.00 Commissions and brokerage ,,221,685.14 Salaries and fees of officers, agents and employees 53,907.04 Taxes, fees ana rents 27,275.46 All other disbursements 29,867.29 ^Total disbursements Excess of income over disburse ments ASSETS DEC. SI, 1904. Mortgage loans Bonds and stock? owned....' Cash-in office and in bank Accrued interest and rents Premiums in course o'f collection. All' other admitted as&ets Saturday Evening, SS8S*#&&^^ "THE-MINNEAPOLIS "JOURNALS June 3, 1905. IIAKE MINNETONKA -Photos by Sumner W. Matteson. Min- thre calendar1,- 'jrea being 208,329,000 pounds of fine cop per. This leayes a g^p of about 4,000,- 000 pounds only between Michigan, and Arizona, and there was every reason, to anticipate that Arizona would displace Michigan and rank second only to Mon tana as a copper producer, until the re- $850,899.20 302,301.60 Total admitted assets $2,051,576.10 Assets not admitted, $43,040.67. LIABILITIES DEO. 31, 1904. Unpaid losses and claims.. $285,941.19 Reinsurance reserve -'320,427.1 Salaries, expenses, dividends and interest due 21,500.00 Commission and brokerage 21,001.24 Special contingent reserve 175,000.00 All other liabilities 34,321'.24 Capital stoc-is paid up, 500,000.00 Total liabilities, including cap ital $1,308,190.84 Net surplus 743,385.26 RISKS AND PREMIUMS. 1904 BUSINESS. Fire risks written during the ^year $34,363,188.00 Premiums received thereon 452,549.46 Marine and inland risks written during the year 567,128,770.00 Premiums received thereon 1,808 397 2 Net amount in force at end i9f ea $65,731,430.00 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1904 Fire risks writtereceived.... Fir premiums Fire losses paid Fire losses incurred $1,232,950.00 STATE OF MINNESOTA. --.u" H'"' -14,177.38 626.76 5,604.76 "'r" d" Department of Insurance. 4 frt ,A Whereas, the Federal Insii/ance'Company a corporation organized under the laws of New Jersey. Has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this state, relative to the" ad mission and authorization of Insurance companies of its class, Now, therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance' Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above named company to transact its appropriate business of fire insurance in the State of Minnesota, according to the laws there of, until the 'thirty-firsrt day of January', A 1906, unless saidf authority be'revoked or other wise legally terminated prior thereto. In, whereof, I have hereunto "set afl xed J11 7 atestimony, 2 S? official seal at*:St ON BOARD THE BISBEE. Those in the Boat Are Richard Schall, the Owner*. Max Matteson, Who Held the Wheel Wood of Duluth, Who San the Engine Dingle, Who Built the Hull. Before the races the Bisbee amused itself by circling about the other boats like a fly about a horse's head, and she finished the race fifteen minutes ahead of all, despite a handicap of forty-five minutes taken by the first boats off. cent accident at the United Verde mine. If this mishap proves as serious as stated in the press dispatches, the mine will be out of commission for a year or two, in which case Arizona will de crease slightly in net production for the year. HENOMONIE, WIS.The trial of three men charged with attempting to enter the Knapp postoffice was held before Judge Florin. There was not sufficient evidence and they were dis charged. A Bilious Attack Sick at stomach Nauseated Food won't digest Lassitude Dullness Try a bottle of Red Raven This aperient water re moves the bile from the sys tem, settles the stomach and is a sure cure for biliousness For sale everywhere Price 15c JOHN F. SCHURCH Telephone: Twin City, 2559. ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANYPrincipal Office, Philadelphia, Pa. (Organized in 1904.) Charles Piatt, President. Henry W. Farnum, Secretary. Attorney to accept service in Minne sota: Insurance Commissioner. Cash capital, $500,000. INCOME IN 1904. ,Rents and interest $1,446.71 Total income DISBURSEMENTS IN 1904. Taxes, fees and rents All other disbursements Total disDursements Excess of disbursements over in- come... $30,000.00 1,366,423.39 4dO,854.81 15,421.21 238,206.08 610.61 Total liabilities including capi- 0 tal $500,000.00 Net surplus 500,585.34 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Department of Insurance. Whtreas. the Alliance Insurance' company, a corporation organized under the laws of Penn sylvania, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this Btate.''relative to the ad mission'and authorization of Insurance com panies of Its class. Now. therefore, I, the undersigned, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above named company to transact its appropriate business of fire insurance in the State of Minnesota, according to the laws there of, until the 81st day of January, A. D. 1906, unless said authority be revoked or otherwise legally terminated prior thereto. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul, IhlslOtb, day'of April A. D. i006.. STATEMENT of the condition of the GERMAN AMERICAN BANK of Minneapolis, MinnTTat the close of business on May 29, 1905: "..RESOURCES. Loans and discounts soi a OAA 1 Overdrafts "fsld34 Total Undivided profits, "net Deposits subject to' mv^nds'nnVaw.-.::::: de Expenses and taxes paid Checks and other cash items... Exchanges for clearing house...! Notes of other national banks.. Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. Lawful money reserve in bank, Specie ^J'i^i Legal-tender notes 7,000 Redemption fund States treasurer of circulation) $1,446.71 $1,876.17 6,334.45 $8,210.62 8,763.91 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1904. Bonds and stocks owned Cash in office and in bank $830,475.75 170,109.59 Total admitted assets $1,000,585.34 LIABILITIES DEC. 31, 1904. Capital stock paid up $500,000.00 Total.. TKOMAS D. O'-BRIBK, *i Insurance Commissioner^ STATE OF MINNESOTA,' County of Hennepinss: 4.15 U. S. bonds* and other' bonds.'.'.'/.'.'.'.' 105 845"3 Furniture and fixtures H'SI "TO Banking 8,041.76 Other ronllhouse otte Othe rea estat Cash on hand and due from banks! 000.0 0 10,000.00 240,963.23 .$1,213,272.96 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Surplus fund idi i58,1 P CTUIit# 4 sl -i1 5 425,703.4^ 8 Total deposits. Total f He nn sPln. K *i A- .$1,045,928.11 ..$1,213,272.96 ss ^ross-, presi Sent' ^"fnly m-u u,, mentis true tb of my knowledge and count* s.*ot^Sfr. Charles Gluek, Henry Doerr, Directors. npois, Mtan close oTTutSVV yM 190-*" jw# Ca 1l npolis Minn. at close ofTutS *a nne Superintendent. j* Date of callV by Sbperlntende i Date of report by Bank, May 1VVC. Date of rennrrf hv Rm.L- T 99 -non RESOURCES. Loan and discounts Overdrafts Other bonds, stocks and'securities Hanking house, furniture and fix .tures Other real estate.!!!!!*"!!*'""" Due from banks .$130,073.22 Checks and cash items. 515.46 Exchanges for clearing bouse 31,393.10 Currency $21,646.00 Gold 1,510.00 Silver 1,220.45 Fractional 363.S0 fift M1 ?260 1 3 12,700.0 0 1,500.00 12,500.00 24.740.25 Total available assets..$186,722.03 186,722.03 Total.. $474,523.56 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Surplus fund _. Undivided profits, net Deposits subject to check $328,981.48 Certified checks 300.00 Cashier's checks 7,080.44 Due banks $60,000.00 6,000.00 y7,126.09 8,565.1 0 Total Immediate liabil ities $344,927.02 Time certificates 56,470.45 Total deposits $401,397.47 401,397.47 Total. $474,523.56 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. I, C. E. Cotton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. E. COTTON, Cashier., Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of June, 1905. H. D. DAVIS, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. Attest: Wallace Campbell, Geo. J. Sherer, Directora. REPORT of the Condition of THE MINNESOTA NATIONAL BANK, at Minneapolis, In the State of Minnesota, at .the close of business, May 29, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $383,516.75 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured United States bonds to secure circulation Premiums on United States bonds. Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fix tures Due from national banks (not reserve agents) Due from state banks and bank- 50,000.00 4,940.00 3,555.00 STATEMENT of the Condition of SECURITY BANE OF MINNESOTA, at Minneapolis, Minn., at close of business on May 29, 1905. Date of call by superintendent, May 29, 1905.Checks Date of report by bank, May 29, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $8,132,602.24 Overdrafts 7,890.60 United States and other bonds, stocks and securities 142,677.39 Real estate 59,692.51 Due from banks $1,383,199.59 Checks and cash items 11,124.95 Exchanges for clearing house 397,725.26 Currency ..$217,001.00 Gold 599,275.00 Silver 65,711.00 Fractional 14,808.68 896,795.68 Total immediate assets .$2,688,845.48 Currency Gold Silver Fractional 3,938.56 23,824.89 48,351.00 with United (5 per cent To 2,500.00 tal $564,559.49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $200,000.00 Surplus fund 2,083.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 6,519-00 National bank notes outstanding. 49,995.00 Due to other national banks 8,380.87 Due to state banks and bankers. 92,029.26 Individual deposits subject to check 193,788.45 Demand certificates of deposit... 8,251.64. Certified checks 55H $11,031,708.22 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus fund 350,000.00 Undivided profits, net 282,991.78 Dividends unpaid $370.50 Deposits subject to check 5.759,612.79 Certified checks 47,474.14 Cashier's checks 177,534.14 Due banks 2,916,201.92 Total immediate liabilities 8,901,193.49 Time certificates 497,522.95 Total deposits ...$9,398,716.44 9,398,716.44 Total.. ,.$11,031,70S.22 4-"- I, J. S. Pomeroy, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. S. POMEROY, Cashier. Attest: Louis K. Hull, r*..*... ~-\iH. C. Akeley, !C. C. Webber. *'**:-v.^ gfP^lf?PPI8if |ANK STATEMENTS O ^MINNEAPOLIS The Financial Center of the Northwest. STATEMENT of the condition of HENNEPIN COUNTY SAVINGS BANK, at Minneapolis, Minn., at the close of business on the 29th day of May, 1905: RESOURCES. United States bonds $100,000.00 Municipal bonds 1,217,469.75 Massachusetts state gold bonds 50,000.00 Premium on bonds 28.481.83 Mortgage loans 926,708.05 Loans and discounts 1,031,309.30 Overdrafts 2,196.63 Furniture and fixtures 100.00 Real estate 25,103.91 Cash on hand and due from banks. Total $100,000.00 50,000.00 17,344.85 1557 5 Demand certificates... I2mft9 Certified checks...! 2 686m Cashier's checks.... 18866 82 Due to banks 28v Time certificates or LIABILITIES. Capital stock $100,000.60 Surplus 60,000.00 Undivided profits 8,430.78 Deposits 8,505,743.89 Total $3,674,174.67 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepin, ss. I, W. H. Lee, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. LEE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of June. 1905. W. H. BARBER, [Notorial Seal.] Notary Public. REPORT of the condition of THE SWEDISH AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, at Minneapo lis, in the Sta+e of Minnesota, at the close of business. May 29, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $2,140,850.52 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 3,393.40 U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. 250,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 7,500.00 Bonds, securities, etc 160,791.98 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) $151,220.51 Due from state banks and bankers 166,139.90 Due from approved re serve agents 760,518.54 Checks and other cash items 4,443.34 Exchanges for clearing house 157,862.30 Notes of other national banks 2,000.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickel3 and cents 838.90 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie 122.725.30 Legal tender notes 83,614.00 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).. 1,863.38 .$14,692.00 3,135.00 1,968.65 864.44 Total available assets.. .$121,754.78 Other resources 24,603.73 11,172.64 204.71 5,218.38 845.00 25.45 Total immediate lia bilities $246,434.04 Time certificates 67,720.29 8 Cashier's checks outstanding.... 2,560.50 Total. $564,559.49 STATE OF MINNESOTA, Countv of Hennepin, ss: I, H. G. Merritt, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. G. MERRITT, Cashier. CorrectAttest: Joseph W. Molyneaux, John McCulloch, F. L. Williams, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st dav of June, 1905. [Notarial Seal.] GEO. V. B. HILL, Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota. e5ts hiv6^se W^^^M^^^^W'^W^^^^^VPS ^f ri V, 20,660.09 Total deposits .,....$314,154.33 314,154.33 Total.. $395,073.30 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. I, A. A. McRae, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. A. McRAE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of June, 1905. OLAF N. OLSEN, [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. Attest: A. M. Woodward, J. D. Holtzermann, Directors. REPORT of the condition of THE FIRST NA- TIONAL BANK, at Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota, at the close of business. May 29, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $10,053,824.08 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 25,346.88 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 875,000.00 U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 175,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc 418,715 00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents) $754,598.37 Due from state banks and bankers 278,430.88 Due from approved re serve agents 1,488,161.4ft and other cash items 68,813.00 Exchanges for clear ing house 410,004.35 Notes of other national banks 12,500.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and 1,444.40 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie 702.423.00 Legal tender notes.. 106,460.00 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).. Total i A 2,688,845.48 11,5913 Cashier's checks out-'^69,676.12 rr 8,lan,dl S 1 United States deposits. ^129.002.89 Deposits of U. SV dis- W^ burelng officers ....1345,569.47 Bonds borrowed Total- STATE OF MINNESOTA. County of i A Subscribed and BWOTO to before me this 1st day of June, 1905. BERNICE FELTON, Notary Public. (Notarial Seal.) It was true yesterday, it is true $ today, it will be true tomorrow that a Journal want ad will "d $ $ the business'* all over the north west. Only 2c a word. FHennepinsss. ,V2f*e* ,v: ^ne 'i m^i STATEMENT of the Condition of ST. Exchanges for clearing house Currency Gold Silver Fractional.. 292,805.20 $3,674,174.67 .$30,356.00 28,915.00 2,640.00 2,135.03 a T905 (Notarfa?AS^.)W" 1,441,362.79 "12,500.00 Total $4,016,898.69 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $250,000.00 Surplus fund 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 46,735.81 National bank notes outstanding... 240,050.00' Due to other national banks $424,597.56 Due to state banks and bankers 436,165.84 Due to approved reserve agents 56,660.62 Dividends unpaid 30.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 1,959,957.79 Demand certificates of deposit 888,699.31 Certified checks 81,863.72 Cashier's checks out standing 132,638.04 3,379.612.88 Total $4,016,398.69 STATE OF MINNESOTA. County of Hennepinss. I, F. A. Smith, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and F. A. SMITH, belief. !,_ Cashier. and' sworn to befor.eNELSONs daSubscribed, of June 1905 [Notarial Seal.] CorrectAttest: C. S. Hulbert, C. M. Amsden, N. O. Werner, Directors, me thi 2d OLI Notary Public. STATEMENT of the condition of SOUTH SIDE STATE BANK at Minneapolis, Minn., at close of business on May 29, 1905.. Date of call by Superintendent, June 1, 1905. Date of report by Bank, June 2, 1905. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $246,838.S2 Other bonds, stocks and securities. Banking house, furniture and fix tures Due from banks $69,406.19 Exchanges for clearing house 31,688.50 10,000.00 11,500.00 U. S. Bonds borrowed Total 121.754.78 4,979.70 Total $395,073.30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $50,000.00 Surplus fund 30,000.00 Undivided profits, net 018.97 Deposits subject to check.$162,451.23 Certified checks 1,991.54 Cashier's checks 4,591.54 Due banks 77,399.73 3,822,837.45 43.750.00 .$15,414,478.41 LIABILITIES. Capita, stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes, outstanding* Due to other national banks ...$2,807,520.04 Due to state banks and bankers 1,576,097.17 Due to trust companies and savings banks... 174,612.50 Dividends unpaid 88 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 5,308,813.65 Demand certificates of deposit 714,826.17 Certified checks .-5 $2,000,000.00 1,400,000.00 Total 127,781.10 847,995.00 10, 697.22 ..$15,414,473.41 tt* bore-named J.^ iJ nf' iof,!?2em^1t7,.e" to SS& .."^.-"i'l Igowledge and W be, above state- be belief. &&-~l!jfcj$ O^ORGE V ORDE, Subscribed^ mkti to before mfftif3d [Notarial- Seal.] v""~ CorrectAttest: K* rK E. PennlngtoriT" ?$ Albert C. Lorins, George C. BagTey, Directors. 'i AN-1r- THONY FALLS BANK, at Minneapolis, atP close of business on May 29, 1905. Date ot call by superintendent, May 29. Date of reports* by bank, June 2. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts,,. $884,358 93 Overdrafts 1,049.76 Other bonds 104,731.21 Banking house, furniture and fix tures 40,000.00'- Due from banks $81,795.96 Checks and cash Items. 27,501.65 31,086.0? 64,046.03 Total available assets $204,429.71 204,429.71 Total.... $1,234,569.61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $125,000.00 Surplus fund 72 500 00 Undivided profits, net in 777'2 Deposits subject to check Demand certificates... Certified checks Cashier's checks Due banks $745,255.93 10,836.04 3,738.02 1,872.09 84,765.24 Total Immediate liabilities $796,467.32 Time certificates 229,824.67 Total deposits $1,026,291.99 Tota 1,026,291.99 .j^.... $1,234,569.61 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss: I, Joseph E. Ware, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOSEPH E. WARE, CasaierT Attest: Hiram A. Serlver, W. P. Washburnn, Directors.rOW do| STEE Nota the stflt^f J?NAX\BAjarc. at Minneapolis, in tte a May 29, 19^ eS RESOURCES. Loans and discounts S7 Overdrafts and unsecured 8867T IT' ^S?dlssecureedu circulation.. 250,00o'.0aR324937 0 ser S bond to secure C. S. de- XLi. bonds"on'hand".*. "J'K Stocks, securities, etc 497 12581 Banking house, furniture and fix tures Due from national banks" (not reserve agents). .$767,17702 Due from state banks and bankers 51,742.43 Due from approved re erve agents 814,251.79 Checks8 and other cash ^f111 250,000.00 13,558.88 Exchanges for cleartng- house 431,684.14 Notes of other national banks 69,690.00 Fractional paper curren cy, nickels and cents 78.57 Lawful Money Reserve in bank, viz: 'PecIe 485,73955 Legal tender notes 227,000.00 ._ 2,850,917.18 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) 12,500 00 Due from U. &'. treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund 29 122.00 Total .$11,360,795.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $1,000,000.00 Surplus fund 500,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding... Due to other national banks $2,470,757.31 Due to state banks and bankers 1,468,406.38 Due to trust companies and savings banks... 242,879.98 Dividends unpaid 382.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 4,587,527.70 Demand certificates of deposit 465.251.97 Certified checks 11,787.92 Cashier's checks out standing 6S.152.57 United States deposits 6S.000.00 212.649.75 250,000.00 9.383.145.87 15,000.00 ....$11,360,795.63 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. I, Joseph Chapman, Jr., cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOSEPH CHAPMAN, JR.. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of June. 1905. [Notarial Seal.] CorrectAttest: G. W. Van Dusen, E. S. Woodworth, E, C. Cooke, Directors. I. BELDEN. Notary PubU ~'L REPORT of the condition of the NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, at Minneapolis, in the stale of Minnesota, at the close of business May 29, 1905: RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts $4,982,569.27 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 10,257.01 U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. 200,000.01 Bonds, securities, etc 43,000.00 Banking house, furniture and fix tures 275,000.00 Due from national banks (not reserve agents).. .$313,740.92 Due from state banks and bankers 216,072.61 Due from approved re serve agents 983,779.31 Cheeks and other cash items 27,031.91 Exchanges for clearing house 306,292.59 Notes of other national banks 18,583.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 4,082.32 Lawful money reserve in bank. viz. Specie 554,421.00 Legal-tender notes 95,686.00 2,519,689.66 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).. 10,000.00 Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund 6,000.00 Total $8,046,515.94 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $1,000,000.00 Surplus fund 300,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 41.669.41 National bank note* outstanding... 200.00n.00 Reserved for unearned interest 30,000.00 Dua to other national banks $1,810,520.50 Due to state banks and bankers 864,015.46 Due to trust companies and savings banks Due to approved reserve agents Dividends unpaid. -J Individual deposits-sub- __ ject to check........ 3,388,254.67 Demand certificates" of deposit 128,504.06 Certified checks 25,476.50 Cashier's checks out standing 43.867.75 64,815.51 147,434.58 1,057.50 6,474.846.53 ...$8,046,515.94 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepinss. I, A. A. Crane, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. A. CRANte, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of June, 1905. RALPH G. COLYER. [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. CorrectAttest: 6. H. Bauman, E. C. Warner, F. W. Lyman, Directors. j/*\ REPORT of the condition of THE GEKMANIA BANK of MinnetpoUs at the close- o.f May 29, 1905: ,*otal Notary Public. The Journal is delivered into more Minneapolis homes than any other paper. Tha,t ia.why it ive the best results to advertisers. It pays best. A business RESOURCES. "W Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States and other bonds. Furniture-and fixtures Real estate Cash and checks .$274,105.54 1,142.24 1.850.0O 2,177.40 None. 88,976.27 ..$368,841.54 $50,000.00 24,131.80 294,209.74 4.... Capital stock Surplus and profits Deposits ..If.... .4. Total $368,841.54 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Hennepin. I. O. E. Naegele. cashier of the Gennanla bank of Minneapolis, do solemnly swear that the above report and statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. E. NAEGELE, Cashier. CorrectAttest: L. PauUe, H, Vogt. Sworn and subvarlbed before me tbte Sd day C June, 1905. .jr CHARLES A. TTJLLER, Notary Pubila. "i