Newspaper Page Text
BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS BUILDING PERMITS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. HICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. City ttokes ofcce, 328 Nicollet Avenue, Phone. 122. StstlonjJwashincMa and Area. South. fjaaasnger rPmllT. fEs.jnndar. tS Saturday. Bx. Monday. Leave, MABOH 26, IMS, Arrive. 7 JO am I Oroase, Milwaukee, Ohios T0.80 $ 7n{Babc^e!^1f&Br.r-: 8.20am Northneld, FarlbauH, 1X. 0 0.90pm 110.16 am OrtonrUla. Mllbaak. Aberdeen.. 6.00 pm 511.96 am Mankato, Wells^/aokson 2.30 pm Winona. La Creese, Milwaukee.. 8.20 pm 8 50 pm Faribault, Duboque, Ohloage.... 10.06 am *6.2Spm Maakito, Welle 110.96pm The Fast Mail. 'f.tfpm La Crosse, Milwaukee, OMoago 1.45 pm Ortonvllle, Fargo. Aberdeen... 7.28 am 11.13pm Northfleld.Fairt.anlt, Aaatln.... ttUOam The Pioneer Limited. 6.00 pm La Orosae, Milwaukee, Ohioaso.. RX mm *m.fl5 pm La Oroeee, Milwaukee. Chicago.. lifll pm HOJBsm Madim.Wia,Jen*eT^ftokford{^ ^S2 5.43 pm Lake Minnetonka 8.30 am 7:60 p.m. 7:60 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:80 a.m. 7:60 p.m. 7:60 p.m. C. B. & Q. Ry. Phone N W., Main 860. T. C. 811 Ticket office, corner Third street and Nicollet avenue. Union DepotNicollet and High Street. Leave I All Trains Daily. 1 Arrive 7:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. Chicago Scenic Express Winona, La Crosse, Du buque, Chicago, St. Louis "The Chicago Limited" Winona. La Crosse. Du buque.Chicago, St. Louis Rock Island, Davenport. Clinton, Moline. Peoria S t. Louis Scenic Express Rock Island, Davenport, Clinton, Moline, Peoria "The S t. Louis Limited" CHICAGO GREAT 1:20 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Omo 600 Nicollet Ave. Phono 240. tEx. Sun. Others dally For CHICAGO Lv 7.50 am, 6.00, 8 00,10-20 pm from CHICAGO.. Ar 7 55,10 16 am, 5-20,10.20 pm FOND DU LAC Lv 6 00 pm, Ar 10 16 am DULDTH, Lv r7-85 am, 4:00 pm. Ar t5-05,9 35 pm For SIOUX CITY f7:10,9 10 am, 7 30,8 30 pm Prom SIOUX CITY 8-15 am, t4.45, 8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv fMO, 9:10 am, 7 80,8.80 pm From OMAHA Ar 8-15 am, 8-10 pm For KANSAS CITY Lv 9:10 am. 7 80,8-80 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:16 am 8:10 pm WterERvRif. Jrrx OSTIOE. Fifth and Nicollet, DEPOT Washington and Tenth Ave. South. PHONE. Main 261. Ex. Sunday. Others Daily. hicago and East, Dubuque hicago, Kansas City, Omaha hicago, Des Moines, Kansas City 'ansas City, St. Joseph, Des Moines imaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin ^Chester, Red wing, 1 Mankato, Faribault, Northneld lodge Center. Bayfield Lv. Mpls 7 Mam 800 pm 1049 pm 10 20 am 7 40 am *7 55am 4 55 pm *"?8pm Chippewa Falls, Marsh-1 Held, Ashland, Iron Towns, Ar.Mpls 10 20 pm 8 00 am 115 pm 810 pm 8iopm isopm 10 65 am nsoam MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. Station, Washington and 4th avs N. Office, 424 Nicollet. "Except Sun. others daily. Leave for CHICAGO *0:85 am 7:45 pm Leave for ST. LOUIS *U:85 am 7:45 pm Leave for DES MOINES *0:35 am 8:85 pm ueave for OMAHA, California.*9:35 am 8:35 pm Waterrown and Storm Lake *8:57 am Cor Madison and Esthervllle ..*8:57 am 6.15 pm WISCONSIN CENTRAL B'Y. TICKET OFFICE. 830 NICOLLET AY. Phone*T. 0., 856 N W Maim 885. Leave. Arrive. Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, i 8:00 a. m. Milwaukee, Chicago 7:05 p. m, 8:60 a. m.. 5 10 p. J^EI^^RIVALS The following persons from the north west are registered at Minneapolis lot els: IOTEL VENDOMECharles Walin, Willmai J. h. McKde, Breckenridge, H. R. Phinberg ei\ St. Paul, W L. Olds and wife, Madison Mr. and Mis. W. W. Hethough, Rathryn, H. S. Kellogg, Chailes City, Iowa, JH. Silveiman, Isew Yoik, J. D. Darling, St. Paul W W. Stiayei, Chicago, A. K. O'Toole, Ashland, Wis a H. Pierce, St. Paul, Charles Young, St. Paul, D. A. Mc Rae, Princeton, Minn. Charles W Kollitz, Odessa, E. Biultheide, Chicago A. M. Gunst, Detroit, Mi. and Mrs Loren Nichols. Bowden, N D. F. A. Ciandall, Bowden, N. D., G. R. Klrkpatrick, Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lennon, Bonville, S. D. P. Rosebreak, C. Iivis Oskalc(psa, Iowa Mrs Coll Ruby McRae, Montezuma, Minn i Wateis, What Cheei, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. W Jacob, Acklej, Iowa, G. E. El- I, liott, Mason Citj, Iowa, R. R. Gaard, Ro land, Iowa: G. M. Martin, Oskaloosa, Iowa, T. W. WUhelm, Chicago, C. E. Wilhelm, i Sheffield, Mrs. W. A. Dillon, Bismaick, C. A. Allen, Deadwood, Mr. and Mis. G. 0. Claik, Augusta,. Giaee Hoiswill, Watertown, S. D. Mable Hoiswill, Watertown, S D. C. W. Rossman, Chicago, O. W. Walter, Oskaloosa Miss Healy, Oskaloosa: Mrs. C. Tashlinger, Oskaloosa, E. Semchal, St. Pierie 1 E. Wood, E F. O'^eil, Norwood, Mr. Grlbe, Montevideo Edna Plenty e, Alma, Wis., M. Foott and wife, H. B. Johnson, ~H Chicago, A. J. Phelps, Watertown J. W. Oel, Sioux City, Iowa, J. L. Holmberg, St. Peter, Minn., F. H. Gilshamer, St. Peter. Minn. F. K. Whitman, Chicago G. A. Payne, Belgrade, Minn. N. T. Updyke, Cloquet, Minn. O. Wade, Hampton, Iowa R. Layborn, Duluth A. G. Long, Excelsior J. Chapman, Omaha Joseph Cowen, Adrian, Minn. W. Q. Spitz, Chicago Frank Pattie, Bisbee, Ariz. Miss Belle Graves, Adair, 111. Miss Maria Puttenger, William Snell, Rockford, Minn. Mrs. George Rolph, Superior Mrs. E Thomson, Duluth Ger trude Newman, Albert Lea. LOTEL HYSERO. J. Rush, Battle Lake, Minn. F. L. Davis and wife, Mankato: E. A Whltman, Waller, N D. C. King and wife, Denver, John D. Kops, Chicago M. Driscoll, Newark, N. J. R. L. Bornock, wife and son, Ormiseton, W. Va. H. K. Jones. Wheeling, W. Va. J. C. Burnes, Wells, Minn. R. F. Luebleman, Duluth Ed Bolk, Breckenridge P. E. Ryan, F. Kaufman, Chicago O. J. Johnson, Josephine Johi'Son, Ashland, Wis. E. B. Jessurun, New York L. S. Dunlevy, Eau Claire R. James and wife, Mankato, P. Hamerstrom and wife, Long Prairie, Minn. F. R. Harris, Sanborn, Ohio M. Weeks. Omaha E. G. Hartweli, Detroit, Mich. L. A. Ink, St. Louis, Minn. E. W. Ectchuem and wife, Madison, S. D. H. P. Cramer. Wahpeton G. G. Graves. Chi cago W. H. Alden. St. Cloud H. A. Hendrick son, Montevideo, J. C. La Bean, Grand Fork? Edgar W. Wright, Newark: R. P. Johnson, Chicago G. E. Paine, C. J. Johnson, Mason City Miss Rudoff, Mason City J. J. Klaus man, Milwaukee Fred Smith. Grand Forks R. Gran and wife, Cedar Rapids George H. Rines. Kansas City D. Toyer, Jr., Still water Nels Sjostrom, Charles Gustafson, Cottonwood L. A. Ink, New York R. C. James, Mankato E. 0. Hawkins, Granite Falls R. L. Oliver, Muscatine B. B. Parke Chicago. DST OR STOLENBANKBOOK NO. 95814, is sued by "The Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis." If not returned to said bank before June 17, 1905, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. DSTON NICOLLET AV, ABOUT NOON MON day, package containing two sets of embroi dered collars and cuffs from Young-Quinlan Co. Also photo. Suitable reward if left at Jour nal office. DSTON WASHBURN PARK & CAMDEN cai, Wednesday, 31st, Persian lamb collar ette. Please return to 501 Chamber of Com inerce for reward. bSTEXTRA LARGE WHITE AN TAN English setter answers to the name of Patsio. Return to John O'Keefe, Commercial Hotel, for $5 reward. VX DSTNOSE GLASSES I N CASE, FRIDAY afternoon. 4th st or on 1st av car. For re ward return to M. Thouren Mfg. Co., 405 Nicollet av. tRAYED OR STOLENSUNDAY MORNING, June 4, at 5:30, one fox terrier female pup liberal reward If returned to 3126 Queen av N DSTSATURDAY, PURSE CONTAINING money, key liberal reward return to 88 ^Willow st, or information where can receive same. DSTPOCKAGE CONTAINING GIRL'S TAN shoes and stockings. Please return for reward to Journal office or phone N. W. %nt 678. ^STSUNDAY, NEAR 14th AV SE, POOKETT book with lady's watch. Apply for rew*rd at 1814 6th st SB. buNDLARGE DARK HORSE, HALTER ON and star In forehead, June X, J1- New Brighton road, DSTRUBBER Henry Webber, ._ ,._. TIRE FROM VICTORIA. Please nottfj 221 Clifton. Main 387-L2. 2785 PARK AV, 12 ROOMS, ALL MOD ern $100.00 1228 4th st SB, 14 rooms, aU modern, frame barn 76.00 1700 8d av S, brick dwelling and barn, 14 rooms, all modern 65.00 2634 Portland ay, 16 rooms, all mod ern, barn 80.00 727 6th st SB, all modern, eight rooms, barn 85.00 2501 Stevens ay, 9 rooms, modern 27.50 526 3d ay SH, 6 rooms, bath, gas, fur nace 25.00 1424 6th at SB, 10 rooms, furnace, bath, fas, city water 25.00 th st SB, 9 rooms, modern, hot water heat 25.00 605 E 22d st, 5 rooms, city water, bath, gas 17.50 345 Franklin ay, 6 rooms, city, water.. 17.50 1233 1st ay N, first floor, 5 rooms, city water 13.00 536 7th ay N, 7 rooms, city water 12.50 510 24th st, second floor flat, 5 rooms, bath, city water, sewer *12.00 1231% 1st -ay N, second floor flat, four rooms, city water 9.00 106 26th st, second floor, 5 rooms, city water 8.00 104 26th st, second floor, 3 rooms, city water 6.00 George Odlnm, Manager, 809 Phoenix Building. $301220 KNOX AV, N 7 ROOMS, ALL MOD earn, large grounds, yery desirable. $15 1821 2d st, 6 rooms, city water. $13843 and 847, Summer st NE, 4-room flats, city water, toilet. $22-r-1110 Hawthorn ay, 8 rooms, water in yard. Charles M. Morton, 300- 302 Nicollet ay. EDWARD L. McGRORY, Rental Expert, Temple Court. Management of Property. Real Bstate and Rentals. 2019 KENWOOD PARKWAY TO RENT OR FOR sale will paint and paper to suit tenant everything modern, with hardwood floors up staiis and down Franklin Benner, 503 Bank of Commerce building. A FINE LITTLE RUG FOR THE DINING room, Wilton velvet, 6x9, $18 value, $14.25 $5 cable net curtains, $3.49, at Dayton's. $18 PER MONTH, SIX ROOMS, SHED, SEW er, water and gas, newly papered and painted Couio car. Thompson, 701 15th av SB. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOB shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer A Storage Co., 46 3d st g. 3116 HENNEPIN, NINE ROOMS, ALL MOD ern. new decorations, hardwood floors, lawn and trees, $35 open Sunday FOR RENTSECOND FLOOR, FIVE ROOMS and bath, gas, city water, sewer $14 per month. 2816 5th av S. NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, WITH GAS AN sewer price $16 2116 16th av S. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 17 4th ST 8, BAYS flats end houses, $10 to $45. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 312 9th ST S, $16. Furnished Houses. DESIRABLE HOUSES ON VINE PLACE AN Harmon place to rent furnished for the sum mer within easy walking distance of the post office. Call and get particulars of Franklin Benner, 503 Bank of Commerce bldg. MODERN HOUSE FOR THE SUMMER, WELL furnished, including piano, on 11th st, near Nicollet, rent moderate to acceptable tenants. Adults preferred. Gale & Co., 421 New York Life building. FOR SALELEASE AN FURNITURE OF modern nine-room honse, large lawn, barn and garden. Apply 1317 Harmon place. Unfurnished' Flats. FOR RENTTHE FINEST 4, 5 AN 6-ROOM flats in the citv facing Loring Park beauti ful in summer flats modern in every way apply to janitor, 315 W 15th st, or Edmunds, 206 Bank of Commerce. 6EE US ABOUT OUR 6 AND 7-ROOM FLATS, entirely modern, steam heat, janitor service first-class In every respect can turn leases over to good party at a discount. David Jones & Co. FLATS TO LETA NUMBER OF FOUR AN five-room strictly modern flats within seven minutes' walk of Glass Block, prices reason able Apply 703 Northwestern building. 'Joslah Thompson. TO LET CHEAPA FINE GROUND FLOOR coiner flat in Wisconsin Apartments, 1700 Portland a\ Inqune of janitor of Wisconsin Apurtments. Telephone T. C. 4165 or N. W. Main 812. FIRST FLOOR, 2322 11th AV S, SI ROOMS, and bath thoroughly modern parquet floors corner lot all finished in a fine home only $25_ N. Ga1* noi, 640 Temple Court FOR RENT7-ROOM APARTMENT, THIRD floor of the Imperial, walking distance call or addiess E Sloane, 24 W Grant st N W telephone, Main- 1771 Jl FOR RENTFIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN flat, opposite Loilng park telephones walk ing distance, good janitoi service. $30. 5875, Journal CORNER FLAT, 1st FLOOR, 5 ROOMS, PRI vate ball, bath, steam heat, gas rnnge, hard wood floors^ 16 12th st S.cornerHarmon^ FOR RENTSEVEN-ROOM FLAT, 908~2d~AV S, the Holland. Call or address F. Towle, 252 1st av N. Telephone Main 1073. ELEGANT FLAT, 6 ROOMS, SIDEBOARD, MAN tel, gas range, laundry fine condition walking distance cheap rent. 301 3d av SE. NO. 14 GROVE STSEVEN ROOMS, MODERN in everj respect $30 per month F. Conk lin & Zonne Co., 115 Temple Court. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 4e 3d st S 2745 NICOLLET AV, SIX ROOMS, BRICK building, modern conveniences $15. Baily, 203 New York Life building MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLATS AT THE OXIN ton, corner Clinton and 18th st. Inquire on premises Frank Miller. SNAP, 4 ROOMS AND BATH, AT 1517 PORT land av all outside rooms, hot water and heat. H. H. Craig. Furnished Flats. 744 E 18th 8T, 6-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT 2d floor. Unfurnished Rooms. CHOICE OF THREE OUT OF SEVEN ROOMS, strictly modern all outside, light and bright. 301 E 15th st, flat 6. THREE UPSTAIRS ROOMS FOR H0USE ^eeping modern. Call at 2709 2d av S, after 4 p.m. THREE UPSTAIRS, 916 5th A S, $6. 912 5th av S, $8. FOUR DOWN STAIRS, 803 11th AV S, FOUR, Furnished Booms. A DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM TO RENT USE of pailor and other privileges one block from Loring park suitable for an employed lady. Phone Main 1985 L, or call 1508 Hennepin, near 16th st. BELLEVUE HOTEL, NEWLY OPENED, BEAU tiful rooms, single or in suite, handsomely furrished, entirely modern, transient or perma nent, prices reasonable. 814 Hennepin av. FOR^RENTFURNISHED~"OR~UNFURNISHED rooms,iPternrban bath and furnace5 heat, one block line 293 4th SE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS THE WEEK or month, in modern house, good location, walking distance. 929 Nicollet av. FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS I N NE W HOUSE in exchange for board of one person, if so de sired. Inquire at 2215 6th st N SUITE OF ROOMS, FURNISHED COMPLETE for housekeeping, modern and central, 918 1st av S. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM TO RENT WITH OR without board. 128 W 27th st. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE ROOM I N MOD ern flat. 913 3d av S. Offices. OFFICE, ONE AND THREE ROOMS, HOT AND cold water, safe and vault space with each office each office an outside one. Inquire at 666 Bank of Minneapolis bldg. FOR RENTGOOD LIGHT OFFICES I N THE Eastman block. 412-414 Nicollet av. Apply J. F. Conklin & Zonne Co.. 115 Temple Court. Miscellaneous. FOR RENTMORGAN POST HALL, 805 NIC ollet suitable for lodges, societies, dancing parties one of the finest floors in the city for dancing. Janitor or E. -L. McGrory, 615 Tem ple Court. BOARD AND ROOMS Offered. HOTEL WAVERLYSEE WHAT W E HAVE before you settle. Single, suites, private baths. HOTEL CLINTONROOMS, WITH OR WlTH out board, elevator. 4th av S and Grant st. FEW NICE FRONT ROOMS Southern, 4th av and 9th st AT HOTEL _jn^ACKAGE^gOPERTY_^ 2,000 FEET OF CHOICE TRACKAGE PROP erty, the only central trackage in the city on both eastern and western lines, making it twice as valuable as that on single lines in the natural location for wholesale and ware house property, in the center *6f the freight depots will subdivide to suit have nine corners from 50 to 400 feet frontage. Con trolled and for sale by W B. Boardman, 200 Central av. Both phones. East 179. JSTEAMSHIPj^ SPECIAL LOW EXCURSION RATES TO EN fe land, Germany, Scandinavia excellent serv ice, large steamers, shortest ocean trip. Cana clan Pacific Steamship Lines. IS 3d Sv Minneapolis TAKEN OVER THE PHONE An Ad in THE JOURNAL Want Columns will bring you: Boarders Rent Your Rooms Secure Help of All Kinds Sell Your Property And Save You Time and Worry. Call up Main 9, either line, and ask for the "Want Ad" Department give yoir Ad and The Journal will do the rest. Only one cent each word. No Ad taken for less than 20 cents. HiilLP WANTEDMALE WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIRING, 713 Hennepin Av, Opposite Lyceum Theater. Men's Sewed Soles, 75c nailed, 50c. Ladles' and Boys' Soles. 40c. All kinds of repairing and rubber heels DONJB WHILE YOU WAIT. WANTED Teamsters, $3.50 per day and board. Ship today. Free pass. No fee charged. Call at 200 Nicollet av. WANTEDMEN AN BOYS TG LEARN plumbing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates, $4.50 to $5 per day, eight weeks completes course earn while learning. Address, for catalog, Coyne Bros. Co. Plumb ing Schools, Cincinnati, Ohio, St. Louis, Mo. Employment guaranteea or money refunded. WANTEDFOR U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BODIED unmarried men, between ages of IS and 35, citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For infoimatlon apply to re cruiting officer at Phoenii. building, St. Paul, or 324 1st ay S, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTEDYOUNG MEN TO LEARN TO BE firemen and biakemen on railroads, by mail or at our fochool nigh wages promotion posi tions easily secured only complete and reli able school In the west our students get posi tions. Call and see oi write for particulars National Railway Training School, 224 Boston block. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN WATCHMAKING, jewelry work, optic's engraving- only actual work school for Jewelers exclusively money made learning. Minneapolis School of Engrav ing, Watchmaking, 7th st and Hennepin av, whole fourth floor, Hulit building. WANTEDFIVE MORE MEN OF NEAT AP pearance and pleasant address, to sell alarm clocks and other goods sold on easy pay ments city work rigs furnished absolutely free. Manager, C. F. Adams Co.. 78 7th st S. 50 RAILROAD LABORERS, $2 PER DAY. 40 stationmen, 14c to 18c yard. 20 extia gang, $1.50 per day. Ship daily, free faie. National Employment Co., 200 Nicollet. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE splendid opportunity just now great demand for barbers call or write for free illustrated catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 2d av S, Minneapolis, Minn. Established 1893. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE splendid opportunity just now, great demand for barbers. Call or write for free illustrated catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 2d av S, Minneapolis, Minn. Established 1893. WHETHER IT'S A BUSINESS OR SOCIAL EN gagement you will appear to better advantage in one of these plain or pleated white negligee shirts. W assure you splendid satisfaction. $1 and $1.50. 5693, Journal. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS COOK MUST UN derstaud pastry and baking young* man, not over 40 years of. age good wages perma nent position to the right kind of a man. 5549, Journal. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LIFE AND ACCI dent insurance man to sell our endowment ac cident insurance the best of contracts given. Call or write 502 Sykes Block, Minneapolis. WANTEDMAN TO PRESENT-A CLEAN-CUT business proposition to bankers, business atM professional men in the northwest permanent good Income to right man. 85543. Journal. SALESMEN xO SELL OUR GOODS TO GENER al stores, clothiers, druggists and grocers fine side lines big profits iberal terms. Model Mfg. Co Box L, South Bend, Ind. EXPERIENCED COLLECTOR, SINGLE, BE tween 24 and 35 years of age, $500 surety bond required hard worker $12 week city, $20 week country. 5900, Journal. THE BEST OPPORTUNITIES I N BUSINESS and technical work are at your disposal through our service write us today. Hap goods, 813 Nicollet av. FIRST-CLASS SOBER BARBER WANTED AT once, $15 and half over $25 steady job to right man write or phone. A. O. Disbrow, Cavalier, N. D. TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED .W E have several choice openings for high-grade salesmen. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 315 Kasota building. WANTEDA HORSESHOER, ONE WHO CAN do wagon work preferred. Call 1829 2d st N ready for work in morning. Backscbeider & Co. $25 PE WEEK AND TRAVELING EXPENSES paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers experience unnecessary. Purity Co Chicago. SECOND MAN I N OFFICE SALARY TG start with, $50 per month. Address in own handwriting, with references. 5853, Journal. BUTCHER WANTEDMUST E A FIRST dass sausage maker and a good killer high _wages paid to the right man the whole jear WATCHESOLEANED, 50o MAIN SPRINcT,50o warranted one year clocks repaired, called for and delivered. T.C. 9545. Dorbin, 223 Wash.N. WANTEDGOOD STRONG BOY FOR ROUGH work also one or two laboring men call ready for work, 9 a.m. 3401 Lyndale av S. FIRST-CLASS SETTER WANTED FOR MON tana sawmill $3.50 per day and transporta tion. Call 315 Kasota building, at once. YOUNG MA N WITH SOME EXPERIENCE with carpenter tools $1.50 pet day. Appl 2544 Stevens av. Telephone South 584-J1. SHOES RESOLED I N 15 MINUTES BEST OAK soles, sewed, 75c nailed, 50c rubber heels. 40c. S. T. Sorensen. 312 Nicollet ay. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER WHO WRITES A very good hand salary $50, $60. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 315 Kasota building. WANTEDA BUTCHER FOR KILLING AND sausage making good wages paid. Apply to George Gressner, Bismarck, N. D. WANTEDA BRIGHT, ENERGETIC YOUNG man as clerk in electrical supply house sal ary $40 per month. 5849, Journal. GET YOUR HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCKED Into spring styles work guaranteed. J. A Hussey, 827 Nicollet av, upstairs. TWO HARDWOOD FLOOR LAYERS AND TWO non-union inside finishing carpenters young, rapid mechanics. 5891, Journal. ELEVATOR OPERATOREXPERIENCED Op erator wanted for electric elevator. New England Furniture & Carpet Co. TAILOR FENN. Maker of men's fine clothes, has removed to 629 Hennepin Av. s. WANTEDMAN AND TEAK TO DO GRADING on a couple of lots. Inquire of S. M. inson, 2717 Harriet av. Continued. WANTEDBOY TO WORK I N BAKERY board and loom furnished. 712 Hennepin av. NEW TABLES AT THE BEAUFORT HOTEL billiaid rooms, one game free. 112 3d st S. WATCHES CLEANED, $1: MAINSPRINGS, $1. Warranted one year. Paegei s. 22 3d st S. WANTED1 COATMAKER AN 1 VESTMAK er, at once^ J. Hansen, Esthervllle, Iowa. WANTEDPAINTER} OUTSIDE WORK call aftei b. 1033 16th av SE. ^JJELPJWANTED^-TEMAI^ HOUSEKEEPER WANTED THAT CAN FUR nish good reference, to keep house for a widower that has got five children a young widow or a jouug lady not over 33 years old, that will be good to children. Address all letters to P. O. Bo\_167. PlanKlnton. S. D. HELP WANTEDBACHELOR WANTS A good widow lady, one neat and tidy, to take care of his loui'lj home,, good pluie for the right one. A. L. Holcomb, Ashtabula, N_D. A SALESWOMAN, POSSESSING ENERGY AND tact, fahlj well educated and ladylike, if competent, may obtain permanent position. Call after 10 Tuesday, 712 Bobton Block. GENEVEY, THE EXPERT, WILL REPAIR your umbrella this week tor 15 cents. Bring this ad. Covets, 33c up. Twin City Um brella Co., 107 6th st S. HOTEL HELP, ALL KINDS 10 COOKS, $30 to $50 dining, chamber, houseworkers, house keepers, summer reborts, best of wages. Hors- neU, St. Paul, Minn. DURING TH E MONTH CATON BUSINESS College, 612 Hennepin av, admits students un der contract to paj tuition after they obtain employment. WANTEDSTRONG, WILLING GIRL FOR general housewoik, two in family good wages. Call mornings or after 6. 3640 Lyn dale av S. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housewoik, at Medicine Jake* German- jre fesredWco,od ^age^i,,^ JHh,t^l)At5ika7Brjrrf Mawr cai. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED COOK ALSO a laundress. Mis George W. Porter, Fern dale, Lake Minnetonka. Address 5898, Jour nal. WANTEDEXPERIENCED LADY SOLIOI tors salary $1.50 per day. See Mr. Seeger, _Twin _City__Mdgazine_Co.,_808_Sjkes block. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRAPHERSrCLERKS. For positition call or write Mercantile Reference Co 458 Temple Court. WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at lake state wages asked and where you can be seen Address 5543, Journal. WANTEDA GOOD^OMANlro"G6n0N~FARM 20 miles from city good home and good wages child no. objection. Address 2540 Elliot av. WANTED^-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housewoik no washing, wages $5 small family. Mis. Tiffany, 1775 Hennepin av. WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in an all modern flat small family good wages. Call at 727 Emerson av N WANTEDTWO GIRLS FOR DINING ROOM, one for kitchen, nice place, at Hotel Bay vlew, Excelsior, Lake Minnetonka. NEAT COMPETENT GIRL WANTED NO other need apply small family no chil dren. 2010 Park av, first floor. WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL H0USE work, state wages and experience, if any can use new comer. 5412. Journal. WANTED50 GOOD HANDS ON POWER MA chines steady work. Robltsbek, Frank & Hellar, 23 and 25 4th st N. WANTEDGOOD, COMPETENT WOMAN FOR cook and to do general housework on farm. Apply 1916 Columbus av. WANTEDEXPERIENCED AWNING AND tent girl. A. D. Campbell Shade & Awning Co., 211 Hennepin av. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS I N restaurant, no Sunday work, at Mather's Res taurant, 14 5th st S. WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework $5 per week apply at once. 2310 Colfax av S. WANTEDGIRL TO ACT AS ASSISTANT TO baker one with experience preferred. Call 1506 Hennepin av. WANTEDGOOD GIRL housework high wages, third floor flat FOR GENERAL Call 643 E- 18th st, WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, wages $4.50. Apply 3138 2d av S. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Inquire 11.30 am. to 4 p.m., 420 Guaranty Bldg. A SCANDINAVIAN LADY BOOKKEEPER FOR South Dakota. S. A. Morawetz & Co., 315 Kasota bldg. COMPETENT "COOK OR GENERAL HOUSE work girl gdod wages and no washing. 3119 2d av S. WANTEDA LUNCHROOM GIRL AN TWO kitchen girls. Chamber of Commerce Lunch room. WANTED EXPERIENCED DLNINtJROOM girl, at "The Colonial," 620 Hennepin av. WANTEDA COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Applj at once, 409 9th_st S. WANTED^OOMPETENT" GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Call 726 Madison NE. W-flJsTkDYOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST I N CARE of small child $2. 1900 James av S. LADY CLERK I N BAKERY, WITH EXPERI ence. Lewis' Bakery, 1009 Nicollet av. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO ASSIST DRESSMAK er. Call at 2630 8th S. Mrs. Reller. GOOD COOK AND SECOND GIRL WANTED AT once German preferred 1710 3d av S WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework immediately. 716 3d av S. COMPETENT GIRL ONE WHO CAN GO HOME nights preferred _620 E 17th st WANTEDA GIRL FOR "BININGROOM chamber work. 726 1st av S. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL. Stevens av. Rob- COATMAKER WANTED AT ONCE MUST E first-class coats $7.50 and up. Rayne A Fry hllng, Bemldjl. Minn. WANTEDGOOD ACTIVE CARPENTER OR cabinetmaker for Inside work. Moffett, 19 "Washington av N AND GIRL TO DO CHAMBERWORK AT PACIFIC Hotel 22Q Washington av N. WANTEDCOMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 306 10th av SE. GIRL FOR GENERAL~HOUSEWORK, AT 2600 Colfax av S. APPLY 1717 WANTEDA COOK, 1414 HARMON PLACE. COOK WANTED, A 128 CLIFTON AV. JL^NTSJW^JBD WANTEDAGENTS OR SALESMEN FOR PER-, petual pencils "always sharp" never need sharpening guaranteed a year sells to everybody, everywhere, rapidly particulars on application, or sample, etc., for 25c. American Lead Pencil Co., 45 W 4th st, New York. HALL AN CYCLONE INSURANCE CASH commissions hustlers can make $10 to $40 per day in Minnesota. Address 325 Railway bldg. Male. RATE UNDER THI8 CLASSIFICATION, *&o A word no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 50c. A YOUNG MAN, 22 YEARS OLD, DESIRES a position as bookkeeper or bookkeeper and stenographer, prefeiably in a bank or lumber office speaks Scandinavian language used to earnest work graduate of a reputable busi ness college: can give good references. Ad dress Box 831, Crookston, Minn. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED country prjnter, 13 years* experience, good job and ad man and fast Compositor, can set either Geiman or English no boozer or clgaret fiend state wages. 5611, Journal. BOY, AGED 17, WHO ATTENDS COLLEGE, 8 o'clock to l, would like position afternoons and evenings theater preferred others as good. Address E. D. R lloo Hennepin. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AN Stenographer with large office Experience desiies position. 5924, Jojmal. POSITIONOFFICE, CLERICAL. OR BANK, educated young married man, six years' bank ing experience as assistant and cashier. A rererences. 5721, Journal. POSITION EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, stenogiapher, in or out of city Scandina vian, age 28 good penman best of refer ences. 5484, Journal. WANTED SITUATIONAS CITY SALESMAN or road for specialty or good line, have ex perience best references. Address Box 571, Minneapolis. A BOY WITH GOOD HABITS, AGE 18, wants work in barber shop had two months' experience Address Will Schulky, Alexan dria, Minn. WANTEDPOSITION EXPERT STENOG rapher, eiv'bt yaars' experience, three years in lumber office. Firet-class references. 4618, Journal. WANTEDPOSITION WITH REAL ESTATE firm admitted to the bar in 1896 and JWrnai rears* experience in busmess.f^m71. YOUNG MAN, EDUCATED AND SOME Ex perience in printing, wants steady position in good newspaper or job office. Address 6323, Journal. POSITION MARRIED MAN AS CLERK I N grocery stoie, have thirteen years' experience, can furnish iferenceo and bends. 5336, Jour nal. BY A YOUNG NEWCOMER, WITH PERFECT knowledge of steam, gas or electrical engines. Call or address Sodeigren, 1323 Spring &t NE. RELIABLE MAN OF 28 WANTS POSITION A S stockkeeper or salesman, wideawake, with ex perierice expect fair wages. 5884, Journal. WANTEDMAN TO TAKE RETIRING PART ner's interest in business paying $275 month a hustler wanted 5895, Journal. WANTEDBY A FIRST-CLASS COMPOSITOR pressman, a steady position. Address, stating wages, 5852, Journal. COACHMAN WANTS SITUATION, PRIVATE familj city reference, will go to lake. Ad dress 5910, Journal. MAN WANTS CARPENTER JOBBING OR CON tractor work. A. Dahl. 310 7th av S. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, */,c A word no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 50c. WANTEDPOSITION AS STENOGRAPHER can give very hlgnesft recommendation many years' experience and competent in every way excellent in figures. 50C0, Journal, or Main o29^-Jl. SITUATION WANTEDBY REFINED LADY, as companion or nurse to semi-invalid or elderly lady experienced Catholic- preferred _Want position July 1. 4005, Journal. AN EXPERT BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRA pher, nine years' experience and the very best business references, desires position at once. Call Twin City phone 5852. BY REFINED, COMPETENT GERMAN LADY, with small boy, light housework or place as housekeeper will leave city. Flat C, 205 E Grant st. T. C. 2472. TWO YOUNG LADIES WOULD LIKE P0SI tion as typewriters have had over two years' experience in all kinds of circular type writing. 5858, Journal. REFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION as nursery governess capable of teaching French can go home nights. T. C. 9415. Address 5371, Journal. REFINED YOUNG LADY WD3HES POSITION as nursery governess, capable of teaching Fiench can do home nights. T. C. 9145. Ad dress 5371,-^Journal. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, STRAIGHT from school, desires position as stenographer or office girl good speller must iave work. 5896, Journal. A GRADUATE NURSE WOULD LIKE Posi tion as 'nurse for child no objection to leav ing city references given. 5850, Journal. WOMAN WANTS~SOME KIND OF DAY work, washing, etc. 517 E loth st. T. C. phone 2694. WOMAN WANTS POSITION AS H0USEKEEP er or to take charge of rooming hpuse. 5228, Journal YOUNG, REFINED NORWEGIAN LADY, POSI tion as second girl. Call at 4237 Colfax av N. JPERSONAL. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer and Storage Co 40 3d st S. FOR ECZEMA OR PSORIASIS USE BLANCH, ard's Eczema Lotion, druggists or any whole sale drug house. For information address Prof. J. Blanchard, Minneapolis. GENEVEY, THE EXPERT, WILL REPAIR your umbrella this week for 15 cents. Bring this ad. Covers, 35c up. Twin City Um brella Co., 107 6th st S. ANNA M.-GRISWOLD, 207 MEDICAL BLOCK, superfluous hair, moles and warts removed by electricity corns extracted, inverted nails and bunions treated. CORNS EXTRACTED, 25a INVERTED NAILS and bunions treated. Dr. Collier. 615 Nie. ST. AlWroimCEBraNTO REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates,, Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 6 3d st S. NOTICEALL NE W AN UNCLAIMED PI! tures must be sold cheap room mouldings, mirrors sale headquarters framing pictures at deep cut prices. Zesbaugh. 11 5th st S. TO LETSUITE ROOMS, MODERN, SECOND floor also front parlor and others bath, gas, spring water: free phone close in terms to iult. 620 th S. ooooooo oooooo REAL ESTATETO SETTLE A N ES tate, I will sell a nine-room house, ar ranged for two families, at a great sacrifice. This property is good and always rented, and will net about 12% per cent on the price asked. Lo cated within 15 minutes' walk of busi ness center. Who will be first to snap this up? Geo. Dirimple, 421 Kasota Building. ooooooo ooooop ooooooooooooooooooooooo REAL ESTATEA BEAUTIFUL SEC room cottage built one year ago partly modern hardwood finish, piped Tor gas, sewer and city water full lot, with bam easy walking distance must sell at once $1,450 takes it. Terms to suit will be made. Who can pick this up first? W ,WestfaU, 421 and 423 Kasota Bldg. ooooooooooooooooo oooooo FOR SALE-H*80 ACRES IMPROVED LANDS, 130 to crop, 5 miles wire fence good build ings, horses, machinery close to school and railroad also 140 head of shorthorns owner must sell price $13,500 cash immediate pos session given a snap. Here is another, 958 acres, 6 mfles wire fence, $2,000 improve ments, schoolhouse on land also 145 head of Herefords, 8 horses and machinery, wagon, etc., all clear $15,500, one-third cash own er too old to look after it. A. C. Chittenden, Marshall, Minn. A GRAND HOME CHEAPA HOUSE OF 7 1 rooms and large bathroom, on fine corner lot has all modern improvements built by the owner two years ago the down stairs is fin ished in mahogany this is truly a grand home must be sacrificed look it up No. 3253 Colfax av S get price and terms from owner or Mc Namara, 525 Boston block. eooooooooooooooooooooo O FOR SALE OR LEASE RAILROAD trackage, corner, 198x157 to 20-foot alley, a with exclusive railroad trackage also con venient to depots, mills, etc. Terms to suit. Thorpe Bros., AndruB building. oooooooooooooooooooooo W E WILL BUILD YOU A HOME ON PLANS to suit and sell It complete on monthly pay ments, In beautiful Walton Park. Walton Park has stone aldewalks, gas, city water, fine school. The Edmund G. Walton Agency, 800 Hennepin av. LOOK' HERE11-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR 28th st, 11th av S rents for 21 taxes $16 must sell before June 10. This house is in first class shape newly painted and new roof price $1,500. Boston Land Co., 406 Boston Block. A NEW HOME, UP-TO-DATE. Why buy an old bouse when you can get a new house and lot'i Will build to suit yon in any part of town easy terms. Save rent. B. R. Betcher 4 Co., 507 Phoenix. NEW BRIOK-VENEERED BUILDING, FOUR flats, five rooms and bath each modern except heat hardwood finish yearly rent $750 desir able location good investment. Charles M. Morton Co., 800-302 Nicollet av. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROP erty in sums to suit no delay lowest rates on-or-before privileges. Real estate depart ment of Wm. Peet City Realty Co. 205 Boston Block. $5,000 CASH WILL BU ALL MODERN, 8- rooin house, parquet floors throughout, beauti fully decorated, on car line, near 32d st. To view it is to wqpt it. Address 5538, Journal. HERE IS A BARGAIN 11-ROOM HOUSE, rents for $21 a month, all in first-class shape, price $1,500. Guaranty Land & Investment Company, 828-832 Guaranty Loan building. LET R. R. BETCHER BUILD YOUR NEST. Build a home and save your rent, come and see us and let ns show you our plan. R. R. Betcher & Co., 507 Phoenix Bldg. NOT GOING TO LEAVE CITY, BUT WILL sell, worth the money, ten-room house, near Lake Harriet, by owner $500 will take care of it. Call at 4302 Colfax av S. THE COSIEST, MOST ELEGANT LITTLE home you ever saw for the money eight rooms, all modern, good location, and a snap. Address 5538, Journal. WILL BUILD YOU A HOME, FLAT OR STORE on your own plans and location small pay ment down, balance installments. Address 3294, Journal. $8,000 CASH TAKES FINE LOT AN 8LX- room house, one block from Calhoun a great bargain location can't be beat. Address 6539, Journal. SOUTH FRONT, 7-R00M MODERN, UP-T0 date, new* house, haidwood finish and floors must sell. Owmer. 5636, Journal. Unimproved. HERE IS A SNAP$800 WILL BU FROM owner a fine east front lot on Grand av, be tween Franklin and 22d st, lot 1, block 7, Badger & Penny's addition lies fine and all aoove grade two vacant lots on either side, insuring new places as neighbors lots across the street sold for $1,200 each last year, .must sell quick, and will make favorable -terms. Remember, this is right adjoining the beautiful Blalsdell district. Address owner, 4996, Journal! FARMS ON THE PLATTE RIVER, I N OEN tral Nebraska, $7 to $35 per acre, 7,760 acres, in Colorado at $2.50 per acre. Excur cursion (free to buyers) first and third Tues days. Reynolds Land Co., Cameron, Mo. FOR SALEONE-HALF SECTION LAND, TWO miles from Clark good buildings all tillable land, 40 acres broke, one-half fenced: plenty water price, $30 per acre: one-half cash. J. P. Armstrong, Clark, S. P., Box 546. FOR SALEBY OWNER AT A BARGAIN, large east-front lots on Emerson av N be tween 6th and 8th ays also lots on 6th av N between Bryant and Dupont. Address Chas. Bertram, Stillwater, Minn. 860 ACRES OF THE BEST HAY MEADOW I N the state of Minnesota, 40 miles from Min neapolis, 1% miles from Zimmerman station yields 600 tons of hey. M. Zimmerman, Mid way, St. Paul, Minn. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS MUST SELL FIVE acres on Cedar av and 42a st price $1,500 will take $500 cash, balance 5 to 10 years. 3888, Journal. 26 LOTS, LEVEL, SOUTHEAST LOCATION, very desirable for cottages, or can be retailed to double investment. 508 Andrus bldg. FINE CORNER LOT, 50-FOOT FRONT, LAKE of Isles addition, $900 reason for selling. Owner. 5644, Journal. ONLY ONE OF THOSE NICE MOTOR LINE lots left at $350 ten new bouses built. T. C. 3471. Farm Lands. HALF SECTION BOTTOM LAND, ST. CROIX valley, Baldwin, Wis. across riyer from Min nesota nearly all black loam, covered with timber suitable for wood, ties and lumber that will pay several times over for land when removed, leaving soil unsurpassed for produc tiveness, splendidlj located as to market mid way between Duluth and twin cities and air line fine trout brook thru land, abundant fuel, cheap lumber, fine water big savings bank thiee railroad surveys thru tract, $l per acre. Easy terms at 5 per cent. Ed L. Peet, Peet P. O. -tt county, TV is. or O. G. Wall, 8148 Colfax av S, Minneapolis IJSLNDSEEKERS' RATES To Koochiching Falls, Fort trances, Rainy River v. lley, Koochiching Falls and Interna tional Falls all together makes now the most interesting point on the continent to home seekers and Investors. Now is the time to go there. Call or write at once. The Eager Nord Realty Co., 1st floor Temple Court Bldg., Minneapolis. FOR SALE OWNERBEST 1,000-ACRE AL falfa and all-around ranch in Idaho half irrigated by its own water bottom land fine Improvements unlimited outside range water and timber, near school fine climate would sell 360 head well-bred stock, imple ments and furniture, and rent lands or sell all easy terms. Address Box 22, Soldier, Idaho. FOR SALEFINE FARM, CONTAINING 4674 acres, fine brick mansion in Culpepper county, Virginia this farm is well watered and suit able for general farming and for grazing cat tle the main line of the Southern railroad runs within two miles. It is sltoated sixty miles from Washington, D. C. Trevor T. Mat thews, Attorney, 12ol Chestnut St., Philadel phia. BARGAINS I N GOOD LAND I N WALSH OOUN ty, N. D. 320-aere farm, all cultivated, three miles from town, $5,400 160 acres, mostly cultivated, two miles from new railroad, $2,800, 320 acres, 2% miles from railroad, cul tivated, $22 an acre 320 acres, one mile from town, new buildings. $27 an acre. Mar tin Hansen, Grafton, NT D. FOR BALE320 ACRES FINE LAND 65 ACRES in bearing fruit, best varieties, balance first class farm land four miles from town and railroad $4,000 from fruit last year better this good improvements and all In good order $25,000 four years' time on $5,000. A snap. Latah Land Co.. Latah. Wash. LANDSEEKERSWE HAVE A NUMBER OF Improved farms from $800 to $1,600 60 to 75 miles from Minneapolis also a few Improved homesteads from $200 to $400. U. S. Homestead Land Co.. 802 Nicollet Av. Minneapolis. 800,000 ACRES. ASSTNIBOIA AN SA8- katchewan. Can., $6 homesteads located free with quarter bought 50,000 acres, Chippewa valley, Wis., $5: selected tracts. American Land & Exchange Uo.. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE160 ACRES OF LAND $8 PE acre 5% miles from a good town. Lebanon, S. D. lot 2 the SW% of the NE% and the W% of the SE% of section 3, township 119, range 74. Carl E. Knickerbocker, Box 270, Gettysburg, S. OFFER FOR QUICK SALE A 10,000-ACRX tract, or any part, of good hardwood timber lands well located, good soil, well timbered, low price just the thing for retail land men or hardwood sawmill business. Address 8308. Journal. THERE AR E TH0U8ANDS OF ACRES OF good farm land in North Dakota, open to home stead entry adjoining land sells for $7 an acre free coal, good water information tree. Revolr, 900 Hennepin, Minneapolis. LANDSEEKERS' CANADIAN BUREAU OF IN formation. 518 Guaranty bids. Information fre* Farm Lands, Continued. DO YOU WANT TO BU ONE OF THE BBS* faims in South Dakota and get a bargain ofl it? If so, write for prices and other informa tion to R. N Winston, Frederick. S. __ FOR SALEONE OF THE FINEST FARMS LT? Minnesota, located near Minnetonka 135 acres* J. F. Conklin A Zonne Co., 115 Temple Court. W E BUY, BELL AND EXCHANGE farm lands* city property. Quale Land Co., N.-W. bldg BUSINESS CHANCES oooooooooooooooooooooo TWO OF THE BEST TRANSIENT ROOM ing houses in the city have just been a placed on the market. They are close a in, elegantly furnished, cheap rent and making over $200 net profit per month. 4 What else do you want for less than i $7007 See me personally. i W. J. Westfall, i 421 and 423 Kasota Bldg. 4 ooooooooooooo oo Of FOR SALEHOTEL. One of the best paying hotel propositions Ja the northwest 65 modern rooms, well fun nished. large roomy office, kitchen and dining) room with seating capacity of 100 a man witx $l,50tT and good references can handle Itf settling an estate only reason for selling* Wire or write. D. O'Leary. Duluth, Minn. BARBER OUTFIT FOR SALE CHEAPA 81x3 chair mirror case with individual basins, si hydraulic barber chairs, electric massage ma chine, hot-water heater with tank, toilet case, jardinieres, etc., etc. all of the finest make) and nearly new. Call at Boardman Hotel* St. Paul. WANT TO BUY* GOOD SAW MILL 0UTFIT state capacity glv specifications, list of ma* i chinery and full particulars in first letter: would like to hear from parties who own gooa. tract of timber or know of good custom saw- I ing locatioo. Address 3297. Journal. W E WANT OFFICE MANAGER FOR GOOD paying Incorporated brewery must be able to invest $3,000 to $6,000 will pay top sal ary to right party. This will bear closest investigation. Trifiers please don't answer* Address 5165, Journal. BUSINESS CHANCEDRUG STOCK FOR sale in one of the best eastern North Da kota towns will invoice about So.OOO will sell for $4,000 for quick sale one-half cash* Address E. M. Gallagher, Alma City, Minn. STOCKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN ANO guaranteed companies desiring to float their stock call at office for Information, which costs nothing, but will start yon off right* W. P. Mason* 419 Andrus building. DRUG STORE I N PROSPEROUS WESTERN Minnesota town population 400 country thick ly settled- nearest competition 10 miles pries $1,500 for stock and fixtures half down, bciknca on tme. Address 6567, Journal. ROOMTNGHOUSES11 ROOMS, RENT $20, price $325, terms. Ten-room, rent $27, pries $300, terms. 24 rooms, steam beat, a bar gain, $275 cash handles it. Taylor &- Taylor, 59 Loan & Trust building. FROM FACTORY TO YOU. Write I. Munier, 17 1st st N Minneapolis, Minn., for price .1st and catalogue of the best and cheapest wire fence maae warranted hog tight and bull proof. REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCES bought, sold and exchanged, quick results} give us your business commission basis Th General Enterprise Co., 525 Boston block, Min neapolis. OWN YOUR OWN HOME: W E WILL BUILD for you for small pajment down, balance In stallments less than rent. Guaranty Land 4i Investment Co.. 828-832 Guaranty Loan bldg. I HAVE DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR UP TO $10.- 000 to invest with business man of ability an standing. Business first-class, profitable, safe} money secured. 5897, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE $2,000 EQUITY I N NEARLY" new modern eight-room house in eighth ward for hotel or good rooming house. Address 5S85, Journal. i WANTEDA PARTNER TO ENGAGE IN 0N& of the best paying business in ttte northwest, having a few thousand dollars to invest. 567*), Journal. WILL SELL HALF INTEREST BUSINESS!, paying $300 month small Investment required. Established trade Investigate. 5904, Jour* nal. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING INDUSTRIAL, electric light or telephone stocks see Georg* Girling 6c. Co.. Temple Court. T. 0.. 3778. OFFER POSITION I N PROFITABLE AN]) I well established business to man who has $500 to $1.000 to invest 5856, Journal FOR SALENO. 1 STOCX HARDWARE ANO furniture good stand, good business $8,000. 5459, Journal. FOR SALEPHOTO STUDIO BEST LOCATION^ in the city, a bargain. 5909, Journal. MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. $2,800. Morse. Sauk Center. Minn. INVESTMENTJOBBING STOCK FOR SALS in a well-established business paid 10 pee cent dividend every year since incorporated, 1(K0 besides having a surplus of about $9,000s reason, expanding the business, $100 per share. Address 5609, Journal. MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOR BUILD ing loans or straight loans money advanced as needed, no delay, bonds or disappointment: phone me N. W. 1S47 J2. E. D. Brown. 73S Lumber Kxehange. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tail merchants, teamsters, boarding booses, without security. Largest business in 48 prlnci pal cities. Tolman, 920 New York Life bldg. HONEY TO LOANLOWEST RATES WITH OH or before privileges no delay in closing or se curing answer. Building loans also accepted. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN ON improved city property at lowest current rates no delay. The Minnesota Loan A Trust Co., 313 Nicollet sv BUILDING, COMPANY WANTS MONEY FROM private parties on first mortgages at 6 per cent. Loans conservative. New city property. 5854, Journal. MINNEAPOLIS GAS LIGHT COMPANY 5 PER cent bonds, netting 4% per cent, for sale by Minnesota Loan A Trust Co.. SIS Nicollet av. a D. CONE A CO., 517 Guaranty blag, have om hand to loan on Improved property $1,000. $1,600. $2,000. $3,500 lowest rates. WANTED$2,500, ON GILT-EDGE IMPROVES city property, worth over three times ths amount wanted. 5294. Journal. SMALL LOANS ON CITY REAL ESTATE. COM mercial Law A Adjustment Co., 311 Nicollet. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. NO delay. Thayer Gale, 213 N. Y. Life bldg. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT, MORE than company VAlne. Abbott. 308 Andrus. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY LOW, rates. J. H. Bird, 625 Andrus building. LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. delay. Ins.. Loan Co.. 508 Oneida block. I WILL INVEST FROM $1,000 TO $8,000 9 some good business. 5533, Journal. ^JgATOjftjgDJMAjmsS^^ W E LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, wagons, warehouse receipts and salaries. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co., 408. New York Life Bldg. WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BUILDING loans on furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit boiiosjfc ers lowest prices. WILLIAMS, 484 GUARANTY BLDG., LOANS ON furniture, pianos or any security large loans a specialty terms to suit borrowers. Lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property. Charges reasonable. 506 Globe bldg. ATTORNEYS 1 W. A JTOANCIAL. "cHAlTiJrLOANBT Minnesota Mortgage Loan Ox Established 25 Years. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc., without the slightest publicity. Small or large pay* ments. weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having Lecn e&gaged in the money lending business for the past 25 years, and with th large clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years Insures honorable and confidential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co.. 805-306 Bank of Commerce Building. 1st Av S and 4th St. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money 1 We loan on furniture, pianos, salaries, horses* wagons, etc. Low rates. Easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephoneN. W-. Main 1770, Twin City, 8878. Minneapolis Loan Co.* 001-602 Globe Building. 22 4th st 5. E. B. CRANE, ~-V 725 Temple Court, Minneapolis. ^30t Prompt attention given to all legal bnsteessk' and collectlons._Your_correspondence solicited. THE SWHET6ER-ROOHESTER~0d^ 810-811 Lumber Exchange, jlinneapolls. Bestr _equlpped_ collectlon_department in northwest^, JAMES A. XELLOGG, 88t ANDRUS BUILDINOv Minneapolis. Attorney U. \11 courts, federal an*-r state, land office, patents ana oensioas. LEGAL NOTICES THE HUNTLEY CREAMERY ANDMACHmfe ery, including that tor grinding feed, will bept sold at public auction at the creamery prem ises in Huntley, Minn., on Saturday, June 10th,r 1905 at 2 o'clock p.m., to the highest bidder fact cash. A. HOTCHKISS, Huntley, Minn, J*