Newspaper Page Text
a THURSDAY SPECIALS. Ladies' new $3.00 all patent leather Oxfords, welt sole, Thursday Ladies' $2.50 fine vici kid, hand turn Oxfords,$1.48 vesting top, Thursday Ladies' $3.00 new tan chocolate, 3-button Ox fords, Thursday Ladies' new tan choco late Oxfords, flexible soles, worth $2.50, Thurs. fcex Regular occupation Soldier or Sailor $75 $1.98 $1.65 Child's $1 patent leather sandals, sizes 8toll Ladies' black Serge slippers. Ladies' tan oxfords rOn MOST CENTRALLY Civil or Spanish War OXFORD SPEGIALS. Ladies' tan chocolate, ribbon tie Oxfords, wide ribbons, Thurs. Ladies' new $3 pat ent leather, button Oxfords, dull kid top Ladies' white and tan canvas, ribbon lace Oxfords, special Ladies' $2 tan Russia calf Oxfords, special Ladies' patent leather strap slippers Child's $1 kid lace shoes, 9 to 11 Misses' $1 kid lace shoes, 11 to 2' a Summer Evening try a lemonade made of X.ITHIA. WATER A glass of plain Londonderry is sufficient to many because of its own delicious flavor. SALE BY FOB The Lyman-Eliel Drug: Co.. Wholesale. The O. S. Braekett Co.. Setafl. HOTE MARLBOROUGH Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York. REDUCED EATES for Permanent Guests. Rates for Rooms,-$1.50 and upward $2.00 and upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per day. Parlor, two bedrooms and bath, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.00 per day. $1.00 extra where two persons occupy a single room. Write for Booklet. SWEENEY-TIEENEY HOTEL COMPANY, E. M. TIEENEY, MANAGER. HAVE YOU BEEN ENUMERATED? If Not, Fill Out the Blank Printed Below and Send to Census Headquarters, Court House, or Hand to a Policeman. $2.00 $2.00 $1.45 $1.39 Infant's tan lace JA LOCATED HOTEL ON BROADWAY. Under New Management Since Jan nary 1, 1905. Completely EENOVATED and TEANS- FOEMED in every department. The largest and most attractive Lobby and Eotunda in the city. Two beautiful new DINING BOOMS, Superior TABLE D'HOTE DINNEE every day from 6 to 9 p.m. A shoes, 2 to 5 ..."KIG Child's patent shoes, 59c tlT:. 59c Boy's $1.75 calf' shoes, 12 to 5. .1 9 THE FAMOUS GERMAN RATHSKELLER, Broadway's chief attraction for Special Food Dishes. Popular Music. Better than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. 400 EOOMS. 200 BATHS. Besidents of Minneapolis who are at present away from home are urgently requested to fill out the enclosed blank and mail it to census headquarters. Fill out a blank for every member of your family. Give this your personal attention and help enroll the entire population of Minneapolis. x\ ame Give name of each person who&e place of abode on June 1, 1905, was in this family. Omit children born since. Street or avenue Number. Age at last birthday. If under one year, mark in fraction of year, thus2 12. NativityPlace of birth of this person t". |jfflfMJ Place of birth of Father \lgffi5ZT~' Place of birth of Mother Period of residence in ward Years Months Genuine CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS must bear Fac-sMIe Signature of Absolutely CUTO BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. TORPID LIVER. FURRED TONGUE. INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN LIV They TOUCH the Genuine Wrapper Printed on RED PAPER BLACK LETTERS &00H fee ftbtt Sltfatur Color State or Territory, or if of foreign birth name of country. Period of residence in this state Years Months GURITY ARTER'S ITTLE IVER Wednesday Evening, THE MINNEAFOMS ^JOURNAL. SUSPECTED OF A^ SECOND MURDER AIRS. PRATT GUARDED AND HER HIRED MAN IN JAIL. Mysterious Death of Her Father-in Law as Well as Her Husband Will Probably Be Investigated Both Thought to Have Been Poisoned that a Guilty Lqye Might Prosper. Special to The Journal. Lake City, Iowa, June 28 Upon the analysis of the contents of the stomach of Cjrus Pratt, whose funeral was interrupted Monday to inves tigate a charge of murder against Mrs. Pratt and their bhed man, Will Kerslng, will depend not onlj the prosecution of these two for this offense, but perhaps investigation into the death of Mr. Pratt's fathei some five years ago. It is well remembered here that Mr Pratt's father died aftei a lingeiing, strange illness, dmtagwhich- he was treated by several pbj sicians, none of whom could diagnose his case The Piatt faim near Yetter is known thruout the countv as one fully equipped with splendid buildings and all modem contrivances The eldei Pratt was termed wealthy After his rather strange death, the family was broken up, the son Cyrus and wife lemalning on the home place It has been a matter of neighborhood gossip that Mrs Piatt was Tery friendly with Kers Ing, who has woiked in the community for many years She was good looking and jounger than her husband Pratt was taken sick five weeks ago Dr Barry of Auburn could not diagnose the case, and Dr Hull of Lake City was called in consultation He was puzzled. He says the patient seemed not sick enough to be in bed when he called, but always was worse just before He thinks now it was the action of arsenic administered in small doses Dr Speaker, a Lake City physician, was pre* ent at death. No one was able to diagnose the case It is asseited that Mrs Pratt purchased poison twice at a letter drug store recently, signing the poison register on both occasions Mr and Mrs Pratt had two children both girls Kersing is in jail at Rockwell City and Mrs Pratt is guarded at her home Evidence of Guilty Relationship. It is believed that Persing will soon tell all he knows of the case Dr Speaker of Lake View was the last physician to call on Piatt l,ibt Friday afternoon Pratt went Into con vulsions after he left Mis Pratt retued earl} the evening and was called at 2 clock. She took Persing's faan and stood with her head on Persing's shoulder while her husband died She shed no tears. She was told to go back to bed Later men seeking clothing to dress the bods went into her bedroom and louna renins with her Ihe next morning Persing went to the Bink of Yetter and asked about Piatt's life insurance and bank account. Then he went to Lake City with Mrs Pratt and the neit day the two went to Yetter together When the funeral was stopped Monday for an investigation, Mrs Pratt was not apparentlj surprised Persing denied knowing anything about the poison Mrs. Pratt finally admitted she bought aisenic at McNichols' drug store in Yetter on March 7 and June 22 but said she used it on bread to poison mice, and when asked to produce some of it declared she had burned it COUNTY OPTION LAW Chief Question Before the State Total Abstinence Society. MADISON. MINNThe Minnesota Total Ab stinence society adjourned last night after a three davs' session It was the annual meeting and brought delegate* fiom all over the state to the number of about 150 The reports of the secretary and treasuiei showed that the societv is in a flourishing condition The principal mattei which came be fore the society was the discussion of plans foi a county option law Among the prominent speakers were O Skair of Bottineau, N Rev T. Peteison Elbow Lake, Peteison, Fertile. Brek hus Minneapolis, E Rachie and Piofesor Sokensgaid, Madison, Rev O Seljan North wood Iowa Iroiwdal Eau Claire, and Rev 4 Washington of Armleton On Sunday mornins the delegates met in the Lnited cbuich where Rev Kr Daloger of Lake Paik delivered an able and instructive sermon o.i "Christian Life" In the evening Rev O Seljan pleached to a large and appreciative audi once A meeting was also held in the citv hall, where Rev A Washington and Miss Lavine Rokke were the speakers The following officers were elected for the en suing year Piesldent Professor 0 Sokensgaard, Madison, vice president, O Holton, Havfield, secretan Gustav Eide, Minneanolis, treasurer, O Loe Minneapolis, directors, 4.. Dahl, Mcintosh, Rev E O. Larson, Ellendale, and A Suesrud, Kasson. The summer normal school will open on Wed nesday, July 5, and continue for one month The instiuctors are A Vandyke, Fergus Falls, Childs Slayton, Mrs Boutell Mar shall. Superintendent Sokensgard, Madison A big attendance is expected CONVICT POPULATION GROWS Higher by Ten than Ever BeforeMore Buildings Needed. STILLWATER, MINN The arrival of nine additional convicts yesterday and today places the prison population ten higher than ever befoie More than a score of prisoners now sleep on cots in the coiridors, and the need of additional build ings is pressing. An agreement was entered into yesterday be tween the First National bank and Henning sen by which a joint wall will be built between their two buildings A new front will be nro vided foi the Henninjsen block and will be built of brick that will harmonize with the stone front of the new bank building This settles a dispute, and will preclude possibility of the Hen ningsen wall falling Melva Oben has been granted a divorce from Walter Oben on the grounds of desertion County Treasurer Foster has turned over tat collections to the city in the amount of $31, 41S and to the independent school dlstilct of Stillwater, $18,71178 KINO OF FISHERMEN Makes a Sault Ste. Marie Angler Notable Catch. Special to Tia Journal. Sault Ste Marie, Mich June 28 The title of king fisherman of the bt MBJT'S valley" has formally been conferied upon Moses Valoin stein, a local clothier, in consequence of his success in catching the biggest rainbow trout ever pulled from the rapids The fish was 28 inches long, IV2 inches thru and weighed 7% pounds It was hooked with a No 8 flj, and the pole with which the deed was accomplished weighed 4% ounces It took Yalomstein twenty minutes to land the tiout WARS ON "PREACHERS' TRUST" Mayor of Marshalltown Unites Couple Without Price or Cost. MARSHALLTOWN,IOWAIn compliance with Mayor Ingledue's purpose to break the preachers' trust by performing first mariage ceremonies ab solutely fiee, he united in wedlock Frank Mc Candless and Catherine Wevans, both of this citv late vesterda\ afternoon The service was witnessed bv the entire set of county officers as well as the city force, and Mayor Ingledue stated that he was sorry to see five old maids in the audience. HAYFIELD'S TEACHERS Grothe of Northfield Elected Principal Town Is Growing. HAYFIELD MINN The school board has selected the following teachers for the ensuing vear Principal, Amos Grothe of Northfield, assistant, Katherine Murray of Hayfleld, grades. Mabel GUbertson of Giand Meadow Mary A I^eonarcl of Rochester a.n Bessie Bocklaud o Pimeeton The school will have six. instructors. Under the new timecaid which goes into ef fect Sunday Haj field will be the terminal point for three passenger and nine freight trains. Theie is a fine opening here for a new fifty room hotel G-KANITE FALLS, MINN The executive com mittee of the Western Minnesota Teachers' as soclation met here and decided to hold the next meeting of the association at Granite Falls Oct. 20 and 21. BIRD ISLAND, MINN.This village voted in fivor of a $6 000 bond issue for a gas lighting plant The vote stood 121 foi and 47 against the proposition NORTHWEST NECROLOGIC BILLIXGS MONT David Milne, one of the pioneers of Montana whose home was in the Musselshell country, died there last evening of pneumonia after an illness of about three weeks He came to Montana about twentj-flve years ago directly from Scotland When he arrived here he was practically penniless He took up a homestead of 160 acres and launched into the sheep business by taking sheep on shares At the time of his death he was possessor of a large tract of land and many thousand sheep WALKER MINN.George Hardy, sheriff of Cash county, died this morning at 7 o'clock of Bright's disease, leaving a wife and two children He had been sheriff since the or ganization of the country. Defective Page Dress Goods Pre-Inventory 1S4 PIECES ALL WOOL SUITINGS and Mohair Fancies, black and near ly all colors, Panamas, Cheviots, Voiles, London Twines, Orispines, Granite Cloths, Bice Voiles, etc. some pieces with only a dress pat tern left elegant qualities, widths to 50 inches, and selling values in a regular way to $1.60 yard, A Pre-Inventory price Thurs. OOv Millinery Testing the flower of low prices to the limit during our Pre-Inventory Sale several lines must be closed out note Thursday's offer A large stock of handsome straw braid, including all colors worth up to 35c a yard (if you are your own trimmed, don't miss this E** sale) yard,~i5 10c and. ..*OC TRIMMED HATSSuch values are rarely seen, even herea splendid lot of very pretty, stylish effects that have sold but a short time ago at. $2.98, $3.98 and 4*4 Agft $5.00 your choice. ...yl amFO 1 Drawers, worth, 29c Men's Splendid Percale Shirts, the 50c kind 39 Two heaping tables full of Negligee, Outing and Sateen Shirts, Eft A black or colors, a broken lot, all sizes, worth from 75c to $1.50 O Men's Night Shirts, 75c and $1.00 qualities 5Q Three Snaps in UnderwearMen's Balbriggan Shirts and |A A broken lot of 50c kind, both Shirts and Drawers 35 Neckwear100 styles at 3 prices... 49c, 25c and X9 About 100 dozen of that 19c lot of Half Hose, worth 25c, 35c and 50c, to clean them up we will sell them at 15 or 2 pair for White Goods End pieces, waist lengths, and short lengths, fancy"" and plain White Goods. It is the eve for stock tak ing, and these two lots must go, values to 50c yard, 9 I5c values to 25c 2 Embroideries As we determined to clean up all odds and ends of embroideries be fore Saturday, we offer four big lots, worth $1.25, 50c, 35c and 25c, 49c 29c 19c and 15for A small lot, about 15 patterns in all, very fine Swiss allovers, beautiful things for waists and yokes, our price $1.98, spe cial Thursday- Suit Department GREATEST REDUCTIONS OF THE SEASON ON WQMEN'S SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS DURING OUR ANNUAL PRE-INVENTORY SALE. 50 Women's Man Tailored Suits, blouse and tight fitting, jackets satin lined, plain and pleated skirts these suits are well worth $16.50. Cfe"7 TA h Thursday, as long as they last "Mr 75 Women's Black Silk Jackets, loose fitting sleeves, shirred O A O at top, all sizes, worth $7.00. To close N*OHPO Odd Lot of Women's Dress and Walking Skirts, brown, blue and black chev- iots and Panamas good assortment of sizes, well worth A T* E $6.50. To close N* if 50 Women's Rain-Proof Coats that must go they come in light and dark col- ors, blouse and tight fitting styles, all styles. These coats ^"T Aft were made to sell as high as $14.50. Your choice *f O Just ArrivedLarge line of Women's Wash Suits, Coats and Skirts. Ladies' UnderwY 250 dozen ladies' Swiss ribbed, low neck, sleeveless Vests, in pink, blue and white, not one worth less than 15c 9 or fPEfetf* three for dm\9tM 150 dozen very elaborately trimmed lace Vests in fancy drop stitch, these goods are well worth 25c, (manufac turers' seconds, but very slightly imperfect) at Men's Furnishings 8c A VO 25c Jewelry Dept. Ladies' unbreakable Pearl and Tur quoise stock pins, worth |A A 15c, Thursday Children's solid gold seal ring in Roman and bright finish, w* njfc#* worth 98c, Thursday OvG Plain and fancy back combs, extra heavy stock, worth 75c, nA. Thursday OjltP Ladies' black girdles, extra good quality, worth 48c, g% A Thursday 4M O Washable belts in linen, with fancy stitch, worth 19c, JA. Thursday 1 IfC Hose Ladies' fast black Hose, double heel and toe, the 10c kind, 300 dozen this sale, per pair A big lot of ladies' fancy Hose in tans, blacks and fancy embroidered, -regular price, 19c per pair, Thurs day 15 c, or AR pair, for this once I A two for Uv Children's Hose, 250 dozen very fine ribbed (seconds) sizes from 5y2 to 9V2, worth 25c to 30c per 4A A "I work in the office and don't get as much, exercise as I should, and when 1 feel bad I just take a Cascaret which always makes me feel J. E Rohan, Q. & C. Route, Crescent, Ky. "I had a torpid liver for months. I bought a box of Cascarets in Washington and have not only been put *n perfect health, but have gained considerable in weight Harry Hodgson, Rockville, Md. "Cascarets were the only medicine I hadwith me when 1 beat the world's record as Cham don Corn Hnsker of America," husking 270 tnshels in 10 hours E. E. Eimberlin, La Harpe, 111. @acoaag Drug Dept. IDEAL HAIR BRUSHES, positive ly the best, cleanest and most sani tary brush made, sells regularly at 89c (drug stores ask $1.00) Thurs day, quantity limited FACE CHAMOISFine, soft skins, cut in just the right sizes, A our 15c line, each Optical Goods Our mid-week bargain, Pre-Inven torybest 14k gold filled mount, rimless eyeglass, with fine grade per iscopic lens, a good JB ff $4.00 value, this once.9 *fr*F G. BEUGK, Manager Minneapolis Branth, 419-29 Twelfth Av. S. Both Phones 732. Moorhead, Minn. Phone No. 792. Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body Stomach and brain affect eacn otner. A sick stomacn sours the disposition ana. pre- vents sleep and brain rest, and a sick brain sours the stomach and clogs the bowels. Men of sedentary habits, brain workers who don't get much exercise, have sick stom- achs and bowels, and wear out their brains and nerves. "Some time go, while I was in Millersburg. Pa Mr Freck, the landlord was afflicted with severe pains in the stomach. I insisted upon his taking a Cascaret before going to bed and next morning he passed 6 in. of a tape-worm. He bought a box of Cascarets and a tape-worm 45 feet long came from him head and an Chas. E. Condon, Mifflinbnrg, Pa. "Cascarets cured me radically of dyspepsia and headache and my weight which before was 120 is now 150 lbs."S Navarro, Biloxi, Miss. "I find Cascarets beneficial after a spell of hard work, clearing the brain as well as the bowels, and also working off colds in good shape."E. C. Stokes, Philadelphia, Pa. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL 61c Neckwear Ladies9 Every kind of the novelties of this season in Turnovers, either embroid ered, hemstitched or lace, worth 15c and 35c each, on the cen- A ter counter, for O EDISON converts the mysterious electric forces into engines of stupendous power. JOHN QUND transmits the equal ly mysterious forces of sun, air and soil into a spark ling life-giving beer. iUSSTS is produced by the "Gund Natural Process" and is a marvel of purity and flavorbecause its vital materials (malt and hops) are of the highest quality nature can grow. The barley is harvested in Wis consin at our very, doors. For over fifty years we have taken the choicest crops of this celebrated bar ley growing district. The hops are the rarest that Bohemia can grow. Hence PEERLESS foams and bubbles with all the life-giving nutriment of land, air and climate. On account of these qualities PEERLESS was awarded Gold Medal at St. Louis World's .Fair. Those who want the best should ask for it and keep on asking for it or telephone our agent at once and have a case deliver to your door this very day. O J. Schott, Mgr BreckenrWge, Minn. Lock Box G. Phone 2722 rings. A man who keeps his "bowels regular with Cascarets Candy Cathartic, that is without strain or violence, can keep strong and healthy without much exercise. A famous professor in Jefferson Medical College used to advise his students: "Trust in God and keep your bowels open! That's God's own wisdom, for when the bowels are regular and the digestion strong and healthy, then the system is safe and the brain and nerves will have inexhaustible elasticity and life. Best for the Bowels. All druggists, IOC, 35c, wc. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C. Guar anteed to cure or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y. 607 ife J^ Silks Pre-Inventory 197 PIECES SHIRTWAIST BUTT- ING SILKS, newest styles, choicest colors, Warp Prints, Pointelles, Jac quards, Swiss Taffetas in hair line stripes and checks, some pieces with only a dress pattern left, also a few pieces Crepe de Chines in wanted shades, Pre-Inventory 51CM% Price, Thursday Ovu Wash Goods ENGLISH OXFORDSThe real im ported article, formerly sold at 29c yard, not many pieces, but while they last^ they are ft*% yours at O CLAREMONT and RAYURE BA- TISTEdainty, sheer, 30 in. fab rics, choice, neat printing, should be 15c yard, A special SATIN STRIPE NOVELTIES Embroidered Mousselines, Rice Cloth three of this season's favorites in a great collection of just the latest and best effectsthe world over 20c yard, Thursday $3.00 Corsets for 98c Pre-Inventory Sale, P. D., C. B., J. B., G. D., R. & G., Ferris and American Lady Corsets and Girdles, dip hip, double hose supporters, 18 to QA 30, worth to $3.00. Thursday fOv $2.00 Corsets and Waists for 69c $2.50 Petticoats for $1.48 Pre-Inventory Sale of Moreen and Mercerized Sunburst and JB A Van Dyke Skirts, worth to $2.50. Thursday 1 140 Muslin Underwear Pre-Inventory Sale, Gowns, Skirts, Chemise, Drawers and Corset Covers, worth to $1.00. Choice 49c and Boys' Clothing PRE-INVENTORY SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING. Boys' Waists and Blouses Sell regu lar at 25c, A this sale I O Boys' Buster Brown Wash Suits, Blouse Suits and Sailor Suits, worth to $2.00, O this sale M* I W Boys' Caps, worth to 50c, AI! A this sale m Oil Boys' Suits, Buster Brown and Nor folk, worth to $6.00, A O Pre-Inventory Price..9 F 3c 121c A 39o Glove Specials For Thursday only, ladies' silk dou ble tip guaranteed Gloves $1.25 quality, for 89c $1.00 quality for 75 75c quality for 50c 50c quality for 29 Laces A table full of odds and ends, tor chon laces, edges and insertions, Point de Venice, bands, galloons and medallions, worth from 5c to 25c per yard, Thurs- 0^% day at O Over 100 patterns of French Val laces, insertings and edges to match, worth from 7c to 15c per yard,in one lot, choice Pre- 75 styles Not tingham oriental platt val allovers 18 inches wid"5, worth 50c to $1, Inventory Sale. 39c He loves this good old brew And so will you dl OB WMrttlajtr The beer with a "snap" to f&*-i 1 6. Heileman Brewing Co. Minneapolis Branch: 721 So. 3rd St. Both phones. Beach's Glycerine Hand Soap All Grocers i MADE BV ?A JAMES BEACH & SONS, Dubuque, torn Makers of the Famous "Peosta Soatf* Beach's Glycerine Hand Soap is the soap for the lady of the house, as wB as for clerks, office men and school children. Both mistress and maid ap preciate the soothing, healing effect of its smooth and creamy lather. TJjg, price is five cents a cake. f^s* Massage Crerae Peaiisante (Violette) A delightful Massage Cream without grMM f coloring Stops hair growth. Superiortoan others for its whiteness, purity and exqntelt* odor of fresh violets. Fills hollows. Mafeaa plump, rosy skin and beautiful complexion by removing all impurities and wrinkles. 10c and 50o Jars at leading stores and their branches. For sale by leading druggists. s#^ POWERS DRUG DEPARTMENT A $ i P4F2i ys