Newspaper Page Text
White Canvas Sailor Tie. New Ones Are Coming AH the Tan 5th Ave. Tie. Time. See Them. $3.00 $3.50 & AN $4.00 Swagger Shoes for Young Men Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords Made on Our New Wasp and Arrow Lasts. $3.50, and $5 Misses' Tan Oxfords, chocolate, vici and Eussia *9 & calf, per pair p A & wP Children's tan Eussia calf and chocolate vici Oxfords, per pair Dressers Are Wearing Oxfords They Are Cooler Than Any Other Style. Try a Pair. White Canvas Oxfords, Gibson Ties and Pumps Turned and Welted Soles. $2, $3 and $3.50 608 NICOLLET AVE. Boys' Eussia Calf Oxford Ties, on the Jap last, per pair Youths' Eussian Tan Oxfords, extension sole per pair NOW FOR THE: illinery Clearance Would be foolish for us to carry any millinery overIt's not our way of doing businessWe'd rather take a loss now force out every hat in stock at one great clearance movement. So Thursday Choose Stylish Creations Worth SS.00 to $20.00 at All Our Children's Hats to Close 23c Two lots of White Linen and Silk O/l Batiste Shirt Waists, worth $1.50 fi*f to $4.50, to close at $1.49 and Tailor-Made SuitsTo close be fore stock-taking, every garment reduced. We are showing a splendid lot, worth $35.00 and $45.00... $19.50 EASE ELEGANCE AND EXCELLENCE Afforded if you travel via. the Great Norfthc $$K$$3*$$3^$$$ WMliMi^M $1.?5 Silk Suits Shirt waist and tailored silk jacket suits, in black and colors worth $45.00 to $75.00, at...... "The Comfortable Way" to the Lewis and Giark Expositii on either of the two modernly equipped transcontinental trains. Send 2 cents for Illustrated booklet, "A Camera Journey to the Lewis and Clark Exposition" to F. I. WHITNEY, Passenger Traffic Manajrer, St. Paul, Minn, and for further detailed information call on, or address V. D. JONES, C. P. & T. A., 3rd and Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Advertise In The Minneapolis Journal, a clean, hlgh-gaade evening ne"ws- $ paper. You are given no waste circulation every copy counts and acts as your silent salesman. It represents you in the homes of the thinking and buying classes. The Journal goes into more homes in the city,, in the suburbs and $ into country homes than any other paper in the northwest.. -V -/i i $25.00 MINNETONKA Eastern representatives of the Amer ican Medical association made a trip to Lake Minnetonka early in the after noon yesterday on a special train over the Great Northern."" They left the train at Wayzata and boarded the Plymouth for a trip of the lake. Eighty five medical men and their families are in the party making the trip from the Atlantic Coast to Portland, where they will be in attendance at the medical convention July 10-14. On the way out a stop will be made to see the Yellow stone N park. At Hotel del Otero a sumptuous noon dinner was served amid charming appointments, and the trav elers could not have been given any thing better to properly impress them with Lake Minnetonka hospitality. Dr. Frederick Holme Wiggin is in charge of the party, and after a two hours' visit at the lake and a hurried peep at its beautiful surroundings, the special train returned to the city at 4 o'clock, and the tour west was continued in the evening. In the party are: Drs. H. K. Eegar, J. V. Kefiey, H. M. H. Fussell, Phila delphia Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ellen berger. Master Ellenberger, Harris burg, Pa.: Drs. D. D. Custer, Philadel phia Grlatfelter, Jr., Spring Forge, Pa. JE. W. Evans, Easton, Pa. Gable. Jr., York, Pa. Ella N. Eitter, Williams port, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Glat felter, Spring Forge, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Holtzapple, Dr. and Mrs. I. C.Miss Gable, Miss Holtzapple, York, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. *Zern, Lehighton, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Wiggins, McKee port, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Frank haxiser, Beading, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Stevens,. Athens, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. William Witter, Norwich, Conn. Dr. and Mrs. Dexter D. Ashley, Dr. Thomas F. Beiley, Dr. Franklin E. Smith, Dr. J. Riddle Goffe, Dr. and Mrs. John T. Nagle, Mrs. J. E. Houghton, Dr. Fred erick Holme Wiggin, Manhattan, New York city Dr. and MrsSWilliam Wit ter, Norwich, Conn. Dr. William Fran cis Campbell, Dr. John W. Parrish, Dr. and Mrs. L. Grant Baldwin, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. C. L. French, Dr. J. J. Good win, William A. Fuller, Clinton, Mass. Dr. F. W. Stevens, Bridgeport, Conn. Dr. and Mrs. A. 0. Forman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landell, Bayonne, N. J. Dr. and Mrs. Marcus F. Squier, Harri son, N. J. G. Gilbert Brown, Alan H. Brown, Dr. and Mrs, J. Fewsmith, Miss Fewsmith, Dr. Sarah B. Mead, Newark, N. J. C. E. Cuddeback, Port Jervis, N. Y.: Dr. E. W. Baker, Ithaca, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Clark, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lucid, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ver Noy, Cort land, N. Y. Dr. J. Orley Stranahan, Borne, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. E. Hurd Bronx, New York city Miss Harriet B. Hill. Dr. Mary A. Dunning, New burgh, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. E.. H. Hpl lingshead, Mrs. Bebecca S. Price, Miss Martha J. Austin, Pemberton, N. J. Mrs. Wallace C. Hancock, Dr. John Welsh Croskey, Philadelphia, Pa.: Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Kistter, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Miss Mary M. Kistler, Lanstord, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Townsend, New burffh. N. Y. Dr. Nathan Mayer, Hart Conn Dr. Ernest Wells Hart ford! Conn. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Seid ler, Newark, N. J. Tonight the Minnetonka Boat club will give its opening ball at Tonka Bay hotel. Invitations were issued some time ago and if the weather is fan there will be a host of the club mem bers and their friends to attend the pleasant affair. Boy Thompson, Ed Phinny, Horace Lowry, Frank Myer and Ed Barnaby are on the entertainment committee and have made arrangements on an elaborate scale for the ball. A full orchestra will play all thru the evening and during the dinner hours a concert program will add to the pleas ure. There are a great many members of the club who have arranged come out for the evening with parties from the city, taking dinner at Tonka Ba hotel, and returning on the midnight train to Minneapolis.- Altho the.invitations contained a re quest for "white gowns," some of the pretty lake' girls have gone on a strike and 'declare positively that they will wear whatever color they choose. One of the girls declares that white is not half so becoming to her as blue, and so blue will be her choice, and her de cision will be followed by others. The reception committee may thus be pre pared to bow its greetings not only to the natty summer girls in white, but to visions in blue, cream, yellow and pink frills and furbelows as well. The clubhouse will be charmingly illuminated and during the intermis sions there will be attractive walks be tween the club and the hotel. Frappe, ices and dainty refreshments will be served on the piazza of the hotel, and for the pleasure of the guests who de sire for the more substantial things the cafe will be open and will serve a tempting Dutch supper in charge of the chef. Tonka Bay hotel has bookings for the coming weeks which indicate a busy season at the hotel and visits from a host of eastern, southern and western guests. One of the first parties to ar rive in July will be Mr. and Mrs. New ton Claypool and their daughters, of the Claypool, Indianapolis, accompanied by H. B. Sherman. Chicago Mrs. and Miss Speer and Miss Stockdale. The party is now in Portland, Ore., and will leave within a few days for the north west. Henry C. Euebel of Cincinnati will bring a party of eight, including Mrs. Barnhardt and her mother, Mrs. E. C. Estabrook of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Miller of Omaha, to the lake July 3. They have taken one of the finest suites at the hotel. The Tuesday Limited club will enter tain this afternoon and evening at a social gathering: for the men friends of the club at the lake. There will be a hop for the party ,of forty at the Ex celsior casino. Mrs. Franklin M. Crosby ofv Ferndale opened her summer home yesterday lor a delightful outtog held by the four clubs of Unity settlement. Miss Cros by, Miss Mills and Miss Sutton chap eroned the young people, which includ ed the Girls'' club, the gymnasium class, the expression class and the class in designs. The morning train was taken to "Wayzata and a steamer trip was en'- joyed until all were together in the afternoon, when out-oi-door amuse ment and the basket picnic furnished fun and entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge of Oma ha and Mr. an'd Mrs. F. M. Castetter, Blair, Wis., who arrived at the Bartlett "house, upper lake, last week, hold quite a fishing record. The two men spent three hours at fishing one morning and in that time landed sixty crappies, four large pickerel and. two fine black bass above average weight. Mr. and Mrs. Castetter were suddenly called home yesterday afternoon by the serious ifl ntess of Mr. Castetter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lord and Miss Lord ar rived at the hotel the past week and are spending a vacation at the pleasant, upper lake resort. Mr. Bartlett has just put in a new dock 178 feet long, and his fleet of row boats has been greatly enlarged. The guests who registered at Bartlett's were Mrs. W. W. Carlos and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deaver, Mrs. A. C. French, Frank H. Nutter, Jr., John? H. McKnight, B. Boberts, Miss Graves, Otto Lohoff, Mrs. M. Stanford, Miss Ella Duckley, S. Strangeland, B. J. Elliott, Mrs. BeTrier, Miss Bean T. Dane, D. M. Westhoover, W. E. M. Pearl, E. M. Shyllock, B. L. Bickey, Harry Dunsmore, M. F. Boberta. The Methodist churches had a mon opoly of the picnics^held yesterday at the lake. Hennepin Avenue Methodist church held forth on its anirual picnic Wednesday Evening-, THE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. June 28^905^ Defective Page i i sit Tonka Bay. Foss church-picniced on the Excelsior picnic grounds and the members of the Hamline Methodist church toured the lake and at Spring Park." TheN.Puritanpicniced had been chartered during*the morning for a trip of'the lake iu which all the picnicers participated. :.,.._ 65,,.V3 Mr. and Mrs. B. JV-Ellibtif1 Harry, Gertrude and Bayniond Elliott of Min neapolis, and Miss Elliott of London, England, came out to the lake Satur day and are at the Chapman house, -Mound. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Arm strong and family of Minneapolis, Mr. a*d Mrs. B. H. Lewis and family of St. Louis are also out for the season. The bowling alleys at Chapman's are being enlarged and'a new alley is add ed. The pavilion* is undergoing a thoro remodellitog and many improve ments are made at Chapman's. The Mayflower makes no^r her headquarters at the Mound, making three daily trips into the lower lake. She lands for passengers at Buena Vista, Chapman's, Bartlett's and Dewey s. The Sunday guests at the Chapman house were: J. H. Asplund, A. Joseph, L. Mellberg, Leonard Erickson, C. .W. Greening, Charles M, Kapp, Mrs. George Conrway, B. Selover, J. C. Lewis, Dr. J. McHugh, L. Shirling, Thomas John son, F. W. Noys, Wm. CarrJP. A. Rog ers, H. Manning,, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Walker, J. B. Johnson, Minneapolis Charlotte Spencer, Victoria, B. B. F. Manning, ^Omaha O. J. Clark, Ripon, Wis. The former commodore of the Osh kosh Yacht club, Frank H. Libby, was elected an honorary member of the Minnetonka Boat club at a meeting held Monday n'ight. Mr. Libby is well known to Minnetonka sailors.' MrL- .v Bass in Minnetonka Are being caught in great plenty. There are also plenty of splendid snaps to be picked up at Boutell's Great Removal Sale. Endeavor to visit their tempo rary location' (623-625 Nicollet ave) tomorrow. You will be surprised at the tremendous cut in prices. The Minnesota Epworth league has selected The North-Western Line as the Official Route to Denver for their na tional convention in July. Very low round-trip rates are announced for this occasion. For particulars call at 600 Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Pleasure Trips on Lake Superior. Tickets now on sale at office of the North-Western Line. On Saturday: Twin cities to Port Ar thur and Isle Royal, $13.50. On return trip arrive twin cities following Tues day. Every day: Twin cities to Port Ar thur via Houghton and Isle Royal with stopovers good returning within thirty days, $19.00. Every day: Twin cities to Georgian Bay and return, with stopovers at Houghton, Marquette, Saulte Ste. Marie and Owen Sound, $37.50, SMim^SBSHKAN, W-HOfciiCSALB.- Doors, Sash/ Blinds, Etc. Specialties: Stair Work, Office Fittings and Interior Hardwood Finish. Corner 2d Avenue 8 EAST SIDE, and 8th Street. Minneapolis, Minn. -Q ?]p-LOtjk ^M^L MtfC$INERVi HOWE SCALES & HOWE ENGINES Champion Engines and Champion Scales. Howe Scale Co. 321 So. 3d St. |g||L^Gl^^ STONii :CQ,^i$: '$'g\%&Grx\she&l]&e Stone ^-%KV ALFEKD ANDRESEN & CO., Importers SWEDISH STEEL GOODS. 1300-1302 Washington Av. S. '$*pr \i^^is{'y^fl d'^FIftit s)',' ^l^'i^^iPPVa^plis, K-Min riv'^v^-,' MINNEAPOLIS FLORAL CO. Wholesale Growers and Deal ers in Plants and Flowers. Special Attention to Funeral Orders. 33th St. and Calhoun Bcralev'rd ^MTilP^rrARPEf FISHER^ ^^v ,S^COMPANY^--/ ''S'-^ Minneapolis, Minn/ PETERSON CARPET CO., 312-814 FIKST AV. N. The Only Wholesale Mail Order Firm J6hbin OUT CARPETS, Rugs, Draperies, etc., as an exolusive specialty. Manufacturer of all kinds of pattent exhibitors and myrioscopes. Founder out order carpet trade in Minneap olis and two other cities. Live merchants wanted to sell our goods by sample. Over 1,000* town agencies. JANNEY, SEMPLE, HILL & COMPANY, UV-. W. Herrlon of New Ulm arc nt PERSONAL MENTION. the White hpuse. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Atkinson of Minneapolis were guests of Mi", and Mrs. Charles Blntliff at their home on Gideon's bay. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ^Glover were .at the lake yesterday, attending the Wallace-Gerhard wedding. Mr. trod Mrs. George A. Baldwin of New York city are guests at the White house for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Orme of Minneapolis were guests at the White house over Sunday. Week-end guests at the White house were: J. W. Harris. H. T. Bishop, Austin Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Metcalf. F. H. Smith, W. E. Stoop er. Earl P. Free, J. W. Howe, Mr and Mrs. F. E. Moore, Miss Marie Vokes, A. C. Dannen baum, L. J. Gofferuey. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roberts. Miss E. Crawshaw, H. R. Steere, Mis M. R. Crawshaw, Mr. arid Mrs. A. V. Cleveland, John H. Brown, B. E. Redham, S. C. Robinson, Herbert Gould, Minneapolis R. W. Morse, Grand Rapids Rudolph A. Timm, Chicago. Quantity. 2 pairs, Arabian color.., 6 pairs, Arabian color.., 4 pairs, Arabian color.. 1 pair, real Arabian ,,,v- ^^'Whblesaliei, Hardware. ._ 30, 32, 34, 36 Second avenue S. FRENCH WILTON RUGS. Quantity. Size. Former Price. 4 8-3x10-6 $50.00 9x12 $57.50 SANPORD AXMINSTER RUGS. seamless.. 8-3x10-6 -$30.00 seamless.. 9x12 $35.00 seamed... 9x12 $30.00 ROYAL WILTON RUGS. 8-3x10-6 $34.00 9x12 $37.50 SAXONY AXMINSTER RUGS. 9x12 $47.50 BIGELOW AXMINSTER RUGS. 8-3x10-6 $35.00 9x12 $40.00 BEST BODY BRUSSELS RUGS. 8-3x10-6 $25.00 9x12 $28.50 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS. 3 9x12 $22.50 $16.50 BCJDQIR RUGSThis is the best bed room rug on the market. Colorsblue, pink, green, yellow Size. Regular Price. Sale Price 6x9 $12.75 $5.00 8-3x10-6 $19.50 $9.00 9*12 $22.50. $10.00 TWO KILLED IN 'MASSACRE' Story of Yaqui Attack Is Thrillingly Fictionized. Nogales, Ariz., June 28.The stories sent out from this place regarding the attack of Yaqui Indians upon the Buenos Ayres ranch in Sonora last Thursday, in which over twenty Yaquis and several settlers and their families PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. Largest producers of Plate Glaus In the world. We carry a complete stock of WINDOW AND ORNAMENTAL GLASS. Northwestern Distributing Agents of PAT TON'S PAINTS( and carry a full line of Painters' Sundries. It. HEESCHEL MFG. CO. M. S. Thurber, Mgr. 406-408 Third avenue North. Manufacture mower knives, sections, rivets, cotters, rake teeth, link chain, beltings etc. Jobbers' agricultural supplies. Write for 1905 catalogue,. No. 66. ffACTOBY, PEOEIA, ILL. -G NORTHWESTERN :aiDE& :t^ U'F*jR:coJ\^,,::" '26d-2^i20^|Fifs^ street.^cVi I:-, GLUEK BREWING CO. Brewers and Bottlers,of -\V 'HIGH GRADE BEERS, Minneapolis/ Mmnesota. Invest your money where you get the best results. If you invest in Journal want ads you will find they pay big dividends. Only lc a word. You cannot depend on the weather, but you can always de pend on Journal want ads to bring results. Only lc a word. Lace Curtains at Easy Prices ir JOHN W. THOMAS & CO. 300 Pairs Real Arabian, Scotch Nets, Clunys, Ruffled Muslins, Brussels Nets, Ruffled Nets, Saxonys, Soutaches, Irish Points^ Scotch Madras, Embroidered Muslins,* Regular Price. $6.00 $7.75 $9.50 $12.00 $3,00 $3.88 $2.50 $5.00 Sale Price. $40.00 143.50 25.00 22.50 $22.50 30.00 27.50 $37.50 30.00 27.50 I to 3 Pairs of a Kind, Including BRAND DAMES (Our Entire Une.) Sale Price. Quantity. 0 pairs, real Arabian.. 6 pairs, real Arabian. 6 pairs, real 'Arabian. 4 pairs, real Arabian. DOMESTIC RUGS Size. 18x36 24x48 30x60 36x72 36x36 22.50 20.00 were said to have been slain, were the grossest exaggerations. The only foun dation for the reports was a fight oc curring at the ranch in which two In dians were killed and Luis Caranza was wounded. There was no attempt at a massacre, and no troops were sent out.' Are You Going to Portland? Get your trunks and suit cases at the Bijou Trunk Factory, 14 Wash. Ave. N. BERGSTEDT BROS. CO. SODA FOUNTAINS and Soda Fountain Supplies. 541-4S Decatur St. St. Paul, Minn. ^^^^^AViac^'^^^Q #^*-2i ^cffeNTSi THE JOBBING, MANUFACTURING AND WHOLESALE INTERESTS OF MINNEAPOLIS ARE THE GREATEST IN THE WHOLE NORTHWEST. Thin!'StrrttXtiAhsfcjfe.j NfCJS -JEW-. ::ELR3:1&FXJR'KISHl X?*rt ,X NO'I'I(NS CSTATruX^i Wrtt -:-fir"' Our New 'CafalogY'-v^Kj}" M. C. BURR, Manufacturer of Wooden Special ties. Anything in wood, except such common articles as sash, doors, etc., manufactured in quantities. Call or write Nicollet Island, Minne apolis. LINK BELT SUPPLY:C0 M^ntifactiiirers-- Flour and vSa'w::/M)1F .Machiixery.- v...Coluplete Eley^tpii Equip 'ment a:Specialty.-:/" ".^^gfi ^Salesroom, 418-420 STnSir^sti^ factory, '200-204 Lyndale aveW THEDEALE WHO AEKJLft IONEER ANTHRACITE SEIIAMIOWIYOOODCML EWONgg^.ca 245-247-249 Firat Arenue Norths Journal want ads tell your "wants" to the family circle after the day's work is over and when people are in a receptive mood. Only lc a word. Journal want ads tell your story directly to a large and apprecia tive assombly for the sole purpose of learning your needs and desires. Regular Price. $13.50 $17.00 $20.00 $25.00 TAMI RUGSFor summer homes and Porches. Size. Regular Price. Sale Price. 6x9 $6.00 $3.75 8-3xl(T-6 $9.00 $6.00 9x12 $12.00 $8.50 3-6x5 $1.25 85c ART SQUARES BEST ALL WOOL INGRAINOur entire line, includ ing all floor sizes, at the uniform price, per square yard, 65c SARATOGA BATH RUGS. This rug is universally known as the best rug for bath rooms. It comes in pink, blue, green and tan. rC **J Sale Price., $5.00 I 15.00 7.50e: $7.50 Regular Price. $1.25 $2.50 $3.75 $5.00 $2.75 SILK MOHAIR RUGSIn soft shades of blue, rose/ cream and brown. Size. Regular Price. Sa|e Price 18x36 $3.00 $2.00 2x4 $6.00 $3.50 2-6x5 $9.50 $6.00 3x6 $13.50 $8.50 Sale Price. 85c $1.75 12.50 1(3.25 $1.65 THE MINNESOTA DAKAGED. Nagasaki, Japan, June 28.The Great North ern Steamship company's steamer Minnesota has arrived at this port with her stern post cracked. Temporary repairs will he effected here requir ing ten days' -time. The vessel, which comes from Hongkong and Shanghai, will then resume her voyage to Seattle by way of Yokohama. Delicate, pale children' need "Dr.' Lauritzen's Health Table Malt." At druggists, or delivered to house. Phone, N. W., East 440 Twin City, ,13399. r"v^: J. H. Eerrick. Engines, Boil ers, Wood and Iron Working Machinery. 126 Third Av. N. CITY SASH & DOOR 00 Wholesale Sealers in All Kinds of Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Millwork. 4th St. and 3d Av. So. :lfiS3?:1^otesa^'Grc^el-s^ Cor! First- Av and Third St OYEN MANUFACTURING 0 0 Manufacturers of Fine Cabinet Work, Bank. Office and Store Fixtures, Detail Sash, Doors and Ornamental StairoaMi 209-211 So. Second Street. r&iibd&imij'w "AV :u'|Iouiio is i^^'K.IjmlOJl 1H ".SOAO'JS. 'i- v3JVt)XS N*iaiS3A\ XV3HO NORTHWESTERN BAKERS' SUPPLY CO,, -i Manufacturers, Importers and Jobbers TOOLS AKD SUTPXIES for Bakers, Confectioners. Cateres* and Hotel^. 215 First Avenue North. 'f AyitiLIAiyiS HARDWARE CO ^^bO-2-4 Second, Avenue ''tf. Wholesale Iron and. S,teelv Car rjag-e ,a^d Wa^oix stock/ etc. K- KETTLE RIVER QUARR] COMPANY. Quarries at Sandstone. Minnesota. Prodncors of Building Stone. Bridge Stostt Paving Blocks, Curbing. Crushed f^ Rock, Etc. 400-408 Oneida block. JlOHKZAFOLZS, MZHH.