Newspaper Page Text
EMLWAY^TIME TABLES. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Ji IRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS BUILDING PERMITS- AL ESTATE TRANSFERS. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY. City ticket office, 828 Nicollet Avenue. Phono 113. Sjngassenger Station, Washington and 3d Avos. South. JjjtSun. only.' 'Dally. {Ex. Sun. tEx. Sat. "YE Moau It Leava. MARCH 26, 1935, Arrive. ii* 7 JO am La OroBse, Milwaukee, Ohloago.. *10.90 ili m i La Crosse. Madison, Wis., 1 Dubuque, Rock Island.... jn0.3Dpni I 8,23 am Northfield, Faribault, K. O 6.33 pm '#$10.15 am Ortonville, Milbank, Aberdeen.. 6.00 pm fjU.55 am Mankato, Wells, Jaokson.. ffjft f* 2.20 pm "Winona, La Crosse, Milwaukee.. I The Fast Mail. 8.2!) pm 8 60 pm Faribault, Dubuque, Ohloago.... *10.05 am *"l| 6.26pm Mankato, Wells $10.25 pi if* 6.45 pm La Orosse, Milwaukee, Ohloago 6.45 pm Ortonville, Fargo, Aberdeen... 7.25 am 705 pm Northfield, Fairbault, Austin.... 01.20 am jf The Pioneer Limited. 8.00 pm La Orosse, Milwaukee, Ohloago.. 3.00 am |*10.2o pm La Orosse. Milwaukee. Ghioaeo.. 12.01 pm I flO. pm MadiBon, Wis., JonosY.'.Rookf ord f&00 lm I J6.40 am MinnetonkaHotel St. Loula.... $8.46 am '"19.00am MinnetonkaHotel St. Louis.... 110.15 am 1.80 pm MinnetonkaHotel St. Louis.... *4.46pm 6.15 pm MinnetonkaHotel St. Louie.... IJSOpm ~CTR.sTQT&y. 7:50p.m. 7:60p.m. 7:80 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:50 p.m. 7:50p.m. Phone N. W.. Main 860. T. C. 311 Ticket office, corner Third street and Nicollet avenue. Union DepotNicollet and High Street Leave All Trains Daily. I Arrive 7:80 a.m. 7:30 turn. Chicago Scenic Express Winona, La Crosse, Du buque, ChicagcSt. Louis "The Chicago Limited" Winona, La Crosse, Du buque.Chicago, St.Louis Rock Island. Davenport, Clinton, Moline, Peoria St. Louis Scenic Express Rock Inland. Davenport, Clinton, Moline, Peoria "The St. Louis Limited" 1:20 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 1:20 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Office 600 Nicollet Ave. Phone 240. tEx. Sun. Others daily 1 For CHICAGO Lv 7 50 am, 6 00,800,1020 pm 1 From CHICAGO..Ar 7:55,10.15 am, 5:20,10:20 pm (FOND DD LAC Lv6 00 pm, Ar 10:15am DULUTH, Lv t7-35 am, 400 pm, Ar f5 05,9-85 pm For SIOUX CITY +7.10, 9 10 am, 7.S0, 8.80 pm From SIOUX CITY 8.05 am, t4 45, 8:10 pm For OMAHA Lv f7:10,9.10 am, 7.80,8 30 pm From OMAHA Ar 8.05 am, 8:10 pm For KANSAS CITY Lv 9 10 am, 7 80, 8-80 pm From KANSAS CITY Ar 8:05 am, 8:10 pm CITY OFMCE Fifth and Nicollet, DKPOT Washington and Tenth Ave. South. PHONE Main 264. Ei. Sunday. Others Daily. Chicago and East, Dubuquo _ilcago, Kansas Olty, Omaha Chicago, Des Moines, Kansas City Kansas City. St. Joseph, Des Moines Omaha, Ft. Dodge, Austin Rochester, Red Wing, Mankato, Faribault. Northiield. Bodge Center. Hayfielu Lv. Mpls 7 40 am 8 00 pm 1015 pm 10 20 am 710 am *7 55 am 4 55 pm *8S pm Ar. Mpls 1020 pm 800 am 115 pm 810 pm 810 pm 7 so pm 10 55 am 11 so am JHiOPOliS & ST, L008S 3. jpj Station, Washington and 4th avs H. Office, 424 Nicollet. 'Except Sun. others daily. IJeave for CHICAGO 9:85 am 7:45 pm Lea^e for ST. LOUIS *9 35 am 7:43 pa Leave for DES HOLMES *9:85 am 8:85 pm Leave for OMAHA, California.'9:35 am 8:35 pm For Watertown and Storm Lake 8:57 am For Madison and Bstherville .*8:57 am 6:15 pm WISCONSIN CENTRAL E'Y. TICXET OFFICE. 830 NICOLLET AV. PhonesT. 868 N. W.. Main 36S. Leave. Chipjewa Falls, Marsh eld, Ashland.Iron Towns. Fend du Lac, Oshkosh, I 8:00 a. m. Milwaukee, Chicago 7:05 p. m. Arrive. 8:50 a. m. 6 10 p. m. #Vill leave St. Paul for St. Louis and interme diate points on Wednesday, June 28fh, at S p.m. Special Excursion KateSt. Paul to St. Louis and return, including meals and berth, with ten days' stop-over in St. Louis. Tor full information regarding passenger and freight rates, address HARRY CLARK, General Agent, office foot of Sibley street, opposite union tfepot, St. Paul. Both telephones. No. 93. HOTEL ARRIVALS The following persons from the north west are registered at Minneapolis hotels: ijCOTEL VENDOMEMr. and Mrs. C. Adams. Steele. N. D. P. P. Chandler, N. Chandler, JGiafton, E. JohnSgaard, Bottineau, N. D., J. E. Lundgren, Alexandria L. S. Yought, Lawrence, Iowa H. D. Reed, Welcome, Menill, Benton E. B. Holey, Chicago W. V. Sykes, Fort Dodge, Iowa Kt. Dahfen, Elbow Lake J. N. Crow and wife, Mitchell, S. D. Frank La Bare, II. C. Howe, Owatonna, John S. Hughes, Le Sueur H. L. Everson, Maii 'nette Miss E. Coouey, Alton, Minn. G. A. "Jones, Seattle W. H. Ringland, Fargo J. S. ~.Lpird, Maquoketa, Iowa F. W. Lain, Maquo- *,keta, Iowa, L. A. Disbrow, Owatonna A. N. 4Johnson, Benson, Minn. Mr. and Airs. Graves. ^Glcncoe, Minn. Charles Wallin, Willmau, Minn. F. P. McQuillan, Aitkin, Minn. A. Matthews, Ortonville, F. L. Everette, Water Ville William Harvey, Milwaukee J. G. Nel son, Mason ity, Iowa Hy A. Beckrund, Kings ton, Minn. John Ablar, Claremont, Minn. S. C. Eckenbeck, Appleton, Minn. H. L. Cox, Chicago C. B. Eiickson, Clara City J. M. -Bennett, Flandreau Mrs. C. H. Kmg. Amherst Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Pickering, Chicago, 111. W. J. Smith, Milwaukee Mrs. A. Scherer, New Ulm Miss A. Scherer, New Ulra Phillip L. Shaffner, Chicago A. L. Cessie, Wahpeton J. E. Davis. Stillwater Alexander Snow, Har low Kay, Chicago. HOTEL HYSERHenry Robertson, Long Prairie E. Garrison, Hudson, Mich. James H. Murray, Chicago H. S. Finn, wife and daughter, Anoka Mrs. H. C. Curney, Prince ton G. M. Gahey and wife, Birmingham, Ala. G. A. Kensal, St. Paul G. H. Curtis, Tacoma H. 0. Harding, Duluth E. B. An derson, Princeton A. C. Lee, Duluth, Minn. O. Hemp, Mayville, La. Bert Royalston, Chicago J. J. Williamson, New York. CRADLE, ALTAR, (JRAVE BIRTHS. BrownMr. and Mrs. S. E., 2724 Washington avenue N. girl. BlenKeubergair. ancl Mrs. H. G., 3114 Fif teenth avenue S. boy. FaldlnMr. and Mrs. John, 3220 Eleventh avenue S, boy. JaiosMr. and Mrs. Joseph, 52 Seventh ave nue NE. girl. Langseth, Mr. and Mrs. Gust, 1410 East Twenty-third street, boy. ElmerMr. and Mrs. Charles, -2300 Seventeenth avenue, girl. LeonhuuseiMr. and Mrs. U. L.. 3712 Grand avenue, boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Carl B. Lofgreu and Gurda E. Johnson. James P. Irving and Lillian M. Vaughn. Joseph Lowell Precourt aud Martha M. Schloser. Henry J. Welles and Elizabeth M. Jones. Anthony Eiickson and Matilda Rose Duresen. John Milton Davies aud Amy Adeline Lyons. Knut Knutson and Guri Pcderson. David S. Hingeley and Marion G. White. Rista Nimmons Best and Ella Terrell Dixon. Thomas Sheridan and Tearl DtrtSej. William A. Palmer and Eva M. Stearns. Alodph H. Commers and Delia Pouliot. Wilder B"-ougher and Maud Wasser. Jolm L. Baylcy and Llz.'.le Hill. John Seibert and Flora B. Ruths. Charles G. Davis and Marie H. Hodges. Willie Dolan and Lydla Bursch. Christ Chriss and Lena A. NclSoa. Thomas F. Haverty and Mary Ellicott. Monroe H. Sprague and Daza M. Grover. DEATHS. StreetAnna. 920 Nineteenth avenue NE. SkogCharles F., 436 Fillmore street. SmartJ. Soldiers' Uom. GoodaleMinnie, city hospital. HaversackWilliam. 2112 Garfield avenue. SorumJulius. 713 Twentieth avenue S. MurphyMary. 2116 Cedar avenne. AndersonLars. 1329 First avenue S. I^JPAraNTATTORNE^__ WILLIAMSON & MERCHANT, PATENT LAW \Wh yers and solicitors main office. 925-933 Guar IS^a anty Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 52 McGill Bldg., Washington, D. C. S. E, Hoopes, 207 Washington avenue S, 1 brick kitchen $5,000 Lcou L. Lebure, 1816 Fifth street NE, frame dwelling 2,000 John Friedman, 1714 W Lake street, frame dwelling 8,500 J. E. Anderson, 3217 Chicago avenue, frame dwelling 1.800 A. F. Thompson, 4555 Nicollet avenue, frame dwelling 1,400 John 0. Cray, 2388 Qulncy street NE, flame dwelling 1,800 Ten minor permits 1,850 Total $10,830 L. T. Lelund and husband to H. C. Gil bert, lot 2 and part of lot 3, block 8, Kiug's addition $6,600 W. H. Kevelln and wife to D. A. Stry kor and wife, lot 10, block 2, Matcblu's addition L. E. Syckes and wife to W. L. Gray, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 32, Palmer's addition E. M. Skinner and hvsband to W. Crew, lot 9, block 35, Remington's sec ond addition M. Sump to I. Broude, lot 6, block 1, Bradford addition 3,000 B. A. Roberts and husband to N. L. Lane, lots 3 and 4, block 3, Silver Lake addition S. W. Rankin and wife to I. D. Eng quist, lot 14, block 5, Oak Park addi tion Phoenix Security company to L. E. Rob inson, lot 11, block 1, Wmdom's ad dition H. Quass to Charles Quass, undivided one half of lots 9 and 10. fcouth-_Maple Ilal 700 M. Peterson and husband to John Fjell man lot 0 and part of lot S, Allen's re arrangement 4,500 W. Wilson and wife to American Real Estate Investment Loan company, lot 3, block 49, Calhoun Park addition National Bank of Commerce to S, Black etter, lot 5, block 24, Forest Heights addition E. B. M. McCuaig to B. Giraid, lot 1, Bushnell's reairangement 1,600 C. Morrison to P. Benson, lot 6, block 3, South Side addition A. Martin and wife to Ed Corrow, lot 14, block 8, Village of Dayton P. Mayer to Charles F. Goetz, lot 645 and 646. Minnetonka Lake Park Anna G. Farwell and husband to Board of Education of the City of Minneapolis. lots 10, 11. 12. IS. 14, 13. 16. 17. IS and 19, block 27. Oak Park addition.. C. G. Farnham and wife to H. Dean, lot 24, block 2, Tamham's addition L. C. Dinsmoro to L. S. Baker, lot 12, block 15. Motor Line addition Charles F. Dnhlgren et al. to E. A. Dibb. lot 3. block 7, Ramsey, Lockwood and others' addition S. W. Holbiook and wife to D. W. Hoi brook, lot 13 and part of lot 6, block 4, Lake Park addition...) A. Huhne and Ife +o R. Huhne, inclus ive, section 1-110 24 6,000 D. W. Holbrook and wife to S. G. Cal lender, lot 5 and part of lot 6, block 4, Oak Park addition 4,500 H. Hoen and wife to J. Dougherty, lot 4, block 2, Peter's second addition 8,500 R. Iledcmark and wife to Anna Carlson, lot 2, block 6, Hiawatha Park addi tion 1,250 J. T. Dahlstrom and wife to H. H. Brum, lot 8, block 1, Butler & Kahl Kioft's subdivision James A. Bull ct al. to M. E. Gelwicks, inclusive section 1S-28-24 A. L. Ciane and husband to A. J. Guern sey, lot 8, block 1, Prospect Park thud division 1,500 P. Callahan to John Schiminsky and wife, lot 13, block 2, O'Callaghan's addi tion J. E. Caipentcr and wife to G. G. Bar rows, lot 5, block 08, Groveland addi tion James A. Full et al. to M. E. Gelwicks, inclusive sectiou 18-24 J. H. Brim and wife to H. J. Dahlstrom, iot 3, block 1. Butler & Harlkioft's... J. A. Arnold and wife to B. D. McGuire, lot 12, block 1, McGroiy's addition M. Gou'on and wife to H. Brnst, lot 1, block 2, Arlington's addition Tct:il PETITE HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS, CORNER, a tti active location and finish, modern, new, something individual and unique obseivatory, porches, lake view, trees, dainty construction throughout fireplace and gas range, shades, full basement, laundry long lease. 1700 W 32d st. EDWARD L. McGRORY, Rental Expert, Temple Court. Management of Property. Real Estate and Rentals. SOUTHEASTMODERN SEVEN-ROOM DE tached cottage. Prim, desirrhle. Parquet floors. Fine large lawn, at 633 Sth st, on Kenwood-8th st car. Call. 1616 PARK AV, SEVEN ROOMS AND BATH, In fine condition, very desirable, walking distance. S. H. Findley, 517 Andrus bldg. SOUTHEAST, FOR~RENTr~824 9th" AV. 7~- room, new modern detached house. Call George C. Andrews, 527 5th st SE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Tiansfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. THREE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT AT LAKE Calhoun for rest of season. Call 3800 Thomas av S. Plenty trees and ground. NICELY FURNI3HED FIVE-ROOM HOUSE TO small fainilv without childien for July and August. Call 27 E 14th st. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, NEWLY PAPERED AND painted partlr modern. 808 5th av N. G. __D_. Hedderly, 230 1st av N SOUTHEASTFOR RENT, room, new, modern house, drews, 527 5th st SE. 4* 900 650 42S 5,400 300 450 600 150 273 800 750 5,OD0 500 500 800 4,000 100 400 800 3,125 400 100 2,500 100 $152,150 FORRm Unfurnished Houses. 2735 PARK AV, 12 ROOMS, ALL M0D- ern $100.00 122S 4th st SE. 14 rooms, all modern, frame bain 75.00 1700 3d av S, brick dwelling and barn, 14 rooms, all modem 65.00 2634 Portland av, 16 rooms, all modern, barn 50.00 2653 Portland av, 15 rooms, modern, stone and brick house 45.00 727 6th bt SE, all modern, eight rooms, barn 35.00 2617 Nicollet av, 10 rooms, modern 30.00 2501 Stevens av, 9 rooms, modern 27.50 526 3d uv SE, 6 rooms, bath, gas, fur nace 25.00 300 6th st SE. 7 rooms, bath, gas, fur nace, city water 25.00 1627 Linden av, 10 rooms, modern, bath, gas, city water, furnace 25.00 605 E 22d st, 5 rooms, city water, bath, gas 17.50 345 E Franklin av. 6 rooms, city water.. 17.50 2308 12th av S, second floor flat, 4 rooms, city water, sewer, closet 10.00 1231% 1st av N, second floor fiat, 4 rooms. City water 9.00 106 E 26th st. second floor, 5 rooms, city watei" 8.00 George Odium, Manager, 309 Phoenix Building. ii 820 9th AV, Call Geo. C. An- 1209 2d AV SEIGHT ROOMS, ALL MODERN, hardwood floors. Inquire 201 12th st S. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 174th ST S, HAVE flats and houses, $10 to $45. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE312 9th ST S, $16. Unfurnished Rooms FIVE ROOMS, MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, SEC ond floor, $17 per month eight minutes' walk from West Hotel 1223 Chestnut av. Inquire 1127 Chestnut av. FIVE ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR, MODERN except heat, piivate bath, east front, nice lawn, no children, $20 per month. 2412 4th av S. SPRUCE FLAT4 ROOMS, STEAM, MODERN. sill outside rooms, near tmsiness and park, spring water. Inquire janitor. 85 Spruce wlace. TWO UNFURNISHED CONNECTING FRONT rooms, light, airy two closets, first floor. modern walking distance: $12. 826 10th st S. FIVE ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, WATER, $8 three rooms, first floor, water, $7. Inquire John H. Brown, No. 128 Beacon st. FOUR ROOMS UPSTAIRS, WITH SEPARATE entrance, including three closets also barn for rent. 1412 Portland av. SUITE OF THREE BEST ROOMS IN CITY everything modern: private entrance bath. 301 E 15th st. Flat 6. FOUR NICE ROOMS, ALCOVE CITY WATER, fine attic. 3232 1st av S. FOUR NICE ROOMS, ALCOVE. CITY WATER, full attic. 3282 1st av S. THREE, DOWNSTAIRS, 618% 5th ST N, $8. FOUR UPSTAIRS, 808 11th AV S, $8. Furnished Rooms. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, COOL AND pleasant, also side rooms newly furnished telephone, gas, bath, spring water, etc.: un der the manasement of Dorsett the Caterer, 712 Hennenin a v. 10 COOKS, $25 TO $50 HOTEL HELP OF ALL kinds summer resort free fare general house work of all kinds for girls. Horsnell, 8d and Robert st St. Paul. HOTEL LYNDALE NIOELY FURNISHED rooms by day or week $2 per week and up ward rooms for light housekeeping. 620 1st av S. THE MELBOURNE HOTEL, 887 HENNEPIN av under new management everything new and modern: furnished rooms -by the day or week. LOOKING FOE A PLEASANT ROOM ILET US do it for you. Will find you a pleasant room free of charge. Room Exchange. 500 Temple Court. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED 01 nlshed rooms. 524 12th av SE.^-^ Wednesday Evening/ THEfSMINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. PORREOT Furnished Rooms. p|| Continued. THREE NICELY FURNISHED FOR H0U3E- keeping, first floor, modem, separate front and back porches bath large lawn. 908 7th __st S. EXTRA CHOICE FURNISHED ROOMS IN strictly nodern house, telephone, gau, bath, hot water all the time. 1829 Hawthorn _a^. FOR RENTFOUR PLEASANr*R0"0MS NEAT ly furnished for housekeeping city water, sew er and gas. Rent cheap. 2704 14th_aV_S. WANTED1Q DEMONSTRATORS FOR H0USE to-house canvass tor soap good salary. Call afternoons. 1027 Hawthorn av. FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOM IN STRICT ly modern flat gentlemen preferred. T. C. phone. 519 0th st S, fiat F. FRONT ROOMS IN ALL MODERN HOUSE spring water, telephone, hot bath, near pub lic library. 51 10th st N. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN, prices reasonable give us a call. 42 6th st S. Phone N. W. Main 3417. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR housework. Wages $3 per week, av S. S. 1030 J2. GENERAL 2553 Dupont FOR RENTNICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN all modern first floor flat. 523 9th st S, fiat B. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALOOVE also small rooms, strictly modern. 419 9th st S. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM rant. 503ft Hennepin av, Flat 25. FOB- Unfurnished Flats. OUR ELEGA1IT FLAT BUILDING. THOR ouglil^ modem, neaily ncss, substantially Imilt and ill fine condition, seven blocks from Min neapolis courthouse price $48,000 mortgage $15,000 $15,000 cash will handle for bal ance will consider good city or farm propeity. For anjone with requisite amount of cash, tills_is a_t.pleudkl_inyeJstiuent. S5.17,_Journal. FOR RENTSIX-ROOM FLAT IN THE GROVE land, completely modern, artesian water throughout, two blocks from Loring Park one block fiom Hennepin av, acrots stieet from new Lowry Park. Apply F. M. Henry, 514 Lumber Exchange. FINE FLATS FOR "BRIDAL COUPLES" JUST the thing five pietty rooms, with gas, porce lain bath, hardwood iloois, nicely decorated walls $20 per month best repair fine loca tion. The E. A. Coniad Co., 518 Phoenix. FOR RENTTHE FINEST FOUR, FIVE OR six-room fiatr in the city, entiiely modern, beautiful location, opposite Loring Park, 315 W 15th st. Apply to janitor or Edmunds, 206 Bank of Commerce. SEE US ABOUT OUR 6 AND 7-ROOM FLATS, entirely modern, steam hent, janitor service, first-class in every respect can turn leases over to good party at a discount. David P. Jones & Co. FIVE-ROOM FLATS, FIRST FLOOR, WITH nice hardwood .finish, decorated walls and completely modem. 421.30 per month. Sun nyside district. The E. A. Conrad Co., 313 Phoenix. FOBTRENTSOUTHEAST, NEAR THE UNI versity, six and seven-room, all modern flats, 5th st and 15th av SE rent $30 and $35. Inquire janitor. Gould, 315 Ontario st SE. NEW, MODERN, FOUR AND FIVE-ROOM flats, steam heat, hot water, open plumbing, janitor 15 minutes' walk from 4th st and Nicollet av. Call 703 Northwestern building. TWO CORNER SIX-ROOM FLATS, BESIDES bath flue closets and cupboard front and back porches fine car service only six blocks from university. Inquire 152G Conio av for key. FOR RENT, JULY AND AUGUST, SEVEN room flat to me hide telephone price right 908 2d av S, The Holland. Call or addiess F. F. Towle, 252 1st av N. Phones 1073. FOR RENT IN THE IMPERIAL, 24 W Grant st. saven-room apartment, thoroh mod ern, walking distance. See janitor or tele phone N. W. Main 1771-Jl. HENNEPIN APARTMENTSPARTIES LEAV ing city wish to release their flat, corner flat with seven good rooms and bath take ele __vator. Inquire 3. IF~~YOU~WANT~ONE~OF~TEbSE MODERN, up-to-date, six-ioojp first floor, corner flats, in the Carlsbourgh, No. 701 9th st S (adults only), see janitor. TWO STRICTLY MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLATS, everything is first-class, with automobile house. 500-502 E Lake st. Open every day except Sundaj. FOUR-ROOM FLAT IN THE KENESAW, NIC ollet av and 14th st walking distance thor oughly modern. Clarence Z. Brown, 510 New York Life bldg. ELEGANT FLAT, SIX ROOMS. HARDWOOD finish, mantel, sideboardj gas range, laundry, large torch, walking distance: $25. Inquire 815 8d av SE. FOR RENTA BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE FLAT from Aug. 1 at the Holland apartments, 9th st and 2d av S. See owner, 823 N. Y. Life. CORNER FLAT, FIRST FLOOR, FIVE ROOMS, private hall, bath, steam heat, gas range, hardwood floors. 22 12th st S, corner Har mon. NICE LARGE PLEASANT THOROLY MODERN flats, near state university inquire of janitor, Anderson fiats, corner Sen av SE and Univer sity. VERY PLEASANTLY-LOCATED FLAT OF 7 rooms, all modem and large, two flights up, $50 W. P.Mealey, 413 Bank of Commeice. FOR RENTFOUR-ROOM FLAT, STEAM heat, all modern, janitor service walking distance. Olmstead, 635 Temple Court. NO. 14 GROVE STSEVEN ROOMS, MODERN in every respect, $.30 per month. J. F. Conk lln & Zonne Co., 115 Temple Court. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED OR PACKED FOR shipment by thoroughly experienced men. Boyd Tiansfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. SEVEN-ROOM FLAl! IN" THE OAKLAND, thoroughly modern immediate possession. 213 9th st S, flat C. CLEAN THOROUGHLY MODERN EAST FRONT *flat, second floor. Cordova Annex, 1606 4tbj av S, flat 3. $20SIX ROOMS, MODERN. SECOND FLOOR flat. 2726 Stevens av. Furnished Flats. DESIRABLE SEVEN-ROOM OUTSIDE FLAT, use of piano. 4 E 14th st. Offices. OFFICE, ONE AND THREE R005{S, HOT AND cold water, safe and vault space with each office" each office an outside one. Inquire at 660 Bank of Minneapolis bldg. 305 NICOLLETFOUR LARGE, LIGHT OF flces, second floor, corner suitable for physi cians or specialists. Thorpe Bros., 206 Andrus building. LARGE ROOM FOR STORE, 66x22, SECOND floor, Thorpe-Dix building, 519 1st av S also two office suites, new, well situated. 8565, Journal. FOR RENTGOOD LIGHT OFFICES IN THE Eastman bloc-K. 412-414 Nicollet av. Apply J. F. Conklin & Zonnr- Co 115 Temple Court. A FEW NICE^FFICES IN^ObrTCONDITI ON can be rented In a fireproof office building. Apply room 703 Northwestern building. TO LETOFFICE AND DESKROOM IN THE Andrus building very reasonable. Inquire 433 _Andrus building FOR RENT$35, TWO ROOMS' SECOND floor, 53 4th st S. Call Charles A. Tuller, Journal office. DESK ROOM TO RENT. APPLY 602 BANK of Commeice Bldg at 3 o'clock p.m. Charles W. Johnson. Miscellaneous. FOR RENTONE-HALF OF MODERN BRICK stable, electric lighted, all conveniences ac commodations for 15 to 20 horses. 132 Hol den st. RETAIL STORE ROOM IN EXCELLENT Busi ness location near Nicollet av. 44 7th st S. BOARD AND ROOMS Offered TWO LARGE, PLEASANT ROOMS, SUITABLE" for two on first and second floors also smaller rooms strictly modern house large lawn walking distance of business center. 1522 4th av S. HOTEL RICHMOND HAVE A FEW DESIR able outside looms, single or for iamllies, with excellent table board rate $7 per week and up. ROOMS, BOARD MODERN DETACHED house porch, lawn and barn desirable location for summer. 124 E 16th st, corner Stevens av. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERN, PRI vate boarding house good table walking distance terms moderate. 512 7th st S. BOARD7~WITH" OR WITHOUT ROOM ~ALSO four unfurnished rooms for rent, single or en suite, all modern. 820 10th st S. 1AEGE ItROITT ROOM, VESfST ELE4S4HI, summer or winter 25 13th st S, near park and library. T. C. 3779. NICE FRONT WITH BATH, FRONT ROOM without bath. Hotel Southern. 4th av S and 9th st. HOTEL WAVERLYSEE WHAT WE HAVE before you settle. Single, suites, private baths. HOTEL CLINTONROOMS WITH OR WITH out board elevator. 4th av S and Grant st. BOARD AND ROOMS Wanted WANTEDBOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family by young couple must be in good neighborhood references exchanged. 8279, Journal. BUSINESS GENTLEMAN DESIRES ONE OR ITRO rooms, with breakfast, with people of re finement, desirably located. 8625, Journal. .All ads 1 cent a word, CVhen paid for in ad vance otherwise 8 cents per line, 7 words to the line. No Ad taken for less than 20c each insertion except Situations Wanted, Male or Female, which are y2c a word no Ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 50 cents. When so desired, in place of name and address, an advertisement cau be addressed to a number furnished by and in care of The Journal! Answers for out-of-town advertisers will be for warded. Advertisements ordered run "until forbid" (T. F.), will not be discon tinued except upon written order, dub* signed. WANT PAGES CLOSE EVEEY DAYAT 10 a.m. for that day's noon edition. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY At 1 p.m. for entire afternoon edition. SATTJRDil ONLY AJS \2-. 30 p.m. for entire afternoon edition. GET YOUR ADS IN EARLY JOURNAL "WANT AD" AGENCIES Ads will 4DO accepted at any of the following agencies at same rate aa at Journal SOUTH. C. A. ANDERSON, 1330 E Lake St. ARVIDSOh Ac STULT/i, 2603 Stevens ar. M. AU.NE, 15th st and Hennepin av. MRS. C. A. B1GELOW, 2 E 2oth bt. W. C. BUCHANAN, 146 E Luke 8t. BURKE BROis., 42d and Queen av. CROCKER & THOMPSON, 601 8th av S A. B. CUOWELL, 1012 Hennepin av. G. H. DORN, 629 6th st S. A. DOUGLASS, rf457 Chicago av. A. W. GAGHAGEN, 1537 i* Franklin ay. O. P. NASH. 327 Cedar av. GOODRICH & JENMiNGS, 2 E Lake St. GUIWITZ & JONES, 2431 Bloomiugton an J. W. HARUAH, 1718 4th av S. W. K. HICKS, 1531 E Franklin av. S. J. HORN, 2833 Chicago av. W. D. KING i. CO., 12tU st and 3d av S. J. H. K1NPORTS, 28th st and Lyndale av. A. J. KLINE, 2000 Bloomiugton av. E. M. LA PENOl'IERE, 4th av S and Frank lin av. B. H. LARABEE, 22d st and Hennepin av. MARSHALL & CO., 1325 Nicollet uv. J. OBERMIER, 1001 Washington av S. C. M. PARDOE it CO., Lake at and Blooming ton av. J. O. PETERSON, 1501 Washington av S. RED CROSS PHARMACY, 717 3d av S. CHARLES SAMUELSON, 1507 Washington av S. DILLIN- PHARMACY, 9th st and Nicollet av. ollet av. C. E. SEIW$RT, 2715 E 25th 8t. W. H. SWEET, 18th st and Chicago aT. N. W. SHERWOOD, 1024 NicoUet av. TUPPER & CHAMBERLAIN, loth st and 8th PV S. M. F. WASHBURN, Lake st and Hennepin av. J. W. WILLIAMS, 1211 E Franklin av. U. H. W1TX1CU, Franklin and Bioomington. NORTH. G. A. BINGENHEIMER, 642 6th av N. A. L. BISl'ODEAU, 1229 Washington av N. CHAULES S. DbUl'I'EL, 629 bth av N. C. H. UUUIN, 08 Western av. F. J. NAGELi, 20th av N and Washington. S. J. NASH, 235 2oth a* N. OAK PARK DRUG STORE, 1320 6th av N. A. H. PEuSALL, 92d 2Jth av N. ROBERTSON DRUG CO., 1021 Washington av N. RUSSELL & CASE, Lyndale and Western. 0. B. SKINNER, 2901 Washington av N. E. B. WILSON, 1500 20th av N. JOHN A. RlUKEitTS, 41 ?7 Wellington av N. SOUTHEAST. HUNT, 1944 University av SE. A. LIVINGSTON, 515 14th uv SE. 1. W. THOMPSON, 800 Washington av SB. TUFTS PHARMACY, 813 4th st SE. UNIVERS1Y DRUG STORE, 401 14th av SB. C. E. WATERS, Oak and Washington SE. NORTHEAST. H. BEUHLER, 754 Adams st NE. D. C. ENGLUND, Spring and Monroe. GORMLEY & MORAN,-24l Central, EASrSlDE OFFICE, 200K QenSral av. BUEDE & ERKEL, 13th ajv and Ma!n 8ANDBERG & NURElt, 5th st and Central. iv and Mai NE. oooooooooo 0 0 ooooooooooo 0 WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIRING, 713 Hennepin av, Opposite Lyceum Theater. Men's Sewed Soles, 75c nailed, 50c. Ladies' and Bojs' Soles, 40c. All kiuus of lepdiiiug and rubber heels. DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. oooooooo oooo ooooooo DO YOU STAMMER? Natural and permanent cure for stam mering, stuttering and other forms of de fective speech. Children and adults. Northwestern School for Stammoiers, 1222 Heunepin Av, Minneapolis, Minn. YOUNG MENLEARN RAILROADING HIGH wages, promotion busy season commences Aug. $1 firemen get $100, become engineers brake men get $75, become conductors positions easily obtained. AVe teach you by mail or at our school and assist you to secure a position. Write for information. National Ity. Training School, 224 Boston block. oooooooooooooooooooo EMPLOYERS, THE ENDICOTT CLER ical Bureau, St. Paul. Minn., will help to good help, and if good help will call on-us we will help them to good positions, Correspondence^ solicited. ooooooooooooooo o,o ooo WANTEDMEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. We cannct supply demand for graduates $4.50 to $5 per day eight weeks completes course, earn while learning. Address, for catalog, Coyne Bros. Co., Plumb ing Schools, Cincinnati. Ohio St. Louis, Mo. Employment guaranteed or money refunded. WANTED FOR U.S. ARMY, ABLE BODIED unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35 citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to re cruiting officer, at Phoenix building, St. Paul, or 324 1st av S, Minneapolis, Minn. THE CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO., THE largest exclusive health and accident compauj, & some fine territory for good agents In Min nesota, north Wisconsin, North and South Da kota our $1 per month plan is a winner. D. H. Evans, state agent, 310-3ir Andrus build ing, Minneapolis. WANT AN ALL-ROUND BUTCHER, WHO has worked in country town, that can kill, tend market and rood sausage maker, with good reference a youug single man, who can write and speak good Knglish. Wages $8 per week, board and"^ash no booze fighter need apply. J. T. Brown, Prescott, Wis. PILEDRIVER FOREMAN WANTED IMMEDI ately 25 station men, 24c per yard, free tare 25 men to suiface tracKs, tree fare, 50 railroad laborers, $2 per. day, free fare. National Employment Agency, 200 Nicollet av. WANTEDEXPERIENCED MAN, DANE PRE ferred, to bay grain and operate grain eleva tor located in western Iowa. Must be per son of good habits and be able-to furnish sat isfactory references. 8089, JournaL A BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOY, WITH COMMON school education, to deliver city invoices and do general office boy's work permanent posi tion no vacation boy need apply. Apply to 8655, Journal. 100 LABORERS, BRICKLAYERS, PAINTERS, steamfitters, electricians, pipefitters, dairy men, drivers, cooks, cabinetmakers, laundry men free fare. Horsnell, 3d and Robert st, St. Paul. SALESMEN TO DO IMPORTANT SPECIAL worK, who is honest, ambitious and of good habits, and can furnish best of reference, we offer a very desirable position. 8765, Journal.. ARCHITECTS, CHEMISTS, DRAFTSMEN, Su perintendents, civil, electrical, mechanical, marine and mining engineers for positions pas* ing $1,000-$5,000. Hapgoods, 313 Nicollet av. WANTEDYARD MAN FOR HOTEL ONE with some business ability and understands the work. Wapes $30. room and board. Ho tel del Otero, Spring Park, Lake Minnetonka. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY~EARN good income corresponding for newspapers ex perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N- Y. WATCHES CLEANED 50c. MAINSPRINGS 50c guaranteed two years clocks called for and delivered. Tel. T. C. 943. Charles Horwltz, jeweler. 303 Washington av N. SALESMEN LOOKING FOR GOOD POSITION write us for terms we pay highest commis sion and give steady position. Oregon Nurs ery Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTEDGOOD ALL ROUND TINNER AND sheet metal worker at Grand Forks, N. D. Write Barnes & Nuss Co., stating wages wanted and experience. WANTEDA SHOEMAKER. 105 6th S I 8. ollet. HELP WAN^D-MALE Continued. 0 J& ,%-K HELLO, SAYS ELLENCOE. Two and Three-Piece Suits, 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 Of course you read the fussy ads the big houses write? No one is able to sell good clothes but them. Well, here are a few facts for them to talk atibut. We have just received our fourth big bhipment. All the latest shades in single and double breasted garments and blue seiges. Their prices vary from $15 to $22. Ours, 111 111 Ill 111 They are worth double the money if sold by any regular retailer in Minneap olis. Persons who are judges of merchandise wonder more and more all the time how we do it. We will take care of that. We are glad to be able to do it. We are satisfied, and you will be if you trade at the Ellencoe. You buy from the factory and don't pay a retailer's profit. A store where you aie not forced or persuaded to buy. Just a word offered in an explanation of our methods. Try us once, alw ays. WANTEDWE~HAVE WORK FOR MEN OUT of employment, call and investigate our induce ments good positions for right parties. C. F. Adams Co. TO ~GOOD~ DRESSERS^TRY ONE~6F~OT~H. Ingram's $20 tailor-made suits pants $2.50 per leg, seats free. 241 Nicollet av, second floor. EXPERIENCED CORLISS ENGINEER MUST be, strictly temperate and furnish city refer ences. Hennepin Steam Laundry, 120 1st av N. WATCHES CLEANED, 50c MAIN SPRING, 60o warranted one year clocks repaired, called for and delivered T.00545. DorLin. 223 Wasn. N. WANTEDA YOUNG MAN TO CARRY LARGE evening paper route in eighth ward near the lake must have_ a _wheel. 8785, Journal. SHOES RESOLED IN 15 MINUTEST BEST OAK soles, sewed. 75c nailed. 50c rubber heels, _40c._S._T. Sorensen!_312_Nicollet av. WANTEDMAN AND WOMAN FOR FARM AT Lake Minnetonka woman to cook, man to do farm work. Address 8529, Journal. GET YOUR HATS CLEANED AND REBLOCK-tD into spring stjles work guaranteed. J. A. Hussey, 327 Nicollet av, upstairs. WANTEDMAN TO RUN .MOULDING MA chme. Apply Minneapolis Office & School Desk Co., Sth av and 8th st SE. TAILOR- -FENN. Maker of men's fide clothes, has removed to 629 Hennepin Av. WANTEDMAN THAT UNDERSTANDS LAY ing cement walks. Good wages. Apply W. A. Talmage, Red Lodge, Mont. WANTEDA FEW GOOD SALESMEN, FIRST class men. will be given straight salary con- traSet. S Eastman block. WANTED EXPERIENCED, FAST MAN TO door sticker in factory. Smith & Wyman 2d av and Mb st SE. WANTEDAT ONCE, TEN FIRST-CLASS CAR penters* for hardwood finishing. W. C. Wyckoff 517 1st av S. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS FOR MOLDER and sticker machines. Joannin-Hansen Co.. 2308 2d st N. WANTEDEXPERIENCED MARKER AND sorter good wages. Dixon Steam Laundry. Fargo, K. D. WANTEDYOUNG MAN TO WORK AT PA vilion, corner Lake st and Calhoun boulevard C. F. Wood. WANTEDYOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK. Must be quick and accurate at figures. 8734 Journal. MANAGER FOR COUNTRY RETAIL LUMBER yard in Iowa state experience fully. 8748 Journal. FURNITURE SALESMAN STATE EXPERI ence, age and salary expected. Apply 8733 Journal. BAKER WANTEDMUST BE SOBEfc: GOOD all around baker. Charles Kreiling, Bayfield Wis. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE _washej\ Strong Automobile Co., 249 3d av S. CABINET MAKERS WANTED TWd^luEN"' steady job. Eken Bros.. 2518_Thomas av N.' BARBER WANTEDSTEADY WORK, $12 per _week._ Kief er_& Graff, SleepyEye, Minn. NEW TABLES AT THE BEAUFORT~H0TEL billiard rooms, one game free. 112 3d st S. FIRST-CLASS TINNER AND FURNACE MAN wanted Q. Adams. Devils Lake. N. D. WATCHES CLEANED, fl MAINSPRINGS $1 Warranted one year. Paegel'e. 22 3d t S. WANTEDA FEIST-CLASS REGISTERED assistant. Dlilln. Drug Co. CARPENTERGOOD HARDWOOD FINISHER at 1713 4th av S. WANTEDTINSMITH. 317 WASHINGTON ^JIEI^W^^ED^-FEBIAI^ WANTEDTHREE OR FOUR GIRLS TO work on eggs. 300 3d av N. Merchants' Cold Storage Co. BUY YOUR TRUNKS OF THE BIJOU TRUNK factory old one taken in exchange. 18 Wash ington av N. WANTEDFIRST-CLASS WAITRESSES GOOD wcges: board and room. Richmond hotel, 9th and Nicollet. DRESSMAKER WANTED AT ONCE FIRST class steady work. Mrs. G. "P. Wlby, 87 Stn st S. WANTEDA GOOD COOK}- ALSO GIRL TO wait on table for board or wages. 25 13th st S. WANTEDGIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK A. H. De Meules, 824 6th av N. flat 5. SECOND COOK AND DINING-ROOM GIRL. Hotel Southern, 4th av and 9th st S. WANTEDA GOOD SECOND GIRL GOOD wages. 1018 University av SE. WANTEDA GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 3136 Pleasant av. NEAT, CLEAN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 1620 1st av S. AN EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT FIT ter. Apply 8732, Journal. THREE EXPERIENCED DINING ROOK GIRLS. The Grill, 308 1st av S. WANTED EPERIENCED CHAMBER MATTi" 419 9th st 8. WANTEDCHAMBERMAID AT HOTEL MlO-i Julie "28, 1905, 0 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000000 ?$ $ 000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo oo 00 00 000000 $$ 111 111 111 Our friends and patrons The Ellencoe, Sixteen Flourishing Retail Stores. 304 Nicollet. PATTERN MAKERSWE HAVE VACANCIES for men familiar with engine, electric and general machinery patterns. John H. Hall & Co., 248 4th av S. WANTEDALL AROUND LAUNDRY MAN TO take complete charge of steam laundry in North Dakota plant for sale or renf if de sired. 83S2, Journal. WANTEDPRINTER FOR COUNTRY NEW office power presses good wages cheap board. L. At Couser, Hayfield, Minn., or Typographical JWa,JHobe_buildlng. WANTEDGOOD, ALL AROUND BUTCHER, steady job and good wages must be sober and understand business. A. Alton, Brookings, S, D. P. O. box 182. BRANCH MANAGER $20 CASH WEEKLY NO money necessary send self-addressed envelop location not particular. Address B. Earl, Stillwater, Minn. WANTEDTO ENGAGE SEVERAL PICKERS for the raspberry season preferably women or girls. Address A. E. Blaine, R. F. D. 2, Mm netonka, MIftn. RELIABLE MASON CAN EXCHANGE SERV iccs in basement and plastering work as part payment on home. Balance rent payments. 8389, Journal. WANTEDMAN AND WIFE, BETWEEN AGES of 20 and 40 years, no family, to work on farm, $40 per month. Oscar Fitzmaurice, Crystal,_N. _D^_ Continued. LADIES, OUT THIS OUT: FANCY 8IDE combs, given away with every hair switch 200 gray hair switches at half price pompa dours, hair fob chains, wigs, trench toupees for gentlemen mail orders filled. Brahl'a Hair Bazaar, 409 Nicollet. WE iHAVE A VERY DESIRABLE PLACE FOR a sensible girl at our summer home at Min netonka. It you can cook, so much the better. Good salary to right person. Call _or address 219_5th_st_S. WANTEDSTENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE woman, flret-clash wages with board, etc. Ad dress in own handwriting with full particulars, btatlng age, references, experience, salary, etc. Address 7077, Journal^ VAMPERS AND STITCHERS ON FINE SHOES, alfo amazeen skivers experienced help only need apply. We have steady work and good pay to otter competent help. Sharood Shoe Co., St. Paul. Minn. 10 GIRLS WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work twro cooks, four waitresses, two chaui beiinaids, at once wages fioiu $4 to $10 per week. Call Ladies' intelligence Office, 46 Central av. WANTEDYOUNG LADY TO HELP IN OF flce during July and August must be ex perienced and accurate at figures wages $7.50 per week. Address in own handwriting, HIM, Journal. IF YOU WANT A NICE PLACE AT THE lake, we can give a girl such a position at Spring Park. Work is not hard, and good wages. Call or addiesc 219 5th st S. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lock port, N. Y. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS to go to tiie lake iismedlatelv, ttiorougVvly modem house good wages private family steady position. 8728, Journal. DURING THIS MONTH OATON" BUSINESS College, 612 Hennepin av, admits students under contiact to pay tuition after they ob tain employment. LADIES' OLD HATS CLEANED, DYED AND remodeled into new stjles by expert mil liners swell hats made at half store prices. 1018 1st av S. WANTEDNEAT, COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework for family of two must be good cook. Mrs. C. C. Fraser. fiat 5, 1676 Hennepin av. WANTEDGIRL FOR GENERAL H0USE work where another girl is kept good wages, good cook. 119 Groveland av, loth st near Nicollet av. GIRL WILLING TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK for room and board, with young couple mod ern flat walking distance. Address 8807, Journal. WANTED-^A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work family of four adults no washing. 2639 Lyndale_av N. N. W. phone 1356-J2. WANTED25 APPRENTICES FALL TRIM ming commences July 5. Bradsbaw Bros., ^wholesale millinery, Washington and 1st av N. BOOKKEEPERS," STENOGRAPHERSrCLERKS. For positition call or write Mercantile Reference Co., 458 Temple Court. WANTEDEXPERIENCED GIRLS TO SEW tents, awnings and horse covers on power machines. 116 Washington av N. A LADY TO KEEP HOUSE FOR OLD LADY IN country must be kind and neat $5 a month _and good home. 8691, Journal. COMPETENT GIRL F0R~ HOUSEWORK AT Lake Minnetonka. Easy place. Good wages. Call or address 219 Sth st S. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, good pay. Apply at once. 1S24 15th av S. Male. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, Vc A word no ad less than 10c daily 20 words or less, one week, 50c. ___^ SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, bookkeeper and manager Norwegian with good experience permanent position as bookkeeper, manager or salesman, with responbible parties, about Aug. 15. Write, stating full particulars. Will go anywhere, west prelerred. 8520, Jour nal. PRINTERALL-AROUND COUNTRY PRINT er no boozer good habits six years' expe rience, desires position on country weekly. State best wages in first letter. Address _Clyde A.Stegall, ClearLake, Wis. WANTEDPOSITION AS STENOGRAPHER BY young man in an office where there is plenty of work and opportunity for advancement. Ex perience more of an object than salary. S825, Journal. ENERGETIC, MARRIED, CHRISTIAN MAN desires position as manager or assistant with publishing or manufacturing firm educated practical best of references. 8508, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED NORWEGIAN, EDUCATED, strictly sober, with office experience, wants position will work cheap to get acquainted references. Address 8645, Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN AS HOUSE servant with private family, or to do light porter work anywhere. Please call or write _Otto Wied. 1411 7th st S. PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, HARDWOOD finisher, graining, tinting, expert on parquet floors, finished and refinisbed, wants work. J. H. King, 3211 Central av. SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN AS HOUSE servant with private family, or to do light parlor work anywhere. Please call or write Otto Wied. 1411 7th st S. LINOTYPE MACHINIST-OPERATOR AND JOB and ad man wants position in country office prefer all machine work, but will do part job work. 8784, Journal. MAN OF 24 WHO CAN SPEAK ENGLISH, German, Swedish and some French wants posi tion immediately good penman. H. I., 1618 Adams st^NE. YOUNG MAN DESIRES TO LEARN SOME ME chanical trade has worked two years in ma chine shop good references and education. S260, Journal. BARBER WANTED STEADY POSITION THE year around must be a good workman wages $15 per week. Address Box 90, Can do, N. D. SITUATION WANTEDBOY OF 17 WANTS work in shop or office good worker, qaiet and steady can give references. 8147, Jour nal. YOUNG MAN 24 WANTS POSITION AS GROC ery clerk has experience and can talk sev eral languages. H. I., 1618 Adams st NE. WANTEDBY EXPERT CHAUFFEUR AND mechanic, steady position will furnish ref erences. Address 201 12th st S. POSITION WANTED AS GROCERY CLERK eight jears' experience can give references wages $12. S747, Journal. A FIRST-CLASS MEAT CUTTER WITH SEV en years' experience wants good position in city. 8205, Journal. MAN WITH 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AS janitor and porter wants position. Lott, 316 Sth av S. ALL KINDS OF MALE HELP FURNISHED free. M. H. Barron & Co.. 10 1st st S. Min neapolis. PLAIN COOKING OR PORTER MAN AND wife, or private family. 316 8th av S. Female. RATE UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, i/c A word uo ad let.s than 10c daily 20 words or less, one wepk, 50c. YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE PLACE AS nurse girl with family going away or as as sistant in house in city would be willing to learn. 8606, Journal. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER, BOOKKEEPER and cashier desires work few hours per day opportunity for firms not requiring permanent help. 8108, Journal. NEW ENGLAND WOMAN IS NOW READY TO take orders for putting down fruit and pickles of^all kinds at ladles' homes. Give orders. T. C. phone 39-19. DRESSMAKER WISHES A FEW MORE EN gagements perfect fit and satisfaction guar anteed $10 a week. Address Dressmaker. 2512 15th av S. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WILL TAKE dictation or assist on books evenings and Sat urday afternoons own typewriter. Address 8834, Journal. WAITING AT PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES, luncheons, receptions, card parties thorough ly competent in all branches. Amy Agate 56" _13th_st_S. A YOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS nurse, invalid or child can go home evenings will go to lake very best of references. Box 257, city. FAMILY WASHING WANTED WHERE THEY have stationary tubs private families. Calf Thursday. Don't call evenings. 924 8th av S, in rear. A WELL-EDUCATED NORWEGIAN YOUNG lady desires position as nurse for two or three children In a weU-to-do family. 8637. Journal. YOUNG LADY iMASSEUSE WrkrrES~TfFGIVE massage in exchange for board and room hotel preferred very best of reference. 8813, Journal. A FEW MORE ENGAGEMENTS BY THE DAY by seamstress will also take work home. CaU after 7 p.m., or write 709 20th av S. YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE PLACE AS nurse girl or help with light housework wages $3 a week. 8636, Journal. WANTEDAT ONCE, PLACE FOR GIRL TO help for room and board while learning trade. Address 93 W 28th st. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER WISHES A position must have work at once salary no object- 8756, Journal. A YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES a position has had experience. Telephone N. W. South 409-J2. YOUNG LADY STRAIGHT FROM BUSINESS college, desires position at once wages no object. 8804, JournaL SITUATIONS WANTED Female. Continued.' j- s* J*. 'It* RELIABLE DRESSMAKER WISHES A FEW more engagements $1.50 per day. 8582. Journal. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER permanent position at once. 8792. Address DESIRES Journal. YOUNG LADY, RECENTLY GRADUATED, DE slrcs position as stenographer. 8714. Journal. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS WORK in families price $1.50. 8805. Journal. I WANT DISHWASHING OR CHAMBER WORK Call 316 Sth av S. BUSINESS CHANCES HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS. On our plan you can own your own home for what you now pay for rent. No red tape, delay or complications. Our plan is simple, direct and practical, We make you straight loan and erect bouse, on your own lot and according to plans furnished or approved by you, to be a paid for by monthly installments equal to tent. No charge made for plans and speciflca tions, commissions for loan or fees of any kind, for examination of abstract, etc. barest and most liberal partial payment plan offered. Guaranty Land & Investment Co.. 828-830 Guarantyo Loan Bldg. ooooooo ooooooo CAN YOU PICK UP A GOOD THING WHEN you see it? I have Just listed ten hotels, four restaurants, fifteen transient and regu lar rooming houses, one drug store, two bakeries, two small groceries and other busi ness openings too nameroiu, to mention. every one or which would prove a rare Una. If 1 say a proposition Is a bargain, it is a bargain. Every one on my new list are bargains. Call early If you want the best ones. If the whole family must see the property before you buy, bring them along and make one trip do. There is no time to lobe. W. J. WestfaU, 421 and_423_Kasota Building. AN EXPERIENCED OFFICE~MAN, COMPE tent bookkeeper, with acceptable references, who has $1,000 cash, can secure half in teiefct in stock, fixtures and long-established, pacing stationery business in Minneapolis will guarantee to net him $100 per month from btart it is practicaUy cash business, with no dead-beat account. If you are look ing for an opening and mean business, wide open investigation will be accorded you. For perbonal interview address 7915, JournaL CORPORATION CONTROLLING BUSINESS Es tablished 1S65 desnes to secure the services of a'i energetic business man to manage branch office investment of $l,i00 and upwards and unquestionable references as to abUity and integrity required salary $2,500 annually and commissions. Addre&s UQJ. 56S, Madison, Wis. PHOTOGRAPHERSTHE BEST PAYING STU dio in a town of 3,000, in northern Minnesota large teiritoiy radroad center, summer re soit oldest studlc in town, doing a good business. For sale with or without Instru ments. For further particulars address Stu _dio, care 8731. Journal. WANTED AT ONCERELIABLE PARTY WITH not less than $5,000 to take an interest In a Minneapolis manufacturing and wholesale busi ness the right man may take an active in terest or just invest his money as he may choose extra large profit in the business. 8371, Journal. WE WISH TO MEET PARTIES WHO HAVE from $1,000 up to invest In first 6 per cent mortgages Minneapolis city property. AU new houses, well located, conservative loans. Ion make loan direct. We are building contractors and can offer desirable investments. 6364. Journal. HOTELTHE BEST OF ITS CLASS IN 1KN- nesota, 40 steam heated, beautifully fur nished bedrooms fine office charming dining room only $2 hotel in a county seat town of 3,000 .three railroads a money-getter $2,000 cash. J., 118 Kasota building. GOOD HOTEL PROPERTY, FURNISHED throughout $1.50 house will sell for cash or trjde for good farm property: located in a growing town in northeastern South Dakota of 900 inhabitants. For particulars write Cooley & Stiger Land Agency, Britton, S. D. BUSINESS CHANCE^-TO LET, FROM AUG. 15, hotel, 23 rooms, at Fessenden, N. D. well-established good locality present ten ant retiring from business furniture can be bought at a discount. Apply Theo. Hanim Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minn. A GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE FOR SALE Bakery and lestaurant the only bakery in a lively town of 2,000 population, 10 miles from Minneapolis, centially located average sales, $35 to $40 a day. For further particulars ad dress 8786, Journal. FOR SALEIN A GOOD TOWN OF 1.500 in habitants, the only bakery complete outfit: building suitable for restaurant and lunch counter opposite N. P. depot a fine chance for a good baker. Address Box 370. Perham. Minn. STOCKS AND BONDS UNDERWRITTEN AND guaranteed, companies desiring to float their stock caU at office for information, which costs nothing, but wUl start you off right. W. P. Mason, 419 Andrus building. FOR SALEDRUG STORE IN TOWN OF 250 in Minnesota, great snap $1,000 takes it sales good doctor prescribing telephone cen tral paying $15 to $20 per month terms easy. Address 8519, Journal. TRUSTEE SALEA GOOD GENERAL HER chandise stock. for sale in wideawake town of 2,000. An exceUent opportunitj for some one. Address C. R. Winslow. Crookston. Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE$6,000 DRUG stock for clear improved farm. Also North Dakota wild land for small Improved farm. Address J. H. Gallagher, Grand Forks, N. D. FOR SALE$3,500 20-ROOM HOTEL IN southern Minnesota town of 1,000 inhabitants, corner lot, 62x175, sample room, livery barn, good well. Lock Box 404. Owatonna. Minn. OWN YOUR OWN HOME WE WILL BUILD for you for small payment down, balance in stallments less than rent. Guaranty Land & Investment Co.. 828-832 Guaranty Loan bldg. WE ARRANGE PARTNERSHIPS, PROCURE capital, incorporate stock companies. Inquire Western Law & Adjustment Co., 1011 Ner York Lifebuilding, Minneapolis. LIVERY AND DRAY LINE I N A LIVELY town and good business. Other business is reason for selling. For further information, ad dress H. T. Hogy. Cyrus, Minn. OFFICE BUSINESS, SAFE INVESTMENT", short hours, large yearly income, easily man aged long established snap if taken this week. 310 Northwestern bldg. I HAVE DOLLAR "FOR" DOLLAR UP TO $Io7 000 to invest with business man of ability and standing. Business first-class, profitable, safe money secured. 5897, Journal. RETAIL LUMBER COMPANY WELL SELL $10,- 000 of stock at par will accept subscriptions for $100 or multiple thereof sure dividends. Apply quick. 8280. Journal. CASH FOR YOUR PROPERTY, WHEREVE* located for quick sales, bend description anl price. Northwestern Business Agency, Bank of Commerce building. AN ELEGANT FARM, TWO MILES FROM town. Codington Co., S. D. Will sell cheap or exchange for merchandise. Address Box 500. Astoria, S. D. ONLY DRUG STORE IN A THRIVING WE8T ern Minnesota town, population 400. Prlco $1,500 half down, balance on time. Address 8189,_Journal. 10 PER CENT" PER ANNUM ON YOUR KON ey for 50 years local, valuable property solid, tangible, sure. Address 8841, JournaL BARBERS," THREE ~CHAIRSr^NLY~HOTEL shop in town, for sale, within 75 miles from cities, in Minnesota. Address 8506, Journal. BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING LNDUSTRIALT electric light or telephone stocks see George Girling & Co., Temple Court. T. O. 3778. FOR SALEOWING TO ILL HEALTH, GOOD paying restaurant business will be sold cheap. Mrs. A. C. Hammaug. Xorthfleld, Minn. WANTEDGOOD, CLEAN STOCK OF HARD. ware: must show good sales give particulars first letter. Address 7913, Journal. OFFER POSITION IN PROFITABLE AND well established business to man who has |509 to $1,000 to invest. 5856, Journal. FOR SALEDRUG STORE IN A GOOD village no competition must sell quick buys it. 8505, Journal. LIVS $1,306 MILK AND CREAM BUSINESS IN GOOD LIVE town in southern part of state. For particulars call 213_lPt_ay X. 10 SHARES KONTEMORELOS PLATATION Co., stock for sale cheap. Address Box 443, Fargo. N. D. HAVE $1,000, GOOD| ABILITY AND ENERGY want opening in a good business. 8793, Jour nal. TWO SHARES TOBASCO PLANTATION CO.'8 stock for sale cheap. Address 8838, JournaL ^^MnjDJGjgjVESTraflffiNTS^^ WANTEDTHE SERVICES OF A N EXPERI- i enced and successful promoter, to sell treas ury stock for a CaUfornla gold mining com pany this Is no fake scneme tnc men at the head are men of high standing the property fully paid for, no debts, and no salaries to be paid. Large quantities of ore developed. The company wish to raise funds to eqnip with stamp mill big inducement offered to the 1 right man. Address, stating qualification, 8790. Journal! W E WILL BUY ALASKA CENTRAL PFD, AR izona Copper Mountain. Bonanza Queen, Pan handle Smelter. Crandall. Pierce & Co., 416 Guaranty bldg. Both phones. 80 YEARS IN MINING: NONE BUT FIRST class stocks handled. Address me before buy* Ing. W. P. McDonald. 802 Andrus bldg. Mpls. R. B. HIGB^E, DEALER IN HIGH-GRADE Investment stocks, mineral lands and patents. .410-411 Germania Life building. St. Paul. J== WOOD AND OPAL DRY FACTORY HARDWOOD CHEAPEST, cleanest and best wood In cit r. Barnard A Cope Co., 4th st and 2d av NE. 'iA'M