Newspaper Page Text
w$8i v*y" Improved. BAVL B_TJH___., 456 Temple Court. $8,750Look at 2628 Emerson av S nice new up-to-date, all modern, hardwood finished home go look it over. I will muke terms to suit you. AIBO No. 2632 Emerson av S, finished In hardwood, 8 rooms, all modern combination heat, $4 200 will make teims to suit. Kejs at office. Don't fail to see these bargains. $2,450Elegant all modem 7-room house. Lake at near Park av nist time offered. $4,800For quick sale, a very nice 12- room house, all, modern except heat, best open nickel and porcelain plumbing, gas fixtures, two fine mantels, nice lot, 60x144 elegant nome on Park av, inside of Franklin walking distance, biggest bargain ever offered on Tark. $3,500First time offered, a very neat 8-room all modern home, finished in the very best se lect heavy oak, highly polished. This is cer tainly one of the best eighth ward bargains ever heard of, in such nice surroundings as Sunnvsido. near 24th and Lyndale av S. $4,000Fine brick 9-room all modern, hard wood finished home will take small home or good building lots in pait pay cash difference If any. $1,100Seven-room house and lot, 21st S, near 14th av, will easily rent for $15 per month big interest payer, or would make nice home. $1,000Look at 3125 Hiawatha av, six-rooin house, lot 50x153 to 12-foot alley, good well and pump, lot all fenced, easv teiuis. $2,200Look at 2520 Penn av N. very handsome ight-ioo house and barn city water, haid wood finish, tine lot, call Sunday or any daj Must go. $1 800One of the most elegant seven-room new homes, all modern except heat, gas iixtures, shades, storm windows and screens, haidwood floors, fine open nickel and porcelain plumbing, handsomely decoiated turnout walking dis tance. Bee Paul Beuhler before yon buy for fine, new, up-to-date homes in Lowry Hill, Lake of the Isles. Sunn} bide, Lake Calhoun. Lake Ilariiet or In any part of the cltj at all prices If you wish to make a quick cash sale, list your property at ouce. No charge made for adver tising it. Or borrow money, call and see hint. oooooooooooooo BUILT I"0B SALE, BUT BUILT ON HONOR Are onr new houses in St. Anthony Park, The Beautiful. Inspect them now and learn that we use high-grade mateiial and build them ettia warm. Several under construction fiom $3,000 to $3,000. All finished aie sold but one, just com pleted, which has nine rooms, with hot wntei heat, full nickel plumbing, in cluding laundrj, hardwood finish and floors up and down, full cemented cel lar, luglenook with fireplace and seats, beam ceilings, panel wainscoting, slde boaid, plate rail nine rooms, south fiont, one block from Como line. $4,000, $600 cash, balance $40 per month. It's a good one. Look at it Sunday afternoon. 2268 Commonwealth avenue. W. W. Clark Realty Co., 813 Nicollet Av. oooooooooo 3,20046x124, LYNDALE AV S, NEAR rianklln eight rooms, city water, gas, bath, closet, open plumbing, basement and barn its cheap at the price $3,25042x128, 3d av S, near 34th: fine new seven-room cottage perfect beauty. $2,5002618 Plllsbur av, eight rooms and small bain good location terms easy. $2,500575 7 th av N, eight rooms, isl, S75Grand a v. near 20th st six rooms. Houses at all prices. Walter L. Badger, 3m) Oneida Building. FOR SALEMY BEAUTIFUL ALL MODERN home of eicht rooms, liot -water heat, gab flumes, window shades, storm sash, screens, good barn, nice laige lot, 52x170 to alley, everything goes at the sacrifice price of $3,2uo, leaving the state cause of sale, call any day must go. 1530 Hillside av N. Agents need not call.o ooooooocooooooooo FOR SALE OR LEASE RAILROAD tiuckajfe. corner 19Sxl37 to 20-foot alley, -ttltn exclusive railroad tracUajte, also con 0 venlent to depots, mills, etc. Terms to suit. Thorpe Bros., Andrus Bldg. OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOO A SNAP2435 COLUMBUS AV GOOD EIGHT room home, hardwood and pine finish, mantel and grate, gas fixtures, window shades, btoim and screen sash, full basement, partly modem, newly decorated, nice lawn with ttees good barn with boxstall easy terms. Yale Realty Compan. 206 4th st S. WILL SELL CONTRACTS FOR DEED IM proved real estate at a price to net investor 10 per cent, puichaseis have paid about one fourth of contiact price and inako regular monthly pajnients absolutely safe amounts $400 to $900. 8537, Journal. $1,650 BUYS A SIX-ROOM COTTAGE IN THE eighth ward west of 3d a^ in&lde of st, sewer and all street improvements in and pajo. for, who will be li to pick thia up? W. J. Westfall, 421 and 423 Kasotn Bldg. WE WILL BUILD YOU A HOME QW PLANS to suit and sell it complete on monthly pay ments. In beautirul Walton Paik. Walton Park has stone aidewalks, gas, city water, fine school. The Edmund G. Walton Agency, 300 Hennepin av. $3,850 FOR 72 R0YALST0N AVTEN-ROOM house, modern evcept heat, laige corner lot, loom for store building on rear, on main trav eled street north, dliect fiom Nicollet av. Easy terms. See ownei. 1900 Hawthorn av. A NEW HOME, UP-TO-DATE. Why buy an old house when you can get a new house and lot? Will build to suit jou In any part of town easy terms. Save rent. R. U. Betcher & Co 507 Phoenix. WILL SELL MY HOME AT THE BIG SACRIF ice $2,200, if taken tiuick, beautiful, well built eight room bouse and barn, hardwood finish, cltj water, fine lot, flue location, call any da}, must go 2310 I'emi av No agents FOR SALETWO-FLAT RESIDENCE, NEARLY new, all modern, verj complete, finely finished in hardwood, large corner, room for cottage on same lot, fine income property, bee owner, 2750 Pillsbury av. LET R. R. BETCHER BUILD YOUR NEST. Build a home and save your lest, come and see us and let us show you our plan. B. R. Betcher & Co., 507 Phoenix Bldg. MAIRE'S ROOF PRESERVER Stops leaks In any roof. Call, telephone or write. Malre Paint Co.. 242 1st av N. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS SIMPLEST, saiest, most liberal plan offered! uuaranty Land & Investment Co., 628-830 Guaranty Loan Bldg, TOR SALES1.850 EACH EASY TERMS 4311 and 4227 Plllsbuiy av brand new houses hard wood doors, nicely decorated, well, large lots best houses in city at this price. PORTLAND AV, NO. 2745 TEN-ROOM MOD ern nonse, only $4,000, In perfect condition, a lovely home go and see it. Byron Suther lnnd, 720 Phoenix blocK. MODERN COTTAGE, FURNISHED IF DE^ shed hot water heat, hardwood floors, large grounds, barn, garden moved business to Chi cago. 2720 2d av S. LARGE YEARLY INCOME, SAFEST POSSIBLE investment, block of flats and houses, bale, owner leaving country bargain pi ice. 310 Northwestern building. WE OFFER OUR OWN MONEY TO LOAN- ON improved city property at lowest current lates no delay. The Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., 813 Nicollet av. FOR SALEBY OWNER, 3117 PARK AV, NEW eight loom house, best location in the city open evenings and Sundays. Ownei, 2539 Columbus av. STRICTLY MODERN NINE-ROOM RESIDENCE in Green's addition, near Douglas av, for __sale_at_a bargain. Address 7140. Journal. CALL AT OFFICE FOR NEW SUMMER CATA logue of houses and bargains. Thorpe Bros., Andrus bids MODERN 12-R00M HOUSE, ARRANGED FOR two lamilles ?2.30u terms. Dickinson, 601 Phoenix. BUY A HOME OF ME AND MAKE YOUR OWN terms. E. J. Willlts. 300 Bank Commerce. Unimproved. TRACKAGE PROPERTY. 2,000 feet of choice trackage prop erty, the only central trackage In the city on both eastern and western lines, making it twice as valuable as that on single lines In the natural location for wholesale nnd ware house property, In the center of the freight depots will subdivide to suit have nine cor ners from 50 to 400 feet frontage. Con trolled and for sale by W. B. Boardman, 200 Cential av. Both phones, East 175. $25042x119. EAST FRONT. ON EMERSON av. near 34th st. $27540x130, west front, on 3d av. near 38th st. $27510x138, west frzmt, on 28th av S, near Franklin. $2T5 10vl38, east front, on 30th a S, near 22d St. $275-^i8xlo7, east and north front, corner of 29th av S and 2Sth st Yale Realty Co.. 200 4th St S. $1,300PAYS 20 PER CENT BUYS THREE bouses, four rooms each pantrys, closets, cisterns, wood sheds all In best of repair now paying 20 per cent and rents can be raised close to Milwaukee shops and steel plant this is a great big bargain for little money. $6,000 only for a four-flat brick building, steam heat, srronnd 50tl3S, "barn, always rented, never Idle, taken under foreclosure: this is a de cided big bargain. Georg eB. Dartt, 807 Phoe nix bulldins. THOSE FINE LOTS ON ICth AND 11th AVS 8 and 35th st, east or west fronts terms only $50 cash and $10 per month nothing succeeds like success. The man who succeeds Is- the man who saves. What better opportunity can you get than this? Start a home now better than a savings bank. I will make a discount to the man who buys and builds the first house on any one of these lots. Walter _. Badger. 3QQ Oneida blocb. NICE"DOUBLE CORN-B. ON CEDAR AV SOS, $250 have also one or two other bargains. Main 334S-J1. kiM0&hL'Mhj>t^Miii eanesaay Evening, REAL ESTATE FOE SALE Unimproved. Continued. FOE SALS160 ACRES IMPROVED LAND, only 8V& miles fronijOsakis and 0 miles from Carles. There are 120 acres plowlaud in crop, 15 acres timber, 25 acies meadow land farm all fenced barn and granary built together on the farm Pi ice $5,600. M. Moes, owner, Farmington. Minn. TIMBER LAND. 960 acres, good iuKed saw timber pine, cedar, spiuce, birch, three miles Lake Su perior good sawmill proposition will sell cheap and take Minneapolis residence in part payment. American Real Estate Investment _Loan Co., 487 Andrus building. FOR SALESNAP," TWO LOTS ON CORNER of Oliver and 17th avs N, six-room house, back plastered, screens and stoiin windows cellar, large cistern and good driv well chickeu house and nice shade tiee1*e Farm Lauds. LANDSEEKERS' BARGAINSWELL IM pioved fan of 240 acies with valuable buildings, SO acies under cultivation, 80 miles fiom Minneapolis, piice $1 020. 100 acres, 14 acies cultivated, 27 acres uuder meadow land, a good barn (house buined), a good well with pump, 1,000 cords of wood on the land, owner is sick, will take $875 for the farm, deed pel feet. Homestead, 100 acies, a fine quarter section of land in a well settled district part open and part timbered, county toad passing the laud, small frame house, ownei must sell his right price $273. IJ. S Homestead Land Co., 302 Nicollet av, Minneapolis, Minn. WE HAVE FROM 40 TO 5,500 ACRES OF LAND in Bayfield county, Wisconsin, will sell you a farm of 40 acres for $25 cash and balance 10c per acre per month. This Is not a wild coun try we have put seveial hundred farmers beie in past two jears. Call or write for full particulars. Guaranty Land & Investment Co., 828-830-882 Guaranty Loan Bnllding. IAKSSEBS' HATES To Koocbicbing Falls, Fort Frances, Rainy Biver valley, Koochiching Palls and Interna tional Falls all together makes now the most interesting point on the continent to home seekers and Investors, Now is the time to go there. Call or write at once. The Enger Nord Realty Co., 1st floor Temple Court Bldg., Minneapolis. QUARTER SECTION-WARD CO. N D.: TO acres broken, small house, two miles to town, $1800 all cash Timber land, Oneila Co., Wis., selected yenrs ago for quality of soil $3 75 per acre man needs cash in his business, will ictnil at $10 only 480 acies at this price. Same man has Canada quarter worth $10, will take $C cash. F. D. Dibble, 530 Temple Comt. I HAVE TWO 80-ACRE TRACTS OF LAND 19 miles from the city that were taken under mortgage, good soil, fine location, good roads one tract improved with new house, barn, chicken house, good well, 10 acres fenced. The other tract is unimproved $20 per acre takes either tract, $200 down, balance on eas terms. C. S. Dever. 537 Andrus bldg. 200,000 ACRES, ASSINIBOIA AND SAS katchewan, Can., $6, homesteads located free with auaiter bought, 50.000 acres. Chippewa valley. Wis $5, selected tract". Agents anted. American Land & Exchange Co., 233 Boston Block. LANDSEEKERSWE HAVMinneapolis. E A NUMBER OF improved farms from $800 to $1,500, 60 to 75 miles from Minneapolis also a few improved homesteads from $200 to $400. XI. S Homestead Land Co., 302 Nicollet Av, Minneapolis. FOR SALE320-ACRE FARM, 2% MILES FROM Edinburgh, Walsh county, N. all under cultivation good house, bain, granary, two wells,, splendid farm, for pi lee and terms write or call on J. P. Johnson. Paik River, N. D. CANADIAN LANDS. Bargains in farms, 160 acres up. Snaps in tracts one to fouc sections, near rall'wad, Assimboia, Manitoba. Write for description __and price. E. L. Camp, 515 Guaranty bldg. NOTICE TO LAND BUYERSDAILY EXCUR sions to Hinckley, Minn 15,000 acres adapt ed for stock raising and diversified farming close to best markets. John G. Allen, 305 2d in S, Minneapolis, Minn. HEAVY ___?__ C__XM. $250 takes the best maple timber claim in Minnesott. Foi particulars call or write Ting dale Bros., 307 Bank of Commerce, Minne aioh- WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM FOR CASH. WE sell land only aud lots of it. Tlngdale Bros Bnnk of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. CHOICE FARM LANDS FOR SALE ALONG the line of the proposed new railroad, buy now and get the benefit of the advance in price. E. 11. Stephens, Ortonvllle, Minn. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BITTER Hoot valley farms, stock ranches, fruit propo sitions, z. big list, write lor it. 3 W DlcU inson. real estate. Stevensvllle, Mont. FARM LAND FOR SALE IN WARD COUNTY, N. D. the best wheat aud flai. land In the United States, farm mortgages for sale. Ad dress E T. Carej, Donnj brook, N. D. FOR SALE$15 PER ACRE. 160 ACRES GOOD land In Blaine county. Neb quarter mile from countyseat, other business. title per fect Box SO, Blair Neb. FOR SALE$15 PER ACRE, 160 ACRES GOOD land in Blaine county, Nebraska, ^4 mile from county seat other business title perfect. Box 99, Blair, Neb. 20 ACRES, MINNETONKA TOWNSHIP. NEAR new car line, clay loam soil, $1,100 buys it, act quick. Yale Land Co.. 206 4th st S. INFORMATION FREECANADIAN LANDS. R. R. Stoner, Canadian Government Agent, 231 Boston Blk, Minneapolis, Minn. $12040 ACRES, FINE SOIL, ST. LOUIS PARK, near street car, nothing better for the monej. Woodman, 836 Lumber Exchange. A WELL-IMPROVED" FARM, BIG STONE count}, to exchange for merchandise. E. H. Stephens, Ortonville, Minn. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE farm lands, city property. Quale Land Co., N.W. bldg. LANDSEEKERS' CANADIAN BUREAU OF IN- formation.518 Guaranty bldg. Information free. MINNETONKA PROPERTY FOR SALEAT A BARGAIN, NINE-ROOM cottage at Casco Point, Spring Park, Lake Minnetonka newly painted thruout, partly furnibhed beautiful large grounds, fine shade liees, shore front and beach. Inquire C. B. Thurston, 576 Lincoln av, St. Paul, Minn. FOR SALEA LAKE BUNGALOW. AT SPRING Park, new and modern, completely furnished all conveniences of city home Very artistic five minutes' walk from station at a snap. Address C. A. Bettingen, !5 Wacolta st, St. Paul. FOR SALE$2,250 FOR NINE-ROOM COTTAGE at Groveland Park, large grounds covered with trees, 150 feet lake shore, excellent bathing beach a very desirable place. G. Gun derson. 66 Chamber of Commerce. $2,000 FOR NINE-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR THE narrows, 150 feet fine shore cottage furnished. Two boats. 0. S'. Woodruff, 605 Guaranty. BEFORE YOTT BtnT. S___ OK. KENT ____- tonKa property see me. Sena for my/ catalogue and map. A. S. Apgar, Excelsior, Minn. MINNETONKA COTTAGES, LOTS, FRUIT farms, acres 1 can fit you out list your lake property. J. M. Da vies. 509 Phoenix. WANTEDLIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH Paul Beuhler if- you waut quick cash sale he has small and large investors ready to pay cash for any bftrgalss. txo charge for listing, free advertising call and see him. 456 Temple Court. $80,000 TO INVEST IN MINNEAPOLIS PROP erty houses, lota or blocks give full par ticulars, lowest cash price and number of im proved, so I can find it will be bore ten days. Address 8502. Journal. WANTEDLI8TLNGS OF MINNEAPOLIS REAL estate houses, lots and nearby acres buyers inquiring dally. Newhall. 550 Temple Court. WANTEDTO BUY 8 OK lO-KOOK -BTOTTS Inside Lake st preferred. Apply by letter. F, Warren. 724 E 18th st. ALL KINDS OF PLAD7 SEWING DONE. CALL at 83 W 28t_ st. l* p_ic_!iir__u5_wTi^^ house newly painted $1,350. Addiess 8830, Jour nal. FOR SALE800 ACRES, 3 MILLS FROM 0T- ertall, Minn., all under cultlvatlo, good house, bain, gtanaiy, etc. two wells, $4,600, $2 hOO cash, balance time to suit pni chaser at tJVi per cent, no agents. K. B. Uobinson, Ottertall, .Minn. $1,250 TAKES MY BEAUTIFUL LOT ON IRV itig av S, good view of lake, line shade tioea, sewei, citv WMti-r, suriounded bj fine new up to dute homos costing from $0,000 to $S 000 to build, leaving the city leason tin selling. Ad diess S501, Journal. I WANT YOU TO LOOK OVER MY NEW AD ditlou between 4th and 5tn u\s S, 3bth and 30th sts, ever waj desirable lots light, prices, light, terms liirht, look at it todaj. N. Biadbury, 505 New York Life. Phone 2107 T. C. FOR SALE OR RENT360 ACRES OF THELUMBER, best hay meadow in the state of Minnesota 40 miles from Minneapolis 1% miles from Zimmerman station yields 600 tons of bay. M- Zimmerman, Mitiw ay, St Paul GOOD IMPROVED RANCH IN NORTHEAST Colorado for sale on es) terms, or will tuule for hmall Improved farm in Dakota, Iowa or Nebraska. A. T. Uuthne, Newton, Iowa. SOME GOOD BUILDING LOTS ON 2d AND 3d avs S, for sale at a buis-ilu on easy terms. MeNiehol Investment Co 417 Guarantj Bldg. THE OWNER OFFERS A BEAUTIFUL LOT near Clinton av and st, jm can buy this low dliect Addiess SS2S, Journal. 40x179, EAST FRONT, NICOLLET AND 38th, bin gain at $3T3 for a shoit time onlj. C. S. Woodiuff, G05 Guaranty Bldg $375 FOR 40x179. EAST FRONT, NICOLLET and 3Sth two car lines to 38th. C. S. Wood ruff, 605 Guaranty building. A FINE LARGE LOT ON PARK AV BY THE owner veo low, ask the pi ice. 8827, Journal. *fe^l^^^^'M HERE. We not only advertise, but we back up our advertising with the goods. The laigest and most complete stock of all the newest and latest btjlcs in new and second-hand office, stoic, bank and restaurant fixtures, including safes, all sizes and makes showcases, wall cases, counteis, office partitions, desks, chaiis, tables, registers, scales, minors, wiudo wdls piny fixtures, etc. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 3d st S. WALL PAPERWALL PAPERSPECIAL DE sigus ii two tones and tapestry for parlois, halls and dining looms, at reduced prices 15c and 2oc gilts in green, led or brown, 8c and 10c, loc and papers, 5c and tie an extra value toi 4c. Wall paper cleaned by an expert, 76c to $1.50 per room painting. Baker, 118 5th st S, opposite New York Lire. Both phones. FOR SALENEW HOISTING ENGINES AT A bargain. 1 7x10 1 8x10 1 10x12 All double cylinder, double drum well sell with or without bolleis. Clyde lion Woiks, Duluth, Minn. PIANOSBARGAINS IN USED PIANOS FOR this week, tluee upright pianos, $U0, $100, $115, Chickerlng piano, $90, Stelnway piano, $125, two Bilggs pianos, $190, $285 two Sterling pianos, $200, $2(55 terms, cash or $5 to $10 monthlj. 1-oster Waldo, 30 5th st S, corner Nicollet av. WALL PAPER. Do jon wish bargains? Closing out some patterns at half price, papeiing and painting done now at special puces. A. H. Hannej, 008 lit nnepin av. 1 NEW AND OLD SHINGLES, DOORS and window8, very cheap get our estimates and have money. N. W. Lumber Wrecking Co. Y'ards, 8th st and 14th av S. Washington .Hid XUtU avs Ofiice, L Hennepin av. FOR SALENEW AND~SECONITHAND BIL liurd and pool table*, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments, send for catalogue and price list. The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 42b and 428 3d st S, Minneapolis. BIG DISCOUNT SALELATEST DROP-HEAD Slngei sewing machine, $10.50 diop-head New Home, $12.75 diop head Harvard, $9 oak Singer, *8 75t,aWhite, $4.50. Wauanted. _l- 71 0 1s S: ROWBOATS. ALL SIZES, IINISHED ANY stjle, immediate dellvcij, oiders ta_en for launches, sailboats canoes, hunting boats. Shepherd, 1113 W Lake st. T. C. 5088. 4 QUICK MEAL, RELIABLE AND JEWEL GAS langes, second-hand gas stoves cheap foi good stoves C. Herbert Smith, .424 Hennepin av. $8.50 FOR 12x14 THREE-FOOT WALL TENT. American Tent Awning Co.. 125-127-129 1st av N, Minneapolis, Minn. VERTICAL ENGINES AND BOILERS WE have a laige stock of new and second-hand. Pi ices the lowest. Harris Machinery Co SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS OF ALL makes at a bargain, must be sold. BUckeas derfer Typewriter Co., 603 Sykes block. WRITE TODAY FOR MY GREAT PIANO OF fer, how to get a Bird piano free. Francis J. Bird, 505 Hennepin av. HALL'S SAFES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND largest stock In the northweBt. Derlght Co 31S 2d av S. -el. Main 3121. TEN UNUSED SAMPLE PIANOS WE WILL save you $100. M. Schultz Cc, wholesale warerooms, 716-718 1st av S. FOR BALEONE 20 AND ONE 21-FOOT SEC ond-hand launch, good as new. Address Moore Boat Works, Wa}zata. Minn. FOR SALEONE^ YARD SWING AND ONE lawn mower, both new this year call after 6 p.m. at 2655 Aldrich av S. TWO TELEPHONE BOOTHS, WORTH $60, for $35, live salesmen's trunks, practically new. 515 1st av N_. FOR SALEA THOROUGHBRED MALTESE cat and four kittens will sell separate. In quire 504 W 32d st. FOR SALEHOUSEHOLD GOODS PARTIES leaving cltv. Call Trtday afternoon. 2S20 Girairt a.Y S^ FURNITURE AT WHITE'S, CHEAP AND _clean. Transfer and storage, 215 5th st_S._ OFFICE FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE finlshed. American Desk Co.. 209 3d st T. WANTED BY COUNTRY DEALER. FOR cash cheap upright pianos, any makes phone T. C. 13510 I will call with money. WANTEDA GOOD-SIZE, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, with steel chest. Must be in good condition. Box 406, Filk Biver, Minn. WANTEDSECOND HAND SURVEYOR'S LEV el. Give description and price. W. C. Wyck off. Rock Kapids Iowa. WOLFSON PAYS MORE FOR LADIES' OR gents' castoff clothing drop postal. 108 Wash ington av S. TO EXCHANGEMiscellaneous TO EXCHANGEFOR A CLEAN STOCK OF general merchandise, my equity In 160 acres of choice land in Martin Co., Minn neaily all under plow no buildings. Pi ice 47. En cumbered J3.250. Address 8726. Journal. I HAVE A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE AND store building which I wish to sell or trade for improved land in Minnesota or Dakota. For information write Postmaster, Lysne, Minn. no agents need to reply. _M________M____, WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENTFURNISHED FLAT OR small house, for light housekeeping must be strictly modern and in good location. Rea sonable rent. State terms in first letter. An swer to 8777, Journal. WANTEDDETACHED HOUSE OF SIX OR eight rooms, thoroly modern, good Heating plant, desirable location, west of Hennepin, inside 28th st rew house preferred $30 to $35 rent, best of references lease one or two years. Call 3356 10th av S. Phone N. W. South 1504-L1. WANTEDA STRICTLY MODERN SEVEN OB. eigbt-ioom house in Sunnvside district must have possession Aug. 1. 8775, Journal. WANT TO RENT, A SEVEN OR EIGHT-ROOM detached house, Aug. 1 would prefer North Minneapolis. Address 8808, Journal. WANTEDSEPT. 1, A FURNISHED FLAT for the winter by responsible party. Address 8504, Journal. ^REAL^STATEJEXOHAN^^ TO EXCHANGEMY EQUITY IN A FINE quarter section of land in Martin countj, Min nesota no buildings, all under plow and in crop this year, foi a good grain elevator, in northwest Minnesota or North Dakota, If that you have not fo anything good, do not an gwer price of land $45: encumbered $3,200. Address 8727. Journal. CLEAR, FINE 200-AORE FARM, 120 GROW ing crops, substantial buildings, two wells, abundant pasture, etc., five miles north of Big Lake. Sherburne county $8,000 want merchandise, hardware or implements. Han ford, Bank of Commerce. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARMS. ANY SIZE, and clear want merchandise or hardware stocks. Phoenix Land Co., N. Y. Life bldg. AUTOMOBILES & BICYCLES AUTOMOBILES. 1904 White, $1,500 1905 White, demonstra tor, get price: Pierce Electric, $250 Stan ley, $500. First-class garage service, and auto repairing at reasonable rates. Haynes Auto Co., 220 6th st S. Both phones. G. J. TIRES. The hest automobile and bicycle tires on the market today. Plant Bros., Northwestern Distributors, 21 2d st 9. Minneapolis FOR SALELATEST PATTERN 1908 OLDSMO blle, artillery wheels, just painted has dos-a dos seat and hunting box, complete for $300. A bargain. At A. F. Chase & Co.'s garage, 420 3d av S. FOR SALETWO 1904 "FRANKLIN" LIGHT cars in first-class condition: tires good as new engines entirely overhauled. Franklin Antomoblle Co.. 189 3d st .Milvraukee, Wis MOTOR, CXOX-, 8y H. P. HOLLY BEST make first-class condition, cost $175( Bell at $88 cash. Hansen, 1108 7th st S. KNOXMOBILE, IN FIRST-CLASS RUNNING order, $325. Walter G. Bens, 15 7th st S, Minneapolis. TWrU CITY BY E "WOJS. TH E LEASmS French dry cleaners for ladies' and gents' elothi=s and all Household goods. 816 Nicollet. NORTH STAR DYEING AND FRENCH DRY ,~'i_L THK iVliNJSIifiAPOLIS -t FINANCIAL A. JEWEL GAS RANGE. $3.50 KITCHEN CHAIRS o5c, Domestic aewiug machine, ^2.50, gasolene btove, $2, lawn seats and lawn chaiis cheap. Modem Malt, 57 10th st S. SAFES. SAFES. SAFES. Just teethed, a carload of all kinds, all sires and makes, from $16 up. Twin City Fixture Co., 223 3d st S. FOR SALEONE 6 3Y 8-FOOT TAPESTRY, two lion beds, one dresser and commode, cot 9\12, lug, two porch chaiis Call at once. 2731 DuDont av S. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO, $85, large, new refrigerator, $12, elegant parlor furniture, poich chairs, $1, office chair. 104 ltojalston av. WOODDRY, $2.60 AND S2.75 GREEN. $1,60 to $2 25 factoiy wood, dry, $2.5o. Plymouth Lumber Co., 237 Hennepin. Mam 3S46 LI. T. 2S07. JOOKNA L. S* CHATTEL LOANS. Mlnnesjta Mortgage Loan Co., Established 23 Yeara. Loans On furniture, pianos, horses, etc.', without the slightest publicity. Small or large pay ments, weekly or monthly, with privilege of payment on or before, thus stopping all cost. Having been engaged in the money lending business foi the past 25 years, and with the laige clientele we have, we are enabled to make the lowest rates and give the quickest possible service. Our record and reputation for the past 25 years insures honoraolo and confidential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Co., 305-300 Bank of Commerce Bldg., ________ 1st av S and-4th Bt. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Friend To Loan You Money? We loin on furniture, pianos, salaries, horsea, wagons, etc. Low rates, easy terms. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 p.m. Call, write or telephoneN. W. Main 1770, Twin City \J78 Minneapolis Loan Co., 001-602 Clone Bldg., 22 4th st S. WE HAVE SEVERAL DESIRABLE FIRST mortgages for sale, various amounts 6 per cent, new Minneapolis pioperty. can put you in direct touch with desirable loans no com mission. Guaranty Land At Investment Co., 828 830 and 832 Guaranty Loan building. 690 FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALE EXOEL lent becurity, titles perfect, amounts from $300 to $2,500. National Bond & Mortgage Co., New York Life Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. INVESTMENTJOBBING STOCK FOR SALE in a well established business paid 10 per cent dividend every .ear since incorporated, 1000, besides having a surplus of about $0,000 leason, expanding the business $100 per shaie. Address 5009, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property In feu_.i to suit, no delayi lowest rates, ou or-before privileges. Real estate department of William Peet City Realty Co., 205 Boston block. MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE, RE tjll meichants, teamsteis, boarding houses, wit'out secuilty largest business in 48 princl pal cities. Tolnian, 920 New York Life Bldg, MONEY TO LOANLOWEST RATES WITH ON or before pilvlleges no delay In closing or se eming answe-. Building loans also accepted. Thorpe Bros.. 206 Audi us Bldg. MONEY P0R FARM LOANS. BEST PARTS OF Minnesota and North Dakota moitgages for sale. Johnson, Van Sant Co., Bank of Com meice bldg, Minneapolis. BUILDING COMPANY WANTS 3I0NEY FROM private parties on first mortgages at 6 per cent. Loans conservative. New city property. 5854, Journal. R. D. CONE & CO., 517 Guaranty bldg., have on hand to loan on Improved property $1,000, $1,500. $2,000. $3500 lowest rates. $500, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500 AND OTHER sums to loan on Improved city property. C. S. Woodruff, 005 Guaranty building. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES NO delay. Thayer & Gale, 213 N. Y. Life Bldg. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT MORE than compan} value. Abbott, 30S Andrus. LOANS ON LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES NO delay. Ins. Loan Co 506 Oneida Block. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY: LOW rates. J. H. Bird. 625 Andrus Bldg. WE LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, wagons, waiehouse receipts and salaries. Lowest and best rates. Minneapolis Financial Co., 408 New York Life Bldg. WILLIAMS, 434 GUARANTY BUILDING loans on furniture, pianos or any security laige loans a specialty, terms to suit borrow ers, lowest prices. RICE LOANS ON ALL KINDS OF PERSONAL property charges reasonable. 506 Globe Bldg. W__TT_DLAHY A_l OENTLEMAN CANVAS ers for the new Illustrated Canadian Maga zine. Energetic workers will find this au exceptional proposition. Write for samples and full particulars. Martels, limited, Winni peg, Man. SALESMEN COVERING SHOE AND DRUG trades add $2 to $10 dally income handling Dry-Sole. The big adveitising we are doing makes order getting easy. Write for propo sltlon. Dry-Sole Co., 90 Warren st. New York. HAIL AND CYCLONE INSURANCE CASH commissions hustlers can make $10 to $40 per day in Minnesota Address 32^ Railway bldg. ATTORNEYS E. B. CRANE. T2S Temple Court, Minnea Prompt attention fiiven to ineapoila, all logal business and collections. Your correspondence solicited. THE SWEi.TSERsR.OCHESTER CO.. 810-811 Lumber- Exchange, Minneapolis. Best equipped collection department in northwest. JAMES A, KELLOGG, 328 ANDRUS BUILDING, Minneapolis. Attorney in all courts, federal and state, land office, patents and pensions. AlWOm^MEOTS REDUCED FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago. Denver, Sponkane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co.. 46 3d st 3. NOTICEDEEP CUT PRICESPICTURE SALE fine oil painting, mirioib, unclaimed pictures, loom mouldings we frame plctuies cheap. Zesbaugh, 11 5th st S. Jtt^mVOYANTS. MRS. C. TRYON, CLAIRVOYANT, READINGS daily on all affairs of life, Tuesday gives 25c readings from 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Boom 420, 620% Nicollet av. MME. BATCH, CLAIRVOYANT, CARD READ er and scientific palmist the famous Hindu cards this week terms 25a and 50c. 520 5th CLAIRVOYANTMME. ANDREWS, MOVED to 1617 3d av S. Take 4th av car. BEEAKS, KAZOKS AND CXIPPEKS SHARP ened. All work guaranteed. Mail orders solic *ed. verbecK. practical grinder. 211 4th st S. HUME & DAVIES, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, KA sonic Temple, 6tl_ and Hennepin. Both phones. RAINVILLE BRCS.. UNDERTAKERS. Both Phones. 17 Central av. JTjORISTS^ NEW YORK FLORISTS. 7 WASH AV S FLOW ers for all occasions expert on funeral de signs. Out-of-town oiders solicited. T. C. 1728. MONUMENTS NORTHWESTERN MANTEL CO., MONUMENTS, headstones and markets special designs on request. Office 419 6th st S. Granite and Marble Works. 3517 Hen. av. Both phones. MACIOTERY IRON WORKING AND WOOD WORKING MA chinery large stock of second-hand and new. Northern Machinery Co.. 217 3d st S. Mpls. NURSERY STOCK GARDENING. Orders ^taken now for hardy trees, shrubs, climbing vines, perennial plants and spring and summer blooming bulbs for fall planting, designing and gardening, your patronage solicited. H. C. DR0ST, 1 cleaning works. 725 Hennepin av. Both phones. mm Defective Page Office and Garden, 922 2d av S. Minneapolis, Minn. 0 0 0 OPTICIANS GB.rEVIS_i, OPTICTATT. 40? N1COI.ET _.V. HAHPEE 8c WATSON, PLUMBING AND GAS fitting competent workmanship and costs no more than inferior workmanship. 1515 Hen nepin. Main 1293-L2. W. S. Bayley & Sons, sanitary plumbing1, pas fitting, sewer and water connections hot-water heating alterations specialty both phones. PROFESSIONAL sup_-P-irotrs HAUL MOLES, ETC., PEEKA. nently removed by electricity. Miss Hollister, 77-78 Syndicate Block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusire specialist. ^PHO_fOGIlAMnCJ_JPKL_tE^ KODAKS, PREMOS, GEOTTT-T-S. WE ARE the leading agency in the northweBt for these leading cameras developing and finishing done. O. H. Peck Co., 112-114-11G 5th it S. HORSES AND CARRIAGES ForjJate. HORSESHORSESHORSES. From 500- to 1,000 head constantly on hand. Any one wishing a single noise will- receive the same attention as carload buyers. Re member the place. Barrett & Zimmerman's Great Midway Hoise Market, St. Paul. NICE YOUNG DRIVER, SAFE FOR LADY AND peifectly city broke, bay, 1,100 lbs, slight touch heaves and a fine hltcher, new runabout and harness outfit $185, if you don't want nice rig cheap, don't bothei me. I'm busy. 802 Nicollet, 9 to 11 a.m. No jockes FROST & CO., Received dally, fresh consignment of all classes of Minnesota bred horses, also many city broke horses piices the lowest part time when desued. 18 Second St. N. I HAVE TWO FIRST-CLASS BROUGHAMS these carriages are in fine condition, also a new top buggy, a light two-seat wagon and one flue trap coach geai, rubber tired, cost $350, In first-class condition, price $135. A. E. Atkinson, 09 12th st'H. HORS-S WANTEDWAV- TO BUY 600 Hi.AD of noises weighing from 1,100 to 1,260 lbs, for the United States government if you have any bring them here and get the cash. Bar lett & Zimmerman Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, A VERY FINE 5-year old trotting stallion, sired by Welbeck, grandson of Electioneer a sme foal getter. Can be seen at Bloom & Marjerus' stables. NICE-YOUNG~DRIVER~1,100-LBS, HORSES AND CARRIAGES Wanted. WANT TO BUYFIVE HORSES, WEIGHT 1,275 to 1,400 pounds must be in good working condition. Call with horses at 3820 I*oi tl^nd av. WANT TO BUY FOR CASH, SEVEN HEAD OF horses, weight fiom 1,275 to 1,400 want them in good condition. Call with horses at 3820 Portland. WANTEDTO BUY A PAIR OF SHETLAND ponies call at Murray Institute, 1810 Nicollet av, at 2 p.m. COWS, DOGS AND POULTRY FOR SALEBULL TERRIER PUPPY. PRIZE v,inner leaving city leason for selling. Call between 9 and 12 and 2 and 5 Tlunsday, 1215 Hawthorn av. FOR SALEHIGH CLASS PEDIGREED BULL terrier females blood of champion dogs, 3 months' old $6. John Kara, Itollingstone, Minn. FRESH JERSEY COW FRESH DURHAM COW rich and heavy milkeis: best familv cows in city at bargain leaving city. 29 12th st S. FOR SALEHANDSOME FEMALE ENGLISH setter, five months' old, fine stock, $5. Charles Jensen, Delavan, Minn. FOR SALEFANCY PIGEONS, ties. Iw-yer 410 Kupont av K, ^^PJAN^S^N^OROANS^^ KNABE UPRIGHT PIANO, $175 MATHU shek, $100 Stone. $80 easy terms. Howard Farwell & Co., 707 Nicollet. PENSIONS ROBERT WATSON, Pension Attorney and Notary Public, 80* Boslon Block. Minneapolis. P.O. Box 413. ^STORAGE THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, storing, pack ing and shlppiug household goods, and quotes REDUCED FREIGHT BATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable ser vice. For the best of service at the lowest rates write or c 11 at 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. have best facilities for handling and storing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assured car rates to Pacific coast and other points our specialty. 122 5th st S. Both phones. CAMEBON'S ANdDstoring Best facilitieTEANSFEB for moving an house, hold goods expert packers. Office, 200 Nicol let. Both phones 1208. Ees. phone, T. C. 13324 BENZ BROS., TRANSFER AND STORAGE finest vans and warerooms goods moved by experienced men. 112 5th st X. Both tela., 052. ^^^SraNO^APjEBBS^^^ PUBIJ0 STENOGRAPHER AND TEACHER OP shorthand mimeographing a specialty. E. 6 Spalding, 513 New York Life bldg. Phone, Main 476. E. LOUISE HARTSHORN, 683 GUARANTY building mimeograph work a specialty cor respondence, etc. Phone N. W. Main 449. GUARANTY STENOGRAPHIC CO., 820 GUAR. anty bullaing dictation, copying and mimeo graph work. Tel Main 3236 Jl BERTHA McGUIRE, 842 GUARANTY, CORRE spondence. mimeograph, addressing, reportis conventlcms- Main 187T Jl. MABEL DEGROODT, NOTAS.Y. 526 GUARAN ty building machine dictation a specialty. Main 3475-J3. June 28,rgc905f PERFECT ly citj bioke, safe for lad}, new runabout and harness, outfit $105, look this up quick. Call 500 Forest av 9 to i a.m. no joc_eys. HERE IS A BARGAIN F^R~~SOMEONE^" ear-old bay combination horse, no better in the state, well worth $250, but $100 buys him going awaj. 3820 Poitland av. ALL KINDS HORSES, HARNESSES, WAGONS and buggies, new aud Eecoad-baQd, several heavy teams, cash or time. Widmayer Picndergast, 414 3d st 8. FOR SALEONE BLACK PINE FAMILY hoise, also good harness and new Stanhope. $175 for outfit. Call at 3356 10th av S. Tel., N._W.,_South 1504 LI. HORSES, WAGONS, HARNESB BOUGHT Bring in what you have to sell and get cash at Barrett Zimmeiman's Great Midway Horse Market, St. Paul. FOR SALEPAIR OF HORSES, SET -OF HAR ness, good bakeiy wagon will sell together or separate, can be seen at Phillips' Uverj, Grant _and 3d av S. $95 WILL BUY^raEHORSE, SUITABLE FOR any lurpose, not afiald of anything, only rea son for selling, have too many. Call at 321 20th av N. FOR SALEFINE SADDLER, POLO STOCK, young, sound and btylish suitable for lady or ^gentleman._Lon Haw kins, 2912 Lyndale_av_S. CARRIAGES, RUNABOUTS, CONCORDS AND delivery wagons manufacturers' prices Thompson & Ege'Carriage Co., St. Paul, Minn. HORSESHORSESHORSES. AU kinds, from $50 up. Kelly & Zimmerman, 12 2d st N. FOR SALEONE GRAY DRIVING HORSE AND new rubber-tii bugpy. Price $100, if taken at once. 307 2d st SE. FOR SALEFAST GREEN PACER, WINNIE _Nutvrood._\V.jD. Gray, St. Peter, Minn. DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FOR $1 A HEAD. T. C. phone 16346. Hogland. TEN VASIE- MOVING THE BOYD TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. HAS unequaled facilities for moving, stoiing, pack ing and shipping household goods, and quotes R-DUCED FREIGHT RATES thereon to Chi cago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points. Others advertise such rates, and may succeed occasionally in making up a car, but we alone are able to ship with sufficient frequency and regularity to insure prompt and reliable serv ice. For the best of service at the lowest rates write or call at 46 3d st S. MINNEAPOLIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co. have best facilities for handling and stor ing household goods expert furniture packers satisfaction assuied car rates to Pacific coast and other points. Can save yoa money. Do not be deceived by other adveitisers. We can and will do what we agree regarding cai rates. Write or call. Safes and heavy machinery moved by experts. 122 5th st S. Both phones. THE TWIN CITY VAN AND STORAGE CO.* will pack, snip or Btore your household goods. We will give you low lates on gooda west or south. See us if you want the best. We are the original mixed car shippers. We handle Safes, boilers and machinery. Office. 6 4th st N. THE 0. G. PETERSON EXPRESS & STORAGE Co. makes a specialty of moving household goods and pianos. Furniture packed for stor age or shipment. Expeiienced help only best storage In th city. Both phones. 501 2d av S. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE EX pert packers for storage or shipment large and commodious vans for moving. Office. 200 Nicol let both phones 1208. Residence. T. C. 13324. STEAMSHIPS^ EUROPEAN TRAVELCANADIAN PACIFIC Railway Steamship Lines. Tickets to and from all points in Europe. Lowest rates. The best of everyting. Office, IS 3d S, Minne apolis. STOVBJREPAIgS REPAIRS FOR ALL STOVES. GREAT WEST ern Stove Repair Co.. 812 Hennepin av. TAILORING CUSTOM XAX-QRXNG 00,8UITS AND OVEB. coats made to order ladies' and gents' clean ing, pressing and repairing neatly done. 77 lOtn st S, between Nicollet apd At v 8. PERSONAL MATCHAN GUARANTEESDR. LESLIE'S Piles Cure, immedlatelj relieves and Quickly cures Itching, bleeding, protruding piles, or re funds your money. Permanently cured him 11 years since, and hundieds others. Every body using Dr. Leslie's Piles Cure gets well quickly. Best results when used with pile pipe. Plain package, with pipe. $2 without. $1. See or write me immediately and get well. Geo. L. Matchan, the attorney, Globe building, Minneapolis, Minn. BONAFIDE TESTIMONIALSTATEMENT OF Mrs. Barnett, 714 8th av S: "I was cured from a very bad case of Btomach trouble To nnvone troubled with the same ailment I would recommend Dr. R. Sullwold, chiro practor, 204 Sykes Block, Minneapolis, Minn." Lady In attendance. REDUCED FREIGHT~ATES ON HOUSEHOLD goods to Chicago, Denver, Spokane and Pacific coast points frequent shipments and lowest possible rates. Write or call on the Boyd Transfer & Storage Co., 46 3d st S. LADIES Will find Dr. Christian's Famous Dermatolo gist articles at Mrs. McGetrick's on Thursdays and Fridays only fiom 9 a.m. to 0 p.m., 1321 Hennepin av. DR, GAM08SI TAKES PLEASURE IN AN uouneing the complete recover} of Mr. Loge Murray's umbrella, recently discharged a* cuied fiom the Gamossi Umbrella Hospital, 610 Nicollet. KING DETECTIVE SERVICECOMPETENT detectives for all occasions legitimate de tective work transacted for private parties. Suite 505 Century building. Both telephones. DANCING CLASSES MONDAY AND FRIDAY evenings, with social following buck and wing and private by appointment. Holcomb's Acad emy, 43 4th st S. third floor. FOR ECZEMA OR PSORIASIS USE BLANCH ard's Eczema Lotion, druggists or any whole sale drug house. For information address Prof. J. Blanchard, Minneapolis. _:_T__ lfS-N FOLMAIIEB. BTJJXE 307-30S-, 10 7tb st S. scientific and original method of face and hair culture, manicuring, shampooing, hail- dressing. T. C. 9609. HOTEL ROOSEVELT BRIGHT, CLEAN, light rooms, thoroly modern everything new it beats them all. 26 6th st S, between Henne pin and Nicollet. ANNA M. GRISWOLD, 207 MEDICAL BLOCK, supeifluous hair, moles and warts remb-ved by electilclty corns extracted inverted nails and bullions treated. HOME CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS A Posi tive eu-e or no pay. Write today. Druggist, 717 8th st S. Minneapolis. CORNS EXTRACTED, 25o INVERTED NAILS and bunions treated. Dr. Collier 515 Nic. av. FINE TAILOR-MADE SUITS LEFT ON HAND, half-price. Hinshaw, 627 Boston block. LOST GOLD-RIMMED iYE-GLASSES ON open 8th and Central trolley leaving Washing ton av for Northeast. Tuesday. June 27. about 5:45 m. lender please leave glasses with T. V. Moreau, 616 Nicollet av for reward. E. C. Chatfleld. 435 Boston block. LOST OR STOLENBANKBOOK NO. 185442, Issued by the Tarmers & Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis if not returned to said bank before July 14, 1905, application villi be made for a duplicate thereof. LOSTSMALL ALLIGATOR CHANGE PURSE $15 in bills, 50 cents in silver, two nickels and piece of Canadian money, on 8th av line or 9th st, about 5.30 last evening finder return to _607__PhoeniT,_ for reward. LOSTIN GLASS BLOCK, A SMALL GREEN morocco purse, containing $20 bill and some silver. Finder ivill please leave same at T. K. Gray's, 108 Bridge square, and receive reward. REWARD$40 REWARD TO PARTY RE tnining to me sold "watch. No. 54321. Swiss 16 mort., 2l-jewel movement, lost or stolen April 5. 1905. Wni. Anderson, Lake Park, Minn. LOSTSUNDAY AFTERNOON, ON PORTLAND av, between 15th and 22d sts, an amethyst rosary, please return to 1315 Clinton av, flat 4, for reward. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLENFOX HOUND pop, yeai old, color, reddish brown %vltli white spot on breast. Return to owner, 754 Polk st NE. FOUNDA PLACE TO HAVE YOUR TRUNKS repaired or exchanged for new ones. Bijou Trunk Factory, 18 Washington av N. LOSTAT HARRIET PAVILION" MONDAY night, green stone watch charm. Finder return to Journal and receive reward. LOSTBLACK LEATHER PURSE. FINDER address Mrs. H. V. Dongan, Minnetonka Beach, and icceive rewaid. FOUNDLADY'S GOLD WATCH AND PIN ON 24th st. near 4th av S. Injuii at 417 New York Life building. LOSTSATURDAY, GENT'S WATCH, ELGIN A. W. on case. Return to Phoenix Laund ry for reward^ S_ZX __I FBATMTITX -PIN. OWJf er's name on back. Return to 104 Oneida bldg for reward. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES "COLDS," SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS.INFLAMMATION jO^ANSTEAmg^ AMERICAN LINE. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON St Paul Tuly 1 I St Louis Xnly 13 New York July 8 Philadelphia .July 22 PhiladelphiaQueens townLiverpool. Westernland July 1 Noordland July 15 Merion July 8 Haverford July 22 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE. NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. Mesaba July 1 Minnehaha July 15 Minneapolis July 8 Minnetonka ....July 22 DOMINION LINE. MONTREALLIVERPOOLShort sea passage. Canada July 1 Dominion July 15 Southwark July 8 Ottawa July 22 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK. ROTTERDAM. VIA BOULOGNE. Noordam July 5 Ryndam Julyrl Statendam July 12 Rotterdam ....Aug. 2 RED STAR LINE. ANTWERPDOVERLONDONPARIS'. Zeeland July 1 Vaderland July 15 Finland July S Kroonland July 22 WHITE STAR LINE. NEW YORKQUEENSTOWNLIVERPOOL. Celtic .June 30 Cedric July 19 Oceanic July 5 Baltic July 26 Majestic July 12 Teutonic Aug. 2 BOSTONQUEENSTOWNLI VBRPOOL. Republic July 6, Aug. 10, Sept. 7 Cymric July 13, Aug. 17, Sept. 14 Arabic July 20, Aug. 24, Sept. 21 0. E. BRECKE, N. W. P. Agt., 121-123 3d st S, Guaranty Bldg, Minneapolis, T. H. LARKE, Passenger Agent. 875 Robert st, St. PauL j$amburg~Jkmerican. PlymouthCherbourgHamburg Hamburg,. June 29 IcDeutschland ...July 20 zPretoriaJf. July 1 zPennsylvania .July 22 c'Bluecher July 6 zRhaetia July 29 July 8 c*Bluecher Aug. 3 cGrlll room. Gymnasium on board. xVla BTOKAOE I Dover Idr ondon and Paris to Hamburg. sDlreCt. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 36-37 _'way,N,Y, and 158 Randolph st, Chicago, or any local agent. COMPAGNIE GEHERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE French tine. New York to Paris, Six Day* Sailings Brery Thursday at CHEAP HOLIDAY RATES! $12.00 10.75 Chicago and Return Omaha and Return.. Des Moines and Return.. Tickets on sale JULY 1 To 4 THE v10 a. m. La Gascogne.... .July 6 La Lorraine July 27 La Savoie July 13 La Touraine ..Aug. 3 La Bretagne.... July 20 La Gascogne..Aug. 10 New, modern, gigantic twin-screw and express steamers naval officers' man-of-war discipline. Company's vestlbuled trains, Havre-Paris, four hours. Professional orchestra on board twin-screw Nils Nilson, 100 Washington av S A. E. John son & Co., 10 Washington av S O. E. Brecke, 127 S 3d st W. B. Chandler, 119 3d st. THE OLD RELIABLE CDNARD LINE ESTABLISHED 1840. The Oldest Line crossing tne Atlantic. bUSTOM, Qb__MSTOA\i\\ LiVKKPOOL. The magnificent tvln-screw steamships "SAXONTA," "IVERNIA," 600 feet long, 14,150 tons. TWO OF THE LARGEST STEAMERS THAT EVER ENTERED PORT OF BOSTON. Fast Remarkably Steady Spacious Prome nades. Passage about 7 days. First and Second Saloon Rooms Located Upper Decks amidships. Perfect Ventilation. Table Unsurpassed. Fitted with Marconi's wireless system. SAXONIA Jane 20, July 18, Aug. IVERNIA June 6, July 4, Ang. 1. Aug. 2- Karly reserTatlans recommended. _oauu-trip discounts. Third-class low rates. NO LIVESTOCK CARRIED. CHARLES P. 8LMNER, 126 State St, Boston. A. B. JOHNSON CO.. 10-14 WASH av S. Mpls. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, Weekly 3aUinga St. Lawrence Route Shortest, smoothest and most plctnresqne. New Fait Turbine Triple-Screw Steamers, "Victorian" and "Virginian"12.000 ton* each. TWIN SCREW STEAMERS Tunisian" and "Bavarian"10,500 tons each. F. W. A. POPPB, Oen'l Northwestern Agt., 13 Washington av.S, Minneapolis, Minn. Apply to any local agent, or ALLAN tt OO.. 174 JACKSOM BLVD.. CHICAGO, 8.50 CSTRM.&O.RY MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE: 600 Nicollet Avenue ST. PAUL OFFICE: 396 Robert St. (Ryan Hotel) and at UNION DEPOTS both Cities. S^riiale AU t_e Way West Colorado California Portland g_g_\ Grand Canyon Yosemite Very low excursion rat es -fcrixs summer Go Santa Fe, tne cool and dustless way. Luxurious trains. Harvey serves tne meals. Ask for books about tne trip" A Colorado Sum mer, **lo California Over Santa Fe Trail," "Titan of Ckasms.' The Santa Fe agent at Gtrxtar Idg tlipo North American "Tne good of tne old, tne Best of the new methods." JIV CONNECTION WITH THE= Postal Telegraph-Gable Co. RHEUMATISM COMMON IN SUMMER The time to get rid of Rheumatism is in Summer -while the blood is endeavor ing to purge itself of all poisons and im purities, and the skin is active, with all the pores and glands open and able, ill this way, to assist in the elimination. Coinbus, O-, 1356 3_t. Vernon, _L.-v.-~i Six years ago I had a adveve _ttae_. ci Inflammatory Rheumatism, a_d the doc tors I had dia me no erood. They ohanffvd medicine every wo_ aud net-ina: they presoxibod seemed to help me. FinAlly I left off their mediolno and bear~_ the uaeoffl. S.S. _Ty knee aad elbow joints were s-wollen terribly, s,nd at one time xny hands were so swollen and painful that I could not oloec thorn when opened. I vacs Getting- discouraged, you may be suro, when T. began S. ST. 8.. hut as I saw it wao helping mv I continued it, and to day I am a sound, well man and have never had a return of the disease. H. H. CHAPMAN. The inactivity of the I,iver, Kidneys and Bowels causesthe refuse matter to remain in the system, which, coming in contact with the different acids of the body, forms uric acid to be absorbed by t__ blood and distributed to the different joints and muscles, producing the pains, inflammation and other distressing symp toms of Rheumatism. The wandering pains of the disease remind the sufferer that the poison is still in the blood and he should lose no time in getting it out. S. S. S. neutralizes the acid and makes the blood ric and pure. It tones tip every organ and cures t_._ disease peni- nently. S. S. & ssh i contains no harmful miner* als to disagree- ably affect the system, but PURELY VEGETABLE, while curing the" disease builds up every part of the body by its fine tonioji iffect. on Rheumatism and any^. medicalBook advice desired without charge. I THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. 5