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4-- Special Sale Corset Covers. Muslin Underwear Dept. Second Floor. HANDSOME Lace Trimmed Cor set Covers, made in fine nain sook. Special for Thursday and Friday. 75c Covers for 50c $1.50 Covers for 98c $2 Covers for $1.25 Introduction Table No. 1. Main Floor. 75c NIGHT GOWNS AT 59cMade in fine nainsook, slipover style, low round neck and elbow sleeves trimmed with ribbon. Thursday and Fri- ^Qrf* day special wv^i CAMBRIC PETTICOATSDeep lawn flounce, trimmed with tucking or em broidery flounce regular 75c special at Introduction Table No. 2. Main Floor. HANDSOME NIGHT GOWNS-Made in nainsook or cambrio, lace or embroidery trimmed, low neck and square neck gowns worth up to $1.7&, CIS&f* PINE CAMBRIC PETTICOATSDeep flounces of lawn, trimmed with lace in sertions and edges worth up to $1.75, at Wash Belts. AN IMMENSE assortment of the choicest designs in white silk and wash belts 25 styles excellent values at, AEA each] 49c nd. .,.-.-.r.v... ...i BLAC RUS I N FIELD S GARVIN OF WINONA AND JUMPER OF ABERDEEN PASS JUDGMENT ON BROWN COUNTY'S CROP. Cpeoials to The Journal. Aberdeen S, D., June 27.H. C. Gar vin of Winona and S. H. Jumper have xeturned from an automobile trip thru a large section of the wheat belt of Brown county. They report that while they found the fields affected by red xust, they saw absolutely no traces of the black rust which created havoc last year. Despite the damp season, Mr. fearvin expressed himself as satisfied *with the prospects. Miller, 8. D., June 28.Fourteen Inches of water has fallen here since the 1st of May. Along the foothills of ithe rougher sections the ravines are roaring torrents, the flat land being Spotted with pools and little lakes. In some instances ditching is being re sorted to. Artesian well-diggers are unable to move their outfits over the Boft roads, and the work is at a stand still. All crops, except corn which cannot be cultivated, are flourishing. fThe hope is entertained that July and iAugust will make the corn. Macaroni wheat, so far as rank growth and promise of a great yield go, as showing a marked superiority over ether varieties. Belle Fourche, S. D., June 28.The crop of small grain along the valleys of the foothills will be the largest prob-" ably in the history of this country. The unusually long spell of wet weather has caused the small grain to stool heavily and the moisture has gone deep into the ground. Cattlemen from the ranges assert that prospects were nev%r fcetter than at present. Christian Endeavor at Baltimore. The official party will leave Minne apolis for Baltimore at 8:00 p.m. July Srd, via the C, M. & St. P. Eailway. For berth reservations and further in formation apply to C. B. Lewis, C. P. I & T. A., 328 Nicollet Ave., or T. N. I jTayne, Bank of Commerce Building. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SAYS OEEINE CDEES THE LIQUOR HABIT, Superintendent of Publlo Printing Tells of Remarkable Cure In His Office. The following statement from F. W. Palmer, Publlo Printer of the United States government in Washington, will bring hope of relief to thousands who Buffer from the most horrible curse that MEliots humanity. He writes: "My attention was recently called to one of the employees of this office who had, through the habit of intoxicating drink, become so inefficient as to be on the verge of dismissal. "Six weeks' treatment with Orrine not only cured the appetite, but practically all the signs of dissipation disappeared. It is a pleasure to me to acknowledge the value of a remedy which brings re eults so beneficial." Orrine is a guaranteed cure for the liquor habit. Take or give it without publicity or loss of time. It can be ad ministered secretly in tea, coffee or food, for which purpose No. 1 should be bought. Orrine No. 2, in pill form, is for patients who wish to be cured of this terrible habit. The price is $1 per box. Ask us about Orrinewe do not hesitate to recommend Orrine as the best and only cure for the liquor habit,' Voegeli Bros. Drug Co., corner "Washington and Hennepin avenues and corner Seventh street and Nicollet avenue, Minneapolis. FANCY TAFFETAS Louis ines, Peau de Cygnes, in small neat effects, suitable for waists and whole dresses, worth up to $1 per yard. Special, per yard -Maurice L. Rothschildv proprietor of the Palace Clothing house, Minneapolis, has decided to branch out and has the temerity and confidence to go right into the heart of the biggest city in the Introduction Table No. 5. 50c SILK GINGHAMS, 25c YARDOne hundred pieces fancy striped silk mixed Ginghams, worth 50c, to close Thursday and Friday, yard.... Introduction Table No. 6. Carpet Department. BEAITVOIS ORIENTAL RUGS-^One lot, size 27x63 inches, every rug a perfect Oriental design, never sold less than $2.75. Special for two ti*4 Qfft days, Thursday and Frida^V O BODY BRUSSELS RUGS-One lot best quality rugs, size 6x9 feet regular $20 I quality. Choice Thurs- C*i| 9 Oft I day and Friday only.. Ifeii90 i PONGEES, Lyons dye, 21 in. staple shades of navy, green, browns, grays espe cially serviceable for summer wear for whole dresses, worth $1.25 per yard. HCStf* Special "5P Mala Floor. Mala Floor. 15c TISSUES AT 8y2c YARD-Five thousand yards checked Voile Tissue, made to sell at 15c. Cut for 0 1 g% Thursday and Friday, yard.... ."2* Introduction Table No. 7. 8&' 19c VOILES AT 10c PER YARD-Two hundred pieces new Tan Voiles with printed dots and figures, one of the most popular wash fabrics of the season. Cut special for Thursday and Friday, yard Third Floor Rag Specials. MINNEAPOFIS MAN WILL BUILD A STORE IN CHICAGO. westChicago. He will build a seven story, fireproof structure at State street and Jackson boulevard and equip it in the same modern way as his Minneapo lis store is equipped. Expecting event- As a Fitting Finale to the Greatest June Business in the History of the Glass Block, We Offer These Remarkable Bargains for Two Days Only. SILK ITEMS HARKED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE. [EmbroideredWaist Patterns. SILKSSuitable for shirtwaist dresses in the staple checks and dots, in the blues, greens and browns, worth up to $1.25 per yard. Special for Thursday, per yard $4.00 Patterns for $1.95. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED two hun dred hand embroidered shirt waist pat terns, bought direct from an Irish manu facturer at a price that enables us to sell them to you at a little more than the worth of the material. They are gen uine hand embroidered on all pure linen lawn. Each pattern consists of 2% yards of 36-inch linen lawn. They are worth $4.00. Choice while they last....... Art Needlework. TINTED muslin dresser scarfs, with fluted edge and doily center. Spe- 4 rial, each NEW CRASH pillow slips and center pieces, tinted in choice designs^ very popular worth to 00c. Spe. rial for Thursday Lace Curtain Dept. 25 SAMPLE Rope Portieres, values $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50. Your fl*9 gg| choice .H**mm%M*M 15 PIECES Caledonian Nets, ex- 4 g* tra width and quality a yard.. a 60 PIECES 36-inch Art Muslin, 20c, 18c and 15c quality. This day ft f only,yard .....^.v. ually to enlarge his Chicago store he will build the foundation and lower stories so solidly that they will support twelve stories. WHITE HABUTAI-27 inches wide, cool and serviceable for summer wash waists and dresses. A regular 59c qual ity. It will be sold on Thursday at, per yard Ladies' Vests and Hose. Introduction Table No. 4. Main Floor. LADIES' White Swiss Rib Vests, square neck, no sleeves, taped neck and arms. Real value at 15c. Thurs day only, each LADIES' Lisle Thread Finish Seamless Hose, changeless black, spliced heel and toe extra long real value |4jn 15c. Thursday, pair. Introduction Table No. 3. Main Floor. LADIES' Shirtwaist Suits and House Dresses. End of season lines. Slightly soiled and mussed but easily laundered. Both white and colors. All sizes. Regular good values up &. "& KK to $5.00. Thursday N* "OO Ladies' Neckwear. 200 DOZEN Ladies' Fancy Stock Collars in a numerous variety of styles made of silk, satin, taffeta, swiss and pique,iin white and all colors worth GRILLS GRAFT OF FRENZIED FINANCE Dill, Corporation Lawyer, Re bukes Greed of Men in Posts of Trust. Oberlin, Ohio, June 28.James B. Dill of New York, in the course of an address to the graduating class of Ober lin college today, delivered a scathing rebuke to men who misuse positions or honor and trust for personal gain. In urging his hearers to go "back to be ginnings," Mr. Dill contended that "grafting," which was foreign to the true American character, had been de veloped by the mad rush for wealth and the recognition of false standards by educated men in the competitive struggle for business power and social prominence. He said: A large part of our modern prosperity is to a perilously large extent bottomed upon an over-production of fraud and sham. The crisis is acute. A feeling of distrust is growing thruout the country. Many branches of financial business have been in one way and another taken pos session of by the unscrupulous, for the purpose of deceiving the unwary. Trust companies have been made the mediums of the flotation of fraudulent motions. Some companies in the field of life in surance, the highest and in a sense a sacred form of investment, are, as we all know, conduits thru which the earnings of policy holders are put into improper investments. The fact is that the unprecedented ma terial growth of the country, the result ing creation of immense private fortunes, %he massing of great aggregations of corporate capital,. Industrial combina- 415 to 419 Nicollet Ave. O to 59c. Special only, each ..ww 1,500 YARDS Lace in Oriental and net top Guipure, 4 to 8 inches wide, in white and ecru worth up to 50c yard. ACA ^Special Thursday only, yard.. 4m*M\* I tions and railroad mergers, all have tended to concentrate the attention of the people in great financial achievements and to establish in the highest place in the popular estimation the captains of industry and the powerful financiers, lit tle regard is being paid, in making up the judgment, to the fundamental virtues of private individual life. Now whose fault is this? It is ours. It is the fault of public opinion, and publio opinion is our opinion, yours and mine, yours of me, mine of you, ours of all the rest. We have to learn to recognize graft and grafters, however respectable their disguiseand to punish them, not alone by imprisonment and fine, but with all the might of the terrible scorn of society. We have to recognize that the seeds of socialism, revolution and anarchy are sown by the man of our own class and kind who pretends to be what he is not these seeds are cultivated by the grafting bank officer, in short by every grafter who in his dealings with the public de parts openly or secretly from old-fash ioned ten commandment honesty. This indictment of our business life is not based on an inherent, incurable de fect in our American character, but, on the contrary, these evils are an out growth of our American strenuosity in the riotous race for the easy dollar and the many dollars. In the hearts of the genuine men and women of our country there is an appreciation of the worth of character. Therefore, right and honesty will tri umph a saturnalia of graft and an era of grab will find itself short lived, surely to be ended by the uplifting influence of educated men and women of character. Fourth of July Bates. For the Fourth of July the. Minne apolis & St. Louis R. R. will sell round trip excursion tickets to all points on its line at an open rate of one fare Slus 50 cents tickets on sale July 1, 2, and 4, with return limit July 6, 1905. 'Call on J. G. Rickel, City Ticket Agent?,* 424 Nicollet Ave., for particulars. The Summer Solstice Don't let the Fourth find you unprovided with Outing Wearables. Serge Suits$12 to $25combine Comfort and Appearance. Outing Suitstwo pieces, $10 to $18for Comfort first of all. Bain Coats$12 to $25for Comfort and Protection, rain or shine. Negligee Shirts and Straw Hats' and every other midsummer comfort. "Fashion," said Beau Brummell, "moves forward where common sense, beauty and utility lead." 1 Broaiwqr at 3M Street NEW W YORK Factory. Coper Squares 415 to 419 Nicollet Ave* (Fine Mid-Summer Millinery. Special Sale Thursday and Friday. TRIMMED HATSLarge variety. Your choice while they JSLfttf* TRIMMED HATSA large assortment of all styles at only, & 9 O Visit Onr Optical Dept. Main Floor. EYES EXAMINED FREE .AND GLASSES MADE TO FIT. OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. THURSDAY ANt FRIDAY we will sell solid gold spring rimless eye glasses, first quality lenses, regular $4.00 quality, at the special tiEO Oft price of Dress Goods Special. $150 and $2.00 Dress Goods, $1.00. 52-IN. BLUE MIXED COVERT CLOTH. 44-INCH FINE BLACK VOILE. 48-INCH AND 52-INCH FANCY MIXED MOHAIR SUITINGS. 1 Regular retail price $1.50 and $2.00. Special for Thursday^and {j* 4 Aft Friday, yard Before Inventory Prices. LADIES' COVERT COATS, to close be fore inventory. All the newest models, silk and satin lined val- tf^O Rft ues to $19.50. Choice Wm%M*F LADIES' SKIRTSNew models, summer skirts, light colors, for (&Q A 1 outing wear. Thursday.. .VUiifu is.-** $ 1 4t* *\it PILES CURED By a Safe, Pain- less, Bloodless Treatment: NO KNIFE USED A CURE GUARANTEED. NO MONEY PAID TILL CURED I treat all diseases of the rectum by new est methods. I am especially successful In curing all forms of piles. Assures and rectal ulcers. My charges are reasonable. Write me. or call and ask for my free book on rectal diseases. No charge for examination or consultation. Edw. A Johnston, M. D. 'ij^r.^f ^BEE0IA118T 710 Globe Building, Minneapolis. Office Sours, 10 to 5 Sunday by appointment