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i i i 9d Saturday ?SP^" iw'jwBB^^ $4.00, $3.75, $3.50, $3.00, $2.75, $2.50 Trousers, $1.95 __ Boys' Clothes Less Than Half Boys' knee pants, sizes 4 to 16 values up to $1.00 in worsteds, tweeds, Scotches and corduroys taped seams, A cable stitched. Cut to fiUU Boys' double breasted, 2-piece suits ages 6 to 16 values up to $3.90 Venetian lined strongly taped seams in cheviots, 4 A worsted and tweeds. Now ....vlivU Young men's single and double breasted 3-piece suits sizes from 33 to 36 hand felled collars tailored, reinforced fronts in worsteds, tweeds and Scotches values up to $10.00 tiTt A A Cut to ^Ui9U Boys' 3-piece Short Pants Suits, in worsteds, Scotches and tweeds, Broken lines from our spring and summer selling, that sold as high as $6.50. Special clean up for tf Boys' Wash Suits, in high grade materials duck, pique, chamhray, linen and linen crash Russian, Eton and Sailor styles in blues, tans, pinks and ox-bloods with enamel or patent tf* 4 fe belts values up to $2.50. Now I I m9 Children's Waists, sizes 4 to 9 in broken lines 50c values with or without collars detachable, elastic A A waist bands. Cut to I f The Most Delicious Summer Drinks can be made with fruij syrups and Sparkling LITff BA WATER. A a diluent for Ginger Ale it is peculiarly adapted. FOB SALE BY lae Xjrman-EUel Pro* Co.. Wholesale. The C. 8. Brackett Co.. BetaU. The Clothing event that, all men look up to. The chance that comes only We are giving a few of these machines away absolutely A 9 9 %9 Write tor Catalogue. EDISON PHONOGRAPH AND SUPPLIES. MINNESOTA PHONOGRAPH CO, a TWO Stores |5WNIcollt Av., Minneapolis. (37 East 7th St., St. Paul.. In advertising In The Journal tor help of. any kind state .the attractions of & the position you offer, as this will call forth answers from the moat detfrable and most capable persons available. i A Standard, and Neve Sol Befor for Less ____ i Than Eighteen, Sixteen-Fifty Fifteen Thir- teen-Fifty or Twelve Dollars. High Grade Custom Mad Two or Three-Piece Suits for Me nor Young Me at choice Men's pearl and white canvas shoes and oxfords solid leather soles, heels and counters values, $2.00 and $2.50 all at, ti* 4 JB E cut to N* Men's and young men's tennis shoes, black white, sail-cloth uppers extra, wear-proof rubber soles General clean-up of many broken lines in spring and summer blocks of soft and stiff hats. Goods that sold as high as $3.50. In all the newest makes and styles. Unlimited. difr C^ffc choice H* I Men's linen and duck negligee hats reinforced' taped seams, leather sweats, stitched "iffi.** rims. Values up to 50c. Special t# General clean-up of all our high grade straw hats in yachts and negligee shapes. tft'fl All Values to $3.50. Saturday...... FIRE INSURANCE MEN HAVE ADJUSTMENT PLAN New York, July 28.Establishment of an adjustment bureau to more eco nomically handle losses in the east has been discussed by men representing fire insurance companies doing business in the eastern field. A plan, was presented to the underwriters suggesting the for mation of an incorporated company to carry on the business of adjusting losses. Uncler- this scheme it -was pro posed to invite all the reputable fire insurance companies operating iu theanrd eastern states to become members by taking stock in the name of the com pany and thus gaining representation. This resulted in the appointment of a committee upon which the adjustment committee of the national board.shall ir'l'&.fy^i)-'!*!*.: Friday Evening, .gS^S^^^^^ITH MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAIirJ^SVt^^Jaly^^igo ^V&&*^ DOUBLE AMOUNT S, If. GREEN TRADING STAMPS SATURDAY THIRD AND NICOLLET. J. I LYNCH, President. 0Z0BGE X. OBXBS, Vice President. J\ L. BI0KIN80ir. J. T. KIOHOXiOir. Treasurer. A. X. MOBDSTROK. Director. Greater Assortments. Greater Values. $4.00 Trousers. $3.00 Troiislrs. Worsted Trousers. $3.75 Trousers. $2.75 Trousers. Cheviot Trousers. $3.50 Trousers. $2.50 Trousers. Flannel Trousers. TROUSERS FOR ANY 6 ALL OCCASIONS CUT FOR CLEARANCE Clean-Up On Shoes! or Final Windtip On Hats! be represented, to consider the question and draft a form of agreement for the creation of an adjustment bureau for submissionfrothe companies. See Stockwell SoonThat life insur- anceThe Penn Mutual. Anurus blQg. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you'constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one. pill. Beautiful Isle "Eoyale is the ideal place to spend a summer vacation. The ai is cool and refreshing, the boating fishing good, while the hotel accom modations are excellent. Very low rate excursion tickets are on sale daily via the North-Western Line. For illustrated booklet describing the Isle Eoyale and other Lake Superior trips, call at 600ing Nicollet avenue. Minneapolis, Minn. Secretary,.'wro,w Prestige TROUSERS TROUSERS! Men's shoes oxford, velour cillf, patent corona colt and tan Russian calf bal, button or blucher style all our $5.00 & O Im.fl makes, now MJOHOU Men's satin calf shoes, double sole, McKay welt solid leather counters $2.50 -4fc"f Rffe values, Saturday i Choice of this season's straw hats in yachts and panamas. Values up to $1.50. Sat- 0^ ,urday special .TOW Special suit case values. A $5.00 case, all leather, heavy leather protected corners, patent hinge, steel frame, solid brass fasten- ti^^B 7 ers, $5.00 values HIGH GIRL, MISSING, FOUND AS A WAITRESS Sandusky, Ohio? July 28.Martha, the pretty 16-year-old daughter of A. C. Dallas, a rich Chicago neweler, was found in Sandusky, Tuesday night, af ter a search of two weeks, by her par ents. She was employed in a local res taurant as a waitress under the name of Martha Davis. Two weeks ago the girl ran away from her home in Chicago. She came directly to Sandusky, and at once se cured employment. A few days ago she wrote to a girl friend in Chicago, giving' her address and asking her to forward her mail. The girl friend showed the letter to the girl's father, who started at once for Sandusky, wir ahead to the police to hold the girl until he arrived. Good Old Grandma'sAdvice The children are sicksend for grandma! Who is there like- her for wisdom arid gentleness, and sympathy, since trie first baby came? What would we have done without her? "Cascorots ore splendid, my old mother praises.them ve,ry highly, and eayg sho would never be without them."-Howard W. Well man, 139 Trem6nt8treet,iFalrmount, Ohio. "1 Buffered seven year* with tape-worm' but didn't know 1 had one. Two months ago I was taken with Inflomation of the bowels, sour stomach, sick headache. I tried Cascarets and had not taken them a week before 1 was relieved of a tape-worm 18 feet lone. I am Very much better." Mrs. John Stone, Put-In-Bay Island, Ohio. (gtocau^ "After taking Cascarets for a few nights be fore writing, was able to pass a tape-worm 24 feet in length. Cascarets have our praise, and I will willingly furnish a testimonial to anyone who desires it." Mrs. Harry Wood, Kenneth, Ind. ''I- was troubled for a long time with liver complaint and was in Bucn misery that I had" to give up work. I took but i doses of Cascarets before I was able to go to work .again." Mrs. Jos. Eresling, 1921 Congress St., St. Louis. The wisdom of years of experience with her own health, and grandpa's and the children's, and children's children has taught grandma What is good for her and the several generations of family She^ftas looked after. Grandm a of today knows aii advises that Cascarets tfandy Cathartic are tlie only perfect family medicine for all bowel troubles, children's diseases, diseases of the stomach and liver* sick headaches, biliousness and bad blood. ^XVi** SJff\tXt i1 booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company. Ch|ganggorNew-York* itir^i 1 nimn zm The great mid-season sale that thousands depend on, twice each year is now on. ,*P liuU An immense assortment of men's and boys'white duck yacht caps black mohair braid, enamel leather visor caps that sold as high 4 fhg% as 50c. Saturday CPIjt JS'^w' -'V' 1 druggists, xoc. 35c, 50c. in tablet stamped CCC. Best for the Bowels. All Never sold in bulk. The genuine Guaranteed to cure or your money back Simple and $20.00, $18.00, $16.50 $15.00, $13.50, $12 Suitsfor$8.75 Furnishings W*y Below Cost! Choice of our men's belts, ranging in size from 30 to 48, in pigskin, Russian tan, morocco and porpoise OOf* values up to $1.50, cut to..... ,OOU Men's fine negligee shirts, dress shirts and golf shirts at- tached or detached collars oxford, madras Imflf* and percale worth up to $1.25. Saturday special,. Uwli Men's linen collars, summer styles, worth 15c cut to 5 Men's glove fitting union suits in regular or stout cuts ecru, pink or blue colors ribbed, elastic fitting sleeve 4&Qf and ankle bands values up to $1.75 special .U5ef I* Closing out high grade shirts in madras, oxford and per- cale plaited or plain fronts stripes, dots or solids values up to $2 cut to. Men's butterfly and shield bow ties fancies in im ported and domestic silks Clean-up in men's fine underwear, fine Balbrig gans, worth up to $1. All sizes "THE ROAD WITH THE BIG BERTHS" This is the title given by the Chicago Tribune to the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY This railway owns and operates its own sleeping cars and other equipment. The berths in its sleep ing ears are unusually comfortable because they are unusually long, wide and high. The Pioneer Limited, The Fast Mail and three other daily trains from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. No extra charge to ride on these trains. See time card in another column. TICKETS. 328 Nicollet Avt,. Mpinneaolls. Thousands of transactions are made daily thru The Journal's want & pages. They range from office boy to general manager, from second hand $ S cameras to country estates. No matter what kind of a transaction you wish A & to effect there Is assistance to toe found in the judicious use of Journal waot- ads. Tell your proposition at reasonable length and the right person will & ^answe r. i,4^-^^bM|#^ Mail Orders filled same day received $1.00 5c 50c ftV. B. DIXON. N. W.P. A., St. Paul. I I i 1 m A