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DO YOU FEEL THIS WAY. you feel all tired out Do you some times think you just can't work away at your profession or trade any longer? Do you have a poor appetite, and lay awake at nights unable to sleep Are your nerves all gone, and your stomach too? in the world leftyou? If so, mijght as well put stop to your You can do it if you will. Dr. Pierce'8 Golden Medical Discovery will make you a dif ferent individual. It will set your slug gish liver to work. It will get into every vein in your body and purify your Mood. It will set things right in your stom ach, and your appetite will come back. If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption, it will keep that dread de stroyer away. Even after consumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about speedy cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy pre pared by Dr. R. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice ts given free to all who wish to write him. His great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. O. S. Copenhaver, Esq., of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co Pa (Box 222), writes: "About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pain in the pit of the stomach which was so vio lent I couldnot walk straight It would grow more severe until it caused waterbrash and vom iting of a slimy yellow water A physician told me I had a form of dyspepsia and treated me for about six months with but little benefit An other physician told me my liver was out of or der and that I had indigestion. He gave me a treatment and I got some better but only for a short time I then tried another one, who said I had chronic indigestion,, ulceration of the lining of the stomach, torpid liver and kidney affection. He treated me for more than a year and I felt much better, but it did not last I then took to using several widely advertised patent medi cines, but received no more than temporary re lief I then tried Dr Pierce's medicines, using his' Golden Medical Discovery,' and the Pleas ant Pellets,' and in two months' time I was feel ing better than I had for years before Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substitutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to he "iust as eood." The Delicious Full Flavor of Lowivey's dis tinguishes it from all other cocoas. The natural product of the choicest cocoa beans, and free from dyes, adul. terants and chemical" treatments." Finest made anywhere at any price. The Lowney Receipt Book Free. THE WALTER M. LOWNEY 00., BOSTON. 4iUST %*&-$& 4L It costs you no more to secure Sterling value In your two for a quarter collar purchase. Insist on Sterling. FELLOWS & CO. Troy, N. Y. "The Original Collar Makers." ^Tlx Popular Effer- vescent Cure for Constipation Biliousness, Disordered Stomacb Contains no heart depressing, dangerous drugs. Promptly effective. No griping or unpleasantness. Oi such unusual excellence that it has been sold on merit more than 60 years. At druggists, 50c and $1, or by mail from *IHE TARRANT CO.. 44 Hudson Street, NT Y. Ask for LIEBIC COMPANY'S, Not simply "LIEBIG'S" AS G00DS"A&E WORTHLESS PIMPLES eruptions, blackheads, enlarged pores,red nose, red,rough hands, and all affections of the skin and scalp are speedily and per manently cured at your home. Full information with book free. DERHATOLOGIST WOODBURY, 163 State St.,cor.rionroe, Chicago ROUND THE WORLD S^^ AVktri&Trr classar arrangement. oru le Feb 8.TOdays. by specially char- np UKIEJN 1 i0a ~.77.\ Tl 0 treed HS. Arabic,f?Ifi oootons VRAMK CJ.Amt, OO Bronrtwnv IV. T. B. CHANDLER, 119 Third St. 8. All the reasons of men axe not worth one sentiment of women." Voltaire. 1 -Invitations were issued today by Loren Fletcher for the marriage of his niece. Miss Susanne Fleteher, and Cap tain Henry Greene Cole, U.S.A., whi ch will take place Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 4, at 4 o'clock, at he Fletcher residence on Tenth street S. The wedding of Miss Hel en Kenny and Theodore C. Jordan, whi ch will take place Wednesday, will be a very quiet affair. he service will, be read by Rev. Father Cullen-at the Immacu late Conception parish house, and will be followed by a luncheon at the West Hotel for he members of the two fam ilies. Miss Kenney is one of the brides who' have refused to have any enter taining in their honor in the days pre ceding their weddings. A wedding th at will bring a bride to Minneapolis took place this after noon in St. Louis, Mo., when Mrs. Ella Frissell Treaey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N C. Frissell, and William Evans Neiler of this city were married. Mr., and Mrs. Neiler will be at home after Oct. 15, at the Waldoif apartments on Park avenue. Mr. Neiler was accom panied to St. Louis by Horace C. Earle. Mrs. Treaey was a guest early in the summer of Mr. and Mrs. E W Goddard of Summit avenue, and made many friends who will welcome her return. Minneapolis people will be interested in the announcement of the engagement of Miss Charlotte Nichol of Cincin nati and Washington, Pa., and George T. Halbert of this city, which was made this week in Cincinnati. Miss Nichol has be en the assistant pastor of a Cincinnati church, but recently retired from the ministry. The weddhig will take place next month at the home ot the bride in Washington, Pa. The wedding of Miss Suzanne Cap ron and Frederick R. Thomas of St. Paul, formerly of Minneapo lis, will take place Thursday, Oct. 5, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W B. Finnegan of Ogdensburg, N. Y. The bride will not come to he twin cities a stranger, as she has vis ited her brother, William E Capron of the Hotel Nicollet, and made ma ny friends. Mrs. Emma Hare announces he en gagement of her daughter Nellie to Ed gar A. Barry, the marriage to take place Tuesday, Oct. 3. Mrs. George C. McCauley announces the engagement of her daughter, Euge nia Fred S. Kiibourne. The wed ding will take place Sept. 28. Already one hears something of the winter's plans and one of the largest balls of the early season will be in hon or of the visiti ng delegates to the Gam a Phi Beta sorority convention. I will be given in the new Pla za hotel early iW November. The convention will bring between seventy-five and 100 Jegesginw roun omen from the different col the country to the city, and the convention gaieties will include a large banquet and jtamimerable small affairs as well as the ba%JL Mrs. William Henry Geistweit of Chicago is the guest of Minneapolis friends on her way to visit her mother in Georgetown, Minn. Mrs. Geistweit was formerly Miss Sadie Geer, and she was connected for many years with the Minneapolis public schools. This af ternoon Mrs. J. D. Bla ke of Mount Curve avenue entertained a group of Mrs. Geistweit's former associates in the Franklin school in her honor. Au tu mn flowers furnished an attractive decoration. The Misses Carrie aWd Jessie Bla ke assisted Mrs. Blake. Dr. Geistweit, who was formerly a popular Minneapolis pastor, will come to meet Mrs. Geistweit and accompany her home the first of the month. Dr. Geistweit is now in New York. Mrs. Edward Ernest Mnn ns enter tained informally this afternoon at the reside'ntee of her mother, Mrs. F. W Drew, 5224 Forty-first avenue S, in honor of Miss Ruth Harrison, who will leave for Vassar college, Wednesday. A pretty color scheme of green and gold was carried out thru the rooms with goldenrod, yellow daisies and ferns. There were'twelve guests. Mfss Bessie Mcvoy will accompany Miss Harrison to Vassar. Miss Ger trude Ballard, who will be an instruct or in the college this year, will go eas* earlier in the week. College girls are ready to pack up and go back to college and an unusu ally large flitting will take place to morrow evening, when a special car will leave over the North-Western railroad bearing eighteen girls to Wells college. The party includes Misses Ruth Chamberlain and Caro Chamber lain, Ruth Robbins, Ruth Spicer, Milli cent Hosmer, Caroline Joyce, Adelle Hawes, Helen Hall, Dorothy Derick son, Helen Corter, Zipra Ritchie, Anna Jordan, Elizabeth Pate, Ann Uelandj Helen Martin and Marian Martin, Har riet Morgan and Margaret Mealey of Monticello. Miss Nan Sargent will leave for Smith college on Monday, and Miss Catherine Shull will go to Ogontz on Sept. 25. Miss Louise H. Hallock gave a pret luncheon yesterday at her home on Bryant avenue S for Miss Ruth R. Hedley, who will be married to Tom Haskens the latter part of this month. Asters in three tints of lavender formed the table decorations, and the bride's place was marked by a bou quet of the flowers tied with a dainty bow of lavender tulle. Eighteen guests were present and spent the afternoon in sewing for the bride. The marriage of Miss Ida C. Dalgren and Charles C. Kastner took place Thursday evening at the home of the bridegroom's parents, 1722 Bryant ave nue .N. The rooms were effectively dec orated with pink and white asters, trailing vines and clusters of hydran geas. I the diningroom fruit and flow ers were used for table decorations. The table reserved for the bridal party was adorned with white asters and tube roses and pink gladioli and asters were used on the other tables. Rev. C. Plantikow read the service in the presence of seventy-five guests. Miss Mae Johnson played "The Flow er Song," and as the Tbridal party en tered, gave the wedding march, from "Lohengrin." White silk muslin over taffeta was "worn by he bride, and she carried an annful of bride roses. Miss Mamie Dalgren was maid of honor. She wore nun's veiling and carried pink asters. M. Johannes was best man. The out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. Sansele, grandparents of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Sansele 0 Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. G. Renking, Mr. and Mrs. JSTordell and-Mr. Zitlow. ^4 Miss Estella Schoepf gave a china shower at her home on East Thirty sixth street, Tuesday evening, for Miss Adelaide Anderson, an October^ bride. The rooms were prettily decorated with flowers and foliage, and games fur nished entertainment for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hough Bron son of Titusville, Pa., have issued the invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Theodore Alfreda, to Rich ard E. Woodworth of Minneapolis, whi ch will take place Tuesday evening, Oct. 3, in St. James* Memorial church at Titusville. Mr. Woodworth and his bride will be at home after Dec. 1 at 3307 Oakland avenue. Miss Mae Nesbit and Charles Peter son of Madison, Minn., were married this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Shepardson on Marshall av enue, Merriam Park. Rev. T. J. Hen derson read the service in the presence of a large gathering ~df friends. The ceremony was performed in the recep tion hall which was decorated with whifce asters and smilax. The bridal party descended the stairs to he strains of the wedding march played by Miss Anita Shepardson and Master Shepardson on piano and violin, and stood under an arch of asparagus fern. The bride was gowned in white silk muslin over taffeta and carried bride roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Jane Nesbit, who was in white and carried pink roses. Little Ruth Houghton was flower girl and carried pink carnations. O. Oeler of Minneapolis was best man. A the re ception following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were assisted in re ceiving by Mr. and Mrs. Shepardson. Mrs. E Upham presided at the coffee urn, and Misses Anita Shepardson and Hel en Shepardson served light refresh ments in the dining room. Among the out-of-town guests wer e: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson, Fred Peterson and John Peterson of Litchfield Miss Jane Nesbit and Miss Webster of Montevi deo Miss Crosby of Northfield and Mrs. John Nesbit and Miss Ella Brad ley of Rochester. Mr. and MM. Peterson will be at home in Madison, Minn., after Oct. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zimmerman gave a Japanese party last evening in honor of the seventh anniversary of their marriage. The house was appro priately decorated with Japanese lan terns, umbrellas and fans. A Japanese table spread covered the parlo floor and refreshments weree. served th wiH an wimerinn terfavore sty Th one nta ln la^erns for the and tans for the ladies. Games provided amusement foyr the evening, and prizes fWl L Sr&sssir1'rHenr che i m1 *T 3number The housfriends sImmanuel was decorated with ferns and faU flowers, the walls of the living room bearing 6 "ate of their marriage1853, and the date of the anniversary1905. Misses Florence Ford, Martha Hamil ton, Louise Smith and Rachel Sim mons, acted as ushers, and Misses Mamie Chase, Abbie Lawrence, Ali ce Stone, Etta Cottrell, Madge 6ramer, Edna Giles, Alice and Bessie Little field served refreshments. During the evening Misses May Williams, Alice Bacon, Louise Smith and Mr. Conant gave musical numbers, and informal speeches were made, by Rev.Beardsley Mr. Con- All en George T. Jt. Newton and Charles Giles. he guests presented Mr. and Mrs Gray with a number of beautiful gifts. Mr., Gray is 72 years old and was bora in. Verona, N Y. he bride, whose maiden name was Ruth Jorden, was born Boonville, N Y. They were married in Oneida, N Y., and later moved to Oswego. I 1881 they ca me to Minneapolis, where they have lived ever since with the exception of two years spent in Denver, ol- They had three children, but Mrs. Henry F. Les ter is the only one living. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Armstrong fave their first postnuptial reception hursday evening at their home, 2722 Emerson avenue N The rooms were decorated with a profusion of asters, pink being used in the parlor, purple in the library and white in the dining room. During the evening a string or chestra played. Mrs. William Weide served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Harriet B. Mott and Mrs. Paul Weide of St. Paul, and Mrs. F. N Arm strong. Mrs. William Weide presided in he dining room. Mrs. Armstrong was formerly Miss Matilda Grace Dur ker, and her wedding was one of the pretty affairs of he summer. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Steelman cele brated their fifteenth wedding anni versary last Saturday evening. About forty-five guests were present, and re membered Mr. and Mrs. Steelman with many beautiful gifts, mostly of cut glass. Mr. and Mrs. Steelman will leave tomorrow for New York to look after their interests in the Jonathan Steelman estate. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Albert Higbee have removed to their new home, 3303 Oakland avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Hi g bee have been with Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Higbee, on Third avenue S, since their marriage. Mrs. Paul Higbee's mother, Mrs. Frederick T. Day of Mil waukee, is her guest for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Nunnally and daughter of St. Paul are with Dr. and Mrs. A. E Higb ee for a few days until they go to their home at 2,924 Park avenue for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Williams of 2100 Hennepin avenue will give he bridal dinner, Mond ay evening, for their daughter, Lillian, and Albert Gluck, who will be married Wednesd ay eve ning in St. Paul's Episcopal church, and the rehearsal will be held after dinner. Mr. Gluck gave his bachelor dinner last evening at the Commercial elub. Miss Evelyn Perkins entertained the girls of the bridal party at a lunch eon at Summerville, Lake Minntonka, yesterday, and on Wednesd ay Miss Mar garet Merrick of St. Paul gave a lunch eon at the Ashland, and after luncheon there was a matinee party. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. The young people of the Church of the Re Meemer will hold a social in the lecture room of the church Friday evening. The Nasturtium Euchre elub will meet Wednesday with Mrs. Cahaley, at 3208 Harriet avenue S. Prizes were won last week by Mmes. Matthews, Hinsey and Nielson. Miss Dorcas Emmel returned Wednesday from an extended visit in Knoxville, Tenn Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Paine have removed from the Holland apartments to 2404 Nicollet avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Grotefend and Miss Tilda Grote fend have returned from Europe. Rev. F. Wallace, who has change of the Presbyterian mission schools in Mexico, is at home on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Sytlney Underwood of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Daniels of Kenwood. LeRoy Arnold, who has been in Cambridge, Mass for the past year, and received the de gree of Master of Arts at Harvard in June, has returned to Minneapolis. During tNf coming year he will be an instructor in English litera ture at the university. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon B. Clark have returned from the Pacific coast., The Sunday school of the First Presbvterian church held its annual picnic at Lake Harriet today. George Alden Walker left Friday evening for Cambridge, Mass., to study at Harvard college this winter. Mdle. Dreyfus has returned from a summer in Europe and is at 821 Fodrth avenue S. Minneapolis people at New York hotels are as follows: Grand Union, C. H. Lester Hoff man, W. W. Haynle Gilsey, Mrs. JTJ Mather, ii Miss B. W. Merrimaia Wellington, Miss F. 0. Holmes Holland, J. R. Maxfleld DuluthVic toria, Mrs. M. A. Steiner, Mrs. C. F. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ohadwick, formerly of Minneapolis, but now of Duluth, are at the West Hotel for a few days. Mrs. Thomas F. Quinby of 1012 Clinton avenue returned Thursday from a summer trip abroad. Miss Grace Gerrish has gone to the White mountains forGoul tM8- SEiss Severso and .Mr. and Mrs. Martin E Gray were given a reception in honor of their golden wedding anniversary, Wednes day- evening at their home, 3012 Col fax avenue S, bry, a of rom thel and Chicago Ave- 3L^ a rest of two weeks, preparatory entering?Emerson college in Boston. and daughter Mis Gertrud Gould, havAe gone to California to spend the winter.L Tnr i society of the Thirteenth Ave die i nue M. E. church gave an experience social last evening In the church parlors, which were decor ated with asters, A new carpet for the lecture room will be purchased with the $35 raised. A program was given by the Thirteenth Avenue quartet, Mrs. "L.Ellis, Miss Annie Taylor, B. Clark and J. Kolick, and by Miss Annie Dahl. Mrs- C. H. Taylor Is plesident of the society, Mrs. J. Webster vice president, Mis. Ellis sec retary and Mrs. J. Conkey treasurer. CLUBS AND" CHARITIES^ J' oiub Calendar. MONDAY Atawasios Literary club, Mrs. C. A. Carlson, 2200 Aldrich avenue S., 2:30 p.m. Needlework guild, Church of the Ee deemer parlors, 2:30 p.m. Anthors' Study club, Mrs. J. A. Brant, 12 Fifteenth street E., 2:30 P-m* W C. A., opening "reception, 8 p.m New eGneral Assistant. Miss Estelle Kobel of Galesburg, 111., the new general assistant at the Young Women's Christian association, arrived this week. Miss Kobel has be en a suc cesful school teacher, an energetic leader in church work and was for a year an active member of the Y. W C. A. She will take the place left va cant by the resignation of Miss Cyn thia Meyer, who has gone to Indian apolis as general secretary, of the^_Y. W C. A. of that city. Miss Meyer was with he Minneapolis association for twb years. Y. W C. A. Beception, Some novel features have be en planned for the opening fall reception at the Young Women's Christian asso ciation, Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The special feature of the evening will be the decorations in rainbow colors, which will designate the different de partments, whose class work opens the week of Sept. 25. DBadges will be given those who have been members of the various classes or those who ap ply for admission he coming year, and much rivalry and enthusiasm is antki pated. i The Apollo Mandolin club will furn-# ish music during the evening, and a short program or songs will be given by pupils of Mrs. T(i Bell, who is to have charge of the voice culture class this year. Dr. G. M. Jordan, su erintendent of the public schools, and M. Belel Jeffery, general secre tary of the association, will each give a snort talk on the value of the edu cational work of the association. The entire building will be thrown open, and both ladies and gentlemen are_ invited. The attractive catalogs, which have just been issued^ give promise of a most successful year for this popular institution, whi ch enrolled 1,646 in the various classes last year. Unity House Mothers. The Mothers' club of Unity House held its annual election of officers yes teerday afternoon at its regular meet ing in the club room of Unity House. 1616 Washington avenue N About forty members were present and elected officers as fallows: President, Mrs. Will vice president,Mrs. Carl Stevens secretary, Mrs. E. SL Stephens treas urer, Mrs. M. Shutter visitingv com mittee, Mmes. Earned, Bretz, A. E Chapman, Misses Helen Mills and C. M. Crosby entertainment committee, Mmes. Hesiek, ^Courtney, Beckett, Jr., and Misses Elizabeth 'Hewitt and Su san Christian, The, concert committee consists of J0anes?,c!arr Stevens? Eecor, Machlett and Miss C. M. CroVby, who will arrange a concert for Nov. 7. Mrs. E. B. Painter addressed the mothers on the necessity and effect of summer va cations, and Miss Hewitt gave several solos Political Economy Club. The Political Economy club will hold the first meeting of the season in the directors' room of the public library, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Maud Stock well and Dr. Cora Smith Eaton will give a full report of the convention recently held in Portland, Ore., and plans will be discussed for he enter tainment of delegates to the conven tion of he Minnesota Woman's Suf frage association, to be held in Minne apolis the first week in October. Hope Woman's Association. The woman's association of Hope chapel had an all-day meeting yester day in the sewing room, and tied five comforters, an order from a lumber company. Luncheon was served at noon. Fifty women were present. he officers of the society are: President, Mrs. A. L. Knightvic president, Mrs. John Hohler secretary, Mrs. L. Brown treasurer. Mrs. H. Thompson. The work at the next meeting will be for a 'charitaDle object. The proceeds of he society's work are used for chapel needs. Needlework Guild. The Needlework guild will hold a business meeting Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Church of the Ee deemer parlors to arrange for the an nual collection, which will be taken, as usual the first wee kin October, and to fitl the vacan cy caused by the resigna tion of Mrs. Olga von W. Haskell, the president. extra NOTES. The first meeting of the year of the Authors' Study club will be in the nature of a social gathering Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Brant, 12 E Fifteenth street The club wUl have a varied program this year and each host ess will select the author to be studied at her home. The Ladies' Aid society of All Souls' church will meet in the chnrch for work Wednesday. The Argosy club will hold Its first meeting at the residence of Mrs. Currier, 2987 Park avenue, Tuesday. The Ladies' Social circle of the Church of the Redeemer will hold a business and work meet ing in the ladies' club room in the church Wednesday at 2 p.m The Atwasios Literary elub will hold the first meeting of the season Monday at 2 30, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Carlson, 2200 Aldrich avenue S After an informal reception Mrs. Eugene Wheeler GofE will lecture on "England Before the Tudors." The Argosy club will hold its first meeting Tuesday, at the residence of Mrs. S. fy Sedge- wick.\3115 Oakland avenue. Your mirror will tell you Satin skin powder works beautifying wonders. 25c. INDIANS STOP A FIRE Fought Like Veterans to Save Property on Northern Cheyenne Agenc y. Helena, Mont.. Sept. 16.All of the government buildings at Lame Deer, northern Cheyenne agency, would have burned Thursday had it not been1 ra- tion day. Many Indians were near when the fire broke out in the bar racks occupied by agency employees, and fought the flames-like veterans, preventing its spread rb other build ings. There wer no fire-fighting ap pliances, and a bucket brigade was or ganized. The barracks burned and some other buildings were scorched, ^gr BODY IDENTIFIED HjJ Man Found in Eiver Was Nachsheim. John P. %The body taken from the river near the St. Paul boom Thursday has be en identified, as that of John P. Nachs heim of 194 Rondo street, St. Paul. had recently been dismissed from an insane asylum. He** was looking for work on he day he met his death and it is thought that ^he* ^committed sui cide. "S*^6 1 Defective Page GRAHAM HALL FACDL1I SEVERAL CHANGES THIS YEAR- MISS BATCHELDEB RETURNS TO THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT. There will be a number of changes in the Graham Hall faculty this year. Miss Clara B. Batchelder, who has been abroad on a year 's leave of ab sence, has returned and will resume her classes in English and elocution. Miss Charlotte Ave s, who had the depart ment during her absetoce, will direct the gymnasium work in the splendid new gymnasium, whi ch occupies the en tire hrst floor oi the new building. Mrs. Linda Pressing Azemar and Mile. Valentine Estoppey will have charge of the German an'd French work. Mrs. Azemar, altho not of German birth, is of German parentage, and she was educated by German governesses. She lived in Germany for eight years, hei travels have taken her thru Europe and Africa as well as America. Mrs. Azemar is the Minne apolis delegate of the L'Alliance Fran caise and is a member of Onto of the prominerit women's clubs. Mile. Estoppey is "a native of Swit zerland, but for fourteen years she has been connected with the leading pri vate schools' in the east and she been very successful in preparing girls for Bryn Mawr, Wellesley, Smith and Vassar. French and German will be compul sory in the primary department of Graham Hall this year, but the natural method will be used so that it will not overtax small people, who will be given a splendid ground work for future study. A real doctor will have charge of the science department. Dr. Margaret Campbell is a graduate of the Indian apolis Medical college as well as the Michigan normal college. Miss Ina Goodale has been very successful with primary work, and she will direct the classes of the little people. Miss Good ale is a graduate of the Marshalltown normal school and of Iowa college, Grinnell. The studio will be in charge of Miss Mary" C. Loekwood, who has studied ex tensively in' this country and in E rope. Miss Loekwood is a graduate of Vitte academie, Paris, and she has been a pupil of Volk, Koehler, Merson and Collin. Miss Margaret M. Drew will continue in charge of the piano department and Miss Watkins will assist in the vocal work. The violin pupils will be under the direction* of Axel Skovgaard. A interesting feature of the year will be the recitals which the musical and literary members of the faculty will give in he gymnasium and a delight ful series has been planned. Pure food laws are good, The absolute purity of Burnett's Vanilla has never been questioned. WHAT THE SABKST AFFORDS Have you ever tried eating popcorn with icecream I is delicious and seemj* to supply pust' the little some thing that is lacking in the cream. Of course you do not outter or salt the corn, but just pop it. Try it and you will have added one more dessert to your list. Icecream or ices are the staple Sunr day desserts in most homes, and if one grows wea ry of the conventional slice, cut from a brick, or the mound served in a tall glass, there are any number of other ways to try. A favorite at the Waldorf-Astoria is to cut a round of sponge cake and on it place a layer of icecream and a layer of preserved fruit. Tdp it all with whipped cream. Iced peaches are good with icecream. Choose large, firm peaches, peel care fully and cut them in half. Place them in the refrigerator for two or three hours, until lee cold. Have ready rounds of sponge or angel cake. Place one of the peach halves on each of these and top it with the icecream or with whipped cream, if you prefer. A angel surprise is made of angel cake a na icecream or whipped cream. When he cake is cold remove a slice from the top and take out the center, leaving a wall, an inch thick. Pa ck it full of icecream or of whipped cream in which chopped fruit or figs and chopped nuts has been stirred. Put the top On the cake, ice it with whipped cream and serve. A icecream sandwich is nothing more nor less than a slice of icecream between two slices of sponge cake and garnished with whipped" cream sweet ened and flavored with a cordial, and maraschino cherries. Cantaloup ice is something new and is madeof three pints of canta loup pulp: two cups of sugar, he juice of three lemons. Mix the pulp, sugar and lemon juice and pass thru a very fine sieve. Freeze s usual and serve from the chilled rind of the melon shaped as a basket. Working Girls' Home, 1500 Fifth Street S. Tel., Mam, 4641-J2. A great many demands -at he Ho me from first-class Minneapolis ladies for girls to work for -them at $3 to $5 per week. A good situation can be had for nothing from the Working Girls' Home. Mrs. Sara L. Seguin, matron Bev. A. Seguin, manager. PAPER TRUST GASE -IN RECORD FILED FOB JUDGE SAN- BORN, WHO WILL DECIDE O N REFUSAL TIONS. TO ANSWER QUES- Sixteen hundred pages of typewrit ten matter, he transcript and proceed ings in the so-called paper trust case, were filed with Henry D. Lang, clerk of the United States circuit court, yes terday. The evidence set out in the transcript was taken before Special Examiner Robert S. Taylor. The transcript will be reviewed by Judge Sanborn when the case comes before him on the petition of the gov ernment attorneys asking that certain witnesses be compelled to answer ques tions and produce the records of the it companies. This case involves he General Paper company, which the gov ernment claims is a trust. During the hearings some of the offi cers of he various companies, on the advice of their attorneys, refused to answer certain questions relating to their connection with the General Pa per company, and this appeal to Judge Sanborn iB made for the purpose of forcing them to answer such questions. The arguments on the petition will probably be held late this month. Superfluous Hair \$\k Removed by the New Principle. J5w-, KH&n&acto A revelation to modern science. It Is the onljr scientific and practical way to destroy hair. Don't waste time experimenting with electroly sis, X-ray and depilatories. These are offered yon on the BARE WORD ot the operators and manufacturers. De Miracle is not. It is the only method which is Indorsed by physicians, surgeons, dermatologists, medical journals and prominent magazines. Booklet free, in plain sealed envelope. De Miracle mailed, sealed in plain wrapper, for $1.00 by De Miracle Chemi cal Co., 1912 Park av., New York. Your money back without question (no red tape) if it fails to do all that is claimed for It. For sale by all first class druggists, department stores and Wm. DONALDSON & C0.,Drag Dept BURIAL OF MRS. NIND Services Will Held at Lajtewood 1$ Mond ay Afternoon. 'V^v- After cremation at Forest Hill, Bos ton, and funeral services at her old home in Detroit, the remains of Mrs. Mary C. Nind and her granddaughter, Lydia Nind, who met death in a fire at Littleton, Mass., a few days ago, have been brought to Minneapo lis for interment in the Nind family lot at Lakewood cemetery, where Mrs. Nind's husband is buried. Services will be held in the chapel at Lakewood Monday at 2:30 p.m. Bev. William Fielder, presiding elder of the Methodist church, will- preside. Eev. W. A. Shannon, who had known Mrs. Nind for thirty years, will also speak. Friends of Mrs. Nind are invited. Mrs. Nin d, who was the mother of J. Newton Nind, formerly a well-known Minneapolitan, was alwa ys an active worker in the Methodist church and was known as "our little bishop" by the Woman's Foreign Missionary so ciety of the church. ST. ANTHONY PARK Dr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Albany, N. Y.t have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Blair. Professor William Shaw, son of Professor and Mrs. Thomas Shaw, has returned to Oregon. Mrs. Frank of Detroit. Mrs.- w**** 1Pcen 8 'ii^o W James Wilson of Atwater, and Misot Ward of Buffalo, have been Wilso Mr. and Mrs. Lamb of Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boss of Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Lake City have been visiting the famUies of Professor Andrew tBoss and of William Boss. Mrs. J. T. Stewart is entertaining Mrs. Thane and Mrs. Niver Or Oak Park. Ill Professor and Mrs. Harry Snyder returned to Ohio Wednesday. Mrs. E. H. Harris has returned from North Dakota, where she visited her daughter. Mrs. Harry Plymat. Mrs. John C. day. Gould gave a luncheon Wedues- Mrs. Archie Haecker andofColonel F. M. Woods oefr Lincoln. Neb.. Mrs.a Hopkins of Madl- SSK: bSSn recent guests Professo and aim. T. L. Haeckerr.k n5& masked dancing av Cla party Friday evening in honor of Miss Florin Cannon. Mrs. H. G. Blake and daughter, Frances, have returned from California. Mr. and Mrs Gardiner Blake entertained in honor of Mr. Blake's birthday anniversary 8atur- i ML^ Frank Tisdale entertained Sd R^' WPJ"! entertained for her daughter,ta 5 birthdasy anniversary. lv S^ Pres TI 8 8 209 Bait Fourth Street, ^^W*WW|WP!^9^^^ .'.--_ Hewson's birth- ttg$Z Julia Monday afternoon. uB"wa. Mr and Mrs. Hewson entertainedtoThursday ijx hono day Card W i S club Tuesday afternoon. TVIr. and Mrs. Kellogg entertained Friday even ing in honor of Mr. KeUogg's birthday anni versary. Mrs. Josephine Hunter has gone to New Hampshire for the Ivinter. Mrs. Rhoda and Mrs. McGonagle of Royalton, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Bhrman of Far,?o, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Geo-** P. Elmer have returned from Rock Haroor Light, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Squires and Miss May Chase have returned from Chicago. Mrs Willett Hayes and Miss Janet Sheppard gave a reception Monday afternoon. The parlors were decorated with purple and -white asters, the dining room with wild grapevines and the table with clusters of grapes. Rev and Mrs Edwin Pressey gave a large re ception Tfrureday evening in the parlors of the Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hall. Mr and Mrs. A. J. Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. John Prlsby and J. W. Goldsburg. assisted In receiv ing. Mmes. Green, Burghardt and Flagg, Mi-ses Comings, Chase, Erwin, Ware, Cram, Hall, Pierce and Hunter had charge of the dining room. Mrs. William Liggett, Mrs Henry Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunter and Dr. Reynolds as sisted about the rooms. The young people of the C. E. society had charge of the decorating. Miss Abbie Gibbs and Rudolph Fischer were married at the home of the bride's mother Wednesday morning. Dr. Edwin S. Pressy read the service. "And then there comet a frosta killing front.*' And everybody rushes at once to buy their Fur Neckwear ow much better you could be pleased if you selected your Collarette or Boa NOW while our assortment is complete. E. ALBRECHT & SON The Original House of Albrecht Established 1865. 612 Nicollet Ave. 20 E Seventh S Minneapolis. DR. |i3i t^ 0 11" -o K*H* of Providence, gjSs wa \rr*rp.*ararfTfedaf,ell H'., entertained the Mankato g^a DR. DYS SACHETS tie TOILETTE mown In Paris, LoEdo a ana New Yor as me Greatest Beantiflers for tie Comiileilon Sachets Simples, for young girls, the ox of 50 sachets, $1.75. Sachets de Jeunesse, for blondes, $3.75 per box. Sachets a l'Aubepine, for brunettes, $3.75 per box. j^ili. Sachets Concentres, for oily complexions, $3.75 per box. Sachets de Fraicheur, for dry skin, $5.00 per box. Sachets de Beaute, the great rejuvenators of the complexion, $6.25 per box. Sachets Perles, for very sensitive skin, $7.50 per box. All Sachets prevent and eradicate wrinkles and keep the skin in perfect condition. The Seve Dermale, $2.50 per flacon, a tonic to make the flesh hard and firm, is used in connection with the Sachets as well as he Dysaline Cream, 75c per jar, the purest cream in the world. Send for Dr. Dys' interesting book, "More Than Beautiful,'* in which he treats of feminine aesthetics and reveals secrets for the preservation of youth and beauty. T. DAESY, 8 East 30th Street, Suite B, New York. MACPHERSOtt&LANGFORD *il! SKIRTS IMP are cut fuller, are better made, better pressed, better finished, and have more style and charac ter than any other skirts made. They wear longer and always look smarterthan ordinarykinds and even the circularstyles never sag or get out of shape. Be sure to see the new fall models. *Bjmember% if your dealer cannot please you come to us, we will. MACPHERSON & You buy a larger box,^ it holds more powder and so you economize when you use SOZODONT Tooth Powder ^_ No GritDoesn't Scratch __* LANGFORD St. Paul, Minn. SayPlainly to Your Grocer That you want LION COFFEE always, and he, being* a square man, will not try to sell you any- *,r thing elset You may not care for our opinion, but What About the United Judgment of JvV" of housekeepers who have Tised LION COFFEE for over a quarter of a century v*l\r- Is there any stronger proof of merit, than the I St. PauL A Sktn of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. Removes Tan, PlmplM. Freckles, Moth Patches. Baah, and bkia Diseases, and every blemish on beauty, and de- fies detection. It has stood the test of 67 years, and is ao harmless we tasteit tobemrelt la properly made. Acceptnocounter- feit of similar name. Dr. L. A. Savre said to lady of the haut- ton (a patient): "As you ladles wul use them, I recommend 'Gonrand's Cream' as the least harmful of all tha skin preparations." For sale by all druggists and Fancy. Goods Dealers in the United States, Canada and Europe. FERD.T.HOPKINS, Profr, 37 Sreat Jones Steet, MewYork. SSS** Seattle g-_- ifl m. MRJ 1 1 MMOBS Confidence of the People and ever Increasing popularityT LIQN COFFEE Is carefully se lected at the plantation, snipped direct to oar various factories^ where It Is skillfully roasted and carefully packed In sealed pack agesunlike loose coffee,-which Is exposed to germs, dost. In sects, etc. LION COFFEEreaches yon as pure and clean as when It left the factory. Sold only In 1 lb. packages. .HJ^V"" P5 Lion-head on every package.^*&*% Bare these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON 8PICE CO., Toledo, Ohle.